ELVIS DINNER HOST PROGRAM – AGREEMENT On behalf of ________________________________________________________________________(Restaurant Name) I ____________________________________________________________________________(Manager/Owner’s Name) enter into an agreement to be a Dinner Host for the registered Tribute Artists & VIP Guests for the Collingwood Elvis Festival 2015. As part of my commitment to the program I agree to the following: 1) 2) 3) To accept the FESTIVAL ID CARD from registered Tribute Artists, or VIP Guests at any time beginning Thursday, July 23rd through to and including Sunday, July 26 th, 2015. To understand and agree that you will allow a 15% discount to all Festival Tribute Artists or VIP Guests who present their ID card at time of payment. I have received a sample of the FESTIVAL ID CARD for my Staff and I understand and agree to the terms of acceptance. The Collingwood Elvis Festival agrees to provide the following in appreciation for participation in the Dinner Host Program: 1) To direct Tribute Artists/Participants, their families, friends and fans to your establishment to dine; 2) To list your establishment in the Souvenir Program as an Official Festival Dinner Host; 3) To list your establishment on our new website at www.collingwoodelvisfestival.com as an official Dinner Host; 4) To provide you with an “Official Dinner Host” sign to display in the window of your establishment; and 5) To provide one (1) official Souvenir Poster & one (1) Souvenir Program for your establishment’s use. _________________________________________________ Official Dinner Host – Manager/Owner’s Signature ______________________________________________ Collingwood Elvis Festival – Representative Date: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Please fax to (705) 445-4755 or return in person to 97 Hurontario Street, Town Hall to Collingwood Elvis Festival’s attention. By mail to P.O. Box 157, Collingwood, ON L9Y 3Z5 or email to [email protected] . PROGRAM RULES & PROCEDURES To accept a FESTIVAL ID CARD per visit, per Tribute Artist or VIP Guest, allowing a 15% discount towards the cost of their total meal bill excluding alcohol. Discounts can be applied to breakfast, lunch or dinner on any of the valid dates ensure all “accepted” FESTIVAL ID CARDS have the Festival logo, Manager’s signature, and a Tribute Artist’s photo to be valid contact the Festival Office if any ID card presenter abuses this privilege, in any way, so appropriate action can be taken
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