•V 1 3 6 iV ^ t •I M . I . » t •H M <^ I I tl» Quesnel Cariboo Observer Quesnel Cariboo Observer LASSIFIEOS T H 420 210 Employment Opportimitie.s 310.Arts/ 370 Entertainment 3 C C CONSOLIDATED C O N T R A C T O R S COMPANY Viin-I SuliULi & Solliis - Fasc-ia Boarc THE B 6 B MUSIC LTD. 3 2 6 * Residential * C o m m e r c i a l PLANNING OFFICER 2 • R e n o v a t i o n Reasonable Rates C a l l P a l 9 9 2 - 8 3 8 8 EVANLY-RAYS. Rated #1 in Canada. Police Use Us. Live Psychic. Talk 1 on 1. Find out about Love, Money, Career, Lucky #s. 1B+. 2.99/min. 24 hours. 1-900-451-4055. m e s s a g e ) FILBEY'S PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Residential, Commercial and Industrial Plumbing & Heating Installations & Sheet metal work - G a s fitting Gas service and repair Hot water tanks; pumps, softeners, hot water heating 2 8 4 A n d e r s o n Dr. R I C H B A R I Candidates for the position will have a degree in planning or a very dosely-related field and will be eligible for membership in the Planning Institute of B.C. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, coordinating and ensuring the efficient processing of land use applications, preparation of community plans, research and data preparation and attendance at public meetings. The successful applicant will demonstrate good communication, organization and interpersonal sl<ills. 992-8054 Tills is a union position with all usual fringe benefits applying. The salary for the position is $22.77 per hour ($44,401.50 per annum), following completion of a successful probationary period. N U R S E R Y * Quality Garden Supplies * Locally Grown Bedding Plants * Hardy Trees & Shrubs Open 7 Days a Week 9 am-6 pm m Applications, together with detailed resumes, should be forwarded to the undersigned by July 22, 1996. 7 4 7 - 2 9 1 5 6 Miles South on Red Bluff Road 255'Hodgson Road, Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 3P7 C o . *Tar and Gravel ' XBordon C. Gillette, Director of Development Services, Cariboo Regional District, 525 Borland Street, Williams Lake. B.C. V2G 1R9 L t d . *Seamless Gutters *Asphalt Shingles *lnsulation Blowing 325 S t r e e t Q U A i n V RENOVATIONS Complete renovations and home improvements. We do RRAP Program and insurance claims. Spedaiizing in renovations and imerior finishing. Call QtifllltY Rgnpvatlpng ft CgngHltlng 992-1073 or fax 992-0954. Buiklinu Phone: (604) 392-3351/ 1-800-665-1636 Facsimile: (604) 392-2812. •Metal Cladding & Decking more information N o r m Hudson 1-604-296-4414 405 1 m iff'H'miimxnmi. r'-'-^'V'atnsHiw^'^'t'iiim^ Serving the Interior 1 ^ 1 • 330 Bu.siness Services H Services QjQALITY QUAUTY PRODUCTS SERVICE TR ARABIAN stallion, 7 yrs. old. Endurance horse, easy to catch, gentle, giris horse. $2,000. 992-8245 or 992-7216. ATTRACTIVE QUARTERHORSE gelding. Peppy San breeding. 15.1 h/h. Gentle. Good ranch or arena horse. Phone 604-620-3452, message. PINK FLAMINGOS Surprise someone for their birthday, anniversary or just for fun. We deliver anytima Call Ramingo Boulevard 992-7167. call 330 Business 6 YR. OLD grey Arab/Quarter horse cross. $2,200. 1 yr. old 3/4 Arab filly, registered, brown now, but will be grey like her mother. $1.300. 249-5026. MOVING IN or out of Quesnel? Long or short distance. Reasonable rates. Call 3CC Movere at 992-8388. P r e - E n g i n e e r e d Steel B u i l d i n g Systems For 4 YR. old Arab mare, foaling Sept/96. Slre-Negatask. DamRJ Casablanca. Excellent bloodlines, parentage verified. Green broke. Affectionate. Must sell. $2,500. 998-4666 or 9984325. GET THE most out of your advertising doilarl $39.95 plus GST ($.50 for each additional word over 20 words) puts your ad in The Tribune (Williams Lake), The Observer (Quesnei), The Free Press (100 Mile House) and The Free Press (Prince George) for 2 weeks. CARIBOO-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. WHATADEALII PHONE 992-2121. Contractor.s The Cariboo Regional District has aa immediate opening for' the position of Planning Officer CALL HELMUTS Renovating 2 within the Planning Section of & Masonry. Home repairs, carWEST SIDE PAINTING its Development Services De- pentry, drywall painting, tiles, Interior or exterior, gyproc, repartment The successful apmason work. 30 yrs. exp. Ref. pairs, and textured ceilings. plicant will be located in Wil- avail. 992-9277. 992-6944. liams Lake, a thriving community with all major amenities and excellent recreational opportuniCommercial, Residential & Industrial ties. S a h o t a (leave R a i d 12 YEAR OLD grey mare. Good pleasure horse. Gentle, excellent junior's horse. Also 10 year old registered national show horse. Good, good homes onlvl Leave message 392-5232. improN ement We B u y & Sell Pianos C A L L N O W 992-5512 ||iniiiiiii;iiiwmi|ntntiiii| DOUBLE M RANCH boys or girls camps. V.i.P. trail rides. Quesnel 747-1675. HEAVY OFFSET disc, easy transport, depth control wheels, 12 ft, $9500. Rock-o-Matic rock picker with side rake, $10,000. 100 hp tractor, power-shift loader, heated cab, only 1,000 hr., like new, $27,000. J.D. 716A silage feeder wagon, $5,000. N.H. #890 Forage harvester silage chopper, $5,500. 7915776. ,1 FARMERS! RANCHERSI Unpeeled pine rails for sale, length 16', butts 3"-6", tops 2"5", priced $3.00 each. Minimum purchase 100. Free delivery around Quesnel if you buy more than 500. Call 992-0107, leave your phone number on machine and I will call back. Residential • Farm • Commercial Custom Designs • Additions • Renovations We will be happy to show you our engineered truss program and answer any questions you may have Monday - Friday 7 am - 5 pm Hwy 97,150 Mile House 335 JOHN DEERE Hs^ 425 offset discs, 9 ft rigid discs, 9" spacing, $8,500. John Deere New 435 round baler, $18,000. New Holland haybine mower-condiacross trom Marshall's Store tioner, $4,000. Quesnel 747Call Toll Free: 1-888-296-4925 Fax 296-4725 8677. Computer 375 L a n d s c a p i n g / GORGEOUS FIVE year old Quarterhorse gelding, 15 h/h. Great mind, very gentle. Excellent barrel, roping, penning or pleasure prospect Great to shoe, load, haul, catch and equip. No vices. Has had all shots and been wormed. $3,000 O.b.O. 604-659-5742. NEW HOLLAND Model 846 round baler, in good working order. 992-5920. Services Gardening FULL INTERNET ACCESS from $12.95 month. 112 kbs Business Web Pages ABC COMMUNICATIONS 248 REID ST. 992-1230 BUSY BEE HOME AND GARDEN Take advantage of our July special-give your juniper or cedar a haircut. No job is too small I Free estimates. 9922582. 415 ONE PAIR of Ostrich Breeders for sale. These birds come complete with ten 3 month old chicks. An excellert opportunity for someone getting started in the business, with a potential of six breeder pairs in the future. This whole package for only $20,000. 1 -604-499-2848. Hay/Grain SQUARE HAY bales for sale in August of 1996. $2 per bale. Ft St. John area. Phone 604-7813607, eariy mornings. PERUVIAN HORSES. Come on out and test ride the RollsRoyce of horses, in Horsefly. Phone 1-604-620-3668. INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL (604)392-4322 OonorRIck 1-600^63-6894 (Day or Evening) 250 Employment Wanted CERTIFIED WELDER needs work. Phone 747-0665. C O N T R A C T I N G F R E E ' E S T I M A T E S * Installation of Septic tanks & Lagoons * Clearing of lots Res: (604) 992-8143 Cell: OS04) 991-9168 HELP SAVE My Marriage. I gave up my home and job in New Zealand to marry my Canadian sweetheart But I've turned Into a grump because I can't find a job. Please employ me before it Is too latet I do accounts, reception, payroll, sales, and once I have a job, I will not be gmmpy, so you might like having me around. Interested? Please write to: 451 Thompson Rd. Quesnel B.C. V2J5C4. -Saffl QUESNEL'S #1 PROVIDER OF office phone systems, computer networks, Internet computers, phones, cellular. ABC COMMUNICATIONS (opposite Credit Union) 992-1230. L o o k i n g Now f o r available Y o u W e pick u p S O D ? In - $ 2 . 1 5 - $ 3 . 0 0 sq. s q . sq. Services DO YOU have trouble looking after your feet? Do your coms and callouses bother you? Are your toenails too thick? For information and/or an appt. call Rosina Wood. RN at 747-1104. 2 4 9 - 5 1 0 9 y d . y d . y d . T O P 360 H e a l t h THOROUGHBRED GELDING, 16 h/h, 12 years old. Excellent ranch work, pleasure. Trainable for dressage. Great disposition. Rmj price of $2,500. Phone 604-9819-4281. •a. THREE 2 yr. old Quartertiorse geldings. Well started, sired by Oakalla. Phone Oack Dubois at g89-476a C A T E N T E R P R I S E S A d v e r t i s e in the O b s e r v e r Classifieds a n d get results REGISTERED QUARTERHORSE gelding, three years old. Cow horse breeding. Lots of trail miles, ranch wori< started. Sound and sensible. $3.500. Phone 296-4136. Quesnel deliver - $ 2 . 5 0 Installed 420 Livestock. WANTED: POTENTIAL dressage horse, 16 h/h and over. II green, must walk, trot, canter. Prefer gelding, well mannered. Must pass vetting. Reasonably priced. Phone Laura at 2963522. 460 Timber Contractors FELLER-BUNCHER for hire. 793D, 2,400 hours. Good knowledge of all forest practice codes. Willing to wortt anywhere. Contact 604-398-1718 or 604-752-2387. Logging Equipment 1987 380 Timberjack grapple skidder. Phone 392-5600. 1996 BRODEX 190 W/B tri-axie log trailer. $30,000. 