163 L Lenin i A Ave. Rybinsk Rybi k 152903 Russia 152903, Russia, http://www npohttp://www.npo npo-saturn.ru saturn ru K.U.Leuven, Department MTM K t lp k Arenberg Kasteelpark A b g 44 bus b 2450 B 3001, L B-3001, Leuven,, BELGIUM, BELGIUM, http://www kuleuven be http://www.kuleuven.be Anastasia N. N Krundaeva, Krundaeva Yury y N. N Shmotin A MODEL OF NONNON-IMPREGNATED ARAMID WINDING FOR MITIGATING THE FAN BLADEBLADEOUT IN AEROCRAFT GAS TURBINE ENGINES S M-146 SATURN SaMSaM •Experimental Characterization of Non Non-impregnated impregnated Aramid Yarns; •Ballistic Ballisttic tests t t of of containment co ta t i e t wraps aps subjected bj t d to t a high-velocity high elocitty p projectile; oject j tile; •FE Material Model Development; •Engine g Fan Blade Blade-Out Out ((FBO)) Simulation; •Combined C bi d F Combined Fan and dM Metal t lC Case Comparison. C i A According di t Federal to F d l Airworthiness Ai thi R Regulations l ti FAR-25 FAR 25 (USA), (USA) Joint J i t Ai Airworthiness thi R g l ti Regulations JAR 25 ((Europe) JAR-25 (E p ) and d AP-33 AP 33 Airworthiness Ai thi Regulations g of the Russian Federation, Federation, engines g for modern aircraft have to be developed in such a way as to reduce the engine damages to the lowest possible level at FBO as a result of bird or any other foreign object ingestion or as a result of accumulation of fatigue damages. damages System fan blade blade-out out test THE MODEL OF WINDING winding from non non-impregnated impregnated aramid yarns of tape model Metal case SaM-146 fan containment housing following blade-out test tape model Combined fan case design INVESTIGATION OF COMBINED FAN CASE MATERIALS PROPERTIES STRAIN RATE EFFECTS UNIAXIAL TENSION TESTS 1. Yarn 2. Yarn tension unit 3 Case of testing tooling 3. 4 Acceleration tube 4. 5 Impacting element 5. 6 Movable 6. Mo able support s pport 7 Piezo 7. Pi accelerometers l t 8.Radio interferometers emitter 9. Fastening g of p parts No. 3, 4 10. Resistance strain g gages g View of the loading g device to determine the yarn dynamic properties Uniaxial tension test setup Non impregnated aramid yarns Non-impregnated uniaxial specific force-strain force strain results Experimental E i ld device i for f determining d i i the h dynamic d i strength of the yarn in the longitudinal direction The p Th preliminary li i y experimental p i t l results lt show h th t att the that th strain t i rate t off 103 s-11 to t 105 s-11 the th fibers are strengthened by about 30% compared to their properties at the lower strain rates. t VERIFICATION OF CALCULATIONS TASK TEST SETUP FOR VERIFICATION O THE DEVELOPED OF O MODEL O VERIFICATION OF CALCULATIONS BASED O THE TEST ON S RESULTS S S FAN BLADE INTERACTION WITH THE COMBINED FAN CASE The impactingelement flight velocitywas to 330m/s Fan blade interaction with the combined fan case Replacement R l off a combined bi d fan case with a simulator The results showed that the combined fan case with 8-mm winding g contains the broken away fan blade. blade The weight of the combined case with non-impregnated p g aramid fibers is less than the weight of the metal case by 20%. 20% 16-mm 16 mm thickness of winding 8-mm thickness 8 thi k of winding Combined C bi d fan f case simulator with a hole cut out Calculated and experimental final states of the winding CONTACT: Dr. Krundaeva Anastasia anastas siy@mail ru tel. [email protected], tel +32 48 46 05 801 (Belgium)
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