THE CORNERPOST Middletown United Methodist Church JUNE In This Issue: Business Administrator Discipleship and Spiritual Formation Impact Louisville Outreach Leisure Ministry Worship Ministries One Crazy Summer Children’s Ministry Media Ministry Annual Lighthouse Walk Counseling Corner The Gathering Methodist Men’s Breakfast Spring Clean Up Day The Child Development Center Little Notes from the Preschool Prayer Chain Retirement Party Care Notes I want to start out this post with an apology. I want to apologize for any inconvenience that you may have experienced recently as you encountered locked doors, an elevator that required someone to buzz you on and the frustrations that those things have caused. It is a sad fact of life that these things have become inconvenient, but necessary. We originally started attempting to address security issues in order to keep the children’s area secure, especially on days and times when children are in the building. However we have encountered other issues over the past 12-18 months. We have had money stolen from the preschool area. We have had two laptops and two cameras disappear. We have acts of vandalism in the sanctuary and the preschool area. As you know this is a large facility with several entry points. We have attempted to make certain it is as secure as possible, but there are many times that in order to accommodate the large variety of groups/schedules that doors must be unlocked for long periods of time. Someone can easily enter the facility and head to an area where no one happens to be and can actually stay for a long period of time without anyone knowing. It is quite unnerving when you think you are the only person in the facility and you suddenly come across someone you don’t know and did not know they were here. So in our attempts to address these issues we have been trying a lot of different ideas. None of them are perfect, yet we often don’t know the unintended consequences until after we have set an idea in motion. So once again I apologize for our past issues and for those you might encounter in the near future as we wrestle with the best way to prevent further loss of property, vandalism, or something worse. I really appreciate your understanding and your support on this issue. Hopefully we will find an idea that will be the least disruptive and most effective. Dancing with God, Tom Business Administrator Jennie Pepoon Fiscal Year Financial Update July 2013 – June 2014 May 2014 March April YTD Income – Surplus/(Deficit) to Budget (14,580.76) (22,092.82) (149,227.28) Expenses – Under/(Over) Budget 23,824.23 20,966.67 41,039.78 Total Surplus/(Deficit) 9,243.47 (1,126.15) (108,187.50) Discipleship and Spiritual Formation Nancy Tinnell Come and See…Come and Follow Me…Come and Be With Me…Remain in Me Adult Sunday School This is a good time to say a word of thanks to all of our adult Sunday School classes. You are the heartbeat of the church, as you faithfully serve and support so many projects and church-wide efforts. Oh, how we rely on you to shepherd one another, prepare good Biblically-based lessons, and be the agents of mission and outreach for the congregation. In June, each class will be selecting its new group of officers, each of whom will have a part in the planning and organizing of class activities. To the outgoing officers, many thanks for all you have done. When I contact you, you are so faithful to respond to help with the mission of the church. Don’t ever think we take it for granted. You are appreciated beyond words! Branches Women’s Ministry SUMMER I—IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN US Tuesdays, beginning May 20th at 9:30 a.m. Nancy Tinnell will lead a 6-week discussion on The Cup of Our Life by Joyce Rupp. She explores how the cup is a rich symbol of life, with its emptiness and fullness, its brokenness and flaws, and all of its blessings. Books are $14. Contact Nancy Tinnell to register ([email protected]) SUMMER II Thursdays, beginning July 10th at 9:30 a.m. Amy Archer will lead a 6-week study on Sacred Secrets by Beth Moore. This 6-session study explores the theology of secrets. Secrets can be good or harmful. Some need forgiveness, and some should be kept between you and God. Find out what happens when we let God teach us "wisdom in the secret heart." Books are $10. Contact Nancy Tinnell to register ([email protected]). Discipleship and Spiritual Formation Nancy Tinnell Come and See…Come and Follow Me…Come and Be With Me…Remain in Me SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, September 20, 2014 Be Radiant Women’s Conference Missions When: August 23-30 Where: Belmopan, Belize Project: helping to complete a new high school If you have interest, please contact