2015–16 Activities Program Board Executive Board Member & Chairperson Application Packet Responses for all of the below items must be typed and submitted in a separate word document via email to Elizabeth Purswani, Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming ([email protected]) by 11:30 PM on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2015. You will receive a confirmation email of your application once it has been received. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. List and rank the position(s) that you are applying for, which must be centered at the top of your application in order of preference, i.e: Application for 1st Choice APB President 2014-15 2nd Choice Vice President 2014-15 rd 3 Choice Concert Chairperson 2014-15 (See attached list for positions & duties) 2. Full Name 3. Major & Class Status 4. Cumulative GPA (these will be verified) 5. Local Mailing Address 6. Local Contact Number(s) 7. Shippensburg Email Address 8. List previous executive board, chairperson, & membership involvement with APB 9. List any other campus leadership/involvement or job commitments that you have had previously or currently. Please include resume if you have one. 10. List the other campus leadership/involvement or job commitments that you will have for 2015-2016. 11. All applications must include the following statement: I have read and reviewed the following and I understand the requirements and positions The General Requirements for Executive Board Members & Chairpersons Eligibility & Board Requirements for Executive Board Members & Chairpersons Position descriptions General Requirements for Executive Board Members & Chairpersons An APB Selection process will take place on Friday, February 27, 2015 from 3 – 8 PM in the CUB. Check in will be in the CUB MPR A. Your application signifies that you will be at this selection day; those individuals not in attendance will not be considered for the board, unless an emergency circumstance is otherwise demonstrated. o The selection process will consist of interviews, group activities, and a speech. Please come prepared with a 2-3 minute speech about what you feel you will bring to the board as well as your qualifications for the position you are applying for. Also come prepared with a creative introduction! All executive board members and chairpersons who are elected to the board must attend the mandatory APB Summer Retreat Thursday, July 9 – Wednesday, July 15 and winter retreat in January or February 2016. All new executive board members and chairpersons will be required to participate in the board transition process which includes: o Attending the following meetings for March & April: Executive Board Members (President, Vice President for Campus Outreach, Vice President for Membership, Treasurer): Dates & Times TBA Board Meetings: 3:30 – 5:00 PM (alternating Tuesdays with General Meetings) General Meetings: 3:30 – 5:00 PM (alternating Tuesdays with Board Meetings) One on one meetings with advisor(s): Dates & Times TBA o Shadow the current executive board member or chairperson for at least one-(1) of their office hours each week once they are appointed for the remainder of the semester o Chairperson’s are required to execute & oversee their chairpersons final event (excluding RaiderFest) o o Executive Board Members & Chairpersons are required to staff RaiderFest day on Saturday, April 25, 2015, Times 7AM– 8PM Executive Board Members & Chairpersons are required to staff End of Year Event on Saturday, May 2, 2015, TIMES TBA Eligibility and Requirements for APB Executive Board Members & Chairpersons 1. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS a. Part-time or full-time undergraduate status at Shippensburg University b. Active APB membership for at least one-(1) semester is preferred c. Must be in good academic standing, 2.0 or better. d. Term of office for Executive Board Members & Chairpersons shall be for one academic school year. 2. BOARD REQUIREMENTS a. Attend the mandatory summer planning retreat APB Summer Retreat: Thursday, July 9 – Wednesday, July 15 (the exact dates are during this week and will be decided in Spring semester) b. Attend the mandatory winter retreat: TBA Date in January or February 2016 c. Hold office hours per week during fall and spring semesters i. At least three-(3) hours for chairpersons ii. At least five-(5) hours for executive board members d. Attend the following meetings i. APB Board & General Meetings ii. Senate Meetings (1 for chairpersons, 2 for executive board members per semester & president attends all) iii. Advisor Meetings will be scheduled with advisor e. Attend & Staff the following major APB events, 2015 – 2016 (dates are subject to change and meeting requests will be sent via outlook invite by the incoming APB President) i. New Student Orientation (Possible Event, Student Involvement & Services {SIS} Fair, Kickoff Meeting, Kickoff Event): Friday, August 21 – Sunday, August 23 ii. Parents & Family Celebration: Saturday, September 26 iii. Homecoming events1. Wednesday, October 14 2. Thursday, October 15 3. Friday, October 16 4. Saturday, October 17 iv. Frostival: Saturday January 23 v. RaiderFest: Saturday, April 23 vi. Concerts: TBA Dates vii. Open Houses (required to staff one-(1) on various Saturdays from 7:30 – 9:00 am) - You will choose when you can attend these meetings at the beginning of each semester viii. Student Senate Meetings (all for President, 2 per semester for other Executive Board Members, and 1 per semester for Chairpersons)- You will choose when you can attend these meetings at the beginning of each