ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bennington, NE 68007 This year Kingdom Quest Sunday School is... Jumping With Joy to Learn About God! Rally Sunday is September 9th 9:30 to 10:45 Register your child for Sunday school (ages 3 thru 6th grade) September 2012 Building on the Legacy First Day of Pre-school September 4 & 5 FALL WORSHIP HOURS BEGIN 8:30am Liturgical Worship 11:00am Contemporary NOTICE OF SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Date: Sunday, September 9, 2012 Time: Following 11:00am worship service Note: The service will conclude no later than 11:45am. A bounce house and other supervised activities will be offered for the children after the service and during the meeting. We will enjoy grilled hotdogs and hamburgers, and the congregational meeting will start no later than 12:15pm. Purpose: To vote on establishing a permanent “Director of Children’s and Youth Ministry” position at St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church. Financial Peace University Kick-Off Meeting Tues., Sept. 11 6:30pm Jr. Choir Begins Wed., Sept. 12 6:30pm Confirmation/ BYGs Begins Wed., Sept. 12 6:30pm New Member Classes Sunday, Sept. 23 & 30 9:45am 5th Quarters Fridays, Sept. 21 & 28 Thru the Windows Page 2 Pastor Stein Shares Learning from the Spirit The book of Revelation begins with God giving prophecies to seven local congregations. These prophecies are brutally honest: The Holy Spirit is pointing out where the congregation needs to grow and improve. One congregation receives no criticism – the congregation in Philadelphia (not PA, but ancient Greece). It was a congregation that suffered under serious persecution, but remained strong in confessing and living out its faith. I want to learn from this congregation. “These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth” (Rev. 3:7-10). Here are some lessons that I think apply directly to St. John’s: a) Don’t let your own little strength distract you from what God wants to do. God will give you the strength to accomplish what he has called you to accomplish. Don’t use your own limited strength as an excuse for not doing God’s work. b) Seize opportunities! Opportunities are God given and not the result of luck or fate. If God gives you an open door, walk through it and don’t wonder what is behind it. You will figure that out soon enough. To see which doors God has opened you may have to knock at several (try out different things), but once a door opened, walk through it with excitement and enthusiasm. c) Profess your faith! It is about God. God seeks faithfulness, not flash! Regardless how unpopular it makes you, regardless how much people belittle you or think you are strange: Stand up for your faith! God will reward your faithfulness! d) God knows your deeds – God knows your faithfulness. No one might notice, and no one might give you credit for what you have done. People may think you are doing nothing. Even the smallest of your deeds of faithfulness is noticed by God! e) God deals with those who work against you! You don’t need to waste your time and poison your soul with longing for revenge or getting even. Your enemies are in God’s hands, and he will deal with them. You make sure you keep your heart fixed on God! God has blessed St. John’s with numerous open doors. Sometimes they are scary. We wonder if the opportunity is not too much for us. If God opens a door for us, we can trust that he will provide for what we need in order to fulfill the potential of the opportunity. Pastor Andreas Stein September 2012 Page 3 Birthday & Anniversary Celebrations Music Ministry I know I’m not the only one wondering where summer went at this point in the year!! Vacations are over, school has begun, our hectic schedule begins/continues with a new set of “to do” lists, i.e. soccer practice, after school meetings, football games, etc. And how do we as Christians stay centered, focused and relatively in control of our own time? Pastor’s sermon on Aug. 19 was especially timely making us think about HOW we spend the 24 hours allotted to each of us daily, WHAT we spend our time doing, and how our PRIORITIES are reflected in our time management or mismanagement. With all that to think about, we again would love to have you spend some time this season with us in the music ministry at St. John’s! And so we begin a new season at St. John’s! With so many wonderful programs here, I’m just going to remind you of all of the “musical” opportunities we have for you. Chancel Choir season has begun. Rehearsals are every Wednesday evening from 7-8 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir sings at the Liturgical service each Sunday and at most special services. Come join the choir – call Kerry Greunke if interested. Exultation, our resident praise band, practices year round on Wednesday evenings, now from 8-9 p.m. We lead the Contemporary services at 11 