747-1014. L T D / - - a ^ "^JO 992-2121 J LOGGING EQUIPMENT TO SELL? Try a Cariboo/Interior Combo ad I For just $65 plus GST ($.50 for each additional word over 20 words), your ad will appear for one week in all these communities-Prince George, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Bridge River, Uilooet, Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Merritt, Kamloops, Salmon Arm/Shuswap, Bamere, Cleanwater, Revelstoke. Phone us at 992-2121 for details. ONE SET 44000 lb. rearend Rockwell SSHD 5.29 ratio rubber block suspension. Complete brake job 2 months ago, $2,850. Big Cam III 400 Cummins comes with Jakes, lots of wori< done. Very nice runner $5,800. exchange. RT 12515 tranny. Has been checked out. Good shape $1,250. exchange 1-604-397-2532. 460 Timber Uoyd Belcourt, Log Broker Office: (604) 747-3004 Res: (604) 747-3407 Fax: (604) 747-3004 sell: 4S5 M i n i n g , SURVEYING British l a n d P e e l e r s * S a w l o g s Please Norm call: Wilcox 395-6218 or 395-6200 Fax: 395-6201 R A C T I O N U Duty R B O B C A T A Y ' S ^ S E R V I C E PRIVATE SALE: South Dragon^ Lake view lot. 9.96 acres. Highway frontage. Driveway in. $55,000. 992-6325. Waterlines - Snow Removal Fully Insured Owner, Operator _ Murray Andrew^s 7 4477' --«3 0 0 1 1993 5TH wheel construction trailer. Five new 8-ply radials, mags. Shelving bench, wired for electric. Perfect for site trailer. Bars on windows. Includes hitch. $7,500. 392-0420. QUESNEL < CAT DSC. Good running conditton. $27,000 o.b.o. 296-4266. E70 CAT excavator with mechanical thumb, cab guard, various attachments, excellent working condition, $40,000. 1977 Mack R700 heavy duty flat deck truck with ramps, good condition, $16,000. 1981 Mack gravel truck, new rubber, new hoist, new paint. Inspected Detroit engine, 13 speed. $24,000. Ph: 747-1378. EQUIPMENT TRAILER with ramps, dual wheels, air brakes, $2,200. 1978 Cancar chip trailer with pushout front, $8,500. 7471378. JOHN DEERE 2755, rops and canopy, 75 pto hp, 1,600 hours, comes with John Deere 245 loader. Call Terry 851-1644, 577-3204 evenings. TANDEM FLAT deck trailer, 21 ft. long, 8 ft. wide. TTres 900x20. two new, nine used. 5 ton, 2 spd rearend. '64 Jeep pickup parts. '70 Jeep Wagoneer parts. 392-2694. Estate SIDING Siding * P R O P E R T Y F O R RenovationsI ^ S A L E * Soffit Fascia Johnston Sub area. Frontage - 60' R e a r - 90' FREE c a l l ESTIMATES F R E D 7 4 7 - 3 3 1 7 Depth-100' $40,000 obo C a b i n e t Call Sale W a r e h o u s e Trade In your old kitchen for a new kitchen Craft Kitchen financing available at prime rate. oac. 992-1569 515 P r o p e r t y Eor K I T C H E N C R A F T C A B I N E T R Y - Qetailed estimates - No rude surprises - No hidden charges - 5 year warranty product ' Call Bob Mattila today 5 ACRES for sale on Paley Road. All services available. $24,900. Phone 747-2755 after 5:00 p.m. Q u e s n e l S h o w r o o m b y A p p t . 2391 H y d r a u l i c R d . O n l y 747-2951 Bob Manila \ M a i n ofWce 561 j 2 4 0 QUESNEL PROPERTIES. Over 23.5 acres of subdividable view lots. Just outside city boundary. Only $97,000. 7473361 or 562-1079. K i n g ' s E l e c t r o n i c s (Bear Communicatioiis & Electronics Ltd.) presents TWO 1/2 acre view lots, 5 miles south. Fully treed. $18,000. 1& 1/2 acre lot Bowron Lake, 200 yards from park entrance. Flat 6 fully treed. $20,000. 7471684. M T2026| 9 9 C h a n n e l starting at $909 S E R V I C E , S E R V I C E and S A L E S 1329-BHwy. 97 2 Mile R a t 992-70761 M S F A C T #5 A N E W C O N C E P T IN C O N s m U C T I O N Services GET THE MOST out of your advertising doilarl $39.95 plus GST ($.50 per word for additional words) puts your ad in THE WILUAMS LAKE TRIBUNE, THE 100 MILE FREE PRESS, THE PRINCE GEORGE FREE PRESS, AND J\KE QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER for two weeks. Cariboo-wide Classifieds. Try them. Phone 992-2121. neurological disease ' d e c k s affecting young adults in Canada. Multiple Sclerosis S o c i e t y of ' ' Back Filling - Landscaping Equipment ALLIS-CHALMERS 1976 D4 Crawler with quick detach backhoe and two buckets. Includes post punch. Very good condition. $10,000. 604-396-7150. 3 Ti-eespack' - Backhoe 510 B u i l d i n g L o t s FOR SALE: 2 placer leases on Jack of Clubs Lake, Weils B.C. 604-265-4372 R C o l u m b i a S u r v e y o r s M S is the most c o m m o n S p r u c e M Incases * A s p e n *Flr & O w i l e s & CIndric 992-2265 500 R e a l y o u F Lstate A m s m r t h B e f o r e 992-2121 L Appraisals 495 H e a v y 455 L 3 7 TIMBER P U R C H A S E House logs needed. Logging A 1 9 9 6 Y e l il oo w w uh ee aa dd Select logging specialty. 450 500 R e a l C July 3, Services Timber Farm Implements Manufacturers of roof and truss systems 296-4525 Livestock 3S0 M i s c . Services Home Sei'vice.s START VbUR d!Wffc>BUSINESS. Community Futures can help you wtthfinancring,'information resources, and advice. Call 992-5626. Wednesday, C a n a d a 1-800-26S-7582 T E fWY LANGILL P h . (604) 7 4 7 - 0 0 2 4 * Licensed o r ( 6 0 4 ) 9 9 1 - 8 0 2 4 * Insured * D e c k s * Additjqns * Stalip * Repairs? . *fjieasbnable rates *Frde *^Carpprts Reribvatidhs Estimates m Wednesday. July 3 . 1 9 9 6 LA SSIF, DS T H 515 Property For Sale ' 515 Property FoiSale " 520 Houses lor Sale I BAKER CREEK ACREAGES RF57 BALD HILL: 590 ac 1 mile airstrip $147,800 BAKER SWAMP: 336 ac 60 ac in $145,000 HUNG GATE: 430 ac. home & bam $207,000 LOOKING FOR A BIG SHOP? DIAHOND ISLAND RANCH / How about 3 large shops? / 336 ac with new bridge / 144 ac bordering Flraser River / Great crop growing area / Wen built home, 'A land in hay / Good log home, outbuildings $425,000 / RF58 $875,000 / RF54 WEBSTER LAKE RANCH / AUracttve 676 ac. 135 in hay / 184 head range pennit, house / Water license on NareosU Or. / RF51 $450,000 WEST OF gUESNBL / Wen mairiained 846 ac ranch /Good shop & bam. / Unfinished home / 600+ ac in hay / RF37 $510,000 Bill C e j k a 992-5941 o r 747-1567 SUPER PRICE REDUCTION All on one floor. Spacious 2 bdrm log home, very^.-*-"^^ and JackTelfer Ranch • Spetiaiist 296-4268 cafl Jadcorhb Ucensed Assistant Joan Brickwood 520 Houses for Sale 5.3 ACRES. 1,300 sq.ft rancher with attached 2 car garage, full basement (mostly finished), 4 bdnms, 3 baths. Ig. kitchen with island & Jenn-aire. Fireplace, gas furnace & wood furnace, gas hot water tank, very good 80' deep well, water softener. Land cleared to pasture, crossfenced, bam, hay. sheds, outbuildings, corrals. 249-5690. VARIETT OF CROPS POSSIBLE / Exceptional 1859 ac, / 250 head pennit / Fraser River at Marguerite / 3 homes, bams $1,160.0001 /RF55 6 MONTH old home on 5 acres. Full basement, 2 baths, 3 finished bdrms, space for lots more. Great water, quiet area 6 miles on Barkerville Hwy. $120,000 o.b.o. 992-2123. BED & BREAKFAST? Three bedroom house, full basement, on 5 acres with creek, view of mountains in the scenic Bowron L ^ e area. $79,500. 992-3391, 992-2270. beautf^ ^^>aiitrmiit trees, workslv-fi'^age, located on Basalt Rd. in Red Bluff. Asking $89,900. 392-225.1 BRAND NEW 14x70 mobile home. 2 bedroom. Walk-a-bay and skylight On serviced lot. $^.000. GST included. 747If you would like to see2642. your property advertised for sale here. EXCELLENT returri on this dufree al charge ceil Billtoday I plex in Red Bluff, near mall, on 520 I louses lor Sale A t t r a c t i v e , k e p t 4 w e l l b e d r o o m h o m e i n U p l a n d s . 2 , b a t h s , f i r e p l a c e , r o o m , g a s f a m i l y l a u n d r y r o o m . S u n n y & 520 Houses tor Sale REACH A LARGER MARKET AREA TO SELL YOUR HOME.... Try a Caribdo/lnterior Combo adi For just $65 plus GST ($.50 for each additional word over 20 words), your ad will appear for one week in all these communities--Prince George, Quesnel, Williams L^e, 100 Mile House, Bridge River, Ullooet, Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Merrit, Kamloops, Salmon Arm/Shuswap, Barriere, Cleanwater, Revelstoke. Phone us at 992-2121 for details. b r i g h t . $ 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 992-6673 2 BDRM rancher, attached garage, greenhouse, shop, paved driveway, 1/2 acre in nice location, 6 miles south, reduced to $77,000. 747-4401. HOBBY FARM 3 bdrm full bsmt home situated on Bariterville Hwy on 13.75 acres. Private setting over-iool(ing a large bam. greenhouse and shop. Property is mostly fenced and cleared with small creek. YENDRASSUB-6MILES FROM TOWN Private 4 bedroom, log home on 1.6 acres. New energy gas fireplace & furnace, set up for horses. All for $149,900. WELLESTABUSHED take out Pizza business. Turn key operation. Excellent location on Front Street $108,000. SOUTH OF TOWN 9.18 acres - level, treed, asking $63,900. HomeTife/Rockwood Realty 146BaitowAve. 2 YEAR old 3 bedroom, full basement home on 1/2 acre in Red Bluff. Drilled well with lots of good water. 12'x16' shed. F/S/DW and window blinds included. Low traffic, quiet street. $152,000. 747-5149. 3 BDRM house, L/R, rec room, Jacuzzi, gas fireplace, 2 yrs. old. West side, dose to school. Includes 2 bdrm suite which rents for $540/mo. $185,000. 9923942. 3 BDRM up, 4th bdrm in basement. Brand new kitchen less than 6 months old.^^hew appliances, paver brick •^idewalks and paved driveway, just done last fall. IMew roof, n/g heat and hot water. Neat and clean. Carson Phase 2. Reduced to $99,500. Vendor motivated for quick sale. 992-8954 or 7471635. 4 BDRM rancher, 1 1/2 baths, large rec. room. 2 acres, 28x32 shop. Small hobby farm. Bouchie Ik. area. $108,500. 