T HE OREGON ORACLE A Publication of Oregon City Schools

A Publication of Oregon City Schools
5721 Seaman Rd., Oregon, OH 43616
The Wall Street Whiz
Volume 12 Number 3 — June 2013
Superintendent’s Message
Thank You!
The Whiz of Wall Street.
Javier Salazar defeated 151 challengers to win the second semester stock contest at Clay High School.
Javier was staked $10,000, and in 19
weeks turned a 65% gain. The future
agricultural business major cashed
out of the market after 10 weeks of
trading and hung on to win over
Justin Keller. Seventy-two students
scored at least a 10% increase in
their portfolios. One could say they
were “shooting the bull” at Clay.
Board Leadership
Carol Ann Molnar and Michael
Csehi, school board members from
the Oregon School district
recently graduated from the Ohio
School Boards Association Board
Leadership Institute (BLI). The institute is an intensive, two-day training program designed exclusively for
public school board members. Molnar and Csehi were two of more than
200 Ohio school board members who
participated in BLI.
Keynote speakers at the 12th annual institute, held April 26-27 in
Columbus, included Ohio Attorney
General Mike DeWine, who focused
on school safety and security, and
State Board of Education President
Debe Terhar, who spoke about education reform in Ohio.
BLI also featured workshops
covering a wide range of essential
board leadership topics, including
student achievement, school finance,
legal and legislative issues, shared
services, the new state academic assessments, board development and
leadership concepts, labor relations
and critical issues, and hot topics in
Founded in 1955, the OSBA
leads the way to educational excellence by serving Ohio’s public school
board members and the diverse districts they represent through superior
service, unwavering advocacy and
creative solutions.
Oregon City
on Facebook
for district
news, events
and photos.
Max De Pree, the former President
and CEO of the Herman Miller furniture
company, wrote a very influential book
called Leadership is an Art. In it De Pree
states “The first responsibility of a leader
is to define reality. The last is to say thank
you. In between, the leader is a servant.”
I have tried to emulate this philosophy to
the best of my ability during my five year
tenure as the superintendent of schools. I
believe significant progress has been made
toward the improvement of performance
in all areas of district operations. I am
proud to say that the Oregon Schools are
better positioned for future success as the
result of the hard work and collective effort of everyone in the organization along
with the support of the community.
The reality of a tough economy, a
decline in school funding revenue, and
a polarized political environment--combined with increasing expectations for
performance, accountability and transparency--has made for challenging times
in public education. Reform initiatives at
the national, state and local levels are being designed and implemented to change
the fundamental nature of the public
education system. Change is happening
at an ever increasing rate. Changes that
usually take two to three years to roll out
are now mandated to be in place within
six months. As a consequence, our staff
is dealing with a new teacher evaluation
system, a principal evaluation system, a third grade
reading guarantee,
common core state
standards, PARCC
Assessments, and
a new state report
card with higher
more rigorous metMichael E. Zalar
rics. I have been
exceptionally pleased
with the manner in which our staff has
stepped up and handled each of these
new initiatives with a high degree of collaboration and professionalism. As a
community, you can be proud of the professionals working with the children in
your schools! They continue to do more
with less and to serve sacrificially for the
greater good of all. They have earned and
need your constant support!
As I transition to a different school
district and community, I will always be
grateful for the opportunity granted to
serve as your superintendent of schools.
I have had the good fortune to serve with
some great leaders, including board members, principals, administrators, teachers,
counselors, secretaries, supervisors, bus
drivers, cooks, cafeteria workers, custodians, maintenance workers, and clerical
staff – too many to name them all. They
truly are a great team and deserve all of
the credit for the success of the district. I
am confident that they will continue the
work that has been begun related to the
middle school grade reconfiguration, to
technology integration, and to the myriad
of other new developments in the district. Continuous improvement is a race
with no finish line. There is always more
work to be done. You may be sure that
the school district is in excellent hands,
and that our staff will continue working
hard to prepare our students for future
Finally, I would like to congratulate
the Clay High School Class of 2013. You
have the good fortune to begin your new
journey equipped with a solid educational foundation. Now it is up to you to step
out of your comfort zone and to apply
yourself to a cause worthy of your service.
As Max De Pree says, “The greatest thing
is, at any moment, to give up who we are
in order to become all that we can be.” I
encourage you to live your life with no
regrets and to contribute your unique gifts
to a cause greater than yourself. In many
ways YOU, the youth of America, are still
our last best chance and hope for a better
world! Best wishes, and Go Eagles!
Dr. Michael E. Zalar, Superintendent of
Schools, may be reached by calling (419)
693-0661or by emailing mzalar@oregoncs.
Lots Of Power And No Birds
The electrical output of the 900 kilowatt turbine at Clay High School has been
enough to power the entire campus for
the last seven 7 months with an average
campus demand of 6,036 Kilowatts per
day. We have been generating between
75% (December 2012), and over 101%
(February 2013) of the campus demand.
Eisenhower production has been 10-15%
greater than our conservative predictions
with significant money, energy savings,
and environmental stewardship.
Furthermore, we have been conducting a bird, and bat impact survey to determine the risk to wildlife that turbines
pose. Over 40 hours of student search
time, and over 107 hours of University
internship hours have been logged in this
spring migration season. (For more data,
go to the Clay High School website www.
Highlights of the first seven months
of operation of Clay’s turbine:
• Significant energy cost-cutting, money savings for the district.
• Preventing 2,394 tons of greenhouse
gas Carbon dioxide from entering our atmosphere.
• No Bird impacts at Ike or Clay turbines. Zero.
• These values are 20 percent higher
when we factor in Eisenhower’s turbines.
• There have been no complaints about
sound, or shadows affecting residents,
bike path users, or sports teams ,indicating that large wind turbines are compatible with multiple use sites.
Data for the first nineteen months of
operation of Eisenhowers turbines from
• 461,098 Kilowatts produced. Enough
to power 481 homes,
• 584,211 lbs of CO2 (greenhouse gas)
• money savings = $43,343
• 599 lbs of NOx ( acid rain causing
• Less 1,521 lbs of SO2 (acid rains
causing contaminant) prevented.
Caine Kolinski, and Dennis Slotnick
are coordinating bird and bat research
on a daily basis. Data has been collected
for 8 weeks. High school students and an
independent researcher from The University of Toledo have found no bird fatalities at Clay, or Eisenhower schools. As
scientific research suggests, we are doing
searcher efficiency studies, and scavenge
rates to determine how well our research
team can spot a bird carcass, or whether a
fox, raccoon, or cat has carried them off.
This study is being conducted during the
heaviest migration of the year, 2.5 miles
from Lake Erie. “Of course we would like
to have several years of data to be make a
scientifically valid claim that no birds are
struck by turbines, but so far it looks very
safe for our avian friends.” Mr. Slotnick,
science teacher at Clay said. Only one
red bat was found under the turbine last
The national average for bird and bat
mortality for wind turbines is two per
year. Compare that number with cars:
1,000,000 birds per year (one million),
communication towers: 82-3,199 birds
per year, cats: 100,000,000 ( one hundred
million), and cars, 1,000,000 (one million). (Sources: Government Accountability Office, National Audubon Society).
So far our research indicates that bird
and bat mortalities are very rarely caused
by wind turbines, shattering the myths
that have recently been perpetuated, we
are even below the national average.
Besides the Eisenhower and Clay turbines, Jerusalem, and Starr schools have
rooftop solar panels installed, and will be
connected shortly. They will provide over
(2.2) megawatts of power per year to our
“It is an inspiration for many of us in
the Oregon Schools to be using electricity that it is a completely renewable, nonpolluting energy source”. Mr.Slotnick
who teaches Environmental Science and
Biology said. “Now with the bird and bat
data coming in, we are even more confident that wind turbines are environmentally safe, even though we are so close to
the migratory pathway along Lake Erie”.
*Nearly all bird kills occur on one
outdated wind farm at Altamont, California, where 2-5 thousands birds die from
old, fast and low elevation scaffold tower
turbines. If you exclude that data, the
number of birds killed in the US by wind
turbines is practically zero. (Source:
Mother Nature Network)
[email protected].
StarrandFassett–August13 Coy,JerusalemandEisenhower–August14
Director,NathanQuigg,[email protected].
Fourth Grade G/T Students Visit Lake Erie Center
Far Left:
shared their
research eith
Rachel Lohner
from the Lake
Erie Center.
Left: Students
participated in
an art project
using fish to
apply prints to
The 4th grade students from Mrs.
Sneed’s gifted and talented class studied and gathered data on all of the Great
Lakes. As part of their study, students
read a book entitled “Paddle to the Sea,”
and enjoyed the adventures of a small
wooden canoe carved by an Indian boy
from Nipigon County in Canada. The Indian boy dreamed that his wooden figure
would travel through the Great Lakes to
the Atlantic Ocean, and would have adventures that the boy would never experience. In addition, students conducted
research about one of the lakes, and were
able to share some of this with Rachel
Lohner from the Lake Erie Center during
a recent field trip. Students were given a
tour, an opportunity to answer questions
about the Great Lakes, as well as activities
demonstrating invasive species and identifying fish through the use of a dichoto-
mous key. While there, students also
participated in an art project using fish to
apply prints to bags. Mrs. Lohner said
that this was “such an engaged and well
behaved group,” and “They were truly a
pleasure to have here.”
"Beauty And The Beast"
Top Left: Brady Horman (Stanley), Ashton Day (Lefou), Kody Kramer (Gaston), and Keeghan Calkins (Tom). Top Middle:
Casey Merren (Belle) and Andrew Kessler (the Beast). Top Right: Emily Brown (FeFe), Caleb Scarberry (Lumiere), and
Jaiden Karrick (Babette). Bottom Left: Olivia Gierke (Mrs. Potts).
With a cast of over eighty students,
ages five to eleven, the Ram Drama Team
presented the Disney musical “Beauty
and the Beast” in May. Coy Elementary
students spent over three months preparing for the production, with their fearless
leader, Mary Horman, at the helm. The
Ram Drama Team has been entertaining
crowds for more than five years, and has
never failed to give audiences an enjoyable and memorable show.
The stars of “Beauty and the Beast”
were awesome! They sang and danced
through “Be Our Guest” with a full array of twirling plates, swaying forks, and
tap dancing teacups. Mixed in with the
show’s usual favorites were a number
of current songs, which blended seamlessly with the stage action and had the
audience singing, clapping, laughing, and
sometimes wiping away a tear. A mob of
angry villagers sang “Beat It” while dancing in the murky fog and cheering on a
wolf fighting LaFou (who displayed real
life skills with a professional karate staff).
The finale brought the entire cast onstage
to sing “Firework,” and the audience had
the added surprise of a shot of streamers
from confetti cannon as the kids sang out
“you’re a firework.”
The Ram Drama team was established
after a small group of parents decided
something needed to be done when the
art and music programs were drastically
reduced in Oregon’s elementary schools.
