Amenities - Fawley Parish Council

Draft awaiting confirmation at the next Parish Council meeting
Minutes of Amenities Committee meeting held on Wednesday 14 January 2015 at 7pm in the
Jubilee Hall, Fawley.
Present: Cllr A Glass (Chairman), Cllr S Read (Vice-Chairman), Cllr O Foster, Cllr PearceSmith MBE, Cllr L McDermott, Cllr R Wappet, Cllr P Wappet-Madden.
Also Present: Cllr B Coyston, Cllr M Fidler, Cllr B Hall, Cllr E Holtham, Cllr R West, one
member of the public (until 7.10pm).
In attendance:
Anthony Quinn, Clerk to the Council
Mrs S Markides, Deputy Clerk
Ian Souch, Centre & Sports Development Manager
Apologies: None.
Declarations of interest and dispensations:
2.1 To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
Cllr Wappet declared a non-prejudicial interest in minute 6 Planning, as he is a member of
the New Forest District Council Planning Committee. He stated that he would consider the
applications on the evidence in front of him at this point in time.
2.2 To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests. None
2.3 To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate None
3. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 29 October 2014 be
signed as a correct record.
Suspension of standing orders
PUBLIC SESSION: The member of the public present did not wish to speak.
Standing orders reinstated
Chairman’s Remarks: The Chairman reminded those present of the tree planting
taking place on 17 January 2015 at 09.30am opposite the Gang Warily Recreation Centre in
Newlands Road, Fawley.
Cllr Eddie Holtham has obtained 200 trees through DEFRA'S "Big Tree Plant" to establish
Community led Tree Planting with the aim to plant 1500,000 trees across England between
Oct 2012 and March 2015, and hopes that in time it will create a haven for wildlife.
If you would like to join in please come along and bring your own spade!
Draft awaiting confirmation at the next Parish Council meeting
Some sad news has been received - well known local resident Doug Eaglen sadly passed
away just before Christmas; we have been advised that a commemorative service is being
held at All Saints Church, Fawley on Friday 23 January 2015 at 2pm with attendees being
invited to follow on to Jubilee Hall after the service.
Confirmation has been received that the next NFNPA South East Quadrant meeting will be
held on 04 February 2015 at 7pm in the Library at Lyndhurst Community Centre. If there are
any items you would like included in the agenda these need to be forwarded by 20 January
2015. (The meeting date, once again, clashes with one of our Committee meetings).
Cllr Glass further advised that the planning application Land Rear of Holbury Inn, 63 Long
Lane, Holbury had been unsuccessful.
6. Planning: RESOLVED: To submit the following observations:
a) Parish List:
Listed Building Alteration
Blue Anchor House, The Square, Fawley SO45 1DD
Repair roof including; re-tile; battens; breathable membrane; repair and replace secondary
timbers; repair eaves; re-lay top course of bricks
(Application for Listed Building Consent)
(No 3) We recommend permission as failure to carry out works will result in the loss of a
listed building.
Full Planning Permission
8 Meadow Way, Fawley SO45 1FP
Front and rear dormers in association with new first floor; rear juliet balcony; fenestration
(No 3) We recommend permission
b) New Forest National Park Authority Tree Works:
7 Hartsgrove Close, Blackfield, Southampton SO45 1WW
Proposed works - Oak – Reduce length of the branches to clear telephone lines and electricity
cables away from property
The Parish Council SUPPORTS this application.
7. To receive Monthly Sales Values October, November & December 2014
Members noted that the fee for the radio mast has yet to be received – it was hoped the new
lease would be agreed within this financial year.
Cllr Hall advised of the New Forest Drift magazine, a new community magazine and thought
that it may be a good place to advertise the facilities of the council.
It was noted that the Parish Guide, produced annually will be published after the May
RESOLVED: To accept the Monthly Sales Values October, November and
December 2014 (see attached Appendices A & B).
Draft awaiting confirmation at the next Parish Council meeting
To receive the report of the Centre & Sports Development Manager: Members
noted the report with some points expanded on by the Centre & Sports Development
Manager (see attached Appendix C).
1.2 - A report on Jubilee Hall and expected costs relating to the heating and water leak will be
brought to Council shortly.
2.1 - The disabled access door will be installed next Tuesday 20 January with an invitation to
all Councillors to come to the opening ceremony on Wednesday 28 January 2015.