semester ix. TBA other events as necessary & needed f. Absences: In the event that a member of the board will be absent from a board meeting or their office hours, they must let the President know at least one day in advance, with the exception of emergencies. In the event that a member of the board will be absent from a required event they must let the President know at least two weeks in advance with the exception of emergencies. Officers and Chairpersons are expected to attend all mandatory events unless something major prevents them from doing so. The Executive Board must approve all absences from major events. It’s very important that you first make the PRESIDENT aware if you missing anything- not an advisor or other board member!! g. Submit APB Council agenda topics on a bi-weekly basis to the Vice President for Membership for preparation of general meeting agendas h. Submit APB Council agenda topics on a bi-weekly basis to the President for preparation of board meeting agendas i. Maintain accurate program files for each event planned by your committee (if applicable) j. Be accountable for management of your committee’s budget k. Office & other duties including advancing shows with agents, checking the APB email, keeping the office clean and mailboxes clean, among others. l. Other items listed in the APB Constitution. m. Other duties as assigned. 2015 – 16 Executive Board Positions Positions are subject to change President A. Part of Executive Board B. Serves as chief administrative officer and displays overall leadership to the board C. Prepares agendas for board meetings and presides over APB board meetings D. Appoints special representatives to University committees with approval of the Executive Board E. Assumes overall leadership which includes filling vacant officer and chairperson positions F. Works with VP for Membership & Public Relations to plan the membership and recruitment for the SIS Fair as well as the kickoff meeting G. Keeps and maintains a database of all board members which includes detailed contact information and tracks attendance at all meetings H. Assumes a role with staff development of the board (i.e. trainings, leadership programs, retreats, learning outcomes, goals, etc.) I. Works with the Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming to attend the Weekend Program meeting each semester J. Maintains master schedule of all office hours, signups for open house times, and sign-ups for student senate meeting times K. Updates bulletin boards in the APB Office L. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing M. Submits agenda items for general meetings to the appropriate person N. Provides a mentorship role to one of the programmers (Entertainment, Multicultural Affairs, Travel & Rec or Performing Arts). O. Conducts formal evaluations at board meetings for all events P. Maintains and organizes the S Drive Q. Attends all student senate meetings if possible a. Provides report at the meetings including the past events (name, date, price, purpose) and future events that are upcoming. R. Directly advised by Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming Vice President for Public Relations A. Part of Executive Board B. Assumes duties of the President in his/her absence and in the case of the President’s inability to complete his/her term, to serve as interim President until another appointment has been made C. Works with President & VP for Membership to plan the membership and recruitment for the SIS Fair as well as the kickoff meeting D. Oversees and coordinates all collaboration and co-sponsorship requests E. Assists the Special Events Chairperson in the University & Community Outreach needs for RaiderFest F. At APB Board Meetings take notes/minutes and submit to Senate as needed. G. Office Management Operations a. Charged with keeping the office clean and organized b. Maintains email account and voicemail c. Handles contact if there are printer, computer issues with appropriate personnel d. Keeps a running inventory of offices supplies and works with the advisors in ordering items as needed H. Gathers news reports and clippings for historical and record keeping purposes as well as gathering promotional items (i.e. posters, shirts, giveaways, etc.) for: I. J. K. L. M. N. O. a. APB History Box b. University archives (in conjunction with the Archives & Special Collections Librarian- Lehman Library- as needed) Oversees Public Relations for APB a. Part of the marketing team b. Gathers items needed for Open Houses to make them available for board members working them c. Schedules campus media (SUTV, WSYC, Slate, Yearbook) in covering events i. Works with Concert Chairperson in campus media Works with the Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming on NACA submissions including Graphic Design Competition, Award Nominations, NACA School Swap for the Regional Conference, etc. Provides a mentorship role to one of the programmers (Entertainment, Multicultural Affairs, Travel & Rec or Performing Arts). Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people Attends at least 2 senate meetings each semester Directly advised by Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming Vice President for Membership A. Part of Executive Board B. Works with President & VP for Public Relations to plan the membership and recruitment for the SIS Fair C. Charged with staff bonding (general members, board members, etc.) at least monthly D. Keeps all members informed of general meetings & events E. Keeps and maintains a database of all general members which includes detailed contact information and tracks attendance and participation at all meetings and programs F. Develops and maintains a membership recruitment and retention plan G. Plans and implements a monthly social for board and general members H. Coordinates with all Chairpersons to maintains a staffing schedule/binder for all events I. Maintains binder of tally sheets for events J. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing K. Provides a mentorship role to one of the programmers (Entertainment, Multicultural Affairs, Travel & Rec or Performing Arts). L. Submits agenda items for board meetings to the appropriate person M. Attends 2 senate meetings each semester N. Directly advised by Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming Treasurer A. Part of Executive Board B. Maintain an accurate record of all finances C. Prepare the following years operating and capital APB records/budgets/and budget requests in conjunction with the President, Advisors and Chairpersons D. Reconciles budgets with the fiscal office monthly E. Processes all financial payments, deposits and request for funds for all programs/events/etc. F. Charged with ticket sales including inputting events into the system and updating as tickets are sold daily G. Charged with gathering the attendance and pricing of each event to be kept for assessment purposes H. Submits all official financial paperwork including line transfers, conference fund requests, additional allocation requests, etc. to student senate. I. Charged with gear and equipment management of the storage closets a. Maintains running inventory of storage closets b. Works with chairperson and advisors in keeping items stocked, ordering items, etc. J. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing K. Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people L. Provides a mentorship role to one of the programmers (Entertainment, Multicultural Affairs, Travel & Rec or Performing Arts). M. Attends 2 senate meetings each semester N. Directly advised by Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming 2015 – 16 Chairperson Positions Positions are subject to change Concert Chairperson A. Charged with the planning and implementation for all major concerts, music &/or comedy B. Actively surveys the student body for desired music genres and comedians C. Executes all production aspects for concerts including staffing, hospitality, security, publicity and promotion, ticket sales, etc. D. Recruits and manages Security Coordinator, Hospitality Coordinator and Staffing & Volunteer Coordinator E. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing F. Responsible for program logistics a. Reviewing program file b. Reservations c. Technical needs d. Set ups e. Catering arrangements f. Hotel requests G. Coordinates with VP for Membership with the staffing schedule for all events H. Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people I. Attends 1 senate meeting each semester J. Directly advised by Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming Digital Media Designer A. Charged with updating and maintaining the APB Promotional Slideshow that is shown before meetings and events B. Charged with designing the following marketing materials: a. Digital Signage b. Great wall posters, posters from Educational Work Station (EWS) C. Creates and edits video for end of the year celebration D. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing E. Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people F. Attends 1 senate meeting each semester G. Directly advised by Graduate Assistant for University Union & Student Activities (CUB)- Student Activities (STUACCT) Entertainment Chairperson A. Charged with planning evening and weekend events which may include small comedians, novelty events (inflatables, games, photo programs, give-aways airbrush, etc.), novelty performers (balloon artists, caricature artists, hypnotists, mentalists, magicians, improvisation acts, etc.), films/movies, singers/songwriters, coffeehouse musicians, small bands, DJs, open mic, acappela etc. B. Charged with implementing programs for annual events such as New Student Orientation activities, etc. C. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing D. Responsible for program logistics a. Reviewing program file b. Reservations c. Technical needs d. Set ups e. Catering arrangements f. Hotel requests E. Coordinates with VP for Membership with the staffing schedule for all events F. Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people G. Attends 1 senate meeting each semester H. Directly advised by Graduate Assistant for University Union & Student Activities (CUB)- Student Activities (STUACCT) Graphic Designer A. Charged with designing the following marketing materials: a. Monthly event listing and calendars b. Posters c. Flyers d. Logos e. Table Tents f. Handbills, Club Flyers, etc. g. Other media which requires designing B. Provide support for APB street team and responsible for staffing street team for at least one of regular office hours a week (depending on that week’s APB work load) C. Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people D. Attends 1 senate meeting each semester E. Directly advised by Graduate Assistant for University Union & Student Activities (CUB)- Student Activities (STUACCT) Media & Advertising Chairperson A. Charged with all social media including Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. B. Charged with designing the following marketing materials: a. Press releases b. Radio & cable TV ads C. Documents all APB activities, retreats, programs and events through photos and videos D. Designs the following for preservation, documentation and display at Open Houses, SIS Fair. meetings, etc.: a. Scrapbook/Photobook b. Trifold to represent APB and the various programs/events/etc. E. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing F. Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people G. Attends 1 senate meeting each semester H. Directly advised by Graduate Assistant for University Union & Student Activities (CUB)- Student Activities (STUACCT) Multicultural Affairs Chairperson A. Charged with planning and implementing events which celebrate culture, multiculturalism and diversity a. Homecoming Weekend Annual Event(s) b. Black History Month events c. Hispanic Heritage events d. Women’s History month events e. World Cultures events f. National Coming Out Day g. World AIDS Day h. Other cultural events B. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing C. Reaches out to campus entities including Multicultural Student Affairs, The Women’s Center, Department of International Programs, etc. D. Responsible for program logistics a. Reviewing program file b. Reservations c. Technical needs d. Set ups E. F. G. H. e. Catering arrangements f. Hotel requests Coordinates with VP for Membership with the staffing schedule for all events Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people Attends 1 senate meeting each semester Directly advised by Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming and the Graduate Assistant for University Union & Student Activities (CUB)- Student Activities (STUACCT) Performing Arts Chairperson A. Chairs the APB Performing Arts University Committee which includes faculty, staff and students B. Charged with promoting cultural, artistic and informative programs which may include: a. Lectures b. Theatre productions c. Music (classical, orchestra, operas, chorale) d. Film Festivals (Fall & Spring) e. Trips (Broadway, off Broadway, dinner theaters) f. Etc C. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing D. Responsible for program logistics a. Reviewing program file b. Reservations c. Technical needs d. Set ups e. Catering arrangements f. Hotel requests E. Coordinates with VP for Membership with the staffing schedule for all events F. Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people G. Attends 1 senate meeting each semester H. Directly advised by Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming and the Graduate Assistant for University Union & Student Activities (CUB)- University Union (UNIVOP) Publicity & Promotions Chairperson A. Charged with designing, researching, ordering and distributing the following marketing materials: a. Creative promotions & giveaways b. Sandwich boards/A-frames c. Chalking d. Double sided banners e. Other visual displays B. Charged with printing and distributing materials a. Monthly event listing and calendar (only distributing) b. Posters c. Flyers d. Table tents e. Handbills, club flyers (only distributing), etc. C. Charged with updating and maintaining the APB bulletin board located on the ground floor near the stairwell near the Orndorff Theater D. Charged with submitting APB information for weekly Ship News & Events E. Coordinates promotional events and activities F. Provide support for APB programs G. Charged with maintaining the APB website H. Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people I. Attends 1 senate meeting each semester J. Directly advised by Graduate Assistant for University Union & Student Activities (CUB)- Student Activities (STUACCT) Special Events Chairperson A. Charged with planning and implementing the following annual programs: a. Parents & Family Celebration b. Homecoming daytime and/or nighttime events c. RaiderFest B. For RaiderFest a. Recruits and manages Events Coordinator and Staffing/Hospitality Coordinator b. Works with the VP for Public Relations in University & Community Outreach in outreach initiatives C. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing D. Responsible for program logistics a. Reviewing program file b. Reservations c. Technical needs d. Set ups e. Catering arrangements f. Hotel requests E. Coordinates with VP for Membership with the staffing schedule for all events F. Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people G. Attends 1 senate meeting each semester H. Directly advised by Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming and the Graduate Assistant for University Union & Student Activities (CUB)- University Union (UNIVOP) Travel and Recreation Chairperson A. Charged with planning off campus trips to: a. Attractions b. Major cities c. Cultural centers d. Amusement Parks e. Overnight excursions f. Etc. B. Charged with planning off campus recreation activities which may include: a. Bowling b. Hiking c. Skiing d. White water rafting e. Camping f. Etc. C. Charged with planning on campus recreation activities which may include: a. Basketball tournament b. Volleyball tournament c. Dodge ball tournament d. Inflatables e. Recreation tournaments f. Etc. D. Provide support for APB program and promotional event staffing E. Responsible for program logistics a. Reviewing program file b. Reservations c. Technical needs d. Set ups e. Catering arrangements f. Hotel requests F. Coordinates with VP for Membership with the staffing schedule for all events G. Submits agenda items for board and general meetings to the appropriate people H. Attends 1 senate meeting each semester I. Directly advised by the Graduate Assistant for University Union & Student Activities (CUB)- University Union (UNIVOP)
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