1 CAISTOR AREA DIARY NEW ENTRY & EVENT LISTING weekending FRIDAY APRIL 3rd 2015 compiled for the media & community as a free promotional service for the wider Caistor Area. Alan Caine 01472 851674 [email protected] CAISTOR MARKET EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY NEW ENTRY SECTION: WEEK ENDING - FRIDAY APRIL 3rd For Media Diaries etc, these are repeated in Chronological diary below I have no crystal ball so tell me about your events THERE ARE A FAIR FEW NEW ENTRIES. I HAVE PASTED THESE AT THE END OF THIS EDITION Diary compilers please scroll down to end of the chronological list CHRONOLOGICAL LISTING OF EVENTS WEEK ENDING FRIDAY APRIL 3rd 2015 CAISTOR MARKET EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY ALL ABOUT YOU - ACTIVITIESFOR YOUNG PEOPLE https://www.facebook.com/pages/All-About-You-Caistor/1560651940887318?fref=ts CHILDRENS SERVICES - MARCH 2015 - CAISTOR http://community.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Files/Community/414/March_2015.pdf http://community.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Files/Community/414/March_Back__2015.pdf WHATS ON AT "THE CLUB": CAISTOR SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Sports Ground, Brigg Road, Caistor, LN7 6RX Tel: 01472 851918 Caistor Sports & Social Club Tel: 01472 851918 (during opening hours) free WIFI https://www.facebook.com/caistor.socialclub.9 THE HOME OF LIVE TV SPORT IN CAISTOR What’s on this week Mon 30th Mar Big Screen LIVE International Football Free Pool England U21 v Germany U21 at 7.30pm - from 7pm Tue 31st Big Screen LIVE International Football - Italy v England (friendly) at 7pm Wed 1st Apr Big Screen LIVE Tennis or Music Videos Free Pool The Majority to decide - ATP Masters Tennis OR Music Videos - from 7pm Thu 2nd Big Screen LIVE Premier League DartsPool Match - from 7pm - our pool team play at home from 7.30pm 2 Fri 3rd Kids Easter Party Big Screen Live FL72 Football Sat 4th Big Screen LIVE Premier League Football Adult Easter Disco Sun 5th Big Screen LIVE Premier League Football - Our annual kids Easter Party for under 10's from 3pm to 5.30pm. Please give names to bar staff. Max attendance is 36. Cost £4. See our Facebook page for more details. - Ipswich v Bournemouth at 5.30pm - Derby v Watford at 7.30pm - Arsenal v Liverpool at 12.45pm - Chelsea v Stoke at 4.45pm - 8pm to 1am with Lee. £3 entry charge buys you a raffle ticket to a draw for a bottle of spirits - Burnley v Spurs at 12.30pm Sunderland v Newcastle at 3.30pm CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Saturday, 28 March Montessori School Exhibition, Easter Kids Art Competition 14:00 Story Telling SOUTH KELSEY VILLAGE HALL ANNUAL SPRING AUCTION. (UPDATE) Saturday 28th March. 2pm. South Kelsey Village Hall. Clearing out your attic garage or shed? We will be pleased to accept any household items which you would like to donate. Garden and DIY equipment. Furniture. China. Electrical goods in working order. Kitchen equipment. Sports equipment. Toys. DVDs. Books. Pictures. Anything and everything!! (Sorry, but we cannot take clothing or bed linen) Please bring to the Village Hall between 5 and 7.30pm on Friday 27th, or from 8.30am on 28th. We can store items, so if you would like to bring them before this, or would like them collected, please ring Liz Ives on 01652 678215. COME AND BUY FROM 2pm! REFRESHMENTS ALL DAY. All proceeds to South Kelsey Church funds. CLOCKS CHANGE Sunday, March 29.The clocks will go forward by one hour at 1am . REMEMBER .. SPRING FORWARD! CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Sunday, 29 March Montessori School Exhibition, Easter Kids Art Competition SWING DANCE CHANGE OF DATE- NOW 29th MARCH Sunday 29th March Swing Dance at Caistor Town Hall 3pm to 6 pm with Major Swing. Tickets are £7 including tea and coffee but you can bring your own refreshments. Music from the 1930s through to the 1950s including period ballroom, swing jive and communal dances. Call 01472 852693 to book tickets. DANCE CLASSES FOR CHILDREN @ CAISTOR PRIMARY SCHOOL WITH A&M'S Mondays. Age 3-6 - 4pm-4.30pm - Age 7-10 - 4.30pm-5.30pm - Age 11-17 - 5.30pm-6.30pm For more information call Marian 07968603532 or email - [email protected] THE NEW INN GREAT LIMBER QUIZ NIGHT Monday March 30th at 8pm. Its £1 per person entry, winner gets New Inn £20 gift voucher plus chance to wrollover . The Quiz takes place on Mondays fortnightly. The New Inn Great Limber 2 High Street, Great Limber, DN37 8JL Tel: 01469 560405 www.thenewinngreatlimber.co.uk CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Monday, 30 March Montessori School Exhibition, Easter Kids Art Competition 3 CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Tuesday, 31 March Montessori School Exhibition, Easter Kids Art Competition 10:00 FREE IT TUITION, 14:00 FREE IT TUITION, 18:30 Slimming World ALL ABOUT YOU EASTER EVENT Tuesday 31 March 1 to 3pm At Caistor Sports Pavilion Easter Egg Hunt , Easter Baskets & cards, Design your own stuff Deborah Chambers Senior Youth and Community Development Officer Children's Services – (West Lindsey) Tel: 01427 612379 07799478443 APRIL 2015 JOSEPH BANKS TOURING EXHIBITION 1st - 30th April 2015 Caistor Heritage Centre , 28 Plough Hill LN7 6LZ Tel: 01472 851605 CAISTOR PARISH CHURCH ANNUAL BRIDGE DRIVE Wednesday, 1st April, Caistor Town Hall, Coffee 10.15 for 10.45 start Tickets £15 from Vicar tel. 01472 851339 (includes lunch and glass of wine) CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Wednesday, 1 April Easter Kids Art Competition, Joseph Banks Touring Exhibition Family History Research Group, 14:00 Story Telling. CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Thursday, 2 April Easter Kids Art Competition, Joseph Banks Touring Exhibition Easter Egg Hunt, CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday April 2nd Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm NORTH KELSEY VILLAGE HALL EASTER BINGO Thursday 2nd April. Easter Bingo at North Kelsey Village Hall, 7.15 for 7.30 start, £1.00 entrance which includes refreshments. Also a raffle. CAISTOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday April 2nd SIR JOSEPH BANKS Illustrated Talk by Paul Scott Meetings commence at 7.30 pm Caistor Town Hall New members and visitors welcome For information phone 01472 851062 0r 01472 859531 Friday 3rd April Good Friday CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Friday, 3 April Joseph Banks Touring Exhibition CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Good Friday, Saturday, 4 April, Easter Kids Art Competition, Joseph Banks Touring Exhibition 14:00 Story Telling MAYOR OF CAISTOR'S EASTER CHARITY FAIR Saturday 4th April 2015 . Caistor Town Hall 0930-12nn . Local charitable groups & clubs are invited to set up stalls & fund raise. Stalls are free to eligible organisations Contact Town Clerk Helen Pitman 01472 851679 [email protected] BLACKSMITHS ARMS - ROTHWELL - QUIZ NIGHTS Sunday 5th April First Sunday of each month. 7pm. Quiz Night. Prizes . http://www.blacksmiths-rothwell.co.uk/ SWALLOW VILLAGE HALL BINGO Easter Sunday April 5th at 2.15pm. Swallow Village Hall Bingo Monday 6th April Easter Bank Holiday GREEN WASTE - CAISTOR -KEELBY Monday April 6th. First collection of green waste bins, leave out along with your blue Bin. Green waste bins are collected free, there is a charge if you need additional bins. 4 CAISTOR FLOWER CLUB PROGRAMME 2015 Wednesday April 8th “Somewhere Under the Sun” Di Smith 2ND Wednesday 7.30pm Meetings at Town Hall Caistor North St LN76QU http://www.flowersnorthmidlands.co.uk/ 2015 Chairman Jill Armitage 07703802894 Programme Secretary Caroline Jackson 01652 408523 CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL 2015 Thursday April 9th Caistor Town Hall . 