The Mountainside Messenger Good Morning In Chicago

The Mountainside Messenger
Bringing Hope through God's Word, Service, Sacrifice, and Fellowship
June 19, 2011
Good Morning
In Chicago
Welcome to the Mountainside
Church of Christ and our worship assembly this morning.
Visitors: We are thrilled that you
have chosen to worship with us this
morning. Please fill out t Communication Card and drop it in the collection.
And then, Come Again!
Lanell and I are in Chicago this
morning visiting our son, his wife, and
their son. We always enjoy visiting
them, and of course we LOVE seeing
our grandson.
I appreciate Ralph Stone and Dan
Scott for teaching my classes, and
Rick Hankins and Robert Poland for
preaching today. It is good to know
that competent people can fill in when
I am away.
We look forward to being back
with you next Sunday.
Psalm 73: 26
My body and mind
may fail, but you are
my strength and my
choice forever.
Last week, Maddie Greene, one
of our college students, was baptized
into Christ. In addition to a large
group of her Albuquerque friends, her
parents and brother came up from
Roswell to witness her baptism. It was
a great evening.
Be sure to meet Maddie and welcome her to the Family of God at
Happy Father's Day
The Mountainside
Church is
A Christ centered,
Accountable family
Worshiping God
Surrendering ourselves,
And Transforming lives
through Christ.
Today is
the day we celebrate the love
and care of our
Fathers. Good!!
are important to
their families as
they provide for their families, protect
their families, and love their families.
They model for their children what it
means to be a man and a husband.
I pray that all of our Fathers have
a wonderful day today. If you have an
opportunity, let your Dad know how
important he is to you.
VBS Tomorrow
Vacation Bible School begins tomorrow morning at 9:30. Be here with
your children, your grandchildren, and
their friends. They will have a good
time and they will learn much about
God and His Word.
I appreciate Jeannie Pace and her
crew of volunteers for putting together
a great program.
Compassionate People
I want you to know that the men
and women who worship at 8:30 are
compassionate people.
Last Sunday, I told the 8:30 service that I had forgotten my watch that
morning. Following services two people volunteered to loan me their
watches. (Thanks, James and Juanita.)
They did not want me preaching at
10:30 without knowing when I should
What a compassionate people! :-)
A Check List for Fathers
1. I would live the mother of my children more—Ephesians 5:25: “Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ loved the church, and gave himself up for her…” I would seek to be
faithful in doing little loving things for her—opening the car doors, placing her chair at
the table, giving her little gifts on special occasions, and writing her love letters when I’m
gone from home. I would take her hand as we stroll in the park. I would praise her in the
presence of my children. A child who knows his parents love each other has a security
and stability about life which is gained no other way.
2. I would listen more. Most fathers find it hard to listen. We are busy with the burdens of
work; at the end of the day we are tired. I would listen when my child shares his little
hurts and complaints, and what he is excited about. And I would try to refrain from words
of impatience at the interruption. Such times can be the best times to show love and kindness.
One evening a small boy tired to show his father a scratch on his finger. Finally, after repeated attempts to gain his father’s attention, the father stopped reading the newspaper
and said impatiently, “Well, I can’t do anything about it, can I?” “Yes, Daddy,” his small
son said, “You could have said, ‘Oh’”.
I would try to understand what my child says because I now believe that the father who
listens to his child when he is small, will find that he will have a child who cares what his
father says later in life.
In listening I would pay attention more careful attention to my child’s questions. It is estimated that the average child asks 500,000 questions by the age of 15. What a privilege
for every parent-unlimited opportunities to share something about the meaning of life and
about your own dependence on God!
3. I would express words of appreciation and praise more. Many children seldom hear
words of commendation and encouragement when they do a job well or exhibit good behavior. Probably no other thing encourages a child to love life, to seek accomplishment
and to gain confidence more that proper, sincere praise-not flattery, but honest compliments when he does well. Correct the wrong; Commend the right.
