APRIL 2015 Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of Historic Vehicles Photo taken at S.W.Slopes Clubs’Get-Together It’s a 1977 JAGUAR with a 1958 Caravan. Temora Antique Motor Club Sunday 15 March, 2015 Website: www.cootamundraantiquemotorclub.org Printed at Cootamundra by Atlas Printing Works MEETINGS are held on the first Monday of each month at Cootamundra Library, 8 p.m. Club Colours Green & Gold OFFICE BEARERS FOR 2015 A FOUNDER OF THE CLUB: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Events Co-ordinator Plates Registrar Club Captain Librarian Keeper of Club Album Editor Photographer Membership Officer Public Officer Swap Meet Co-ordinator Web Master Registration Inspectors Malcolm Chaplin Ray Douglas Alan Thompson Garry Metcalfe Mark (Zeke) Loiterton Kevin Jarrett Paul Fuller Ken Harrison MICHAEL LIVINGSTONE Ken Harrison Tim O’Keeffe Betsy Harrison [email protected] Sue McCarthy Betsy Harrison Alan Thompson Paul Andreatta John Collins Gwen Livingstone John Collins [email protected] Barry Gavin John Collins 6942 2309 6386 2164 6942 2309 0408 603364 0412 457860 0408 603364 6386 3365 6942 2309 6942 1181 6942 1741 6942 1496 6942 1039 6942 1496 0408 603364 0400 128016 0421 497189 0428 421496 0428 421039 0428 421 496 6942 1282 6942 1496 0488 421976 0428 421496 Joan Collins Betsy Harrison John Milnes [email protected] 6942 1496 6942 2309 6942 4140 0408 603 364 0432 606293 Movement Book Alan Thompson Ken McKay 6942 4406 6942 1508 6942 1181 0411 484530 6942 1836 6942 2939 0269 434 416 6942 2309- 0408603364 Membership Fee 6942 1181 6386 3526 PHONE in to record in the Movement Book. State clearly – 1. Who you are 2. Where you’re going 3. When 4. And what car! $30 annually -- January to December CLUB MERCHANDISE FOR SALE Windscreen Banners $10.00 Contact Paul Andreatta CAMC Coffee Mugs $6.00 each or Two for $10.00 APRIL HAPPY BIRTHDAY 02 Peter Sharman 03 Talia McKay 06 Shirley Finucane 06 Peter McCarthy 07 Ken Trethewey 09 Helen Morgan 13 Heather Cooper 14 Jill Thompson 14 Kevin White 17 John Mitchell 22 Mary Anne McKay 24 Patsy Crowe 24 Athol Jennings 25 Brian Ridge 26 Chris Wren HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 3rd April John and Sylvia Milnes Congratulations on your 50th Wedding Anniversary If you have an anniversary or birthday that has not been listed (this month or previous months), let John Collins know for future reference. Page 2 MINUTES OF MEETING held at Harden – 2nd March 2015 The meeting was opened at 8pm by President Ken Harrison, who then welcomed the Members. Members Present - Ken & Betsy Harrison – Peter & Sue McCarthy – John & Joan Collins – Tim & Ting O’Keeffe – John Milnes – John Mackie Snr. – Peter Sharman – John Simpfendorfer – Kevin Cross - Alan Thompson – Mike Bickford – Ken McKay – Paul Andreatta – John Speechley – Barry & Lynn Gavin Apologies:- Doug Wright – Janet & Paul Ballard – Lin & Malcolm Chaplin – Alex & Lyn Joss – Barbara & Geoff Armour – John Mackie Jnr. – Dave, Joel & Regan Bartholomew – Gary & Denise Webb – Heath Harrison. Moved by John Simpfendorfer and Seconded by Paul Andreatta - that the minutes of the February meeting, as published in the Coota Hoota, are a true and accurate record – Carried. Business Arising from February Minutes Container – Ken and John Simpfendorpher attended the Showground Users meeting to discuss the placement of our container. Due to a lot of other business discussed at the meeting it was decided that Ken & John would go and meet with the committee at the showground on Wednesday 4th March at 5pm and John would go and peg out the position we were suggesting. He also got a quote for filling from Don Manwaring of app $48. He then spoke to Bruce Roberts about a Bob-cat to level it. Ken & John attended the meeting at the site, where the Showground Users committee agreed with site, but there are a few more things to sort before permission is given. CORRESPONDENCE IN ;Magazines from other clubs – received and tabled. Riverina Institute of TAFE Rental Agreement for Auto Workshop. Thank you card from Denise & Gary Webb From Shannons – Catalogue for 2015 Sydney Autumn Classic Auction & Rare Number Plates. Notice of Special General meeting at Easter Rally for CHMC - at Armidale Bowling Club & record of discussion of half yearly meeting 6. Letter from Mary Pigram from Coota Retirement Village – requesting a run in our OLD Cars. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. INVITATIONS : Crookwell Potato Festival – 7th March 2015 Cherry Capital Historic Vehicle muster – Sunday 29th February 2015 Leeton /car Club Show & Shine – 1st March 2015 From Coota Council for Seniors week – a free lunch & entertainment in Jubilee park – Saturday 21 March. Southie School Fete – Friday 27th March 2015 -- Display requested. 21st March, - Seniors Week - at Jubilee Park 11am to 3pm. To display our cars & give the public information about our club. From the Hunter Valley Steamfest at Maitland – Sunday 19th April 2015 2015 June Rally – Wagga Club – on June Long Week End. Entry Form. INCOMING MAIL VIA INTERNET: From Trevor Masters – needs someone to rebuild an AJS Big Port Motor - details from Betsy . CORRESPONDENCE OUT 1) Letter to Amy Penfold. 2) Letter to Robyn Absolon 3) Letter to RSL re Anzac Day Betsy Harrison moved that the Secretary’s Report be received and Invitations be accepted as club runs and members participation be authorised. Seconded by Alan Thompson.- Carried Page 3 TREASURER’S REPORT: Sue McCarthy moved that the Treasurers Report be accepted as circulated – Seconded by Tim O’Keeffe. – carried SWAP MEET REPORT :- John reports that all is under control at this time – Flyers have been printed and are being handed out. PLATE REGISTRAR’S REPORT :- Alan has registered a new car for Kevin Cross this month. EDITOR’S REPORT :- John needs Articles and Photos for the Magazine. EVENTS CO-ORDINATOR’S REPORT:- We had some very good runs in February . Starting the month was Our Birthday Celebrations at the beautiful Jugiong Park combined with the Michael Livingstone Run to Jugiong – what a great turn up from our club and the many other clubs who joined us. The film night was a good success with lovely Pizzas for dinner. See you again Saturday 11th April at 6pm for the next Films Night. Gundagai Show was a good day for those of you who went – We had something else on & couldn’t attend . Kalimna Rally at Cobram was very good with so much to do & see and of course eat & eat & eat .... It was the first time Ken & I have attended but all being well we will be there next year. April has a great line up with it being Easter - there are Rallies for Morris Minor at Albury – Bush Council at Armidale - Studebaker at Wagga - and Austins at Launceston . CLUB CAPTAIN’S REPORT : Paul has sent out a few cards this month – hope all the members who weren’t well are feeling much better. Sylvia Milnes sent her thanks for her well- wishers and is at home tonight waiting for results. WEB MASTER’S REPORT :- John reported that our Free Web Site is not Free any more. It will now cost us $20 a month to continue. After discussion it was put to the meeting that we pay the money, which is very reasonable anyhow, and continue with this site - John Milnes is happy to continue to be the Web master. Moved by John Collins and Seconded by Paul Andreatta – Carried GENERAL BUSINESS Alan & Jill Thompson will be attending the Studebaker Easter Rally in Bolton Park Wagga with some friends of theirs from America. Alan is hoping to bring the gentleman to our April meeting, when we will give him a memento from the Cootamundra Antique Motor Club. He is into cars in the States, so it will be interesting to hear some of his ideas. There is an interesting event coming up at Boorowa Show n Shine– a golf ball is going to be dropped from a plane onto a designated Green & the closest to the hole will win $1000. Each ball will cost $200 – a great fund raiser – more information later. President Ken closed the meeting at 9.25pm. COMING UP --Our club is planning a . . . . WEEKEND TRIP TO LAKE CARGELLIGO --- 27 & 28 JUNE 2015 Saturday Depart Cootamundra . . . Lunch at West Wyalong