KNIT MATH! Kris Hoffman—4/20/2013 KNITTERS WOW THE MATH! One knitted item consists of hundreds of rows comprised of thousands of stitches. Each stitch is either a knit or a purl, and these two stitches are arranged or slightly modified to create the patterns that ultimately carry a specific texture, color or fabric. The ONE is the garment. NUMBER AND OPERATIONS Repeated patterns create a constant kind of texture, or a stitch, such as 1x1 rib or seed stitch. Generally the rows of these patterns are in multiples of the stitch repeat, and so a 6-stitch repeated pattern might begin with casting-on 48 or 54 or 120 stitches. MORE NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS: ADD THE PARTS OF THE PATTERN TOGETHER TO MAKE THE WHOLE To knit this pullover, the pattern of cables, lozenges and twisted cables are joined together as each is detailed separately. 28 moss st + 4 cable st + 28 lozenge + 4 cable + 28 twisted cable + 4 cable + 28 lozenge + 4 cable + 28 moss st = 1 row, 156 stitches. NUMBER AND OPERATIONS: PARTS OF THE WHOLE This afghan design is knitted in 5 strips. The third strip is not yet finished, and the first two strips have been woven together. The final afghan is made of the 5 joined strips. The pattern involves number, color, stitch and parts. GEOMETRY: SOCK IT TO ME! Item like socks, mittens and hats are constructed in 3-d, by knitting stitches on 3 or more needles together in a long spiral that creates a tube. “Turning the heel” changes the direction of the initial top tube of the sock, inserting a specialized rectangle shape that creates nearly a 90-degree turn into the foot part of the sock. HATS OFF TO GEOMETRY! A hat is a knitted tube, with a decreasing cone spiraling on top. A flat top requires a quick decrease in stitches; a pointed top requires a gradual decrease. This hat’s decrease is one stitch every 10, and then one every 9, and then one every 8, and so on, every other row. This makes triangles with bases of 10 stitches, ending with just one stitch after 19 rows, which are joined at the top. A different slope would make a pointier hat. MEASUREMENT K nit t ing ne e d le s a r e m e a sure d by c ir c umf e renc e in m illim e t e rs ( m e a sureme nt ,) or by s t a n d ard s ize s ( o r d ina l nu m be r.) T h e c or r e ct ne e d le s ize will c r e a t e t he r ig h t s ize of s t it ch. Pa t t e r ns c a ll f or knit t ing a p r a c t ic e s wa t ch t h a t d e t e r min e s a g a u g e by s h ow in g t h e nu m b e r o f s t it ch e s p e r inch, f or e x a m ple, a g a u g e of 1 8 s t s / 28 r ow s = 4 in ch e s. MEASUREMENT: SIZING Garments that can be knit in different sizes list options for the number of stitches, and therefore the size, in the patterns. It is important to knit the practice swatch to ensure that the sizing will be accurate. Geometry note: unlike socks, mittens are knit in left and right versions and display mirror or line symmetry!! MEASUREMENT: TAILORING Knitting can take on a tailored look when increases and decreases are used to create a form-fitting silhouette. DATA ANALYSIS: SHOW ME THE MONEY! Does this project make sense to start? Is it affordable? Is it worth it? color brown black rust taupe oz # skeins needed oz/skein needed 8 4.5 3 8 3.5 2 8 4 2 8 4.2 3 cost per skein $ per color $ 3.99 $ 11.97 $ 4.99 $ 9.98 $ 3.79 $ 7.58 $ 5.29 $ 15.87 $ 45.40 total cost for project DATA ANALYSIS: COLOR CHARTS Reading the color chart for two/multicolored projects requires keeping track of the coordinates on the graph. Looking for patterns, or reference points, helps to stay on the chart accurately. SWEATER CURSE: PROBABILITY, OR SUPERSTITION? From Knitters use the term "sweater curse" or "curse of the love sweater" to describe a situation in which a knitter gives a hand-knit sweater to a significant other, who quickly breaks up with the knitter. [1] In an alternative formulation, the relationship will end before the sweater is even completed. [2] The belief is widely discussed in knitting publications and some knitters claim to have experienced it; [3][4][5] a recent poll indicated that 15% of active knitters say they have experienced the sweater curse firsthand, and 41% consider it a possibility that should be taken seriously. [6]
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