LOMBARDY CLUSTER TECHNOLOGIES FOR LIVING ENVIRONMENTS WWW.CLUSTERTAV.LOMBARDIA.IT Cluster Tecnologici Lombardi About the Cluster! Opportunities for cooperation! Who are we looking for?! What can we provide you with? (Cluster features, Cluster excellence, Products)! The Cluster as a facilitator for partnerships on research projects! The Cluster as a key partner for dissemination and exploitation in research projects! Invite to participate to ForItAAL2015, 19-22 May 2015, during the EXPO2015 period! About! Aims! Coordinating partner! Current members! Contacts! Projects! International networks! Dissemination – communication! Interactions! The Lombardy Cluster TAV ! is looking forward to interact…! With whom?! To what aim?! • • • • • • • • • • Companies! Research institutions! Institutional delegations! Buyers! …! When?! Always. In particular to exploit the opportunities offered with EXPO2015! Submit joint research projects! Enstablish business partnerships! Develop joint R&D projects! Create opportunities for innovation! …! Cluster features! Who can become a member ! of the Lombardy Cluster TAV?! Relevant business sectors ! and themes! • Companies! • Research institutions! • Users associations! • Public administrations! • …! The partnership is always open to new members. For more information, please refer to [email protected].! • Health! o Rehabilitation! o Prevention! o Mechatronics! o Robotics! o Virtual and augmented reality! o Games and gamification! • Safety! • Domotics! • Construction industry! • Advanced materials! • Plants! • Nutrition! • …! Relevant environments! • • • • • • Hospitals! Home/everyday environments! Workplaces! Gardens/leisure facilities! Cities (enhancing accessibility)! …! Excellence! The Lombardy Cluster TAV can provide ! an offer tailored to the needs of its guests! ! ! ! ! Political/regional delegations! Scientific delegations! Buyers! Overview & national entrance point! …! Excellence! Political/regional delegations! ClusterTAV can offer an overview and indepth information on the healthcare system structure, its players and the relationships among them. Lombardy Cluster TAV has among its partners and the members of its partners:! • 5 Research hospitals and several rehabilitation centers targeting a number of age groups and pathologies! • Companies such as Ab Medica and Telbios, excellent in designing and providing solutions for healthcare and telemedicine respectively! • ASL (the Local Healthcare Agency), Lecco Branch, well-renowned for its home assistance program! Moreover, ClusterTAV is networked and constantly in touch with Regione Lombardia.! Research Hospitals! • Don C. Gnocchi Foundation ! • E. Medea ! • S. Maugeri Foundation ! • Istituto Auxologico Italiano ! • INRCA – National Institute for Rest and Care of the Elderly! ! Hospitals and institutions! • Valduce Hospital – Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Center! • ASL Lecco! http://clustertav.lombardia.it/ partner/ ! Excellence! Scientific delegations! ClusterTAV can provide visits to its territorial partners and opportunities to see innovative solutions in action, as well as assistance tailoring the offer to the interests that are to be met.! ! Among the goals, the opportunity to establish relationships towards the development of joint projects.! ! ! ! ClusterTAV includes among its partners:! • Politecnico di Milano! • CNR (the National Research Council)! • Università Cattolica di Milano! • Università degli Studi di Brescia! • Università di Milano-Bicocca! • 5 Research Hospitals (IRCCS)! • 1 Rehabilitation Center! Excellence! Buyers! ClusterTAV can offer B2B opportunities as well as theme routes to excellent companies in the district, based on the interests of the visitor:! • Involving current members of Lombardy Cluster Technologies for Living Environments! • Highlighting new areas/business sectors relevant for the visitor that can expand ClusterTAV scope! ! Chances to see the solutions developed in action in relevant contexts will be provided.! Excellence! ForItAAL2015 Forum overview! 