alsager focus march 15 - Congleton Liberal Democrats

New drive to help you save on gas & electric bills
The Energy Secretary, Lib
Dem MP Ed Davey, has
launched a new campaign
to help people save money
on their energy bills by
switching suppliers, reports
FOCUS political assistant
Across the UK, 13.5 million
households are missing out
by staying with their current
energy company.
By shopping around,
millions of people could
save around £200 on their
energy bills.
With 26 energy companies
on the market and some
fixed deals £100 cheaper
than they were a year ago,
Lib Dems are urging people
to take a look at what's on
offer, so that they can
switch and save money.
Large Basford Hall business ‘We must encourage more firms
to use Railfreight to keep
development threatens worse
traffic congestion at M-way Jn16 heavy goods traffic off local
“The projected large business developments at Basford
roads’ - Rod Fletcher
Hall will result in increased road traffic between Crewe
and Junction 16 of the M6,” says Cllr Rod Fletcher. “ This
will make it harder for Alsager residents to access
New industrial
Junction 16 from the Radway Link, B5078”.
estate at Basford
Hall threatens
At a recent Council meeting, Cllr Fletcher asked what Cheshire
chaos at Junction
East was doing to persuade the new businesses at Basford
16 unless we
Hall to use Railfreight - with Basford Hall Freight Yard so
switch more traffic
close. The Tory Council Leader Michael E Jones simply
to rail.
responded with disparaging remarks about Railfreight.
our congested roads - whatever Cllr Jones thinks - and we
Rod commented “ It remains a Lib Dem objective to
encourage more freight onto our railways and away from will keep up the pressure to achieve this desirable outcome!”
Linley Lane - 40mph please
Dr Peter Hirst
Tel 01606 737108 Email:
[email protected]
Phil Williams
Tel:01270 882060 Email:
[email protected]
Cllr Colin Burgess tel 877352
Linley Lane has a 60 mph speed limit and, despite introduction of Cllr Rod Fletcher tel 01270 874578 Cllr
Doris Burgess]
[email protected]
a speed camera, remains an accident black spot. Tragically, 2
people have died in accidents there in recent months. Your Lib Cllr Derek Hough tel 01270 875144 Cllr Rod Fletcher
Dem Councillors have requested that the speed limit is cut to 40 [email protected] Cllr Derek Hough
mph from Lawton Lights to the Cheshire Boundary. This will
Cllr Shirley Jones tel0270 874854 Cllr Shirley Jones
bring it into line with the limit north of Lawton Lights.
[email protected] Cllr Ron Tyson
Thousands of residents disappear
Shirley steps down from local register of voters !
Phil Williams wins selection
Cllr Shirley Jones has announced she
will shortly be stepping down as a
Cheshire East Councillor on 7 May and
Alsager LibDems have selected the
FOCUS Team’s Political Assistant PHIL
WILLIAMS to succeed her as one of their
three prospective
candidates for
Cheshire East in the
May elections.
Phil Williams
* The number of residents on the newly-updated register of
people entitled to vote here
These missing voters could affect
in Congleton Constituency
the General Election result here
has dropped suddenly by
in Congleton Constituency
several thousand - with 700
residents disappearing in
Alsager alone ! It is believed
46% Hirst
this is partly due to the new
individual registration rules.
However, Alsager will * Phil Williams says:”If you
not be losing Shirley think you’ve been missed off
32% Lab
completely, she hopes the register, please go to
to continue as a
member of Alsager
or phone the Election
Result in Congleton at last General Election
Town Council.
Helpline on 0300 123 5016.”
Working all year round for Alsager…… Regular report to local residents
from your Lib Dem Councillors
Published & promoted by E Foster Clark 29 Bank View, Goostrey CW4 8PB on behalf of
P.Hirst & the Liberal Democrats. Printed by The Leaflet Team, Albion Mill,
Havannah Street, Congleton CW12 9AQ
Working with
Dr Peter
Rod Fletcher Derek Hough Shirley Jones
●Good News - Alsager’s Green Fields Protected
Developers lose out on planning
bids for two key local sites
The Lib Dem FOCUS Team are pleased to report that attempts by developers to obtain
planning permission for controversial major building schemes on fields along Sandbach Road
North and on the land behind Heath End Road have been firmly rebuffed.
Fields at Sandbach
Road North
For the second
time, the
Inspector has
dismissed the
appeal to build
on fields
Road North.
Fields at Sandbach Rd
Nth now safe
Cllr Derek Hough persuaded fellow members
of Cheshire East Strategic Planning Board to
refuse the application because of the effect
on the countryside. This refusal was upheld
at appeal but the developer still challenged
the decision and this led to a second appeal.
Cllr Hough again contested the building proposal
and it was then again turned down. Derek says
“Persistence has paid off.”
Land behind Heath
End Road
The Cheshire East
Council’s Strategic
Planning Board
refused the
application to build
behind Heath End
Road on the grounds
of its effect on
Highways, and the
Countryside, and
that Alsager has
fields behind Heath
enough houses to
End Rd/ Hassall Rd
fulfil its requirement
in the emerging local
Derek Hough commented.”This victory sends a
strong message to developers as well as
those people who have been suggesting there
is nothing left in Alsager worth fighting for.”
BUT A WARNING… the developer has put in a
new application, so we can’t rest on our
92% of Alsager residents in survey say National Health
Service must remain free at point of contact
- local Lib Dem Dr Peter Hirst pledges his full support
Dr Peter Hirst at Congleton Memorial Hospital where he recently organised a petition against
health bosses’ plans to charge for parking.
Following the petition, parking now remains free
for patients & visitors for the first 4 hours.
A massive majority - 92% - of
people who responded to the
recent Alsager Lib Dem
Residents’ Survey believe that
the National Health Service
should remain free at the point
of contact.
These residents have the total
support of local Lib Dem
prospective MP Dr Peter Hirst.
Dr Hirst says “Liberals have
been fully supportive of a free
NHS right from the start.
“It was William Beveridge - a
Liberal MP and later a peer who was a major force in
producing the blueprint for the
NHS during the Second World
War. The NHS was then
created after the War in 1948.”