Math 1010 HW12 solutions p.294, #4. Use the ratio test.

Math 1010
HW12 solutions
p.294, #4. Use the ratio test.
p.294, #5. We have
= 1 − (t − 1) + (t − 1)2 + · · · + (−1)k (t − 1)k + . . .
1 + (t − 1)
which has radius of convergence 1. Integrating term by term gives
(t − 1)2
+ ··· +
(t − 1)k + . . . .
The constant term is 0 since log 1 = 0. This also has radius of convergence
1 (a power series and its derivative have the same radius of convergence).
log t = (t − 1) −
p.294, #6. A function is analytic if it has a power series expansion (of
positive radius of convergence) at every point c in its (open) domain. One
can get a power series for F near any point by integrating the corresponding
series for f term by term. The only thing to check is that the constant
terms can be chosen consistently. However whenever two power series have
overlapping domains of convergence, on their common domain they agree
up to an additive constant; thus one can assign the constants in a consistent
P∞ 2+2k
(b.) Differentiate 1/(1 − x) term by term to
p.294, #7. (a.)
k=0 x
get k=1 kxk−1 (c.) See problem 4.
p.294, #10. Use Theorem 7.4.1 relating the radius of convergence R to
the growth of the coefficients: For any R0 < R and large enough n we have
|an |1/n < 1/R0 , so |f n!(x0 )| = |an | < 1/R0n . Choose M so that |ak | < M/R0k
for k ≤ n. We conclude that |f (n) (x0 )| ≤ M n!rn for all n, where r = 1/R0 .
p.307, #5. Suppose f is zero outside [a, b]. It suffices to show that (f ∗g)0 =
f ∗ g 0 and f ∗ g 0 = f 0 ∗ g. Then we can differentiate k + m times, putting k
derivatives on f and m on g. We have
Z b
Z b
(f ∗g)0 (x) =
f (t)g(x−t) dt =
f (t)g(x−t) dt =
f (t)g 0 (x−t) dt.
dx R
dx a
Here we can differentiate under the integral sign since the difference quotients g(x+h−t)−g(x−t)
converge uniformly to g 0 (x − t) as h → 0, since g 0 (x)
is continuous.
To show that f ∗ g 0 = f 0 ∗ g, use integration by parts.
p.307, #15. If 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 then 0 f (t)f (x − t)dt = 0 1 · 1dt = x and if
1 < x ≤ 2 then 0 f (t)f (x − t)dt = x−1 1dx = 2 − x. If x 6∈ [0, 2] then
f ∗f (x) = 0. I would call this a “tent function” rather than a “hat function”.