Brief announcements Distributed Systems & Control 1 fourth homework will be posted next week and will contain material spanning multiple lectures 2 projects are posted & we have received the group info Advanced Topics in Control 2015 Lecture 9: Time-varying averaging ⇒ group/project assignment posted online ⇒ start off working 1 / 34 2 / 34 A teaser Continuous-time example: −1 102 x˙ = x 0 −1 what info do you get from the spectrum of a non-symmetric matrix anyways (?) . . . x ’ = − x − 100 y y’=−y recap: convergence factors +2 x2 2 1.5 1 (chapter 8) 0.5 y 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 2 −2 −40 3 / 34 40 −30 −20 −10 0 x 10 20 30 x1 +40 40 4 / 34 The disagreement vector & its dynamics Convergence factors & solution bounds Theorem: Let A be doubly-stochastic and primitive. setup: A is doubly-stochastic & primitive 1 ⇒ convergence of x(` + 1) = Ax(`) to xfinal = average(x0 ) · 1 disagreement vector: The convergence factors of A satisfy T rstep (A) = A − 1n 1n /n , 2 δ(`) = x(`) − average(x0 ) · 1 rasym (A) = ρess (A) = ρ(A − 1n 1T n /n) < 1, ⇒ disagreement dynamics: δ(` + 1) = A − 11T /n δ(`) Moreover, rasym (A) ≤ rstep (A), and rstep (A) = rasym (A) if A = AT . ⇒ orthogonality: δ(`) ⊥ 1 for all ` ∈ Z≥0 2 ⇒ stability: ρ A − 11T /n < 1 ⇔ A is primitive For any initial condition, kδ(`)k2 ≤ rstep (A)` kδ0 k2 , kδ(`)k2 ≤ Cε (rasym (A) + ε)` kδ0 k2 , per-step conv. factor: rstep (A) = supδ(`)6=O kδ(` + 1)k2 /kδ(`)k2 asymptotic conv. factor: rasym (A)` = supδ0 6=O lim kδ(` + 1)k2 /kδ0 k2 `→∞ where ε > 0 is an arbitrarily small constant and Cε is a sufficiently large constant independent of x0 . 5 / 34 6 / 34 the general case of a strongly connected graph is almost perfectly identical . . . the continuous-time case is perfectly identical . . . 7 / 34 8 / 34 Organization of today’s lecture Convergence rates & scalability Time-varying averaging (Chapter 9) (Chapter 10) bounds are for worst-case initial values supδ06=O . . . what about average performance ? 9 / 34 10 / 34 Average performance for random initial conditions setup: A is doubly-stochastic & primitive ⇒ convergence of x(` + 1) = Ax(`) to xfinal = average(x0 ) · 1 random initial conditions x0 with E x0 = 0 and E x0 x0T = I disagreement dynamics: δ(` + 1) = A − 11T /n δ(`) with E δ0 = 0 and E δ0 δ0T = I − 11T /n 1 N X λ∈spec(A)\{1} PT kδ(`)k22 1 − λ2(T −1) T →∞ 1 −−−−→ 1 − λ2 N X Theorem: If A is symmetric, then JT (A) = 1 N `=0 E linear quadratic (LQ) cost JT (A) = discussion on board λ∈spec(A)\{1} 1 . 1 − λ2 11 / 34 12 / 34 A case study for the ring graph 0 1 2N-1 An,k N-1 N = 1 − 2k k 0 .. . 0 k [R. Carli, F. Garin, & S. Zampieri, ’09] kProposition 0 1 (LQ · · · cost asymptotics): 0 k Given {Pn }n≥δ a with p(z , . . . , z ), .. .. Cayley or a grid matrix family associated 1 d . . 1 − 2k k 0 on d) such that: there exist Cd , Cd′ .>. 0 (depending only . .. .. . . k 1 − 2k , • if d = 1, ′ .. .. .. .. C1 N ; . . . J∆ (Pn )0 ≤ .C1 N ≤ .. .. • . if d = 2,. k 1 − 2k k 0 ··· where k ∈ [0, 1/2[• if d ≥ 3, with 2N vertices and reflection axis corresponding to the map − l, used in the construction of a line with N vertices. ⇒ last exercise: λi = 2k cos 2π(i−1) n 0 k 1 − 2k C2 log N ≤ J∆ (Pn ) ≤ C2′ log N ; time-varying averaging algorithms Cd ≤ J∆ (Pn ) ≤ Cd′ . ! To give a better understanding of the above Theorem, me coefficients that Pn associates to edges of the we propose an example illustrating an