Committee Date: 19/03/2015 Application Number: Accepted: 22/12/2014 Application Type: Target Date: 23/03/2015 Ward: Springfield 2014/09259/PA Reserved Matters Development Land Off Spring Road, Warwick House, Tyseley, Birmingham, B11 3EE Reserved matters application (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 34 dwellings associated with outline planning permission 2014/01858/PA Applicant: Agent: Partner Construction Ltd c/o Agent Pegasus Group 5 The Priory, Old London Road, Canwell, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, B75 5SH, Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions 1. Proposal 1.1. Reserved matters application for the erection of 34no. (14 x 2 bed and 20 x 3 bed houses) semi-detached and terrace 2 and 2.5 storey houses. The layout seeks to reinforce the perimeter block of Spring Road, Allcroft Road and Lyncroft Road, with the creation of staggered building lines. The appearance of the housing adopts a traditional style incorporating the use of brick and render to the walls and tiles to the roof. A parking provision of 159% would be achieved with in-plot parking to the front garden. 1.2. Outline planning permission for 35 residential units, with all matters reserved, was originally approved in 2009 (2009/01396/PA) and an extension of time to implement approved in 2014 (2014/01858/PA). Site plan Street elevations 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The 0.668 Ha site has Warwick House, a 3-storey former office building that is L shaped in layout facing Spring Road and a secondary elevation facing Allcroft Road. To the rear of this main building, also facing Allcroft Road, is a smaller single storey industrial building comprising of three units. Behind both of these buildings is a car parking area, which is ancillary to these buildings. The area surrounding the site is predominantly residential in character, although there is an existing industrial site to the west of the site on Spring Road and Lyncroft Road. The area surrounding the site has recently been subject to a significant amount of new residential development (Allcroft Road, Spring Road and Lyncroft Road). There is a steady Page 1 of 6 land level increase across the site from east to west and from north to south. There are established street trees along Spring Road, Allcroft Road and Lyncroft Road and parking restrictions in the form of double yellow lines fronting the application site on all of these roads. Site location Street view 3. Planning History 3.1. 25/06/09 - 2009/01396/PA. Outline application will all matters reserved for demolition of all buildings and redevelopment of the site for 35 residential units and associated car parking. Approved. 3.2. 11/06/14 – 2014/01858/PA. Application for a new planning permission to replace an extant planning permission 2009/01396/PA to extend the time limit for the implementation of an outline application with all matters reserved for demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site for 35 residential units with associated car parking. Approved. 4. Consultation/PP Responses 4.1. Transportation Development – Final comments to be reported. 4.2. West Midlands Fire Service – No objection. 4.3. West Midlands Police – No objection but raise concern over plots where there is only one allocated parking space, which could increase parking/traffic issues. Recommend Secure by Design. 4.4. Nearby residents, residents associations, Ward Councillors and MP consulted with site and press notices posted. 1 representation received in support of the application. 5. Policy Context 5.1. Birmingham UDP, Draft Birmingham Development Plan, Places for Living SPG, Car Parking Guidelines SPD and the NPPF. 6. Planning Considerations 6.1. Matters for consideration are limited to that of means of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. The current proposal is similar to the indicative layout submitted with the original outline application. The layout reinforces the perimeter built form of the surrounding residential area, creating active frontages with secure rear gardens. The staggered building lines are not excessive, reflecting those of surrounding modern residential developments and also enabling off-street parking to the front of the houses, whilst also allowing space for landscaping to the frontages. 6.2. The scale and appearance of the proposed houses are also appropriate in this locality, with the mix of 2 and 2.5-storey properties and external use of brick and render to the properties would respond to the characteristics of the surrounding housing. Page 2 of 6 6.3. An updated tree survey, arboricultural impact assessment and tree protection plan have been undertaken in relation to the mature street trees that line the application site. 10 of these street trees (Common Lime) have been given a Category B grade and 1 Category C grade. The assessment concludes that none of these trees would need to be removed and the impact on the new footway crossings have been assessed with appropriate construction/tree protection measures identified. This information is currently being considered and an update on this will be provided at the Planning Committee meeting. 6.4. Garden sizes are largely appropriate, although 4 properties are marginally below the 70sqm guideline in ‘Places for Living’ SPG at 62-66sqm. Within the context of the wider scheme, these shortfalls are deemed acceptable. Guidelines for bedroom sizes in ‘Places for Living’ are also met. Furthermore adequate separate distances are achieved safeguarding existing neighbour amenity and also achieving suitable amenity for future occupiers. 6.5. A parking provision of 54 off-street spaces (159%) to the front of the houses are proposed. The outline planning permission indicated a parking provision of 148%. It should also be noted that the site’s frontages are currently subject to parking restrictions, in the form of double yellow lines, dating back to when the site was in an industrial use. The outline planning permission includes a condition relating to modifications to these, which are likely to result in their substantial removal and thereby freeing up on-street parking capacity for both existing and new residents. 7. Conclusion 7.1. The proposal achieves a design that responds to positive characteristics in this predominantly residential area, safeguarding neighbour amenity and creating an acceptable level of amenity for future occupiers, with suitable parking provision. The application is in accordance with relevant policy and guidance and planning permission should be granted. 8. Recommendation 8.1. Approve subject to conditions. 1 Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans Case Officer: Peter Barton Page 3 of 6 Photo(s) Figure 1 – Spring Road frontage Figure 2 – Allcroft Road frontage Page 4 of 6 Figure 3 – Lyncroft Road frontage Page 5 of 6 11 31 Location Plan 1 RO AD 3 to 4 33 CLIFFORD ROAD 49 71 3 1 to 2 33 M AT LO CK 37 61 3 to 4 35 1 to 2 35 1 36 38 42 54 64 74 84 127.7m LB 23 SP RING RO AD 27 125.6m 35 41 to 53 59 77 3 79 69 2 2 ALLCROFT 19 ROAD 17 ROAD 25 28 LYNCROFT 14 23 26 129.2m 15 15 11 16 220 37 36 130.1m 44 45 29 26 36 35 21 26 Page 6 of 6 216 41 40 49 48 This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2010
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