Soft Matter COMMUNICATION Cite this: Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 3530 Received 26th January 2015, Accepted 16th March 2015 Customizing wormlike mesoscale structures via self-assembly of amphiphilic star polymers Christian Koch,a Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos,b Federica Lo Versoc and Christos N. Likos*a DOI: 10.1039/c5sm00219b We examine the phase behavior of end-functionalized diblock copolymer stars by means of Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations. We focus on solutions of diblock copolymer stars with a solvophobic outer block shorter than the solvophilic inner block, which are expected to nucleate microphase aggregates. By tuning the temperature and rigidity of the molecules, we target specific mesoscale structures, which can act as powerful rheology modifiers. In particular, we control the hierarchical self-assembly of single micelles in a ‘‘pearl-necklace’’ fashion, which eventually merge into elongated, wormlike supermicelles. The rich phase behaviour and responsiveness to a variety of chemical and physical stimuli, which characterize polymeric macromolecules, make them ideal building blocks for the engineering of new functional materials. In particular, amphiphilic systems in solution have a strong propensity to reversibly assemble into a variety of structures. The corresponding microphases, which mainly depend on the architecture of the precursor macromolecule, the ratio among solvophilic and solvophobic units and the environmental conditions, range from conventional micelles, through flexible cylinders (wormlike micelles), on to bilayers and membranes. Wormlike micelles are elongated, semiflexible aggregates for which the spontaneous curvature of the end caps is larger than the curvature along their cylindrical body. These aggregates result from the self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules. In the last two decades, wormlike micelles have received considerable attention, from the theoretical, experimental and computational points of view.1–6 The main reason for this interest is the rich rheological performance of such systems.7 Their statistical and dynamical properties resemble those of polymer solutions, which e.g. entangle above a critical concentration. As a consequence the a Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090, Vienna, Austria. E-mail: [email protected]; Fax: +43 1 4277 73239; Tel: +43 1 4277 73230 b Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and PRISM, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA c Donostia International Physics Center DIPC, Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 4, ´n, Spain E-20018 San Sebastia 3530 | Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 3530--3535 solution becomes viscoelastic, and the viscoelasticity features a single relaxation time, a property quite unusual for fluids with a complex structure. Wormlike micelles are also related to polymers because of their nonlinear rheological behavior.8 While applying a steady shear, the fluid undergoes a shear-banding transition, which is associated with a plateau in the stress versus shear rate curve, and corresponds to a transition between an homogeneous and nonhomogeneous state of flow. The latter regime is characterized by macroscopic regions (bands) of different share rates analogous to the instability found in extrusion of polymer melt at high temperature.9 In addition, there exists a large class of wormlike micellar solutions which exhibit a dramatic increase in the viscosity above a critical shear rate. This has been associated with further aggregation of micelles induced by the shear flow.10–12 Wormlike micelles have a more dynamic structure with respect to polymers due to the undergoing of continuous and reversible scission and recombination.5,6 This aspect of their behavior suggests that wormlike micelles can be considered as a model of equilibrium polymers (or living meso-polymers).4,13,14 The unique viscoelastic behaviour of these systems is exploited to tune the rheology in numerous applications, without the use of polymers or additives, so that they are employed as e.g. fracturing fluids in oil fields, as drag reducing agents in hydrodynamic engineering,15,16 and in many home and personal care products.1 A full understanding of structure and dynamics of the wormlike micelles, namely how micellar structure is connected to the chemical composition and architecture of the surfactants, and how the structural features of the aggregates can be tuned by specific control parameters, is essential to the optimization of their practical applications. In the present study we examine the behavior of a specific polymeric building block, namely a telechelic star polymer, able to form wormlike structures via a hierarchical self-assembly process. Telechelic star polymers are star-shaped AB-diblock copolymers with a number of chains (functionality) f, which are covalently anchored on a common point. In particular in our model, solvophilic A-blocks lie at the interior of the star, whereas the attractive, solvophobic monomers (the B-blocks) This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Communication are the terminal reactive groups. In extremely diluted solutions telechelic star polymers can self-organize in different ways.17–21 Whereas at sufficiently high