Jack Swann ([email protected], 245-6682) or Scott Woodburn ([email protected] , 245-8839). ___________________________________________________________________________ When: August 16 Where: Petersburg Park Project: Impact Louisville, a city-wide mission endeavor by the Louisville District UMC. Our contribution will be helping the LMPD 6th Division to host a back to school bash for the neighborhood. See more details in our Impact Louisville article in this Cornerpost. ____________________________________________________________________________ When: Project: June 4 Where: Connection Center Our youth will sponsor a Wednesday night fundraiser to help support their mission trip to North Carolina this summer. Enjoy a delicious dinner from Martini’s and know that you are contributing to a worthy cause. Adults and children 12 and up: $15 Art and Faith Event: Thursday, June 19th Nancy Tinnell and friends will present Uncommon Attitude, a collection of short readings from the works of theologians and poets at The Bard’s Town (Speed Ave. and Bardstown Rd.) from 8:00-9:30 p.m. Readings will be interspersed with music from The Weeks Family Band (yes, that would be Dan and Paige, along with sons Garrett and Patrick). Enjoy good food and beverages and help us share the joy of faith meeting life! Are you a member, regular attendee, or guest of MUMC and on Twitter and/or Facebook? Message us directly @middletownumc and let us know so we can follow you! Methodist Men’s Breakfast There will be a breakfast meeting of the United Methodist Men on Saturday, June 14th at 7:30 a.m. in the Connection Center. Our speaker will be Coach Greg Scheer, baseball coach at St. X High School and former minor league baseball player. What breaks your heart? What breaks God’s heart? Impact Louisville August 16, 2014 The churches in the Louisville District have been called to make a difference in our city by sponsoring an event that helps to (1) promote better understanding among the people in a community or (2) provide help for a community problem. Middletown UMC is going to assist the LMPD Division 6 with a back to school bash from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in an effort to build trust and respect between the children and their local police officers. We are familiar with this division location due to our involvement with The Lighthouse. We are also very good at planning back to school bashes! Help is needed in the following ways: Volunteer for one of two shifts: (a) 10-12:30 or (b) 12:30-3:00 The early shift will help to set up. The late shift will help to tear down. The “jobs” are easy. Monitor a booth (bouncie, snow cone machine, etc.) or help to cook and serve the hot dogs! Donate to help us pay for supplies and rentals. We are providing this for LMPD, partnering with them to show our appreciation for their work in addition to helping them with a community relations event. The Division will have a presence at the event, but we are running the show on their behalf, because, as stated earlier, we do it so well! Outreach Rev. Scott Woodburn [email protected] I recently had coffee with a pastor who is planting a church. He shared with me his vision, his goals, his dreams of reaching the unchurched, and all the excitement he had for this mission. He shared how God continues to motivate him to reach out to all those who have not experienced Christ’s transforming love. As the conversation went on I begin to see his vision and God’s vision for this new church. I was excited for him and his ministry. As our time was drawing to a close, he looked me straight in the eyes and said “Scott, I can’t do this.” I responded with “sure you can man. You can do this.” He said “Nope. But you know what? A group of people and God can.” As I reflect on that conversation I’m drawn to that statement, “a group of people and God can.” Sometimes we fall into the trap of trying to do everything ourselves. Sometimes we think it’s all up to us. In those moments we need to take a step back and say to ourselves “a group of people and God can.” When it comes to reaching out to those who do not have a church family, we cannot do it alone because we will get tired and burned out. We can’t do it alone, but a group of people and God can. Upcoming Events: July Coffee and Conversation When: July 6th @ 9:40 a.m. Where: Connection Center For: Guest and Non-Members Why: Coffee and Conversation is an opportunity for our guest and nonmembers to meet some of our pastors in non-threatening ways. This will provide each guest and non-member a chance to get to know some of our pastors. Outreach Rev. Scott Woodburn [email protected] June Ultimate Frisbee League Starting Saturdays in June @ 10:30 a.m. Where: Middletown UMC