747-0324 1/2 acre. Renovated and clean, always occupied. $110,000 with 8 appliances. 992-7517. FOR SALE BY OWNER Immaculately kept home in Uplands. Recently renovated kitchen and bathroom. Fenced backyard. Fully landscaped. Close to school and shopping. $125,000. For appointment to view, phone 747-4584. FOR ACTION 1979 14X70 Reetwood 2 bdmn. fridge, stove, n/g, nice condition. $31,900. 992-1039. 1984 14x70 IWanco mobile homo. Sunken living room, dining room, 2 bdrms, 24x8 storage, sundeck. Located in Barteis adult park, view of river. 992-8623. 1986 14X70. 2 bedroom. 5 appliances. Set up in park south o1 town. Patio, storage shed. $54,000. Phone 747-3859. 3 BDRM trailer with 10x12 addition, all appliances, in family trailer park. 2 gardens and plenty of trees, asking $25,000. 747-4418. 525 Mobile Houies For Sale 12X60 WITH ADDITION, in lovely Surrey park. Five minutes from White Rock beach. Club house. poolT etc. Pad rent $543/mo. $29,000. 1-604-5359172. 550 Out-Or-Town Property 14X70 3-BEDROOM, bay window, asphalt roof, $23,900. 14X68 3-BEDROOM, fridge and stove. $2t,,900. Free delivery. 1-306-694-5455. .59 ACRE lot. 104 ft. waterfront. ^ Southem exposure. Natural gas. hydro, water at road. Established driveway. McWnley Drive, Lac La Hache. 396-4566. 1969 10X60 2 bdmn mobile home, must be moved, offers accepted. 249-5015. 1974 12X56 GLENDALE. 8x16 solid addition. Needs some T.LC. In quiet trailer park overlooking Bouchie Lake. 2490011 after 6:00 p.m. B o b 150 ACRES with beautiful fully serviced log dwelling, overlooking lake near Vanderhoof. Lake frontage, creek and approx. 30 acres of young but merchantable timber! $215,000. 604-5672312. P a t e r s o n H O M E S I N C . NEW 1,470 sq.ft. 3 bdnn, 1/2 duplex. New home warranty coverage. Quarry tile entry. Good neighbourhood, top of Dragon Lake Hill, includes new dishwasher, stove & fridge. Full price of $92,000 includes GST. Icon Homes 747-8544 or 9926778. ^ 1 392-7212 O N L Y ! 2 Bdrm • 2fiath• Bay Window • 2x6 Walls Gas/Propane • Furaace/Hwt plus numy more extras "11"^ PRICE INCLUDES: • Delivery & Set Up • Gas & Hectrical Hookup 1 1 • Vinyl Skirting Installed • GST Less Rebate •Washei/Dryer Installed $ 50 5 1 , 0 8 5 Wine Decor 550 Oiit-Or-1 owu Propert\ BUILD YOUR Dream Home, Chimney Lake. Undeveloped lakeshore lot Sunny North lakeside, one mile east of the Firehall. Lot #3. District Lot 691. Offers to $140,000. Call Gerry Mitchell at 604-922-3184. ; ^ _ CHASE, British Columbia. Breatfitaking panoramic view adds to this home's appeal. Excellent Uoor plan with open design for family living. Appraised at $215,000. 1.280 sq.ft. rancher, three bdrm, two bath, large master ensuite with walk-in closet Carpeted throughout, tile entry. Gas range, fireplace and heat. Daylight bsmt partially finished. Deck, two car garage, R.V. parking with hook-up. Preferred Country Club Membership. For inquiries contact owner at 604679-8418 DEEDED R.V. lots at Ridgeview RV & Marina. 5-star services and amenities. Fully funded development on beautiful Okanagan Lake. Starting at $39,900. Phone 1-800-811-9181. MCLEESE LAKE. 1/2-acre lot, 100 ft. waterfront. Forglen Road. $61,900 o.b.o. Phone 604-296-3513. MOVING TO KAMLOOPS7 $39,900 gives you a 2 bdrm mobile with over $15,000 worth of renovations, large addition, covered deck, sitting on 1/4 acre lot over looking the river. Call Nina Sutton Group Westwin Realty 374-1461. 1 BEDROOM, extra Idrige brand new basement suite.in Richbar area $550/mo. includes utilities. 747-2429 or 747-3637. __j:eAiced$254^00 2 BDRM, 4-plex, Ellison Sub. Fridge, stove, laundry hook-up. Working people preferred. No pets. References. $485/mo. 747-7436. Out of T o w n Call T o l l Free 1-800-663-5578 Ron Ron in Quesnel • Wed • Cdl 398-0486 Norm in Quesnel • Thurs • Cell 398-0221 Norm "See our great selection of ^re-owned homes" VI/lanBLal(a.ac. 0L7116 606 Residential Rentals 6(S0 Coniniei-cial Rentals 1" Class Rental Accommodation NORTH QUESNEL 2 bdmi bsmt suite. Avail. July 1. Close to Q.S.S. Includes utilities. N/S. Quiet working people preferred. No parties. 992-2841. NEW BUILDING in Quesnel has office space for rent Great location. UWities and air condi- Teni • M a k e C h a t e a u St. Laurent your home' 2 BEDROOM SUITE available July 1 st Nicest apartments in town. Quiet central downtown location 992-3107 3 BDRM trailer on large private lot. Gas heat. Yendryas Sub. Avail. July 1. $625/mo. 3 bdrm trailer in trailer park. Gas heat. $600/mo. Available immed. 747-2429. 3 BEDROOM, 2 baths, cohdostyle house. N/g heat Close to school and shopping centre. 992-9772. 4 BDRM house, 2 baths in North Quesnel. no pets. $900./mo. 992-7858. ASPEN COURT 2 bdrm suite, 2 bath, appliances, laundry facilities, security, lots of parking, reasonable rents. Ph: 992-8870. AVAILABLE AUGUST 1st 3 bedroom duplex in Red Bluff. Fridge, stove, n/g. carport, laundry room, washer/dryer hookup. $550/mo. 747-3109. NOW SELUNG! Summer in the 1241 Lark Ave. 992-7868 Shuswap. Spend this summer in your own condo unit on the COTTONWOOD COURT water at Eagle Bay Landing. 16 Quiet adult-oriented, private. newly completed luxury units 1/2 block to West Pari< Mall, with full recreational facilities. qualified tenants. Call resident Choose your interior finishes now and start lakeside living manager at 992-8286. this June. Priced firdm $95,000. FURNISHED APT. Prefer wori<Call 1-888-888-8585 toll free. ing bachelor. Gas heat supplied. $350/mo. $150 deposit 856 Barkerville Hwy. 992-7216 606 Residential or 992-8245. Rentals l984Soutbwmd2T 606 Residential Rentals BACHELOR SUITE, partly furnished. Close to West Pairk RURAL ACREAGE. Small Toyota. N/S. Utilities included. house and 30 acres on small $375/mo. 992-2774. lake. Also 1280 acres, creeks, river flowing through property. Both properties in 100 Mile area. 604-392-7855. VISTA M A N O R A P I S . Quality 2 bdnri, 2 bathroom 555 Recreational apartment Located in Property Uplands, free hot water, quiet clean living environment m PRICE REDUCED. Lovely 2,345 sq.fL home, 1.39 acres, large shop, double garage. $209,000. 747-2438 after 5 p.m. THREE BEDROOM house. Covered deck, fenced back yard. Recently decorated kitchen and bathroom. New rug and paint Natural gas heat $117,000,992-6053. 525 .Mobile Homes For Sale SPACIOUS 1,300 SQ.FT., 3 bdrm, full basement home on .67 acre. Three full baths, gas fireplace, central vacuum, security system, double garage with openers, sauna and hot tub. Basement fully finished with extra bedroom, wet bar in rec room. Paved driveway. Large backyard with fruit trees, greenhouse & RV storage. Underground sprinklers. Cement patio, lots of brickwork, including large barbecue. Sundeck off master bedroom. Convenient location. $134,900. 992-8119. LOVELY 1.590 sq.ft. 3 bdrm. non-bsmt rancher, on private, peaceful 1/2 acre, only 6 miles south. Nicely finished inside and out. Lots of extras. 2138 Sales Rd. West. Excellent buy at $139,000. For appt. call 7474401. ONE OF A KIND. Commercial shop with large Victorian home. Double garage with studio and many more features. In the city on over 2 acres on a country setting along the Fraser River. Excellent home business location. For more irifo 992-3344. _ CALL 520 Ilotises for Sale NEW RANCHER, 2,762 sq.ft. Full daylight basement, 4 bdrm, 3 baths. 524 Dennis Rd. 7473301. Qtjesney^nbo^^ 2 BEDROOM suite in side-byside 3-plex in North Quesnel. New carpet, new fridge & stove. No pets, non-smokers only. $460/mo.(heat irfd.) Avail. July1. 992-9797 LARGE 1 bdrm basement suite. Brand new. No smoking. No pets. Westside. Available now. $500/mo. including utilities. 992-1131. LARGE 3 bdrm townhouses. Clean, quiet, family oriented complex. Resident manager on site. Contact Kathy 992-1224 Ucar Management Group. ONE BEDROOM suite dose to MaplePartt Mall. 747-1567; t SMALL 2 bdrm house. Suitable for 2 pebpie. W/D hookup. Elliott St. $450/mo. Avail. July 1. 747-2114. SMALL 2 bdnn trailer furnished. $375/month plus utilities and security deposit. 992-8810. SPACIOUS 1 or 2 bdrm apartment suites. Very dean, quiet and comfortable atmosphere, laundry facilities. Free cable. No pets. References required. Resident manager, 992-8518, 992-3563. SPACIOUS NEW 3 bedroom units in West Quesnel. some with gas fireplace. Rents from $600 to $650. Call Ted at 9925851. Vanridge Group. WILKINSON APTS. 2 bdnn apartments. Avail. July 1. 9928949 610 Room & Board ROOM & board available. Working male preferred. Reasonable rate, meals prepared, laundry done.747-2980 tioning inched. Call Quesnel Oil & Gas today to view 992-9807. O F R C E S P A C E fbr^rwirsrt)©*®' Big Country Stationers. Contact Rorence 992-7311. C a t e r i n g . . . l a r g e o r s m a l l , w e d o It a l l Appetizers, snack tiays, vegetables with dip, fruit trays, dessert trays. Soup and Sandwiches with a zipl A small informal dinner, a large wedding or a few. A fancy briddi shower or casual rehearsal, too. B,speciaili^eln.hpmem^ ufa^^ -^Tftii' ym everyfiBeA<>^im.y.«M?lj8S>aor youl 992-2537 701 Automobiles For Sale 1965 OLDS F85. P/s, p/b. 350 4-bolt main Chevy engine. 4barrel carb. headers, 350 hp cam. 3-speed auto with shift kit, tranny oil cooler, low stall torque converter. 348 rearend gears. 25,000 miles on rebuilt engine. 30,000 miles on rebuilt transmission. AM/FM tape deck, new lower bail joints. Spare parts-electronic ignition distributor and altemators. $1,500. 