These parents wanted to fill the gap and
to introduce children to the performing
arts in a way that was meaningful, fun and
educational. The Ram Drama Team came
to life, and since then, has welcomed over
5oo children to the stage. Ram Drama runs
on the sweat and dedication of volunteers
What's In Your Future?
who fundraise, operate lights, build sets,
and spend countless hours rehearsing for
performances. All of this has been done
under the watchful eye of team leader,
Mary Horman, who begins each year with
a dream. Horman gives a lot of credit to
the many parent volunteers and to her
sidekick and sister, Debbie.
This year’s last performance was bittersweet. Not only did the children give
an amazing show, but they acknowledged
the end of an era. With the reconfiguration of Oregon schools, Ram drama now
is facing evolution. Where the future of
the team lies is still up in the air, but it
is important to realize their presence has
impacted hundreds of young lives. Who
knows? One day we may see a familiar
name in lights and know they started here
in Oregon, Ohio.
Refinancing Bond
Saves Community
Major Tax Dollars
Jane Fruth, Treasurer
We have great news to share!
The bond refinancing was very successful, and will save Oregon and
Jerusalem Community taxpayers $2.4
million dollars over the remaining
term of the bond. With the downward trend in interest rates and call
features of outstanding debt, we decided now was the time to refinance
the $33.9 million remaining debt
from original $40 million raised for
the building projects. By refinancing,
we were able to reduce the average
interest rate from approximately 7%
down to 4%, creating the savings listed above. Board member, Jeff Ziviski
said,” This is just another example
of how we are working behind the
scenes to save taxpayers money.”
Pint-Sized Hero
Top Left: Lisa Peery, dental assistant, Dr. Michalak's office. Top Right: Bridget Batch, RN, Mercy St. Charles Hospital.
Bottom Left: Stephanie Filar, electrical engineer, Rockwell Automation. Bottom Right: Larry Bolander, founder/owner,
Advantage Mold Inc.
Jerusalem fourth and fifth graders participated in Career Day on May 28. Organized by Miss Ford, counselor, this annual
event featured nine speakers. Students
learned what school subjects were important in each career, what training and education each job requires, and what skills
the professionals need to do their jobs.
Classes even saw turf, created locally, that
is used on the where the Super bowl is
Guests included: Bridget Batch, RN,
Mercy St. Charles Hospital; Lisa Peery,
dental assistant, Dr. Michalak’s office; Bart
Kiger, deputy sheriff, Lucas County; Tom
George, Chrysler; Stephanie Filar, electrical engineer, Rockwell Automation; Brad
Morrison, owner, Maumee Turf; Jeff Gluza,
project manager, Davis Besse; and Elizabeth Hansen, licensed massage therapist.
Thank you to all our participants!
Coy Honors Breakfast
When students try their hardest to
succeed academically, parents, teachers, and community members need to
acknowledge these endeavors. Everyone
deserves a pat on the back now and then.
On May 30, at Coy Elementary, fourth and
fifth grade students received their pat on
the back.
A select group of students who
achieved honor roll three out of four
quarters during the academic school year
were invited to a special Honors Breakfast. The Oregon City School honor roll
is awarded to students with a grade point
average of 3.0, or a “B” average, with no
“D’s” in any quarter.
Breakfast was provided to the students, compliments of Coy School. Parents and significant relatives were also
invited to attend the festivities. We, at
Coy School, are extremely proud of these
students for all their hard work. Congratulations on a successful year and keep up
the good work!
Thank you to all who participated in the Pint Size Hero blood drive
in March! The event was open to all
family members and friends connected to Coy. A representative from the
Pint Size Hero program visited Coy
to speak with students during lunches on February 27. Students learned
about what it means to give blood and
how doing so can save a life. They
were encouraged to go home and
share what they learned about donating blood with family and friends,
who then had the opportunity to donate blood, or to volunteer their time
working the blood drive. We were
proud to collect and donate 32 units
of blood this year, which means our
Coy community helped to save 96
lives. Great job, everyone!
Need Summer Tutoring?
If so, contact:
Liz Holzhauer 419-972-1477;
Grades 1-3, all areas
Derrick Creque 419-261-1377;
Grades 4-9, Math
President Eisenhower's Great-Grandson
Helps Honor School's 50th Anniversary
Left: Mrs. Bihn and Merrill Eisenhower Atwater. Top Middle: Delaney Gargac and Merrill Atwater. Top Right: Mr. Atwater was the keynote speaker at the school's
assembly. Bottom Middle: Mr. Atwater dedicated a new time capsule to commemorate Eisenhower's 50th Anniversary. Bottom Right: The Eisenhower band
played "The Star Spangled Banner."
By Amy Hansen
On April 12, Eisenhower Middle
School had the pleasure of hosting the
50th Anniversary Assembly & Time Capsule Dedication in honor of opening the
school 50 years ago. When the Oregon
School Board named the new school in
1960 (two years before being built), Dwight
D. Eisenhower was the president of the
United States and many in the community
had served under General Eisenhower during WWII.
Many years have come and gone, and
the importance of the Eisenhower name is
not as well understood to current students
as perhaps it was in the past. It has been
nearly three generations since the school
opened. When planning the anniversary
assembly, all focus went to connecting the
school’s current students, with the legacy
of President Dwight D. Eisenhower (their
school’s namesake) and the great legacy of
the school.
What better way to accomplish that
goal than to seek an Eisenhower descendant to speak to the students. The Eisenhower Foundation in Abilene, Kansas,
was contacted and graciously connected
the school with Merrill Eisenhower Atwater, Mr. Atwater is the great-grandson of
Dwight D. Eisenhower who served as the
keynote speaker.
Mr. Atwater was engaging and an incredible speaker. He began his first twenty
minutes by explaining some of the “firsts”
that his great-grandfather did during his
presidency, all the while relating his stories back to the students through survey
participation. He then went into the sea
of students, to allow them the opportunity
to ask him questions, such as, “When did
you find out your great-grandfather was
a President?” and “What college did you
go to?” At the end of the day, when a student was asked what they thought of Mr.
Atwater’s speech, she said, “He was really
cool and interesting. I thought it was going
to be all that boring History Channel stuff.
He made it fun to listen to and easy to understand.”
Along with Mr. Atwater’s keynote
speech, Jacob Smith from Congresswoman
Marcy Kaptur’s office, presented Eisenhower’s principal, Mrs. Becci Bihn, with
a flag that had been flown over the US
Capitol building. Ohio State Senator Edna
Brown presented the school with a letter of
recognition from the President of the Ohio
Senate, and Ohio House of Representatives
Minority Leader, Matthew Szollosi, presented a commendation from the Speaker
of the Ohio House of Representatives. Mr.
Szollosi is a previous student of Oregon
City Schools.
The school’s history was highlighted
through a video slideshow that contained
interviews from three original teachers
who opened the school, and three original
students who attended when it opened in
1962. The video also included photos of
this year’s events, such as the Guinness
World Record run, the open house, and the
students decorating the “Legacy” benches.
The audience was led outdoors in
front of Eisenhower for the finale. Students
battled the cold winds and gray skies for a
brief time while the Boy Scouts raised the
new flag and the band played “The StarSpangled Banner.” As the commemorative
time capsule was placed near the flagpole,
Mr. Atwater officially dedicated it to honor
the 50th anniversary of Eisenhower Middle
School. The time capsule contains many
items from the 50th celebration this year:
retro “Falcon” uniforms, DVD slideshow,
various photos, student essays, and the
Guinness World Record certificate among
other items. The time capsule will not be
placed in the ground until after Honors
Day, May 30th, in order to include additional items through the end of this school
Before the students were dismissed for
the buses, many had yet another opportunity to talk to Mr. Atwater in the front hall,
where he made himself available for anyone who wanted to visit. He was gracious
of his time and stayed until every visitor,
including past principals and retired teachers, had left. Merrill Eisenhower Atwater
certainly made it a day that everyone in
attendance at Eisenhower Middle School
that afternoon will not soon forget.
Eisenhower asked local businesses for
assistance with certain aspects of this special visit, and were able to secure the donation of Mr. Atwater’s accommodations
from Maumee Bay State Park Lodge, and
Hafner’s Sheet Metal & Supply donated
their time and talent to create and build our
time capsule from scratch. “We are grateful and thankful for the support from the
businesses in our community that helped
this event come together,” principal Becci
Bihn said.
Swapping Books
Do Your Best On The Test
Students at the Coy Book Swap.
Basketball Jones helps motivate students to do their best on the OAA.
Reduce, reuse and recycle. Coy students took that mantra to heart by participating in a school-wide book swap in
May. Students were allowed to bring in up
to five used books to trade for other used
books. An amazing total of 1,200 books
were brought in for the swap. That’s practically a library!
The event was sponsored by Coy’s
student council. Members Ben Dunsmore,
Drew Schroeder, Lucy Hoskins, Derek
Deal, Jacob Lafferty, Raecie Jones, Megan
Korb, Deion Vartorella, Owen Schoegl
and Olivia Jones worked the swap the
week before, collecting, organizing and
storing books. With summer approaching,
it was a great way to encourage students
to continue reading during vacation, and
it provided a valuable environmental lesson at the same time.
The student council would also like
to give a special thanks to parent volunteers, Grandma Cici Gladieux and Grandma Kathy Cousino, who helped them to
run the swap. Thanks is also due to Mrs.
Gyurke, student council advisor.
The day before the 2013 OAA tests
began, grades three to five filed into the
Coy Elementary gymnasium to the roaring chant of “DO YOUR BEST, ON THE
Kindergarten to grade two clapped
their hands, stomped their feet and followed Jim Basketball Jones’ example in
cheering on their older peers to rev them
up for the looming assessment. When
everyone was seated, Jones not only entertained the students with his basketball
handling antics and humor, he also en-
couraged them to stop and practice patient
listening and reading. Jones reminded
students that no matter what choice they
make, it is still ultimately their choice.
He encouraged students to make positive
choices, to live life kindly, and to exercise
good judgment while taking the OAA.
Willing - and less willing - members of
the audience joined Jones on stage to demonstrate courage by showing they could
step out of their comfort zone to get a job
done. Jones’ message to the students was
to think, to focus, and to bust that test.
Courtyard Makeover
Top Left: Ike's courtyard before the makeover. Top Middle: Clark's Custom Concrete labored on the black and white "E" masterpiece. Bottom Left: Every bit of soil
had to be removed and all concrete to be hauled by wheelbarrow. Bottom Middle: The "E" is the centerpiece of the courtyard. Right: The finished courtyard.
In anticipation of a visit by Merrill Eisenhower Atwater (great-grandson
of Dwight D. Eisenhower), Eisenhower
Middle School assembled a team of student and parent volunteers who wanted to
spruce up the courtyard off the main hallway that is visible from the offices. After
a plan was created, the volunteer crew
began on an unusually warm Saturday in
early March.