Lake Cargelligo -- Two motels and a Caravan Park. Book your own accommodation. Sunday Visit Lake Cargelligo Mens’ Shed. To Dead Man’s Creek Lookout. To Steve and Jan Johnson’s Clydesdale Horse Farm - $10 includes Morning Tea. Or Museum can be opened for those who would like to have a look. Then home, Sunday afternoon. Some members are going on this trip. Ted Strachan has done the planning and has found additional local attractions if we need more. Saturday Dinner could be at the Lake Cargelligo Sports Club if we book by 20th June through Ted at 6942 2972. Page 4 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Hi everyone, another month has raced by, and during that time we have had some excellent runs. The Kalimna Rally was held in Cobram on the Murray River. Our members who attended were – John & Joan Collins with their VW – Paul & Janet Ballard in their Triumph Spitfire – Peter & Sue McCarthy driving the Triumph –Tim & Ting O’Keeffe and their Dolomite – Betsy & myself in our Humber and Malcolm & Linley in their MK 5 Jag. That was until Betsy & I discovered the Jag was raining Oil (!) on our Humber’s windscreen. Needless to say Malcolm & Lin then had to have a tow home to Cootamundra. Lunch time the next day they arrived at Cobram in their modern – Nissan Patrol. No ! .....that wasn’t the end of their woes – on the way home, the Nissan had an overheating problem, which took about an hour to sort. And then everyone continued home trouble free, but of course, this time the Nissan’s woes were only “Hear Say” as John & Joan and Betsy & I came home a different way. But we can say - This was not Malcolm’s weekend ! This Rally was one of the best organized rallies we have been to. A big Thumbs Up needs to go to the Wodonga Historic Car Club, for a job very well done. If you haven’t been on this rally it would be well worth your while trying to go next year, when it will be in Porepunkah, in the beautiful Ovens Valley at the foot of Mt. Buffalo in Victoria. Our March general meeting was a little down on numbers as some members were still away on rallies. The Rhythm & Rail Festival at Junee was well attended and a good day. Tubby’s Ride for bikes and a display of cars back at Coota had a display of six of our members with their cars. Brian Ridge, one of our newer members,was the recipient of the Peoples Choice Award , with a certificate for a free Buff & Polish from Taprells Smash Repairs. Brian kindly donated the prize to the club, to be used as we wish. Thank you Brian. The Container placement at the showground looks to be good, with the Showground Users Committee agreeing with our placement plan. There are still some more things to finalize and then it will be all go. Happy Historic Motoring Harro WEDNESDAY NIGHT TECH WORKSHOP Wednesdays 6 pm - 9 pm Work with fellow restorers and get your maintenance jobs done or restore that part. Venue: Cootamundra College of TAFE’s Automotive Workshop. Enquiries : Alan Thompson. YOUNG HERITAGE MOTOR CLUB presents Cherry Capital & South West Region Get Your Tops Off Heritage CAR, MOTORBIKE & CARAVAN MUSTER In the grounds of the P.C.Y.C. Lachlan Street YOUNG --- SUNDAY 29th MARCH 2015 You are invited to showcase your pride and joy. This is an opportunity to meet others of like interest and enjoy the atmosphere and grounds with facilities to cater for 150 vehicles. The categories to win Trophies range from the 1920s to 1984. E.g.: Best Caravan, Best Sports car, etc. Trophy to the “ visiting Club with most cars”. Trophy Presentations from 1.30 p.m. Entries on the day from 7.30 a.m. -- Gold coin donation. Enquiries: John Bokkerink – 0412 270 083. All welcome. Thanks to sponsors: Shannons Insurance, I.G.A., and Auto Pro Young. Page 5 18 & 19 APRIL Cootamundra District Machinery Restoration Society’s 9th BIENNIAL RALLY At COOTAMUNDRA SHOWGROUND Steam display Working stationary engines & Displays Vintage Machinery Trucks Food and Drink Stalls Model Aeroplanes, Engines and Trains. Book Stall Sites with Ellen & Dick Hartshorn 0409 039 362 6942 4138 Vintage Tractor Pull Stalls -- Our club will make a Display, each day, on the side. FOR SALE DRIVING LIGHT : 5 ½” SLR576 which was once on a VW Beetle so it’s probably 6 Volt. Good original condition. John Simpfendorfer -- 6942 2658. “Classic Bolts and Nuts” – supplier of hard to get bolts and nuts. Ian Packard – 0414 516 869 www.classicboltsandnuts.com 1942 FORD TRUCK - Lend Lease model. Very good original condition. Runs well. No rust. Always shedded. $7500. Geoff Charlesworth -- Mudgee 02 6372 2860. WANTED : 1933-1934 FORD front mudguards passenger type without wheel wells. Geoff Charlesworth, (ex-member Cootamundra Antique Motor Club.) FOR SALE: WOLSELEY 24/80 sedan. Automatic. On club plates. Can be viewed in Railway Freight Yards COOTAMUNDRA station. $9000 (O.N.0). Alex Sutherland 6942 4177 1939 STUDEBAKER President 8 – Restoration commenced. Only rust is in floor of boot. Doors, guards stripped of paint. Includes engine gasket set. In shed last 40 years. Engine #29792. Offers around $2500. More details : John Mackie – (02) 6967 2241 0427 233 237 FOR SALE : SCROUNGED STUFF The 2015 BUSH COUNCIL EASTER RALLY is at Armidale. No participants from our club? The 2016 BUSH COUNCIL EASTER RALLY will be hosted by Temora Antique Motor Club. No doubt representatives from our club will attend next year because Temora is only 40 miles from Cootamundra. Keep your 2016 Easter holiday on hold for this event at Temora. This year’s 2015 BUSH COUNCIL EASTER RALLY is hosted by The Classic & Specialist Car Club. The rally theme is -- A Step Back In Time. Kevin Cross had his P76 inspected for authenticity and roadworthiness in March and now goes onto club plates. John Milnes experienced the “luxury” of a ride in Lachlan Valley Railway’s 90-year-old Vintage Railmotor -Cootamundra to West Wyalong and Ungarie for lunch. And then the long return to Cootamundra. GoodonyaJon. Ken Harrison has installed two SU carburettors in his Humber Super Snipe. The carburettors performed successfully for the 400 miles to attend the Kalimna Rally in March. Ken and Betsy travelled to the rally in Victoria in the Humber, towing their caravan for their accommodation for the 3 nights of this rally. Colin and Trish Stewart 1st March attended the annual Wellington Fair to meet up with friends in the Morris Minor Club. At the Wellington Fair - Car Clubs put on displays and there is a Swap Meet. There were 17 Morris Minors there so the Morris club won a trophy. Many other clubs display also. The Wellington Fair attracts 5,000 visitors. Pretty big. Ken Trethewey 7th March drove his Jaguar from Cootamundra to the Jaguar National Rally for 2015 at Launceston. A week of events was organised by the Jaguar Car Club of Tasmania. A final Post Rally event, 14 March, was a display of Jaguars on the Parliament House lawns at Hobart. This is one of the best viewing venues in Tasmania, and gave car enthusiasts in Tasmania the opportunity to see unique models they would otherwise probably never see . Page 6 This year is Bathurst’s 200th Birthday! 200 years ago, Governor Lachlan Macquarie declared Bathurst a site for a town. This year Bathurst celebrates. This year is special. So I’ll consider attending the Gold Country Rally (23 & 24 May) organised by Bathurst Historic Car Club . OTHER RALLIES THIS YEAR: WINTON HISTORIC RACES -- 30th May WAGGA WAGGA June Rally -- 6th June. (Cootamundra members on Vintage bikes and in Vintage cars have been attending this rally since 1969! That’s 45 June Rallies at Wagga!) WANGARATTA Spring Rally -- 19th September. CONDOBOLIN – T FORD Rally - 2nd October. One of the highlights for Bathurst’s Bicentenary is the BATHURST Bicentennial Colonial Fair which is on Saturday 9th May. It promises to be a huge event. Veteran and Vintage vehicles are the favoured vehicles to go on display. No room for Classics? This Fair features the Convict Barracks. I could find my great-grandfather’s ghost there . . . . PAST EVENTS Saturday 21 February -- GUNDAGAI SHOW -At The Show was the Heritage Vehicle Display hosted by Gundagai Antique Motor Club. The Display consisted of 35 