992-5309. 1980 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 2 door, runs well. $1,000 o.b.o. 992-9055 C A R P G T WAllEHOIiSli; Hank Schiller * * V i n y l * _ D e c k i n g FAMILY MOVING to Quesnel mid July - looking now to rent a 3-4- bedroom home. 992-6868 and ask for Cari or Judy. 6S0 Coniniercial Rentals 1000 OR 2000 sq.ft. office or retail space in new building on Doherty Dr. Triple net Reasonable lease. Rrst month free. 992-9108. 1800 SQ.FT., prime location excellent parking, will build to suit Rob 992-1123 or 992-5118. 242 REID St. Prime location, a/c, 2hd floor, 270 sq.ft. & 654 sq.ft. Contact JEANETTES DR/VPES at 992-3351 or evenings 747-3809. & ' C e r a m i c s R e f i n i s h i n g 111 North Fraser Drive ^ Quesnel (604)991 0543 1986 CHRYSLER Laser. P/s p/b. p/l and air conditioning 175.000 kms. Spare set of sum mer tires. Good condition $2,500 o.b.o. Sean^ at 991 0009. 1991 FORD Tempo. Automatic, power steering, power brakes, two tone paint Excellent condition. $4750. Phone 992-8985. Tradewinds Upholstery RESIDENnAL*INDUSTRIAL*COMMERCIAL Fumlture, Marine & Auto Covering Insurance Claims SATISFACTION G U A R A N T E E D 705 Pitkup.s/ Vans For Sale Complete Upholstery Service Dale & Sheila 1231 Cariboo Hwy North (2 Mile Rat - Behind Majestic Ughting) 992-5656 1989 FORD 1/2-ton 4x4. ex. cab short-box. Canopy, bucket seats, air, cruise, tilt, p/locks, p/windows. Mint condition. $10,500 o.b.O; 359-2944. 1991 FORD 3/4-ton. 351 V8 4x4. Very good condition (inspected). $11,000 or will consider trades. Phone 747-1378. KIMPTON FINANCIAL SERVICES Serving Quesnel for 20 years BROKER FOR: Art Kimpton ^INVESTMENT F U N D S *RRSP (Retirement Income Planning) Term Life & Oisabili|y Insurance *Emp!oyee Dental & Health Ucence sponsored by ManuUfe^nahdal 1995 FORD Explorer XLT. Air, p/w, am/fm. Loaded. $28,500. 992-8133. WANTED: LATE model GMC or Chev 4x4. Automatic, 350, low km. No GST. Phone 2495936 after 6:00 p.m. 720 .''\cce.ssories TRAILER AXLE with tires, springs, hitch, and screw jack. $100. 992-2674 after 5:00 p.m. BRAND NEW commerdal place for rent or lease, across from Baker School. For retail and office space. Call Jasbir Purl at 992-3830. NORTH QUESNEL. 1 bedroom cottage, newly renovated. Detached garage. Washer/dryer, COMMERCIAL RENTAL availfridge/stove included^ Natural gas heat. $600 per month. able. Downtown. 1,550 sq.ft. Available immediately. Phone For more information, phone 747-2671 after 6:00. j:47-4315. * H a r d w o o d * B l i n d s * H a r d w o o d ' ™ Ame l^ode L j n o * C a r p e t s .650 Wanted to Rent 3-4 BDRM executive house, Southills, Dragon Lake area, would prefer long term lease 991-0087 after 7 pm. 383 N. Fraser Drive S a f e t y is n o B u s . QuentCoe F a x C a p t a i n 9 9 2 - 8 3 7 7 9 9 2 - 5 8 8 8 A ^ % ^ ' F r a n k ' s S e a f o o d s , ^'^=^t l i s h & Cidps ' N o w O p e n F o r B r e a k f a s t 7 a . i n . - 1 1a . m . accident, so O P E N 7 DAYS A W E E K PlAYSAFEl O A message from I The War Amps M PLAYSAFE Program \aU 7A.M>8P.M. ,747-3223 462 ai»iiip0r, Dragon Lake iQli6^sn§l\Carlfcl56''OI5§6l^er CLA SSIFIE T H 701 Autoniobiles For Sale I 701 .Automobiles For Sale CALL 9 9 2 - 2 1 2 1 CALL 992-21121 FOR ACTION FOR ACTION 701 Automobiles For Sale 14' ORBrr travel trailer, sleeps six New iiitch, bumper, propane tank, good cond. $600. 992-1283 E A R N 18%-24% annum T a k e better c o n t r o l o f y o u r f i n a n c i a l 1976 SECURrrV 11&1/2 ft. camper. Hot & cold water, shower, toilet with new float and valve, new water pump, replumbed, propane stove with oven, furnace, 3 way fridge, queen size bed over cab. $2,500 Ami. 747-7407. f u t u r e b y i n v e s t i n g in s e c u r e , s h o r t t e r m I m o r t g a g e s . R R S P eligible. K e v i n B r o w n Mortgage Broker 1-800-215-0122 E R O Quesnel representative available N MORTGAGE 500-1380 Burrard S t CORPORATION Vancouver B.C.V6Z2H3 P R A T O INSULATION L F r e e ^ f s t i m i n e s ling - B l o w i n g & Upwades We apeclallze In custom built homes where quality counts. BrenV Office/Fax Dwayne 992-9663 llobiii Lane Bleetrolyfiiiis Cliiiie U S E D T R U C K S & C A R S T R U C K S 94 D O D G E 4X4 1 ton, duallie, turbo, diesel, auto, air, cruise, p/w, p/ S A LPER I C E PRICE 95 F O R D C R E W C A B 4X4 1 ton, 4 door, 5sp, turto, diesel, air cond....SALE 92 D O D G E C L U B C A B 4X4 turbo, diesel, 5 sp, two t o n e . S A L E P R I C E 88 G M C 4X4 auto, V8, 3/4 ton SALE PRICE 89 D O D G E 4X4, auto 318, V8 S A L E PRICE 90 T O Y O T A 4 R U N N E R SR5 package, auto, 4 door S A L E PRICE 90 J E E P C H E R O K E E auto, 4 door, 4x4 S A L E PRICE 94 D O D G E 4X4 172 ton, split seats, 318, V8, 5 sp, low k m s . S A L E P R I C E 94 D O D G E 4X4 3/4 ton, split seats, auto, 318, V8 S A L E PRICE 91 F O R D R A N G E R , aluminum wheels, 5 speed SALE PRICE 92 F O R D B R O N C O X L T M l load auto, S A L E PRICE 88 F O R D S U P E R C A B X L auto, 351 V8 S A L E PRICE 91 F O R D S / C A B 4X4 short box, auto, boards S A L E PRICE 95 95 94 90 87 95 88 93 C A R S D O D G E S T R A T U S 4 door, 18,000 kms, air, auto D O D G E N E O N 4 door, auto, air G E O M E T R O 4 door, auto, low miles C O R S I C A auto, 4 door C H R Y S L E R 5th A V E full load, luxury C A V A L I E R 2 door, auto, air, only 9,500 kms D Y N A S T Y 4 door, air, V6, cruise D O D G E S H A D O W auto, air, 4 door, sunroof 4 V R E G E N C Y C ! $29,995 $29,995 $16,995 $6,500 $5,500 $13,500 $13,500 $19,995 $19,995 $6,995 $18,888 $8,995 $13,995 $16,888 SALE PRICE S A L E PRICE $13,500 SALE PRICE $8,995 $5,888 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE $5,800 P R I C E ....$13,588 SALE S A L E PRICE $5,895 $8,995 SALE PRICE H 259 MacLean Street Quesnel, B C Micro electrolysis using surgical microscope R Y S L E R (ol# 8435) techniques for permanent hair removal. Certified Electroldgist 747-3009 750ATV's 755 Boats/Marine FOURTRRX 15' BOW Rider boat, fiberglass, tri hull. 90 hp Merc, motor. Highliner trailer. Hardly ever used. Good condition. $4,500 firm. 992-6116. D E M E R S CPIATOPV C O N S T R U C T I O N A l . f- or rtHi, STOWt L A N D S C A P I N G Come Ride With U s Qustiityis a matter of choice 16 years segmental concrete experience j 7 4 7 - 1 2 7 8 *Sales *Service 765 RV's/ Mbtorhoiiies For Sale 38' CHRIS CRAFT fiberglass boat, '/Vpril Mist'. Docked at Prince Rupert. New twin 350 gas engines. Controls also on bridge. Sleeps 6. Fridge, stove, • running water, sea water head, 12V anchor winch. Gen set needs new mag. Excellent charter or live aboard. Asking $65,000 or o.b.o. Call Mike (604) 567-2030 Vanderhoof. 10&1/2 FT. Skylark camper. Fully self contained. $4,500. To view call 747-3426. TiMBERLAKD RENTALS 760 Motorcycles REIUIPEL '^'^'^ Compactors, Weed Eaters. 1981 CrTATION motorhome, 24', 350 Chev motor, propane or gas. 51,000 km. Excelleni cond. $18,000 o.b.o. Leave message, 747-1745. 1982 BLACKFOOT camper ette, full size. Table, bed, sink, water storage tank, propane stove, propane tank, ice box, see through vent, screens on sliding windows. Excellent shape. $850 o.b.o. 992-3803. VERY CLEAN 21 ft. motor home. $10,000. Piione 604392-6732. 780 Utility Trailers 2 - 5'x9' trailers, $995/ea. 3 3.5'x6.5' ATV trailers, $575/ea. 1 - 4'x8'' trailer, $700. Golf carl trailers; $675/ea. Heavy trailers built upon request. 457-6575. 809 Appliances WE FIX IT ALL SHOP NEW LOCATION 1386 Maple Drive. Rebuilt appliances for sale, we accept trade-ins. Also home repair service offered. Phone 7475128. S A L E S 992-6332 195 K e i s A v e . . COLLECTORS: 1988 Honda Shadow VLX 600 cc. Only 960 original km. Candy apple red. Stored In livingroom. $5,000. 747-4401. IN T H E CLASSIFIEDS 747-3530 2316 Ferguson St„Hv/y 97 S (Next to Quesnel Aq) 9 9 2 - 2 L 2 1 865 Miscellaneous For Sale ATCO WA?H CAR 10x50 ft. trailer. Includes five showers and toilets, eight sinks. 2,000 BTU hot water tank, propane furnace, plus laundry room and large storage area. Phone 604395-4443. ELECTRIC/WOOD FURNACE. Excellent condition. 249-5380. FOR SALE: dinlhg room table and chairs, $150. British duffel coat, size 14, excellent condition, $25. Panasonic 28' floor model TV, $500. Storage broom doset. all plywood, 6 shelves, $200. Stainless steel sink and fittings, $6. Phone 747-3830. FREE • styrofbam seedling containers.24"x13-x5". Excellent as flotation for docks. Insulation for root cellars, or for starting plants from seed. Contact HiGro Silva Nursery 992-8613 ONTARIO CIGARETTES for as little as $29 per carton! Includes shipping and handling and G.S.T. Insured for your protection. Join the growing list of customers. Call Export Express 1800-293-0152 for your order form. SINGER 360K knitting machine with lace and Intarsia carriage, colour changer, garter bar etc. $1000. 992-2674 866 Miscellaneous Wanted WILL PAY cash for old windmills, pre-1940 trucks and motorcycles (preferred Diamond T, Dodge, Indian), old single cylinder stationary engine, steam engine, cast iron water pump. 992-1039. 878 Pels ALWAYS WANTED puppies, that will mature, at 10 - 50 lbs. Cross breeds okay for pets. 1604-882-2590. 878 Pets Looking for a trailer or R.V.? Contact L E N B U R T O N CUTE AND cuddly baby bunnies for sale. $5. Call Chris 9929223 evenings. HOVAWART, PUREBRED dogs, a favorite breed in Germany, a rare treat in Canada. Pups available to approved homes in Sept. 1-604-846-5343 PUPPIES OR KHTENS TO BE GIVEN AWAY? Please bring in your ads for four free insertions to CARIBOO OBSERVER. 