a.m. each Sunday as well as some special services. We are always looking for more singers (male variety especially!!!!), band members – i.e. guitar, bass, drummers, and anyone who would like to be more involved in planning our services. Please, please call me if you are interested or if you know of someone who might be! Jr. Praise Band began practice on August 29 and will meet weekly on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. We also help lead the Confirmation Opening at 6:30 pm each week. Jr. Praise Band plays at the 11 am service at least once a month – probably the 3rd Sunday this year. Call me if you want to join us!!! Jr. Choir, under the direction of Julie Rothermund and Chris Tomjack, will again meet each Wednesday from 6:30- 7:15 p.m. beginning on Sept. 12. They will sing twice a month, once at the early service and once at the late service. All children, grades 2-5, are welcome. We’d love to have you. We have some really fun music planned for this year! We have lots of opportunities, so please come join us – it will be worth your time! Submitted by Jan Braden, Director of Music Outreach Ministry Reaching Out, Through Outreach Ministry The Healthy by Design program continues with the following schedule: H FIT (Faith Intensity Training) MWF 5:30am and 8:15am H LIFT (Low Impact Fitness Training) MWF 9:00am H Practicing Grace (yoga-style) Tuesday at 5:30am H Yoga Tuesday and Thursdays at 9:00am Thru the Windows Page 4 St. John’s Women in Action Coming Events Join Us in Bible Study! All Women are Welcome! Faith Circle Bible Study Fair Trade Sales September 9th in the Narthex between services Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Hot Chocolate, Nuts & Chocolate Bars September 11 at 1:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall Lesson Leader – Delores Thorell Refreshments – Jeri Petznick Autumn Renewal 2012 Pray the Devil Back to Hell September 15 Lord of Love Lutheran Church 10405 Fort St., Omaha Come view and discuss Pray the Devil Back to Hell… Be inspired… Be uplifted… and most of all, be motivated. It is the amazing story of a small band of Liberian women who come together in the midst of a bloody civil war and lead the way to win a long awaited peace for their shattered country in 2003. This award winning film documents how thousands of women, ordinary mothers grandmothers, aunts and daughters came together to pray for peace. They staged a silent protest outside the Presidential Palace demanding an end to the country’s civil war. It is a compelling testimony of how grass roots activism can alter the history of nations. Rejoice Circle Bible Study September 17 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lighthouse Lesson/Refreshments – Karen Anderson Busy Women’s Bible Study for time and place contact [email protected] Young Women of the ELCA BE BOLD! Check out this website! ELCA Café is a free, monthly on-line magazine for young women 18 to 35 years old and is offered by Women of the ELCA. Women of all ages are reading it! Café stands for Community, Advocacy, Faith, & Enlightenment We will also view and listen to a moving speech by Leymah Gbowee, recent Nobel Peace Prize winner. Her speech was delivered to the Women of the ELCA at the triennial convention in Spokane, WA in July, 2011. What a day it will be! Music, Message, Mission, Friends, Food & Fun. Don’t miss it! September 2012 Page 5 St. John’s Women in Action Prayer Shawl Ministry Love to Crochet or Knit? St. John’s Women in Action are beginning a Prayer Shawl Ministry. A newspaper article on the Women in Action bulletin board tells about how this ministry serves those in hospitals, in hospice or anyone in need of such a gift. If you crochet or knit, consider sharing your gift in this ministry. Patterns and Prayers may be found on the Women in Action bulletin board in the hallway to the fellowship hall. Completed shawls may be left in the church office. Fabric & Personal Care Kits St. John’s Women in Action are collecting items for Lutheran World Relief Fabric Kits and Personal Care Kits. Your donated items may be left in the box in the Narthex. Items needed for Fabric Kits: HOOKS & NEEDLES (Crocheting & Knitting) Thursdays, September 6th and 20th 1-3 PM at the Lighthouse. Friendship and Fellowship. Come check us out! The coffee pot is always on! Beginners welcome. We need all skill levels. This ministry is to make prayer shawls and hats/scarves for the Christmas Giving Tree. Questions: call Sharon Newman 402-571-6791 General all-purpose thread in neutral colors or matching fabric. 