3 - It is hoped that the fencing of the All Weather Surfaces will be completed next week –
one court will remain open at all times throughout the week with both courts being closed for
one day only.
7.4 – Wight Ferry Sportive. This will be the same format as last year and will fall within the
NFNPA Cycle Charter; whilst producing an income of £1356.30 + VAT. Final details to
8 – The skate park has reopened now and meets safety requirements.
The Centre & Sports Development Officer advised he hopes to promote the QEII pavilion in
the coming months and the meeting noted that heating problems experienced there are now
Cllr Holtham wished staff to note that he was very impressed with the latest gym promotion.
To receive a report on Staff Training and Grants and Sponsorship. Members
noted the report provided (see attached Appendix D).
To receive an update report from the Newlands Committee: A meeting had been
held with the rugby club during December. The Clerk had recently met with Greenspan and a
site visit had taken place. Our issues and concerns were raised but it was noted that
realistically no work will now take place until the spring. Additional drainage and some
additional sand slitting will take place at no extra cost to the council. Pitch sizes were
confirmed as being to our instructions. One waterlogged area can be resolved by the Grounds
Team. Landscaping will take place using funds agreed from NFDC Developers’
Contributions. Plans are awaited from the architect and it was hoped the huge mound of
rubble etc on site will be removed shortly.
To consider price review of all Parish Facilities for 2015/16: The Centre & Sports
Development Manager advised of an increase to most prices charged for facilities within the
parish of 1.5% (rpi) though some prices had been increased by slightly more and some had
been reduced.
Queries were raised regarding pricing arrangements for the car boot and caravan rallies and it
was requested that proposed prices for fishing are reviewed.
RESOLVED: To accept the price review of all Parish Facilities for 2015/16
as presented (see attached Appendix E) with the exception of the proposed
prices for fishing. These to be reviewed and represented to the next meeting of
the Amenities Committee to be held 04 March 2015.
To consider commenting on the boundary of the Neighbourhood Plan area
proposed by New Milton Town Council. Noted; no comment at this time.
Draft awaiting confirmation at the next Parish Council meeting
a) For response:
i) NFNPA: To consider commenting on TPO/0047/14 Land at 3 Fernside Close,
Holbury, Southampton SO45 2JU; this came into effect on 10 December 2014.
Noted; no comment.
ii) NFNPA: To consider commenting on TPO/0052/14 Land of former Public
Conveniences, Fawley, Southampton; this came into effect on 22 December 2014.
Noted; no comment.
b) For information:
i) Planning Inspectorate: Notification of appeal Application 14/10913, 25 Church
Lane, Fawley, SO45 1DL, dropped kerb, hard standing. Noted.
ii) Beverley Golden, Solicitor Advocate: Letter to Ministry of Defence and response
received regarding the Sea Mounting Centre, Marchwood. Members noted the
correspondence provided and RESOLVED to write to Beverley Golden to advise that
Fawley Parish Council support her efforts in trying to obtain a public enquiry on the
proposed disposal/lease/contract to commercial operators of the Sea Mounting Centre
at Marchwood.
c) Available from the office: NFDC Information Bulletin November 2014
(previously circulated), Village Agent, Newsletter Winter 2014, Community First
New Forest, Newsletter Winter 2014, See US Winter Edition 2014, Hometalk
Magazine Winter 2014. Noted.
Cllrs news and comments.
Cllrs are reminded that this agenda item involves no more than an exchange of information.
Cllr West enquired whether there was any news on when the Youth Club would be up and
running again.
The Clerk advised that the club would not be running for the foreseeable future and that an
update report would be provided to the Policy, Resources and Personnel Committee meeting
to be held on 04 February 2015.
Cllr Holtham advised of the commencement of the demolition of the Racal site.
Cllr Pearce-Smith MBE queried ownership of the site and the future plans for it. District Cllrs
Glass and Wappet advised of the negotiations that had previously taken place regarding the
site and further advised that due to commercial sensitivity at present more information would
be available at a later date.
Exclusion of public and press.
RESOLVED: That, considering the confidential nature of the business to be
transacted, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of
the meeting.
Draft awaiting confirmation at the next Parish Council meeting
To consider writing off of debt: Members noted that despite the best efforts of
centre staff this debt had not been recovered.
RESOLVED: To accept the recommendation of the Centre & Sports
Development Manager and to write off debt of £108.65.
Date of next meeting: 04 March 2015.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.43pm.