6th Italian Forum of Ambient Assisted Living ! TECHforLiFE edition | 19 – 22 May 2015 ! It will be an opportunity to display excellence at a national level to an international audience. It will offer opportunities for:! • Knowledge: conference, seminars! • Display: Exhibit, available for local actors as well as international guests upon request! • Buy and sell: Stands and visits on our partner’s premises upon request! • Network: B2B and several other opportunities will be provided! • Discover: through visits to the excellence centers in the district! • …! Example of products! ClusterTAV partners provide a wide range of solutions, from virtual reality to robotics, mechatronics, internet of things, advanced materials, buildings, etc. Several examples are presented… ! SXT-Telemed Cardiodial, EEG snapshot! Occambee Avatar for personal assistance! Idrogenet Gloreha, rehabilitation glove! Consoft Adamo, monitoring system! …! Facilitation! ! The Cluster as a facilitator for partnerships ! on EU and consortia projects! • Are you looking for a partner for the proposal you are writing?! • Do you have an idea for a project, and need partners to develop it?! ! ClusterTAV can help you identify the right partner among its members and networks, and facilitate the development of the partnership towards the submission of the proposal. ! ! The Lombardy ClusterTAV partnership consists of established research institutions and enterprises with proven track record, as well as innovative SMES. Moreover, it comprises committed actors such as Research Hospital, that can host clinical trials and pilot projects.! ! All partners have their headquarters in Italy; some have additional branches in other EU countries. To know more, get in touch with us ! at [email protected]!! Facilitation! ! The Cluster as a key partner for dissemination! and exploitation in research projects! Thanks to Univerlecco, the Lombardy Cluster TAV coordinating partner, the Lombardy Cluster TAV can provide its expertise in the dissemination and exploitation of research projects.! ! ClusterTAV can offer a skillset that ranges from exploitation and networking services to the design and implementation of online and offline communication platforms and materials for dissemination. Moreover, it organization of events and the participation of its members! ! Upcoming events! ForItAAL2015 – 6° Italian Forum of Ambient Assisted Living! TECHforLiFE edition | Lecco, 19 – 22 May 2015 ! On Lake Como, 50km north of Milan! Research Hospital E. Medea – La Nostra Famiglia Ass.! Univerlecco! Territorial Association! Valduce Hospital – Villa Beretta! Rehabilitation Center! Politecnico di Milano! Lecco Territorial Branch! Research Hospital INRCA! National Institute for Rest and Care of the Elderly! CNR (National Council of Research)! IBFM, IENI, ITIA! ForItAAL main location! Politecnico di Milano – Lecco Campus! 40.000 m2 # 2.000+ students # 27 classrooms #! 200+ beds for students and researchers ! (in progress) # 20 kW with solar panels! The Politecnico di Milano Lecco Campus was ideated in 1989 thanks to the collaboration between the University and the Institutions in the districts. It answers to the need of having a technologic branch able to combine the excellence of the most important technical university in Italy with the peculiarities of a specific area that is rich with companies and activities.! ! The new Campus was completed in 2013. Shared and backed by the whole community, it is a strategic intervention closely connected to the local productive context and with a strong international vocation. The University residence was completed in March 2015, making Lecco one of the first examples of Campus in Anglosaxon fashion in Italy.! ! The line of development for the Lecco Campus in the present and in the upcoming years will be an enhancement of research thanks to the presence of CNR (the National Research Council). Already in 2007, an agreement was signed to ratify the its establishment inside the Lecco Campus, with its own building for offices and research laboratories.! ! Key elements of said agreement are the sharing of laboratories between the two institutions to create sinergies to rationalize investments, to create interinstitutional teams and to offer a single interface for companies and institutions.! ForItAAL main location! ForItAAL main location! DEAN’S! OFFICE! POLIMI! RESIDENCES POLIMI ! CLASS-! ROOMS! POLIMI! CLASS-! ROOMS! POLIMI! OFFICES & LABS CNR! CLASSROOMS! & LABS POLIMI ! ForItAAL synergies! Synergies between the 6th ForItAAL! and the Lecco district! 