CMRLC Newsletter 2015-04 - Central Missouri Rock and Lapidary

Lapidary Letter
of the Central Missouri Rock and Lapidary Club, Inc.
Developing interest and knowledge of minerals, rocks, gems, fossils, and the lapidary arts.
April 2015
Upcoming Rock Show has many opportunities
The Club’s big annual Rock, Gem, Mineral,
and Fossil Show and Sale to be held at the
Knights of Columbus Hall, is almost here. It will
be May 8-10, 2015, with setup on May 7.
All Club members are being asked to sign up
to be on at least one of the Committees that help
set up, run, tear down, and promote the Show.
Two areas where everyone needs to pitch in
are related to publicity and promotion. All Club
members need to be promoting the Show. There
are signs, posters, fliers, and cards which can be
placed in businesses and stores, and that can be
given to friends and colleagues. Talk up the show!
Mary Wozny and Leslie Hoer will be setting
up road signs. These signs will be available for
pickup at the Club Meeting in May. If you know
of a good place for a sign, check with them on
what you need to know and do.
Because of the lack of space within the
Knights of Columbus Hall, and because we are
using all of the tables available for the vendors, we
need Club Members to bring tents and tables that
can be used to set up an eating area just outside
the south door (no tents that need to be staked).
Club Members also need to be thinking of
those lapidary related items that can be donated
for the big called auction on Saturday night. Kyle
George of George Auctions out of Hallsville will
be calling the auction.
Items are also needed for the Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday silent auction and door
Club Members will need to provide the food
for the pot luck dinner Saturday evening. This has
been a real highlight for the Vendors in the past,
and they really appreciated what we do for them.
The Rock Show will be held in the Knights of Columbus
Hall, 2525 N. Stadium Blvd., Columbia, MO.
Club to participate in Earth Day
The Club will have a booth at the 2015 Earth
Day Celebration on Sunday, April 19, 12:00 to
6:00 p.m. It will be held at Peace Park which is
located at the north end of the MU campus along
Elm St., between 5th & 9th Streets.
Leslie Hoer has arranged for the booth and
will be helping to staff the booth. The purpose of
the booth will be to promote the Club through
conversation and the distribution of fliers
promoting the Club and the Rock and Gem Show.
The Club booth will be located next to John
Benke’s booth on Elm St. at the Avenue of the
Columns. Vivian and Bob Tompson will be selling
Club items. Deb. Booker will set up a tent and
Leslie Hoer will bring a table.
Members of the Club are invited to staff the
booth and help promote the Club. Bring your
own chair.
May Meeting to be at Oakland
The Knights of Columbus Hall is easy to find. It is one
mile north of I-70 at Exit 124, which is the Stadium/Route
E exit. Ignore the detour sign. The construction is way
north of the exit.
The May 6 Meeting of the Club will be the last
meeting held at the Oakland Senior Center, 805
Old Hwy 63 N.
This will be an important meeting as it will also
be our last Meeting before the Club’s big annual
Rock, Gem, Mineral, Fossil Show and Sale at the
Knights of Columbus Hall. Everyone needs to be
present to make sure that all needed tasks get
Upcoming shows in our area
May 15-17: JOPLIN, MO:
Tri-State Gem & Mineral Society Rock Swap. Fri &
Sat 9 am - 6 pm; Sun 9 am - 5 pm Joplin Museum
Complex, 504 Schifferdecker Ave, Joplin Contact:
Chris Wiseman, (417) 623-1180
Gem City Rock Club Annual Show, 10 am - 4 pm. MW
Boudreaux Visitor Center, Mark Twain Lake, Monroe
City. Contact: Jeanne Smith (573) 439-5890 (573) 4395890; [email protected]
Annual show; Hosted br OZARK MOUNTAIN GEM
& MINERAL SOCIETY, Outdoors at Missouri
Institute of Natural Science; 2327 W Farm Road #190,
(Near Rivercut Golf Course); Sat. 10:00 am-5:30 pm,
Sun. 10:00 am-4:00 pm; FREE, FREE, FREE, FREE;
ROCK SWAP & GEM FAIR; Rocks, Fossils, Minerals,
Rough, Slabs, Cabs, Finished Stones, Handcrafted
Jewelry, Gold Panning demonstration/practice (fools
gold & other), AUCTION (Open to Public) Sat 5:30;
contact Larry Lillich, PO Box 35, 2131 W Republic
Road, Springfield, MO 65807, (417) 882-8449; e-mail:
[email protected]
June 12-14: PARK HILLS, MO:
Mineral Area Gem Mineral Society Annual Show and
Rock Swap, Fri & Sat 9 am - 6 pm; Sun 9 am - 4 pm.