The plan called for clean-up of the
current landscaping beds, taking out the
center circle patio pavers, and creating a
new centerpiece in its place. To remain
maintenance free and long-lasting, a concrete “E” was designed to be the new
centerpiece of the courtyard. Over spring
break in April, Clark’s Custom Concrete
labored on the black and white “E” masterpiece. The work required every bit of
soil to be removed, and all concrete to be
hauled by wheelbarrow. The end result is
pretty awesome! Stop in sometime and
take a look.
The landscaping beds were edged with
granite boulders, bushes were trimmed,
beds were weeded, over 40 wheelbarrows
of mulch were brought in, and new bushes
were planted. The wood carving of “Ike”
(the falcon), has taken center stage in one
of the beds. He is, however, looking for
a wood-working specialist who would be
able to restore his façade to better condition, as birds have infiltrated his wing to
build nests for their young.
Eisenhower would like to thank the
Super Sleuths
Coy's Super Sleuths.
Each year, Coy School 4th and 5th
grade students have the opportunity to
sharpen research skills during visits to
the school’s library, as they strive to earn
the title of “Library Super Sleuth.” Every
week, the reference section of the library
Car Wash
features a research question and a special
word to define. Students carry out their
investigations using any resource available in the library. However, our young
detectives must follow proper protocol
when solving the mysteries. They must
identify their source and submit conclusions in complete sentence form.
They must also properly use the
word of the week in a sentence according to the part of speech for the chosen
definition. Each month, correct conclusions are included in a drawing. The
more research a student conducts during
the month, the more opportunities he or
she has to earn the worthy distinction of
“Coy Library Super Sleuth.” The award
for success is the choice of a book to add
to his or her personal library, but even
more importantly, each student is perfecting the ability to find answers by using various sources. The title of Library
Super Sleuth for the 2012-2013 school
year goes to the following students: Lucas Collins, Katherine Van Sickle, Lucius
Doggett, Brigid Collins, Cheyenne Boyd,
Hope Baumgartner, Andy Kessler, Bella
Kennedy, John Engle, Emily Brown,
Paige Kapfhammer, Amber Smith and
Katelyn Garza.
Dad - The Perennial Favorite
It must be the end of the year. That
perennial favorite, “Dads’ Day,” made its
appearance at Coy Elementary once more.
This marked the 59th annual Dads’ Day
celebration, and looking back over the
years, one has to be amazed at the changes our world has gone through since its
Dads’ Day was originally established
as an opportunity for fathers to spend
some quality time in a school setting with
their children. With the evolution of the
family, Dads’ Day is now attended by any
significant person in the student’s life.
And the main focus is that the very presence of that person shows the child just
how much someone cares about him or
This year’s celebration included a parents’ breakfast where long-time attendees
following local companies that either contributed time or materials to the courtyard
makeover: Benche’s Greenhouse, Clark’s
Custom Concrete, Nissen Concrete and
Warnke Enterprises. Also, a huge thank
you to the students who volunteered time
to help transform the courtyard: Breanna
Batch, Jayla Musselman, Kennedy Coughlin, Hayden Dickerson, Josh Meinke, Erek
Hansen, Emma Hansen, Cassidy Krieger,
Meaghan Henry, Mackenzie Henry, Liz
Zak and Jacqueline Staudinger.
were acknowledged and honored. There
were huge, themed gift baskets for raffle
and a family, picnic-style lunch. There
were also opportunities for the children
and family members to participate in activities together.
Come rain or shine, Dads’ Day is
an Oregon institution and a program of
which our district can be proud.
Honor Rolls on pages 10 and 11
“When I was a boy and I would
see scary things in the news, my
mother would say to me, ‘Look for the
helpers. You will always find people
who are helping.’” – Mister Rogers
Most of the time, you don’t see
all the helpers on the news; they are
the heroic individuals who donate
their time and/or support the fundraising efforts. For example, there
were MANY heroes on a chilly Saturday morning on May 11.
Despite the 46 degree temperature, a few Clay High School Volunteer Focus members sponsored
a car wash to raise money for Vail
Meadows Therapeutic Riding Center.
There were many heroes that morning-- from the students who washed
cars to Advance Auto Parts who donated all the supplies, to those who
made donations to have their car(s)
washed, to those who just made donations.
There are a lot of “helpers” that
you never see. It was so heartfelt and
touching to listen to stories of how
Vail Meadows has helped family
members, stories of friendships with
the horses and the Vail family. There
were donations made, both large and
small; one individual was on her way
to visit family in the hospital and still
took time to stop and make a donation. Another gentleman offered to
buy the volunteers hot chocolate.
When he told the McDonald’s employee what he was doing, the manager at the McDonald’s on Woodville
Road donated not only hot chocolate,
but French fries and burgers too for
all the volunteers. Advance Auto
Parts also matched a purchase of additional cleaning supplies made by
this same individual.
Clay High School Volunteer Focus Members would like to say Thank
You to all the “helpers” who took
time out of their busy day to “pay it
forward.” No matter what your donation, you really make a difference.
Claire's Day
Left: Proud C.A.R.E. Award recipients display their awards. Right: Nickey Ollivier displays his C.A.R.E. Award.
May 18th marked the 12th Annual Claire’s Day. Claire’s Day is a
free family book festival held annually
in honor of Claire Lynsey Rubini who
passed away from a heart condition in
2000, when she was just ten years old.
Claire’s Day embraces all of her favorite activities, including telling stories,
dancing, making crafts, but most of
all, reading. The Claire’s Day Inc. mis-
sion is to inspire children of all ages
and their families to be lifelong readers
through exposure to a variety of literary
opportunities and experiences. Claire’s
Day was held at the Maumee branch of
the Toledo Lucas County Public Library.
The Claire’s Day book festival featured
children’s book authors and illustrators
from around the country. The authors
and illustrators met with young readers
to discuss their craft and to sign their
books. The day also included storytellers, live music, and hands-on activities. The highlight of the day was the
C.A.R.E. Awards (Claire’s Awards for
Reading Excellence), which were presented to students recognized by their
schools as being the most improved in
their reading skills. Starr School had 22
students receive this award! Congratulations to the following students: Felicity Bloomfield, Alyssa Navarre, James
Ziegelhofer, Hunter Thomas, Gavin
Westlick, Courtney Jones, Elijah Mead,
Brianna Ray, Madi Gomez, Isabelle Perkin, Clara Steele, Zoey Cousino, Marissa
Garcia, Mason Morse, Estrella Ruiz, Nathan Gladieux, Mohammed Wehbi, Seth
Zapada, Savannah Ault, Alexis Scott,
Jacob Reed, and Alyssa Krontz.
At Coy, Nickey Ollivier was honored, as was Julia Russo.
A special thanks to Julie and Brad
Rubini, founders of Claire’s Day, for
hosting this very special event.
District Champions
Left: The district champions. Right:
Erin Gyurke received the TRAC track
MVP award, and Coach Scott Wamer
received the Girls Track and Field
TRAC Coach of the Year Award.
The Clay High School girls track
and field team has won the school’s
first ever district championship on May
25 at St. Francis. The girls beat Notre
Dame Academy by 2.5 points, and were
lead by lone district champion, Nicole
Breeden, in the discus. Nicole also
placed second in the shot put. Haley
Hess, Hannah Hess, Erin Gyurke, Emilie
Roman and Kasey O’Shea also qualified
in multiple events. Sophomore Grace
Winckowski qualified in the 100m
hurdles. The regionals were held at
Amherst Steele High School May 29
and May 31.
Cody Hockey Clinic A Success
their time, and for “allowing us to facilitate
a clinic that not only helped pay tribute to
Cody, but also allowed us to give back to the
hockey community that has supported our
family through each step of the healing process,” Michelle, Cody’s mother, said. “We
are enthusiastic about the clinic’s growing success for years to come,” she added.
Honor Flight
Participants of the Cody VanHersett Hockey Clinic.
Written by: Robert Bundy
Clay Assistant Hockey Coach
The Clay High School varsity hockey
program held its second annual Cody VanHersett hockey clinic on March 23, at the
Toledo Ice House to a resounding success.
The Ice House volunteered its rink to
hold the clinic, which was free and open
to Oregon and surrounding area children
ranging in ages from 5-13. The participants were split into two age-appropriate
groups, and were given free t-shirts and
pizza after each session. Coaches from the
Northwest Ohio Hockey Conference, as
well as area hockey development profes-
sionals, volunteered their time and talents
to give instruction on hockey skills, such
as skating, passing, shooting, and goaltending.
The Cody Clinic was started last year
by the Clay hockey coaches to remember
the spirit and talents of their player, Cody
VanHersett, who died in an automobile accident on January 12, 2012. “Our goal is
to bring kids together to remember Cody,
and also to help build the hockey skills
of young kids and to foster the idea of a
strong hockey community,” Clay’s head
hockey coach, Mike Heck, said.
The VanHersett family was extremely
appreciative of everyone who volunteered
Veteran Edward Toth.
On Tuesday, April 30, Edward Toth,
Korean War veteran who served in the
US Navy between 1952-55 traveled on
the Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio,
thanks in part to the fundraising efforts
of Fassett Middle School. Mr. Toth is an
Oregon resident who attended Clay High
School. In the fall, students raised $625
toward the Honor Flight.
For Veteran’s Day, Jim Tichey spoke
to the students to give them a background
about Honor Flight. Students raised
money through various fun activities,
such as duct-taping Mr. Kidd and Mr.
Holcombe to the wall during a schoolwide assembly. Mr. Toth was able to see
the Korean War Memorial for the first
time ever. On his flight were 74 veterans
from Ohio and Michigan who served in
WWII and Korea.
The hometown celebration included
about 500 people who welcomed home
their veterans and thanked them for their
service. After the veterans deplaned at
Toledo Express, they walked through
a receiving line that had waving flags,
hugs, kisses, tears, and a lot of pictures.
Then, veterans had “mail call” where
they received knitted red, white, and
blue afghans and letters from loved ones
and students. Fassett students also wrote
letters to Mr. Toth and other veterans.
Mrs. Claydon said it was an absolute delight to see tears shed by our veterans,
to see the pride in their country, and the
thankfulness for our veterans from those
For more information on how
you can support this worthy cause,
please contact: Honor Flight Northwest
Ohio, c/o Jim Tichey 419-472-5045 or
[email protected].
First-Fifth Grade Partnership
Top Left: Fifth grade students assisted first graders in reading sea-themed
stories. Top Right: First graders working on crayon resists. Bottom Left:
Students display their crayon resist.
First and fifth graders partnered together on a reading and art project. The
students read ocean and sea-themed stories together, just in time for summer,
including Gulp! and The Rainbow Fish.
After enjoying the books, the students
worked in pairs to create a crayon resist
A Picture Is Worth...
of their favorite illustration. Fifth grader,
Hannah Blausey thought the first graders
were really good readers, and she thought
it was fun meeting new people. The first
graders loved working with the older
children, too.