2 pieces: 2 ¼ yards of 50” fabric 2 pieces: 3 yards of 44” fabric 2 pieces: 4 yards of 36” fabric These should be cotton or cotton blends. Knits or polyester are not accepted. Items needed for Personal Care Kits: 1 dark color bath size towel 2 bath size soaps 1 adult size toothbrush 1 comb 1 nail clipper Thru the Windows Page 6 Men’s Ministry To all men of STJLC, the Bennington community, and ANY man who would like to learn more about the Bible and The Religions and Cults of the World: We invite all of you to join friends and neighbors in the Bible Study and Christian Education gatherings at 7:30 to 9:00 AM, every 3rd Saturday. Dates for September are the 8th & 29th. We are in the process of studying and discussing 1st and 2nd TIMOTHY and the book of TITUS. These “Books” are Letters written by the Apostle Paul in the years 60 to 75 AD. In our Christian Education Series we are continuing with the study of World Religions and Cults. Great enjoyment and a much clearer understanding in learning about others! Currently, Judaism is our studied religion which will be followed by Islam. Don’t hesitate, come on in! The coffee pot is always on, plus we have very fresh donuts from “The Professor”! Where: The Lighthouse next door to St. John’s at 322 North Molley St. in Bennington. Hope to see you soon! Submitted by Dick Fritz Liturgical Worship Team Notes The Liturgical Worship Team, formerly known as Traditional Worship Team, met on Monday, August 13th. Here is a synopsis of what we discussed: • On Rally Sunday, September 9, we will switch to using Setting 3. We hope to begin using the screens at that time, depending on whether we can find someone to run them. • For World Communion Sunday, October 7, we will show flags and sing hymns from other countries. We will again ask people to read the lessons in other languages and we will serve ethnic snacks between services. • On Reformation Sunday we will be sure to choose reformation hymns and we will serve communion, even though it is not usually served on the fourth Sunday at the Liturgical Service. We will put up the red pennants and ask the congregation to wear red for that service. • We will conduct Advent midweek services again this year, using the Holden Evening Prayer. The exact time will be coordinated with the Confirmation program. September 2012 Page 7 Quilters in Action A LEADER WHO SERVES OR A SERVANT WHO LEADS “But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22:31 NIV) When Jesus tells Peter he’s prayed for him, he explains this specific prayer was because “Satan has asked to sift all you as wheat. Now, to me, it begs the question: Lord, did you have to say “yes”? There may be days when you wonder if God is letting Satan sift you. But, if that is true, we can choose to believe God is still in control and that his presence inside us is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4). A sifting brings glory to God, such as when Job still praised his maker, even when everything seemed lost and even his wife was telling to give up on God. In August, we had a most fulfilling time serving God with making quilts, sorting and packing quilts. The quilting servants are as follows: Delores Thorell Addie Backhuus Betty Deardoff Lorene Andersen Mary Weberg Arlene Youmans Norma Collins Doris Gottsch Emily Laake Karen Arp Sharon Liesche Justine Brown and Carol Iltzsch. • We completed: 55 premie pads, 4 tied baby quilts, and 13 full size quilts. • We sorted and packed: 21 quilts for the Homeless Veterans; 63 infant caps, 21 baby quilts, and 75 premie pads. • For Lutheran World Relief we packed 15 quilts. A sifting also probes your weaknesses, revealing where you’re still thinking, “I can.” A good swift sift will push you to “I can’t, but God can.” • For the Open Door Mission, we packed and delivered: 21 full size quilts, 1 box of 20 T-shirts, and 1 bag of toys for the Lydia House. In allowing you to be sifted, God is scraping away all the distraction and things that might hinder you from fulfilling your purpose. • For the Life Care Center in Elkhorn we packed 4 full size quilts. The way that Jesus tells Peter about the sifting has always held a special meaning to me. Jesus didn’t just say, “Get ready for a whirlwind of hurt! I know you’re going to let me down.” Instead, Jesus points to the future: Peter would survive the sifting. He would return humbled, but stronger, with the purpose of strengthening his brothers. In a sense, “When you turn back from your turning back, you’ll be a servant who leads.” September Quilting Days September 10 9:00am (all day) September 11 9:00am (half-day) • We gifted a “Prayer Quilt” to Deb Misfeldts’ Uncle Larry Redel, who has recently had a serious heart attack and has been blessed with a miraculous recovery. • We are gifting: prayer shawls to LaFern Dierks and to Nadine Frost. Lord, thank you for all your blessings to the Quilters. We wouldn’t be able to complete and do the work we do without your help. Thank you to all for the donations of fabric, sheets, pillowcases and all items we use in our mission of making quilts. Please bless all that help us to make the items we do so we may continue to serve you and your children. Thru the Windows Page 8 Keni Thomas Event Thank You Volunteers for