Missouri Mines Historic Site at St. Joe State Park,
4000 State Hwy 32, Park Hills. Contact: Boneta
Hensley, (573) 760-0488 (573) 760-0488,
[email protected]; https://
June 26-28: ELDON, MO:
Annual show; Osage Rock and Mineral Club, Eldon
Community Center; 309 E. Second Street; Fri. 2:00 pm6:00 pm, Sat. 9:00 am-6:00 pm, Sun. 9:00 am-3:00 pm;
Admission is Free!; Theme: Gemstones of the World
Features: gem stones, jewelry, geodes, fossils,
minerals, quartz crystals, custom jewelry by many
gifted artists, cabochons, gift items, demonstrations,
displays, kids games, and prizes. A special Florescent
Mineral Display will be back this year with new
material!; contact Roger Varvel, 14354 Highway 64,
Lebanon, MO 65536, (417) 532-4367; e-mail:
[email protected]; Web site:
[email protected]
May Spotlight: Amber
Minutes, April 1, 2015
Central Missouri Rock and Lapidary Club
Oakland Senior Center
John Benke called the Meeting to order and began
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests were Don, Cindy, Debbie, and Virginia
The Minutes of the previous Meeting were
approved as distributed. It was noted that Earth Day is
April 19. Denny Donnell Moved, Bill McMillan seconded
that the Minutes be approved as amended. Motion
Treasurer Leslie Hoer gave the following Treasure’s
Report: checking: $1,448.01; savings: $388.18; CDs
$22,195.15; petty cash: $63.75; Show: $17,190.30; Total
assets: $41,285.39: Bill McMillan moved, Larry Power
seconded, that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.
Motion carried.
Old Business:
Fred Erickson, reporting on the upcoming Rock
Show, announced that he was passing around a sign-up
sheet so Club Members could sign up for Show
committees and responsibilities of their choice. He reasserted that this is a Club Show, and everyone in the
Club needed to be doing his or her part to make it
successful. In particular, Fred also indicated that
everyone needed to be promoting the Show: putting up
signs, posting fliers, and handing out cards. Road signs
have been updated with the new location.
Fred also mentioned that, because of the limited
space, we need tents and tables for the Pot Luck and
Auction. He also announced that Kyle George of George
Auctions out of Hallsville will be calling the auction.
Electricity will be limited for the Show. There are
only 10 outlets available for all of the vendors.
Bill McMillan announced that Denny Donnell has
an exhibit of geodes at the Senior Center, and we will be
getting a new display at the Library.
Leslie Hoer announced that we will have a booth
alongside John Benke at Earth Day. She will be handing
out fliers promoting the Club. We have paid extra so we
will be able to sell things at the booth. Vivian Thompson
indicated they will be selling Club items at the booth.
Deb Book will put up a tent, and Leslie Hoer will bring a
table, but we will still need chairs. Menards has banquet
and folding tables for $19.
Fred Erickson reminded the Club that we weren’t
able to collect the money from the Silent Auction last
month, so persons who had not paid still needed to pay
the Treasurer. Sally Erickson turned in payments from
two people who weren’t able to be here tonight.
Deb Booker moved, Fred Erickson seconded that a
2-3 member committee be established to create the Bob
McConnell Scholarship Fund and establish the rules of
continued on page 3, column 1
Central Missouri Rock and Lapidary Club
to provide education and to encourage the knowledge and
study of mineralogy, geology, paleontology, earth sciences,
the lapidary arts, and metal crafts.
CMRLC meets first Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.
(except July and August)
Oakland Senior Center
805 Old Hwy 63 N., Columbia, MO
Kidz Mine meets 6:30-7:00 p.m.
Visitors are always welcome
President: John Benke
Vice-President: Esta Helms
Treasurer: Leslie Hoer
Secretary: Fred Erickson
Rock, Gem, Fossil Show: Fred Erickson
Rock Show Vendors: Deb Booker
Displays: Bill McMillan
MWF Liaison: Volunteer needed
Silent Auction: Dabney Doty
Field Trips and Kidz Mine: Sara Davis-Stobers
Webmaster: Margaret Booker
Annual Dues
Individual: $15.00; Youth: $7.50
Couple: $20.00; Family: $25.00
Member Midwest Federation of Mineralogical and
Geological Societies
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
IRS sets donation standards
donation. It will be the donor’s responsibility to
defend that valuation to the IRS.
All donations to the Club will need to be
acknowledged by the Club in writing. This letter
can be used by the donor for tax purposes.
Donations valued at $5,000 or more must
have two appraisals of fair market value by
persons knowledgeable in this industry.
Deb Booker reminded the club that there are
IRS requirements for all donations to the Club of
funds or gifts in kind (rock collections, lapidary
equipment, books, etc.) If the donor wants to
take advantage of the Club’s tax exempt status
and use the gift as a tax deduction it is up to the
donor to establish and document the value of the
Promotion Is The Key!