interestig comparison 2 k 1 +ofOthe1 functional cost J and of the torus. ⇒ worst-case convergence: ρess (An,k between the4π behavior )≈1− ∆ 2 4 n n refer to the above construction of a family of essential spectral ρess as n → ∞ of a particular sequence of Cayley graphs. n }n≥δ with the short name ‘grid matrix family n We owill see how the evaluation of the with p(z1⇒ , . . .average , zd )’. performance of performance: JT (A) ≈ const. · max n1the , √1 average consensus algorithms, in the Prop. 3.2], we can find the eigenvalues of P n : asymptotic regime n T→ ∞, is strictly related to the choice 13 / 34 14 / 34 of the functional cost. i π h1 i π hd ), h ∈ Vn . h = p(e n , . . . , e n Example 1: Consider the sequence of Cayley matrices 3 {P geometric graphs % n } built as follows. For each n, let G = Zn and let S = (0, 0, 0),&(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (−1, 0, 0), (0, −1, 0), om geometric graph is a random undirected graph (0, 0, −1) . Moreover let π(g) = 17 for all g ∈ S. It is well Averaging shared communication channel I Averaging with shared communication channel II bounded region, e.g.,with the d-dimensional unitary known (see [5]) that, in this case, It is generated by C Protocol: a communication Gshared-comm vertices at random, Given uniformly and independently ρess (Pn ) ≥ 1 − 3 Protocol: Each node has a different N Gshared-comm digraph he region, and Gshared-comm , at each clock & there is no common schedule. 3 4 where C is a constant independent from the topology of the ting twocommunication vertices if and only if the euclidean disround, only one node 3 4 graphs. From the above inequality it turns out that, Suppose if we that messages are safely etween can themtransmit is at most to a pre-assigned threshold r. over all its out-neighbors consider as functional cost the asymptotic covergence delivered factor even if transmitting & receiving m geometric graph was in [13]node a common bus first and introduced every receiving defined in (4), then the performance of the average consensus en deeply studied under a communications and agents are not synchronized. Each time 1 2 will implement a single averaging step. drasti1 2 -theoretic point of view in [14]. It has recently algorithms associated to the sequence {Pn } degrades an agent wakes up, the available cally as n → ∞. Instead, Proposition 1 guarantees the exislarge interest in many applications; particularly ′ ′ information from its neighbors varies. successfully used to model wireless communica- tence of constants C3+and C13 such that C3 ≤ J∆ (Pn ) ≤ C3 Update: j receives the message from i for & all implements x := (x +x ) j n. ! j 2 i n Section IV-B, given a random geometric graph Proposition 2 (Quadratic estimation error asymptotics): e will associate to it a doubly stochastic matrix P Update: At an iteration instant for agent i, assuming agent i has new ing to the Metropolis weights rule [29]; precisely, Given {Pn }n≥δ a Cayley or a grid matrix family associated ′ Round-robin schedule: i talks only atwith times i, n + i, 2n + i, . . . , k · n + i p(z1 , . . . , zd ), there exist constants c0 = c0 messages/information = 1, from agents i1 , . . . , im , agent i will implement: es the element of P in the i-th row and in the j-th ′ ′ c , . . . , c , c , . . . , c > 0 and k ∈ (0, 1) such that 1 d 1 d will have 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 1 1 ⎧ ' 1 1 cl 1 c′l xi+ := m+1 xi + m+1 (xi1 + · · · + xim ) t if (i, j) ∈ E ⎨ 1+max{d max ≤ J (P , t) ≤ k + ,d } e n $ i j d−l d−l l/2 l/2 l=0,...,d n n t t 1 − 1(i,k) ∈ E\{(i,i)} 2 Pik 1 if i = j 2 1 2 1 2 l=0,...,d ⎩ 0 otherwise time = 1, 5, 9, . . . time = 2, 6, 10, . . . time = 3, 7, 11, . . . time = 4, 8, 12, . . . ! (structure? convergence?) Corollary 1: Given {Pn }n≥δ a Cayley or a grid Update matrix sequence: x(` + 1) = A(`)x(`) |Ni \{(i, i)} | with Ni = {j ∈ V | (i, j) ∈ E}. In with p(z1 , . . . , zd ), there exists constants Update sequence: 1) = An−1family · · · A1associated x(1) the weight on each edge is onex(n over+one plusAnthe 16 / 34 15 / 34 ee at its two incident vertices, and the self-weights n0 ∈ N, k1 , k2 > 0 such that, for all n ≥ n0 , ( ) ( ) + (1 − 2k) for i ∈ {1, . . . , n} (chapter 10) The scalar time-varying iteration x(` + 1) = a(`)x(`) 3 x(l+1) = exp(−1/(l+1)2)*x(l) y(l+1) = exp(−1/(l+1))*y(l) 2.5 2 1.5 warm-up 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 A necessary and sufficient condition convergence is 17 / 34 30 . 18 / 34 The matrix case x(` + 1) = A(`)x(`) solution is x(`) = Π`−1 k=1 A(k)x0 = A(` − 1) · A(`) · · · A(1) · x0 condition(?) if for each ` ∈ Z≥0 we have ρ(A(`)) < 1, then . 1 1 1 0 2 puzzling example with ρ(Ai ) < 1: A1 = and A2 = 0 0 1 0 exp(−1/(` + 1)α ) 1 − exp(−1/(` + 1)α ) averaging: A(`) = 1 − exp(−1/(` + 1)α ) exp(−1/(` + 1)α ) 2 discrete averaging algorithms 2 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 / 34 20 / 34 Consensus for time-varying algorithms Theorem: Let {A(`)}`∈Z≥0 be a sequence of row-stochastic matrices with associated digraphs {G (`)}`∈Z≥0 . Assume that (A1) each digraph G (`) has a self-loop at each node; (A2) each non-zero edge weight aij (`), including the self-loops weights aii (`), is larger than a constant ε > 0; and point-wise convergence on board (A3) there exists a duration δ ∈ N such that, for all times ` ∈ Z≥0 , the digraph G (`) ∪ · · · ∪ G (` + δ − 1) contains a globally reachable node. Then 1 2 the solution to x(` + 1) = A(`)x(`) converges exp. fast to w T x0 1, where w ∈ Rn≥0 is normalized to w1 + · · · + wn = 1; and if additionally each matrix in the sequence is doubly-stochastic, then w = n1 1n so that lim`→∞ x(`) = average(x0 )1. 22 / 34 21 / 34 Consensus for symmetric time-varying algorithms Theorem: Let {A(`)}`∈Z≥0 be a sequence of symmetric row-stochastic matrices with associated undirected graphs {G (`)}`∈Z≥0 . Assume that (A1) each digraph G (`) has a self-loop at each node; (A2) each non-zero edge weight aij (`), including the self-loops weights aii (`), is larger than a constant ε > 0; and proof ideas on board (A4) for all ` ∈ Z≥0 , the graph ∪τ ≥` G (τ ) is connected. Then the solution to x(` + 1) = A(`)x(`) converges exponentially fast to average(x0 )1. Compare to previous assumption (A3): there exists a duration δ ∈ N such that, for all times ` ∈ Z≥0 , the digraph G (`) ∪ · · · ∪ G (` + δ − 1) contains a globally reachable node. 23 / 34 24 / 34 Uniform connectivity is required for asymmetric matrices Initialize a group of n = 3 agents to x1 < −1, x2 < −1, x3 > +1. x1 > +1, x2 < −1, x3 > +1. x2 < −1, x3 < −1. x2 > +1, x3 < −1. Step 1: perform x1+ := (x1 + x3 )/2, x2+ := x2 , x3+ := x3 δ1 times until Step 2: perform x1+ := x1 , x2+ := x2 , x3+ := (x2 + x3 )/2 δ2 times until x1 > +1, observations on board Step 3: perform x1+ := x1 , x2+ := (x1 + x2 )/2, x3+ := x3 a δ3 times until x1 > +1, And repeat this process. 