Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. This announcement is for information only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for the securities of the Company. (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 444) (1) MAJOR TRANSACTION: CAPITAL INJECTION INTO HAINAN CHAMBOW LECHENG DEVELOPMENT LIMITED* (海南千博樂城開發有限公司); (2) CONNECTED TRANSACTION: PROPOSED GRANT OF THE OPTIONS; (3) APPOINTMENT OF MR. WU TING YUK, ANTHONY AS THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND CO-CHAIRMAN; (4) UNUSUAL PRICING AND TRADING VOLUME MOVEMENTS; AND (5) RESUMPTION OF TRADING THE SUBSCRIPTION The Board announces that on 27 March 2015, Giant Bright, the Existing Shareholders, Mr. Jiang, the Minority Shareholder and the Target Company entered into the Subscription Agreement in relation to the subscription of the registered capital and contribution to the capital reserve of the Target Company. Pursuant to the Subscription Agreement, Giant Bright has conditionally agreed to subscribe for the registered capital and contribute to the capital reserve of the Target Company in the aggregate principal amount of RMB380,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$474,430,000). As at the date of this announcement, the Target Company is held directly as to 99.9% and 0.1% by Shanghai Chambow and the Minority Shareholder, respectively, and upon completion of the Subscription, the Target Company will be held as to approximately 50.95%, 49% and 0.05% by Shanghai Chambow, Giant Bright and the Minority Shareholder, respectively. The Target Group is principally engaged in the construction and development an international medical, tourism and commercial project carried out in Xiaoledao (小樂島) located at Boao Xiaoledao International Medical & Tourism Pilot Zone*(博鰲小樂島國 際醫療旅遊先行區項目), which is located in Boao Township, Qionghai City, Hainan Province, the PRC*(中國海南省瓊海市博鰲鎮). –1– The Boao Xiaoledao Project is located within the IMT Pilot Zone, which is situated in the core area of Boao Forum for Asia (博鰲亞洲論壇) and covers a total area of 20.14 square kilometers. Established in accordance with the letter No. [2013]33 issued by the State Council of the PRC in February 2013, the IMT Pilot Zone is also covered by a total of nine supportive policies in four aspects, namely, preferential policies on healthcare business, land, investment and financing, as well as policies on opening to the world. In addition, the IMT Pilot Zone is China’s first national-level development park featuring international medical and tourism services, low-carbon eco-communities and concentration of international organizations. It is planned to develop functions, including (i) experimenting the development of medical service, health preservation, scientific research and other industries in relation to international medical tourism; (ii) establishing a model for low-carbon low-emission ecological environment; and (iii) providing another platform for international cooperation and exchange on relevant fields. Since the applicable percentage ratios under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules exceed 25% but are less than 100%, the Subscription and the transactions contemplated under the Subscription Agreement (including the No Profit Options and the Put Option) constitute a major transaction of the Company and is subject to the reporting, announcement and shareholders’ approval requirements under the Listing Rules. PROPOSED GRANT OF THE OPTIONS On 27 March 2015, the Company has conditionally agreed to grant to the Grantees an aggregate of 346,000,000 Options which entitle the Grantees to subscribe for an aggregate of 346,000,000 Shares, representing approximately 10.00% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement or 9.09% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the Option Shares upon exercise of the Options in full. As two of the Grantees are executive Directors, and thus connected persons of the Company under the Listing Rules, the proposed grant of the Options to them constitutes a connected transaction of the Company under the Listing Rules. The Option Shares will be allotted and issued by the Company under the Specific Mandate. An application will be made to the Stock Exchange for the listing of, and the permission to deal in, the Option Shares. –2– GENERAL The EGM will be convened and held to consider and, if thought fit, approve, among others, the Subscription (including the No Profit Options and the Put Option) and the transactions contemplated thereunder and the proposed grant of the Options. A circular containing, amongst other things, (i) further information about the Subscription Agreement (including the No Profit Options and the Put Option); (ii) further information about the proposed grant of the Options; (iii) a letter of advice from the Independent Board Committee to the Independent Shareholders on the terms of the Option Agreements and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (iv) a letter of advice from the Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders on the terms of the Option Agreements and the transactions contemplated thereunder; and (v) the notice of the EGM will be despatched to the Shareholders. As it is expected that additional time will be required to prepare the relevant information (including, among others, the financial information of the Target Company) to be included in the circular, the Company expects to despatch the