Name of meeting: Date: Cabinet 24 March 2015 Title of report: Fraud Investigation Team Is it likely to result in spending or saving £250k or more, or to have a significant effect on two or more electoral wards? Is it in the Council’s Forward Plan? No Is it eligible for “call in” by Scrutiny? Yes Date signed off by Director & name David Smith, Director of Resources 3 March 2015 Is it signed off by the Director of Resources? Yes Is it signed off by the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance & Monitoring Cabinet member portfolio Julie Muscroft , 4 March 2015 Cllr Graham Turner Electoral wards affected: Ward councillors consulted: All N/A Public or private: Public 1. Yes Purpose of report 1.1 To inform members on the transfer of staff to the Single Fraud Investigation Service (SFIS) on 1st Nov 2015. 1.2 For a decision on the retention of specialist fraud investigation and prosecution staff to undertake work on council tax reduction, social housing and blue badge fraud. 2.0 Key points 2.1 The formation of SFIS, covering all welfare benefit fraud, was announced in the Autumn Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 5th December 2013. 2.2 The announcement confirmed that SFIS will be launched within the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) as a single organisation and implementation has initially commenced with the pilot sites from 1st July 2014 with the main implementation programme running from 1st October 2014 through to 31st March 2016. 2.3 SFIS will operate to a single set of policies and procedures and will provide a national service to tackle all welfare benefit fraud. It brings together: Welfare benefit fraud investigations currently undertaken by the DWP, Local Authorities Housing Benefit fraud. Her Majesty’s Revenues and Customs (HMRC). 2.4 Under the SFIS implementation programme, the Council is due to transfer both Housing Benefit (HB) fraud investigations staffing resources and associated HB fraud investigation and prosecution work to the DWP on 1st November 2015. With regard to prosecution work, this will be conducted by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). The Council’s legal officers are not part of the transfer programme. The table below shows the number of staff affected by the SFIS change:Current Benefits Investigation Team 2014/15 FTE's Senior Manager Fraud Investigation 1.00 Team Manager Fraud Investigation 1.00 1.00 Team Manager Fraud Investigation Investigation Officer Investigation Officer Investigation Officer Investigation Officer Investigation & Admin. Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.92 Investigation & Admin. Officer 0.76 Financial Investigation Officer 1.00 Financial Investigation Officer 0.95 10.63 2.5 The HB staff currently undertaking fraud investigation work for the Council will all transfer either under TUPE or under a statutory Transfer Scheme under Section 38 of the Employment Relations Act 1999. 2.6 Six months in advance of the proposed transfer date, (1st May 2015) the DWP will commence discussions with the Council regarding the transfer of affected staff and the associated HB fraud investigation work. 2.7 Since the initial announcement of SFIS in the Autumn Statement in October 2010, the Government has repeatedly impressed upon local authorities that they will be responsible for combating and tackling other fraud areas outside of benefits fraud, e.g. council tax reduction fraud, social housing fraud, right to buy fraud, blue badge fraud, single person discount fraud and other council tax related fraud. 3.0 Implications for the Council 3.1 Due to the transfer of affected staff to the DWP there will be a £12 million reduction in the Housing Benefit (HB) Admin grant funding to local authorities in 2015/16 and £37 million reduction in 2016/17. For Kirklees the admin grant loss related to this reduction is estimated at £242,988, this should take effect in 2016/17. 3.2 Once the transfer of staff and the work has been completed, the Council will lose the powers conferred by sections 110A (1B) and (1C) (a), 116A (2) (a), 189(4) and (5) and 191 of the Social Security Administration Act 1992(a) that currently allows the Council to undertake HB fraud investigation and prosecution work, however, the SFIS team will have no access to the Housing benefit systems. 3.3 There is a legislative requirement within the “Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Detection of Fraud and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2013 that from the 1st April 2013 local authorities will undertake fraud prevention, detection and prosecution work in relation to the localised Council Tax Reduction Scheme(s) (CTRS). SFIS have no legal power to investigate Council Tax Reduction cases. 3.4 The implication of 3.2 and 3.3 above means that the Council will have to retain some fraud investigation staff to: Administer Housing Benefits case files and referrals to the SFIS investigation teams, this should be funded through new burdens funding from the DWP. This should include cancelling and recovery of HB overpayments following successful prosecutions. Fraud investigation staff to investigate and prosecute Council Tax Reduction fraud, Linking CTR to HB cases for possible prosecution following investigation by SFIS. 3.5 The Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013 introduced new criminal penalties for sub-letting or parting with possession, without permission, for social housing. 3.6 The Council has received Government funding during 2014/15 to combat and tackle social housing fraud, however, this funding ends on 31st March 2015, the Government’s expectation is that when the funding expires resources will still be provided by the Council to continue tackling social housing fraud. 3.7 The Customer and Exchequer Services fraud investigation team already investigates a number of other fraud areas outside of housing benefits fraud and in 2013/14 the following results were achieved:- 3.7.1 Council Tax Reduction The estimated number of sanctions/ prosecutions p.a is 25 and for penalties it is estimated at 80 cases per annum, based on these figures and the estimated reduction per case of approx £500, the overall fraud would be £52,500 (105 case x £500) and for the additional £70 penalty this would result in income of approx £5,600 3.7.2 Single Person Discount The total number of properties canvassed in the (SPD) review was over 53k and we cancelled SPD on 970 accounts which resulted in £276,000 being added to the Council Tax collection fund with a further total of £68,000 added in penalties issued. 3.7.3 Social Housing fraud Successfully recovered 29 social housing properties, It is estimated by the Audit Commission that on average it costs £18,500 per annum to house a family in temporary accommodation whilst waiting on the Housing Register. For 2013/14, had this accommodation not been made available it could have cost the council £536,500.00. The fraud investigation process will also cover Right to Buy (RTB) fraud, including looking at the financing of the house purchase, cash buys and residency checks. In total, we expect to investigate up to 20 cases per annum. In 2013/14, the council stopped £127,750.00 in discounts that people would have received had the right to buy applications progressed. 3.7.4 Blue Badge fraud Successfully formally cautioned 46 persons who had misused blue badges, for every blue badge that is fraudulently misused and detected, it is estimated by the Department for Transport that it costs the local authorities on average £500 in lost car park revenues per badge per year. Therefore, had the misuse of the blue badges not been stopped it could have cost the council additional income of up to £23,000 in car park revenues. 3.7.5 Financial investigation Using the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, a total of 4 confiscation orders were obtained with a total value of £756,515. The actual income expected to Kirklees in 2014/15 is approx £102,000. See table in Appendix 1 3.8 Preferred Option 3.8.1 The Council needs to retain some of the skilled staff we have in the fraud team in Kirklees to undertake the statutory obligations we are to retain following the transfer of HB work to SFIS. The preferred option is based on the following:1) The assumption that we retain resources to investigate fraud in, council tax discounts, social housing, blue badge. 2) The sustainability of the Financial Investigation team, given that the majority of the work is no longer in Housing Benefit and is expected to be in Trading Standards. We transfer the financial investigation team staff 1.95 FTE’s to West Yorkshire Trading Standards. 3) We transfer the other remaining staff to SFIS on 1st November 2015 4) The future line management of the Corporate Fraud elements of Blue Badge and Social housing fraud can be considered at a later point. 3.8.2 The resource within the team would be split in accordance with the table below:1) Retain staff to investigate - Council Tax Single Person Discount (SPD), Council Tax Reduction (CTR), Social Housing, Blue Badge Income Staff retained by the Council 1.5 FTE’s fraud staff to undertake SPD and CTR fraud investigations, approx 33,000 cases p.a. 1 FTE fraud investigator to undertake social housing fraud – to cover 25 – 30 cases per year Income from Fines CTR and SPD Funded by Housing from HRA Current costs Est. income New team est cost £47,187 £62,916 -£15,729 £31,458 £31,458 £0 0.5 FTE fraud investigator to undertake blue badge fraud work. 100 cases per year No specific funding, £15,729 £0 £15,729 1 FTE - Admin officer to provide support for the internal team New burdens funding DCLG £26,155 £26,155 £0 Sub Totals £120,529 £120,529 £0.00 Total of 4 FTE’s 2) Transfer Financial Investigation (FI) to West Yorkshire Trading Standards (WYTS) 1.95 FTE’s - Financial investigation, Proceeds of Crime – financial investigations 10-15 cases per Self-financing FI work income year 3) Transfer the remaining staff to SFIS st 4.68 FTE staff remaining to transfer to SFIS 1 Nov 2015 transfer date £85,050 £183,611 The main advantages for this are: Investigation and prosecution skills already present for fraud areas The Benefits team manager will take day to day control of the fraud team; The main areas of work are still council tax and benefit related, i.e. CTR and SPD fraud. SFIS liaison requires Customer Information System Access which benefits staff already have access Financial Investigation Sustainability - Increased stability and resilience for the financial investigation team, moving forward as trading standards work will form the majority of the investigation cases (see Appendix 1). WYTS are better placed to form the necessary partnerships across trading standards. Disadvantages for this option are: Managers in WYTS would require training in Fraud/PINS 3.8.3 Within this option it is proposed that the residual FI work would also be transferred to WYTS along with the associated risks and part of the potential income please. 3.8.4 In order to mitigate the risks associated with the transfer of FI staff to WYTS; it is recommended that the Council agree a “one off” transfer of part of the expected income to cover the salary costs for £85,050 for 1 year. 3.8.5 The Council is still owed; £187,150.77 from existing orders; this money is collected by HM court services. This would leave £102,100.77 for Kirklees and The remainder £85,050 should enable WYTS to take full responsibility for the FI staff and allow sufficient time for future income to be generated from any new confiscation orders. see table in Appendix 1 3.9 Legal Implications The Government has introduced a statutory Transfer Scheme under Section 38 of the Employment Relations Act 1999 - the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Transfer of Staff to the Department for Work and Pensions) Regulations 2014 and the Council will have to conform to the new regulations during the transfer of the affected staff and the HB fraud investigation work. An agreement will also be required with WYTS on the additional transfer of staff (2Fte’s) undertaking FI work. 3.10 Equality and Diversity There are no considerations necessary. 3.11 Risks and financial implications 3.12.1 It is estimated that the implementation of the fraud investigation team should be cost neutral to the Council; the assumed revenue income is shown in the table above and is based on previous year’s findings from results achieved. It is expected that the overall savings to the public purse will far outweigh the cost of the investigation resources. The total estimated saving from all fraud areas highlighted above (excluding HB) is £1,947,865 (see section 3.7 above) 4 Consultees and their opinions Preliminary meetings have already taken place with WYTS to discuss the possibility of transferring the FI staff; the discussions have progressed in line with the proposal within this report. Jane Brady, Assistant Director for Customer and Exchequer Services supports the recommendations made. Martin Dearnley – Head of Audit and Risk supports the recommendations made. 5 Next Steps Discuss the proposals with staff and the Unions. To undertake a recruitment exercise from staff already in the fraud investigation team to establish the staff who will remain. Complete the transfer of staff to WYTS. Complete the transfer of staff to the DWP 6 Officer recommendations and reasons 6.1 It is recommended that the Council implement the fraud investigation team as set out in this report. The financial investigation team are to move to WYTS, if a suitable transfer can be agreed between the parties, if an agreement cannot be reached then the FI team are to remain with Customer and Exchequer Services, and the position would need to be reviewed. Jane Brady, Assistant Director of Customer and Exchequer Services is given delegated responsibility to progress the implementation of the fraud Investigation team and transfer of staff. Jane Brady, Assistant Director of Customer and Exchequer Services is allowed to retain her delegated powers to authorise prosecutions and Dave Thompson, Head of Customer Services is similarly allowed the powers and responsibility in the absence of Jane. 7 Cabinet portfolio holder recommendation The Portfolio Holder for Resources supports the principles and actions within the officer recommendations. 8 Contact officer and relevant papers Steve Bird – Head of Welfare and Exchequer Service Nigel Armitage – Senior Manager Welfare and Exchequer Service 9 Assistant Director responsible: Jane Brady – Assistant Director of Customer and Exchequer Services APPENDIX 1 Type of Case Total Order Value Total Collected Still to Collect (HMCS) Summary of recent FI cases. variance £272.65 Kirklees Council Income still to collect Income Income due to due to Bradford WYTS Council Historic WYTS Benefits and Cases no Others longer investigated Wakefield Council Benefits £5,375.46 £5,375.46 £0.00 £0.00 £5,375.46 Kirklees Council Benefits £9,771.29 £30.00 £9,741.29 £9,741.29 £9,771.29 Kirklees Council Benefits £57,150.72 £57,150.72 £0.00 £0.00 £57,150.72 Kirklees/ DWP Benefits £24,317.75 £24,317.75 £0.00 £0.00 £24,317.75 Kirklees Council Benefits £11,335.00 £11,335.00 £0.00 £0.00 £11,335.00 Kirklees Council Benefits £15,889.00 £12,650.00 £3,239.00 £3,239.00 £15,889.00 Kirklees Council Benefits £5,366.00 £3,366.00 £2,000.00 £2,000.00 £5,366.00 Wakefield Council Benefits £5,647.42 £5,647.42 £0.00 £0.00 £5,647.42 Kirklees Council/ DWP Kirklees Council Benefits £23,830.35 £23,830.35 £0.00 £0.00 £23,830.35 Benefits £11,932.54 £12,532.54 £0.00 £0.00 £11,932.54 Kirklees Council Benefits £8,061.90 £2,061.90 £6,000.00 £6,000.00 £8,061.90 Kirklees Council Benefits £11,137.39 £12.39 £11,125.00 £11,125.00 £11,137.39 WYTSS Trading Standards £13,536.79 £13,536.79 £0.00 £0.00 £13,536.79 WYTSS/ Leeds Council Kirklees Council Trading Standards/ Licensing Benefits £25,625.00 £25,625.00 £0.00 £0.00 £25,625.00 £10,139.00 £10,139.00 £0.00 £0.00 Bradford Council Environmental Waste £848.00 £848.00 £0.00 £0.00 South Tyneside Council Kirklees Council Benefits £948.20 £948.20 £0.00 £0.00 £948.20 £2,500.00 £2,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2,500.00 £461.96 £461.96 £0.00 £0.00 £461.96 £581.20 £581.20 £0.00 £0.00 £581.20 WYTSS WYTSS Benefits/ Mortgage Fraud Trading Standards/ Mortgage Fraud Trading Standards/ Mortgage Fraud £10,139.00 £848.00 WYTSS Trading Standards £179,856.66 £90,003.51 £89,853.15 £30,010.95 Kirklees Council Benefits £7,628.05 £7,628.05 £0.00 £0.00 £7,628.05 Wakefield Council Benefits £389.52 £389.52 £0.00 £0.00 £389.52 Kirklees Council Benefits/ Mortgage Fraud Trading Standards/ Benefits Benefits £13,455.40 £10,283.63 £3,171.77 £3,171.77 £13,455.40 £24,860.06 £3,626.85 £21,233.21 £6,177.23 £14,965.37 £3,500.00 £11,465.37 £11,465.37 £93,771.25 £0.00 £93,771.25 £93,771.25 WYTSS Planning Enforcement Trading Standards £16,927.07 £0.00 £16,927.07 £6,770.83 £10,156.24 £16,927.07 WYTSS Trading Standards £7,088.16 £0.00 £7,088.16 £2,835.26 £4,252.90 £7,088.16 WYTSS Trading Standards £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Bradford Council Benefits £3,146.07 £622.65 £2,523.42 £842.82 Stockport Council Benefits £250.00 £250.00 £0.00 £0.00 £250.00 £187,150.77 No longer FI Cases £243,236.43 WYTSS/ Kirklees Council Kirklees Council Kirklees Council TOTAL for ALL cases £606,792.58 £328,653.89 £278,138.69 £59,842.20 £179,856.66 £15,055.98 £24,860.06 £14,965.37 £93,771.25 £0.00 £3,146.07 £1,680.60 £1,680.60 £0.00 £89,307.32 £363,556.15
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