1 2 1 ∪ 3 step 1 2 3 step 2 1 ∪ 2 3 step 3 1 = 2 union 3 25 / 34 26 / 34 Motivation I: flocking behavior or continuous averaging algorithms (θj − θi ), θ˙i = 12 (θj1 − θi ) + 12 (θj2 − θi ), 1 1 m (θj1 − θi ) + · · · + m (θjm − θi ), if one neighbor at time t if two neighbors at time t if m neighbors at time t θ˙i = average {θj , j ∈ N out(t) (i)} − θi or θ˙ = −L(t)θ 27 / 34 28 / 34 Motivation II: coupled oscillators P Mi θ¨i + Di θ˙i = Ωi − j Kij sin(θi − θj ) Ω1 Ω2 • inertia constants Mi > 0 • viscous damping Di > 0 • external torques Ωi ∈ R • spring constants Kij ≥ 0 For Di = 1, Mi Di , and Ωi = 0: ⇔ ⇒ ⇒ Ω3 warm-up example P θ˙i = − j Kij sin(θi −θj ) P θ˙i (t) = − j aij (t)(θi (t) − θj (t)) with aij (t) = Kij sinc(θi (t) − θj (t)) if |θi (t) − θj (t)| < π for all {i, j} ∈ E and for all t ≥ 0, then aij (t) > 0 coupled oscillator network reduced to Laplacian flow θ˙ = −L(t)θ 29 / 34 30 / 34 Time-varying algorithms — connected point-wise in time Consensus for time-varying algorithms Theorem: Let t 7→ L(t) = L(t)T be a time-varying Laplacian matrix with associated time-varying digraph t 7→ G (t), t ∈ R≥0 . Assume Theorem: Let t 7→ A(t) be a time-varying adjacency matrix with associated time-varying digraph t 7→ G (t), t ∈ R≥0 . Assume [Moreau, 04] (A1) each non-zero edge weight aij (t) is larger than a constant ε > 0, (A1) each non-zero edge weight aij (t) is larger than a constant ε > 0, (A2) for all t ∈ R≥0 , the digraph associated to the symmetric Laplacian matrix L(t) is undirected and connected. (A2) there exists a duration T > 0 such that, for all t ∈ R≥0 , the digraph associated to the adjancency matrix Z Then the solution to x(t) ˙ = −L(t)x(t) converges exp. to average(x0 )1. t+T A(τ )dτ t Limitations of quadratic Lyapunov functions: Let L be a Laplacian associated with a weighted digraph G . The following are equivalent: 1 L + LT is negative semi-definite; 2 L has zero column sums, that is, G is weight-balanced; 3 4 the sum of squares function V (δ) = kδk2 is strictly decreasing; and every convex function V (x) invariant under coordinate permutations is non-increasing along the trajectories of x˙ = −Lx. 31 / 34 contains a globally reachable node. Then 1 2 the solution to x(t) ˙ = −L(t)x(t) converges exponentially fast to T w x0 1, where w ∈ Rn≥0 is normalized to w1 + · · · + wn = 1; and if additionally, the 1T L(t) = OT for almost all times t, then w = n1 1 so that limt→∞ x(t) = average(x0 )1. 32 / 34 Symmetric time-varying consensus algorithms [Hendrickx et al. ’13] Theorem: Let t 7→ A(t) be a time-varying symmetric adjacency matrix. Consider an associated undirected graph G = (V , E ), t ∈ R≥0 that has an edge (i, j) ∈ E if Z ∞ aij (τ )dτ 0 is divergent. Assume that Reading assignment (lecture notes): Extra notes on average performance Chapter 10: Time-varying averaging (A1) each non-zero edge weight aij (t) is larger than a constant ε > 0, (A2) the graph G is connected. Exercise session (Friday): Then the solution to x(t) ˙ = −L(t)x(t) converges exponentially fast to average(x0 )1. review of take-home messages examples & additional facts Compare to previous assumption (A3): there exists a duration T > 0 such that, for all t ∈ R≥0 , the digraph associated to the adjancency matrix R t+T A(τ )dτ contains a globally reachable node. t 33 / 34 exercises & illustrations 34 / 34
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