circular by no later than 30 April 2015. As completion of the Subscription and the proposed grant of the Options are subject to the fulfillment or waiver (as the case may be) of a number of conditions precedent, the Subscription and the transactions contemplated thereunder and the proposed grant of the Options are may or may not proceed. The Shareholders and potential investors should exercise caution when dealing in the Shares. APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND CO-CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD The Board announces that with effect from 27 March 2015, Mr. Wu Ting Yuk, Anthony will be appointed as an executive Director and Co-chairman of the Board UNUSUAL PRICE AND TRADING VOLUME MOVEMENTS The Board has noted the recent increases in the price and trading volume of the Shares. Having made such enquiry with respect to the Company as is reasonable in the circumstances, save as disclosed below, the Board confirms that it is not aware of any reasons for such price and volume movements or of any information which must be announced to avoid a false market in the Shares or of any inside information that needs to be disclosed under Part XIVA of the SFO. RESUMPTION OF TRADING Trading in the Shares on the Stock Exchange was halted with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 26 March 2015 at the request of the Company pending the release of this announcement. An application has been made to the Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading in the Shares with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 30 March 2015. –3– THE SUBSCRIPTION Background The Board announces that on 27 March 2015, Giant Bright, the Existing Shareholders, Mr. Jiang, the Minority Shareholder and the Target Company entered into the Subscription Agreement in relation to the subscription of the registered capital and contribution to the capital reserve of the Target Company. Pursuant to the Subscription Agreement, Giant Bright has conditionally agreed to subscribe for the registered capital and contribute to the capital reserve of the Target Company in the aggregate principal amount of RMB380,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$474,430,000). As at the date of this announcement, the Target Company is held directly as to 99.9% and 0.1% by Shanghai Chambow and the Minority Shareholder, respectively, and upon completion of the Subscription, the Target Company will be held as to approximately 50.95%, 49% and 0.05% by Shanghai Chambow, Giant Bright and the Minority Shareholder, respectively. The Subscription Agreement Date 27 March 2015 Parties Investor : Giant Bright Existing Shareholders : Shanghai Chambow and the Minority Shareholder Mr. Jiang : Mr. Jiang Xiao Song (a PRC resident) Target Company : 海南千博樂城開發有限公司 Development Limited*) (Hainan Chambow Lecheng To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief, having made all reasonable enquiries, Shanghai Chambow, the Target Company and their ultimate beneficial owners(s), the Minority Shareholder and Mr. Jiang are independent of the Company and connected persons of the Company. Giant Bright is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. Mr. Jiang resides in the PRC, who has been respected as ‘‘the Father of Boao’’ and is currently the chairman of the board of directors of the Target Company, member of the Consultation Committee of Boao Forum for Asia, and member of the Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Mr. Jiang is the beneficial owner of 50% equity interests in Shanghai Chambow. –4– Capital Injection The existing registered capital of the Target Company is RMB100,000,000, which will be increased to RMB196,078,431 (equivalent to approximately HK$244,803,921) upon completion of the Subscription. Pursuant to the Subscription Agreement, Giant Bright will contribute to the Target Company an aggregate amount of RMB380,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$474,430,000) (out of which RMB96,078,431 (equivalent to approximately HK$119,953,921) will be contributed as registered capital and the remaining RMB283,921,569 (equivalent to approximately HK$354,476,079) will be contributed as the capital reserve) in cash as follows: (i) an initial amount of RMB195,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$243,457,500) within 3 days after the Completion Date; and (ii) the remaining balance of RMB185,000,000 HK$230,972,500) on or before 31 March 2016. (equivalent to approximately The amount of capital injection by Giant Bright was determined after arms’ length negotiations on normal commercial terms between, among others, Giant Bright, the Existing Shareholders and the Target Company after taking into account the amount of capital injection being sufficient to discharge the major debts of the Target Company in order to lift up the obstacles that hinders the rolling out of the Boao Xiaoledao Project, thereby enabling the Boao Xiaoledao Project to uncover its immense potentials of its medical, tourism and commercial related business within the IMT Pilot Zone international, in the near future. The capital contribution of Giant Bright to the registered capital of the Target Company will be satisfied by the internal resources of the Group and/or other equity or debt financing of the Company. Conditions Precedent Completion of the Subscription Agreement is subject to the fulfillment or waiver of the following conditions precedent pursuant to the