6.45pm Planning Committee. 7pm Public Forum (10mins max) Then Council meeting HOLTON LE MOOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday April 9th The LINCOLNSHIRE REGENCY DANCE SOCIETY Evening Meeting commences at 7.15pm Moot Hall. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Megs on 01673 828674 GREAT LIMBER VILLAGE HALL BINGO DATES FOR 2015 Friday April 10th Great Limber Village Hall Doors open 7pm Eyes down 7.30pm CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Friday 10/04/15 - Closing date for Spring Garden competition CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Saturday 11/04/15 – BigTidyUpDay, 10am – 2pm, MULTI USE CENTRE 19 SOUTH STREET CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Sunday 12/04/15 – Caistor in Bloom Spring Open Gardens (British Red Cross) CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Monday 13/04/15 - Judging Spring Garden Competition THE NETTLETON & DISTRICT GARDENING CLUB Monday 13th April . Colin Ward. Hardy Exotics Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month 7.30pm Methodist Chapel. New members are welcome at all meetings. CAISTOR FIRST RESPONDERS 2015 Monday April 13th Meet on the second Monday of each month, at 7pm at at CAISTOR FIRE STATION Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service First Responders are based in villages and communities across Lincolnshire. When you call 999 for an ambulance, there's a good chance that it'll be a LIVES First Responder who arrives first. If you suffer a cardiac arrest or have breathing difficulties, the first few minutes can literally be the difference between life and death. Because LIVES First Responders are based locally, they can often get to you within 5 or 6 minutes of a 999 call being made. They can then deliver vital care until the ambulance arrives. LIVES responders attend at least 18,000 calls in Lincolnshire every year. What are they looking for? Aged 18 or over Full, driving licence and access to own vehicle is essential. Carry a 20kg bag of equipment Be able to kneel and carry out Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) No previous experience is necessary as full comprehensive initial and ongoing training will be provided Application is subject to and enhanced CRB check and references To complete the LIVES training programme to attarequired level of competence To maintarequired level of competence by attending several local Group training sessions and a short local re-qualification annually Volunteers are required to have their own vehicle, licensed and insured for voluntary driving. Luke Kireia Caistor First Responders Co-ordinator & Group Trainer Tel: 07554 446858 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.lives.org.uk/ CAISTOR HERITAGE TRUST TALKS 2014 TO 2015 Tuesday 14th April Janet Tierney 'Fashion for Local Historians' Caistor Town Hall 7.30pm £3 5 WAR MEMORIAL WORKSHOP Wednesday 15th April 2015, 10am – 2pm Caistor Heritage Centre, 28 Plough Hill, Caistor, LN7 6LZ Come and join us for a day's training on how to record and research your local war memorial and the people who are recorded on it. This workshop is in partnership with the Lincolnshire Remembrance, Memories and Memorials project. Spaces are limited so booking is essential. Please call the Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside service on 01507 609740 or email [email protected] to reserve your place. CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday April 16th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR CIVIC SOCIETY - AUTUMN - WINTER - SPRING PROGRAMME Thursday 16th April History of Pantomine.Sue Dolby Caistor Town Hall ,North Street, Caistor LN7 6TX 7:30pm. New members & visitors welcome. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: £2.00p MEETING FEES: Members£1.00p. Non –Members £2.00p President – The Earl of Yarborough CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Saturday 18/04/15 – Wildflower Planting Day FAT SKELETON BLUES AND BIKES WEEKEND 2015 Friday to Sunday 17 – 18 – 19 April 2015 Cabourne Parva site near to Caistor in North Lincolnshire. IMPORTANT CHANGE The site is now licensed for larger events which has made changes to the rules and regulations that the local authority has insisted on. Also thanks to some thieves who came and stole from tents we have decided to employ professional security who will patrol with extreme prejudice. The new rules mean that all camping will be larger, but more exposed, field. Campers will not be able to take their own alcohol onto the entertainment area. To cover the costs of hiring professional security the price of camping will be twenty pounds for people on motorcycles. A surcharge for camper vans and caravans will be ten pounds per vehicle. Cars will be charged at five pounds unless the driver is handicapped and can prove this. THE BANDS The better news is that the bands that have been booked to date are as follows:- ZZ Tops, The Bonnie Mac Blues Band, (Whose singer Sheila has just been inducted into the Blues hall of fame.) Half Deaf Clatch, The Dave Thomas Blues Band (ex Blond on Blond) The Gypsies, Old Dog jackson. More to come as they are booked so keep an eye on our web site www.bluesandbikesweekend.co.uk More news as and when we have it. For more information please ring Tony Nightingale on 01507 527835 and for trader enquiries please ring Mitch on 01522 869407 . This event is to raise funds for the National Youthbike charity FINAL LINE UP FOR BIKES AND BLUES FESTIVAL APRIL 2015. BIKES AND BLUES BAND PLAYTIMES Friday Night Main Stage 800 Bonnie Mac Blues Band. C 10.00 Dave Thomas Blues Band (Ex Blond On Blond) Friday Night Acoustic Stage. 800 Old Dog Jackson C 10.00 Witless Saturday Afternoon Main Stage 2.00 Gypsies C 4.00 These Wicked Rivers C Saturday Afternoon Acoustic Stage 2.00 Whiskey Before Breakfast C 3.00 Half Deaf Clatch C 4.00 Dave Simpson C Saturday Night Main Stage 7.30 Blues Boy Kings C 9.00 Ska Finger C 10.30 Zz Tops C Saturday Night Acoustic Stage. 8.00 Tracey Browne 9.30 Raevennan Husbandes CAISTOR WALKERS ARE WELCOME Saturday April 18 - Pub in the wood. About 4.5 mile over footpath, road and a short stretch without a pavement. There are no steep ascents or descents, in fact it is almost flat. Meet 2:00 Arts & Heritage Centre. Contact 01472 851740 or 851096 Web - http://www.walkerscaistor.com/ 6 CAISTOR WALKERS ARE WELCOME Sunday 19th April at 4:00pm A guided walk over private land to see the birds that are summer visitors to Nettleton with local ornithologist, Kevin Armstrong. The walk will go into woodland where it may be possible to see birds being ringed. Meet 4:00pm Wold Farm, Normanby Rd, Nettleton, Market Rasen, LN7 6TB (Landranger 113 TF116993). Parking available. Contact 01472 851740 or 851096 Web - http://www.walkerscaistor.com/ NORTHWOLD GROUP W.I. SPRING MEETING Monday April 20th. Nettleton Village Hall at 7.30pm. Speaker Dave Newman "Life Victorian Garden" members £3 visitors £4. inc buffet. REELY GRIM FOLK DANCE CLUB Tuesday April 21st 2015 8.00pm - 10.30pm . at the Blacksmith's Arms, Rothwell, near Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6AZ. £1 donation. Come and dance or call a dance or joband! Come and pass time in good company! If you've never been before, come along and have a try; the dancing is suitable for beginners and for those who've been doing it for years!If you play an instrument, but have never played in a band, come and have a go. We usually have music available for the dances we do. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8.00pm-10.30pm. (except August). You will find us on Facebook (Reely Grim Folk Dance Club) and on our website http://reelygrim.btck.co.uk/ CAISTOR LIONS CLUB ST GEORGES NIGHT PROM Saturday April 25th , Caistor Town Hall. 7.30pm . Market Rasen ResDev Band, Caistor Ladies Choir , Bangers & Mash Supper. £6 tickets on the door. Proceeds to Lions & ResDev Band. CAISTOR CIVIC SOCIETY GUIDED WALKS Sunday 26 April Cornhill Walk Approx. 50 mins. All start in Market Place at 2.0pm CAISTOR WALKERS ARE WELCOME Sunday April 26 - Cornhill. We talk about the Market Place before “encroachment of buildings” and about the Great Fire of Caistor in 1681, see the Old National School, Police Station 1855, a fine Georgian House and sympathetic new development. Meet 2:00 Market Place.eries Contact 01472 851740 or 851096 Web - http://www.walkerscaistor.com/ CHILDRENS SERVICES SIGN LANGUAGE Monday 27th April, 9am-12noon. Looking ahead there will be an Introduction to Sign Language Course on at Caistor Town Hall. This course has been requested by a number of parents and places will be limited so please call 01472 398880 to secure your place. CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL ANNUAL TOWN OPEN MEETING Thursday 30th April. Caistor Town Hall. The annual town meeting, all Caistor residents welcome. MAY 2015 1st GRASBY SCOUTS Friday 1st May The Silver Circle Band are returning to the Grasby Village Hall 7.30pm where they have played twice before and were a huge success. Live music is always great - tickers are £5 in advance or £6 on the door. Silent Auction – Fantastic Lots e.g. Meals, Activities, Services LICENCED BAR and DISCO Tickets £5 in advance call - 07760 909160 £6 on the door BLACKSMITHS ARMS - ROTHWELL - QUIZ NIGHTS Sunday 3rd May First Sunday of each month. 7pm. Quiz Night. Prizes . http://www.blacksmiths-rothwell.co.uk/ Monday May 4th May Day Bank Holiday 7 GREAT LIMBER PARISH COUNCIL Wednesday 6 May 2015 Annual General Meeting at 7.00pm followed by the Parish Council Meeting Meetings held in Great Limber Village Hall ELECTIONS Thursday May 7th 2014 . There are three elections: Parliamentary West Lindsey District Council Town & Parish Councils in West Lindsey CAISTOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday May 7th ENTERPRISE OFFICER SARAH CARTER Meetings commence at 7.30 pm Caistor Town Hall New members and visitors welcome For information phone 01472 851062 0r 01472 859531 CAISTOR GRAMMAR SCHOOL NEW INTAKE EVENING Thursday May 7th. New year 7 intake evening at Grammar School. This will impact on local parking. GREAT LIMBER VILLAGE HALL BINGO DATES FOR 2015 Friday May 8th Great Limber Village Hall Doors open 7pm Eyes down 7.30pm GREAT LIMBER VILLAGE HALL - V.E.DAY CELEBRATION Saturday May 9th. V.E.Day 7.30pm. Celebration of 70th anniversary of the Victory in Europe on May 8th 1945. (The war in far east continued to August 15th V.J. Day - Victory Japan). Dig out your ration books, identity cards, hang up your gas mask and use some your coupons for new frock. Auction, raffle, entertainment by The Elderly Brothers . In aid of British Legion. true spirit of VE day , supper is bring a plate to share. Full details from Jane & David Irons at Great Limber Village Superstore. 01469 560233 WEST LINDSEY'S CHURCHES FESTIVAL, LINCOLNSHIRE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9th & 10th May SATURDAY & SUNDAY 16th & 17th May Two Weekends in May 2015 over 80 Amazing Lincolnshire Churches to Visit West Lindsey’s 2015 Churches Festival – a celebration of everything that a church has to offer... rich architecture... a wealth of heritage... beautiful stained glass and carvings... and a welcoming oasis of peace, tranquility and spirituality. Whatever you seek from a church we are sure to be able to please. This year 86 churches are opening their doors over the two weekends. Numerous exciting activities are, once again, taking place for your enjoyment. Why not follow the organ trail on Saturday 9th May, visiting the four churches of Newton on Trent, Owmby by Spital, Spridlington and Hackthorn. Other musical treats in store can be found at Grayingham, Nettleton and Caistor. Check out the brochure for open churches, musical entertainments, breakfast, lunches, tea, homemade cakes & the hub of so many communities for centuries & even millennia. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5yKJ1Wml42Vamo0OEw2NzctSDA/view THE NETTLETON & DISTRICT GARDENING CLUB Monday 11th May. AGM & Plant Sale Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month 7.30pm Methodist Chapel. New members are welcome at all meetings. CAISTOR FIRST RESPONDERS 2015 Monday May 11th Meet on the second Monday of each month, at 7pm at at CAISTOR FIRE STATION Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service First Responders are based in villages and communities across Lincolnshire. When you call 999 for an ambulance, there's a good chance that it'll be a LIVES First Responder who arrives first. If you suffer a cardiac arrest or have breathing difficulties, the first few minutes can literally be the difference between life and death. Because LIVES First Responders are based locally, they can often get to you within 5 or 6 minutes of a 999 call being made. They can then deliver vital care until the ambulance arrives. LIVES responders attend at least 18,000 calls in Lincolnshire every year. What are they looking for? Aged 18 or over Full, driving licence and access to own vehicle is essential. Carry a 20kg bag of equipment Be able to kneel and carry out Cardiopulmonary 8 resuscitation (CPR) No previous experience is necessary as full comprehensive initial and ongoing training will be provided Application is subject to and enhanced CRB check and references To complete the LIVES training programme to attarequired level of competence To maintarequired level of competence by attending several local Group training sessions and a short local re-qualification annually Volunteers are required to have their own vehicle, licensed and insured for voluntary driving. Luke Kireia Caistor First Responders Co-ordinator & Group Trainer Tel: 07554 446858 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.lives.org.uk/ CAISTOR HERITAGE TRUST TALKS 2014 TO 2015 Tuesday 12th May “Caistor Past and Present Caistor Town Hall 7.30pm £3 CAISTOR FLOWER CLUB PROGRAMME 2015 Wednesday May 13th “Creative Lines” Elizabeth Bishop at the 20-21 Visual Arts Centre Scunthorpe DN15 6TA as part of the Flowers Gallery event. http://www.flowersnorthmidlands.co.uk/ 2015 Chairman Jill Armitage 07703802894 Programme Secretary Caroline Jackson 01652 408523 CAISTOR GRAMMAR SCHOOL OPEN EVENING Wednesday May 13th, 6pm-8pm, Open Evening at Grammar School. This will impact on local parking. CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday May 14th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL 2015 Thursday May 14th Caistor Town Hall . 6.45pm Planning Committee. 7pm Public Forum (10mins max) Then Council meeting HOLTON LE MOOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday May 14th Maureen Williams OLD FASHIONED TEA BAKES. Evening Meeting commences at 7.15pm Moot Hall. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Megs on 01673 828674 WOLDS WALKING FESTIVAL 2015 Saturday May 16th - Sunday May 2015 WEST LINDSEY'S CHURCHES FESTIVAL, LINCOLNSHIRE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9th & 10th May SATURDAY & SUNDAY 16th & 17th May Two Weekends in May 2015 over 80 Amazing Lincolnshire Churches to Visit West Lindsey’s 2015 Churches Festival – a celebration of everything that a church has to offer... rich architecture... a wealth of heritage... beautiful stained glass and carvings... and a welcoming oasis of peace, tranquility and spirituality. Whatever you seek from a church we are sure to be able to please. This year 86 churches are opening their doors over the two weekends. Numerous exciting activities are, once again, taking place for your enjoyment. Why not follow the organ trail on Saturday 9th May, visiting the four churches of Newton on Trent, Owmby by Spital, Spridlington and Hackthorn. Other musical treats in store can be found at Grayingham, Nettleton and Caistor. Check out the brochure for open churches, musical entertainments, breakfast, lunches, tea, homemade cakes & the hub of so many communities for centuries & even millennia. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5yKJ1Wml42Vamo0OEw2NzctSDA/view LINCOLNSHIRE RURAL TOURING - THE UNLIKELY DADS Saturday 16 May 2015 at 19:30 presented by Badapple Theatre Company. A new two-hander comedy from rural touring favourites, Badapple Theatre, that follows the unusual tale of two friends who become fathers late in life under extraordinary circumstances. Their usual weekly meetings at the club to discuss The Beatles and The Likely Lads are now re-located to a more baby friendly location and their new lives clash head on, with comic repercussions and a life-changing twist tale. Box Office: 01469 560040 9 REELY GRIM FOLK DANCE CLUB Tuesday May 19th 2015 8.00pm - 10.30pm . at the Blacksmith's Arms, Rothwell, near Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6AZ. £1 donation. Come and dance or call a dance or joband! Come and pass time in good company! If you've never been before, come along and have a try; the dancing is suitable for beginners and for those who've been doing it for years!If you play an instrument, but have never played in a band, come and have a go. We usually have music available for the dances we do. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8.00pm-10.30pm. (except August). You will find us on Facebook (Reely Grim Folk Dance Club) and on our website http://reelygrim.btck.co.uk/ NETTLETON FASHION SHOW update Thursday 21st May , Nettleton Village Hall, 7.30pm. "Lincs Fashions" Tickets £5 including wine or soft drink.. Tickets from "The Painted Tree". Church Street, Nettleton. Or 01472 852554. Monday May 25th Spring or Whitsun Bank Holiday CAISTOR CIVIC SOCIETY GUIDED WALKS Monday (bank Holiday) 25 May Town Trail Approx. 2 hrs. All start in Market Place at 2.0pm CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday May 28th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Saturday 30/05/15 – BigTidyUpDay, 10am – 2pm, MULTI USE CENTRE 19 SOUTH STREET JUNE 2015 LINCOLNSHIRE BIKE NIGHTS Wednesday June 3rd Blacksmiths Arms ,Rothwell LN7 6AZ http://www.lincolnshirebikenights.com/ CAISTOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday June 4th AFTERNOON TEA DANCE with Brian Gaughan in Caistor Town Hall New members and visitors welcome For information phone 01472 851062 0r 01472 859531 CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Monday 05/06/15 –Closing date for EMiB Best School Garden entries BLACKSMITHS ARMS - ROTHWELL - QUIZ NIGHTS Sunday 7th June First Sunday of each month. 7pm. Quiz Night. Prizes . http://www.blacksmiths-rothwell.co.uk/ Monday 08/06/15 – Closing date for children’s painting & Digital Photography competition (EMIB) CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Wednesday 08/06/15 - Judging local Best School competitions (Sponsored by Cherry Valley) CAISTOR FIRST RESPONDERS 2015 Monday June 8th Meet on the second Monday of each month, at 7pm at at CAISTOR FIRE STATION Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service First Responders are based in villages and communities across Lincolnshire. When you call 999 for an ambulance, there's a good chance that it'll be a LIVES First Responder who arrives first. If you suffer a cardiac arrest or have breathing difficulties, the first few minutes can literally be the difference between life and death. Because LIVES First Responders are based locally, they can often get to you within 5 or 6 minutes of a 999 call being made. They can then deliver vital care until the ambulance arrives. LIVES responders attend at least 18,000 calls in Lincolnshire every year. What are they looking for? Aged 18 or over Full, driving licence and access to own vehicle is essential. Carry a 20kg bag of equipment Be able to kneel and carry out Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) No previous experience is necessary as full comprehensive initial and ongoing training will be provided Application is subject to and enhanced CRB check and references To complete the LIVES training programme to attarequired level of competence 1 To maintarequired level of competence by attending several local Group training sessions and a short local re-qualification annually Volunteers are required to have their own vehicle, licensed and insured for voluntary driving. Luke Kireia Caistor First Responders Co-ordinator & Group Trainer Tel: 07554 446858 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.lives.org.uk/ CAISTOR FLOWER CLUB PROGRAMME 2015 Wednesday June 10th “The Impressionists” June Borrowdale 2ND Wednesday 7.30pm Meetings at Town Hall Caistor North St LN76QU http://www.flowersnorthmidlands.co.uk/ 2015 Chairman Jill Armitage 07703802894 Programme Secretary Caroline Jackson 01652 408523 CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday June 11th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm HOLTON LE MOOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday June 11th “.... AND ANOTHER THING” by Jennie Storr Meeting commences at 7.15pm Moot Hall. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Megs on 01673 828674 CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL 2015 Thursday June 11th Caistor Town Hall . 6.45pm Planning Committee. 7pm Public Forum (10mins max) Then Council meeting GREAT LIMBER VILLAGE HALL BINGO DATES FOR 2015 Friday June 12th Great Limber Village Hall Doors open 7pm Eyes down 7.30pm REELY GRIM FOLK DANCE CLUB Tuesday June 16th 2015 8.00pm - 10.30pm . at the Blacksmith's Arms, Rothwell, near Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6AZ. £1 donation. Come and dance or call a dance or joband! Come and pass time in good company! If you've never been before, come along and have a try; the dancing is suitable for beginners and for those who've been doing it for years!If you play an instrument, but have never played in a band, come and have a go. We usually have music available for the dances we do. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8.00pm-10.30pm. (except August). You will find us on Facebook (Reely Grim Folk Dance Club) and on our website http://reelygrim.btck.co.uk/ CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Saturday 20/06/15 – BigTidyUpDay, 10am – 2pm, MULTI USE CENTRE 19 SOUTH STREET LINCOLNSHIRE BIKE NIGHTS (Originally 17th - NOW 24th JUNE ) Wednesday June 24th , The Pub Woods, Nettleton Lodge, Moortown Road, Nettleton Park LN7 6HX http://www.lincolnshirebikenights.com/ CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday June25th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR GRAMMAR SCHOOL SIXTH FORM INDUCTION DAY Thursday June 25th Grammar School. This may impact on daytime local parking. WEA VISIT TO RICHARD III MUSEUM IN LEICESTER Saturday June 27th cost inc museum £20 , or coach only £15. Leaves Caistor 0825, Nettleton 0830, Market Rasen 0845. Details Jean Childs 01472 859347 . Nettleton Branch WEA (workers Educational Association) CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Saturday 27/06/15 & 28/06/15 – Open Gardens & Scarecrow Trail & Gardeners Fair (£100 PRIZE MONEY – Sponsored by CLS Civil Engineering Ltd) CAISTOR CIVIC SOCIETY GUIDED WALKS Sunday 28 June Church Square Walk Approx. 