Program til årsmøde i

Annual Meeting
Danish Society of Nephrology
Copenhagen, May 8 – 9, 2015
Radisson Blu Falconer Conference Center, Falkoner Alle 9, Copenhagen, DK-2000
Friday, May 8, 2015
10.00 - 12.00
Educational session by Dr. Mette Brimnes Damholt (København), Dr. Vibeke Lind Jørgensen
(København) and Dr. Jens Dam Jensen (Århus)
Customizing acute HD in complicated clinical settings (in Danish)
12.00 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.50
Prof. Patrick Murray (Dublin, Ireland)
Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of acute kidney insufficiency (AKI). Does prerenal AKI exists?
13.50 - 14.40
Dr. Jill Vanmassenhove (Gent, Belgium)
Biomarkers of AKI: New developments and clinical applications
14.40 - 15.25
Coffee and exhibition
15.25 - 16.15
Dr. John Prowle (London, UK)
AKI in the ICU. Prevention of AKI and protection of renal function. Evidence based dialysis of AKI
in the ICU.
16.15 - 16.35
Dr. Nicholas Carlsson (København)
Acute renal insufficiency requiring acute dialysis treatment in DK.
16.35 - 16.55
Dr. Henrik Gammelager (Århus)
Impact of AKI in the ICU and after surgery in DK.
17.00 - 17.30
General Assembly (In Danish)
18.00 - 19.00
Aperitif and Peter Marckmann band
Saturday, May 9, 2015
09.00 - 10.00
Dr. Anne-Lise Kamper (København).
Claus Brun lecture. Chronic Kidney Disease
10.00 - 10.45
Coffee and exhibition
10.45 - 11.15
Dr. James Heaf (Herlev)
Danish Nephrology Registry Annual Report 2014
11.15 - 12.30
Free communications
12.30 - 13.30
Lunch and exhibition
13.30 - 14.30
Free communications
14.30 - 14.50
Coffee and exhibition
14.50 - 15.00
Best speaker awards (in Danish)
15.00 - 16.00
Prof. Bo Feldt-Rasmussen and Prof. Søren Schwartz Sørensen (København)
Kidney pancreas transplantation – a new treatment option in DK (in Danish)