Subscription Agreement: (a) the Warrantors having fulfilled all their relevant obligations under the Subscription Agreement; (b) the warranties of the Warrantors remaining true, accurate and not misleading from the date of the Subscription Agreement to the Completion Date; (c) the Target Group not having any event which causes material adverse effect to it; (d) the Existing Shareholders having passed the resolutions to approve the transactions contemplated under the Subscription Agreement and the change in the board composition; (e) the Joint Venture Agreement and the articles of association of the Target Company having been entered into or approved between Giant Bright and the Existing Shareholders; –5– (f) the Target Company having obtained necessary consent or approval from any third party (including bank) in respect of the transactions contemplated under the Subscription Agreement; (g) the Company having obtained the approval of the Shareholders approving the transactions contemplated under the Subscription Agreement in accordance with the Hong Kong laws and the requirements under the Listing Rules; (h) the relevant obligations under the Subscription Agreement (including but not limited to, (i) the relevant PRC legal opinion addressed to Giant Bright in respect of the Subscription having been obtained, (ii) a written agreement having been entered into among the Target Company, Mr. Jiang, Shanghai Chambow and two third-party creditors of the Target Company in relation to the payment of certain existing obligations of the Target Company and the release of the land seals over the Properties and joint and several liability of the Third Party Guarantee, (iii) a written agreement having been entered into among the Target Company, China Economic and Fullshare in respect of the repayment of the Target Company’s Debt by Fullshare on behalf of the Target Company and China Economic’s assistance to the Target Company for seeking new financing source, (iv) the written confirmation having been signed by Mr. Jiang to Giant Bright disclosing the outstanding liability of the Target Company for the debt(s) owed by Mr. Jiang, (v) the Operation Agreement having been entered into by the Target Company and Fullshare, and (vi) the Equity Pledge Agreement having been entered into among Giant Bright, Shanghai Chambow and the Target Company) having been fulfilled to the satisfaction of Giant Bright; (i) the amendment of the articles of association of each member of the Target Group companies (except the Target Company) having been completed to the satisfaction of Giant Bright; and (j) all necessary approvals, filings, authorizations and consents from any authorities or third parties having been obtained. Giant Bright shall have the right to conditionally or unconditionally waive the conditions above by way of notice to the Target Company. All parties will use their best endeavours to ensure the satisfaction of the above conditions as soon as possible but in any event no later than the Long-Stop Date. If any of the conditions (other than the condition (g) above) is not satisfied or waived by the Long-Stop Date, the parties may agree to extend the date for satisfaction of such condition, failure which the Subscription Agreement shall automatically lapse. If the condition (g) above is not satisfied by the Long-Stop Date, the Subscription Agreement shall automatically lapse. Option rights under the Subscription Agreement In the event that the Target Group does not record any profit during the period between 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 as shown in the consolidated audited accounts provided by the Target Company, within 30 days after such consolidated audited accounts are produced, (a) Shanghai Chambow has the option to require Giant Bright to sell to Shanghai Chambow for the 12 months ending 31 March 2016 and (b) Giant Bright has the option to sell to Shanghai Chambow all of its 49% equity interests in the Target Company (the ‘‘No Profit Options’’) –6– within 30 days following the written notice from Shanghai Chambow or Giant Bright (as the case may be) at a price equal to the total amount of the capital injection by Giant Bright plus all interests accrued from the date of capital injection by Giant Bright to the date of the equity transfer from Giant Bright to Shanghai Chambow calculated at an interest rate of 15% per annum after deducting the profit/dividend received by Giant Bright. If Shanghai Chambow fails to complete such purchase obligations within 60 days of the issue of the written notice from Shanghai Chambow or Grant Bright (as the case may be) exercising the No Profits Options, Giant Bright is entitled to sell its equity interests in the Target Company to a third party designated by Giant Bright. In the event of any material event of default committed by the Warrantors (including but not limited to the occurrence of an event of default under the Equity Pledge Agreement, the provision of untrue and inaccurate representations or warranties by the Warrantors), Giant Bright is entitled to exercise the put option to require Shanghai Chambow to purchase all of its 49% equity interests in the Target Company from Giant Bright (the ‘‘Put Option’’) within 60 days following the written notice from Giant Bright to Shanghai Chambow and the Target Company at a price equal to the total amount of capital injection by Giant Bright plus all interests accrued from the date of capital injection