Soccer Field Want to play Ultimate Frisbee? Join us Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. at the MUMC Ball Fields to enjoy some exercise and friendly competition. ALL ARE WELCOME! To register go to, email [email protected] or call (502) 245-8839 ext. 103. (last minute drop-ins are welcome) MUMC Golf League When: June 5, 12, 19, 26 @ 6:00 PM Where: Quail Chase Golf Course, 7000 Cooper Chapel Road, 40229 Cost: $20 per person/9 holes If you love a good golf game, join us Thursdays at 6:00 June for 9 holes of golf at Quail Chase Golf Course. All are welcome! To register go to, email Steve Shawhan at [email protected] or call 859-433-3731. July Boys Upward Basketball Camp When: July 14-17, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Cost: $60 per child Ages: 2nd—6th Grade Register at For more information email [email protected] or call (502) 245 -8839 ext. 103 YOUTH NEWS Rev. Abbi Long can be reached at [email protected] Messages from the Children’s Ministry Amy Bishop Get Connected! Join the MUMC Parents email group. You’ll receive pertinent information about special activities, children’s events, and more. Email [email protected] and ask to join today! There is still time for you to be a part of our Vacation Bible School at MUMC, June 16-20. We have a volunteer spots still open! And we need YOU! We need over 100 adult and youth volunteers! Even if you can’t work the whole week, we still need you. Contact Amy Bishop at [email protected]. As we prepare for VBS, our team would cherish your prayers. Pray that God would give us wisdom and pray that God would begin working in the hearts of the children who will come to Wilderness Escape VBS! If you still haven’t registered your kids…Register now! Don’t miss the fun— Register online to participate and to volunteer!! Club 45 and Highway 321 will meet on June 8th from 5:30-7:00, upstairs Building C. Check us out on Facebook! Be sure to “Like” MUMC Kids so you will be able to keep up with our happenings! Annual Lighthouse Walk The Annual Lighthouse Walk fundraiser, sponsored by the Buechel United Methodist Men, will be held on Saturday, June 21th from 9:00 a.m to 11:30 a.m. at Petersburg Park, 5008 E. Indian Trail. All proceeds benefit the Lighthouse Community Center. Anyone who collects a minimum of $50 will receive a free tee-shirt the day of the event. This year, the proceeds will go towards the purchase of new computers and equipment for our expanded computer lab. Contact any Lighthouse Board Member for a Walk Brochure or go to our Website at to download a brochure. We have several Lighthouse Board Members including Jim Sutton, Jack Swann and Al Kirkpatrick. Worship Ministries Dale Mowery FREEDOM FESTIVAL 2014 Join us for a great evening of Family Fun, Great Food and Good Music as we celebrate the freedom we enjoy as Americans. This year’s event is going to be bigger and better than ever: FIVE AMAZING INFLATABLES FOR KIDS & ADULTS GREAT MUSIC FOR ALL AGES The Billy Davis Group – 5:30-7pm The Wulfe Brothers – 7pm- 8pm Ladies for Liberty – 8pm-9pm ALL-AMERICAN GREAT FOOD Hot Dogs, Potato Chips, Ice Cream, Drinks FREE!! Everyone entering will be given 10 free tickets for Activities and/or Food. Additional tickets can be purchased for $.50. Invite your family and friends to come and join you for this fun outreach activity for our community. We have so much to be thankful for as Americans. We have even more to be thankful for as followers of Christ. The Freedom Festival is a wonderful opportunity for you to invite your non-churched family and friends to see that MUMC is a fun place to be involved. It just might be an event where they begin the search to find the true source of our freedom; Jesus Christ! Counseling Corner -Dr. Kirk Day Recently I had to attend an orthodontics consultation for my daughter. The news wasn’t what we hoped for: my daughter is going to need reconstructive facial surgery before she can get braces. The orthodontist showed us x-rays and other photos demonstrating how her upper jaw needs to be broken and shifted forward so that it aligns with her lower jaw properly, otherwise braces will never correct her dental issues. Olivia was discouraged because this means it will be a longer process getting her teeth corrected, and I was discouraged because this means it will be longer before I can buy my red sports car. But the orthodontist said something that really stuck with me. He explained that sometimes things need to be broken first in order to be made better. On the way home we were listening to the radio and the song “Keep making me” by Sidewalk Prophets came on. The lyrics include, “Make me broken, so I can be healed. Make me empty, so I can be filled. Make me lonely so I can be Yours, ‘til I want no one more than You, Lord. 