Edward Rudolf House, Margery Street, London WC1X oJL Tel: 0845 300 1128 www.childrenssociety.org.uk/bigstitch Dear fellow knitter, Knit some love Love, justice and forgiveness – when The Children’s Society published the Good Childhood ® Report the most striking conclusion was that children need to be loved. In many ways it isn’t a surprise and The Children’s Society’s direct work for 128 years has been an expression of love. From the child on the street running away from family breakdown, to the young person getting a second chance after a criminal prosecution, love, justice and forgiveness inform all our work. So we have chosen love as the theme of The Big Stitch. It’s such a simple thing to do, getting sponsored to knit as many of these fantastic little hearts as you can. The money you raise will help The Children’s Society to work with more children facing abuse, neglect and poverty in their daily lives - building the foundations of a good childhood with these children and their families. Overleaf you will find all you need to take part. So, I hope you will pull out those knitting needles and some wool and join with The Children’s Society to knit some love for disadvantaged children in the UK. Thank you, Katherine Wareham, Appeals Coordinator – The Big Stitch PS The pattern is very easy – I am only a beginner knitter and I found the pattern simple to pick up. Adam’s story… om care home being moved fr of s ar ye t gh e love and Adam spent ei y experienced th all re r ve ne d . Adam to care home an a good childhood r fo t an rt po im so e and at 14 support that are e with the polic bl ou tr in g in tt started ge ces in prison. of three senten st fir e th n ga be from The pendent visitor de in an ed gn si his life, he had He was as e first time in th r Fo ss of the . ty ie oc . Who, regardle m hi Children’s S on up ve gi ter week. ho wouldn’t e back week af m ca , met someone w to m hi d Adam subjecte treatment that lationship constructive re st fir ’s am Ad p became This relationshi vital stability. and a source of Now 20, Adam is out of prison and determined to make som ething of his life. Knitting pattern Share the love You can use almost any wool. Choose your needles to match. Raise money by being sponsored to knit. You could also sell them to your friends and family to raise even more, or give them away as gifts. Labels are available to tie to your hearts to tell people they were knitted with love to help disadvantaged children in the UK. Cast on 2 stitches Row 1: make one (knit into the front and back of the stitch, m1), knit (k) to last stitch, m1 Row 2: purl (p) 1 row Let us know how many hearts you make Repeat these two rows 6 times total until you have 14 stitches Call us on 0845 300 1128 or visit the website. We will total up the hearts at three key points in the year: • Knit two together (k2tog), k5 and turn leaving 7 stitches on the needle • p2tog, p2, p2tog Universal Children’s Day – 20 November Cast off 4 stitches, cut a long piece of yarn (about 10 inches) and weave through back of piece to reattach to other side (where you left off when turning) Valentines Day – 14 February International Outdoor Knitting Day – Second Saturday in June • k5, k2tog • p2tog, p2, p2tog Together we want to make 10,000 hearts Cast off 4 stitches By raising a pound for every heart you could help fund a mentor to teach young people the literacy and numeracy skills they need to catch up at school. Repeat the above pattern for the opposite side of the heart. Sew the two sides together, turn inside out and fill with old yarn. Turn your hearts into key rings, drawer fresheners or Christmas tree decorations. Find more ideas, sponsor forms, knitting tutorials and labels on our website If you can’t sell or give away your hearts, send them to us (The Big Stitch, The Children’s Society, Edward Rudolf House, Margery Street, London WC1X 0JL). www.childrenssociety.org.uk/bigstitch Paying in your money Please ensure you complete the correct section of the form below according to whether you are paying by cheque or credit/debit card. If you are paying by cheque, please remember to send your cheque (signed and dated) with the paying in slip. To help us acknowledge your kind donation, please enter your details here (in block capitals) and send this form to The Children’s Society, Edward Rudolf House, Margery Street, London WC1X 0JL. Supporter number Forename Title Surname Group name (if applicable) Home address Post code It really helps The Children’s Society if we can keep you informed about our exciting campaigns, activities and fundraising. If you would prefer us not to contact you by post, please tick this box [SW] Daytime telephone number (in case of queries) If you would prefer us not to contact you by phone, please tick this box [T] [ST] Email Please provide your email address if you are happy for The Children’s Society to keep you informed by email about our exciting campaigns, activities and fundraising. [EN] [E] Credit/Debit card payments Please debit my card with £ Card type: Visa MasterCard Maestro/Switch CAF Name on card Card no. Start date / Expiry date / Issue no (debit cards only) Cheque payments Signature I enclose a cheque/PO/CAF made payable to The Children’s Society for £ Charity Registration No. 221124 | Images © Shutterstock | 7505 | KN0901 | Hearts knitting pattern by Anna Hrachovec mochimochiland.com KNT
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