by Giant Bright to the date of the equity transfer from Giant Bright to Shanghai Chambow calculated at an interest rate of 15% per annum after deducting the profit/dividend received by Giant Bright. If Shanghai Chambow fails to complete such purchase obligations within 90 days after the written notice from Giant Bright, Giant Bright is entitled to sell its equity interests in the Target Company to a third party designated by Giant Bright. Structure of the Target Group after completion of the Subscription 海南千博樂城開發有限公司 (Hainan Chambow Lecheng Development Limited*) 100% 海南千博三城 旅業開發 有限公司 (Hainan Chambow Three City Tourism Development Company Limited*) 100% 海南千博三鼎 旅業開發 有限公司 (Hainan Chambow San Ding Tourism Development Company Limited*) 100% 海南千博鼎頂 旅業開發 有限公司 (Hainan Chambow Ding Ding Tourism Development Company Limited*) 100% 海南千博由一 旅業開發 有限公司 (Hainan Chambow You Yi Tourism Development Company Limited*) 100% 海南千博興業 旅業開發 有限公司 (Hainan Chambow Xing Ye Tourism Development Company Limited*) 100% 海南千博偉業 旅業開發 有限公司 (Hainan Chambow Wei Ye Tourism Development Company Limited*) 100% 海南千博勝業 旅業開發 有限公司 (Hainan Chambow Sheng Ye Tourism Development Company Limited*) 100% 海南博鼇樂島 醫療控股 有限公司 (Hainan Boao Ledao Medical Holdings Company Limited*) Upon completion of the Subscription, the increased registered capital of the Target Company will be held as to 50.95%, 49% and 0.05% by Shanghai Chambow, Giant Bright and the Minority Shareholder, respectively. The Target Company will not be consolidated in the financial statements of the Group. –7– The Properties The Properties are within the IMT Pilot Zone, which is situated on both banks of Wanquan River* (萬泉河) between the urban area of Jiaji Township, Qionghai City* (瓊海市嘉積鎮) and the core area of Boao Forum for Asia (博鰲亞洲論壇). Established in accordance with the letter No. [2013]33 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China in February 2013 as detailed in below section headed ‘‘Preferential medical policies promulgated by the State Council of the PRC’’, the IMT Pilot Zone is also covered by a total of nine supportive policies in four aspects, namely, preferential policies on healthcare business, land, investment and financing, as well as policies on opening to the world. In addition, the IMT Pilot Zone is China’s first national-level development park featuring international medical and tourism services, low-carbon eco-communities and concentration of international organizations. An international airport is currently built nearby the IMT Pilot Zone. In 2011, the Target Company entered into two State-owned construction land use right transfer contracts (國有建設用地使用權出讓合同) with the Department of Land Environment & Resources of Qionghai (瓊海市國土環境局) for the acquisition of the land of 524,665.8 square meters. On 19 October 2013, the Target Company obtained ten Land Use Right Certificates covering a total site area of 408,559 square metres, of which 195,549 square metres for town residential use to be expired on 30 September 2081, 172,394 square metres for commercial use to be expired on 30 September 2051, and 40,616 square metres for whole and retail business uses to be expired on 30 September 2051. At present, 9 out of the 10 land parcels were pledged to the Rural Credit Cooperatives of Qionghai City and 14 other Rural Credit Cooperatives (the ‘‘Creditors’’) on 14 November 2013 in connection with the loan of RMB500 million borrowed by the Target Company from the Creditor. In addition, due to the Third Party Guarantee, the Shanghai Higher People’s Court (the ‘‘Shanghai Court’’) has ordered the Department of Land Environment & Resources of Qionghai (瓊海市國土環境資源局) to assist in sealing up the 10 land parcels with effect from 4 November 2014 to 3 November 2016. An appeal was lodged against the decision by the Shanghai Court, but was dismissed on 5 January 2015. The Group together with Fullshare and the Target Company will adopt various debt restructuring measures to settle the debts related to Mr. Jiang and the discharge of the land pledges and seals. Joint Venture Agreement In connection with the Subscription Agreement, Giant Bright and the Existing Shareholders shall enter into the Joint Venture Agreement to regulate the management and operation of the Target Company. Board Composition Pursuant to the Joint Venture Agreement, upon completion of the Subscription, the board of directors of the Target Company will comprise six directors, of which three directors will be nominated by Giant Bright and three directors will be nominated by Shanghai Chambow. –8– The chairman of the board of directors and the legal representative of the Target Company shall be appointed by Giant Bright. A director can be reappointed and continued to hold office when his/her term of office is expired. The board of directors of the Target Company shall be the highest authority of the Target Company, which shall decide all major issues concerning the Target Company. The following matters shall only be resolved with the unanimous consent of the directors present at the board meeting, including but not limited to: (a) amendment of the articles of association of the Target Company; (b) change in the registered capital of the Target Company; (c) merger, division or reorganization of the Target Company; (d) provision of guarantee by the Target Company; (e) profit/dividend distribution and indemnity measures of the Target Company; and (f) formulating staff remuneration, benefit and incentive schemes of