making the Keni Thomas August Event a Huge Success!!! September 2012 Page 9 Joys & Concerns July 29 Altar flowers were given in honor and celebration of Delores Thorell’s 85th Birthday on August 5th, by her 6 children and their families. Children’s bulletins were given by Delores Thorell’s 11 grandchildren and 9 great grandchilden in honor of her 85th birthday. August 5 Lilyan Helen Frost was received into God’s Holy Kingdom through the washing of Holy Baptism at the 10:30am service. Lilyan was born April 26, 2012 and is the daughter of Anthony “Tony” & Danielle Frost. Lilyan’s sponsors are Chris & Katie Circo and William & Angela Rodgers. Altar flowers were given in honor of Lilyan Helen Frost’s baptism by her parents, Tony and Danielle Frost. August 12 The rose on the altar was given in celebration of the August 5 birth of Hanna Sophia Sukraw by her grandparents Fred & Cyndee Barnhard and Ken & Miriam Sukraw. Hanna weighed 8lbs and was 20 inches long. She is the daughter of Mark & Angela Sukraw. Hanna is also welcomed home by sister Katherine, age 3 and brother Elijah, age 1. Haddie Mae Tingelhoff was received into God’s Holy Kingdom through the washing of Holy Baptism at the 8:30am service. Haddie was born February 24, 2012 and is the daughter of Scott & Lisa Tingelhoff. Haddie’s sponsors are Keith & Heather Bird. Kaitlyn Marie Farnum was received into God’s Holy Kingdom through the washing of Holy Baptism this morning at the 10:30am service. Kaitlyn was born June 25, 2012 and is the daughter of Corey & Heidi Farnum. Kaitlyn’s sponsors are Brad & Erin Huisman. August 19 Altar flowers were given in honor of Dale Mohr’s 80th Birthday by his children Van and Nancy Mohr and Ken and Sue Wright. Also, by his grandchildren Cody and Mandy Henrickson, Mallory and Jacob Mohr and CJ Wright Thea Lynn Gross was received into God’s Holy Kingdom through the washing of Holy Baptism at the 10:30am service. Thea was born August 1, 2011 and is the daughter of Lisa Muhleka and Andrew Gross. Thea’s sponsors are TJ Muhleka and Tisa Kruse. Jason Reid Muhleka was received into God’s Holy Kingdom through the washing of Holy Baptism at the 10:30am service. Jason was born July 2, 2012 and is the son of Lisa Muhleka and Andrew Gross. Jason’s sponsors are Lindsay and Mike Schellhardt. Thank Yous Thank you Andrew Mattson for serving as our past TTWs newsletter editor!!!! Thank you to Jennifer Moody who is stepping in to the newsletter role beginning with this September edition. Articles for the newsletter can continued to be e-mailed to [email protected] Thank you all for your part in making my 80th birthday celebration a great day to remember! Joann Warrick Heartfelt gratitude to those of you who celebrated my birthday by sending cards, extending best wishes, returning thanks to God, and coming to the open house. God has showered blessings on me through you. Bernetta Schroeder Thank you to all who have been sharing your fresh garden products on Sunday mornings. If you have extra or would like to enjoy these products, please stop by to see what is available in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings. Thru the Windows Page 10 Lighthouse coffee Shoppe St. John’s Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe is open Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am to 4pm Available for your pleasure are: Specialty teas, a variety of regular & decaffeinated coffees, including cappuccino and cafe lattes. Cold beverages now available. Delicious baked goods to go with your beverage choice. Satisfy Your Craving! Come to the Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe on Thursday September 20th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and enjoy a slice of delicious homemade pie. We are using fresh peaches and apples from the Lighthouse trees. A variety of pie, coffee and tea will be served. Lighthouse Happenings A Hawaiian Party was held on July 26th with 31 in attendance. Guests were greeted with a Hawaiian lei and enjoyed the island decor and music. Especially those inflated palm trees that were a lot of fun blowing up. The fruit kabobs, pineapple and mandarin orange cake and parasoltopped punch were a big hit. Thanks to all who came to share in the fun. A retirement celebration in honor of Janie Frahm was held on July 24th, hosted by Maureen Proksil. Good eats and treats were enjoyed along with great conversation and reminiscing. Special guests were Janie’s family, Paul Bacino and former co-workers from Dr. Bacino’s office. We are looking forward to Janie using her talents and skills by joining us as a volunteer. The Jack and Jill Tea Party was a fun-filled event held on August 7th. The children were taught proper table etiquette and were tested on their knowledge of several nursery rhymes. They also enjoyed various outdoors games using clothes pins, balls and rings. Everyone got to choose a prize to take home. The