Department of the Built Environment Building Physics and Services Gebouw 51, Groene Loper 6, 5612 AZ Eindhoven To whom it may concern Postbus 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven Internal address: Vertigo 6.30 Subject Programme Honorary Symposium 29 April 2015 PROGRAMME HONORARY SYMPOSIUM 29 APRIL 2015: Contact 8:00 Coffee 8:30 Prof. Nelissen Bert Blocken [email protected] Dean, Department Built Environment Opening Address 8:40 Prof. Tamura Beijing Jiaotong University, China Effects of configuration of super-tall buildings on aerodynamic response and pedestrian level wind 9:00 Prof. Solari University of Genova, Italy Thunderstorm monitoring, modelling, loading and response of structures 9:20 Prof. Baker University of Birmingham, UK Uncertainty and risk in wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 9:40 Prof. Sterling University of Birmingham, UK Physically modeling the impact of transient winds on low-rise buildings 10:00 Dr. Geurts TNO, The Netherlands Local wind loads on the building envelope 10:20 Coffee Break 10:50 Prof. Tominaga Niigata Institute of Technology, Japan CFD simulation of near-field pollutant dispersion in the urban environment: Some remarks on turbulence modeling 11:10 Dr. Gromke 11:30 Prof. Moonen Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Environmental aerodynamic wind-tunnel studies of forest flows University of Pau, France Statistical model emulation: a surrogate for CFD? 11:50 Dr. Neophytou University of Cyprus, Cyprus Laboratory and field experiments for numerical simulations of urban fluid flows 12:10 Prof. van Beeck Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium Small-scale modelling for ABL wind tunnels – future needs 12:30 Lunch Break Page 13:30 2 of 2 Prof. Borri University of Firenze, Italy Wave loads and dynamic response of large wind turbines in rough sea states 13:50 Prof. Hensen 14:10 Prof. van Heijst Eindhoven University of Technology, NL Building performance simulation relies on urban environmental modeling Eindhoven University of Technology, NL The dynamical behaviour of vortices near solid objects with sharp edges 14:30 Dr. Hornikx Eindhoven University of Technology, NL Meteorological effects on sound propagation 14:50 Coffee Break 15:20 Dr. Karava Purdue University, USA Mixed-mode buildings research: multiscale experiments, modeling, system identification and optimal control 15:40 Prof. Carmeliet 16:00 Dr. van Hooff ETH Zurich and EMPA, Switzerland New advances in wind-driven rain research Leuven University, Belgium Basic and applied ventilation studies using experiments and CFD simulations 16:20 Dr. Ramponi ARUP, UK Stadium thermal comfort in hot climates: the importance of roof design 16:40 Prof. Blocken Eindhoven University of Technology, NL & Leuven University, Belgium Wind engineering @ Eindhoven University: past, present and future 17:00 Prof. Stathopoulos Concordia University, Canada Wind effects on buildings and their codification 18:00 Drinks and snacks
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