the Target Company. Profit and loss sharing Giant Bright and the Existing Shareholders will be entitled to share the profit or bear the loss of the Target Company in proportion to their respective equity interest in the Target Company after deducting the tax payment and other statutory reserve entitlement of the Target Company. Preferential Medical Policies promulgated by the State Council of the PRC On 28 February 2013, the State Council of the PRC (中華人民共合國國務院) promulgated in its letter No. [2013]33 in respect of the IMT Pilot Zone, under which the State Council of the PRC agreed to establish the IMT Pilot Zone and has endorsed to implement a total of nine supportive policies in four aspects, namely, preferential policies on healthcare business, land, investment and financing, as well as policies on opening to the world. The trial measures to be launched only in the IMT Pilot Zone are as follows: (1) To accelerate the approval of import registration of medical instruments and medicine. As to those medicine which are imported in a small amount for the clinical purposes by the medical institutions, applications can be made to the National Regulatory Authority of the State Council, so that the medicine can be imported for the particular purposes to be used by the particular medical institutions. (2) To allow the implementation of medical technology with regard to the Administrative Measures on Clinical Applications of Medical Technologies and the relevant requirements in relation to clinical research on medical technologies. The IMT Pilot Zone may declare the development of frontier medical technology research programmes such as clinical research on stem cells in accordance to the level of technology. –9– (3) Non-public medical institutions and their medical subjects to be operated in the zone will be subject to the approval by the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health may at the same time approve the large-scale medical instruments, if up to the required standard, that are required to be equipped by such medical institutions for the reasons of their medical practices. (4) A tested measure to extend the licensing period of foreign medical practitioners in the zone to 3 years. (5) To allow setting up of medical institutions, which are financed by foreign capital, in the zone. (6) To study and lower the taxes imposed on the imported medical instruments and medicine by the Ministry of Finance of the PRC and the relevant departments. (7) To increase the expenses on infrastructure in the Hainan Province according to the needs of development and building of the IMT Pilot Zone. (8) To support and guide the zone by introducing international organizations on ecological, medical care and new energy resources, and to hold international conferences. Also, to explore and establish international organizations on health tourism. (9) To encourage the zone to explore different channels of financing and attract investments, to support long-term capital such as insurance funds in China to invest in the eldercare entity and medical institutions within the ambit of the law and the market principles. The Board believes that the aforesaid favourable polices will bring immerse business potential and generate additional income to the Group through offering international medical, tourism and commercial services and introducing internationally advanced medical facilities, institutions and expertise in the IMT Pilot Zone in the PRC. Reasons for and Benefit of Entering into the Subscription Agreement The Group is principally engaged in the distribution of branded luxury watches, timepieces and accessories in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the PRC. The management of the Group is determined to look for ways for more effective deployment of its resources and identify investment opportunities to broaden its earnings base and to enhance its shareholder value. The Directors believe that the Subscription is in line with the Group’s business strategy to broaden its earnings base. By way of the Subscription in the Target Company, the Group is able to participate in the medical tourism industry in the IMT Pilot Zone, which is the PRC’s first special zone for medical travel covering by a total of nine supportive policies on healthcare, land, investment and financing as set out in the section headed ‘‘Preferential medical policies promulgated by the State Council of the PRC’’ in this announcement. The IMT Pilot Zone will become China’s first national-level development park featuring international medical and tourism services, low-carbon eco-communities and concentration of international organizations. It is planned to develop functions, including (i) experimenting the development of medical service, health preservation, scientific research and other industries in relation to – 10 – international medical tourism; (ii) establishing a model for low-carbon low-emission ecological environment; and (iii) providing another platform for international cooperation and exchange on relevant fields. The Boao Xiaoledao Project will focus on introducing internationally advanced medical facilities and institutions and afterwards, developing into a world-class resort for medical service and health preservation and a low-carbon low-emission ecological city conducive to residence and sustainable development. In addition, the Target Group has signed a construction, operation, management and service contract