children were all so well behaved and looked adorable all dressed up for a party. Thanks to parents and grandparents for sharing them with us. On August 14th, Pastor Stein thought he was attending a meeting at the Lighthouse. He was greeted by several members of St. John’s singing happy birthday. He was pleasantly surprised and said it was much more enjoyable than a meeting. Coffee, egg casserole, muffins, and great conversation were enjoyed. A Divorce Care Reunion was held on the evening of August 14th. A Potluck dinner was shared by former attendees of the Divorce Care sessions. They enjoyed seeing each other and learning how everyone had been able to move ahead with their lives. All agreed attending the classes were very important in getting through the tough times and making a new and better life for themselves. September 2012 Page 11 Kingdom Quest This year Kingdom Quest Sunday School is... Jumping With Joy to Learn About God!!! Rally Sunday is September 9th @ 9:30am This is the day to register your child/children for Kingdom Quest (Located in the basement of the church where Sunday school takes place weekly) Kingdom Quest Sunday School is really looking forward to another year of teaching your child/ children the lessons of God and his Kingdom. We have some lovely volunteers who put their heart and soul into teaching your children weekly. You will notice what your child/ children learn just by listening and asking them questions about their lessons every Sunday. We hope you will enjoy this year as much as we look forward to teaching your child/children. If at any time you feel like being part of our Sunday School team, please contact Brenda Teller [email protected] or 402-963-0503, she would love to hear from you! You can also keep updated with current happenings by logging on to Kid’s Kingdom Preschool News Preschool Resumes September 4, 2012 The Preschool Board would like to inform you that Nicki Nutter has resigned as Director of Preschool. Nicki has decided to take a teaching position closer to her home in Gretna. We thank her for her service to Kid’s Kingdom Preschool. Kid’s Kingdom Preschool would like to announce that Nicole Cloudt will be our new Director of Preschool. Nicole is married to Jason Cloudt and has two children, Nora 8 years old and Judson who is 4 years old. Nora did come to Kid’s Kingdom Preschool and Judson is now attending the Preschool. We have 64 children enrolled at this time. We have for the 3 years old a Monday/ Wednesday am classes, Tuesday/Thursday am classes, a Tuesday/Thursday pm classes, and have added a Friday am class for parents that would like to send there older 3’s to a 3 day program. We offer the 4 year olds a Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday am and pm classes. The 5 year olds we offer Monday thru Friday in the afternoons. This year we also have two more new staff members. Kim Mitchell will be teaching a 4 year old class on Monday/Wednesday/ Friday and Jacquie Dugan will be teaching the K-Prep class. Returning is Mindi Gansebom as a 4 year old teacher for mornings and afternoons. Hilary Cemer will again teach all the 3 year old classes. Elizabeth Pooley will also return as the Para for the Preschool. We are still taking registrations if you know of anyone looking for a Preschool. The Kid’s Kingdom Preschool Board is very grateful for our new team of staff and appreciate how everyone has been so helpful in this transition. We are excited about the upcoming year and know that God has great plans for our Preschool. Respectfully Janie Frost, Chairman of Kid’s Kingdom Preschool Thru the Windows Page 12 Youth Ministry What is the BYG Deal? Well JESUS is of course!!! Confirmation and BYGs 2012/2013 The Numbers • 6th Grade – 11 • 7th Grade – 17 • 8th Grade – 6 • 9th Grade – 12 • 10th Grade – 16 • 11th Grade – 14 • 12th Grade – 10 The People Confirmation Small Group Guides Kelly Witt, Shelly Christensen, Mark Carl, Carol DiMauro, Angie KnutsonSmith, Dick Flynn, Julie Coe, Heather Goertz and Jane Frost 6th Grade Confirmation Leader Mary Carol Junker Confirmation Coordinator Eileen Baker BYGs Leaders TBD Interim Youth Director Di Loptin Youth Ministry Board Di Loptin, Eileen Baker, Debbie Depperman, Angie Menard and Fritz Vannornam 5th Quarter 2012/2013 Confirmation Requirements • Attendance – 25 worship services per year. (6th, 7th and 8th) • Must attend ALL Lenten services. (6th, 7th and 8th) • Worship Notes from Sunday worship services. • 6th (10 worship notes) – 7th (15 worship notes) – 8th (20 worship notes) • Acolyte Duties - 3 Sundays (6th, 7th and 8th) • Usher and/or Greeting Duties – 1 Sunday (6th, 7th and 8th) • Retreats and Recharges • Camp Okoboji (6th) – Urban Plunge (7th) • Service Projects • TBD each year. Please mark your calendars for the upcoming 5th Quarters!! • September 21st & September 28th • October 12th Join us immediately following the Badger