cars from Yass, Wagga Wagga, Cootamundra, and the Gundagai Club, and the Riverina Mini Club. C.A.M.C. reps were: Doug Wright in 1982 FORD Fairlane and Lynn and Barry Gavin in their Ultra Blue 1977 TORANA SL Hatchback, and Denis and Mavis in the yellow 1962 VALIANT . The hot weather kept many away but those who attended appreciated the great venue that G.A.M.C. provides as respite from the February heat. Thank You, Jim and Narelle Morton of Gundagai. See Jim Morton’s big project to build a Museum in Gundagai - ( a Transport Heritage Centre in South Gundagai ) -See Page 11. Thankyou Barry for this report and photo. Page 7 Friday 27 February -- KALIMNA RALLY -- A Weekend Rally For more than 40 years, Wodonga Historic Car Club has been hosting a rally they call “Kalimna”. For the past 5 years Cootamundra members have been attending this rally to enjoy whatever it is that WHCC has dreamt up. Friday: Departing from Cootamundra and Harden were: 1950 JAGUAR - Malcolm and Linley Chaplin. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN - John and Joan Collins 1962 TRIUMPH Spitfire - Paul and Janet Ballard 1967 HUMBER Super Snipe (towing caravan) – Ken and Betsy Harrison 1975 TRIUMPH Dolomite - Tim and Ting O’Keeffe 1976 TRIUMPH 2500 - Peter and Sue McCarthy Arriving at Cobram on The Murray it was check in to accommodation, and then Check-In to the rally. A barbecue dinner at the RACV Resort got all the rally participants acquainted. Saturday morning: The 50 Vintage and Classic cars at the rally departed Cobram for morning tea at Katamitite, and a museum visit. Then we drove to a Numurkah Hotel for lunch. Then we drove on for sight-seeing and afternoon tea. And back to Cobram for dinner at the RACV Resort. Sunday: Departing the RACV Resort, Cobram, the 50 rally cars were directed to Tocumwal on The Murray. This was where the biggest military hospital and biggest aerodrome was built in Australia during the Second World War. So interesting! We had Lunch at a Tocumwal pub. We visited Chrysties Museum of old cars. And drove back to Cobram for another dinner at the RACV Resort. Monday: We had Breakfast at the RACV Resort. We thanked the host club for a great weekend of vintage motoring. We look forward to next year’s Kalimna Rally which will be near Mt Buffalo. Yes! We’ll do it again. After breakfast we departed the RACV Resort to drive from Cobram, mixing on the highways with the participants from Wagga Wagga and finally home. Above photo – heading for Cootamundra, is the Railmotors climbing the top level of the 3 levels of the Bethungra Spiral. --- Saturday 7 March -- JUNEE RHYTHM & RAIL FESTIVAL As part of this annual Rail Festival a Car Display is organised by the Junee Heritage Car Club. At Junee station - 50 cars were on display from a 1915 Veteran T Ford, to a number of Vintage cars and lots of Classics. Page 8 Kevin Longmore’s Model T Ford Selby Fitzgerald’s 1938 STANDARD 12 roadster Two cars were there from Cootamundra – My 1958 Volkswagen and Ted Strachan’s 1972 Chrysler Galant. Colin Macaulay’s 1922 Ford. He’s a member of Cootamundra Antique Motor Club and the Outback Model T Club. 90 year old Railmotors. Photo taken from pacing Volkswagen: LVR’s Vintage Railmotor was there to give train- rides to Wagga and Cootamundra. I paced it in the VW, so Joan took some photos of The Railmotor . At the same time - the driver of The Railmotor , Bob Horsborough, took some photos from the Railmotor – My VW Playing With Trains: Hurray! Page 9 Saturday 7th March -- TUBBY’S RIDE -- Raising money to promote awareness of Liver Cancer. This was a motorbike rally. It finished in the Parking Lot at the Country Club, Cootamundra. Our vehicles were requested to add to the occasion and attract attention to a good cause. Those who answered the call: Brian Ridge 1934 FORD sedan John Mackie 1942 WHITE Military Scout Car John Mackie Snr. 1943 FORD Jeep and trailer Alan Thompson 1960 STUDEBAKER convertible Ken Harrison 1965 WOLSELY 24/80 Alex Joss 1984 SUBURU Leone Sunday 15 March -- Clubs of the SOUTH-WEST Slopes GET-TOGETHER This