College Hill Moravian Church Phone: 610-867-8291 Fax: 610-865-3067 Email: [email protected] ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 3, 2015 BULLETIN BOARD To get the latest, up to the minute, church event information, go to, and click on Events Calendar. SUNDAY, MAY 3 8:40am Adult Sunday School Group 10:00am Worship and Children’s Sunday School, Joyful Noise Offering 11:30am Inquirer’s Gathering MONDAY, MAY 4 7:00am Head Start TUESDAY, MAY 5 7:00am Head Start 4:00pm District Conference Planning Committee meeting WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 7:00am Head Start 5:30pm Tai Chi 6:30pm Elders meeting THURSDAY, MAY 7 7:00am Head Start 5:45pm Handbell rehearsal 7:00pm Choir rehearsal FRIDAY, MAY 8 7:00am Head Start 8:30am Linda Toggart 7:00pm Spaghetti Dinner set up SATURDAY, MAY 9 8:30am Men’s Devotional Breakfast 9:00am Coffee & Conversation 3:00pm Spaghetti Dinner set up 4:30pm Spaghetti & Salad Bar Dinner SUNDAY, MAY 10 8:40am Adult Sunday School Group 10:00am Worship, Family Sunday, Lovefeast 11:30am Inquirer’s Gathering WELCOME! To all who need a new start in life, to all who need a new inspiration, to all who need a new challenge, this church opens wide its doors, and in the name of Him who said, “Behold, I make all things new,” we bid you welcome! The mission of College Hill Moravian Church is “to learn, share, live Christ’s love!” If you are visiting for the first time we are glad you have chosen to join us. A sheet with visitor information (purple) is available in the Narthex (front door) as well as a special visitor gift pack. If you are visiting for the first time and you or someone with you has not yet received a visitor gift pack or information sheet, please see the Elder on Duty (the person greeting by either door with the yellow name tag). SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN GRADES K-7… is offered at College Hill Moravian Church during the latter part of the worship service. Children begin the worship service in the church Sanctuary (the two front left pews are reserved for children, or children may remain seated with their families). Following the children’s message, children attending Sunday School will be escorted to the lower level for children’s programming. After worship, parents are invited back to Fellowship Hall for refreshments, and about 15 minutes following the conclusion of the service, children will be available for pickup. MORAVIAN MUSIC SUNDAY: TODAY, we will celebrate Moravian Music Sunday. This year Ben Wallace, Sacred Music major at Moravian College and member of College Hill’s choir, has created a Singstunde focusing on the Moravian Church and its mission, and we will sing our way through our church’s history. SPAGHETTI DINNER: College Hill will hold an “all you can eat” Spaghetti and Salad Bar Dinner on Saturday, May 9 from 4:30pm to 7:00pm. The menu includes spaghetti, meatballs, Italian sausage, salad “fixins”, fresh bread, desserts and beverages. The cost is $9 for adults and $4 for children age 12 and under. Proceeds from the dinner will benefit the church in general. ABBA'S WEDNESDAY NIGHT GROUP: Our newly-formed study group will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm. Following a simple shared meal In Fellowship Hall, we will gather in Room #3 (lower level) for a discussion of a video chosen by the evening's leader. Through the study of an applicable scripture reading, we will share how the topic impacts our daily lives. All are welcome. PHOTO HANGER NEEDED: Are you good at hanging photos on a masonry wall? If so, we need your help. The Welcoming Committee would like to move the photos of our pastors to the west wall of Fellowship Hall and they need someone to do the deed. If you are interested, please contact Shirley Guth at 610317-0952. PRAYING FOR THOSE WHO SERVE… As a regular part of our church prayer list, we include the names of members and friends who serve our country on active duty at Our Church’s Mission: To Learn, Share, Live Christ’s Love Announcements continued home and abroad. Throughout the month of May, we would invite everyone’s help in reviewing and updating the current list which will be available on the white table in Fellowship Hall, and updates can also be directed to the church office (610-8678291, [email protected]). Names presently on the list include: Isabelle Krause, Jeff Krause, Vicky Krause, Shaun McCurdy, Chris Meixell, Tucker Shosh, and Brandon Stoltz; please don’t hesitate to make updates or add the names of others who serve. And let us continue to uphold those who serve in our prayers. SPOTTED ANYTHING AMISS? Have you noticed