4. I would laugh more—Proverbs 17:22: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushes
spirit dries up the bones.” Somehow we manage enough muscle to handle the big things
of life but forget that life is largely made up on little things. A father’s faithfulness in the
small things determines the happiness of his children...and, not just that, it strongly influences their spiritual direction.
5. The best father is the one who knows God as his heavenly father. Only Jesus Christ
can provide that relationship. Place that childlike faith in Christ today.
Celynda Peck is waiting for the results
of the biopsy she had last week. Barbara
Decker is gaining strength and may have
another treatment in a few weeks. Continue
to keep Belinda Nuckols’ daughter-in-law,
Britton Nuckols, in your prayers as she
goes through a difficult pregnancy. Tom Shoemaker’s
father, Don Shoemaker, had a stint put in last week and is
recovering at home. Rick Hankins’ brother, Joe Hankins,
had a stint put in last Friday.
There are many others in our church family who are
battling cancer and have other health issues, please keep
Gordon Frashier, Bridget Erick, Nathan Bowles, Linda
Thorne, Paul and Jon Beaty, Paul Herring, Anna King,
Susan DeSio, Leon Gardner, and Carolyn Robinson in
your prayers.
Leon Gardner’s grandson-in-law, Ben Bryan, is in the
war zone. Peggy Escandon’s son, Derrick Rector, has
been deployed to Iraq.
We offer our sincere sympathy to Steve West and his
family, Steve’s father passed away last Monday following
a battle with cancer. His funeral is today at 1:00 PM at
French’s Funeral Home on University. The family would
like a meal served afterwards from 4:00-7:00 PM here in
our Family Center. If you can help please see Cindy
Darnell or Vera Hankins. Your help will be appreciated.
We still have a lot of slots to fill for the summer’s
Wednesday Night Meals! We need your help to keep
this ministry going! Contact Matt or Beth Darnell at 9174528 or email them at [email protected] if you can
help. The schedule for June and July is: June 22-E. Mtn.
group; June 29-Rogers; July 6-(?); July 13-Bobergs; July
20-Westside group; July 27-Peggy Escandon.
If you are interested in
grading a few WBS lessons,
please see Flo Davidson or
give her a call at 323-0824.
Answer sheets will be made
available and you will not be
responsible for mailing. This
is an excellent opportunity to
teach your children about
spreading the Word. Make it
a family project!
Summer is here and ACCH is planning summer
activities for the kids. Like last summer the home has
already planned for fun activities such as going to the
Isotopes baseball games, hiking, star gazing with an
astronomer, picnics, eating homemade ice cream, going
to Vacation Bible Schools, and a host of other activities.
The children have also talked about some other things
they would like to do. ACCH is trying to raise money for
the kids to go to Ponderosa Christian Camp, Cliff’s
Amusement Park, Hinkle’s Family Fun Center, the
movies, Explora, and other activities. Help ACCH kids
have a great summer! To help with the cost of these
activities, mail a donation to ACCH (the address is in the
church directory) or donate online at
We need doll clothes for the American Girl Doll,
Kanani. This doll and her accessories will be donated to
the Albuquerque Christian Children Home’s Annual
Auction & Dinner in November. If you can help please
contact Jean Grey (292-8347) in the church office. If you
would like to purchase accessories for Kanani, you can
check the catalog in the church office. Your donations are
tax-deductible. (Please note that each American Doll in
the past has sold for $1000-$2000.)
PHOEBE Ministry will meet Friday, June 24, at 1:00
PM in the Family Center. ANYONE IS WELCOME, kids
too! Join us for coffee, snacks, and a time of writing cards
to encourage our brothers and sisters.
PARENTS! If you let your children play in the gym,
please be sure to clean up after them. Cleaning supplies
and equipment are in the Janitor’s closet by the kitchen.
Scheduling Use of Facilities: We have many events
scheduled this summer at the building that do not appear
on our calendar due to late scheduling. Please contact the
church office if you plan to use the gym.
The Prison Ministry needs cards for all occasions for
the Los Lunas inmates. A basket is in the foyer for your
donations. Please no booklets, note pads, or calendars.