event was held at Temora this year. Next year it will be hosted by Gundagai Antique Motor Club. Clubs which attended this year: Temora Antique Motor Club (Host club) Cootamundra Antique Motor Club Wagga Wagga Classic Motoring Club Grenfell Car Club Wagga Wagga Veteran & Vintage Motor Club Cowra Antique Vehicle Club Gundagai Antique Motor Club Mid-West Historic Motor Club Young Heritage Vehicle Club Representatives from Cootamundra Antique Motor Club -- at SW Slopes Get-Together : 1950 JAGUAR - Mal Chaplin 1965 MINI -- Peter and Sue McCarthy 1954 AUSTIN A40 -- Ted and Joan Strahan 1965 WOLSELEY –Ken and Betsy 1958 AUSTIN HEALEY -- John Rickett Harrison 1958 VOLKSWAGEN -- John and Joan Collins 1973 VALIANT Charger -- Tim n Ting 1960 STUDEBAKER Lark Convertible -- Alan and Jill Thompson O’Keeffe 1977 TORANA Hatchback --Barry and Lynn Gavin At least 60 cars filled the parking area near Temora Rural Museum so that would mean that at least 120 Lunches were served to us at the Museum. And a delicious Lunch it was. Everyone was satisfied by the treats that Temora Antique Motor Club heaped upon us. Temora Club is now 30 years old and this successful Get-Together that T.A.M.C. organised for us this day proved to us how strong T.A.M.C. has grown. The clubs that attended The Museum got to see the huge spread of antique machinery and vehicles that Temora members had got out of the museum’s sheds for us to see. Especially impressive is the Museum of Ambulances. We recommend visiting this museum. It has so many exhibitions not to be missed. JUST 4 OF THE CARS FROM OUR CLUB: Photo taken by Barry Gavin Page 10 Page 11 COMING EVENTS MARCH Fri 27 5 p.m. at Cootamundra’s SOUTHEE SCHOOL FETE – They would appreciate a Display of our vehicles and buy a steak sandwich for your tea. Ever the optimist - I’ve promised 6 cars from our club. Sat 28 6.30 p.m. -- Steak Night at Stockinbingal Bowling Club. Phone Ken & Betsy by Wed. 25th to make booking. Sun 29 Display at PCYC, Lachlan St. YOUNG -- Cars, Motorbikes & Caravans -- Show n Shine. See Page 5 APRIL Fri 3 EASTER RALLIES : Morris Minor National Rally at Albury Studebaker Nationals at Wagga Wagga AUSTINS over AUSTRALIA National Rally at Launceston. Sun 5 Easter SWAP MEET at Junee Showground. We need reps to advertise our Swap Meet. Mon 6 Monthly Meeting 8 p.m. at Cootamundra Library Stephen Ward Room Sat 11 FILMS NIGHT 6 p.m. -- Prepare your films or slides -e.g. a video of Mal Chaplin and Tim O’Keeffe at Kalimna Rally will be shown. Club provides Pizza Dinner and cuppa. Bring supper. Sat 11 “Haulin’ The Hume” Heritage trucks depart Sydney and arrive Yass 3 p.m. Sun 12 Drive over to COOLAMON SWAP at Coolamon Showground. Depart Old Mill at 9.30 a.m. Sat 18 Sun 19 Display our vehicles at COOTAMUNDRA MACHINERY CLUB RALLY Cootamundra Showground 9.30 a.m. -- -- -- two day display. Display our vehicles at TRACTOR PULL & MACHINERY DISPLAY Cootamundra Showground Sat 25 ANZAC Day March -- 3 cars promised -- Volunteer to Alan Thompson Sat 25 Dinner at Stockinbingal Bowling Club -- book via Betsy for this Steak Night MAY Fri 1 Armstrong Siddeley National Rally at Broken Hill Sun 3 Adelong Antique Fair -- Display at. Sun 3 GOLD TRAIL COLONIAL FAIR -- Harden-Murrumburrah Showground 10 a.m. Mon 4 Monthly Meeting 8 p.m. Sat 16 Sun 17 FRANK DEBRITT MEMORIAL RUN -- 1.00 p.m. from Retirement Village (20 cars needed! Surely yours is available?) ROBERT PENN BRADLY MEMORIAL RUN -- 10.00 a.m. from Harden To Binalong for Lunch at Hotel or Picnic in Park. Visit Motor Museum. 23 & 24 Gold Country Rally -- BATHURST. (Book with John Collins) 30 & 31 Historic Racing Cars & Bikes at WINTON RACEWAY (Book with Paul Ballard) JUNE Mon 1 Monthly Meeting 8 p.m. - held at Harden Bowling Club. (Book 6 p.m. Dinner through Sue McCarthy by Wednesday 27 May.) Sat 6 Swap Meet at WOMBAT and Sun. 7th -- Entry $5 Food and Drinks on sale Sat 6 Annual JUNE RALLY at WAGGA WAGGA Entry Forms from Secretary Sun 7 JUNE RALLY Entrants Display at Downside 12 noon - 3 p.m. Page 12
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