Denim Drive
Clay High School's monitoring system fits nicely at Dispatch within the Oregon
City Police Department.
You’ve heard the expression “A picture is worth a thousand words.” In the
case of the new software package at Clay
High School, which converts our old analog and antiquated security camera system video to a state-of-the-art digital image, the improved function and picture is
worth far more than words. It is worth
the improved safety and security of over
1,500 students and staff.
The district-wide Health & Safety
Committee wholeheartedly supported
the purchase of the software package for
$16,700 as opposed to starting over and
pulling new cable to all new cameras,
which would have cost the district tens of
thousands more.
“The software allows the district to
replace cameras as they fail, and to move
into a digital camera over time without
compromising a quality image now,”
Dean Sandwisch, Director of Business Affairs, said.
The user friendly software is easier
for both school personnel and the Oregon
City Police to navigate.
“The quality of the film is much better than the old system. I can zoom in and
have a better picture,” Scott Wamer, Clay
High School Dean of Students said. “It is
easier and quicker to review film with the
new system.”
The Oregon City Police, who are connected via a fiber network, agree. The
once cumbersome, multi-screen monitor
system has been replaced with a highly
interactive, intuitive screen, capable of
switching from camera to camera in real
time, a feature invaluable to first responders.
This software package is another example of how Oregon City Schools and
the community are working together, not
only to spend taxpayer money wisely in
providing a cost-effective system, but also
to provide the highest level of safety to
our students and staff.
Top: Over 300 denim items were
Bottom: Kathy Klewer, student
council advisor, and 2nd grade
Did you know that it takes 500
denim items to insulate a home? Jerusalem students do. They recently held
a Denim Drive, sponsored by the Student Council, in an effort to recycle and
reuse all things denim. Over two weeks
in April, students donated 333 denim
items! This charity event was inspired
by former Jerusalem student, Erek Han-
sen, who is now a 7th grader at Eisenhower Middle School. Erek conducts a
large denim drive each spring and has
even collected denim in Washington,
D.C., where he was recognized with a
special award. See his website for further information [www.ecoerek.org].
Thank you to all who contributed, and
let’s plan ahead for next year!
A Trip To Stone Lab For A Day Of Science
Left: GT 5th grade students spent a day exploring the conditions of Lake Erie. Right: Students went on a cruise to take various samples when they studied and
The 5th grade gifted and talented students in Mrs. Sneed’s class spent this semester studying Lake Erie. Their research
included facts about the basins of the lake,
inflow, outflow, water replacement rate,
and flora/fauna of Lake Erie. Some of this
research led to a discussion about why the
lake has three basins and also a discussion
of invasive species. The students used
this information to create a brochure about
Lake Erie and culminated with a field trip
to Gibraltar Island. Colton Plumb, a graduate of Clay High School, led the day of science, which included a science cruise to
collect data about water conditions and to
collect plankton/fish to examine/dissect.
All of the findings will be housed at The
Ohio State University and will be used to
determine water quality/conditions on the
specific day the class was on Lake Erie.
Senator Sherrod Brown
Students Come
Honors Oregon City Schools Face-To-Face With A Stinger
Oregon 8th grade students met Senator Sherrod Brown on their Washington
D.C. trip.
Approximately 160 Oregon City
School District students and teachers,
as well as Tom Susor, City of Oregon
council president, met with U.S. Sen.
Sherrod Brown this week. The school
Kohl's Kids
Kohl’s Kids In Action (KKIA) is
sponsored by Mercy Children’s Hospital and Kohl’s Department store.
KKIA is fighting the childhood obesity battle by focusing on prevention.
Kohl’s donates time, effort and funding to keeping kids healthy. Partnering with 151 hospitals across the
country, Kohl’s has donated nearly
$15.1 million toward health and education initiatives. Every sale of Kohl’s
Cares for Kids merchandise is donated to programs like Kohl’s Kids in
Mercy Children’s Hospital and
Kohl’s have worked together for the
past four years to promote child safety
and prevent childhood obesity. Their
aim is to help your child maintain a
healthy weight by balancing the calories that he or she eats and drinks
with the energy needed for growth
and physical activity. Representatives from the KKIA program were
at Coy to talk about eating and living
a healthy lifestyle. Ask your child
what he or she learned about eating
the right food and getting enough exercise. Lessons like these are part of
life-long learning!
district recently partnered with the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority to
transition away from traditional electricity to wind and solar power. Sen. Brown
honored the school district, located in
Lucas County, by inserting a statement
about the district’s environmental work
into the official Congressional Record.
“Oregon City School District administrators, teachers, parents – and especially
students – are working to improve our environment. I am proud that Ohio is home
to schools that are taking steps to protect
our environment for current and future
generations,” Sen. Brown said. “Schools
that work to reduce environment-related health issues are doing their part to
provide students with an environment
where learning is the primary focus.”
Oregon City Schools set up wind
turbines at Clay High School and Eisenhower Middle School and installed solar panels on the roofs of Jerusalem and
Starr Elementary Schools. In just 10 days
in October, Clay Campus’s wind turbine,
Power Wind 56, produced 149 percent
of campus energy needs. All computers,
all lights, all kitchen activity, and fans on
Clay Campus are now wind-powered. Besides saving on energy costs, as of March
21, the school district is producing 800
fewer tons of carbon dioxide, meaning
less acid rain-causing sulfur dioxide and
nitrous oxide is going into the air.
Jerusalem 4th and 5th grade students in front of a Stinger Jet.
Fourth and Fifth graders at Jerusalem
Elementary had the privilege of visiting
the 112th Fighter Toledo Air Guard this
month! Thanks to Lieutenant Colonel
Belli, 112th Fighter Squadron Commander, and Jerusalem parent. Students were
able to tour the hanger, and see jets, fuel
tanks, and even missiles up close! The
classes were given the opportunity to
talk to National Air Guard officers. Pilots
answered students’ questions, and explained their role in keeping our nation
safe. As a special treat, students also had
a group panoramic picture taken in front
of a Stinger Jet. The photo, sponsored by
JPG, will be given to each fourth and fifth
grader as a special memory of their last
year at Jerusalem.
A Beatles Medley
In April, the
Clay High
School Choir,
directed by
Tony Zsigray,
at the Rock
and Roll Hall
of Fame in
Ohio. After
submitting an
audition video,
the choir was
selected to perform a medley
of music by
“The Beatles.”
The Fascinating Professor Ray
Left: Professor Ray entertained students with demostrations involving
Right: "Ok, I see it now."
Students at Jerusalem were fascinated by a visit from Professor Ray on May
17, Whose demonstration on Luminosity
enlightened everyone watching. Professor Ray talked about reflecting light and
refracting light, and showed a magic trick
using a mirror. He demonstrated how the
human eye works with convex and concave mirrors and a little toy pig. He created fire in teachers’ hands, and gave an
example of how glow sticks work. Volunteers helped by making a simple circuit,
and by holding a magnifying glass to their
eye, and also got to see a pickle used as an
example of a light bulb!
Real Heros Read
Left: A student from each classroom was selected to have lunch with the authors. Right: The authors entertained the students with various activities.
On May 14, Starr School was privileged to have authors David Anthony and
Charles David Clasman come to speak to
the students, who were entertained by
their story telling, balloon-sword knighting, and juggling. David and Charles have
written three different series of books:
Heroes A2Z, Knightscares, and Mystery
Underground. The students enjoyed the
presentation, and a student was selected
from each classroom to have lunch with
the authors, whose key messages were
“Real Heros Read.” They also stressed
how readers can go anywhere with a
Fall Sports Schedules
Continued on page 12
Varsity Volleyball (Girls)
Aug. 17
Aug. 20
Aug. 22
Aug. 24
Aug. 29
Aug. 31
Sep. 05
Sep. 07
Sep. 09
Sep. 12
Sep. 16
Sep. 19
Sep. 23
Sep. 26
Sep. 28
Sep. 30
Oct. 03
Oct. 05
Oct. 07
Oct. 10
@ Northview
Anthony Wayne HS
@ Start High School
@ Cardinal Stritch H.S.
* @ Notre Dame Academy
@ Perrysburg High School
* Lima Senior High School
@ Southview High School
@ Eastwood High School
Central Catholic H.S.
* @ Fremont Ross High School
* St. Ursula Academy
Rossford High School
* Whitmer High School
Bowsher High School
* @ Findlay High School
* @ TRAC Championship
Clay Eagle Invitational
* @ TRAC Championship
* @ TRAC Championship
Clay High SchoolOregon
Start High School
Cardinal Stritch
Notre Dame High School
Perrysburg High School
Clay High SchoolOregon
Southview High School
Eastwood High School
Clay High SchoolOregon
Fremont Ross
Clay High School
Clay High SchoolOregon
Clay High SchoolOregon
Clay High SchoolOregon
Findlay High School
TRAC Championship
Clay High School
TRAC Championship
St. Ursula High School
Varsity Tennis (Girls)
Pictured: Award-winning children's author, Denise Brennan-Nelson and TACIRA
President, Julie Marciniak.
First grade teacher, Julie Marciniak, from Coy Elementary had the honor
and pleasure of serving as this year’s
president of The Toledo Area Council of
the International Reading Association.
One special perk of being president is organizing and hosting two author festivals this year. Each festival
was held at the Ward Pavilion in Wildwood Metro Park. More than 600 students from local school districts were
invited to meet the guest authors and to
celebrate a love for reading great books!
The TACIRA is now looking
for a new vice president and secretary for the 2013-14 school year.
This is a non-profit organization that celebrates literacy and works on philanthropic ideas for the surrounding communities.
If you love promoting literacy, and
enjoy collaborating with other educators, please visit www.TACIRA.org or
email Julie Marciniak with your interest.
Aug. 15
Aug. 19
Aug. 20
Aug. 22
Aug. 27
Aug. 28
Aug. 29
Sep. 03
Sep. 04
Sep. 05
Sep. 10
Sep. 14
Sep. 16
Sep. 17
Sep. 23
Sep. 24
Sep. 25
Perrysburg High School
@ Southview High School
* St. Ursula Academy
@ Springfield High School
* @ Whitmer High School
Maumee Valley Country Day
* Fremont Ross High School
* @ Findlay High School
@ Maumee High School
Rossford High School
* Notre Dame Academy
@ Fostoria Invite
Bowling Green High School
* @ Lima Senior High School
Oak Harbor High School
* Central Catholic H.S.