with Fullshare, which is an experienced developer and operator in developing health and environmental friendly related construction projects, to construct, operate and manage the Boao Xiaoledao Project. The Board believes the Target Group is able to capitalize on the expertise and experience of Fullshare to develop the Boao Xiaoledao Project. Furthermore, the Company and the Target Company has invited Mr. Wu to join the Company as the Co-chairman and executive Directors to develop the Boao Xiaoledao Project. The Board believes that Mr. Wu, being the ex-chairman of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Board of Directors, a member of the Public Policy Advisory Committee of the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the PRC, the Principal Advisor for International Collaboration and member of the Expert Advisory Committee on Reforms and Development of Chinese Medicine to the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the PRC, an Honorary Professor of Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong shall lead and manage the Boao Xiaoledao Project successfully and bring in international medical expertise and support to develop the Boao Xiaoledao Project. Taking into consideration (i) the immense development potential of the IMT Pilot Zone with the tremendous support from the PRC government under the unique and distinctive preferential medical policies; (ii) the full strength support and contribution from Mr. Wu and Fullshare and (iii) the Subscription being in line with the Group’s strategy to broaden its earnings base, the Directors are of the view that this is a good opportunity for the Group to participate in the economic growth of the IMT Pilot Zone and will enable the Group to widen its operations and tap into opportunities to bring greater returns to the Shareholders and that the Subscription and the terms of the Subscription Agreement are fair and reasonable so far as the Company and the Shareholders are concerned and are in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. Listing Rules Implications on the Subscription Since the applicable percentage ratios under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules exceed 25% but are less than 100%, the Subscription and the transactions contemplated under the Subscription Agreement (including the No Profit Options and the Put Option) constitute a major transaction of the Company and is subject to the reporting, announcement and shareholders’ approval requirements under the Listing Rules. – 11 – GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE PARTIES Giant Bright Giant Bright is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and its principal business is investment holding. Shanghai Chambow Shanghai Chambow is principally engaged in investment management, investment and business consulting. The Target Company The Target Company is a company established under the laws of the PRC liability. The Target Group is principally engaged in offering medical, commercial series. The Target Company is currently held directly as to 99.9% Shanghai Chambow and the Minority Shareholder, respectively, as at the announcement. with limited tourism and and 0.1% by date of this The unaudited consolidated net loss of the Target Group for the two years ended 31 December 2013 and 2014 were as follows: Net loss (before taxation) Net loss (after taxation) For the year ended 31 December 2013 (Approximate) RMB For the year ended 31 December 2014 (Approximate) RMB 5,299,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$6,616,000) 5,299,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$6,616,000) 4,775,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$5,962,000) 4,775,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$5,962,000) The unaudited consolidated total asset value and the net asset value of the Target Group as at 31 December 2014 were approximately RMB860,275,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$1,074,053,000) and approximately RMB74,667,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$93,222,000) respectively. The financial results of the Target Group shall be subject to be audited. PROPOSED GRANT OF THE OPTIONS On 27 March 2015, the Company has conditionally agreed to grant to the Grantees an aggregate of 346,000,000 Options which entitle the Grantees to subscribe for an aggregate of 346,000,000 Shares, representing approximately 10.00% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement or 9.09% of the issued share capital of the – 12 – Company as enlarged by the Option Shares upon exercise of the Options in full. As two of the Grantees are executive Directors, and thus connected persons of the Company under the Listing Rules, the proposed grant of the Options constitutes a connected transaction of the Company under the Listing Rules. Option Agreements Date 27 March 2015 Parties Grantor : The Company Grantees : Mr. Wu, Mr. Chu, Kingston Chun Ho (‘‘Mr. Chu’’), Ms. Gao Xin (‘‘Ms. Gao’’) and Mr. Sie Winston (‘‘Mr. Sie’’) Principal terms of the Options Date of Grant 27 March 2015 (the ‘‘Date of Grant’’) Total Number of the Option Shares subject to the Options Options carrying a right to subscribe for up to a total of 346,000,000 Option Shares. Each Option shall entitle the holder of it to subscribe for 1 Share. Option premium and the Exercise Price The Options shall be granted to the Grantees at a nominal consideration of HK$1 payable by each