'Til You are my one desire, 'Til You are my one true love, 'Til You are my breath, my everything. Lord, please keep making me.” It reminded me that we, too, need to experience brokenness in life so that we can allow the Lord to come into it, bring healing according to His plan, and be transformed into someone more healthy, holy, and reliant on Him. Too often we pray for God to remove the pain instead of inviting Him into it so He can use it to make us into better images of Christ. We are all Christians Under Construction, and while growing pains are not pleasant, they are necessary. The campus ministry at U of L (aka The Gathering) is committed to be a resource for college students, even during the summer. The Gathering is serving as host this summer to several fun activities and special events. From campouts and canoe trips to movies and cookouts, students are getting to know one another on a deeper level now that school is out and summer is underway. In addition to the fun, they are also learning leadership skills they will use when they welcome incoming freshmen this fall. For more information about The Gathering, the UMC campus ministry at U of L, please visit SUMMER EVENTS SCHEUDLE May 27-30: May 6: May 23: August 2: Game nights over orientation sessions Movie night Camping at Parker Mountain (near LaGrange, KY) Canoeing at Blue River, IN August 15-16: Discipleship Training August 20: Move in day August 22: Cook out at the Cooksey's (St. Matthews, Louisville) “Let the children come unto me…” The Child Development Center Ministry LET’S ZIPLINE INTO SUMMER !!!!! WOW ! We are going to have a BLAST this summer in the CDC ! Some of our June special events are Let’s get Physical, Soccer Camp, VBS, Mr. Magic and Lifetouch Portraits ! The children will be able to enjoy the outdoors by sometimes eating on the patio for lunch and having snack on the patio and more playground Little Notes From The Preschool This has been a very pleasant, enjoyable, and fast school year, and we would like to thank everyone for their support........... -Special thanks to Amy for doing monthly chapel with the 4's & 5's -Special thanks to our preschool board and especially our board chair, Jen Chapman -Special thanks to Pastor Tom for attending all our meetings, programs and all the other Events! Time. -And, most importantly, a special thanks to all our parents for sharing their child with us! Little ones to Him belong. They are weak but He is strong. We will end the year with our programs and receptions. Everyone is invited! “Those who are humble are happy. The earth will belong to them.” Our registration for the 2004-15 school year still has limited openings in the afternoon sessions. Please share this with anyone interested in our preschool! Matthew 5:5 Happy Summer! CDC Staff Backpack Ministry Thanks to all who volunteered to help with the Backpack Ministry for the 2013-2014 school year. We also want to thank the congregation for the monetary and food donations as well. We think that we had a very successful year and are looking to pursue this ministry again next year. You can bring donations all summer if you want to because we will be stocking throughout the summer. Please continue to use your Kroger cards because we benefit by getting 4% back from them each month. From August 2013 thru April 2014, we have received $2,856.73 from Kroger to add to the backpack funds. Thanks, Patsy Three staff will be retiring the end of this school year: Melinda Arbough (9 years), Debbie Robinson (31 years) and myself (29 years). I know I speak for all three of us when I say a big THANK YOU to everyone for everything they have done for us over the years. I would especially like to thank Amy, Jen & Melinda for the wonderful reception and for everyone’s generosity – I have been so blessed and will truly miss MUMP and everything about it!!!! The preschool staff would like to wish each family a pleasant, restful, and fulfilled summer! Blessings, Preschool Staff Prayer Chain We have a very active prayer chain here at MUMC. In the last year, we fielded over eighty requests for church members, friends and relatives for all kinds of needs and situations. Thirty-eight people take part in this ministry. If you have a prayer need or want to join the prayer chain, call Diane Fairfield at 426-9789 (H) or 644-7576 (C). THE CORNERPOST June 2014 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE FOR The July 2014 ISSUE: Monday, June 23rd ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 11902 Old Shelbyville Road Louisville, KY 40243 Phone: (502) 245-8839 Fax: (502) 245-9547 Counseling Center: (502) 894-9380
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