@ St. Joseph Central Catholic
Clay High SchoolOregon
Southview High School
Clay High School
Springfield High School
Whitmer High School
Clay High SchoolOregon
Clay High School
Findlay High School
Maumee High School
Clay High SchoolOregon
Clay High School
Fostoria High School
Clay High School
Lima Senior High School
Clay High School
Clay High School
Fremont St. Joe
Oregon City School Honor Roll
Clay High
12th Grade
Amenta, Carmelo
Badik, Nicole
Baker, Brent
Belkofer, Derek
Bleau, Kennedy
Blosser, Zoe
Bohland, Jakob
Brann, Nicholas
Breeden, Nicole
Breier, Nicholas
Brezvai, Alyssa
Brummett, Tylor
Bryant, Alexia
Bucher, Emylee
Calevro, Carly
Carr, Hanna
Ceja Villasenor, Oyuki
Charchol, Samantha
Christian, Kendyl
Chudey, Randy
Clutter, Autumn
Coker, Jordan
Cowell, Hanna
Csizek, Anthony
Davis, Luke
Demeo, James
Dewey, Cassandra
Donahue, Olivia
Dorring, Makenzie
Doughten, Merideth
Duez, Jessica
Dunbar, Lawrence
Duran, Emilio
Durczynski, Kayla
Durrant, Lisa
Dwyer, Summer
English, Andrew
Everhardt, Tyler
Farrell, Alexandra
Ferencz, Sierra
Folk, Collin
Fuelling, Ryan
Gadus, Victoria
Gerrard, Ethan
Gladieux, Kyle
Gonzales, Kirsten
Gore, Cody
Gorshoff, Katherine
Graham, Caleb
Groll, Abigail
Grosjean, Jordan
Harsh, Cody
Hartkopf, Cassandra
Henegar, Chelsea
Hennessy, Matthew
Hoffman, Brittany
Hooks, Hunter
Horvath, Danielle
Horvath, Eli
Jacso, Jessica
Jomaa, Mounib
Kelly, Carrolline
Killen, Cassandra
Kiss, Victoria
Klewer, Todd
Klorer, Daniel
Klosinski, Kristen
Knoop, Kelsey
Kovach, Taylor
Ladd, Megan
LaPlante, Robert
Le, Teresa
Lessard, Dylan
Lester, Madison
Lewinski, Jessica
Lozinski, Austin
Lunsford, Natasha
Lyons, Christina
McCoy, Brittany
McGrady, Jenna
McLeod, Samantha
McQueary, Sydney
Miller, Rebecca
Moore, Angela
Morrissy, Julia
Murphy Jr, James
Myers, Alexander
Myers, Cierra
Nelson, Danny
Noethen, Jennifer
Novak, Emily
Nyers, Alex
O Shea, Kasey
Pelfrey, Brandy
Peters, Nicolette
Pettaway, Jalen
Pyle, Andrew
Quinlan, Jacob
Rank, Robert
Reed, Darren
Repeta, Natalie
Rice, Tessa
Richard, Jacob
Rigg, Samantha
Rizo, Aaron
Robson, Lucas
Row, Sarah
Rumans, Preston
Ruskinoff, Nikolas
Salas, Maribel
Samples, Jasmine
Schiavone, Lindsay
Scott, Victoria
Shanks, Jordan
Sharlow, Kelsey
Shields, Taylor
Shinaver, Zachary
Short, Dennis
Shull, Riley
Siford, Megan
Smith, Brittany
Smithers, Chelsey
Solis, Kiersten
Soncrant, Megan
Staler, Adam
Strohscher, Jacob
Swanson, Daniel
Tate, Devin
Utter, Joseph
Vincent, Clayton
Volmar, Alyssa
Wasserman, Riley
Wealleans, Jacob
Webb, Samantha
Wegrzyn, Amanda
White, Mariah
Winckowski, Lydia
Wood, Alan
Yoder, Samantha
Zeitoun, Mahmoud
Zunk, Sidney
11th Grade
Armstrong, Vincent
Bee, Jessica Helen
Belkofer, Jennifer
Berg, Dylan
Broka, Chase
Broughton, Kelsey
Burgess, Jesecca
Carpenter, Aaron
Chung, Michael
Chung, Robert
Cook, Trent
Coughlin, Cassidy
Cousino, Andrew
Cufr, Payton
Daniel, Taylor
Dansack, Matthew
Dart, Shyann
Davies, Logan
Degg, Ashley
DeMeo, Jody
Dewey, Anthony
Duke, Marisa
Dunbar, Tyler
Duncan, Craig
Durando, Caterina
Dusza, Dylan
Eaton, Kacy
Ewersen, Tyler
Fletcher, Haylie
Flores, Anyssia
Floyd, Amtheyst
Frederick, Stephanie
Fussell, Alyssa
Gallaher, Brooke
Gargac, Sierra
Garmon, Shalynn
Gift, Tamra
Gill, Taylor
Goeckerman, Megan
Graham, Troy
Gray, Austin
Gray, Cassidy
Greenblat, Corey
Grindle, Samantha
Gyurke, Erin
Hadzovic, Lejla
Hairabedian, Curtis
Ham, Lucas
Hartford Daly, Brandohn
Hartford, Brandy
Hatfield, Christopher
Heilman, Blake
Heintschel, Alyssa
Heinze, Samantha
Heninger, John
Hornyak, Chelsea
Huffman, Zachery
Huggins, Devin
Isbell, Cooper
Isbell, Harleigh
Joven, Amanda
Kapfhammer, Alexis
Kegerize, Daniel
Kellar, Joshua
Keller, Jillian
Keller, Jordan
Kesling, Hannah
Killen, Tyler
Klostermeier, Alexis
Kovacs, Morgan
Kristof, Molly
Kubicki, Haley
Lafountaine, Anna
LaRue, Jacob
Lawson, Joseph
Lodzinski, Madeline
Lorenzen, Danielle
Lucas, Jennifer
Luce, Zoe
Maher, Hayley
Martinez, Maisy
Martinez, Selena
Maynhart, Megan
Maze, Samantha
McCloud, Chrystian
McDougle, Mariah
McGath, Sydney
McIlroy, Erica
McNutt, Charles
Migliori, Chelsey
Miller, Chelsea
Miller, Jasmine
Mireles, Chico
Mominee, Lily
Mondragon, Jacqueline
Myers, Mackenzie
Myrice, Klaudia
Nagy, Jay
Nelson, Gavin
Nelson, Rachel
Ogburn, Drake
Osenbaugh, Joshua
Parman, Brooke
Pennington, Joshua
Perez, Antonio
Perlaky, Spencer
Petrova, Elena
Phillips, Madison
Powell, Jeanette
Quinlan, Courtney
Reich, Bethany
Rice, Kylie
Riley, Bridget
Riley, Kellie
Roberts, Taylor
Rodriguez, Shane
Roman, Emilie
Row, Kyle
Rowland, Kaddie
Rumans, Brittany
Saenz, Luis
Salazar, Javier
Scott, David
Selee, Ashley
Sharlow, Eric
Sheahan, Kaitlyn
Shields, Hailey
Sibbersen, Emily
Silva Chaves, Bibiana
Smith, Ashley
Smith, Jay
Stelter, Rachel
Susor, Allison
Susor, Honnah
Szegedi, Macie
Taylor, Justin
Todd, Darren
Tolliver, Amanda
Tolliver, Ashley
Trumbull, Julie
Ueberroth, Anthony
Vartorella, Austin
Vinet, Inez
White, Matthew
Woodrum, Jacob
Yohn, Kaylea
York, Matthew
Zalar, Edward
Zunnoor, Syedah
10th Grade
Anderson, Brant
Anderson, Bryce
Anderson, Jonathan
Arnold, Ryan
Barnes, Kimberly
Barney, Shannon
Barney, Shelby
Barrett, Sydney
Barron, Jimmie
Bassiouni, Omar
Beckman, Nathan
Bee, Mary
Berger, Jeremiah
Bermejo, Mateo
Billiard, Brianna
Bocook, Baleigh
Bohland, Jessalyn
Breeden, Heather
Campbell, Madison
Cannon, Alaina
Carter, Julianne
Chancey, Logan
Chizmar, Tabatha
Cluckey, Emily
Connor, Morgan
Coughlin, Bailey
Culver, Sarah
Czop, Abaegail
Davies, Marissa
Dean, Brandyn
Dudley, Dalton
Duran, Celeste
Duwve, Madeline
Edwards, Ceara
Emch, Katherine
Enck, Samantha
Ferencz, Hailey
Fernandes, Elijah
Fisher, Austin
Fournier, Ryan
Gajdostik, Regan
Gargac, Alexander
Garrett, Jacob
Gears, Meghan
Giannetti, Rebecca
Gibbons, Matthew
Gladieux, Cole
Glesser, Rebecca
Gonzales, Morgan
Gould-Dusseau, Alicia
Grimes, Maddison
Gwin, Austyn
Gyori, Brandon
Gyori, Brooke
Hagdohl, Emily
Haines, Cory
Halka, Logan
Heck, Alyssa
Herbster, Bryan
Hernandez, Anhelica
Holman, Kerstin
Hook, Emily
Horvath, Joseph
Jacobs, Jarod
Jacobs, Joshua
Jankowski, Sabrina
Kaczmarek, Rebecca
Keilholz, Benjamin
Kelly, Krista
Kidd, Jenna
King, Andrea
Kozlaker, Kyle
Kuecher, Rachael
Laws, Clay
Lefevre, Benjamin
Lewis, Lauren
Lindsay, Ashley
Loucks, Alexis
Martinez, Arica
Mason, Emily
Menchaca, Kaylah
Merritt, Kelsey Deandra
Mildenberger, Tyler
Miller, Jamie
Miller, Jared
Miller, Kayleigh
Mills, Marisa
Moore, NaKiya
Mosiniak, Morgan
Musselman, Alexa
Newton, Kara
Novak, Hannah
Orr, Haley
Phanthalasy, Vassana
Pollauf, Zacary
Pringle, Wyatt
Pullella, Courtney
Reder, Anastasia
Rettig, Kirsten
Rheinbolt, Connor
Rigg, Carly
Robinson, Justin
Rodriguez, Peter
Roughton, Kyle
Rueng O Cha,
Schiavone, Hayley
Schloegl, Andrew
Schuller, Kristina
Schuller, Stephanie
Schwind, Sophia
Screptock, Richard
Seimet, Kailie
Seymour, Aaron
Shaffer, Monica
Sheetz, Coral
Shelton, Chloe
Shinaver, Allyson
Shinaver, Danielle
Shrewsberry, Alexis
Siegler, Devin
Simon, Kara
Snyder, Tristin
Spaulding, Ondrea
Stewart, Shelby
Swisher, Kyle
TenEyck, Lindsey
Trouten, Rachel
Twining, Justin
Ulrich, Megan
Upham, Megan
VanNest, Austin
Veler, Kaylee
Vermett, Katelynn
Vriezelaar, Alec
Ward, Lexis
Wells, Mackenzie
Wilbarger, Tyler
Wilbur, Tristan
Wilson, Brooke
Wilson, Courtney
Winckowski, Grace
Yarger, Madison
9th Grade
Alore, Adrienne
Andrus, Benjamin
Arman, Paige
Auger, Victoria
Bachmayer, Brandon
Baumer, Hayley
Beamer, Tyler
Belinske, Brock
Benton, Philip
Bleau, Landon
Blosser, Maya
Boros, Stephanie
Brown, Zachary
Buchan, Nicholas
Burgess, Maggie
Burns, Adam
Cairl, Timothy
Campbell, Kyle
Canada, Shawnee
Canterbury, Ayla
Case, Austin
Clark, Dylan
Clark, Hannah
Cluckey, Logan
Cousino, Amber
Cummings, Mason
Davis, Jeremiah