6th Italian Forum of Ambient Assisted Living – 19-22 May 2015! www.foritaal2015.com! Exhibitor’s area, with stands and opportunities for networking! ForItAAL synergies! Synergies between the 6th ForItAAL! and the Lecco district! Visits to the centers of excellence in the Lecco area, opportunities for B2B, …! Synergies with a number of territorial initiatives part of the EcoSmartLand project! www.esl.lecco.it! LOMBARDY CLUSTER TECHNOLOGIES FOR LIVING ENVIRONMENTS WWW.CLUSTERTAV.LOMBARDIA.IT About! The Lombardy Cluster Technologies for Living Environments is a multidisciplinary partnership whose breadth comprises the whole development cycle: innovation, integration, testing, promotion of products and services.! ! Cluster TAV aims at developing highly innovative knowledge, technological solutions, plants, buildings and products. ! ! Its range of action covers the entire life span, with a focus on the needs of the individual. ! ! Within Ambient Intelligence and Ambient Assisted Living frameworks, these expertise and capabilities allow for a redesign of living environments to foster inclusion, safety, well-being, health and eco-sustainability. ! ! Aims! • To promote and foster research, innovation and education in Technologies for Living Environments! • To facilitate relationships between research and industry, alongside existing structures! • To become an aggregator for expertise and industrial strategies in Technologies for Living Environments! • To support its partners in defining and implementing joint projects! • To disseminate ClusterTAV’s activity through online and offline media, and through the participation and organization of events! • To support and facilitate the commercial development of the partnership! Coordinating partner! Univerlecco is a territorial association that comprises the Province, Chamber of Commerce and Municipality of Lecco, pools, professional associations and local labor unions as well as the Research Hospital E. Medea – La Nostra Famiglia Association, the Valduce Hospital – Rehabilitation Center Villa Beretta and the Brera Astronomical Observatory.! ! • It facilitates the presence and the development of university level education and research centers in the Lecco area, with a focus on Politecnico di Milano and CNR (the National Council of Research)! • It foster the development of relationships among the economic, productive and scientific environments! • It supports the local actors in the participation to research and communication projects and facilitates the technological transfer from research to industry/institutions.! Coordinating partner! Regione Lombardia identified Univerlecco ! as an aggregator and coordinator towards ! the establishment of the Lombardy Cluster Technologies for Living Environments. ! ! This relevant acknowledgment came as a ! result of the 10-years commitment and excellence of the association and its! territorial partners in collaborative research on rehabilitation.! ! www.univerlecco.it! 2004! HINT! @LECCO! 2010! SPIDER! @LECCO! 2013! ClusterTAV! coordinating partner! DESIGN! FOR ALL! RIPRENDO! @Home! THINK&GO! 2014! ABILITY! Current members! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Univerlecco – Coordinator! Ab Medica & Telbios! A.O. della Provincia di Lecco! Assobiomedica! Astir! Camedi! Camera di Commercio Lecco! Cluster Italia! CNR IENI • IBFM • ITIA! Consoft Sistemi! CRAMS – Centro Ricerca Arte Musica Spettacolo! CS&L Consorzio Sociale! Fondazione Housing Sociale! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tecnomed-Fondazione dell’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca! Idrogenet! IRCCS Eugenio Medea – Associazione La Nostra Famiglia! IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi! IRCCS Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri! IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano! IRCCS INRCA – Istituto Nazionale di Riposo e Cura per Anziani! ISS Sraffa-CTS Cremona! Istituto Geriatrico Milanese! Imaginary! Magut Design! ManLab! Occambee! Centro di Riabilitaziona Villa Beretta – Ospedale Valduce! Politecnico di Milano! Secure Network! SIXS! SXT-telemed! Università Cattolica! Università degli Studi di Brescia! Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca! Current members! Contacts! Vico Valassi President presidente@ univerlecco.it Cris:na De Capitani Cluster Manager cris:na.decapitani@ univerlecco.it Stefania Aldeghi Cluster Staff stefania.aldeghi@ univerlecco.it Ruggero Castagnola Cluster Staff ruggero.castagnola@ univerlecco.it General contact – Informa7on [email protected] Projects! ! Born/endorsed ! by ClusterTAV! DESIGN FOR ALL! Selected projects ! by the partners! THINK&GO! RIPRENDO@Home! PEGASO! SMARTA! bility SMARTA! ABILITY! MUNDUS! Projects! Software integration and advanced Human Machine Interfaces in design for Ambient Assisted Living! Traditional design is oriented to the standard man. ! This hinders to meet the variety of skills, knowledge, wishes and ambitions. Hence, this project brings the idea to promote a design oriented to the real individual, both holistic and inclusive, exploiting everybody in his peculiarities. ! ! Two specific topics