Committee Date: 28/05/2015 Application Number: Accepted: 06/03/2015 Application Type: Target Date: 05/06/2015 Ward: Erdington 2015/01554/PA Reserved Matters Development Land off Wilmot Drive/Beechmount Drive/ Rowden Drive, Lyndhurst Estate and former Normanhurst Cate Home, Sutton Road, Erdington, Birmingham, B23 Reserved matters application for the erection of 111 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses with associated open space, ground works, retaining walls and new roads (phases 2 and 3) associated with outline planning permission ref:- 2012/07153/PA. Applicant: Birmingham City Council BMHT, Planning and Regeneration, PO Box 28, Birmingham, B1 1TU BM3 Architecture 28 Pickford Street, Birmingham, B5 5QH Agent: Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions 1. Proposal 1.1. This application is for the outstanding reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for phases 2 and 3 of the Lyndhurst residential development. These phases amount to 111 new dwellings which consists of 85 affordable and 28 private sale units divided as follows: • • • • 51 no. two bed 49 no. three bed 8 no. four bed 3 no. five bed 1.2. This application is the second major phase of the redevelopment of the former Lyndhurst estate in addition to the 141 dwellings either complete or nearing completion on the previous phases. This application covers various plots of land generally to the north of phase 1B that is currently on site. 1.3. The scheme largely proposes to establish or complete street blocks of perimeter development that provide an active frontage to streets with private gardens behind. Generally larger properties mark corners, typically being 2.5 storeys, although the development is largely 2 storey in height. Following a previous amendment to the masterplan the existing street pattern is largely retained. This phase would deliver the new public open space that is at the heart of the development measuring 0.68ha and consisting of both formal and informal play space. In addition, adjacent to the Page 1 of 9 retained Malcolm Locker Centre a new MUGA and a turfed sports pitch would be provided. 1.4. In accordance with the approved masterplan a pedestrian/cycle link from the development to Chester Road has been included in the proposals. 1.5. As per previous consents, the layout has been informed by the desire to retain as many of the existing trees as possible. 1.6. The proposed dwellings would continue the contemporary take on traditional styling established by the previous phases with pitched roofs and a limited palette of materials, with two types of brick the principal choice, although cladding is used to provide visual interest on some dwellings. 1.7. As with previous phases in-curtilage parking is largely provided on a 100% basis, although where opportunities allow additional spaces are proposed. Additional unallocated visitor/communal spaces are provided across the development, which would assist both existing and proposed dwellings. 1.8. An addendum to the Design and Access Statement; a Tree Survey; vehicle tracking plans and full detailed plans have been submitted in support of this application. 1.9. The submitted plans have been amended in light of consultation responses from City Design and Transportation Development colleagues, resulting in a reduction from 113 units and a change to the proportion of different sized units across the scheme. 1.10. Link to Documents 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site consists of the second substantial area of land situated between phase 1b to the south, the railway line/phase 1a to the west, Sutton Road/retained tower blocks to the east and properties fronting Chester Road to the north. Site levels rise from Sutton Road then fall dramatically to the railway. The Grade II listed Erdington Abbey is situated beyond phase 1B to the south. Erdington District Centre is situated beyond to the south. 2.2. There are a number of two storey dwellings within the masterplan area that are to be retained along with a number of tower blocks including Standley’s Tower in the north-western corner and four blocks on the Sutton Road frontage. 2.3. On the opposite side of Sutton Road lie two storey houses and three storey post-war flatted development. Site Location Street view 3. Planning History 3.1. 21.10.2010 – 2010/04319/PA – Approval – Outline application for up to 316 dwellings, revised highway layouts, new open space, relocated youth centre, new multi-use games area and the new D1 facility; health centre surgery. All matters reserved for subsequent approval excluding access. Page 2 of 9 3.2. 06.12.2012 – 2012/07153/PA – Approval – Minor material amendment to planning approval 2010/04319/PA for outline application for up to 316 dwellings and reprovision of public open space and playing fields. Omission of relocated youth centre and new health surgery previously proposed and reduction of minimum onsite playing field re-provision from 0.4 to 0.3ha. All matters reserved for subsequent approval excluding access. Variation of conditions 24, 34, 35 and 37 and deletion of conditions 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 and 26. 3.3. 07.03.2013 – 2013/00204/PA – Approval – Reserved Matters application for the erection of 26 no. 2, 3 & 4 bed houses (Phase 1A) associated with outline planning permission 2012/07153/PA. 3.4. 14.06.2013 – 2013/02105/PA – Approval - Reserved matters application for the erection of 107 no. 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses and 10 no. 2 bedroom flats with associated ground works, retaining walls and new roads (Phase 1B) associated with outline planning permission 2010/04319/PA 4. Consultation/PP Responses 4.1. Transportation Development – No objection subject to conditions to be reported. 4.2. Regulatory Services – No comments. 4.3. West Midlands Fire Service – Raises no objection and provides specific guidance with which the scheme must comply such as limiting the distance an engine is required to reverse. 4.4. Leisure Services – No objections. The on and off site playing field provision is satisfactory. 4.5. Site and Press Notices displayed. Neighbouring occupiers, Ward Members and Residents’ Associations consulted with four responses received from local occupiers. 