Dewitt, Zackary
Dickerson, Kayla
Diebert, Rayann
Dominique, Haley
Dreier, Matthew
Durczynski, Noah
Edler, Allison
Faneuff, Aaron
Filka, Abby
Ford, Kyle
Fouke, Jeffery
Garner, Michael
Giles, Andreonia
Giles, Ashlynn
Giovanoli, Donte
Giovanoli, Gino
Goralske, Brittney
Goucher, Miranda
Graham, Noah
Groll, Erynn
Handy Jr, Michael
Harrison, Joshua
Hartwig, Stacey
Hauter, Kelsi
Heck, Justin
Henegar, Taylor
Hess, Haley
Hess, Hannah
Isbell, Bailey
Ivan, Marie
Jacobs, Anthony
Jacobs, Aubrey
Jacobs, Christian
Jadlocki, Alyson
Johnson, Jade
Jones, Chandler
Jones, Megan
Keiser, Ariel
Kochanski, Austin
Kovacs, Eric
Kubicki, Mitchell
Kuhlman, Hannah
Kwiatkowski, Sydney
Lajti, Hannah
Lajti, Kaitlyn
Lajzer, Cassandra
Lambrecht, Alyssa
Larue, Nicholas
Latta, Anthony
Leathers, Brayden
Lee, Dustin
Leichty, Zachary
Lenning, Jacob
Lopez, Thomas
Lozier, Austin
Malczewski, Benjamin
Mantyla, Jenna
Martin, Leslie
Martin, Matthew
Martinez, Sara
Martinez, Sontino
Matuszynski, Gregory
McKinney, Emma
McNeal, Marlena
Miller, Omada
Morris, Amanda
Neeley, Taylor
Neverauskas, Audras
Nguyen, Steven
O’Neal, Ashley
Ortyl, Tyler
Palmer, Carley
Paprocki, Ashley
Pioterek, Katie
Ploof, Katelynn
Reardon, Jimmy
Reichert, Allison
Repeta, Cruz
Resendez, Estrella
Rios Branstutter,
Robarge, Kaylee
Robinson, Austin
Rudolph IV, Bruce
Ruiz, Simon Lopez
Sanchez, Jose
Sattler, Kennedy
Sauerwein, Sydney
Schroeder, Max
Schultz, Emelie
Sheahan, Alexa
Shope Mohney, Monica
Slovak, Madison
Slover, Emily
Sloyer, Kali
Smith, Gavin
Smithers, Cameron
Sneed, Madeline
Snyder, Callie
Sondergeld, Baylee
Sondergeld, Brittany
St Julian, Alexa
Stringham, Richard
Susor, Brooks
Takacs, Jessica
Thompson, Alec
Todoroff, Briahna
Toth, Katherine
Trowbridge, Amy
Ueberroth, Michaela
Vriezelaar, Jake
Walls, Emily
Walter, Christopher
Weiland, Sierra
Whitt, Jaret
Winslow, LeAnn
Wolfe, Harrison
Zeiler, Monica
Zunk, Alexis
Eisenhower Middle
8th Grade
Baker, Mason
Batch, Abigail
Berning, Nathan
Bird, Sara
Bourdo, Ashley
Bricker, Carl
Briones, Lynnsie
Bundy, Hannah
Burre, Taylor
Clay, Coby
Clere, Karleigh
Curry, Kevin
Douglass, John
Edwards, Robert
Elmajzoub, Mohammed
Emch, Nicholas
Essing, Jake
Everhardt, Kelsey
Finger, Luke
Foster, Anthony
Gajdostik, Grant
Gargac, Keaton
Garrett, Samantha
Gaskins, Adam
Gerrard, Hanna
Gibbons, Elizabeth
Gwin, Braedyn
Heintschel, Samantha
Hess, Sydney
Hinkle, Logan
Hornyak, Olivia
Howard, Lauren
Huffman, Brianna
Juhasz, Drew
Kiss, Joshua
Kolinski, Hannah
Kolodziejski, Brianna
Kolodziejski, Lexie
Kozlaker, Connor
Lammers, Jacob
Lee, Andrea
Lohrer, Erica
Madison, Samantha
Mallett, Mackenzie
Martin, Alaynah
Martinez, Lisa
Mata, Julio
Meier, Lillian
Miller, Madison
Morrison, Olivia
Mowrer, Kierra
Mullins, Cameron
Nagypaul, Kyrsten
O Shea, Caitlin
Parker, Joshua
Peart, Keagen
Phillips, Bailey
Powell, Bayleigh
Powell, Hallie
Reynolds, Calee
Riley, Timothy
Rohm, Danielle
Rossler, Madeline
Sabalinski, Cassidy
Schneider, Amelia
Searle, John
Shanks, Brenden
Siefke, Caleb
Snow, Pete
Speweik, Alexandra
Speweik, Angela
Takacs, Ashlyn
Thiel, Lydia
Tilton, Chase
Truman, Alexandria
Ulrich, Alyssa
Vartorella, Alexandra
Verb, Joci
Vincent, Gary
Vislay, Marisa
Wilson, Kailey
Wiseman, Michael
Yenrick, Bekah
Zachel, Breann
7th Grade
Ankney, Zachary
Badenhop, Austyn
Baker, Cheyenne
Bassiouni, Dalia
Batch, Breanna
Beamer, Trevor
Bolander, Alexandria
Bomyea, Austin
Bonnice, Ruth
Booth, Pillar
Buschmann, Jordan
Calkins, Dakota
Campbell, Owen
Carr, David
Cavaliere, Nicholas
Chancey, Rylee
Church, Alexandria
Clark, Reagan
Clere, Hailey
Combs, Myranda
Connor, Charles
Cousino, Kirsten
Cutcher, Edward
Czop, Lillian
Daly, Morgan
Davies, Selena
Denmark, Nicholas
Dickens, Alyssa
Dickerson, Hayden
Emch, Jake
Fernandes, Jude
Fernandes, Philomena
Fisher, Adrienne
Garza, Christopher
Gonzales, Macey
Grames, Jagger
Groll, Zachery
Guerrero, Cecilia
Halley, Marc
Hansen, Erek
Hansen, Hannah
Harrison, Kendra
Heck, Caleb
Hendricks, Madison
Henney, Taylor
Hopper, April
Horman, Brandon
Huffman, Alyssa
Isbell, Joshua
Jacobs, Kendall
James, Skylar
Keilholz, Jacob
Kim, Kaden
King, Megan
Krieger, Caitlin
Krieger, Jessica
Lee, Madelyn
Lunsford, Devin
Markus, Morgan
Meinke, Joshua
Migliori, Marissa
Mohr, Matthew
Nagel, Kimberly
Naugle, Alyson
Peery, Tatum
Perez Jr, Robert
Rasheed, Amirah
Reichow, Grace
Schroeder, Mason
Smith, Megan
Snyder, Matthew
Soto, Christian
Staudinger, Jacquelyn
Suto Jr, Daniel
Szymczak, Bo
Talton, Joseph
Tate, Sarah
Tilton, Olivia
Titsworth, Paige
True, Cole
Twining, Ryan
Uriarte, Teresita
Vidra, Connor
Vincent, Elizabeth
Vincent, Samuel
Warrington, Jonathan
Wells, Kendall
Winckowski, Jack
Wisniewski, Meradith
Zak, Elizabeth
6th Grade
Ackerman, Ariana
Angel, Joseph
Barnes, Katelynn
Bomyea, Monica
Boros, Nicholas
Briones, Daniel
Brittian, Cameron
Brown, Andrew
Canterbury, Courtney
Chanthakham, Alannah
Collins, Magdalena
Cordle, Alexis
Cowan, Isabella
Curtin, Charlotte
DeWitt, Maisy
Faneuff, Gregory
Finger, Sarah
Gaertner, Kelsey
Gallaher, Victoria
Gargac, Delaney
Graver, Bailey
Gyurke, Todd
Havener, Kaden
Henninger, Madison
Hornyak, Blake
Hornyak, Madison
Jacobs, Alexis
Johnson, Alexia
Johnson, Katherine
Joyce, Christopher
Juhasz, Ryan
Kapfhammer, Shelby
Kendrioski, Dominic
Kolinski, Abigail
Krieger, Cassidy
Krieger, Lindsey
Lammers, Alexander
Loucks, Anna
Maxon, Kaitlyn
McDonald, Madison
Meinke, Caleb
Miller, Chancellor
Mosiniak, Jacob
Neate, Cameron
Neverauskas, Lidija
Rable, Vivian
Rast, Brianna
Revenaugh, Kelli
Rew, Anna
Rigsby, Kaitlyn
Rossler, Morgan
Row, Zachary
Russell, Wyatt
Sigler, Hannah
Soto, Christopher
Spears, Grant
Szigeti, Alexander
Thompson, Wyatt
Titgemeyer, Andrew
Ulch, Jacob
Vartorella, Ashley
Vriezelaar, Madelyn
Wells, Lana
Yenrick, Palmer
Young, Addison
Vargyas, Madison
Vass, Andrew
Wamer, Jaycee
Ward, Alizabeth
Webb, Austin
Weirich, Lucas
Wharton, Halie
White, Christian
Wlodarz, Cassidy
7th Grade
Fassett Middle
8th Grade
Allred, Vanessa
Baker, Andrew
Bihn, Adam
Bollman, Alysa
Breeden, Maranda
Broka, Paige
Brooks, Chanler
Camarillo Garcia,
Canino, Taylor
Ceja Villasenor,
Cote, Baleigh
Dickens, Reece
Dokurno, Maegan
Evers, Gabrielle
Fiedler, Calvin
Fisher, Emilee
Fox, Calli
Fuller, Tyler
Furll, Jaden
Garcia, Mateo
Garcia, Ramon
Gears, Halie
Gechter, Crystal
George II, Michael
Gomez, Leonardo
Goulet, Ethan
Goulet, Nathan
Grimes, Mallory
Halka, Levi
Halter, Starra
Ham, Jessica
Heider, Baylon
Henneman, Nickalas
Hernandez Goderich,
Hierholzer, Kiara
Holzemer, Autumn
Hommel, Ally
Horvath, Jenna
Huss, Megan
Hutchens, Jacob
Iler, Dustin
Isbell, Alexander
Jankowski, Kate
Jeanlouis, Petion
Jehany, Hannah
Jobe, Grace
Joven, Ailene
Juarez, Andreas
Klatt, Donni
Knipp, Samantha
Kuecher, Caitlyn
Kulwicki, Jenna
Kurek, Thomas
Kusian, Paula
Ladd, Mallory
Lambrecht, Trace
Lingohr, Jacob
Lipper, Brittany
Lipper, Ciera
Mahler, Jenna
McGee, Hailey
McNutt, Hunter
Miller, Henry
Miller, Jorden
Mills, Christopher
Miner, Ashley
Nagy, William
Orr, Christian
Owens, Chelsea
Peace, Curtis
Perlaky, Logan
Perry, Nathan
Quinlan, Jonathon
Reder, Alexandra
Reese, Alexis
Rodriguez, Alayna
Saenz, Patricia
Sandoval, Jose
Saunders, Grant
Schaefer, Kory
Schweizer, Jacob
Smoot Pendergraff,
Sorrell, Alecia
Spraggins, Alexandra
Steingraber, Jacob
Steveson, Nicholas
Strohscher, Brooke
Tilton, Drew
Tresso, William
Urias, Brian
Aiton, Dustin
Anderson, Garret
Andrews, Haylie
Andrews, Kayla
Asbury, John
Berg, Sara
Berl, Normandie
Bliss, Walker
Bruns, Craig
Carlisle, Michael
Carter, Denise
Case, Joshua
Church, Phoebe
Cluckey, Thomas
Copeland, Alanna
Coughlin, Shannon
Cousino, Christopher
Daniel, Justin
Delgado, Ignacio
Duwve, Andrew
Eischen, Bradley
Estep, Angela
Evers, Aubrey
Flanagan, Colin
