CHIDEOCK PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council: Sal Robinson 60 North Allington Bridport DT6 5DY Telephone 01 308 426327 E-mail [email protected] Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Village Hall, Chideock on Tuesday 25 November 2014 at 10:00 am. Present: Cllrs Elizabeth Grant (Chair), Roger Carey and Rob Murray. In attendance: The Clerk and 1 member of the public. The Parish Council meeting commenced at 10:01 am. 1549 Apologies. Cllr Geraghty sent her apologies, which were accepted. Cllr Turner, DCC, sent his apologies by e-mail, but it was not received by the Clerk until after the meeting. 1550 Grant of Dispensations. None. 1551 Declarations of Defined Pecuniary Interests. None. 1552 Minutes. a) RESOLVED to accept and sign, as a true record, the minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 28 October 2014. Proposed by Cllr Grant, seconded by Cllr Carey, carried unanimously. 1553 County and District Councillors’ and Police Reports. None Standing Orders were suspended for the following item. 1554 Democratic Period. A member of the public asked why there were no County and District Councillor’s reports or a Police Report. The Clerk explained that they send reports by e-mail if they are unable to attend, but only if there is something to be reported. Standing Orders were resumed. 1555 Reports / Updates by the Clerk and Councillors. Items 1 to 17B on the Actions & Information List were NOTED, with the exception of those detailed below, which were discussed in more detail. a) Item 7 - A35 - Bilberry induction loop. Clerk to ask Cllr Turner if he knows who to contact on this. b) Item 11 – DAPTC AGM. The Clerk gave a brief report in Cllr Geraghty’s absence. AGREED that the Clerk will again ask DAPTC to inform Parish and Town Councils what happens to supported motions which are passed upward to NALC. c) Item 15 – Fingerposts. Cllr Grant reported that the letters on the Pettycrate Lane fingerpost are plastic, not metal. AGREED that this be reported to the AONB Fingerpost Team and a quote obtained. The Chideock Society and the Chideock Trust could possibly be approached to pay requested. It was also AGREED that, as the main concern is the indication on the fingerpost that Pettycrate Lane is a No Through Road, the Clerk contacts DCC Highways regarding the erection of a separate No Through Road sign. d) Item 17A – Rights of Way. AGREED to ask Adam Butcher to come for a site meeting next year. In the meantime photos need to be taken showing the worse overgrown footpaths before the vegetation dies back. Page 1 of 4 CC CC CC CC EG 1556 1557 1542 1558 Planning Matters. a) Applications. None b) To consider any applications received after the agenda was circulated. None. c) Determinations. WD/D/14/002494 CHIDEOCK MANOR, NORTH CHIDEOCK Repair and renewal of parapet walls to include turned balusters (Listed Building Consent) APPROVED. d) Ridwood Affordable Housing Development. Items 18 - 20 on the Actions & Information List were NOTED. AGREED that the letter from Mr & Mrs Gratton be passed to Magna and to Mrs Lyn Crisp, as the Community Representative. e) Any Other Planning Matters. i. AONB / Lighting & Dark Skies. Item 21 on the Actions and Information List was NOTED. ii. Enforcement. Items 23 – 26A on the Actions and Information List were NOTED. iii. Golden Cap Caravan Park. No update. iv. Mill Lane Bridleway 18. Item 27 on the Actions and Information List was NOTED. v. Seatown. Item 28 on the Actions and Information List was NOTED. Finances. Items 29 – 30 on the Actions and Information List were NOTED. a) Payments. RESOLVED to make the following payments:Clerk’s Salary & Expenses for November £236.90 Village Hall Hire for November £25.00 St Giles PCC – Cemetery Grass Cutting Grant £650.00 Chideock Society – Cllr Turner DCC grant for refurbishment / replacement of Chideock Village Notice Boards £700.00 Proposed by Cllr Carey, seconded by Cllr Murray, carried unanimously. b) Given that there will be no CPC meeting at the end of December, RESOLVED to draw and sign post dated cheques for the following payments:Clerk’s net salary + office allowance for December £217.55 PAYE payment for Oct, Nov, Dec 2014 £158.50 c) Foss Orchard Car Park. Items 31 – 32B on the Actions and Information List were NOTED. The Clerk will provide the next meeting with a comparison between the money collected by WDDC from November 2012 to October 2013 (net of charges etc) and the money collected by CPC from November 2013 to October 2014. The Clerk and Cllr Murray intend to take photographs of the existing toilet signage on the A35 and to then write to the Highways Agency including these and asking for improvements to the signage. d) Draft Budget for 2015 – 2916. See end of minutes. No further changes were made. AGREED to recommend acceptance of this budget at the Parish