4/27/15 Howler - Collins Elementary School

News brought to you by the staff and PTA of Collins Elementary School
Dr. Barbara Mondloch, Principal
Mrs. Kathy Smith, Office Manager
4608 128th. St. E.
Tacoma, WA 98446
School Hours: 9:35 AM – 4:05 PM
Telephone: (253) 298-3400
4/29: Early Dismissal, 2:35 pm
5/2: Collins Choir sings at Rainiers Game, 5:00 pm
5/4-5/9: Teacher Appreciation Week
5/6: Early Dismissal, 2:35 pm
Mrs. Kathy Smith, Office Manager
Tacoma, WA 98446
Telephone: (253) 298-3400
Kindergarten Readiness Meeting,
5:30-6:30 for all incoming
kinders’ parents
“PIZZA WITH THE PRINCIPAL”- The following students were invited to have
Pizza, Wednesday, April 15th, for their effort:
Fiona Veltkamp
Kristyn Campbell
Jacob Vorheis
Mark Doughty
Destiny Campbell
Nasia Johnson
Riley Deel
Rylan Brock
Malea Country
Caleb Baker
Rafael Osorio-Garcia
Calicia Patterson
Arriana Krum
Colton Jones
Joshua Hines
Arina Guritanu
Landon Bruke
Tito Ortiz-Samuels
Emma Jean Baker
Aulani Ruiz
Jayden Beavers
OUTSTANDING DISMISSAL BEHAVIOR- The following students earned extra recess
for following dismissal expectations: Joey Cameron, Jalen Franks, Amaya Jones, Amy
Soto-Mendoza, Sokpich Ramsey, Seth Starkey, Alondra Osorio-Garcia, and Kevin
Dominguez, Way to go Coyote pups!
TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK: No one works harder than Collins teachers! The
demands and responsibilities on teachers seem to get more intense every year, but our
teachers rise to the occasion to meet the needs of our Collins Coyotes. They work hard to
design engaging lessons to support a wide range of learners. They continuously gather
evidence of student learning and work as teams to identify and address the individual
academic and social needs of our students. Their hard work and effort extend well beyond
the school day. I am exceptionally impressed with their growth mindset and commitment to
continuous improvement. Please join me in recognizing these outstanding educators:
Mike Byrd, Analisa Cabe, Coach Corey, Allison Demke, Breyan Dobner, Rosie Elliott, Mel
Foster Boyd, Michelle Glover, Marsha Harmsen, Kristen Hillman, Penny Howard, Lisa Kane,
Dan Lauretano, Linda Loraas, Jillian Luebke, Chelsey Lyons, Sara McGowan, Megan Madlena,
Gina Nasinec, Jennifer Peterson, Emilie Reynolds, Beth Rohr, Nozipho Sheriff, Nancy
Spane, Katherine Rohling, Paul Wahlen, and Sarah Wright, our student teachers: Lydia
Cameron, Courtney Eary, and Sharon Mattson.
2015 EARLY RELEASE WEDNESDAYS – Listed below are the remaining months of the
school year with the scheduled early release Wednesdays. Please mark your calendars
with the Collins dismissal time of 2:35 for these days:
April 29th
May 6th & 13th
June 3rd & 10th
Reminder: We will dismiss at 12:35 May 26th-May 29th for student-led conferences.
FROM OUR NURSE – Your child’s health is very important to us, and keeping an updated
health history allows us to be prepared and provide better quality care for your child. Per
district Policy 3414 a medical history form is to be completed at the beginning of each
school year. You can find the form at this link:
http://www.fpschools.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=31320&pageId=1276131. Please be sure
to fill this form out for the school year 2015-2016. If you have questions or concerns
please contact the Collins Health Room at 253-298-3424. Thank you, Sherise Cruz, LPN.
Dear Families,
During the month of May we will be talking to our Coyotes about post-secondary education.
Studies show that exposing younger students to college readiness and life skills programs
before middle school leads to greater likelihood of success throughout their academic
Each week in May we will focus on a different option for College. Technical Colleges,
Community Colleges, and both Private and Public Universities will be introduced. Our staff
will have an opportunity to share about their college, military or post- secondary training.