temperatures, the molecule presents an open ‘‘star burst’’ configuration, lowering the temperature brings about a collapsed conformation, namely all the solvophobic groups physically associate into a single attractive aggregate (single watermelon19) or, as f grows, in several aggregates (partial watermelon structures20 ). In concentrated solutions, the intra-molecular association process deeply influences the self-assembly behavior.21–25 The main control parameters are the architecture of the building blocks, the amphiphilicity and rigidity along the chain, and the temperature. In our previous studies, we extensively considered the influence of the amphiphile composition of the polymer chains on the phase behavior of fully flexible stars while varying the concentration of the solution.21–24 For low/intermediate number of monomers per chain, and arm number up to f = 10, we verified that if the terminal B block comprises at least half of the stars’ monomers, macrophase separation occurs. On the contrary, when the number of solvophilic monomers exceeds the number of solvophobic ones, the system displays a very rich microphase-separation behavior. As a further step we considered the effect of rigidity on the macrophase separating systems.25 In this manuscript, we focus on the effect of architecture, chain rigidity and temperature as driving factors towards the emergence of specific equilibrium mesophases, namely a hierarchical self-assembly of wormlike micelles. Our approach is based on Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations of a lattice model. The details of the model and simulation methods can be found in ref. 25. Each molecule is coded generically as H(HnTm)f: the sequence in the brackets describes one of the f arms, where the inner A-block of each chain consists of a number n of solvophilic head beads (H), and the external B-block of a number m of solvophobic tail beads (T). The first letter-code, H, represents the central anchoring point. In order to quantify the ratio among solvophilic and solvophobic units, we introduce the parameter r = m/(n + m), stated in %. The interbead effective interaction is modeled by means of the Larson scheme for amphiphile–oil–water solutions.26 The rigidity is modeled by introducing an energy penalty25 when the angle between two successive bonds along a chain deviates from the value p. The stiffness of the chain is tuned by changing the prefactor a. A mixture of Monte Carlo steps is implemented, namely insertion and deletion of an entire molecule, deletion and regrowth of single chains on one molecule as well as moving of an aggregated cluster of molecules. Every set of parameters was run on multiple (cubic) simulation box sizes L = 30, 40 and 50, to ensure that the mesoscale structures that are found are no finite size effect. In what follows, monomer concentration will be expressed in terms of the fraction of occupied lattice sites f and temperature T* in units of the interaction energy between neighboring solvophilic sites, also setting kB = 1. We focus first on the H(H6T4)3 model system. As mentioned above, r = 50% corresponds to the limit below which the system undergoes microphase separation. In particular telechelic stars This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Soft Matter Fig. 1 Cluster size distribution of a H(H6T4)3 system at three different state points: (a) concentration f = 0.42, temperature T* = 4.6, (b) f = 0.5, T* = 4.2, (c) f = 0.45, T* = 4.0. Error bars are typical for all histograms in this work. coded as H(H6T4)3, form, for T* 4 4.5, spherical micelles with a well defined characteristic size.22 These micelles are not perfectly sterically shielded by their corona of solvophilic A-blocks. In Fig. 1 we plot the distribution probability of cluster sizes, as a function of the number of chains per aggregate, at concentrations f D 0.45. In the cluster size histograms, the occurrence of ‘harmonics’, i.e. integer multiples of the characteristic micelle size, marks the inter-aggregation of couples, triples, etc. of spherical micelles into supermicelles. In panel (a) we can observe the high temperature regime (T* = 4.6). Here the magnitude of the macromolecular aggregates is highlighted by few mild peaks. It is not favorable for the supermicelles to merge further, into larger aggregates because of the entropic cost necessary in order to push aside the solvophilic corona. Increasing the concentration eventually leads to a percolation, namely the coexisting micelles, supermicelles and remaining single star molecules associate into a system spanning cluster. This cluster has a very broad size distribution and grows continuously while increasing the concentration. Lowering the temperature brings about spectacular changes in the morphology of the aggregates formed in the system. In Fig. 1, panels (b) and (c) significant peaks of harmonics arising in the cluster size histograms show up, while decreasing the temperature down to T* = 4.0. These harmonics extend over the full width of cluster sizes up to percolation. Indeed, by lowering the system’s temperature, we enhance the propensity of the attractive beads to maximize the number of their associations, despite the entropic cost involved in the inter-aggregation process. At a first stage, coexisting, stable spherical micelles push aside their corona in order to be able to associate in