Page 4 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, April 2, 2015 Drainage District No. 93 DRAINAGE NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 93 WRIGHT COUNTY, IOWA April 13, 2015 TO: ALDRICH, WILMA W., LE; ARNDORFER FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST; AZEVEDO FAMILY TRUST, C/O CYNTHIA TATE; BRANDT, MITCHELL JAY & DEBORAH L.; CASS LIVING TRUST, MARY STUART; DECOSTER REVOCABLE TRUST; ENVIRON / WRIGHT COUNTY, INC; GALT REAL ESTATE, L.L.C. % DECOSTER FARMS OF IOWA; IOWA QUALITY FARMS, L.C.; JAMES, LAUREL; MEYER FAMILY TRUST, KENDALL R., % HERTZ FARM MANAGEMENT; MOSS, MARVIN & JUDY; NICKLES FAMILY FARM, LLC; SHARP, CHRISTIE LOU & MARY ANITA RICHARDSON; SHARP, FRANK H. & CHRISTIE C.; SWANSON, EDWARD A. & KIMBERLY A.; SWANSON, EDWARD ARTHUR & KIMBERLY ANN; TORESDAHL FARMS, LLC C/O JEFFREY TORESDAHL; UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. PROPERTY TAX - STEVE GENTLE; WATNE FARMS, INC. % KNUTE WATNE; WOODLEY, GARY D. & SALLY L; WRIGHT COUNTY ROADS TO: All lien holders or encumbrances of any land within said Drainage District No. 93 and to all other person who it may concern, including actual occupants of lands in said Drainage District No. 93. You and each of you are notified that the Board of Supervisors of Wright County, Iowa, acting as trustees for Drainage District No. 93, have received a petition for improvement on said Drainage District No. 93. Said petition was filed due to lack of drainage within Sections 12 & 13 of Lincoln Township. The Board appointed McClure Engineering to investigate said improvement. You are further notified that the engineer has filed his report on February 16, 2015 in the office of the Wright County Auditor with six options. Option 1 consists of replacing the existing tile south of the railroad to increase the drainage coefficient to ½”. Option 1 has an estimated cost of $480,238.78. Option 2 consists of replacing the entire existing tile to increase the drainage coefficient to ¾”. Option 2 has an estimated cost of $910,531.71. Option 3 consists of replacing the entire existing tile to increase the drainage coefficient to 1”. Option 3 has an estimated cost of $934,809.81. Option 4 consists of constructing a new lateral tile within section 7 of Blaine Township and section 12 of Lincoln Township to provide a drainage coefficient of ½”. Option 4 has an additional estimated cost of $113,171.06. Option 5 consists of constructing a new lateral tile within section 7 of Blaine Township and section 12 of Lincoln Township to provide a drainage coefficient of ¾”. Option 5 has an additional estimated cost of $121,741.16. Option 6 consists of constructing a new lateral tile within section 7 of Blaine Township and section 12 of Lincoln Township to provide a drainage coefficient of 1”. Option 6 has an additional estimated cost of $131,220.74 The engineer’s report in full is on file in the office of the Wright County Auditor for your information. Said report has been reviewed and considered by the Wright County Board of Supervisors and has determined that the repairs and improvements recommended in the engineer’s report are feasible. Improvement projects have the potential to affect wetlands and farmed-wetlands. It is up to each individual landowner to request a wetland determination and submit it to the Auditor’s Office. If the project will disturb any wetlands that could result in the need for mitigation, failure to submit a determination could jeopardize any producers’ FSA program eligibility. Landowners need to present this information at or before the public hearing, or no later than prior to approval of an improvement project. You are further notified that the Board of Supervisors acting for and on behalf of Drainage District No. 93 have set a hearing on said engineers report for April 13, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the Supervisor’s Room at the Courthouse in Clarion, Iowa. All objections to the improvements or to any matter connected with this hearing must be in writing and filed with the County Auditor of Wright County at or before the time fixed for hearing. Any interested party may be heard in argument by himself or by counsel. This notice is published and mailed as provided by law at the direction of the Board of Supervisors of Wright County, Iowa, acting on behalf of Drainage District No. 93. Deb Lukes Wright County Drainage Clerk Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, April 2, 2015 Board of Supervisors Wright County Board of Supervisors March 2, 2015 Chairman Helgevold called the regular meeting of the Wright County Board of Supervisors to order at 9:00 a.m. Members present were Watne and Helgevold with Rasmussen absent. Minutes of the previous regular meeting of February 23, 2015 were read and approved. Approved claims for payment. Adam Clemons, Wright County Engineer, presented pricing on a Caterpillar Model: 12M3AWDBR Motor Graders with and without cross slope feature. Motion by Watne and seconded by Helgevold to approve the purchase of the 12M3AWDBR Motor Grader with cross slope feature for $334,702.00 less trade-in of the 1993 CAT 140G. Motion carries unanimously. Motion by Watne and seconded by Helgevold to approve the purchase for a 2013 CT66OS Cat – CX31 Semi Tractor for $131.795.05. Motion carries. Clemons will consider advertising the used 1992 Ford LTLA-9000 for sale locally. Clemons presented pricing on rental of an excavator. This would be a 323FL excavator. Rental would be $7,490.00 per month and the 60” ditching bucket - $750.00 per month. No decision at this time concerning the excavator. Motion by Watne and seconded by Helgevold to appoint Dennis Bowman to the Mid Iowa Growth Partners Board. Motion carries. Motion by Helgevold and seconded by Watne to appoint Dale Barrick to Region 5 LEPC Local Emergency Planning Commission and also Dale Barrick to Region 5 Hazardous Material Response Commission Foundation as the Wright County Representative. Motion carries. Motion by Watne and seconded by Helgevold to receive the petition for improvement on DD #93 request for lateral. Motion carries. Opened the Budget Hearing for the Wright County Budget. Rick Rasmussen joined the meeting via phone conference call. Motion by Helgevold and seconded by Rasmussen to reduce the compensation board’s recommendation from 3% to 2.5%. Motion carries with Watne voting nay. Motion by Watne and seconded by Rasmussen to close the public hearing on the Wright County Budget. Motion Carries. Motion by Watne and seconded by Rasmussen to adopt the 2015-2016 Fiscal year budget for Wright County. Motion carries. Motion by Watne and seconded by Helgevold to adjourn the meeting. Motion carries. Karl Helgevold, Chairman Wright County Board of Supervisors Betty Ellis, Wright County Auditor Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, April 2, 2015 C-G-D School District Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, April 2, 2015
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