Football Games until 11:00pm for pizza, pop, candy, bonfires and fun!! We are also accepting donations of pop, water and candy for these events. We serve approximately 100-125 Jr. High and High School youth on these evenings, so your donations are greatly appreciated! September 2012 Page 13 Youth Ministry Sky Ranch Colorado – BYG’s Summer Trip What an amazing week we had discovering God’s AMAZING Everyday Grace while on the mountaintops of Colorado!! It was a week filled with DEVO’s (devotions) on the trails and while stargazing in the evenings! We were not sure if we would be able to go on this trip due to the Colorado fires this summer, but God had a plan and we made it! During our time in Colorado He showed us that His grace is as radical as the forest fires – if we share this Amazing Grace it can consume us and create new life where there was none! I just want to thank St. John’s for all the support of our fundraisers and for your many prayers along the way. Thank you also to the Wheels 4 Christ for letting us drive the bus for our trip! Thank you to my parent volunteers – Cindy Giebelhausen and David Sandstedt! We had an amazing time! Please stop by the youth office and see the pictures of our trip! Also, please continue to keep Sky Ranch in your prayers as they continue to clean up and repair the damage caused by the fires! Finding God’s Everyday Grace! Di Loptin Thru the Windows Page 14 Church Council The Church Council met on August 14, 2012 Keni Thomas Concert Event – coming together nicely Church Camp Scholarships • Scholarship fund running out of money • That fund is used to pay ½ of kids tuition for Camp Okoboji or Carol Joy Holling. Because of increased camp costs and an increase in the number of kids attending, the fund is being depleted. • We discussed if only $100/kid be allowed until the money runs out or continue as is. Church Staff Church Pastor Office Administrator Interim Youth Director Organist Director of Music Chancel Choir Director Pre-school Director Bookkeeper Custodians Pre-school Teachers Pre-School Administrative Assistant Rev. Andreas Stein Debbie Misfeldt Di Loptin Connie Dunn Jan Braden Kerry Greunke Nicole Cloudt Gail Pfahl Tom & Cindy Koziol Hilary Cemer Jacquie Dugan Mindi Gansebom Kim Mitchell Elizabeth Pooley It will be communicated to the initial contributor of the scholarship fund and to the congregation. **Moved that we change the contribution to camp scholarships to $100/person. Seconded. Preschool Nicki Nutter resigned effective July 30, 2012. Nicole Cloudt will be our new pre-school director. Focus Ministry Congregational Meeting will be held Sept 9th (Rally Sunday) following the 11:00am Worship Service. Church Council Deb Almquist Chris Tomjack Scott Pierson David Sandstedt, Jr. Jan Braden Matt Geiseman Emily Laaker Stacy Laue Mary Pat Schmidt Tricia Schneider Marisa Tomjack President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Special Funds Treasurer Youth Representative Church Office Hours, Due Dates & Such Please help our office to be as efficient and helpful as possible by keeping the following in mind: Monthly Publication – Thru the Windows The due date for information for the monthly newsletter “Thru the Windows” is the 15th of each month. Any articles or information after that date will not be included. Please submit all articles to the editor at [email protected] Office Hours Monday through Friday are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The church staff meets at 10:00 am on Mondays. Usually volunteers answer the phones during that time. If not, the phone will go to voicemail. Occasionally, the staff will have lunch offsite on Tuesdays, so please call before coming to make sure we are here. If you need access to the church at other times, please call and we will work with you to make arrangements. Voice Mail & Email All voicemail & email messages will be answered as soon as possible. Messages left after 4:00 pm on Friday will be returned on the next business day. September 2012 Page 15 Financial Statement ST JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH FINANCE REPORT Contributions to General Fund and Mission Share May June July Total YTD $31,607.53 $19,480.70 $27,512.44 $180,884.27 Expenses – Less Non-Budgeted Items May June July Total YTD $25,898.09 $23,066.31 $25,351.89 $180,303.11 May $26,610.68 Budget 2012 June July $26,610.68 $26,610.68 Total YTD $186,274.76 Giving Testimonial About 6 or 7 years ago, we were involved in a small group Bible study at our old church with a few other couples. The church was going through a stewardship campaign, and they encouraged small groups like ours to take part in a Bible study focused on tithing. Our family had always given an offering to the church, but we never thought we could give “the full tithe” of 10%. Like the other couples in our group, we were young parents who saw more bills, needs, and wants