The Big iCT Problem The Economic & Social Impact The Concert

The Big iCT
By world standards Australia has stopped innovating.
Australia’s global ICT ranking has slipped from 9th to 18th place in 9 years between 2004 & 2012 according to the World Economic Forums
Networked Readiness Index **(NRI). If you Include access to infrastructure & digital content, affordability and skills, Australia's ranking slips
to 25th place.
When faced with the reality of having to upgrade or transform the underlying information communications & technology platforms and the
applications that enable your business, the delivery of these programs can be compromised by difficult access to the right skilled resources,
cumbersome outdated acquisition techniques, delivery inefficiencies, risk & unnecessary cost.
The Economic &
Social Impact
The Concert iCT
value Proposition
Slow and inefficient market digitisation
Lower GDP & higher unemployment
High infrastructure deployment & operational costs
Greater barriers to entry for high-tech & manufacturing
Increased delivery cost and reduced access to social & public services
Decline in International competitiveness
Concert brings to the table an aggregated stable of world class iCT services and solutions architected to fill significant capability
gaps in our markets.
Underpinning Concerts core value proposition and after years of R&D our team implements an iCT labour model delivering true
professional services delivery engine through our “Resource as a Service” capability.
We've integrated our services and solutions and our state of the art methodology with an enterprise engagement framework that
supports accelerated, cost effective & clinical iCT delivery.
“From brief to client side in 72 hours with the best and the brightest iCT personnel in the market”
**NRI measures the preparedness of an economy to use ICT to boost competitiveness and socio-economic well being