T2 Community Newsletter - William Colenso College

Each year two senior students are awarded a scholarship from their external
results of NCEA examinations. These scholarships are worth $1,000 each and
are kindly donated by the WCC Parents Association.
Congratulations to Jessica Clarke and Akimoto Hosokawa.
Jess is studying for a Bachelor of Criminal Justice at Canterbury University, and
Akimoto is currently in Australia completing a year of overseas experience
and will return to NZ in 2016 to further his studies.
On Friday 13th March, we held our annual enrichment day. Normal timetable classes are not run on this day, instead students are
involved in a variety of activities. Some students remain at school and others complete activities off site. The objective of the day is
to engage students in meaningful learning experiences not offered in the regular school timetable and to enable staff and students
to develop learning experiences based on their interests. Some of the activities enable students to gain NCEA credits and this day
further develops positive student/teacher relationships. Some of the activities offered this year were:
Bubble Soccer, EIT for the Day, Print-making, X-Country Mountain Biking, 3 Course Lunch for parents/caregivers/whanau, Outdoor
Adventure, Golflands, Marae Catering and Waka Ama.
Our students have played a major role in supporting the Cricket World Cup and our region.
This term our kapa haka group led the powhiri for the teams from the United Arab Emirates
and Afghanistan. They certainly showed incredible whanaungatanga and represented us
with pride and mana.
I tērā wiki, i haka pōwhiri atu tō mātou roopu kapa haka i ngā tīma kirikiti e rua mō te Kapa
Kirikiti o te Ao, ko United Arab Emirates rāua ko Afghanistan ērā tīma. Kāore i kō atu te ihi
me te wehi ō ā mātou ākonga.
Gateway Is designed to strengthen the pathway for students to progress from school to workplace learning. It also
provides students with structured workplace learning across a range of industries and businesses around New Zealand,
while they continue to study at school. Gateway delivers hands on, practical learning that leads to Nationally
recognised Qualifications and builds students’ workplace experience, helping them move smoothly from school to
work. There are 20 Placements available yearly where 20 Industry credits are the goal. Students need to be motivated
with good attendance and time management skills. Gateway is available to support Senior Secondary students (Year 11 to Year 13+)
at state and integrated secondary schools. Our students are referred based on discussions with their Deans.
Thank you to Sax Dearing Orthodontics for their continued sponsorship
support for our community and parent newsletters
Once again our athletics day held at the Hastings Sports Park was a hugely enjoyable day for both staff and
students. The results of the day for each House was:
Participation points:
Placing Points:
Overall Winners of House Athletics
Maropea House
On the 16th of March, 7Ns went on a trip to Hardinge Rd as part of our Salty Accommodation unit. We met up at the Rocky Shore
with Jacqui and Carly from the National Aquarium of New Zealand. They were going to help us find rocky shore creatures. After an
introduction of what we were going to do for the day we grabbed our buddies and some of us also grabbed a clear bottomed
bucket or a camera. Then we started looking around for rocky shore creatures. We looked for about 45 minutes and found: dozens
of starfish, half crabs, whelk, chitons, cats eyes and sea anemones. We also found an exoskeleton of a red rock crab and even a
sea slug! After that we had lunch and went back to school.
Layla Christison
Shave for a Cure is Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand's signature fundraising event.
Every year thousands of individuals, schools and businesses across the country whip out the
clippers and shave their locks in a bid to help the 6 Kiwis a day diagnosed with a blood
cancer or related condition. At a school assembly our Deputy Head Girl Bobbette
Beauchamp, cut and shaved her very long hair for “Shave for a Cure”.ividuals, schools and
businesses across the country whip out the clippers and shave their locks in a bid to help
Our first 2015 intake of C.A.C.T.U.S (Combined Adolescent Challenge Training Unit
Support) students completed the programme last term. These students were
committed to 8 weeks (three mornings a week) of physical training followed by
the gruelling 36km Longest Day Challenge. Congratulations to the following
students who were part of this amazing group:
Shadoe Cambell, Kaige Ebbitt, Rahmon Hooker, Ben Hugo, Nathan Kahu, Kelum
Matiu, Nemesia Ngamotu, Aroha Ngaronoa, Lani Pereka, Malachi Ria, Cristina
Romero Salinas, Kyruss Su’a, Cody Tawaka, Matthias Wagner, Mya Wairau, Sonny
Walker. Hukarere Students: Anahera Bridger, Tira Edmonds-Puketapu, Ngawari
Mackey, Merepeka Namana. Thank you to the student mentors: Taylar Karauria, Arden Pegg,
Cheyenne Wirihana-Fox and Te Poata Wickliffe.
Sonny Walker and Matthias Wagner were awarded the Excellence Award and Cristina Romero Salinas
received the Merit Award.
Special thanks to staff: Alice Drake, Virginia Engels, Josh Badger, Nancy Campbell, Kate O’Malley
(Hukarere). Police Staff: Trainer: Willie Tran, Cam Donnison, Hoki Ward, Dean Lyall, Che Lind, Grant
Holder, Mark Johnson, Emma Luton and Gemma Bayliss.
Thank you to Sally Crown from
He Ngakau Hou for the photos.
We would like to thank Mr Apple for the donation of apples for our C.A.C.T.U.S, waka ama and sports groups and the following businesses for supporting our C.A.C.T.U.S group: Conroys Transport, Goodman Fielder, Alsco and Napier Pak n Save.
Talofa Lava!
My name is Bea Carter-Judd and I
have the privilege of teaching 7/8CB,
a year 7 & 8 class at William Colenso
I’m originally from Wellington and have
been teaching at William Colenso for a
year and lucky to have been asked to
teach for another year as a long term
reliever. It was great to meet parents
at our recent Class Whanau Meeting.
We welcome anyone to come into our classroom at any
time, to see who we are and what we are learning about.
We love to have visitors, even if it’s just to say hi and share
lunch with us.
Kia Ora! Talofa Lava! Greetings!
We are 7/8CB from William Colenso College and we are happy to share a little bit about our amazing class with the
We have 3 classes made up of Year 7 & 8’s. This term we have been to Pukemokimoki Marae so that we could get to know each
other better.
Some of us have participated in 2015 Tough Kids and we had school Athletics Day, which was
really cool. Many of us have participated in summer sports like Basketball and Softball. There are heaps of opportunities in the
Middle School to get involved in lots of activities.
In class we have been learning about Kotahitanga at W.C.C and Classroom Ecology. Through these topic we have learned
about Animal Communities and how they work together to ensure their survival; and how we can work together as a class, to
ensure we are positive and respectful. In E.O.T.C we have been learning about Beach Education and look forward to going to
the beach next term. During Maths we are able to go on a website called Sumdog where we complete maths questions and
games to try and beat other players either in our class, the school, around New Zealand and the world. I played somebody who
was in Asia, it was cool!
We are looking forward to the rest of the year and know that we have some exciting learning and activities ahead. We hope
you had a great Easter and found lots of Easter eggs.
By Cassandra Taumata-Wallace - Year 8