45 mins All start in Market Place at 2.0pm 1 JULY 2015 GREAT LIMBER PARISH COUNCIL Wednesday 1 July 2015 at 7.30pm . Meetings held in Great Limber Village Hall CAISTOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday July 2nd OUTING TO DODDINGTON HALL Home of the Birch Family New members and visitors welcome For information phone 01472 851062 0r 01472 859531 CAISTOR GOES...MEDIEVAL Saturday & Sunday 4th & 5th JULY 2015 . Caistor South Street Park . Two days of medieval events. CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENT Saturday July 4th or 11th /07/15 – BigTidyUpDay, 10am – 2pm, MULTI USE CENTRE 19 SOUTH STREET (tbc) CAISTOR RUNNING CLUB -STING TAIL - 2015 Sunday July 5th 2015 - details to follow BLACKSMITHS ARMS - ROTHWELL - QUIZ NIGHTS Sunday 5th July First Sunday of each month. 7pm. Quiz Night. Prizes . http://www.blacksmiths-rothwell.co.uk/ CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Monday 06/07/15 – Friday 17/07/2015 Judging of Caistor for the East Midlands in Bloom Competition MULTI USE CENTRE 19 SOUTH STREET (tbc) CAISTOR FLOWER CLUB PROGRAMME 2015 Wednesday July 8th Social Evening with Angela Vora DN38 6JB 2ND Wednesday 7.30pm Meetings at Town Hall Caistor North St LN76QU http://www.flowersnorthmidlands.co.uk/ 2015 Chairman Jill Armitage 07703802894 Programme Secretary Caroline Jackson 01652 408523 CAISTOR GRAMMAR SCHOOL CONCERT Wednesday July 8th Summer Concert at Grammar School 7pm This will impact on local parking. CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday July 9th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL 2015 Thursday July 9th Caistor Town Hall . 6.45pm Planning Committee. 7pm Public Forum (10mins max) Then Council meeting HOLTON LE MOOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday July 9th GARDEN MEETING Meeting commences at 7.15pm. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Megs on 01673 828674 GREAT LIMBER VILLAGE HALL BINGO DATES FOR 2015 Friday July 10th Great Limber Village Hall Doors open 7pm Eyes down 7.30pm CAISTOR GRAMMAR SCHOOL WALK Friday July 10th annual school Grammar School, daytime. CAISTOR FIRST RESPONDERS 2015 Monday July 13th Meet on the second Monday of each month, at 7pm at at CAISTOR FIRE STATION Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service First Responders are based in villages and communities across Lincolnshire. When you call 999 for an ambulance, there's a good chance that it'll be a LIVES First Responder who arrives first. If you suffer a cardiac arrest or have breathing difficulties, the first few minutes can literally be the difference between life and death. Because LIVES First Responders are based locally, they can often get to you within 5 or 1 6 minutes of a 999 call being made. They can then deliver vital care until the ambulance arrives. LIVES responders attend at least 18,000 calls in Lincolnshire every year. What are they looking for? Aged 18 or over Full, driving licence and access to own vehicle is essential. Carry a 20kg bag of equipment Be able to kneel and carry out Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) No previous experience is necessary as full comprehensive initial and ongoing training will be provided Application is subject to and enhanced CRB check and references To complete the LIVES training programme to attarequired level of competence To maintarequired level of competence by attending several local Group training sessions and a short local re-qualification annually Volunteers are required to have their own vehicle, licensed and insured for voluntary driving. Luke Kireia Caistor First Responders Co-ordinator & Group Trainer Tel: 07554 446858 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.lives.org.uk/ CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Friday 17/07/15 – Closing date -local garden competitions (sponsored by Waltham Herbs) CAISTOR FLOWER CLUB PROGRAMME 2015 Saturday July 18th Annual show “Panache” with National demonstrator Andrew Grisewood. All day tickets £25.00 Demo only £10.00. Judge - Pauline Foster Meetings at Town Hall Caistor North St LN76QU http://www.flowersnorthmidlands.co.uk/ 2015 Chairman Jill Armitage 07703802894 Programme Secretary Caroline Jackson 01652 408523 CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Monday 20/07/15 – Judging Local garden Competition REELY GRIM FOLK DANCE CLUB Tuesday July 21st 2015 8.00pm - 10.30pm . at the Blacksmith's Arms, Rothwell, near Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6AZ. £1 donation. Come and dance or call a dance or joband! Come and pass time in good company! If you've never been before, come along and have a try; the dancing is suitable for beginners and for those who've been doing it for years!If you play an instrument, but have never played in a band, come and have a go. We usually have music available for the dances we do. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8.00pm-10.30pm. (except August). You will find us on Facebook (Reely Grim Folk Dance Club) and on our website http://reelygrim.btck.co.uk/ CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday July 23rd Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR CIVIC SOCIETY GUIDED WALKS Sunday 26 July Buttermarket Walk Approx. 50 mins. All start in Market Place at 2.0pm LINCOLNSHIRE BIKE NIGHTS Wednesday July 29th Blacksmiths Arms ,Rothwell LN7 6AZ http://www.lincolnshirebikenights.com/ AUGUST 2015 BLACKSMITHS ARMS - ROTHWELL - QUIZ NIGHTS Sunday 2nd August First Sunday of each month. 7pm. Quiz Night. Prizes . http://www.blacksmiths-rothwell.co.uk/ CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday August 6th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday August 6th SUMMER FLOWERS WORKSHOP with Jean Threlfall Meetings commence at 7.30 pm Caistor Town Hall New members and visitors welcome For information phone 01472 851062 0r 01472 859531 CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Monday 10/08/15 – Judging ‘Best Edible Garden’ Competition (sponsored by Lincolnshire Co-operative 1 CAISTOR FIRST RESPONDERS 2015 Monday August 10th Meet on the second Monday of each month, at 7pm at at CAISTOR FIRE STATION Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service First Responders are based in villages and communities across Lincolnshire. When you call 999 for an ambulance, there's a good chance that it'll be a LIVES First Responder who arrives first. If you suffer a cardiac arrest or have breathing difficulties, the first few minutes can literally be the difference between life and death. Because LIVES First Responders are based locally, they can often get to you within 5 or 6 minutes of a 999 call being made. They can then deliver vital care until the ambulance arrives. LIVES responders attend at least 18,000 calls in Lincolnshire every year. What are they looking for? Aged 18 or over Full, driving licence and access to own vehicle is essential. Carry a 20kg bag of equipment Be able to kneel and carry out Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) No previous experience is necessary as full comprehensive initial and ongoing training will be provided Application is subject to and enhanced CRB check and references To complete the LIVES training programme to attarequired level of competence To maintarequired level of competence by attending several local Group training sessions and a short local re-qualification annually Volunteers are required to have their own vehicle, licensed and insured for voluntary driving. Luke Kireia Caistor First Responders Co-ordinator & Group Trainer Tel: 07554 446858 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.lives.org.uk/ CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL 2015 Thursday August 13th Caistor Town Hall . 6.45pm Planning Committee. 