BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND REGENERATION PLANNING COMMITTEE WARD: SUTTON VESEY The Birmingham (269 Monmouth Drive, Sutton Coldfield) Tree Preservation Order 2015 1. Subject And Brief Summary Of The Proposals Consideration of the Tree Preservation Order at the above location in respect of which one objection has been received. 2. Recommendation That the Birmingham (269 Monmouth Drive, Sutton Coldfield) Tree Preservation Order 2015, be confirmed without modification. 3. Contact Officer Julie Sadler Principal Arboricultural Officer – City Design and Conservation Team (North) Tel: 0121 303 4172 Email: [email protected] 4. Background 4.1 The order protects a young Liquidamber styraciflua – Sweet Gum tree. 4.2 The tree has been planted by the property owner, Mr Sunil Gogna, following consent to remove 1 no. weeping willow tree which was protected by TPO 978 served in 2003. There was some local concern about the loss of the tree but assurances were given that the tree would be replaced. 4.3 The willow was removed because there was extensive decay at the base making it unsafe in its location on the corner of Avery Road at the junction with Monmouth Road. On this occasion the City Council did not waive the requirement for a replacement tree and it was agreed after some discussion with Mr Gogna the species and location of the replacement. 4.4 Your Arboricultural Officer, Julie Sadler visited the site and confirmed that the replacement had been planted and for sake of clarity served this new order with the intention of revoking TPO 978 upon its confirmation. 5. Objections to the TPO 5.1 An objection has been received from Mr Sunil Gogna, the owner of 269 Monmouth Drive and may be summarised as follows: 5.2 The previous tree damaged his driveway, wall and sewage pipes 5.3 The location of the tree may inhibit his future intention to extend the property 5.4 The cost of the tree maintenance and the need to obtain consent for any management works. 6. Response to the Objections 6.1 The driveway is currently laid to brick pavers with a small raised wall. Willow trees are high water demanding trees with invasive roots that are notorious for causing this type of damage. Liquidamber styraciflua is a tree recommended by Barcham Tree plc (supplier to the City Council) as a tree suitable for use on streets and so is therefore unlikely to cause similar problems. 6.2 The location of the tree is approximately the same as the willow and is as agreed with Mr Gogna during various telephone discussions. Any future planning applications will be considered on their own merit. 6.3 This is a young tree and other than formative pruning should not need any maintenance for many years. Applications for works to protected tree is a straightforward and free process. 7. Financial Implications None 8. Implications for policy priorities 8.1 Strategic Themes Birmingham Unitary Development Plan paragraphs 3.14D and 3.16A 8.2 Implications for Women, People with Disabilities, Black and Minority Ethnic People and Race Relations None 9. BACKGROUND PAPERS 9.1 Letter from Mr Sunil Gogna. ……………………………………………………….. Director Planning and Regeneration THE BIRMINGHAM (269 MONMOUTH DRIVE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TREE PRESERVATION ORDER 2015 MO N MO U TH D RI V E 126.8m T1 269 LOCATION PLAN SCALE 1:2500 N N 265 W W E E 2 S S Birmingham City Council 25 Planning & Regeneration PO Box 28 Birmingham, B1 1TU. Tel: 0121 464 1930 7 Part of the Development Directorate of Birmingham City Council 1 SCALE 1:500 This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Birmingham City Council. Licence No.076104, 2015 Drawing No.TPO 1520
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