MESO‐MECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF TRIAXIALLY BRAIDED COMPOSITES MESO‐MECHANICAL MESO MECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF TRIAXIALLY BRAIDED COMPOSITES 1 1 1 1,2 p ,, J. Xu p ,,C. González A García Carpintero A. García‐Carpintero J Xu ,, C.S. Lopes C S Lopes C González alejandro garcia@imdea org [email protected] 1 IMDEA‐Materials Institute IMDEA Materials Institute 2 Polytechnic University of Madrid Polytechnic y Universityy of Madrid Motivation Braided preforms are manufactured over a cylindrical mandrel. A single layer of a 2 2-D D braid consists of either two or th three i t t i dy intertwined yarns. The Th braided b id d y yarns follow f ll th +φ the φ and dφ direction while interlacing in the desired pattern. pattern A 2-D 2D Triaxial braided consists of axial yarns in addition to the offaxis braider yarns. The axial yarns follow the longitudinal di ti and direction d are inserted i t d between b t th braider the b id y yarns,, Fig Fig 1. 1 Due to the new weight g requirements in the aeronautic sector, sector fabric-reinforced “textile” textile composites manufactured with high strength fibers are promising lightweight solutions. solutions They possess better p b tt out-of-plane t f pl stiffness, tiff , strength t gth and d toughness g properties p p than tape p and unidirectional laminates. laminates They are also amenable to automated and efficient manufacturing techniques. techniques However,, the H th architecture hit t off a textile t til composite p it is i complex pl and therefore, and, therefore the parameters controlling its mechanical properties are numerous. numerous This necessitates development of analytical and numerical models to predict the mechanical properties p p ti off textile t til composites. p it Objectives • R p d Reproduce th repetitive the p titi unitit cellll ((RUC)) g geometry. ty • Remove the tow interpenetrations realistic fiber volume fraction. fraction • X ray computer tomography X-ray h (XCT) and d micrographs i h to d t determine i / validate lid t the th p parameters t th t controls that t l the th complexity of the architecture • Develop a numerical methodology to predict the mechanical h i lp properties p ti off the th braided b id d composites p it • Experimental validations. validations and obtain a Fig 1. 1 2x2 biaxial (left) and triaxial (right) fabric architecture M Manufacturing f t i g process p Mi g ph Micrographs Fib volume Fiber l fraction f ti In order to determine the number of filaments present in the tows local fiber volume fraction and in tows, in-plane plane dimensions of the h yarns, a optical i l microscope i was used, d Fig Fi 4. 4 Th yarns were braided The b id d over a cylindrical li d i l mandrel, d l Fig2. Fi 2 The Th desired p preform thickness was as achieved achie ed by by over o er braiding g layers; there are no through-the-thickness through the thickness fibers, fibers Fig 3. 3 Following the ASTM D2584-02, D2584 02 the panel fiber volume fraction was calculated, calculated Fig 5. 5 Fig 5. 5 Residues from the ignition process Fi 2. 2 Braid B id preform f f t i process Fig manufacturing Fig 3. 3 T i i lb id d preform f Fig Triaxial braided Fiber volume Fraction Fiber volume Fraction After braiding, braiding the preforms were removed from the mandrel, mandrel slit along the 0 0º fiber direction, flattened, and border stitched to t minimize i i i fiber fib shifting. hifti g The Th resin i was introduced i t d d via i a resin i transfer moulding (RTM) process. process Experimental Methods X Ray CT Data Sheets CAD software Analytical 55.1 55 1 % Development of a reliable methodology: Thermal expansion expansion-compression compression A methodology to fully obtain the triaxial braided b aid ded du unititt ce cellll has has bee b been d eloped developed., de d , Fig Fig 6 6. R. R NAIK NASA REPORT 54.5 % 54 5 % Fig g 4. Micrographs g p of the cross-section of a 12 layers y triaxial braided composite p panel. p Geometry roadmap Analytical y Formulas Experimental The objective is to obtain a more realistic representation of the unit cell without ith t tow t i t interpenetrations t ti and d with ith a fiber fib volume l f ti similar fraction i il to t the experimental p values, g 9. e perimental al es Fig 9 Fig 7. Ideal geometry modeled with a CAD software Micrographs Textile Generator Fig Ideall geometry Fi 8. 8 Id t modeled d l d with ith a ttextile til generator t Geometry Fig 6. 6 A schematic of the different approaches to obtain the geometry. geometry Limitations: Low fiber fraction Li it ti L fib volume l f ti (30 – 40 %) and to tow interpenetrations interpenetrations. p Fig 9. 9 Ideal-scaled Ideal scaled dry fabric architecture architecture. Fi it Element El t Model M d l Finite Th main i objective bjj ti is i to t obtain bt i a desirable d i bl unitit The cell meshed in which p periodic boundaryy conditions are going to be applied, applied Fig 12. 12 Limitations: Fiber volume fraction up to 50 %. % Fig 12. 12 Top and front views of the mesh of the triaxial braided unit cell cell. Experimental E p i t l Tests T t Transverse tensile load/unload il l d// l d 600 Tensile tests on 12 layers laminate coupons has been carried i d outt in i the th axial i l and d transverse t di ti directions. 500 esss (M Mp Stre paa) 400 300 200 100 0 0 0 003 0.003 0 006 0.006 0 009 0.009 Strain 0 012 0.012 0 015 0.015 0 018 0.018 Fig g 10. Virtual geometry g y after the thermal expansion-compression p p test. (top), ( p), displacements in the axial direction (left) and in the transverse direction (right) Fig 13. 13 Transverse (top) and longitudinal (bottom) tensile specimens specimens. Tensile tests 12 layers (6K/3K) Tensile tests 12 layers (6K/3K) Conclusions • Thermal expansion to fill the free spaces in the ideal-scaled ideal scaled geometry and compression showed a more realistic representation of the structure of the braided composite. • Due to the limitations of the single single-ply ply model, several effects as nesting ti g and d fiber fib shifting hifti g are nott taken t k i t accountt and into d could ld affect in the overall fiber volume fraction. fraction Longitudinal modulus L i di l d l E1 E1 (GPa) 45 71 45.71 Transverse modulus E2 Transverse modulus E2 (GP ) ((GPa) 43.28 Longitudinal Strength Xt (MPa) 701.39 701 39 Transverse strength Yt Transverse strength Yt (Mpa) 677.71 Fig 11 11. Dry fabric geometry with the compression plates after the virtual tests
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