7pm Public Forum (10mins max) Then Council meeting HOLTON LE MOOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday August 13th MYSTERY MINI-OUTING Afternoon Meeting commences at 2.15pm. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Megs on 01673 828674 GREAT LIMBER VILLAGE HALL BINGO DATES FOR 2015 Friday August 14th Great Limber Village Hall Doors open 7pm Eyes down 7.30pm LINCOLNSHIRE BIKE NIGHTS Wednesday 19th August . The Settlement, Caistor Market Place LN7 6TU http://www.lincolnshirebikenights.com/ CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday August 20th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR CIVIC SOCIETY GUIDED WALKS Sunday 23 Aug. Cornhill Walk Approx. 50 mins. All start in Market Place at 2.0pm Monday August 31st Summer Bank Holiday SEPTEMBER 2015 GREAT LIMBER PARISH COUNCIL Wednesday 2 September 2015 at 7.30pm. Meetings held in Great Limber Village Hall LINCOLNSHIRE BIKE NIGHTS Wednesday September 2nd,The Salutation Inn, Nettleton LN7 6NP http://www.lincolnshirebikenights.com/ CAISTOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday September 3rd HARVEST FESTIVAL AND SUPPER Meetings commence at 7.30 pm Caistor Town Hall New members and visitors welcome For information phone 01472 851062 0r 01472 859531 CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday September 3rd Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm 1 CAISTOR ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL 2015 Saturday & Sunday 5th & 6th September August. Caistor Town Hall . 10am -4pm daily Details 01472 851096 BLACKSMITHS ARMS - ROTHWELL - QUIZ NIGHTS Sunday 6th September First Sunday of each month. 7pm. Quiz Night. Prizes . http://www.blacksmiths-rothwell.co.uk/ CAISTOR FLOWER CLUB PROGRAMME 2015 Wednesday September 9th “My World of Inspiration” Jo Smith 2ND Wednesday 7.30pm Meetings at Town Hall Caistor North St LN76QU http://www.flowersnorthmidlands.co.uk/ 2015 Chairman Jill Armitage 07703802894 Programme Secretary Caroline Jackson 01652 408523 CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL 2015 Thursday September 10th Caistor Town Hall . 6.45pm Planning Committee. 7pm Public Forum (10mins max) Then Council meeting HOLTON LE MOOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday September 10th “CAN YOU HEAR ME AT THE BACK?” Lincoln’s Town Crier, Karen Crow Evening Meeting commences at 7.15pm Moot Hall. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Megs on 01673 828674 GREAT LIMBER VILLAGE HALL BINGO DATES FOR 2015 Friday September 11th Great Limber Village Hall Doors open 7pm Eyes down 7.30pm CAISTOR PROMS PARK Sunday September 13th South Street Park, with The Market Rasen RESDEV Band 1500-1700 CAISTOR FIRST RESPONDERS 2015 Monday September 14th Meet on the second Monday of each month, at 7pm at at CAISTOR FIRE STATION Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service First Responders are based in villages and communities across Lincolnshire. When you call 999 for an ambulance, there's a good chance that it'll be a LIVES First Responder who arrives first. If you suffer a cardiac arrest or have breathing difficulties, the first few minutes can literally be the difference between life and death. Because LIVES First Responders are based locally, they can often get to you within 5 or 6 minutes of a 999 call being made. They can then deliver vital care until the ambulance arrives. LIVES responders attend at least 18,000 calls in Lincolnshire every year. What are they looking for? Aged 18 or over Full, driving licence and access to own vehicle is essential. Carry a 20kg bag of equipment Be able to kneel and carry out Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) No previous experience is necessary as full comprehensive initial and ongoing training will be provided Application is subject to and enhanced CRB check and references To complete the LIVES training programme to attarequired level of competence To maintarequired level of competence by attending several local Group training sessions and a short local re-qualification annually Volunteers are required to have their own vehicle, licensed and insured for voluntary driving. Luke Kireia Caistor First Responders Co-ordinator & Group Trainer Tel: 07554 446858 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.lives.org.uk/ REELY GRIM FOLK DANCE CLUB Tuesday September 15th 2015 8.00pm - 10.30pm . at the Blacksmith's Arms, Rothwell, near Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6AZ. £1 donation. Come and dance or call a dance or joband! Come and pass time in good company! If you've never been before, come along and have a try; the dancing is suitable for beginners and for those who've been doing it for years!If you play an instrument, but have never played in a band, come and have a go. We usually have music available for the dances we do. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8.00pm-10.30pm. (except August). You will find us on Facebook (Reely Grim Folk Dance Club) and on our website http://reelygrim.btck.co.uk/ CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday September 17th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm 1 CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Saturday 26/09/15 – Caistor Awards Ceremony @ Caistor Town Hall, 6pm – 8.30pm. CAISTOR CIVIC SOCIETY GUIDED WALKS Sunday 27 Sept. Town Trail Approx. 2hrs. All start in Market Place at 2.0pm OCTOBER 2015 CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday October 1st Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday October 1st THE UPS AND DOWNS of Running a B & B with Irene Kendall Meetings commence at 7.30 pm Caistor Town Hall New members and visitors welcome For information phone 01472 851062 0r 01472 859531 CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Saturday 03/10/15 – BigTidyUpDay, 10am – 2pm, MULTI USE CENTRE 19 SOUTH STREET BLACKSMITHS ARMS - ROTHWELL - QUIZ NIGHTS Sunday 4th October First Sunday of each month. 7pm. Quiz Night. Prizes . http://www.blacksmiths-rothwell.co.uk/ CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL 2015 Thursday October 8th Caistor Town Hall . 6.45pm Planning Committee. 7pm Public Forum (10mins max) Then Council meeting HOLTON LE MOOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday October 8th “THE ROLE OF THE DEPUTY LIEUTENANT” by Ian Davey FCA, DL Afternoon Meeting commences at 2.15pm Moot Hall. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Megs on 01673 828674 GREAT LIMBER VILLAGE HALL BINGO DATES FOR 2015 Friday October 9th Great Limber Village Hall Doors open 7pm Eyes down 7.30pm CAISTOR FIRST RESPONDERS 2015 Monday October 12th Meet on the second Monday of each month, at 7pm at at CAISTOR FIRE STATION Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service First Responders are based in villages and communities across Lincolnshire. When you call 999 for an ambulance, there's a good chance that it'll be a LIVES First Responder who arrives first. If you suffer a cardiac arrest or have breathing difficulties, the first few minutes can literally be the difference between life and death. Because LIVES First Responders are based locally, they can often get to you within 5 or 6 minutes of a 999 call being made. They can then deliver vital care until the ambulance arrives. LIVES responders attend at least 18,000 calls in Lincolnshire every year. What are they looking for? Aged 18 or over Full, driving licence and access to own vehicle is essential. Carry a 20kg bag of equipment Be able to kneel and carry out Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) No previous experience is necessary as full comprehensive initial and ongoing training will be provided Application is subject to and enhanced CRB check and references To complete the LIVES training programme to attarequired level of competence To maintarequired level of competence by attending several local Group training sessions and a short local re-qualification annually Volunteers are required to have their own vehicle, licensed and insured for voluntary driving. Luke Kireia Caistor First Responders Co-ordinator & Group Trainer Tel: 07554 446858 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.lives.org.uk/ CAISTOR FLOWER CLUB PROGRAMME 2015 Wednesday October 14th “Two ways with Bouquets” Joan Woodhead - Workshop Bring Scissors & items on the list to provided. 