Title of the Article

2nd Iranian Refrtactory Symposium
May 2015 – Tehran - IRAN
Title of the Article
First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3
Extended Abstract
The present text is a sample for providing extended abstract, which is going to be used for preparing
and presenting the Latin Papers of the "Second Iranian Refractory Symposium". All the styles
required for different sections such as title, authors, abstract text are specified. The honorable
authors while preparing the abstracts are invited to observe the style sheet rules carefully. It is a
reminder, that the Conference Secretariat is excused of publishing the articles that have been
prepared by a way out of this given method. The box provided is in order of a better delineate of the
margins and the submitted manuscript would either not use the provided box or the box may be used
without using any color.
extended abstract text should be at least 300 words and at most 450 words and a maximum of one
page and explicitly provide the field, objective, methodology, the main results of the research and the
overall conclusion, which is to expected to express what kind of task, how and for what purpose has
been done and what result or results have been achieved. In the abstract there should be no reference
of any kind and also there should no table, figure or formula be inserted.
Keywords: First Keyword, Second Keyword, Third Keyword, Fourth Keyword.
1 . The First author's profile
2 . The Second author's profile
3 . The Third author's profile
2nd Iranian Refrtactory Symposium
May 2015 – Tehran - IRAN
Title of the Article
First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3
The format of the presented paper should be provided in six pages that are described herein. It is
necessary to say, that in case it happens that a submitted paper is not in accordance with the format
provided by the meeting authorities, the conference would of course be excused of accepting it. The
prepared Paper files must be submitted through the conference website,”www.conf-refractory.org”.
The abstract must be of about 150 to 200 words. It is noted that a good abstract includes explicit and
clear expression of the goal or goals of the research in one or two sentences, research method, for
example, referring to the numerical methods and the used model or the test apparatus and the test
conditions and also a reference to the most important obtained results of the research. In other
words, an abstract contains the problem, the method of solving it and the maintained results. In
abstract usually there is no reference to anyone and also no use of braces, formulas, figures, and
tables or anything like them.
Keywords: First Keyword, Second Keyword, Third Keyword, Fourth Keyword.
This paper offers a sample format of writing a paper for the mentioned Conference. The format of the File
is (.dot), as in the Microsoft standard format.
2-General Information
2-1 - Fonts, their sizes and line spacing
By this format all components of the paper are arranged just with a few clicks that are described in the
guide file.
2.2 – Tables
Table 1-Explanation
First Column
Insert the tables at the closest possible location to where they are referred to and assign them with the
numbers. To explain a table, type the explanation on the top. The format of table description is in this way:
Table 1 – Table Description..............................
2-3 - Figure and photograph
1 . The First author's profile
2 . The Second author's profile
3 . The Third author's profile
2nd Iranian Refrtactory Symposium
May 2015 – Tehran - IRAN
All figures ranging from schematic illustrations and photographs must be named as Figure and numbered
respectively and be placed in the closest possible location where they refer to. Figures the same as the text
should be located in the range of 120 mm width. All images, charts and pictures quality should be 300
pixels per inch. All figures must be referred to in the text. Be sure that the order of the reference be
numbered according to the order of the numbering sequence.
Figure 1 - Description of the Figure..............................
To explain the Figure, type the explanation below the shape. The format of figure explanation is as follows:
Figure 1 - Description of the Figure...........................
2.4 – Equations
Equations should be typed by Equation software in the Word and be numbered sequentially (Formula
2-5 – References
Refer to the references in the text with the numbers in brackets below them (e.g. [1]) and at the end of the
article, arrange the list of references in the text according to the sequence they are used in the text. The
English references should be typed with the Times New Roman font, with the size 8.
[1] Akkurt. S., “Leigh. H. D, “Corrosion of MgO-C Ladle Refractories”, American Ceramic Society
Bulletin,Vol. 82, No. 5, may 2003, PP 32-40.
2.6 – Conclusion
The Conclusion expresses the most important aspects of the outcomes of the conducted research. Also in
this section, the author’s opinion about the rate of the application of the obtained results in solving the
scientific issues also could be provided. It is recommended that any important point be separated with,
numbers or Bullet (Bullet Style).
2.7 - Acknowledgment (if needed)
If necessary, one or two small paragraphs could be assigned after the conclusion and before the list of the
references to appreciate the individual or individuals who have contributed to the better performance of the
research through assistances such as intellectual aid and developmental devices, or by providing computer
program or software and … . The organizations or institutions that have been funded to conduct the
research or have provided facilities could also be appreciated.