Fravor, Ezekial
Fredritz, Jacob
Fry, Jaclyn
Gardiner, Brianna
Gechter, Robert
Hadzovic, Alma
Hardy, Brandon
Heck, Jason
Herman, Cassandra
Herrick, Tyler
Hymore, Hanna
Hymore, Olivia
Jaquillard, Alec
Jaquillard, Mason
Kaczmarek, Kristina
Keister, Hunter
Ketron, Dominic
Kuhlman, Trent
Malloy, Madison
Martin, April
Martinez, Marissa
Maya, Shania
McClain, Haley
McCreary, Breanna
McGath, Logan
McNutt, Paige
Miller, Delanie
Pappas, Simon
Paquin, Savannah
Petitpas, Cheyenne
Pringle, Dalton
Pulter, Stephen
Pusey, Adrian
Quinlan, Natalie
Rayburn, Miranda
Reardon, Rooster
Reed, Maegan
Rew, Taytem
Rice, Madison
Rice, Natalie
Rickman, Hannah
Riter, Hailey
Rodgers, Kevin
Rodriguez, Alexia
Rodriguez, Lily
Salgau, Nicolai
Sanchez, Julian
Sanchez, Oscar
Schmidt, Hannah
Schrader, Kristianna
Serratos, Savannah
Serres, Camile
Shrewsberry, Eric
Sneed, Wesley
Stevens, Roger
Sutter, Skyler
Swan, Emily
Upham, Mackenzie
VanCamp, Leah
Venia, Max
Walter, Nicholas
Weishuhn, Johnathon
Wiedmann, Alayna
Wiggins, Chyna
Wolfe, Holden
Young, Emily
Zak, Jacquelin
6th Grade
Adams, Jorden
Aiton, Cameron
Ali, Ahmed
Allan, Heylea
Arnold, Kaylie
Bliss, Mason
Carlen, Sidney
Cascadden, Skylar
Casselberry, Bryson
Cheatham, Jordyn
Connors, Lillie
Cook, Camry
Cornell, Rachael
Coughlin, Dempsey
Coughlin, Kennedy
Crandall, Andrew
Cutshall, Haley
Danko, Kelsey
Dutton, Haylee
Finch, Nolan
Fisher, Emilie
Fonseca, Hallah
Fournier, Rylie
Gadus, Taylor
Garcia, Alina
Giller, Anna
Gladieux, Jacob
Gladieux, Karis
Grimes, Macie
Guerricagoitia, Raven
Hagdohl, Zachary
Heber, Kirstin
Henry, Jaron
Klatt, Gracie
Leichty, Brody
Lesniewicz, Alaina
Levally, Michael
Lott, Haley
Lowe, Spencer
Luda, Marissa
Maag, Alexander
McDougle, Samantha
McGee, Michael
McNeal, Nikolas
McQueen, Mason
Mies, Jena
Moser, Madison
Nagy, Joshua
Nichols, Dominic
Notheis, Delanie
Novak, Jacob
Olvera, Vicente
Paprocki, Nickole
Prottengeier, Grace
Rajner, Xavier
Rice, Scarlet
Richardson, Jenna
Roach, Lucas
Roberts, Lindsay
Rokicki Counterman,
Rollo, Ethan
Sattler, Regan
Saxon, Amber
Schweizer, Faith
Siefke, Samantha
Silva, Samantha
Smith, Olivia
Stahl, Alivia
Thompson, Madison
Urbanski, Kyle
Utter, Jason
Van Hersett, Jarod
Varner, Amber
Villegas Jr, Salome
Wamer, Reese
Wilbarger, Audrey
Coy Elementary
5th Grade
Akins, Kaylee
Baranoski, Justin
Baumgartner, Hope
Baxter, Chase
Berry, Chase
Boisselle II, Charles
Bonnough, Brianna
Buschmann, Callie
Carroll, Lucas
Collins, Brigid
Cortez, Alexander
Cote, Evan
Csengeri, Larissa
Cufr, Daniel
Curns, Kayleigh
Daly, Amber
Deal, Derek
Dickens, Emily
Dunsmore, Benjamin
Engle, John
Engle, Maria
Gaines, Steven
Garza, Katelyn
Gierke, Olivia
Gonzalez, Emmanuel
Henneman Dallape,
Hoskins, Lucy
Jobe, Olivia
Joldrichsen, Eric
Jones, Raecie
Kapfhammer, Paige
Keller, Carrie
Kellerbauer, Henry
Kelly, Madison
Kish, Alivia
Knipp, Krystina
Korb, Megan
Kramer, Kody
Kurek, Angelina
Kusian, Delaney
Lafferty, Jacob
Matthews, Bryce
Mead, Andrew
Meadows, Luke
Merren, Casey
Messenger, Kiersten
Olvera, Victoria
Richardson, Jeffery
Richmond, Benjamin
Rugg, Averi
Russo, Julia
Saldivar, Lynda
Schloegl, Owen
Schroeder, Andrew
Schroeder, Matthew
Schwartz, Amanda
Spencer, Brian
Sprague, Mason
Susor, Jake
Talton, Kathleen
Tawil, Ahmed
Tawil, Ali
Timofeev, Austin
Urbina, Bianca
VanCamp, Kate
VanSickle, Katherine
Vartorella, Deion
Williams III, Wendell
Wilson, Grace
Zunk, Carson
4th Grade
Amborski, Alexander
Arman, Noah
Beat, Levi
Beat, Luke
Bonnice, Mariann
Boyd, Cheyenne
Brown, Emily
Bundy, Caleb
Byers, Alaina
Calkins, Keeghan
Chen, Vicky
Collins, Lucas
Cousino, Jacob
Currier, Alinah
Daly, Michael
Deal, Carlee
Doggett, Lucius
Faris, Grayden
Finch, Alyssa
Hagdohl, Noah
Horman, Brady
Hunter, Spencer
Jones, Olivia
Jurski, Trevor
Karrick, Jaiden
Kennedy, Isabella
Kessler, Andrew
Lagrange, Deklan
Langschied, Leo James
Lants, Nora
LaPlante, Gracyn
Lepeak, Megan
Maletich, Dominic
Mann, Makayla
Martin, Elizabeth
Mawhorter, Andrew
McDonald, Zachary
Miller, Quinton
Minkowski, Karlee
Mohon, Laney
Naugle, Andrew Jeffrey
Nichols, Sydney
Rutkowski, Breanna
Sanchez, Jelena
Short, Raymond
Smith, Amber
Spears, Ethan
Spindler III, Marc
Staudinger, Thomas
Sturm, Justin
Szymkowiak, Collin
Urbanski, Kylee
Villegas, Serena
Waganfeald, Frank
Watson, Trinity
Wetmore, William
Woollard, Scott
Woollard, Zachary
Wyrick, Destiny
Young, Aaron
5th Grade
Abbott, Katelyn
Amonette, Grace
Andrus, Isaac
Auger, Jay
Batch, Gary
Bird, Jacob
Blade, Michael
Blausey, Hannah
Bohland, Sawyer
Bolander, Derek
Booth, Dawson
Burling, Lon
Campbell, Colton
Clark, Megan
Dalton, Audrey
Deweese, Cameron
Dickens, Aaron
Fletcher, Robert
Gadus, Timothy
George, Christa
Koepf, Nicole
Lajiness, Sierra
McVicker, Ellie
Measel, Samuel
Miller, Kameron
Mohon, Bailee
Nowak, Cassidy
Quigg, Cali Jo
Rigg, Payton
Shannon, Logan
Sharp, Devin
Silva, Luke
Skitowski, Alex
Slovak, Kennedy
Spitler, Elizabeth
Strasbourg, Tyler
Stringham, Jasmine
Szymczak, Ty
Thatcher, Olivia
Thiel, Spencer
Tilton, Luke
Vislay, Jenna
West, Lilian
Westerman, Briana
Wurm, Kylie
Haas, Gregory
Hendricks, Kaylynn
Hudson, Aaron
Hughes, Andrew
Huss, Madison
Jones, Courtney
Jones, Rachel
Klein, Shawna
Lutes, Carter
Manthey, Alexandria
Mays, Skylar
Miller, Theodore
Murphy, Austin
Neyrinck, Adam
Oatley, Anthony
Owens, Mckenna
Pendergraff, Tony
Perry, Jacob
Popkin, Jamieson
Reese, Tyler
Rew, Alivia
Rowe, Zachary
Sass, Haley
Scott, Alexis
Siefke, Cora
Sims, Kaitlyn
Smith, Grace
Snoderly, Katherine
Sondergeld, Connor
Spencer, Emily
Sprague, Caitlyn
Taylor, Madison
Thompson, Austin
Torres, Dominic
Truman, Taylor
Ulch, Marina
Vascik, Dakoda
Wamer, Ruger
Weirich, Ashlyn
Weirich, Caitlyn
Wolfe, Hudson
Yancey, Anthony
4th Grade
4th Grade
Abdoney, Danya
Ackerman, Ava
Adams, Kylie
Anderson, Dylan
Beavers, Kaylee
Bleau, Jadyn
Bricker, Sierra
Burkey, Dominic
Campbell, Madison
Church, Erin
Clark, Lauren
Cook, Madison May
Foster, Nicholas
Franke, Riley
Freck, Joseph
Heintschel, Eric
Horsley, Orlo
Kellison, Emily
Kigar, Cecilia
Kulwicki, Caitlyn
Latta, Alexander
Latta, Ashtin
Limpf, Nathan
MacDonald, Mia
Maix, Madison
McGee, Michael
Moore, Trenton
Morris, Emily
Mullins, Mya
Myler, Zoie
Myrice, Brianna
Nelson, Mallory
Patrick, Natalie Kristine
Powers, Michael
Rigsby, Kelsey
Seimet, Kendall
Shope, Erica
Snider, Gabriella
Snyder, Easton
Takacs, Katelynn
Thompson, Owen
Tolles, Justin
Wooten, John
Starr Elementary
5th Grade
Bohland, Garrett
Bronowski, Sierra
Church, Kaylee
Cindle, Kayla
Clark, Rylee
D Amore, Hannah
Deluna, Christopher
Depinet, Adam
DeWitt, Brandon
Dokurno, Tyler
Dykema, Madison
Ellis, Sarah
Fournier, Madison
Fouty, Carter
Gears, Kayla
Gladieux, Madisen
Goetz, Baylee
Alexander, Gavin
Ali, Mushtaq
Anderson, Westley
Ashley, Emily
Ashley, Samantha
Baden, Grace
Barney, Carlie
Brammer, Gary
Bruns, Grant
Clark, Gregory
Cook, Cameron
Cornell, Rebecca
Dart, Paige
Dupler, Clinton
Duran, Cameron
Fisher, Jackson
Flanagan, Chase
Gajdostik, Harrison
Gomez, Nicholas
Hamilton, Destiny
Hentges, Danielle
Howard, Nathan
Hudson, Alyssa
Hurley, Mitchell
Kegley, Savannah
Kovach, Tatiana
Kyer, Alanna Lajti, Thomas
Leichty, Jacob
Lewis, Kalie
Lowe, Sofie
Lutheran, Matthew
Mabry, Isabella
Mahler, Lauren
McGath, Becca
McGee, Matthew
Mehlow, James
Miller, Kadyn
Moon, Jacob
Murphy, Sonia
Nonekowski, Julia
O Connor, Sean
Peace, Ella
Potter, Ashia
Pusey, Aubrey
Reed, Jacob
Resendez, Carmen
Rivera, Dominique
Roach, Zachary
Roberts, Isabella
Roberts, Logan
Root, Ayden
Rye Barailloux,
Schultz, Carly
Serres, Calli
Sheetz, Cara
Sherock, Nickolas
Smith, Abigail
Ulinski, Katie
Wehbi, Adam
Wilhelm, Aaron
Wolfe, Hannah
Yeager, Dylan
Fall Sports Schedules
Volleyball and Girl's Varsity Tennis Schedules on page 9.