Grantee. Pursuant to the Option Agreements, the Company shall grant 138,400,000 Options to Mr. Wu, 103,800,000 Options to Mr. Chu, 51,900,000 Options to Ms. Gao and 51,900,000 Options to Mr. Sie. The Options will carry the right to subscribe for up to 346,000,000 Option Shares at the Exercise Price of HK$0.61 per Share. The Exercise Price represents: (a) a discount of approximately 19.74% to the closing price of HK$0.76 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange on the Last Trading Day; (b) a discount of approximately 6.15% to the average closing price of approximately HK$0.65 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the five consecutive trading days immediately prior to and including the Last Trading Day; (c) a discount of approximately 1.61% to the average closing price of approximately HK$0.62 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the ten consecutive trading days immediately prior to and including the Last Trading Day; and – 13 – (d) a premium of approximately 165.22% over the unaudited consolidated net asset value as at 30 September 2014 per Share attributable to the Shareholders of approximately HK$0.23. The Exercise Price was arrived at after arm’s length negotiations between the Company and the Grantees with reference to the market condition and the prevailing market price of the Shares. The Directors (excluding the independent non-executive Directors whose opinion will be provided after reviewing the letter of advice from the Independent Financial Adviser and Mr. Wu and Mr. Chu who have abstained from voting) consider the Exercise Price to be fair and reasonable. Conditions of the grant of the Options The grant of the Options shall be subject to satisfaction of the following conditions (the ‘‘Grant Conditions’’): (a) completion of the Subscription Agreement; (b) approval of the shareholders of the Company of the grant of the Options contemplated under the Option Agreements in accordance with the Listing Rules; (c) the listing committee of the Stock Exchange granting the listing of, and the permission to deal in, the Option Shares; and (d) all necessary consents and approvals (if any) to be obtained by the Company in accordance with Chapter 15 of the Listing Rules in respect of the grant and exercise of the Options having been obtained. If any of the Grant Conditions is not satisfied on or before the 120th day of the Date of Grant or such later date as may be approved by the Board, the Offer of the grant of the Options shall lapse. Exercise period Subject to satisfaction of the Grant Conditions, the Options for the following Grantees may be exercised during the period of 36 months from and including the Effective Date (the ‘‘Option Period’’) in the following manner: With respect to 138,400,000 Options granted to Mr. Wu: (a) up to 69,200,000 Options (‘‘Wu’s First Batch Options’’) may be exercised at any time during the period from the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive); (b) up to 34,600,000 Options (excluding Wu’s First Batch Options) (‘‘Wu’s Second Batch Options’’) may be exercised at any time during the period from the first anniversary of the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive); and – 14 – (c) up to 34,600,000 Options (excluding the Wu’s First Batch Options and Wu’s Second Batch Options) may be exercised at any time during the period from the second anniversary of the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive). With respect to 103,800,000 Options granted to Mr. Chu: (a) up to 34,600,000 Options (‘‘Chu’s First Batch Options’’) may be exercised at any time during the period from the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive); (b) up to 34,600,000 Options (excluding Chu’s First Batch Options) may be exercised at any time during the period from the first anniversary of the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive); and (c) up to 34,600,000 Options (excluding Mr. Chu’s First Batch Options and Chu’s Second Batch Options) may be exercised at any time during the period from the second anniversary of the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive). With respect to 51,900,000 Options granted to Ms. Gao: (a) up to 17,300,000 Options (‘‘Gao’s First Batch Options’’) may be exercised at any time during the period from the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive); (b) up to 17,300,000 Options (excluding Gao’s First Batch Options) may be exercised at any time during the period from the first anniversary of the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive); and (c) up to 17,300,000 Options (excluding Ms. Gao’s First Batch Options and Gao’s Second Batch Options) may be exercised at any time during the period from the second anniversary of the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive). With respect to 51,900,000 Options granted to Mr. Sie: (a) up to 17,300,000 Options (‘‘Sie’s First Batch Options’’) may be exercised at any time during the period from the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive); (b) up to 17,300,000 Options (excluding Sie’s First Batch Options) (‘‘Sie’s Second Batch Options’’) may be exercised at any time during the period from the first anniversary of the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive); and (c) up to 17,300,000 Options (excluding Sie’s First Batch Options and Sie’s Second Batch Options) may be exercised at any time during the period from the second anniversary