Council meeting in January 2015. e) Update of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. The required changes to the NALC Model Standing Orders were AGREED. It was AGREED that the final version of the document be issued to all Councillors prior to the January Parish Council meeting and be formally accepted by resolution at that meeting. Given that an updated version of the new NALC Model Financial Regulations is due to be published, it was RESOLVED to defer consideration of Financial Regulations until this is available. Proposed by Cllr Murray, seconded by Cllr Carey, carried unanimously. Clapps Mead Playing Field. a) Broken Swing Seat. Cllr Grant provided cost figures for a replacement seat and chains. As the total cost will be below the £100 agreed at the last meeting, it was AGREED that Cllr Grant determines the length of chain required and then orders the seat and chains. b) Play Area Fence. The Clerk said that she has not yet purchased the slats for the play area fence. Flood Management Plan for the Winniford Valley. Cllr Carey reported that Dave Maunder has said that:a) The Sea Hill Lane gullies will be jetted as soon as possible – this has been delayed due to the recent gas works in Duck Street. Dave Maunder cannot give a date for the work but in the meantime will send someone out to unblock the worst drains. It was suggested that DCC Highways be asked to also inspect the gullies in Mill Lane and jet them if required. NOTED that it is important that people routinely check drains near their homes and report problems as soon as they are noticed. Page 2 of 4 CC RM/ CC CC EG CC b) Cllr Grant reported that 10 more sandbags have been delivered by WDDC at no cost to CPC and that the sandbag store at The Clock is now full. She has spoken to Mrs Sue McDougal who says no sandbags are required for North Chideock. 1559 Current Consultations. a) Draft Dorset Homelessness Strategy, by 11 January 2015. AGREED that the drafting of a response be delegated to Cllr Murray and the Clerk. 1560 Motions Received with Notice. None. 1561 Parish Council Elections May 2015 - how to encourage residents to stand for election as councillors. AGREED that Cllr Grant and Cllr Carey work on producing an article for the February and March editions of the Chideock News and possibly also fliers to be available at Village events in the run up to Christmas, based on Cllr Geraghty’s draft and on suggestions made by other councillors. 1562 Correspondence. There were no other items of correspondence to be brought to Councillors’ notice. 1563 To confirm the date and time of the next meeting of Chideock Parish Council. The next scheduled meeting of Chideock Parish Council will be on Tuesday 27 January 2015 at 10:00 am. The meeting closed at 11:55 am. Page 3 of 4 RM/ CC EG/ RC Proposed Budget for 2015 - 2016 INCOME Budget 2015/6 £8,602.03 £4.00 £78.13 £125.00 £196.00 £0.00 £0.00 % Difference 2.45% -20.00% 18.38% 0.00% -25.19% N/A N/A Difference Precept Interest Vat Refund Rent for Flow Meter Council Tax Support Grant From Unused Restricted Reserves From General Reserves Budget 2014/5 £8,396.00 £5.00 £66.00 £125.00 £262.00 £600.00 £300.00 TOTAL PREDICTED INCOME £9,754.00 £9,005.16 -7.68% -£748.84 EXPENDITURE Clerk's Salary (Gross) Clerk's Travel Councillor's Travel Clerk's Office Allowance Postage/Phone Stationery (V) Stationery - print cartridges etc (V) Training - Clerk & Councillors Internal Audit External Audit (V) Insurance Room Hire Subscriptions ROSPA - Annual Playing Field Inspection (V) Playing Field Maintenance (V) Playing Field Mowing Playing Field Depreciation Foss Orchard Car Park Resurfacing /Maintenance Foss Orchard Car Park River Bank Maintenance Community Fund Grant Village Clock Servicing Grant 2014 - 2017 Village Clock Servicing Grant 2017 - 2020 Cemetery Grass Cutting Grant General Grants All Weather Footpath Adverts (V) Bus Shelter Maintenance Bridleway (Mill Lane) Salt/Grit for Winter 2015/6 General Contingency Village Hall Support from Reserves 2014-15 Village Hall Repair Grant 2015 - 2016 £3,316.00 £255.00 £75.00 £66.00 £30.00 £90.00 £120.00 £100.00 £60.00 £0.00 £440.00 £300.00 £240.00 £90.00 £100.00 £0.00 £400.00 £500.00 £1,000.00 £250.00 £582.00 £210.00 £650.00 £100.00 £0.00 £0.00 £80.00 £0.00 £100.00 £0.00 £300.00 £300.00 £3,349.16 £150.00 £50.00 £66.00 £30.00 £90.00 £120.00 £100.00 £60.00 £120.00 £440.00 £350.00 £250.00 £90.00 £50.00 £200.00 £400.00 £500.00 £1,000.00 £250.00 £0.00 £210.00 £650.00 £100.00 £0.00 £0.00 £80.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £300.00 1.00% -41.18% -33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% N/A 0.00% 16.67% 4.17% 0.00% -50.00% N/A 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% TOTAL PREDICTED EXPENDITURE £9,754.00 £9,005.16 -7.68% Page 4 of 4 +£206.03 -£748.84
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