Varsity Golf (Boys)
Aug. 08
Aug. 09
Aug. 12
Aug. 14
Aug. 15
Aug. 19
Aug. 28
Sep. 03
Sep. 14
Sep. 25
* @ TRAC Event #1
* @ Knight Invite
* @ District Preview Stone
@ Stritch Invite
@ Bowling Green High School
@ Sylvania Invitational
* TRAC #2
@ Lake High School
@ Genoa Invite
* @ TRAC Championship
Red Hawk Run
Maumee Bay State Park
Stone Ridge
Maumee Bay State Park
Bowling Green High School
Sylvania Invitational
Eagles Landing
Stone Ridge
Varsity Golf (Girls)
Aug. 08
Aug. 12
Aug. 13
Aug. 15
Aug. 20
Aug. 22
Aug. 26
Aug. 27
Sep. 03
Sep. 05
Sep. 10
Sep. 11
Sep. 12
Sep. 16
Sep. 18
Sep. 19
Sep. 25
* @ TRAC Event #1
* NWOGGL Maumee Bay
* @ NWOGGL Brandywine
* @ NWOGGL Monroe CC
* @ NWOGGL Carrington
@ Maumee High School
* @ NWOGGL White Pines
* @ TRAC #2
* TRAC #3
Perrysburg High School
* @ NWOGGL Stone Ridge
* @ NWOGGL Bedford Hills
* @ TRAC #4
* NWOGGL Eagles
* @ TRAC #5 Riverby
* @ NWOGGLHeatherdowns
* @ TRAC Championship
Legacy Golf Club
Maumee Bay State Park
NWOGGL Carrington
Heatherdowns Country Club
White Pines
Red Hawk Run
Maumee Bay State Park
Eagles Landing
Stone Ridge
Bedford Hills
Heatherdowns Country Club
Eagles Landing
TRAC #5 Riverby
Heatherdowns Country Club
Stone Ridge
Varsity Soccer (Boys)
Aug. 17
Aug. 20
Aug. 22
Aug. 27
Sep. 03
Sep. 07
Sep. 10
Sep. 17
Sep. 19
Sep. 24
Sep. 26
Oct. 01
Oct. 03
Oct. 05
Oct. 08
Oct. 10
@ Anthony Wayne HS
Swanton High School
@ Bowling Green High School
* @ St. Francis De Sales
* Lima Senior High School
* @ Emmanuel Baptist
* Fremont Ross High School
* @ Whitmer High School
* @ Maumee Valley Country Day
* St. John's Jesuit HS Academy
Southview High School
@ Central Catholic H.S.
* @ Toledo Christian H.S.
Lake High School
* Findlay High School
@ Start High School
Anthony Wayne HS
Clay High SchoolOregon
Bowling Green High School
St. Francis High School
Clay High SchoolOregon
Emmanuel Baptist
Sanderson Field
Whitmer High School
Maumee Valley Country Day
Clay High SchoolOregon
Clay High SchoolOregon
Central Catholic H.S.
Toledo Christian H.S.
Sanderson Field
Sanderson Field
Start High School
Varsity Soccer (Girls)
Aug. 19
Aug. 24
Aug. 26
Aug. 28
Aug. 31
Sep. 04
Sep. 11
Sep. 14
Sep. 18
Sep. 23
Sep. 25
Sep. 28
Sep. 30
Oct. 02
Oct. 05
Oct. 09
Bowling Green High School
Sanderson Field
Avon High School
Clay High SchoolOregon
@ Anthony Wayne HS
Anthony Wayne HS
* St. Ursula Academy
Sanderson Field
@ Westerville South High School Westerville South High School
* @ Lima Senior High School
Lima Senior High School
* @ Fremont Ross High School
Fremont Ross
Shawnee HS
Sanderson Field
* Whitmer High School
Clay High SchoolOregon
@ Southview High School
Southview High School
* @ Notre Dame Academy
Notre Dame High School
Wooster High School
Clay High SchoolOregon
@ Lake High School
Lake High School
Central Catholic H.S.
Clay High SchoolOregon
@ Amherst Steele
Amherst Steele
* @ Findlay High School
Findlay High School
Varsity Football (Boys)
Aug. 30
Sep. 06
Sep. 13
Sep. 20
Sep. 27
Oct. 04
Oct. 11
Oct. 18
Oct. 25
Nov. 01
Opponent Place
@ Northview High School Northview High School
@ Perrysburg High School Perrysburg Jr. High
Waite High School Clay High School
* Findlay High School Clay High School
* @ Whitmer High School Whitmer High School
* St. John's Jesuit Clay High School
* @ Fremont Ross High School Fremont Ross
* Lima Senior High School Clay High School
* @ St. Francis De Sales University of Toledo
* Central Catholic H.S. Clay High School
Varsity Cross Country (Coed)
Aug. 31
Sep. 07
Sep. 10
Sep. 21
Sep. 28
Oct. 12
@ Chris Green Invite
@ Tiffin Carnival
Mile Repeat Meet
@ Cardinal Stritch Invitational
Eagle Invitational
* @ TRAC Championship @
Fremont HS
Sandusky Perkins HS
Tiffin Carnival
Clay High SchoolOregon
Cardinal Stritch Invitational
Clay High SchoolOregon
TRAC Championship @ Fremont
This newspaper is issued by the Board
of Education and staff of the Oregon City
School District. Questions raised by this
publication or other activities of this school
district can be answered by contacting one
of the following individuals or places:
Information Specialists:
Tamara Swartz 693-0665, ext. 2044
Dave Copsey 693-0661 ext. 3308
District Office:
5721 Seaman Rd. Oregon, OH 43616
Superintendent, Dr. Michael Zalar
Assistant Superintendent, Hal Gregory
Dir. of Teaching and Learning, Dawn Henry
Dir. of Academic Assessment, Lu Lane
Dir. of Business Affairs, Dean Sandwisch
Treasurer, Jane Fruth
(419) 693-0661
Clay High School:
5665 Seaman Rd. Oregon, OH 43616
Principal, Jeff Thompson
Asst. Principal, James Jurski
(419) 693-0665
Eisenhower Middle School:
331 N. Curtice Rd. Oregon, OH 43618
Principal, Becci Bihn
(419) 836-7215
Fassett Middle School:
3025 Starr Ave. Oregon, OH 43616
Principal, Tim Holcombe
(419) 698-6008
Coy Elementary School:
3604 Pickle Rd. Oregon, OH 43616
Principal, Amy Molnar
(419) 698-6010
Jerusalem Elementary School:
535 S. Yondota Rd., Curtice, OH 43412
Principal, Dean Ensey
(419) 836-7704
Starr Elementary School:
3230 Starr Ave., Oregon, OH 43616
Principal, Jennifer Conkle
(419) 693-0589
Wynn Center:
5224 Bayshore Rd., Oregon, OH 43618
Building Admin, Lu Lane
(419) 698-8003
Career and Technology Education
5665 Seaman Rd., Oregon, OH 43616
(419) 693-0668
Director, Steve Bialorucki
School Board Members
P.J. Kapfhammer, President
Carol Molnar, Vice President
Mike Csehi
Diana Gadus
Jeff Ziviski
The Oregon City Schools Board of Education
has regularly scheduled meetings on the 2nd
Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the
administration building. The public is always
welcome to attend, however, the date and
location may change so please call 693-0661
to inquire before attending.
The Oregon City School District complies with
federal laws which prohibit discrimination in programs
and activities receiving federal assistance.
Title 1 Regulation-Parents may request information
regarding the professional qualifications of
their child’s teacher.
Contact the Oregon City School administration
building for information (419-693-0661) or visit the
Ohio Department of Education’s website for teacher
certification. http://www.ode.state.oh.us/
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits
discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex.
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits
discrimination of the basis of age.
The Oregon City School District also complies with
the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
which grants to parents/guardians the rights to examine
their children’s offical school records.
Inquiries regarding unlawful discrimination may be
directed to Hal Gregory, Assistant Superintendent,
Oregon City Schools, 5721 Seaman Road, Oregon, OH
43616 or by calling 419-693-0661