Then, on May 21 from 2:30-4:00, we are pleased to sponsor Career Day! We invite our
parents/guardians and community members to participate in this unique activity. We share
the common goal of guiding and influencing our children to be productive and contributing
members of society. Career Day is intended to support this goal and help instill pride in a
job well done no matter what type of career a child decides to pursue.
If you are interested in participating as a Collins Career Day speaker, please return the
bottom portion of this information sheet. Speakers will present to 3 different groups of
students for 20 minutes each. Feel free to call me at 298-3434 with any questions. I will
confirm with our volunteers by Friday May 15. Thank you for your time and involvement.
Please return to Bobbi Northcott by Friday May 8
I’d like to share my job/career of: _________________________________________
My Child(ren)___________________________ Teacher(s)_____________________
LOST AND-FOUND – Is overflowing. Parents, please have your child check the articles
of clothing located next to the conference room that may belong to your student. Clothing
will be available until Thursday, April 30th. What is left will be donated to charity. Thanks
for your support and attention to this matter.
KINDERGARTEN READINESS SESSION – We invite the parents of students who are
registered for kindergarten at Collins next year (2015-2016) to join us for a kindergarten
readiness presentation on Wednesday, May 13th, 5:30-6:30 pm in the library. The purpose
of this session is to discuss and plan for your child’s first year in kindergarten at Collins.
Teachers will discuss school expectations and how to help prepare your child academically,
behaviorally, socially, and emotionally to get them off to a great start in kindergarten.
We are beginning our plans for next school year. During
Planning 2015-2016
these next few weeks, we will order instructional materials and
supplies. Fill out the information below and send back to our school office if you are not
planning to have your child(ren) attend Collins next school year.
The following student(s) will not be attending Collins School next school year:
(Name of New School)
(New school, district or state)
Free Developmental Screening for preschoolers! For children living in the Franklin Pierce
District, free screening for children ages 3 to 5 is provided through the Child Find
program. The next Child Find screening will be August 17th. The purpose of the screening
is to determine if your child is in need of special education services. Their skills in
communication, fine and gross motor, school readiness, social, behavior, and hearing are
screened to see if further testing is needed. Please call Tricia at 253-298-4675 to
schedule an appointment.
Birth to Three Screenings -Families of children below age 3 who have concerns about
their child’s development can call our district Family Resource Coordinator, Lori Holbrook,
at 253-298-4670. She will come to your home and discuss your concerns and the child’s
need for developmental screening and/or evaluation.
Pruebas de Desarrollo Gratuito para Preescolares! Pruebas gratuitas para niños y niñas
de 3 a 5 años que que viven en el Distrito Escolar de Franklin Pierce proveídas por medio
del programa de Child Find. La próxima prueba de Child Find esta programada para 17 de
Agusto. El propósito de las pruebas es para determinar si su niño(a) esta en la necesidad
de usar servicios especiales de educación. Las habilidades en las siguientes areas son
probadas, comunicación, destrezas en area motriz fina y muscular, si hay preparación en las
areas escolares, sociales, de comportamiento y tambien se prueba el area auditiva. De ahi
se determina tambien si más pruebas son necesarias. Por favor llame a Tricia 253-2984675 para que pueda concertar una cita.
Pruebas de Natal a Tres - Las Familias de los niño(a)s de 3 años para abajo que tengan
concernimientos acerca del desarrollo de sus niños pueden llamar a nuestra Coordinadora
de Recursos del Distrito, Lori Holbrook, al 253-298-4670. Ella la visitará en su hogar y
discutirá los concernimientos que usted tenga y la necesidad de una evaluación en pruebas
de desarrollo.
live in the Franklin Pierce School District. They check: hearing, vision, and readiness for
kindergarten, speech and language, motor skills, and behavior. Monthly screenings for the
2015-16 school year is: August 17-18, September 23, October 21, November 18, January
13, February 10, March 16, and April 13. Call Tricia for an appointment, Franklin Pierce
School District Early Learning Center, (253) 298-4675.
Visit our Collins PTA Facebook Page and remember to join!
www.facebook/PTAcollins.com Please like & check to receive info on your newsfeed.
TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME! – Join Collins for PTA Night at the
Tacoma Rainiers game this Saturday, May 2nd, at 5:00 pm. Hear the Collins Choir sing the
National Anthem, and enjoy the game.
Collins Coyotes
Achievers and Believers
Join the pack!
We believe in ourselves,
We believe in each other,
We believe in doing our best!