188 Carson Ave. PUREBRED MINIATURE Dachshunds, $300. Great Dane pups, $500. 296-4123. * TRADES WELCOME * 'Be Certain \Mth Burton' 2 YEAR OLD fridge $600, 2 BUYING OR Selling your RV? Call us free firsti We stock over 200 new and used motorhomes, diesel pushers, 5th wheels, trailers, campers, van conversions. Toll free 1-800668-1447^oyager RV Centre, -Hwy. 97, Winfield. B.C's largest clealer. D.L 9452. year old large freezer $675, inglis range $275, Table and 6 chairs $100. Kenmore upright $90, Ladles 10 speed $45. 9910564. 3 TICKETS to Big Valley Jamboree in Camrose, Alta., Aug. long weekiend. Reserved seating, good campsite. Cdsr$150 each, selling for $100. 2495478. 890 Travel AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE Terrier pups. CKC reg'd champion bloodlines. Tattooed and TICKETS FOR air, bus or train, vaccinated. Show and pet quali- to sell? Try our Travel" Classity. Written health guarantee. fied section. Call 992-2121. The 747-2163. Cariboo Observer. C L A S S I F I E D S Hound your owner to place that classified a d today! I It's easy to find warm, caring pet lovers for everything from mutts to monkeys. A call will do the trick. Quesnel Cariboo Observer 188 C a r s o n A v e . $35,000/YR. INCOME j^Qteritial. Reading books. Toll free (1) 800-898-9778 ext. R-6426 for listings. BEAUTY SALON Busy mall location. 3 stations, 3 sinks, 3 dryers. Lease Is negotiable. Phone 992-7202, ask for Ginnie. FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITYI Our figurine candles sell like crazy, and we are looking for one dealer in your area. No Investment. Work out of your home. Full colour catalog available. Call 403-932-9350. MAKE$$/SAVE$$. Major travel discount for yourself and others. IMMEPIATE & residual Income. Don't let this opportunity T A K E O F P without you! Toll Free 1 604-918-6525. SELUNG YOUR BUSINESS? Try a Cariboo/interior Combo AdI For just $65 plus GST ($.50 for each additional word over 20 words) your ad will appear for one week in ALL these communities-Prince George, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Bridge River, Lillooet, Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Merrift, Kamloops, Salmon Arm/Shuswap) Barriere, Clearwater, Revelstoke. Phone us at 992-2121 for details. START YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Community Futures can help you with financing, Information resources, and advice. Call 992-5626. 9 9 2 - 2 1 2 1 — Garden 920 .Mortgages & .'\greenients Northland D n Mortgages D o y o u n e e d to consolidate your bills? l^jll^ WELL ESTABUSHED restaurant business in- downtown Quesnel. For more information call Nick at 992-6606. I C O N H o m e presents s 14408gjk|einl* dstadwdhonws^ wWi carport Avail, eaily June D o y o u want to ren^vat^? Ild^ybu h a v e equity? If you can answer yes to any of the above Please call Dennis or Chris. 992-7295 252 R e i d St. I C O N H O M E S L T D . 992-6778 (24 Hrs) or 747-2642 (Phone Joe Hart) 990 Legal Notices C o l u m b i a C o s t u m e s C-A-R-I'B-O'O t I 9 I 0 N * t.OJ I T « I C T INVITATION TO QUOTE WOOD WASTE INCINEHATION GET THE MOST OUT OF too MILE HOUSE LANDHU. YOUR ADVERTISING DOLThe Cariboo Regional District Is PUREBRED YELLOW Lab accepting quotes on an hourly basis to LARSIII $39.95 plus GST ($.50 pups, eight weeks old. $300 bum wood waste at the 100 Mile House per word for additional words) Landfill. The successful contractor will each. 392-4474. puts your ad In The Williams be required to provide a track excavator and a mobile air curtain Incinerator. Lake Tribune, The 100 Mile ROTTWEILER, BELGIAN Quote documents and further details are House Free Press, The Prince available from the undersigned. Shepherd cross male puppy. Completed quotes are to be delivered no George Free Press, and The $100, includes first shot Ready later than 2:00 pm July 29, 1996, to the Quesnel Cariboo Observer for address below, at which time a public to go to good home. Both partvyo weeks. opening will take place. ents are available to meet. 249The Cariboo Regional District does not CARIBOO-WIDE bind Itself to accept the lowest or any 5669 before 9 p.m. CLASSIFIEDS. quote and reserves the right to reject all quotes and negotiate with any bidder. A great deal - phone today! Selection will be based upon such 880 Sports/ Phone 992-2121. factors as qualifications, experience (especially on similar projects), ability to Recreational perform the contract according to its JUST DO iti terms (Including timing requirements), Etjiupment Free information on how you availability of contractors' workforce and subcontractors, if applicatMe. reputation can eam big $$$. No product to for quality of work and for timeliness, stock, no selling or delivering, financial stability of finm. and cost BRAND NEW NordicTrack ski Mitch J. Mnchau for further information come see machine. $700. Brand new staSolid Waste Management Coordinator a presentation July 4/96 at 6:30 tionary Heaithware Hi-Tech cyCariboo Regional District at the Recreation centre. Coffee cle, 880 c. $200. 992-2674 after 525 Bortaid Street and snacks will be sen/ed. Williams Lake. BC V2Q 1R9 5:00 p.m. Phone: 392-3351 1-800-665-1636 Bringtfilsad with you and enter NISHIKI MOUNTAIN bike 21 your name in for many door speed never used. $500. 747- prizes. 1745. C-A-R-I-B-O-O Insulation, roofing, sell It all in the Cariboo' Observer Classifieds. Just call99a-212l. 865 Miscellaneous For Sale 895 Yard ANIMALS SOLO as 'purebred KUBOTA GARDEN tractor stock' must be registered in "$4,200. Ph: 747-1378. compliance with the Canadian PYRAMID CEDAR hedging Livestock Pedigree Act. trees, 4 ft. $16 each. #1 trees. 992-6116. CKC REGISTERED Rat-Coated Retriever (Black) female 905 Business pup. Bom March leth. $600. Health clearances available. Opportiuiities 747-4446. OVER 20O RV'S IN STOCK DOORS, WINDOWS, shelving, 1-800-811.-8733 New Equipment for Rental It 1978 FORD Class C 24' Triple E motorhome. Excellent condition. $15,500. 992-6755. 819 Building Materials *Accessories f^ifU^l • ^ * * ' ' ' P ® * ' * ' ' * ' ® Rental R a t e s t !• ' ' 'If) Check us out... 1977 MOTORHOME 21 ft GMC chassis, 350 motor. 58,000 miles. New roof, ceiling, tires. Good cond. $10,500. 9926116 NEW SNOWMOBILE trailer 8x10 deck, 14" tires, tilts both ways, $1000 o.b.o. 249-5048. 1757 C y p r e s s R d . Sandra L. Unger 765 RV's/ Motorlionies For Sale C o s t u m e & Rentals R e n t a l s A c c e s s o r i e s for Billy B a r k e r D a y s 345 Reid Street ( upstairs ) for more Information call: 1 - 6 0 4 - 5 2 4 - 0 4 1 3 • For All Your Insurance Needs Call 992-6611 I N S U R A N C E ' A Iffqiaanesa m Allan Ford 333 R e i d Street ttCIOWAL PliTBrCT INVrrATION TO QUOTE SrrE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE RISKE CREEK REFUSE TRANSFER STATION The Cariboo Regional District is accepting quotes for site development at the Riske Creek refuse transfer station. The work will Include logging, clearing, road and landing constnjction, as well as concrete foundations. Installation of a concrete lock block retaining wall and the assembly of a large metal bin. All contractors must attend a site presentation, scheduled for 10:00 am.. July 11, 1996 at the Riske Creek Site. Quote documents and further details are available from the undersigned. Completed quotes are to t>e delivered no later than 1:00 p.m., July 29, 1996 to the address below, at which time a public opening will take place. The Cariboo Regional District does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any quote,and reserves the right to reject all quotes and negotiate with any bidder Selection will be based upon such factors as qualifications, experience (especially on similar projects), ability to perform the contract according to its terms including timing requirements. availability of contractors' workforce and subcontractors, if applicable, reputation for quality of work and for timeliness, financial stability of firm, and cost Mitch J. Minchau, Solid Waste Mana^ment Coordinator Cariboo Regional District 525 Bortand Street Williams Lake. B.C. V2Q 1R9 Phone: 392-3351 1-800-665-1636 I fcS^iSS R o n W y l i e C u s t o m A r t G a l l e r y & P i c t u r e F r a m i n g •Quality Workmanship *Umlted Edition Prints Framed professionally on premises!^ *Large selection including such artists as: *Stephen Lyman *Cari8Feriders "Terry issac *Robert,Bateinan. and many others.... Local Artists such as: •Andrew Wss *Steve Mills 1871 Cypress Rd., Quesnel, B.C.V2J4B1 747t1579 ^ ^ k t r d ' G e t >/$ 19.95 month >/ 4 0 free hours >/15 Incoming W e b , O n l i n e ! lines p a g e s N o long distance tohlract. Ott]er ^kages to choose from. A B C C O M M U N I C A T I O N S Opfposlte Credit Union 992-1230 4 2 QuesneLCariboo T H 9 9 0 Wednesday, Observer CLASSIFIEDS Lej^al N o t i c e s 9 9 0 Lejial N o t i c e s 991) L e o a l N o t i c e s 9 9 0 L e " a l N o t i c e s 9 9 0 L e g a l July 3 , 1 9 9 6 WeAaesdey, July CALL 9 9 2 - 2 1 2 1 f 6 r N o t i c e s a c t i o n 9 9 0 Le<'ai N o t i c e s 9 9 0 ' ainan Columbia famu NOTICE INVmNQ APPUCATIONS FOR TIMBER S A L E U C E N C E A45211 Take notfcs that pursuant to Section l a t at the Forest Act, sealed tender applications will be a e c e p t o g b / t h e District Manager, Quesnel B . C T u p to 10:30 hours on the 22nd ot August, 1996, tor a Timber Sale Licence to authorize t t » harvesting of timber on 17 cut blodts within the Quesnel Timber Supply Area The purpose of this sale is to encourage and promote further manufacturing of timber and forest products In the Province. Vtolume: 155,602 m3, more or less. Species: Lodgepole Pine 80%. Spnico 15%, Balsam 4%, Douglas-fir 1%, more orless. Tbrm: Five (5) years from the award Appllcalions will be accepted only from those firms or individuals who are registered or are eligible to be registered in Category 2 of the Small Business Forest Enterprise Program. Applications shall provide a proposal for the fulher manufacture of timtier and forest products. Sealed tenders will be opened in the Quesnel District office. Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B.C. at 1 1 h o u r s on August 22, 1996. Particulars may bo obtained from the District Manager, Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel B.C. V2J3M5. Ptcnmetol MMslryol BiUMh Columbia Foiaiu NOTICE INVrriNQ APPUCATIONS FOR TIMBER S A L E U C E N C E AS2«01 Tal<e notice tfiat. pursuant to Section 16 of the Forbst Act, sealed tender applications will be accepted by tha District Manager, Quesnel, B.C.. up to 10:30 hours on the l l l h day of July, 1996, for a Timber Sale Ucence to authorize the harvesting of timtjer located in the vicinity of the Morris Lal<e, Quesnel Timber Supply Area Volume: 5,671 m" more or le^s. Species: Spruce 94%, Balsam 4% Lodgepoie Pine 2% more or less. Term: Eight (8) monttis, expiring on March 10, 1997. Ijogging Method: Conventional-Clearcut Season of log^ng: All season. Only tenders from Category 1 Small Business Forest Enterprise Program will be accepted. Sealed tenders will be opened in the Quesnel District office, Ministty of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B.C., at 11:00 hours on July 11. 1996. Particulars may be obtained from the Distiict Manager, Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B.C. V2J3M5. CITY OF Q u e s n e l INVrrATION TO TENDER Sealed tandais dearty marked "WEST FFlASER/McRAE ROAD WATERMAIN EXTENSION TENDER- wiU be recelvod at the offices of CfTY OF QUESNEL, 405 BARLOW AVENUE, Q U E S N E L B.C. V2J 2C3; 2 . ^ P M local time on 19m day of July 1996. The project is comprised of ttie following works for two Waterman Extensions: 1. Supply and Install 115m of 150mm diameter PVC watermain, service comoctions and aO related appurtenances on McRae Road. 2. Supply and install 530m of 200mm diameter PVC watermain, service connections and all related appurtenances on West Fraser Road. Tender documents are availat)le for viewing at the Construction Association offices k)cated in Prince George, Quesnel and Williams Lake. Tef¥ler documents may be obtained from Qty of Quesnel, 405 Barlow Avenue, Ouesnel BC or the office of Stanley Associates Engineering Ud.. #100-2700 Queotsway Street Prince George, BC, upon deposit of a certified cheque in tine amount of Thirty ($30.00) Dollars non-refundabla. Tenders must be accompanied by both: 1- A BID BOND. CASH DEPOSrT. CERTIFIED CHEQUE OR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF C L E A N CREDrT in the amount of Ten (10%) Percent of the tender price, and 2. A CONSENT OF SURETY related to sutjsequent security arrangements for PERFORMANCE and LABOUR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT GUARANTEES. If the information stipulated above is not endosed with the tender at the time of opening, the tender wOl be rejected. Tervlers received after ttie dosing time will be returned unopened. The k>west or any tender win not necessarily be accepted. Jack Marsh Alan Qartc, P Eng Works Sup«visor Stanley Assodates Engineering Lid. Telephone 992-2111 Telephone 562-8261 Fax 992-2206 Fax 5640338 Pte«lnc«ol MWtlnral emiih Cokmbla fontla " "TIOTICEINVrnNQ APPUCATIONS FOR TIMBER S A L E U C E N C E A52593 Take notice that pursuant to Section 16 of the Forest Act, sealed tender applications will be accepted by the District Manager. Quesnel, B . C . , up to 10:30 hours on the 25th day of July. 1996. tor a Timber Sale Licence to authorize the harvesting of timber located in the vidnity ot the Morris Lake. Quesnel Timber Supply Area. Volume: 29.817 m3. more or less. Spades: Lodgepole Pine 88%. Spruce 12%. more or less. Term: One (1) year, expiring on July 24, 1997. Logging Method:Convorrtional-Ciearcut. Season of Logging: Ail season. Only tenders from Category 1 Small Business Forest Enterprise Program will Be accepted. Sealed tenders will be opened in the Quesnel District office, Ministry of Forests, 322 J o h n s t o n Avenue, Quesnel, B.C. at 11KX) hours on July 25, 1996. Particulars may be obtained from the District Manager, Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B . C . V2J3M5. NOTICE TO: D A L E K O E P K E re: 1977 Oldsmobne Omega, 2 DRHT VIN#3B27C7C7L109514, registered in your name witti $1,026.93 owing for towing and storage costs. TO: DONNA MARIE F R E E M A N re: 1979 Chevrolet Monza 2 OR coupe. VIN#1R07G97191278. registered in your name, with $915.65 owing for towing and storage costs. TO: TIM LORNE WEIR re: 1981 Pontiac Phoenix hatchtiack, V1N#1 G2AY68X5BT150810, registered In your name with $1,609.01 owning for towing arnj storage costs. The atjove noted tour vehides wiU be sold to recover towing, storage and assodated costs, at 10:00 am, July 15, 1996. Blackhawk Towing Ltd. R O . Box 4255 4252 Comoau Rd. Quesnel, B.C. V 2 J 3J3 P R O P O S E D SILVICULTURE PRESCRIPTIONS Notice of pre-tiarvest silviculture prescriptiors or silvicutturs prescriptions for an area to be logged, pursuant to section 12 of the silviculture practices regiJations. The following areas hiave proposed prescriptions that will apply if approval to log is obtained from the Ministiry of Forests. The proposed prescriptions will t)e available for viewing until August 14, 1996 at the location noted below, during regular woridng hours. To ensure consideration before logging commerx»s, any written comments must be made to Chris Bden, Forest Planning Supervisor, Weldwood of Canada Ltd., Plywood Road (Box 2000). Quesnel B.C. V 2 J 3J5 by the above date. Forest U c e n c e A20013 Range Cutting Cut Location Area Amdmt Unit Permit Blodc (ha) (Y/N) Cuisson-Alexandria 898 33 Eveline Lake 1.0 N CuissorvAiexandha 34 Eveline Lake 15 N Weldwood of Canada Ltd. F O R E S T DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOTICE OF AMENDMENT The 1995 - 2000 Forest Development Plan for F L A200013 is being amended from the version previously advertised for public review. Cutting Permit 208, block 1,2 & 3 in the vidnity of Nazko river are t>eing amended to allow for ttie removal of priority Mountain Pine Beetie infested timber. The amendment proposal wiU be available for public review and comment during normal tiusiness hoors from July 1, 1996 to August 12, 1996 at four office on Plywood Road. Quesnel. B^C. Please direct all correspondence or inquiries to: Weldwood ot Canada Ltd.. P O . Box 2000, Quesnel, B.C. V2J 3J5 Attention: Greg Scott Forest Planning Supervisor, or cad 992-5511. C A L L FOR T E N D E R S Notice to Interested and qualified contractors. West Fraser Mills Ltd. Quesnel Division will bo completing 300 hectares of manual brushing of young seedlings and 300 hectares of conifer release in older plantations for the 1996 summer season. Qualified contractors will have successfully completed a comparable contract (size NOfTICE O F PROPOSED FOREST DEVEljOPHENT P L A N , arxllreatments) with the Quesnel District witfiln ttie previous two years. MANAGEMENT P L A N AND SILVICULTURAL PRESCRIPTION Please sutimit a resume and references detailing completed contracts to: FOR A N A R E A TO B E L O G G E D Trena Allen, West Fraser Mils Ltd. - Quesnel Division Notice is hereby given that Tony Bensted wiO h d d a public viewing of the proposed P O . Box 6000, Quesnel, B.C. V 2 J 3J5 development plan, management plan and silvicultural prescriptions for an area to be Phone (604)992-9244 or fax (604)992-9233 toggea, fbr Woodlot Ucence #1054. These plans will cover the foHowing geographic by: July 11.1996 arear. N A R C O S U CREEWRUTTAN ROAD. The draft forest development plan and management plan shows the location and orderly development of proposed harvesting and read development maintenance and deactivation for five years, as Identified on acoompanying prescriptions. The plans also indude information on the maintenance NOTICE TO C O N T R A C T O R S and protadkm of other resource values In the area. Sealed tenders endorsed "Tender For Addition to CorreUeu Secondary School, The Notice of Silviciitural Prescription for an Area to be Logged is pursuant to section Quesnel, B C ' wfll be received at the office of the Secretary-Treasurer, School District 12 of the SiMcullure Practices RegUationa. 