2ND Wednesday 7.30pm Meetings at Town Hall Caistor North St LN76QU http://www.flowersnorthmidlands.co.uk/ 2015 Chairman Jill Armitage 07703802894 Programme Secretary Caroline Jackson 01652 408523 1 CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday October 15th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm REELY GRIM FOLK DANCE CLUB Tuesday October 20th 2015 8.00pm - 10.30pm . at the Blacksmith's Arms, Rothwell, near Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6AZ. £1 donation. Come and dance or call a dance or joband! Come and pass time in good company! If you've never been before, come along and have a try; the dancing is suitable for beginners and for those who've been doing it for years!If you play an instrument, but have never played in a band, come and have a go. We usually have music available for the dances we do. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8.00pm-10.30pm. (except August). You will find us on Facebook (Reely Grim Folk Dance Club) and on our website http://reelygrim.btck.co.uk/ CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Saturday 24/10/15- CIB Big Bulb Bonanza Giveaway @ Caistor Town Hall 10-1130am CAISTOR CIVIC SOCIETY GUIDED WALKS Sunday 25 Oct. Church Square Walk Approx. 45 mins. All start in Market Place at 2.0pm NOVEMBER 2015 BLACKSMITHS ARMS - ROTHWELL - QUIZ NIGHTS Sunday 1st November First Sunday of each month. 7pm. Quiz Night. Prizes . http://www.blacksmiths-rothwell.co.uk/ GREAT LIMBER PARISH COUNCIL Wednesday 4 November 2015 at 7.30pm. Meetings held in Great Limber Village Hall CAISTOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday November 5th EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW (Christmas Fare) Wendy Smith Meetings commence at 7.30 pm Caistor Town Hall New members and visitors welcome For information phone 01472 851062 0r 01472 859531 CAISTOR & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB ANNUAL FIREWORKS Saturday November 7th 2015 South Street Park LN7 6UB CAISTOR REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE Sunday November 8th 2015 , Market Place 0945.Church 1000.War Memorial 1100 Road Closure South Street /War Memorial /Buttermarket. 10.30am -11.30am Diversions via Market Place or Mill Lane. CAISTOR FIRST RESPONDERS 2015 Monday November 9th Meet on the second Monday of each month, at 7pm at at CAISTOR FIRE STATION Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service First Responders are based in villages and communities across Lincolnshire. When you call 999 for an ambulance, there's a good chance that it'll be a LIVES First Responder who arrives first. If you suffer a cardiac arrest or have breathing difficulties, the first few minutes can literally be the difference between life and death. Because LIVES First Responders are based locally, they can often get to you within 5 or 6 minutes of a 999 call being made. They can then deliver vital care until the ambulance arrives. LIVES responders attend at least 18,000 calls in Lincolnshire every year. What are they looking for? Aged 18 or over Full, driving licence and access to own vehicle is essential. Carry a 20kg bag of equipment Be able to kneel and carry out Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) No previous experience is necessary as full comprehensive initial and ongoing training will be provided Application is subject to and enhanced CRB check and references To complete the LIVES training programme to attarequired level of competence To maintarequired level of competence by attending several local Group training sessions and a short local re-qualification annually Volunteers are required to have their own vehicle, licensed and insured for voluntary driving. 1 Luke Kireia Caistor First Responders Co-ordinator & Group Trainer Tel: 07554 446858 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.lives.org.uk/ CAISTOR FLOWER CLUB PROGRAMME 2015 Wednesday November 11th Christmas Crafts - Bring Scissors 2ND Wednesday 7.30pm Meetings at Town Hall Caistor North St LN76QU http://www.flowersnorthmidlands.co.uk/ 2015 Chairman Jill Armitage 07703802894 Programme Secretary Caroline Jackson 01652 408523 CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL 2015 Thursday November 12th Caistor Town Hall . 6.45pm Planning Committee. 7pm Public Forum (10mins max ) Then Council meeting HOLTON LE MOOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2015 Thursday November 12th “DRAWING WITH FIRE” Pyrography with Sue Roebuck Meeting commences at 2.15pm Moot Hall. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Megs on 01673 828674 GREAT LIMBER VILLAGE HALL BINGO DATES FOR 2015 THURSDAY November 12th Great Limber Village Hall Doors open 7pm Eyes down 7.30pm CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday November 12th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR Sunday November 15th 2015. Caistor Town Hall. 10am- 4pm REELY GRIM FOLK DANCE CLUB Tuesday November 17th 2015 8.00pm - 10.30pm . at the Blacksmith's Arms, Rothwell, near Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6AZ. £1 donation. Come and dance or call a dance or joband! Come and pass time in good company! If you've never been before, come along and have a try; the dancing is suitable for beginners and for those who've been doing it for years!If you play an instrument, but have never played in a band, come and have a go. We usually have music available for the dances we do. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8.00pm-10.30pm. (except August). You will find us on Facebook (Reely Grim Folk Dance Club) and on our website http://reelygrim.btck.co.uk/ CAISTOR TREE & LIGHTS ERECTION Saturday & Sunday 21st & 22nd November Some traffic disruption & parking restrictions Saturday am block installation & erection of demountable poles (aim to be out of market place by 0900) Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm erection of lighting Sunday 0700-1700 erect tree & affix lights Market Place centre will be a no parking area CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Saturday 21/11/15– BigTidyUpDay, 10am – 12pm, MULTI USE CENTRE 19 SOUTH STREET (note early finish) CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Monday 23/11-29/11/15 National Tree Planting Week CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday November 26th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR IN BLOOM EVENTS (DETAILS 01472 851883) Saturday 28/11/2015 National Tree Planting Day (CiB) CAISTOR CHRISTMAS MARKET & LIGHTS SWITCH ON Saturday November 28th 1400-1800 . Stalls, food, drink, Santa etc Some traffic disruptions, parking restrictions. diversions. DECEMBER 2015 1 CATS - CAISTOR AMATEUR THEATRICAL SOCIETY - ANNUAL PANTOMIME Wednesday 2nd December - Saturday 5th December at 7.30pm. Saturday Matinee. Oh Yes it Is ... Oh no it isn't...... Yes its the 2015 Panto! BLACKSMITHS ARMS - ROTHWELL - QUIZ NIGHTS Sunday 6th December First Sunday of each month. 