Kentucky trip is a go!
One of the most important parts to having a
successful Rock Show is having people pay for
admission and buy products from our vendors.
That means getting people to the Show. The way
that happens is for all of the Club Members to be
promoting the Show in every way they can to all
the people they can.
About 10 or 11 Club members are planning to
go on the Kentucky agate hunting trip April 22-24
in Irvine KY. We will be in our own group,
staying at the same hotel, so it will be fun,
enjoyable event for everyone. There has been
some heavy water action in the area recently, so
agate hunting should be good. People will be able
to keep all of the specimens they find. The
temperatures should be in the 50-70 degree range.
Geodes are on display
The current Rock and Lapidary Club exhibit
at the Senior Center, 1121 Business Loop 70
East, features an exhibit prepared by Denny
Donnell It shows a collection of geodes. Drop by
and enjoy Denny’s geodes.
Scholarship Fund to be set up
The Club has continued the process of setting
up the Bob McConnell Memorial Scholarship
Fund by voting to set up a committee to create the
fund and to establish rules, such as who will be
eligible (children, students, and/or adults), as well
as how it could be used (high school, college,
graduate school, and/or short term educational
opportunities). The Club also voted that a
separate, designated, growth account (otherwise
known as a growth fund) be set up for the Fund.
Do you want a Club T-shirt?
The club voted at the April Meeting to order
T-shirts with the Club logo on front. At present, it
looks like we will able to get them from D-Sport
for only $6.00. We hope to have them to wear
during our annual Show in May.
“Minutes...” from page 2
the Fund, such as eligibility (would it be for: children,
adults, secondary school, college); that Paul Hoer be
asked to serve on the committee in that it was his idea;
and that a separate designated growth account be set up
for the Fund. Motion carried.
Deb also noted that all monies or items of value that
are donated to the Club must be valued by the donor(s),
not the Club, in writing. Also, that all donations, be they
monies or tangible, must be acknowledged by the Club in
writing. The letter is to be used by the donor for tax
Because the Oakland Senior Center is closing
following our May Meeting, we will meet at our backup
site, the Unitarian Universalist Church, 2615 Shepherd
Blvd., Columbia, in June.
New Business:
It was announced that the Rock, Gem, Mineral,
Fossil, Show and Sale in 2016 will be the first full
weekend of May 6-8, 2016, which is Mother’s Day
Esta Helms began a discussion about T-shirts. Are
we interested? Leslie Hoer can do them herself using a
high-quality paper, but Mary Wozny indicated that DSport can do them for about $5.00. Linda Sneed
suggested we vote on whether we were interested. There
were only a couple of negative votes. Mary Wozny will
check with D-Sport.
Sara Davis-Stobers reported that there were five
kids in the Kidz Mine talking about brachiopods. Haley
Carrier won the Vernon Barr award. Sarah also reported
on a great evening at the Library with Dave Schmidt, a
Paleontologist at Westminster College, who talked about
his finds at a recent dig. He had indicated there might be
field trip opportunities with him in the future. Sara is
also planning some local collecting trips. She reminded
us to look on the web site and Facebook for last minute
updates and information.
Mary Wozny noted that anyone wanting to go on
the Kentucky agate hunting trip needs to sign up
immediately. She will make sure that we are all placed in
the same group. She has learned that there has been
some heavy water action in the area, so agate hunting
should be good. We can keep all of the material we find.
The temperatures should be in the 50-70 degree range.
Esta Helms reminded us that the Spotlight for
tonight is agate, and next month it will be amber.
The Program for the evening was Bill McMillan
talking about some of his interesting rock and specimen
collecting trips around the United States and Mexico.
He brought a comprehensive display of the various
kinds of minerals he had found.
Respectfully submitted,
Fred H. Erickson, Secretary
Rock - Gem - Mineral - Fossil
Show & Sale
May 8-10, 2015
Friday: 12:00 noon - 7:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Demonstrations — Mineral Exhibits — Rock ID — Dealers from the Midwest
Special Children’s Activities and “Kidz Mine”
Rough Rock
Wire Wrapping
Beaded Jewelry
Labidary supplies
Mineral Specimens
Facited Gemstones
Questions Answered
Polished Petrified Wood
Handmade Silver Jewelry
Much, Much More...
Inside at the Knights of Columbus Hall
2525 N. Stadium Blvd. (Route E), Columbia, MO
3-day pass: Adults $5 — Seniors (60+) and youth (12-18) $3 — children 11 and under free
Central Missouri Rock and Lapidary Club —
15500 N. Fernwood Dr.
Hallsville, MO 65255
Central Missouri Rock and Lapidary Club, Inc.