This Is Elvis! 2015 VOLUNTEER INFORMATION PACKAGE Collingwood Elvis Festival Collingwood, Ontario Thursday, July 23rd Friday, July 24th Saturday, July 25th Sunday, July 26th For Information: Maryann Barrie, Volunteer Coordinator Phone: 705-444-2500 ext 3279 Email: [email protected] You must attend TWO mandatory Orientation sessions taking place in the Town Hall, 2nd Floor, Council Chambers. Option 1: Thursday, May 21st – 6:30 to 8 p.m. Option 2: Thursday, July 9th – 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mandatory Session for All: TBD YOUR VOLUNTEER RESPONSIBILITIES ** Criminal Records Check This is an absolute must for volunteering with the Festival. NO EXCEPTIONS! You are required to submit a Criminal Records check each year!** A letter from the Festival must accompany your application to the Police Department in your area of residence. It is available by contacting the Festival Office directly. Do not take on more duties than you can handle. Know your limitations Anyone under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will not be permitted to volunteer or will be removed Youth volunteers (ages 13-17) must have Parental/guardian consent in order to volunteer You will be eligible for the Volunteer Recognition Rewards Program ONLY if you fulfill all of your committed shifts throughout the weekend Volunteer t-shirts are complimentary but we ask that you do not wear this shirt when you are NOT on duty with the Festival. Arrive 15 minutes prior to your shift start time Please return your name badge or other property of the Festival at the end of your shift Please try to be co-operative, patient and pleasant! You are working in a “family oriented” environment and as such, we request that you use acceptable language and display good conduct. Your individual presentation reflects on each of us, as well as on our Festival & our Town. Remember, you are part of a “TEAM” and each of us gets tired and stressed. You will be working closely with a varied group of people and personalities, so please be flexible and understanding to each other. Volunteer Application Personal Information Section Name: __________________________________ Home Phone: ( Address: ________________________________ Cell Phone: ( )______________________ )________________________ Town: __________________________________ Postal Code: ____________________________ Email:__________________________________ Shirt Size: S M L XL 2XL Emergency Contact Name & Phone: _________________________________________________ Special Medical Conditions, Provisions, Needs or Restrictions? YES / NO Please Specify:(ie. No heavy lifting, no bending, no stairs, heart condition, back problems etc.) Interests & Availability Section Have you volunteered for our Festival in the past? YES / NO If so, how many years have you volunteered with us, not including this present year? ________ IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVE YOUR LENGTH OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, NOT THE FESTIVAL! (Please complete so we can ensure our records are up to date and accurate!) Are you a Student under the age of 18? YES / NO I Am Available To Volunteer: (Please mark all that apply) You must be willing to work a minimum four (4) hour shift for whatever days you are available. TIME MORNING 7 AM – 1 PM AFTERNOON 1 PM – 7 PM EVENING 7 PM – 2 AM FEST. WEEK MONDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE SATURDAY SUNDAY FOLLOWING MONDAY NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE Describe your areas of interest: (ie. office, driver, arena set-up, tickets, parade, usher, runner etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Training/Experience/Information Do you have: A Driver’s License? YES / NO A Vehicle available? YES / NO Valid Car Insurance? YES / NO Office skills including telephone, reception or computer? YES / NO Detail: ___________________________ VOLUNTEER COMMITMENT SECTION VOLUNTEER RELEASE: I understand that my consent to these provisions is given in consideration for being permitted to participate as a volunteer in this event. The Festival Administrators are hereby authorized to remove me as a volunteer from the event itself, or from my volunteer position, and/or not permit me to return in the future, for any of the following reasons, including but not limited to: a) If I fail to complete my scheduled volunteer commitment; b) If I use profane or vulgar language and/or behaviour; c) If I threaten the Festival, any staff, other volunteers or attendees, in any way, before, during or after the Festival; d) If I fail to comply with the rules and regulations as set out in the Volunteer Safety Manual or by the Volunteer Manager or Festival Security, in general; e) If I fail to disclose pertinent, or personal information that could directly or indirectly affect my volunteer position, duties or the safety of the general public or fellow volunteers; f) If I breach my responsibilities or disclose confidential information; g) If I am found to be or become involved in any criminal behaviour, action or circumstance during the Festival or in/on Festival property or grounds. I am aware of, and voluntarily assume the risks of volunteering in this event. If I am injured, I agree that I will not sue, or otherwise hold responsible the Town of Collingwood, the Collingwood Elvis Festival and/or the County of Simcoe, all sponsors, organizers and volunteers of the Collingwood Elvis Festival, their respective officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors from any and all claims, responsibility, liability or demands that I have or may have or my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns or any third party have or may have for personal injuries and or property damage of any nature or kind whatsoever, arising out of my participation, in any capacity or at any level, with the Collingwood Elvis Festival and its program or events. I authorize the Collingwood Elvis Festival, to have such care and power to check and verify all information provided by me, within this application, is complete, accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and to act on my behalf, as may be required by me by medically qualified personnel during my participation in any event of the Collingwood Elvis Festival, without fear of consequence or liability whatsoever arising from their actions. THANK YOU!! The Collingwood Elvis Festival would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest and your dedication to the quality and success of our Festival. On behalf of our Management, we do wish to make you aware that some positions will need special requirements due to the nature of the position. A Police Record Search is required for all volunteer opportunities. Festival has the right to decline or refuse, at any time, any applicant(s) with an existing criminal record for which no pardon has been granted. PLEASE SIGN BELOW TO INDICATE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS WITHIN THIS VOLUNTEER APPLICATION. ____________________________________________ (Signature of Volunteer) ___________________ (Date) If a student or person, under the legal age of consent, or someone who is under care & control of a Guardian or Legal Representative: I, _______________________________, am the parent/guardian/legal representative of/for the volunteer named in this application and I hereby consent to their participation and involvement in the Collingwood Elvis Festival and by virtue of my signature below, I am accepting and agreeing to all terms and conditions as stated in this application, within my capacity to do so, on their behalf. _________________________________________________________ Signature: (Parent/Guardian/Legal Representative) if applicable _____________________ (Date)
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