need to be tackled:! • Design and implementation of a platform for software tools integration, hence the formalization of domestic environment available information! • New paradigm, methodologies and innovative technologies for human-machine interaction to implement adaptive interfaces (for both user and domestic environment)! Budget: 10 mln €! ! Partners! • CNR: ITIA (capofila) , IBFM, IFAC, ITC! • Politecnico di Milano: Dipartimenti Meccanica e Design ! • IRCCS Auxologico ! • AB Medica ! • Teorema ! • ATI Calearo / Eurotech! • Università Politecnica delle Marche ! • ATI DfA: Lab Idea, Logical System ! ! Advisors! • Associazione Univerlecco ! • Fondazione Politecnico di Milano ! ! www.d4all.eu ! ! Projects! Education program in D4ALL! ! • • • • • • Program based in Lecco! Internship at the partners’ premises! Open to candidates from the EU! 30 students (national/international)! 14 months + 1 week abroad! 24 Scholarships (1000-1300€)! 3 education tracks:! • Designer of architectures and adaptive interfaces for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)! • Technician supporting research on AAL! • Expert on human/machine interaction in the field of AAL! NOW OPEN FOR SUBMISSION! SEND US YOUR APPLICATION! www.d4all.com! Projects! Development of innovative technologic personalized platforms for post-ictus neuromotor rehabilitation! Focused on the upper limb and the use in a domestic environment.! ! The project aims at promoting structural changes in Lombardia generating a leap in neuro-rehabilitation sector and to have positive impact on:! • Access to innovative clinical protocols through a more effective therapy! • Sustainable use of human and technical resources in hospitals due to decentralization of therapy at home! • Entrance of enterprises from Lombardia in the biomedical sector! • Birth and development of new advanced production entities ! Budget: 2,5 mln €.! ! Partners! • CNR ITIA (capofila)! • CNR IBFM! • CNR IENI! ! ! Scientific advisors! • Villa Beretta! • IRCCS “E.Medea”! www.riprendoathome.it! Projects! Telerehabilitation: Integrated platform Enabling the Remote Delivery and control of physical and cognitive Rehabilitation, and Self Management! A research project to develop a Personal Smart Health Community. The aim is to manage, monitor and provide interactive motor-cognitive rehabilitation exercises for elders affected by dementia in their own favourite environment, their home. The project is based upon the paradigm “citizen as a co-producer of health”. This platform will allow clinicians to monitor the effectiveness of the rehabilitation and to adjust the execises, if necessary. As an overall benefit, it allows them to maintain the relationship with the patient and his/hers caregivers, even if over a long-distance. bility Budget: 4 mln €! ! Partners ! • Telbios Spa (capofila)! • Politecnico di Milano! • IRCCS Don Gnocchi! • Università Bicocca! • Astir Srl! • Teorema Engineering Srl! • imaginary Srl! • Secure Network Srl ! • AB Tremila Srl! • Sait Srl! ! Advisors! • Associazione Univerlecco! • Villa Beretta! • Fondazione Politecnico! ! Public Administrations involved! • ASL Lecco! • INRCA CASATENOVO! • Comune di Milano! • Federsanità ANCI- Lombardia! • Provincia MB! International networks! EIP AHA! European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.! Created by the European Commission:! • To establish a network of excellence at a European level ! • To share and compare best practices! • For networking towards creating consortia for European projects! • To identify and propose research themes! Under the monicker TECHforLIFE, the Lombardy Cluster TAV has its spokesmen on four work tables! ! http://clustertav.lombardia.it/networksand-projects/eip-aha/ ! International networks! EIP AHA! A2 – Specific Action for Falls: Personalized health management, starting with a Falls Prevention Initiative! ! B3 – Specific Action for Integrated Care: Replicating and tutoring integrated care for chronic diseases, including remote monitoring at regional levels! ! C2 – Specific Action for Indipendent Living: Development of interoperable independent living solutions, including guidelines for business models! ! D4 – Specific Action for Age-friendly buildings, cities & environments: Innovation for Age-friendly buildings, cities & environments! Dissemination! ClusterTAV as a valuable partner for dissemination! To give an example… Smau 2014 (www.smau.it)! Communication! Website: features news, speculations, restricted area! Newsletter: a weekly digest for the partners…!
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