Schedule - CSR Leadership Conference 2015

NASSCOM Foundation Presents
CSR Leadership Conference 2015
Catalysing Change through Corporate Social Responsibility
25 March, 2015 IHC, New Delhi
10:00am 10:15 am
Introduction: Catalysing Change through Corporate Social Responsibility
Dr Ganesh Natarajan, Chair, NASSCOM Foundation
Keynote: State of CSR in India
Launch of CSR marketplace portal and ‘Technology for Good’ publication
Mr. R Chandrasekhar, President, NASSCOM
11:00am –
Addressing the National Imperatives:, Education, Skills, Health and
Sanitation, Supporting Persons with Disabilities
Are CSR resources being leveraged to address the country’s biggest challenges?
This session will look on how are corporates are aligning their CSR’s efforts to
select and plug gaps in social development and the opportunities and the
challenges that they see for the future
12:00pm1:00 pm
Taking CSR to Scale: Strategy, Innovation, Technology and Partnerships
How can CSR initiatives create sustainable impact? Does achieving scale or
stretch targets matter in CSR? How are companies attempting to move the
needle though their corporate responsibility strategies, innovative practices, by
leveraging technologies and building effective partnership, to ensure a
sustainable, long-term impact
2:00 pm2:15 pm
2:15pm –
3:00 pm4:00 pm
Collaborating for Collective Impact: Skilling the Unskilled
4:30pm –
Tea break
5:30 pm –
Valedictory Address
Mr Mohan Reddy, Founder & Executive Chairman, Cyient, Vice
Chairman, NASSCOM
Collaborating for Collective Impact: Public – Private Partnership
Keynote: Dr. Ajay Kumar, Secretary, DeitY
Collaborating for Collective Impact: National Digital Literacy Mission
The Digital Literacy Mission, aimed to empower a family by capacitating one
member of each family in India to become digitally literate, is a great example
of collaborations for effective collective impact. Looking at how collaboration
models works, this session will delve into the opportunities and challenges of
multi-stakeholder partnerships
Communicating and Reporting CSR
Communication is vital to drive sustainable change and run a successful CSR
program. The session will look at current monitoring, reporting and compliance
frameworks, and share industry-wide practices in communicating CSR to
stakeholders for sustainable impact
With the aim to promote inclusive practices in the IT and BPM industry in India, NASSCOM
Foundation is organizing a one-day ‘NASCOM Foundation CSR Leadership Conference
2015’ on March 25th 2015 in India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The conference aims to
bring together industry leaders, policy makers and heads from leading non-profits to
discuss the evolving nature as well as the future opportunities of Corporate Social
Responsibility in India.
Indian companies have been undertaking social initiatives proactively driven by a desire to
give-back to society and sometimes out of business necessity. Through the new regulation
of Companies Act, 2013, Government of India now mandates a CSR spend of 2 percent of
the company's profits for all organizations above a certain size of revenues and profit. This
has far reaching implications and opens up new vistas for businesses to positively impact
individuals, communities and regions.
With ‘Catalysing Change through Corporate Social Responsibility’ as the overall theme ,
this day conference will advance the cause of Corporate Social Responsibility towards
sustainable and inclusive growth by bringing together leading industry figures to discuss
insights, best practices and leadership experiences.
The primary objectives of the conference include, but are not limited to:
Showcase the efforts of companies leading socially responsible initiatives
Create awareness on successful CSR practices
Provide a platform for industry and other stakeholders to discuss and find effective
solutions to meaningfully engage with CSR
About NASSCOM Foundation:
NASSCOM Foundation, a trust registered under the Indian Trust Act 1882 is a leading nonprofit organization driving technology for good. NASSCOM Foundation, the social
development arm of NASSCOM, the internationally recognized trade body of the Indian ITBPM industry, was established to transform the lives of the underserved through the
application of Information and Communication Technology. The Foundation’s work is just
as expansive and evolutionary as the potential that technology and corporate India entail.
Drawing strength from its parent body NASSCOM, the Foundation works closely with four
major stakeholders: NASSCOM member companies, NGOs, emerging social enterprises and
Government, ‘changing India bit by bit’ - a journey to foster a strategic relationship
between technology and development. NASSCOM Foundation’s core initiatives include
working for Persons with Disabilities, fostering innovative solutions for social good,
creating unique skilling models for underserved communities, and digital literacy where it
is the industry partner to the Govt. of India’s National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM /