REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT 5 May 2015 APPLICATION NO: P/2015 /0165 COMMUNITY: Rossett WARD: Rossett LOCATION: ROSSETT MILL CHESTER ROAD ROSSETT WREXHAM LL12 0HH DESCRIPTION: RELAXATION OF CONDITION 01 OF PLANNING PERMISSION CODE NO P/2013/0661 TO ENABLE THE CONTINUATION OF THE TEMPORARY RESIDENTIAL ACCOMMODATION AT FIRST FLOOR DATE RECEIVED: 05/03/2015 CASE OFFICER: KH AGENT NAME: MR BRENDAN WILSON APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR BRENDAN WILSON ______________________________________________________________ THE SITE The site is located off the north-west side of the B5445 to the rear of Rossett Mill. The site has two, two storey Coach Houses which have previously been used for domestic storage and display of vintage and classic vehicles and associated parts. The main Mill House is located to the east of the Coach Houses adjacent to the B5445. 219 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT 5 May 2015 Building to be used as temporary accommodation PROPOSAL Relaxation of Condition 1 of planning permission code no. P/2013/0661 to enable the continuation of the temporary residential accommodation at first floor of the coach house. The extension and refurbishment of the main house are still on-going and a further temporary permission for a short period is required. HISTORY (most recent and relevant) P/2014/0052 Hall and family room extension at ground floor and master bedroom and en-suite at first floor and internal alterations. Granted 18/06/2014 P/2013/0661 Relaxation of condition on ROS 6/13315 to enable temporary residential accommodation at first floor. Granted 02/12/2013 6/13315 Application for coach house. Approved 27/04/87 DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Site lies outside of the settlement for Rossett, and within a Green Barrier, Rossett Conservation Area, a C2 flood area and a Special Landscape Area. Policies GDP1, EC1, EC5, EC7, EC9, H3 and EC12 of the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan. 220 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT 5 May 2015 CONSULTATIONS. Community Council: Local Member: Highways: Public Protection: Natural Resources Wales: Wrexham Civic Society: Consulted 10/03/15 Notified 10/03/15 Consulted 10/03/15 Consulted 10/03/15 Consulted 10 /03/15 Consulted 10/03/15 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Background: A previous permission (P/2013/0661) enabled the applicant to utilise the upper floor of the southerly coach house as two bedroomed accommodation whilst the main house was refurbished and extended. This application seeks to enable a further short term temporary permission with works not yet fully completed. Flooding issues: The site is located within a zone C2 flood area and consideration is required of the safety implications for the occupants of the site. In this particular case the applicant is only seeking a limited extension of time to the previous temporary permission and I am conscious that the main house will remain unoccupied during this period and as such the number of occupants on site will not increase, and therefore no increased level of risk. I have added a note to the applicant as previously recommended by NRW for the applicants to register with an early warning flood-line. Highways: No highway issues with no increase in traffic compared to the occupation of the main house. CONCLUSION I have no objections to a further short temporary permission to enable completion of the works to the main house. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The residential use of the coach house hereby approved shall cease and be abandoned by May 31st 2015 or on completion of the works to the Mill House, whichever is the earlier. The building shall be restored to its previous condition in accordance with a scheme of works which has been submitted to and approved in writing, by the Local Planning Authority, not later than two months after the cessation of the approved temporary use. 2. The residential use of the coach house hereby approved shall not take place in conjunction with the residential use of the Mill House. 221 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT 5 May 2015 REASON(S) 1. The building is not considered suitable for residential use in conjunction with the Mill House as this would increase the likelihood of additional flood risk to occupants and increased highway danger through increased use of a substandard access. 2. The building is not considered suitable for residential use in conjunction with the Mill House as this would increase the likelihood of additional flood risk to occupants and increased highway danger through increased use of a substandard access. ______________________________________________________________ 222
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