“Building Resilience and Decreasing Vulnerability through Climate Change Adaptation” 30 March 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria Objectives of the Assessments • • • • • • • State and trends of climate change; Vulnerability of mountain ecosystems to climate change Concrete adaptation experiences (sub-national/local level) Experiences from other regions (e.g. Alps, Carpathians, Central Asia) Climate change adaptation policies and strategies; Policy gap analysis; Priority areas for future action (governmentally reviewed); Environment and Security dimensions environmental risks & problems Threat can threaten security environment is often forgotten Damage Opportunity where ‘hard security’ matters environmental cooperation and management can help improve security and soften conflicts ENVSEC partners OSCE UNEP UNDP UNECE REC NATO as an associated partner Trans-boundary risks from hazardous activities Sharing of Natural Resources Climate change in the West Balkans: findings, trends and projections Demographic situation is one of the most important factors for region's adaptive capacity Population is aging Fertility rates decline People move from rural to urban areas High level of migration Climate change Less precipitation and further decrease are projected The region is getting warmer and dryer The frequency and intensity of floods and droughts have increased Total GHG emissions have decreased in Albania, FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia and increased in Croatia From 1 to 8 metric tonnes of CO2 eq. per capita (global figure – 4,6 tonnes) Energy and partly agriculture are main sources of GHG emissions Vulnerability = Exposure (how big the change) x Sensitivity (how much it matters) The most vulnerable: Albania FYROM-Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina The least able to adapt: FYROM Albania-Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina • Croatia: the least vulnerable, the most capable Increasing Security from Climate Change Risk Extraordinary rainfall affected Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia between 14th and 19th of May 2014, the largest precipitation event in 120 years. During this time, devastating floods caused damage and economic losses worth €2 billion in Bosnia and Herzegovina and €1.5 billion in Serbia. UNEPs Response… UNEP deployed environmental experts to support the Serbian Government in carrying out a Recovery Needs Assessment (RNA) intended to inform recovery needs and assist in resource mobilization. UNEPs Response… “Achieving Climate Resilient Infrastructure through Mainstreaming of Ecosystem Based Adaptation Approaches in the Western Balkan Region” Objective: To build capacity of countries in the Western Balkans to adapt to climate change through the integration of ecosystem based adaptation approaches into planning and engineering of critical economic infrastructure. Countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro, Croatia, and Kosovo (Under UNSCR 1244/99) “Achieving Climate Resilient Infrastructure through Mainstreaming of Ecosystem Based Adaptation Approaches” Expected Outcomes: 1. Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change integrated into infrastructure management policies, plans and regulations, 2. Enhanced capacity to understand and respond to emerging climate hazards and address them through strategic integration of climate resilience into construction sector in the region, 3. Demonstrated and developed lessons learned from climate proofing of selected infrastructural pilot demonstrations. UNEP - Ecosystem Based Adaptation Approaches ENVSEC – Climate Change and Security in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Southern Caucasus • Implementation Period: 01.01.2013 – 31.12 2015 • Funded by EU (Instrument for Stability) & ADA; Contribution Agreements signed between EU and OSCE and ADA and OSCE in December 2012 • ENVSEC Partners: OSCE (Lead), UNDP, UNEP, UNECE, REC • Project Area: 3 sub-regions with 11 project countries; (Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; Eastern Europe: Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine; Southern Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) ENVSEC – Climate Change and Security in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Southern Caucasus Overall Objective: “To support regional stability through transboundary co-operation on adaptation to climate change impacts” •Enhanced understanding & awareness of climate change as security challenge & consequent need for regional & transboundary cooperation in adaptation •Enhanced stakeholders' capacity to anticipate, prevent, & mitigate effectively & in a timely manner potential security risks from climate change ENVSEC – Expected Results ENVSEC – Challenges „Climate Change Action in Developing Countries with Fragile Mountainous Ecosystems from a Regional Perspective“ (UNFCCC/FSF) Climate Change Adaptation in Mountain Regions Duration: 2014-2017 Total: 1.75 Mio. EUR co-financed by Austria (UNFCCC FSF) Objective: Support to mountainous developing countries to integrate mountain specific climate change adaptation into relevant development policies/plans/strategies from a sub-regional perspective - Understand climate change vulnerabilities and impacts; - Analysis of relevant policies and frameworks and bottlenecks; - Support policy action from a sub-regional perspective; - Inter-regional exchange of experiences with other mountain regions (Alpine and Carpathian Convention, East African Community, ICSD, Andes Community); Climate Change Adaptation in Mountain Regions Main Outputs: Participatory assessments (synthesis) related to climate change and adaptation “Mountain response assessments” Establish (inter)-regional platforms and support development/review of sub-regional climate change action plans/strategic agendas etc. in context of relevant institutional mechanisms/frameworks (e.g. EAC for East Africa, ICSD for CA) Targeted regions: East Africa, Balkans, (South)-Caucasus, Central Asia, (Tropical)-Andes Thank you for your attention Pier Carlo Sandei UNEP Vienna – Regional Office for Europe [email protected] www.unep.org/roe/
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