Residential-led Development Opportunity Adastra House, 401-405 Nether Street, London N3 1QG For Sale Freehold CGI of consented scheme g Residential-led mixed use development opportunity in Finchley g 0.17 acre (0.07 hectare) site currently occupied by a three storey office building with a double pitched roof, extending to approximately 862 sq m (9,279 sq ft) of net internal area, with a 12 space surface car park to the rear. Savills London 33 Margaret Street London W1G 0JD g Detailed planning permission has been secured for a new build scheme comprising 34 private residential units extending to a net saleable area of 2,063 sq m (22,206 sq ft), with 126.4 sq m (1,360 sq ft) GIA of B1a offices at ground floor and 35 parking spaces over two basement levels. g For sale freehold with vacant possession TH E G ROVE 51 Childrens Nursery 4 3 2 Norman Court SH 7 1 SP EA RE RO 5 AD Ha th Ho aw us ay e 39 AK E 39 PL AC T BE R dg e Lawford House 1 to 12 9 19 39 Lo 1 onry mas 7 n AL ing 39 2 Slop Ala E Un i te c Ho us e 3 9a 40 1 40 3 40 5 86.7m 7 1 to PH 5 7 Central House 40 TCB 18 ry to nt 12 29 4 29 6 Ga 10 87.8m 8 29 8 6 F in ch le y Ju nc tio n Controller of H.M. Stationery Office.© Crown copyright licence number NOTE:- Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the 100022432 Savills (UK) Ltd.NOTE:- Published for the purposes of identification only and although believed to be correct accuracy is not guaranteed. Location Description The property is situated on the corner of Nether Street and Albert Place, close to the junction with Regent’s Park Road and Ballards Lane (A598). The site extends to 0.17 acres (0.07 0m 10m 20m 30m hectares) and is currently occupied by a three storey vacant office building with a double pitched roof extending to a net internal area of approximately 862 sq m (9,279 sq ft) with surface car parking for 12 vehicles to the rear. The immediate area provides a variety of retail offerings, including a Tesco Superstore, as well as cafes, restaurants and bars. Avenue House Grounds provides green open space 550 metres to the south and Finchley Golf Club is located 650 metres to the north west. Finchley Central underground station is approximately 140 metres south east of the property and offers Northern Line services. This allows for direct access to King’s Cross / St Pancras (8 stops / 19 minutes), Bank (12 stops / 28 minutes) and Tottenham Court Road (11 stops / 22 minutes). The property is well served by multiple bus routes from Regent’s Park Road travelling to Archway and Victoria and from Nether Street itself to Mill Hill and Brent Cross Shopping Centre. By road the North Circular (1.1km south east) provides a quick route around London, and the M1 (3.8km west) allows easy access to the M25. 3 Sorting Office Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 The site is bounded to the south west by Nether Street, to the south east by Albert Place, to the north east by an office building known as Lawford House and to the north west by a residential block known as Alan Lodge. Planning The site is located in the London Borough of Barnet. The building is not listed and does not fall within a conservation area. Full planning permission (Ref: F/03751/11) was granted on 29th November 2012 for: “Demolition of the existing building and redevelopment of site to provide a mixed use scheme38 over two basement levels, ground 1 floor and 5 upper floors and roof terrace to provide 126 sq m of office (use class B1) space on the ground floor, 34 residential units (use class C3) above, basement car parking for 35 cars and associated amenity space, refuse storage, cycle parking and landscaping and works.” The application is subject to a Section 106 Agreement totalling £208,981. In addition there is also a viability linked affordable housing contribution up to a maximum of £2,380,000. The full Section 106 Agreement is available on the dataroom. The development will also be subject to a mayoral CIL contribution of approximately £152,145. The scheme will be delivered in a single new building set over 6 storeys with two levels of basement parking, accessed from Albert Place via a car lift. The residential entrance will also be from Albert Place, whilst the commercial unit is accessed from Nether Street. Accommodation Residential Areas Net Saleable Area Unit Number Floor Level Unit Type 1 First 2 3 Gross Internal Area SQ M SQ FT SQ M SQ FT 1 bed 51 549 470.1 5,060 First 1 bed 50 538 First 2 bed 80 861 4 First 1 bed 50 538 5 First 3 bed 89 958 6 First 1 bed 50 538 7 First 1 bed 50 538 8 Second 1 bed 51 549 470.1 5,060 9 Second 1 bed 50 538 10 Second 2 bed 80 861 11 Second 1 bed 50 538 12 Second 3 bed 89 958 13 Second 1 bed 50 538 14 Second 1 bed 50 538 15 Third 1 bed 51 549 470.1 5,060 16 Third 1 bed 50 538 17 Third 2 bed 80 861 18 Third 1 bed 50 538 19 Third 3 bed 89 958 20 Third 1 bed 50 538 21 Third 1 bed 50 538 22 Fourth 1 bed 51 549 470.1 5,060 23 Fourth 1 bed 50 538 24 Fourth 2 bed 80 861 25 Fourth 1 bed 50 538 26 Fourth 3 bed 89 958 27 Fourth 1 bed 50 538 28 Fourth 1 bed 50 538 29 Fifth 3 bed 87 936 433.5 4,655 30 Fifth 2 bed 80 861 31 Fifth 1 bed 50 538 32 Fifth 2 bed 66 710 33 Fifth 1 bed 50 538 34 Fifth 1 bed 50 538 2,063 22,206 2,312.9 24,896 TOTAL Other Accommodation Gross Internal Area Use Floor Level SQ M SQ FT Office (B1) Ground 126.4 1,361 Reception / Lobby Ground 72.9 785 Refuse Ground 27.1 292 Circulation Ground 18.6 200 Substation Ground 21.1 227 Cycle Parking Ground 46.4 499 1,084.7 11,676 246.8 2,657 1,644 17,697 Car Parking Circulation/Plant TOTAL Basement / Sub-basement Basement / Sub-basement Existing Building Method of Sale The property is for sale by way of informal tender (unless sold prior). VAT The property is elected for VAT. Tenure The property is held freehold with vacant possession. Viewings Viewings are strictly by appointment, please contact the sole selling agents to make an appointment. Further Information Further information can be found on the dedicated dataroom: Contact Darren Arnold 020 7409 9926 [email protected] Harry de Lotbiniere 020 7016 3852 [email protected] CGI of consented scheme Important Notice Savills, their clients and any joint agents give notice that: 1. They are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made in these particulars. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. 2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and Savills have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise. Designed and Produced by Savills Marketing: 020 7499 8644 | March 2015
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