than we had money to spend. We were wrong. That 6 week study changed our lives forever. Shortly after starting the study, we realized that God wants cheerful givers, so we prayed that God would make us into that. We prayed a lot that God would not only have a plan for us but that he would open our eyes so we could see his plan. This was the most important thing we did. Shortly after the study ended, our lives had major changes that really allowed us to give back to God like we wanted to give. Everything we have comes from God. He asks for 10%, and he lets us keep nine times that amount. Despite how simple it sounds, we really struggled with the idea of giving away 10% of our income because it seemed like so much money, but a friend of ours clung to the words of God in Malachi 3:8-12. This particular portion has always stayed with us: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse… Test me in this, and see if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” Our friend said that there is no other place in the Bible where God says you can challenge Him (“Test me in this”), so we did. After much prayer, we made the leap into tithing, with cheerful hearts, and we challenged God to pour out His blessings on our family. He has. One area where we still struggle is when we see people blessed financially who are not faithful to God. On one hand, we see our sacrifice, and then we see their reward seems so much higher without the sacrifice. What we’ve come to realize is that God doesn’t say that only the faithful will have financial blessings. What he says is that all who are faithful will be blessed. It’s a matter of certainty. Some people choose to take their chances, but we’ve chosen to put our faith in God. We know we will be blessed. Those blessings don’t always come as the bottom line on a financial statement, but God blesses in wonderful ways. He blesses by extending the life of an appliance or by preventing an expensive repair that is long overdue. Over time, we’ve really grown to enjoy seeing the new ways that God finds to bless us. Is our life free of financial concerns? No. However, the blessings so greatly outnumber the struggles that we know it is God’s hand at work everyday in our lives. Sincerely, Matt & Holly Ferguson Thru the Windows Page 16 Upcoming Events & Community News Looking For Old Photos & Landowner History for Bennington NEW MEMBER CLASSES Pastor Andreas will be leading a series of new member classes on Sunday, September 16 and 23 at 9:45am in the Conference Room. New members will be received into membership at the 11:00am worship service on September 23. If you are interested in becoming a new member, please check the Attendance Registration pew pad or call the church office at 238-2483. The Bennington Historical Society is looking for old photos (1880’s to 1960’s) and Title Abstract History as a project for Bennington’s 125th Anniversary. We are searching for photographs of the business districts, old businesses and organizations (sports teams, civic groups, churches, etc.); especially if their names are known. Old title abstracts will allow us to determine the ownership of businesses and homes for research and tracking purposes. Your photographs and/or title abstract information may be the ‘missing piece’ of someone’s search for their relatives. Photographs and abstracts will be scanned and returned to owners unharmed. Help the Bennington Historical Society save our community history! Please contact Diane Warrick (402-393-2382) or Linda Mueller (402-614-7509). New DivorceCare Session has started. If you know someone who is dealing with the hurt of separation or divorce, please encourage them to come to St. John’s support group. Please join us on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm at the Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe. Call Mary Pat Schmidt at 402-238-2453 if you have any questions or you can e-mail her at [email protected]. The Church Mouse scurries around St. John’s and notices those who have put in an act of good works or service for our Lord, which may not always be noticed. Our church is full of wonderful members who help others and the church mouse likes to bring that to our attention so we can express a warm THANKS. Let us know who has helped. Email your special thanks to Jennifer Moody at [email protected]. Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Kick-Off Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 11, 6:30 PM St. John’s Fellowship Hall • Preview the program • Purchase materials • 11 kits are available (apply for scholarships) • Decide class dates and times For more Info: Call Julie at 402203-2649 or email [email protected] Jean Biesendorfer, former secretary, long time member of St. John’s, who just celebrated her 91st birthday is captured in a photo by Norma Collins as she donates a hand crocheted prayer shawl to the newly formed Hooks and Needles Ministry. Others who knit or crochet, even though they may be home bound or have limited mobility are encouraged to donate prayer shawls, hats or scarves for the Christmas Giving Tree. Questions: call Sharon Newman 402-571-6791 September 1 Aaron 2012 Schmidt 3 Kristin Sass Mallory Ferguson 4 Kathy Coe Payge Ehrp 5 Shelby Sass Alicia Burgers 6 Donald Mahoney (81) 1 Leonard Aaron Schmidt Meador 3 Kristin Sass 8 Adam Iltzsch Mallory Ferguson Amy Iltzsch 4 Zach Kathy Coe Westfall PaygeWitte Ehrp Daniel 5 Alycia Shelby Sass Miller Alicia Burgers 9 Mary Kuhl 6 Tyler Donald Mahoney (81) Mohr Leonard Mark Sass Meador 8 Cody Adam Iltzsch Henrickson Amy Iltzsch 10 Dale Smith Zach Westfall Westfall Robin Daniel Witte Chad Krejci AlyciaAlmquist Miller 11 Debbie 9 Paige MaryDepperman Kuhl Tyler ShannonMohr Eggink Mark Sass Whitney Fagan CodyReddick Henrickson 12 Cheri 10 Dale Smith 13 Marilee Braesch Robin Heise Westfall Marvin Chad Krejci Tom Koziol 11 Avery Debbie Almquist Mohr Paige Depperman 14 Wes Andersen Shannon Eggink Hunter Musel Whitney Fagan Nick Hanish Cheri Reddick 1512MaryPat Schmidt 13 Marilee Braesch 16 Kellen Krivohlavek Marvin Heise 17 Nic Laue Tom Koziol 18 Rhonda Logeman AveryPagel Mohr 19 Dallas Wes Andersen 2014 Alyjah Miller Hunter Musel 21 Dylan Renter Nick Hanish Brenda DeLancy 15 Dorothy MaryPatMohr Schmidt (82) 16 Kellen Krivohlavek 22 Joyce Graybill (80) 17 Vernon Nic Laue Kuhl 18 Bob Rhonda Logeman Dornacker (89) Dallas Pagel 2319 Dale Eurek 20 Jodi Alyjah Miller Pooley 21 Lori Dylan Renter Scott BrendaSass DeLancy Brayden Dorothy Jacob Lage Mohr (82) 22 Joyce Graybill (80) Vernon Kuhl Bob Dornacker (89) 23 Dale Eurek Jodi Pooley Lori Scott Brayden Sass Jacob Lage 24 Eileen Baker 25 Jeremy Kruse Sandra Showers Louise Voss (92) Angie Sukraw Katie Iltzsch Annabelle Cemer 26 Lil Smith 24 Miriam Eileen Sukraw Baker 25 Leanna JeremyFlynn Kruse Sandra Showers 27 Jane Frost Louise Voss (92) Betty Mohr (82) Angie Sukraw Matthew Mueller Katie Iltzsch Heather Goertz Annabelle Cemer 28 Samuel Giebelhausen 26 Virginia Lil Smith Willats (83) Miriam Sukraw Evan Gliwa Leanna Flynn 29 Layne Laaker 27 Merle Jane Frost Nelson Betty Mohr (82) Freddie Schroeder Matthew 30 Josh Frost Mueller Heather Goertz Kaitlin Carl 28 Samuel Giebelhausen Virginia Willats (83) Evan Gliwa 29 Layne Laaker Merle Nelson Freddie Schroeder 30 Josh Frost Kaitlin Carl Page 17 Anniversary Celebrations Birthdays & Anniversaries Thank you Vic and Deb Sass for sponsoring the September cards in honor of your 40thth Wedding Anniversary on Thank you September 2. Vic and Deb Sass Congratulations! for sponsoring the September cards in honor of your 40thth Wedding Anniversary on September 2. Congratulations! 1 Dale & Tonya Eurek Gerald & Maxine McMurphy (56) Rev. John & Joan Pierson (56) Vic & Deb Sass (40) Kyle & Lisa Kramer Jacob & Tracy Lage 3 Mick & Myrna Nelson (57) 4 Jim & Leola Bonge Dale & & Adrienne Tonya Eurek 101 Bruce Larsen Gerald&&Joan Maxine McMurphy (56) 11 David Havekost Rev. & John & Joan Pierson (56) 20 Wally Karen Boever Vic & Deb Sass (40) 22 Harvey & Mary Jensen (67) Kyle & & Cindy Lisa Kramer 23 Lonny Japp Jacob & TracySass Lage 24 Brent & Kristin Mick & Myrna Nelson (57) 263 Bob & Donna Schmidt Jim & & Mandy Leola Bonge 304 Cody Henrickson 10 Bruce & Adrienne Larsen 11 David & Joan Havekost 20 Wally & Karen Boever 22 Harvey & Mary Jensen (67) 23 Lonny & Cindy Japp 24 Brent & Kristin Sass 26 Bob & Donna Schmidt 30 Cody & Mandy Henrickson Anniversary Celebrations Card Ministry So you say it’s your Birthday? How about those homemade cards that you will be receiving in your home mailbox this year? The Social Ministry Team believes Card that relationships Ministry are key to the outreach ministries of St. John’s you to So you sayand it’s wants your Birthday? know we are here for you. Howthat about those homemade On your birthday, cards that you willand be special receiving occasions, you mailbox should receive a in your home this year? personalized note fromTeam us! The Social Ministry believes that relationships are If key youto would like to be a sponsorof the outreach ministries please contact the church office St. John’s and wants you to for more details. know that we are here for you. On your birthday, and special occasions, you should receive a personalized note from us! If you would like to be a sponsor please contact the church office for more details. Page 18 Thru the Windows Service Schedule September 2012 Page 19 September Calendar St John’s Lutheran Church 322 North Molley Street Bennington, NE 68007 Reverand Andreas Stein 402-238-2483 (Church) 402-238-3398 (Fax) St. John’s Lutheran Church “The Place to Be” Fall Worship Schedule Begins September 9, 2012 Liturgical Service-8:30am Kingdom Quest Sunday School-9:30am Coffee Fellowship-9:30am Contemporary Worship-11:00am
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