a dumbbell fashion, thus increasing the number of solvophobic beads in contact and further minimizing the overall free energy. Additional micelles can then associate in the same way onto either far ends of the dumbbell, creating a super micelle ‘necklace’. The self-assembling process is illustrated in Fig. 2, panels (a) and (b), in the case of three-micelle aggregation. Note that this super micelle exhibits a one-dimensional growth. A three-dimensional super micelle growth is unfavorable by the fact that the solvophilic corona limits the size of a spherical, Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 3530--3535 | 3531 Soft Matter Fig. 2 Supermicelles association. Panel (a): triple aggregate. Panel (b): a sketch of the hierarchical assembly of three micelles, first associating in a pearl-necklace fashion aggregate and eventually merging in a quasi-1D wormlike structure. Panel (c): a sketch of a wormlike super micelle, formed by the hierarchical self-assembly of several micelles. The shaded regions are guides to the eye. purely solvophobic cluster. At the same time, a two-dimensional equivalent in which, e.g., the micelles push aside their coronae to expose an equatorial ring for association and form a membrane-like super micelle are entropically highly unfavored. In fact, we did not find any evidence for this in the range of systems investigated. A visual inspection of the system, see Fig. 3(a), confirms that for low temperature the supermicelles start to assemble in a pearl-necklace-like fashion and eventually maximize the number of associated B-block beads while minimizing the surface of their cluster: dumbbells and necklaces deform into worm-like micelles that grow in total length with increased concentration. For high f, these worm-like micelles also crosslink, entangle and eventually form a percolating network and at f D 0.7, see Fig. 3(b), the network comprises all molecules within the system. For higher temperatures, the association mechanism is somewhat different. Here, due to the higher thermal fluctuations, spots of the micelle core are frequently exposed and open a chance for small aggregates or even single, free stars, to associate with the supermicelle. Consequently, the cluster magnitude does not grow only in steps of the significant micelle size, but rather in the smallest possible steps, i.e. single chain associations. As a consequence the histogram does not show harmonics, see Fig. 1, panel (a), but instead the distribution grows continuously until percolation (see Fig. 4). So far, it appears that a fundamental ingredient in order to grow aggregates via a quasi-1-D assembly, are precursor micelles with a solvophobic core not perfectly screened by the solvophilic corona. For this reason, the system H(H8T2)3 is not a 3532 | Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 3530--3535 Communication Fig. 3 Snapshots of a H(H6T4)3 system. (a) f = 0.45, T* = 4.0, (b) f = 0.69, T* = 4.0. The red shapes are a geometrical encasing of clusters of associated solvophobic tail beads. Solvophilic species are not shown. Fig. 4 Snapshot of a H(H6T4)3 system, f = 0.42, T* = 4.6. good candidate. Indeed for r o 20% the solvophilic corona almost totally screens the internal core, so that the system have a tendency to form isolated micelles. A more specific requirement is that the arm number be low enough ( f o 6) to avoid the formation of multisite intramolecular association.19,20 Indeed, at low T*, in the specific r and f range considered, namely r o 50% and f o 6, the equilibrium state of the single molecule is a collapsed ‘watermelon’ (wm) conformation, in which all the chain solvophobic monomers form a single aggregate. If we increase the functionality, the number of molecule association sites (multi-wm), increases as well; e.g. at low temperature a single star of a relative B block size of r = 40% forms one or two wm patches for f = 6 and three or more for f = 10. Indeed the higher number of arms, increases the repulsion at the anchoring point, driving single stars to form more association sites and networks instead of stable micellar aggregates. To overcome the constraints related to the architecture and the amphiphilic chain composition, we take advantage of another This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Communication control parameter, namely the rigidity along the polymer chains. This new chain property allows us to further control the morphology of the aggregates. As previously pointed out in the case of phase-separating systems,25 increasing the arm stiffness decreases the entropic penalty due to the steric repulsion, within a single star, while it enhances the propensity of the star arms to collapse onto a single association site. The resulting molecule configuration is quite narrow and effectively makes the star a colloidal particle with surfactant properties, thus drastically stabilizing micelle formation in concentrated systems. Due to the effective stretching of the chains, those micelles have a higher exposed core even for a low r. We fixed a = 10, namely intermediate rigidity,25 and we started by studying the cluster size histograms for H(H6T4)3, in order to observe the differences with respect to the case of flexible arms discussed above. The same value of a will be considered for all the rigid systems studied in the manuscript. As we can see in Fig. 