28, Quesnel, BC up to 3:00 pm local time Thursday, 18 July 1996. Each of the following areas has a proposed Silviculture Prescription ttiat win apply if The project consists of the construction of a four dassroom, single storey adifition of approval to log the area is obtained from the Mnistry of Forests. The proposed approximately 4S0m2 (4,844 sq. ft). praacrlptions wfll be available fbr viewing In conjunction with the development plaa General Contractors only may obtain documents from the Architect, upon receipt of Tb a r a m consideration before logging commences, any written comments must be TVw Hundred Dollars ($200) fbr one set only, which will be refunded upon receipt of a mada to Tony Bensted, R P F - Cariboo Forest Consultants Ltd - Box 4629, Quesnel bonafide bid and return of documents as specified. B.C. V2J 3J8 by September 9,199a Documents will be on view at the B.C.CA. offices in Prince George, Vancouver, Fbrmof Ucence Cutting Lflcation Approx Area Amdmt Range Kamloops, Quesnel, WiHiams Lake.Kekiwna and Vemon. Agfmt No. Pennit Nearest Gea (ha) yes/ho Unit Tenders must be accompanied by a Bid Deposit Bond Issued by a Surety Company Comm. location licenced to do business sin Canada, in ttie amount df 10% of ttie tender figure. WL 1054 B-1 Quesnei W 1 / 2 D L 3 8 9 4 26.4 No Narcosli The successful bidder win be required to provide a 50% Falttiful Perfomance Bond WL 1054 B-2 Quesnel RuttanRd. 32.0 No NJA and a 50% Labour and Materials Bond within ten(IO) days after the award of ttie HE 1/4 DL3890 Contract The plan and prescriptions are availatiie fbr review by resource agendes and the The following trades win deposit Oieir bkls to ttie a C . C - A . Bid Deposit System at ttie pubOc before approval is considered by the Mristiy of Forests. All approved Prince George, Kamloops. or Vancouver and Lovrar Mainland Bid Depository offices up operational plans and higher level plans that encompass the development area win be b3 3:00 pm tocal time Monday, ISJuty 1996. made available for viewing at W s jma. Masonry Flooring The forest development plart, management plan and silviculture proscription wiD be Structural Steel Painting A Decorating made available for review at the Quesnel Forest District 322 Johnston Ave., Quesnel, Metal Deck Mechanical a c July 10 to September 9,1996, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. Membrance Roofing Bocfric A representative wUI be available to discuss the proposed plans and receive The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. comments. Tim Wotz, Secretary-Treasurer Greenwey & Bryan/Architects If any interested patties are unable to review the proposed plans during thssei times, School Distrid 28 1888 Jtird Avenue arrangements can be made to view the plans at a time convenient for them. 401 Nortti Star Road Prince George BC V2M 1G4 Dale Bubela. Woodlot Forester, or his attamate wOl be made available to discuss the Quesnel B.C. V2J SK2 proposed plans-and receivo comments. Fax: 604-992-7652 Proolnca al Mlntolnr Ol etiush Columbia ro<«u NOTICE INVmNG APPUCATIONS FOR TIMBER S A L E LICENCE A4532S Take notice that pursuant to Section 16 of ttie Forest A c t sealed tender applications will be accepted by the District Manager, Quesnel, B.C.. up to 13:00 hours on ttie 18tti day of July. 1996, for a Timber Sale Ucence to authonze the harvesting of timber located in the vidnity of the Morris Lake, Quesnel Timber Supply Area. Volume: 14,229 m3, more or less. Spedes: Lodgepole Pine 79%, Spaice 21%, more or less. Term; One (1) year, expiring on July 17, 1997. Logging Method: ConventionalClearcut Season of Logging: All season. Only tenders from Category 1 Small Business Forest Enterprise Program wiU be accepted. Sealed tenders will be opened in ttie Quesnel District office. Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnei, B.C., at 15:00 hours on July 18, 1996. Particulars may be obtained from ttie Distrid Manager, Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnei, B.C. V2J 3M5. Pfoolneaol UMsuyol | T l Y einllh Cokanbta Fo<a>u NOTICE INVrriNQ APPUCATIONS FOR TIMBER S A L E U C E N C E A47728 Take notice ttiat pursuant to Section 16 of ttie Forest A c t sealed tender applications will t>e accepted by ttie Distrid Manager, Quesnel, B.C., up to 13:00 hours on ttie lltti. day of July. 1996, for a Timt>er Sale Ucence to authorize the harvesting of timber located in ttie vidnity of ttie Clisbako River, Quesnel Timber Supply Area Volume: 9,114 more or less. Spedes: Lodgepole Pine 90%, Spruce 8%, Balsam 2%. mors or less. Term: One (1) year, expiring on July 10, 1997. Logging Mettiod: Conventional-Clearcut Season of ksgging: All seasoa Only tenders from Category 1 SmaU Business Forest Enterprise Program will tie accepted. Sealed tenders win be opened in ttie Quesnel Distiid office. Ministry of Forests, 322 Jotinston Avenue, Quesnel, B.C.. at 15:00 hours on July 11, 1996. ParticUars may be obtained from the Distrid Manager, Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, CKiesnel, 8.C. V2J3M5. 1 praoMad NOTICE INVmNQ APPLICATIONS FOR TIMBER SAUE U C E N C E A4532e Take notice ttiat pursuant to Section 16 of the Forest Act, sealed tender applications will be accepted by the District Manager, Quesnel, B . C . , up to 13:00 hours on ttie 2Sth. day of July, 1996, for a Timber Sale Ucence to authorize the harvesting of timber located in the vidnity of the Morris Lake, Quesnel Timber Supply Area Volume: 3,728 m', more or less. Spedes: Lodgepole Pine 67%. Spruce 32%. Balsam 1%, more or less. Term: Bght (8) monttis, expiring on March 24,1997. Logging ConventionalMattwd: Qearcut Season of Ijogging: All season. Only tenders from Category 1 Small Business Forest Enterprise Program wiU beaccepted. Sealed tenders win be opened in ttie Quesnel District office, Ministry ot Forests, 322 Jotinston Avenue, Q u ^ n e l , B . C , at 15:00 hours on July 25,1996. Particulars may be obtained from ttie District Manager. Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B . C . V2J3M5. 3 ^ 1 f i i ^ WAREHOUSEMAN'S U E N NOTICE To:TANJASULKKO. amount owing $372.79. To: J U D Y BARTKOW, amount owing SI 80.44 Furniture and personal possessions belonging to. the atiove named persons win be sold Wednesday, July 10, 1996, to recover storage and assodated costs. Annett Mini Storage 1185 Hv»y. 97 North Quesnel, B . C pco«lne« d UMlur at atlUsh Cokmbla PotMla NOTICE INVrriNG A P P U C A T I O N S FOR TIMBER S A L E LICENCE A49776 Take notice ttiat pursuant to Section 16 of ttie Forest Art, sealed tender applications win t>e accepted Ijy ttie Distrid Manager, Quesnel. B.C., up to 10:30 hours on ttie 18tti. day of July. 1996, for a Timber Sale Ucence to auttiorize ttie harvesting of timber located in ttie vidnity of ttie Fontaine Creek, Quesnel Tlmtier Supply A r e a Volume: 17,499fTi*, more or less. Spedes: Spruce 88%, Balsam 11%, Lodgepole Pine 1 %, more orless. Term: Nine (9) months, expiring on April 17. 1997. Lagging IMemod: Conventional-Qearcut Season of Logging: Winter Only tenders from Category 1 Small Business Forest Enterprise Program will be accepted. Sealed tenders will be opened in ttie Quesnel Distiid office, Mir^stry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B.C., at 11:00 hours on July 18, 1996 Particulars may be obtained from ttie Disti-lrt Manager, Ministy of Forests, 322 Jolmston Avenue, Quesnel, B.C. V2J3M5. NOTICE INVmNQ A P P U C A T I O N S FOR TIMBER S A L E U C E N C E A44912 Take notice ttiat pursuant to Section 16 of ttie Forest A c t sealed tender applications will be accepted by the Distrid Manager, Quesnel, B.C., up to 10:30 hours on ttie llttv day of July, 1996, for a Timber Sale Ucence to auttiorize ttie harvesting of timtier located In ttie vicinity of ttie 3500 Road, Martin Meadow, Quesnel Timtier Supply A r e a Volume: 2,795 m* more or less. Spedes: Lodgepole Pine 60%, Spruce 40%, more or less. Term: Eight (8) monttis, expiring on March 10.1997. Logging Mottiod: Conventional-Clearcut Season of logging: All season. Only tenders from Category 2 Sman Business Forest Enterprise Program will be accepted. Sealed tenders wm be opened in the Quesnel Distrid office. Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue. Quesnel, B.C., at 11 M> hours on July 11,1996. PauHculars may be obtained from the Distiid Manager, Mnistry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue. Quesnei, B.C. V2J3Ma PULPWOOO A Q R E E H E N T N a 5 REPLACEUENT Take notice ttiat in accordance with Section 36 ot the Forest Act. ttie Minister of Forests has offered Cariboo Pulp and Paper U d . , the holder of Pulpwood Agreement No. S, a new pulpwood a g r e e m e n t T h e new pulpwood agreement it accepted, wiU replace the existing pulpwood agreement on Its tenth anrBversary and will have ttie same term of 25 years as the original pulpwood agreement. Pulpwood Agreement N o . 5 covers large poitians of ttie Williams Lake and Quesnel Timber Supply Areas, in ttie vidnity of Williams Lake and Quesnel, British C o l u m b i a . F o r further information, please contact Mike Carison, Regional Manager, Cariboo Forest Region, at 604-398-4345, in I Wnnams Lake Rrm5.h Col.^ibia L e o a l N o t i c e s INVTTATION TO T E N D E R BC Hydro requests offers to supply all labour and equipment required fbr the ground inspection patrols of SOOkV steel tower and 230kV a n d f38kV wood pole transmission Ones between Prince George and MacKenzle, Personnel engaged in ttiis work must have extensive experience in the construction Inspection or maintenance of SOOkV steel towerlines and 230kV and 138kV wood pole lines. Tender documents c a n be_ obtained from B C Hydro's Transmission Department at 2244 Nicholson S t r e e t Prince George. Reference I W C E614-9605. Tender dosing date is Wednesday; July 24, 1996. For further InformaQon call 469 C O M M U N n T N E W S M F E R S A S S O C I A T I O N ANNOUNCEMENTS R E P O R T Private group mation for seelcs about info infor- poaching, offered leading to Confidentiality/anonymity assured. 