A Publication of First Baptist Church, Bartlesville, OK January 26, 2012 Sunday, February 5 Kicks off a series of exciting and informative announcements from our Vision Advisory Group and Staff We will begin exploring together what it means to be a church focused on Building Disciples That Make Disciples Sunday, January 29 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Please plan to bring chili, a dessert, or both to share at this annual fellowship. To enter the friendly competition entries need to be in Fellowship Hall early because judging begins at 5:30 p.m. Following the judging, all chili and desserts will be served. Kid friendly food will be available for the younger members of our church family. ADMINISTRATION Baby Sling Workshop FBC has a wonderful opportunity to supply the young mothers of Nicaragua with baby slings. This simple project can make a world of difference in the lives of these women. Be a part of linking our hands with our hearts in sharing Jesus’ love to those who are so needy. There is a workshop planned for Saturday, February 4, at the Activities Building, where FBC members can come together to help measure, cut, sew, label and pack fabric baby slings. Breakfast will be provided at 9:00 a.m. by the Men’s Ministry and the workshop will be from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. January 22, 2012 Sunday School 537 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 552 41 Month-To-Date Receipts: Tithes & Offerings World Missions $ 89,432.37 $ 2,186.00 Our Medical Mission Team will distribute baby slings next July in Nicaragua. It will take approximately 400 slings to provide one for each mother. Sign up at the kiosk near the elevator, call the church office, or email Reita Adams at [email protected] if you can attend. There will be child care provided by reservation due Thursday, February 2. Visit the kiosk for baby sling patterns, instructions, and/or fabric for sewing at home. ************** Sympathy is extended to the families of: Murlene Nickels, Don & Margaret Nickels and Craig Nickels in the loss of Murlene’s daughter Gay Matthews of Los Alamos, NM ************** LADIES SPRING BIBLE STUDY James, Jesus’ own brother, started out as a skeptic. See how one glimpse of the resurrected Savior turned an unbeliever into a disciple with Beth Moore’s 8-session study. And, in the process, learn how you can put your own faith into action. Our FBC Vision Advisory Group: Register for one of three sessions: Lindsey Christian, Bill Cullins, Wanda Cunningham, Ann Gaines, Scott Hagar, Rex Hartman, Tiffany Holmes, Lisa Johnson, Dennis Pannell, Jason Pinney, Ray Stas, Bill Trout and staff. Session 1: Tuesdays 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. Session 2: Tuesdays 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. Session 3: Wednesdays 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. All sessions begin week of February 20 in the FLC Workbook fee $15 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY We are still looking for substitute teachers! It's not too late to join our team in making a difference in the lives of boys and girls. When you see Heather Smith, please thank her as she has accepted the great challenge of helping teach our 2nd Grade Sunday School class. We are excited to have her join our team in building disciples! Calling all kids in church! We are having a Grand Prix Derby sponsored by our AWANA ministry on Wednesday, March 14. You do not have to be a member of AWANA to purchase a car kit and enter it in our race. Our registration rules have changed for this year so please make sure you read the Registration Information sheet. Big changes: all cars entered must be purchased from FBC and have the AWANA logo on the wheels. Cars will be available to purchase for $5 during February. Did you know that this February is Leap Month and Leap Year? So in Children's Sunday School we are having a Leap Into Sunday School month! All classes will have a challenge every Sunday and for every event completed, a child will win a point for their class. The class with the most points will win a donut party! Ready to Leap? READ THE BIBLE THROUGH: Sunday, January 29 - Genesis 38-40 Monday, January 30 - Genesis 41-42 Tuesday, January 31 - Genesis 43-45 Wednesday, February 1 - Genesis 46-47 Thursday, February 2 - Genesis 48-50 Friday, February 3 - Exodus 1-3 Saturday, February 4 - Exodus 4-6 ************** The Adults on Mission program, Showing Jesus’ Love In Our Community, will be held Thursday, February 2, at 9:15 a.m. in the Activities Building. Everyone interested in missions is invited to attend. ************** Saturday, February 4 7:30 a.m. FAMILY LIFE CENTER Open registration for VOLLEYBALL! Now through February 23 Competitive and Recreational Leagues Activities Building Breakfast by Team 1 ************** √ Each participant will receive a t-shirt. √ Games scheduled for 5:30, 6:40 or 7:50 p.m. √ Each team entry will be guaranteed an eight week regular season and post season tournament play. √ Recreational League will play on Monday nights. √ Competitive Leagues will play on Thursday nights. √ Competitive League games will be refereed. √ Each team may have an eight player roster. Matches will be played 6 vs. 6. Contact the Family Life Center for entry fees and to enter your team! A new 13 week session of GriefShare will begin February 9. The Bartlesville GriefShare group is open to anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. GriefShare provides a place to help people along the journey from mourning to joy. Our leaders help provide a caring and encouraging environment that allows each person’s unique experience to be understood. For more information about GriefShare and how to register click the “GRIEFSHARE” logo on our website at www.bfbc.net or call 918-336-6172. Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID First Baptist Church P. O. Box 1080 Bartlesville, OK 74005 Bartlesville, OK 74005 Permit No. 49 Church Office: 918-336-6172 Intercessory Prayer: 918-336-PRAY (7729) Web Address: www.bfbc.net Return Service Requested OUR CHURCH STAFF Dr. Joe Dan Fowler, Senior Pastor Terry L. Long, Executive Pastor Wade Daniel, Music Minister Lance Brewer, Education Minister Kevin Rainey, Student Minister Angie Durden, Children’s Minister Brenda VanHorn, Early Education Director Josh Quigley, Family Life Center Director st 1 Friday February 3 6:00 - 9:45 p.m. Birth through Pre-K meet in the Early Education Center and Kindergarten through grade 5 meet in the Family Life Center. Sign up in Sunday School, at the Children’s Ministry table on second floor, at the Information Desk or call the Children’s Ministry office at 918-336-6172. Reservations are required by Wednesday and cancellations need to be made by Thursday prior to the event. Parents, please have your child wear tennis shoes if they are going to the Family Life Center. STUDENT MINISTRY February Event!! WINTER JAM Saturday, February 25 BOK Center of Tulsa 6th grade through College students Leaving FBC at 2:00 p.m. - return time midnight “ish” Cost $15. Sign-up soon. Only 35 spots available!
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