5, panel (a), the harmonics, related to the hierarchical supermicelle assembly, become very pronounced already at T* = 5.4. We stress here that a comparison of the flexible and stiff system at the same reduced temperature is not meaningful, due to the extra energy penalty associated with bending rigidity. Increasing the temperature, Fig. 5, panel (b) and (c), one can see that intermediate cluster sizes are suppressed by a factor of B5. Eventually, panel (d), this suppression evolves to a gap in the cluster size histograms. The harmonics are always discernible. However, higher temperatures make the intermediate aggregate sizes less probable in favor of the single micelles (first peak on the left) or large aggregates which include the majority of the present molecules (utmost right peak). While for the H(H6T4)3 system, the rigidity strongly stabilizes the pearlnecklace forming of worm-like micelles, the simultaneous increase of the temperatures promotes a faster formation of very large, percolating aggregates. As anticipated above, stiff molecule arms reduce steric repulsion effects in the worm-like micelle corona by leaving the solvophobic core more exposed. Let us then increase the arm number up to f = 6. In contrast to the H(H6T4)3 case, where the critical micelle concentration lies below the percolation concentration, in the flexible, a = 0, f = 6 system, the micellar aggregates form only after the formation Fig. 5 Cluster size histograms of a H(H6T4)3 system with an arm rigidity of a = 10. (a) f = 0.46, T* = 5.4, (b) f = 0.33, T* = 5.6, (c) f = 0.37, T* = 5.8, (d) f = 0.40, T* = 6.0. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Soft Matter Fig. 6 Cluster size histograms of a H(H6T4)6 system with an arm rigidity of a = 10. (a) f = 0.44, T* = 5.2, (b) f = 0.375, T* = 5.4. of the percolating network.25 Applying a bending stiffness to the H(H6T4)6 system we stabilize the formation of worm-like micelles in a pearl-necklace-like fashion, similarly to the H(H6T4)3 case. The cluster size histograms show multiple harmonics that, once again, are most pronounced at lower temperatures, see Fig. 6. As already pointed out above, rigidity promotes the collapse of the single star to a narrow watermelon conformation. As a consequence, for very diluted systems the single wm configuration is stable up to much higher temperature than in the case of flexible chains, while for concentrated solutions, micellization and worm-like aggregates are the expected scenarios. As a further step, we tuned the amphiphilicity along the chain by reducing the number of terminal groups. In accordance with previous investigations,22 stars with r = 20% form stable, spherical micelles of well-defined size. Compared to the H(H6T4)f system ( f = 3, 6), however, the external solvophilic corona is much thicker. The possibility for the corona to push aside the solvophilic part and release the solvophobic core, necessary for an aggregation of two micelles, is more difficult, the compression of the corona being penalized due to steric repulsion. Next to that, the number of additional associations that can be gained by the inter-aggregating micelles is much lower compared to the case r = 40%. We argue that the formation of supermicelles is unfavored and the histograms, relative to the probability size distribution, feature significant cluster sizes only up to the first harmonic, or few more lowering the temperature. The spherical micelles are stable up to very high temperature and concentration, eventually leading to percolation and to the formation of a bicontinuous fluid phase. In analogy to the r = 40% case, applying a bending rigidity to the arms of the H(H8T2)3 system reduces the entropic cost of an inter-micelle aggregation. Indeed we observed pearl-necklacelike formation of supermicelles highlighted by the harmonics in P(Nch) of up to fourth order at T* = 3.2, see Fig. 7. In contrast to the fully flexible H(H8T2)3 system, rigidity promotes the formation of wormlike micelles due to a strong reduction of the sterically repulsive effects in the micelle coronae. As a consequence the coronae is globally more flexible with respect to the possibility of pushing aside the solvophilic part as well as to expose the solvophobic core. For high concentrations, the Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 3530--3535 | 3533 Soft Matter Communication Fig. 7 Cluster size histogram of the of H(H8T2)3 system with an arm rigidity of a = 10 at f = 0.5, T* = 3.2. harmonics become less pronounced. In this case free stars can not form another micelle. They then, instead, bring one or more arms into association with an existing micelle or super micelle, thus changing its cluster size. We did not find evidence of a system-spanning cluster. The application of rigidity promotes the formation of worm-like micelles that show – in contrast to the r = 40% systems – little tendency to form cross links. The majority of supermicelles comprises well defined worms that quite heavily bend and even entangle. The histogram shows a clear trend of decreasing probability for long necklaces, which indicates that a one-dimensional percolation is a finite size artifact, which indeed disappears above a certain lattice size. This scenario is extremely interesting while considering rheological properties. For the fully flexible H(H8T2)3 system, we have found that the