7pm. Quiz Night. Prizes . http://www.blacksmiths-rothwell.co.uk/ CAISTOR FLOWER CLUB PROGRAMME 2015 Wednesday December 9th “A Magical Christmas” Caroline Jackson & Friends Open Meeting Visitors £6.00 2ND Wednesday 7.30pm Meetings at Town Hall Caistor North St LN76QU http://www.flowersnorthmidlands.co.uk/ 2015 Chairman Jill Armitage 07703802894 Programme Secretary Caroline Jackson 01652 408523 CAISTOR LIONS BINGO 2015 Thursday December 10th Caistor Town Hall. Eyes Down 7.30pm CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL 2015 Thursday December 10th Caistor Town Hall . 6.45pm Planning Committee. 7pm Public Forum (10mins max ) Then Council meeting CAISTOR CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL Thursday - Sunday 10th - 13th December, Caistor Parish Church A spectacular display of over 30 illuminated trees in church. Afternoon teas available. GREAT LIMBER VILLAGE HALL BINGO DATES FOR 2015 Friday December 11th Great Limber Village Hall Doors open 7pm Eyes down 7.30pm CAISTOR FIRST RESPONDERS 2015 Monday December 14th Meet on the second Monday of each month, at 7pm at at CAISTOR FIRE STATION Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service First Responders are based in villages and communities across Lincolnshire. When you call 999 for an ambulance, there's a good chance that it'll be a LIVES First Responder who arrives first. If you suffer a cardiac arrest or have breathing difficulties, the first few minutes can literally be the difference between life and death. Because LIVES First Responders are based locally, they can often get to you within 5 or 6 minutes of a 999 call being made. They can then deliver vital care until the ambulance arrives. LIVES responders attend at least 18,000 calls in Lincolnshire every year. What are they looking for? Aged 18 or over Full, driving licence and access to own vehicle is essential. Carry a 20kg bag of equipment Be able to kneel and carry out Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) No previous experience is necessary as full comprehensive initial and ongoing training will be provided Application is subject to and enhanced CRB check and references To complete the LIVES training programme to attarequired level of competence To maintarequired level of competence by attending several local Group training sessions and a short local re-qualification annually Volunteers are required to have their own vehicle, licensed and insured for voluntary driving. Luke Kireia Caistor First Responders Co-ordinator & Group Trainer Tel: 07554 446858 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.lives.org.uk/ REELY GRIM FOLK DANCE CLUB Tuesday December 15th (christmas ceilidh)2015 8.00pm - 10.30pm . at the Blacksmith's Arms, Rothwell, near Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6AZ. £1 donation. Come and dance or call a dance or joband! Come and pass time in good company! If you've never been before, come along and have a try; the dancing is suitable for beginners and for those who've been doing it for years!If you play an instrument, but have never played in a band, come and have a go. We usually have music available for the dances we do. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8.00pm-10.30pm. (except August). You will find us on Facebook (Reely Grim Folk Dance Club) and on our website http://reelygrim.btck.co.uk/ MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR 1 2016 2016 2016 JANUARY 2016 CAISTOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2016 Thursday January 7th ANNUAL MEETING – SUPPER and SOCIAL Meetings commence at 7.30 pm Caistor Town Hall HOLTON LE MOOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2016 Thursday January 14th - 98th ANNUAL MEETING and Social Time Meeting commences at 2.15pm Moot Hall. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Megs on 01673 828674 FEBRUARY 2016 HOLTON LE MOOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PROGRAMME 2016 Thursday February 11th “GLASS MOSAICS” by Karen Frosdick Meeting commences at 2.15pm Moot Hall. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Megs on 01673 828674 CRIMSBY CHOIR AT CAISTOR PARISH CHURCH Saturday July 2nd 2016 . Caistor Parish Church , an evening of wonderful music <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caistor Area Diary is a free community service – published weekly for the benefit of local people and organisations. New additions and event details welcomed. if you received it in error please let me know & you will be deleted from the list. mailto: [email protected] 01472 851674 END LOOK NEW ENTRY SECTION ZONE .. BEYOND THIS POINT ! WHATS ON AT "THE CLUB": CAISTOR SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Sports Ground, Brigg Road, Caistor, LN7 6RX Tel: 01472 851918 Caistor Sports & Social Club Tel: 01472 851918 (during opening hours) free WIFI https://www.facebook.com/caistor.socialclub.9 THE HOME OF LIVE TV SPORT IN CAISTOR What’s on this week Mon 30th Mar Big Screen LIVE International Football Free Pool England U21 v Germany U21 at 7.30pm - from 7pm Tue 31st Big Screen LIVE International Football - Italy v England (friendly) at 7pm Wed 1st Apr Big Screen LIVE Tennis or Music Videos Free Pool The Majority to decide - ATP Masters Tennis OR Music Videos - from 7pm Thu 2nd Big Screen LIVE Premier League DartsPool Match - from 7pm - our pool team play at home from 7.30pm 2 Fri 3rd Kids Easter Party Big Screen Live FL72 Football Sat 4th Big Screen LIVE Premier League Football Adult Easter Disco Sun 5th Big Screen LIVE Premier League Football - Our annual kids Easter Party for under 10's from 3pm to 5.30pm. Please give names to bar staff. Max attendance is 36. Cost £4. See our Facebook page for more details. - Ipswich v Bournemouth at 5.30pm - Derby v Watford at 7.30pm - Arsenal v Liverpool at 12.45pm - Chelsea v Stoke at 4.45pm - 8pm to 1am with Lee. £3 entry charge buys you a raffle ticket to a draw for a bottle of spirits - Burnley v Spurs at 12.30pm Sunderland v Newcastle at 3.30pm NORTH KELSEY VILLAGE HALL EASTER BINGO Thursday 2nd April. Easter Bingo at North Kelsey Village Hall, 7.15 for 7.30 start, £1.00 entrance which includes refreshments. Also a raffle. CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Saturday, 28 March Montessori School Exhibition, Easter Kids Art Competition 14:00 Story Telling CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Sunday, 29 March Montessori School Exhibition, Easter Kids Art Competition CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Monday, 30 March Montessori School Exhibition, Easter Kids Art Competition CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Tuesday, 31 March Montessori School Exhibition, Easter Kids Art Competition 10:00 FREE IT TUITION, 14:00 FREE IT TUITION, 18:30 Slimming World JOSEPH BANKS TOURING EXHIBITION 1st - 30th April 2015 Caistor Heritage Centre , 28 Plough Hill LN7 6LZ Tel: 01472 851605 CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Wednesday, 1 April Easter Kids Art Competition, Joseph Banks Touring Exhibition Family History Research Group, 14:00 Story Telling. CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Thursday, 2 April Easter Kids Art Competition, Joseph Banks Touring Exhibition Easter Egg Hunt, CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Friday, 3 April Joseph Banks Touring Exhibition CAISTOR HERITAGE CENTRE Good Friday, Saturday, 4 April, Easter Kids Art Competition, Joseph Banks Touring Exhibition 14:00 Story Telling CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL ANNUAL TOWN OPEN MEETING Thursday 30th April. Caistor Town Hall. The annual town meeting, all Caistor residents welcome. WEA VISIT TO RICHARD III MUSEUM IN LEICESTER Saturday June 27th cost inc museum £20 , or coach only £15. Leaves Caistor 0825, Nettleton 0830, Market Rasen 0845. Details Jean Childs 01472 859347 . Nettleton Branch WEA (workers Educational Association)
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