a broken item, a hard to reach but dirty space, a missing piece, or any other repairable or cleanable item or area of the church? If so, please note it on the easel in Fellowship Hall. These items will be addressed, if not completed on the ANNUAL CHURCH WORK DAY, Saturday, May 30 from 9:00am until noon. Everyone is invited to help “spruce up” the church inside and out. Come and enjoy the fellowship and the sense of pride for your church. All help is needed. CONFIRMATION SUNDAY AND CHURCH POTLUCK: MAY 31 Confirmation is the intentional process by which young adults receive the foundations of Christian discipleship and the basics of Church membership. Sunday, May 31 will be “Confirmation Sunday” when we will celebrate those who have completed the confirmation program, and welcome into the membership at College Hill those among them who elect to “confirm” their baptism as followers of Christ. We hope that you will join us at 10:00am for this worship service and milestone in the lives of these young adults. Following the service, everyone is encouraged to share together in a congregational potluck lunch in honor of the Confirmands. So mark your calendars now, and plan to bring your favorite food to eat and to share for lunch after worship on May 31. YOU ARE INVITED: The honor of your presence is requested at th the 208 Commencement Service of Moravian Theological Seminary where Sanette Venasa (Hana) Francis will receive the Master of Divinity on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 3:00pm, at College Hill Moravian Church. A reception will follow the service at Moravian Theological Seminary, 60 West Locust Street, Bethlehem. SUMMER WORSHIP SEATING - It has been established that when worshipers are seated in near proximity to one another, this 1) increases the sense of community with other worshipers and visitors, and 2) enhances congregational singing. With this in mind, our Board of Elders has elected to resume the practice of encouraging those participating in summer worship to sit closer to the front and to each other. Specifically: During Summer Sundays (Memorial Day through Labor Day) the rear-most pews will again be roped off, thus better adjusting our worship seating space toward the recommended size for our typical summer a worship attendance. Should additional seating be needed, the Elder on Duty will be responsible for opening additional pews. All worshipers are invited and encouraged to shift their summer seating closer to the front. Do you have a ‘favorite seat’? Over the summer, the Elders would encourage you to adjust that seat forward a few pews. The Elders would like to offer a heartfelt “thank you” to everyone in advance for your cooperation—even as God called Abraham and Sarah to move from familiar surroundings as a step of faith, this summer may we each take this small step “out of our comfort zones” as an act of worship. SHOPPING CART MINISTRY: Our partnership with Esperanza continues with our Shopping Cart Ministry. The requested pantry item for the month of May is pasta (any type). Please place your item(s) in either shopping cart located in Fellowship Hall or the Narthex. Thank you! ESPERANZA YOUTH FUNDRAISER: Their annual fashion show that will be held on Saturday, May 16 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at St. John Windish Church (Christian Education Building, 617 E. 4th Street, Bethlehem). A meal of Latin foods and American favorites is included. Costs are $7 for adults and $3 for kids (age 18 and under). Parking is available. This fundraiser benefits Esperanza children going to camp. PALMER MORAVIAN CHURCH (Moravian & John Streets, Easton) RUMMAGE SALE will be held on Friday, May 8 from 5:00pm – 8:00pm and on Saturday, May 9 from 9:00am – 11:00am with a bag sale from 11:00am – 1:00pm. The is a little something for everyone – books, clothes, dishes, toys, linens, holiday, boutique, odds-n-ends. SIGN-UP SHEETS AND SPECIAL FORMS: Sign-up sheets and special order forms are available on the white table and magazine rack in Fellowship Hall. Please visit Fellowship Hall to sign-up for special events or to place orders. Alternatively, you may call or email the church office to sign-up or register for opportunities. Current Sign-ups and Information Include: Nepal Relief giving envelopes VBS registration forms Active Duty Military sign up Nursery Volunteer sign up Spag. Dinner dessert sign up Lay Reader sign up Spaghetti Dinner RSVP list Fellowship Hour sign up Church Picnic sign up Birthday Sunday sign up Our Church’s Mission: To Learn, Share, Live Christ’s Love
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