Registration Renewal 2015. MEMBERS

2015 Membership Registration Form - Members
- for use by United States consecrated virgins desiring to register as 2015 members
of the United States Association of Consecrated Virgins
“This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than to lay down one’s life
for one’s friends. It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that
will remain.” – John 15:12,16
The United States Association of Consecrated Virgins exists for three primary purposes: 1) to foster
communication, solidarity, and support among United States consecrated virgins; 2) to offer educational materials
and programs of education about the vocation; and 3) to encourage study and growth of understanding of the
vocation of consecrated virginity lived in the world.
We welcome all United States consecrated virgins to join in our mission by registering as members of the
association in 2015.
Contact information
Diocese in which you now live: ____________________ Date of Consecration: ___________
Phone: Please indicate your preferred contact number (with x):
Home:______________________ ____
Work: ______________________ ____
Cell: ______________________ ____
E-mail: _____________________________________
Newsletter Mailings: Please indicate how you would like to receive quarterly issues of The Lamp. (Due to cost
savings, we encourage e-mail delivery. An additional donation is requested to help cover costs of those who need
to receive by U.S. mail.)
E-mail only (preferred) _______; U.S. mail only _______; E-mail and U.S. mail _______
Prayer Request Lists: Please indicate if you desire to be included in our e-mail prayer request lists (sent by U.S.
mail monthly to those without email).
E-mail only (preferred) _______; U.S. mail only _______
Address List Confidentiality: The address list of USACV members will be distributed annually only to current
USACV members. Please indicate if you prefer that your name or any contact information not be included in this
mailing: ____________________________________________________________________________________
United States Association of Consecrated Virgins, 300 W. Ottawa St., Lansing, MI 48933
USACV 2015 Member Registration Form
Page 1
Revised March 2015
Sharing our talents
The USACV provides an important service to the Church as well as to members of our small association. We rely
upon the volunteer services of our members to accomplish this work, for the glory of God. If you have skill or
experience or a desire to learn to assist in the following areas, please indicate in the spaces provided, even if you
have indicated as such on previous registration forms. We are organizing the records so that we can more readily
match skills with needs as they arise. Thank you so much.
Formation Resources: (check applicable boxes and
note comments below)
* Respond to inquiries about the vocation
* Respond to inquiries from seekers
* Act as companion for a discerner
* Consecrated virgin mentor for a candidate ___
* Speaker about vocational choices
* Writer formal/academic about the vocation ___
* Editor / Proofreader for written materials
* Speaker / Author for ongoing enrichment
and formation of consecrated virgins
Comments: _________________________________
Professionals: (please specify in space provided)
* Medical ________________________________
* Psychological ____________________________
* Educators _______________________________
* Law (canon/civil) ________________________
* Accounting/bookkeeping __________________
* Publishing _______________________________
* Theology ________________________________
* Business ________________________________
* Spiritual Direction ________________________
* Other __________________________________
Artistic and Technical Skills: (check applicable
boxes and note comments below)
* Photography
* Artwork
* Layout / Design
* Video Production
* Adobe Pro software
* Publisher software
* Other software
* Website management
* Translation:
* French to/from English
* German to/from English
* Spanish to/from English
* Italian to/from English
* Other _______________________
Comments: __________________________
Liturgy / Music / Conference (add comments)
* Overall Conference Direction
* Musician ____________ * Sacristan __________
* Liturgist _____________
* Social Coordination _____________________
Comments: ___________________________
I offer my prayer for the ongoing work of the association _____ (Thank you!)
2015 dues and donation request
Member dues: Member dues for 2015 are $35. Donation request: Your added donations will help cover the ongoing costs of
maintaining and upgrading the USACV website and publication of the next volumes of our series, “Ordo Virginum – the
Restoration of the Ancient Order of Virgins in the Catholic Church,” especially the volumes on virgin saints and on
discernment and formation for the vocation of consecrated virginity. The USACV is financially self-supporting, so the
support of our members is critical to our work. Thank you.
I am enclosing the following:
$35 member dues for 2015
$25 - $30 optional donation to receive 4 printed issues of The Lamp by U.S. mail
Donation. If designated, for website: _____ publications: _____ other: _______
Total enclosed. Note: All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law; The
USACV is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the U.S. Tax Code.
Please check here if you would like to receive a pack of 12 envelopes, pre-addressed to the USACV, as a
reminder to send monthly or frequent donations. Some members have requested this, and it is certainly helpful to us!
United States Association of Consecrated Virgins, 300 W. Ottawa St., Lansing, MI 48933
USACV 2015 Member Registration Form
Page 2
Revised March 2015