4.6. One resident questioned whether the flats on Beechmount drive are to be demolished, a further resident questioned whether there are plans to open up the junction of Old Bell Road, Rowen Drive and Beechmount Drive in order to encourage traffic flows and reduce accidents. A further resident raises concerns about the proposed adopted parking areas on Rowden Drive and considers that existing residents should be provided with adequate parking and footway crossings should be provided. Finally one resident is pleased with the new houses and fully supports the development and would like the opportunity occupy one of the new dwellings. 5. Policy Context 5.1. Birmingham Unitary Development Plan 2005; the submission draft Birmingham Development Plan; Places for Living (2001) SPG; Car Parking Guidelines (2012) SPD; and the National Planning Policy Framework 2012. 6. Planning Considerations BACKGROUND Page 3 of 9 6.1. This application covers phases 2 A-D and 3 A-C. Phase 1A towards the rear of the wider site is complete and occupied; phase 1B is in the advanced stages of construction with a number occupied. The only phase of development without an application for detailed consent is phase 4 which is reserved for a landmark scheme of approximately 52 residential apartments on the Sutton Road frontage. 6.2. Therefore, the principle of the development has been established by the previous outline planning permissions. The development is in general accordance with the previously approved master plans and represents a refinement of the development proposals as additional detail has been added. DESIGN 6.3. The proposed design represents an evolution of the approved masterplan and a continuation of the previously consented phases. The scheme would continue to provide both vehicular and pedestrian connectivity through the site and beyond with an appropriate hierarchy of streets throughout the development. 6.4. This largely two-storey development is of an appropriate scale to its context, with opportunities to highlight corners/junctions or responding to level changes taken through the introduction of limited 2.5 and 3 storey properties. 6.5. The design of the properties as a continuation of the previous phases is appropriate and acceptable. The previous phase of this development is high quality and significantly enhances the character and appearance of the area when compared with the previous development that occupied the site. The use of red brick and slate coloured roof also respects the wider context. Safeguarding conditions in relation to materials and boundary treatment are attached to the outline consent. 6.6. My City Design Officer supports the amended proposals. 6.7. I therefore consider the design of the proposals acceptable. AMENITY 6.8. Regulatory Services have no comments on this phase of the development. In terms of the amenity of local occupiers the development would not overlook or overshadow existing properties. The development is largely in accordance with Places for Living separation guidelines. I note Plot 91 is not compliant in terms of its relationship with the existing neighbouring property however given the limited scale of this building and the easterly orientation I consider this relationship acceptable on balance. 6.9. Turning to the amenity of future residents, the development offers relatively spacious accommodation with the majority of rear gardens well in excess of Places for Living guidelines. The perimeter block layout provides security to the rear, with exposed boundaries secured by quality brick walls. 6.10. I therefore raise no amenity-based concerns. TREES / LANDSCAPING 6.11. As with the previous consent, the development seeks to retain as many trees as possible. The Tree Survey has been updated in light of the latest development proposals. This demonstrates that the majority of the trees on the site (of which there are more than 300) will be retained. Generous verges and the location of the Page 4 of 9 new public open space allow for the retention of key trees. Opportunities to introduce new tree planting and landscaping are taken where possible, with a substantial number (over 40) of new trees proposed within front gardens and incidental landscaping space. I therefore raise no arboricultural concerns. HIGHWAY MATTERS 6.12. Transportation Development raises no objections to the amended proposals subject to the imposition of suitable safeguarding conditions. I concur with this recommendation and consider that the proposals show a safe and practical highway layout, with sufficient space to service the proposed development (e.g. refuse vehicles). I do not consider the proposals to remove permitted development rights preventing future occupiers from converting their garages to living space as reasonable and note the very limited number of garages within the scheme.The overall parking levels are acceptable and the amended plans have addressed any earlier issues of clustering of larger units with limited provision. The proposals strike a balance between providing sufficient parking and landscape quality through the provision of front gardens. Limited stopping up of existing highways is required in order to facilitate the proposed layout and an appropriate resolution is attached. 6.13. I therefore raise no highway-based concerns subject to a suitable condition requiring details of the proposed pedestrian link to Chester Road. 7. Conclusion 7.1. This application is in accordance with the parameters established at outline stage and the relevant policy context. The proposals represent a continuation of the high quality design delivered in phase 1 and will deliver a genuine transformational impact for this area. I therefore recommend that planning permission is granted subject to suitable safeguarding conditions. 8. Recommendation 8.1. That no objection be raised to the stopping up of parts of Beechmount Drive, Banners Grove and Rowden Drive with a realigned highway layout, and that the Department for Transport (DFT) be requested to make an Order in accordance with the provisions of Section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act. 8.2. And that approval be granted subject to the following conditions: 1 Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans 2 Requires the prior approval of the pedestrian link details Case Officer: Nicholas Jackson Page 5 of 9 Photo(s) Figure 1 – Along Wilmot Drive from Sutton Road – Phase 1B on the left Page 6 of 9 Figure 2 – From Malcom Locker looking south Page 7 of 9 Figure 3 – Site of Phase 3C Page 8 of 9 Location Plan This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2010 Page 9 of 9
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