The Prayer Quilt Ministry meets on Tuesdays at
10:00 AM in the room next to the church office.
A member at Netherwood Park Church of Christ is
having an Estate Sale on June 23-25 from 9:00 AM-2:00
PM at 3603 Calle Del Monte NE. Anyone interested is
invited to come by.
Vacation Bible School
Begins Tomorrow!
JUNE 20-22, 9:00 –NOON
VBS Registration forms for Kindergarten thru 5th
Grade are on the west counter in the foyer. Give your
completed form to Vici Shoemaker, Leslie Anyanonu, or
Jeannie Pace today. If you forget to register today, you
can still register tomorrow.
Please take a registration form to your friends. See
you tomorrow!!
Area Wide @ Netherwood
to Lead FYI!!!!
June 12,
19, 2011
FYI for those going to
will be going
Rick & MPulse/Learning to Lead
to to
house for
a cook-out.
We will meet at the building
Tom around
5:30AM to load up and
Be at the building at
4:15PM to head out there. take the Lord’s Supper. The
goal is to leave by 6AM. If you
to have
chips and dip.
any questions regarding
talk to Rick before
We will
our kids.
leaving next Sunday.
our Kadesh experiences.
There is an
Area-wide at
Netherwood at
you have not
sent in your
medical release form, please
Next Week
know before leaving;
There will be no planned let Rick
he can print it off, haveto
you fill
activity next Sunday, due to it out, and he can hand-deliver
it on Sunday
afternoon when
they get to Abilene.
FYI !!!
Cookout @ Rick’s
No Planned Activity
Next Sunday
June 27-July 2
Ponderosa Christian
High School Session —
July 10-16
Middle School Session –
July 17-23
Today’s Servers
Services Coordinator: Sam Hanna
( 8:30 AM Service)
Nursery Attendant: Dana Delgado
Song Leader: David Fitzgerald
(10:35 AM Service)
Song Leader: Neal Peck
Lord’s Supper: Peter Smolenski, Louis Abraham, Vernon Baker,
Stephen Anyanonu, Marco Escandon, Shannon Roberts
Alternates: Richard Diaz, Bill Stevens
Opening Prayer: Dan Scott
Closing Prayer: Tom Conods
Nursery Attendants: Paula Coch, Leslie Anyanonu
(5:00 PM Service)
Area Wide Service at Netherwood Park Church of Christ
(CSC Taco Hut Meal afterwards)
For The Record - Week of June 12, 2011
Bible Study .............................. N/A
A.M. Worship........................... N/A
P.M. Worship........................... N/A
Wednesday classes ................ N/A
Bowles/Anyanonu: Sun. 4:45 PM, (potluck meal) at Bowles’ home,
3022 22nd Ave. SE, Rio Rancho, 994-8808 (Westside).
Chad & Monica Darnell: Bimonthly, Sun. 4 PM, 12515 Domingo Rd.
NE, 822-1226.
Matt & Beth Darnell: Bi-monthly, Sun. 4 PM, 11112 Elvin Ave. NE,
Claude & Janet Schleyer: Group has stopped meeting for the summer
and will resume in September.
McCall/Harper: Sun. PM, East Mtn., 407-2044.
Alan Taylor: Sun. 5 PM in the church auditorium.
Rick & Vera Hankins: Bimonthly, Sun. 5 PM, East Mtns., 250-3638.
Wes & Christy Herron/Teens: Bimonthly, Sun. 5:30 PM, Teen Rm.,
Shoemaker/Best: Wed. 7 PM, 709 La Charles NE, 87123, 292-4266.
NOTE: All small groups turn in your attendance count by Thursday AM
Mountainside Church of Christ
Sunday Worship - 8:30 & 10:35 AM
Sunday Bible Study - 9:30 AM
Sunday Evening Worship - 5:00 PM
Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 PM
The Mountainside Messenger
is published each week by the
Mountainside Church of Christ
12300 Indian School Road, NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112
Alan Taylor - Pulpit
Rick Hankins - Youth
[email protected]
[email protected]