formation of percolating clusters is possible at sufficiently high temperature and concentration. In fact increasing the temperature, the entropic effects in the micelle corona become so strong that the micelles melt and the formation of a fractal percolating network is favored. Rigidity decreases the entropic effects in the micelle corona, thus stabilizing micellar aggregates. A much higher temperature is needed to melt these micelles and to allow for a percolation transition. At given high concentration, the sol–gel transition and thus, the rheological properties can therefore not only be tuned by changing the system temperature, but also at constant temperature by tuning the rigidity via e.g. salinity of the solution, so that micelle formation is stabilized sufficiently that the percolation transition is suppressed. Indeed, from an experimental point of view, a tunable rigidity can be realized for instance by periodic ionization of the polymer chains and control of the screening strength by changing the salinity. Similarly to the fully flexible H(H8T2)3 systems, for H(H8T2)6 spherical micelles are stable and super micelle formation is only found at concentrations above f E 0.5. Also like H(H8T2)3, the f = 6 case allows for a percolation through the lattice, for temperature high enough to contrast the screening of the micellar aggregate. Below such a temperature, despite the high arm number, even at very high concentrations, the micellar aggregates are so well sterically shielded that no system spanning cluster is found. As in all investigated systems, the application of rigidity to the stars’ arms promotes the formation of worm-like micelles. In addition, for this system we observed the occurrence of ordered phases. For a temperature range 3.6 o T* o 3.8, the 3534 | Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 3530--3535 Fig. 8 Snapshot of a H(H8T2)6 system with an arm rigidity of a = 10 at concentration f = 0.64 and temperature T* = 3.8. worm-like micelles that form, start to arrange in a columnar hexagonal ordering at concentrations f E 0.6, as can be seen in Fig. 8. For higher concentrations, additional micelles form, the columns start to associate with one another and the ordering breaks down into a fractal network. In our study we have used a finite size simulation with periodic boundary conditions. Whereas all disordered phases were found to be independent of the simulation box size, the hexagonal ordering in this case most certainly is. However, the mere tendency of the system to arrange in an ordered phase is witnessed in simulations of different box size, where, instead, we found the micelles to arrange on a cubic lattice. There have been no prior studies on micelle nucleation of telechelic stars. Indeed, the propensity to aggregate into wormlike micelles via a pearl-necklace fashion outlined in this work, is novel. However, there are several studies of THT-triblock copolymers, their effects on oil-in-water microemulsions and pre-assembled micelles and the formation and viscoelasticity of transient networks formed by the telechelic polymer chains interconnecting microemulsion droplets and vesicles.27–31 More recently, Ramos et al.32 investigated the effect of the addition of telechelic PEO to a surfactant system of worm-like micelles, and Nakaya-Yaegashi et al.33 extended these studies by focusing on the linear viscoelasticity of these bridged worm-like micelles. Telechelic star polymers represent a one-component, very simple, system that features both the micellization process typical of surfactant molecules and the networking due to the telechelic linkers which are expected to show viscoelastic properties similar to multi-component mixtures of spherical and/or wormlike micelles and telechelic polymers.34 To summarize, a very rich microphase behavior can be obtained by a proper design of telechelic stars. A necessary condition for wormlike micelles to occur, are building blocks (individual telechelic stars) that collapse onto a single physical association site, such as the H(H6T4)3-system. However, this is not a sufficient condition, since systems with a thicker solvophilic corona, such as the H(H8T2)f-ones ( f = 3, 6) will not form wormlike micelles despite the fact that they have single association cites. To overcome the stabilizing effect of the thick solvophobic corona, rigidity should This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Communication be introduced to the arms, and in this way wormlike micelles are stabilized. Rigidity also brings about wormlike micelle formation for systems with more than one physical association sites, such as the H(H6T4)6-system. The consequences of mesostructure formation on the rheology of such systems is the subject of current work. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge most helpful discussions with Emanuela Del Gado and Dimitris Vlassopoulos. This work has been supported by the Marie-Curie ITN-COMPLOIDS (Grant Agreement no. 234810). Work at Princeton was supported by the Princeton Center for Complex Materials (U.S. NSF Grants DMR-0819860 and DMR-1420541). References 1 J. Yang, Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci., 2002, 7, 276. 2 L. M. Walker, Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci., 2001, 6, 451. 3 S. Hofmann, A. Rauscher and H. 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