1-800-889-1597. C A Ny o u lease G R E A T a with air/tilt/crulse & 531-0924 more or 5 3 8 - 4X4's, Explorers, 321 returns, O-Down, good fi- nancing. Free delivery. for free approval for Grant 1-800-993- 3673. L E A S E R E P O S , 4X4's, Retum6. Trucks, V a n s , Luxury Cars. G a s Savers, Caravans, Jimmys. Take over lease. dl.l\4., Dodge Club-cab, 4X4's, G a s , Marty Kozak 464- C O R P O R A T E Part-time or full-time. Installing o n site, c o n t i n u o u s landscape equipment, tern, training. K E R B . .1-800-667- ' POTENTIAL as Information B r o k e r with Canada!s fastest growing franchise company. based. Home port. Investment required. 1-800-t6i-5627. G O V E R N M E N T Government programs earning potential t o Indus- trious/self-motivated sales F U N D S . assistance advantage ment call grants W e the'govema n d loans. 1-800r505-8866. S E L L I N G j e a r t i / of R E A L Estate? did! G o t out in '95. successful in '96. Retiring in '97. A s k us h o w . Call Roland (604)351-1002 Lionel (604)535-6492. n»«MraMlllr<CMl He"")''"* or • Vancouver offer|^6rrecour%^s for O i p l o m a l i - phone in bea Ipfl^ree $ 1 . 5 0 c u b i c W^e for 1 3 , 0 0 C ^ ^ b i c South p e r approx. metres. B . C . Please s e n d >ni|!gme to: 3 8 2 1 OntarioitAvenue. R i v e r ; t ^ V B A Powell 5C7. 350,000 services. Twined n e e d e d - ail W e c a n train y o u ment assistance.^pr in- formation/brochurb F a x : M O B l p ^ Photos, 681-5456. call 1-800-665- PIZZA Answers, Serving over in B . C . For information chise on fran- opportunities call: dollar in a system participants with high Bidewell Surrey, S u p e r now before does! - tos, fantasies, toll-free Call O N .K 1 L 'f:.. product Ext,p038 R e h e w a l , B C Internet site: 133 multi- media including monitor year $60. warranty. p e r $1,699 2 or m o r i t h ^ . A . C . (604)734-7377 o r Toll-free 1-800-471-1131. ar\d a r ^ l i l ^ e e d processing C H i C S I M|l$ter the to choose your inter- Director HELP O P T I C A L in Srhithers certified salary, group accurate arir swers by authentic psy- chics. Problems destiny solved, awaits. 451-3778, 1-900- 24hrs. 18+ $ 2 . 9 9 / ^ r t : m G . jSliyiqli^ CANA|3A%m6st Gifted psychlp^l^lye answers to atiput lucky' ques- health, relatiorii^Jhips, love. money, V ;^ numbers. $3.49/irflntite. 24hours. benefitSyvFax re- 6 Males^^ft. show and field G O L D E N C K C R e a d y d U l ^ . R E T R I E V ^ i Registered ceptional E N C O U N - quality, now $550. each. 1-900-451|^370 o n this ibut- standing litter pail: (604)142-3647. REAL O W N ESTATE^ Y O U R O w n moun- tain retreat in E i k f o r i B . d . New^jy r e n o v a t e d shipl^^iFpr informatlorfij?all toll-free: 1^8-355-3557. B O O M E R S ! C E R N E D about B C matdi to-vyfiiliduses $39^500. now,for Love a n d Hfiendship. IMPOTEIStCE easi- problems c a u s e d liV'.aging, s # g e r y , Qpi medicadiabetes the facts.: Perfprrlahce Medical, Box 41|p^alamount, 2Zd7 from a n d a B.C. ChatHrie,- l i v ^ j ^ m le t i m e . N o w ! More jthan e v e r t o choos^rojrh. Call Toll- 1^Q0|gi5l-6338. 5all listen (604)257- 5555. ; D O Y O U need to share someone ICBC. trial l a w y e r for 2 7 Call frea Rose Contingency fees. iSim^ni-' W e n e r ^ A d l e n " ' S T E E L BUILD S T E ^ B U I L C i " C h e l p e r T h a n Q u d % e | - S t r a i ^ quonset^Stnjbtural|&!f9Bif Bulldinjgs^ B . e . w d i ^ b e S e r v i c a a n d C o r t l ^ l j l ^ u n d ^ i p l d : ' ^ : satisl||t|i&ff^; guarahteed! Steal W e s i i ^ m Buildings 565-9800. Y O U R - ii8do-; 1' S /s?; v - ^ ' ; C H O I C E R $ 5 2 0 Z i ^ ^ $8ei9i; comc a n and T h e Matcjimakers Md-." -1-800-266i-i8i3l8 yeare. 1-800-66^;di|38. Q 3 0 X 4 4 / A 3 0 X 4 0 Fran R o a d . K e l o w n a . Tel:8 6 1 - injury Wener. romantic panionship, help! T h e S w a n A . 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FIdiicible h o U r s I business. this p a p e r o r the 6 C Y - Used into an addltiona] w o r d O N A a t ( 6 0 4 ) 6 6 9 - 9 2 2 2 m a n a g e r s available. F o ryour n e w or existing $ 6.00 each 1-800-665-7044. unlimited In place S l Yukon O w n e r s . ing C To Dealer6/Park Complete training a n d ongoing a u p - Institute^: brochure P R O M O - O v e r O for 2 5 w o r d s readers. ginning this m o n d Q = o r Street. offers f 100 apartment/condoJiinium E x c l u s i v e local ter- ritory a v a i l a b l e . f reputable mail-order $150,000A'R 1 Established, total p r d v e n sys-- S A concrete, edging, S B Products. m a d e - O w n your owrl business. op- distributors. T h i s tape OPPORTUNITIES K E R B I T I O N A L N O G E N O L BUSINESS KWIK Julian M L M ' E R S , - Bitum Columbia FonaU I N G Duncan, B . C .V 9 L 3SS. TIONAL 3941, 525-0408. •fo St. all m o d e l s , ask 3 million Counselling P r a c l ^ Canada. Phone than the panding trades. newspapers in B.C^and more C A N A D I A N Jeeps, Diesels. All makes, lease, C HFJP P A N A G O P O U L O S 9778, D.8367. F 2 5 0 C Minimal investment. #201- month for I o n a wide range of items. products info reach Dollar Store franchise agents. P h o n e ^ ads appear in approximately portunity offers ratal! s a l e s F o r d F 1 5 0for $ 2 1 4 . 8 2 p e r more? I f l ^ l f T R W f * ^ company AUTO W H E R E O P O A C H E R S ! investigation/re- search Diesel. NOTICE m v m N Q A P P U C A T I O N S FOR TIMBER S A L E L I C E N C E Asazos Take notice ttiat pursuant to Section 16 of the Forest Act, sealed tender applications will be accepted by the District Manager. Quesnel B . C . . up to 10:30 hours on the 11th day of July. 1996. for a Tlmber^Sale Ucence to authorize the harvesting of timber located in the vidnity of the Jamas Mountain, Quesnel Timber Supply Area Volume: 450 m3. more or less. Spedes: Lodgepole Pins 85%. Spruce 10%. Douglas-fir 5%, mora or less. Term: Throe (3) months, expiring on October 10.1996. Logging M e t h o d : C o n v e n t i o n a l Selective. Season of Logging: An seasoa Upset Stumpege: $3a89/m3. Only tenders from Category 1 Small Business Forest Enterprise Program will be accepted. Sealed tenders will be opened In the Quesnel District office. Ministry of F o r e s t s , 3 2 2 J o h n s t o n Avenue, Quesnel. B . C . at 11:00 hours o n Jiily 11,1996. Partlculais may be obtained from ttie District ktanager, Ministty of Forests, 322 Johrtsioft Avenue, Quesnel B . C . V 2 J 3 M S . . '•5;- W BUSINESS a r r e s t / c o n v i c t i o n . Take notice that pursuant to S ^ o n 16 of the Forest A c t sealed tender applications will be accepted by the Distrid Manager, Quesnel, B . C . . up to 10:30 hours on the 2Stti. day of July, 1996, for a Timber Sale U c e n c e to authorize the harvesting of timber located in ttie vidnity of ttie Monis Lake, Quesnel Timber Supply A r e a Volume: 29,617 m", more or less. Spedes: Lodgepole Pine 88%, Spruce 12%. mora or less. Term: One (1) year, expiring on March 24, 1997. Logging ConventionalMettiod: Clearcut Season of Ijogging: All season. Only tenders from Category 1 Small Business Forest Enterprise Program wiU beaccepted. Sealed tenders will be opened in the Quesnel District office. Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B.C., at 11.00 hours on July 25.1996. Particulars may be otitained from the Distrid Manager, Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B . C . V2J 3M5. t T h e s e and trade. U p to $ 2 0 0 0 NOTICE M V m N Q A P P U C A T I O N d FOR TIMBER S A L E U C E N C E AS2S93 e community BtUi$h ColnmHa ani Y*ko* baiting & illegal b e a r parts MWnrrai N , 046X60^83^X62 Prlc^,, Inciudes % $ipS9,^ ^jMI p d s i ^ ^ I d i n ft ) d d r r G . S . i i M l freight ioVancouve^:ig&ji; Future 1 > 8 0 0 ' 6 6 & « l l T . ; iS' " i4 4 4 Quesnel Cariboo Observer W e d n e s d a y , July Paiift Stores Top looking, Quality paints ^fil/li^ outperform ordinary paints! and most popular paints 02010-PREMIUM ACRYLIC LATEX HOUSE PAINT 161 LINE-. COLOR OIL BASED Sale on from June 21 to Inly 21 1996 They are easier to apply, they are better they last longer and they're your best value. This flyer features . excellent in each product values on our Top Quality line. 03240-PREMIUM INTERIOR SUPER EGGSHELL LATEX 167 LINE-SOLID HIDE OIL BASED FENCE STAINS V\/ooDST\ms It's Prince George Store Where lb W a r t Kamloops Stere. I ^ A G t e a t F i t i i s h ! kelowna Ston? 166S NichoUon Street in *thk Nicholson Centre 750 Fortun%Prive i n Fortune S h o p p i n g Centre 1950 B Spnng^eld Road across from BC Gas dhesnei Store }fernoniStormf i l^ntictoh^j^ior^ 464?^H1ghway 97 South topvdf Dragon Lake Hill 747^^91 "° ^ 2804 -^44th'|AvienBe in Cooper's ParJdng Lot '542-5301^*''~*'"'^'""' " 3 , 1 9 9 6 861r3375 'i65^Fair«TevrRoad ^ acros's frdb Beaver Luml}er 490^372^^'' Cranbroolc Store 1525 Cranbrook St. W. in Ranth Home Decorating Centre 426-6191 En miMrDmaiaieaovcnlaleMnt i l l member of the ' BrithhCbluie&^JMntbre Association whkhcnablislMiil, , gonrnmntstocoUecC accumulated ind new Hint ^••Sta . to dispose of it in'a safe manner. In keeping «Htli''thep(aetiots of m of the BC paint industiy a nomiml fee i^now diaiged on all qewjaint puichased to help fuidtiesigriated collection sites. The Eco Fa averages SO* 3-7i,U^. and is added to the purchase price at time of sale." '
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