of the Effective Date to the expiry of the Option Period (both dates inclusive). Options not exercised within the Option Period will automatically lapse. – 15 – Lock-up With respect to any Option Shares allotted and issued upon exercise of any of Wu’s First Batch Options, Mr. Chu’s First Batch Options, Ms. Gao’s First Batch Options and Mr. Sie’s First Batch Options (the ‘‘Relevant Shares’’), each Grantee shall undertake that, for a period of 180 days from and including the date of the allotment and issue of the Relevant Shares, he or she shall not and shall procure that none of his or her nominees and any person acting on his or her behalf shall (except with the prior written approval of the Company) (a) issue, offer, sell, transfer, contract to sell or otherwise dispose of, or grant options, issue warrants or offer rights entitling persons to subscribe for or purchase any interest, in any Relevant Shares or any securities convertible into, exchangeable for or which carry rights to subscribe for or purchase the Relevant Shares or other instruments representing interests in the Relevant Shares, (b) enter into any swap or other agreement that transfers, in whole or in part, any of the economic consequences of the ownership of the Relevant Shares, (c) enter into any transaction with the same economic effect as, or which is designed to, or which may reasonably be expected to result in, or agree to do, any of the foregoing, whether any such transaction of the kind described in (a), (b) or (c) is to be settled by delivery of Relevant Shares or other securities, in cash or otherwise or (d) announce or otherwise make public an intention to do any of the foregoing. Transferability of the Options No Option is transferable. Holders of the Options shall not cause or permit anything to be done, to dispose of, pledge, mortgage, charge, create (or cause to be created) any lien, option, right of pre-emption or other encumbrance or third party right upon, or otherwise deal with, the Options at any time. Lapse of Options The Options shall lapse automatically and not be exercisable (to the extent not already exercised) on the earliest of: (a) the expiry of the Option Period; (b) the expiry of the period of 14 days after the date on which a general offer to all the holders of Shares becomes or is declared unconditional; (c) the date on which the scheme of arrangement of the Company as described under the Options Agreement becomes effective; (d) the date of commencement of the winding up of the Company; (e) the date on which the relevant Grantee ceases to be an eligible participant (including ceasing to be an employee or consultant of the Company) for whatever reason; and (f) the date on which the Board shall exercise the Company’s right to cancel the Option at any time after the Grantee transfers the Options in breach of the terms of the Options or the Options are cancelled in accordance with the terms of the Options. – 16 – Ranking of the Option Shares The Option Shares to be issued upon exercise of the Option will rank, upon issue, pari passu in all respects with the Shares in issue on the date of issue and allotment of the Option Shares. Effects on Shareholding Structure The existing shareholding structure of the Company and the effect on the shareholding structure of the Company upon exercise of the Options is set out as below: Shareholders Immediately before exercise of the Options in full Immediately after exercise of the Options in full Approximate % of the of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the Option Shares upon Number of exercise of the Shares Options in full Number of Shares Approximate % of the issued share capital of the Company Sincere Watch Limited (Note 1) Mrs. Chu Yuet Wah (Note 2) 1,530,000,000 265,000,000 44.22 7.66 1,530,000,000 265,000,000 40.20 6.96 Sub-total 1,795,000,000 51.88 1,795,000,000 47.16 Grantees Other public Shareholders — 1,665,000,000 — 48.12 346,000,000 1,665,000,000 9.09 43.75 Total 3,460,000,000 100.00 3,806,000,000 100.00 Notes: 1. These Shares are held by Sincere Watch Limited, the entire issued share capital of which is whollyowned by Be Bright Limited, which is wholly and beneficially owned by Mrs. Chu Yuet Wah. 2. Mrs. Chu Yuet Wah is the chairman and executive Director. 3. The Grantees are Mr. Wu, Mr. Chu, Ms. Gao and Mr. Sie, who owns 138,400,000 Options, 103,800,000 Options, 51,900,000 Options and 51,900,000 Options, respectively. Mr. Wu and Mr. Chu are the executive Directors. 4. The percentages are subject to rounding difference, if any. – 17 – Information on the Grantees Mr. Wu Ting Yuk, Anthony (胡定旭) Mr. Wu has been appointed as executive Director and Co-chairman of the Board with effect from 27 March 2015. Details of Mr. Wu’s biographies have been set out in the section headed ‘‘Appointment of executive Director and Co-chairman of the Board’’ in this announcement. Mr. Chu, Kingston Chun Ho (朱俊浩) Mr. Chu is currently Vice Chairman, Managing Director and executive Director of the Company. He has been appointed as executive Director of the Company since 29 May 2012, and the Vice Chairman and Managing Director of the Company since 13 July 2012. Mr. Chu has been a director of Sincere Watch Limited, the immediate holding company of the Company since 21 May 2012 and is also a director of a number of the Company’s subsidiaries. Mr. Chu is a Member of Guangxi Committee of The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Vice President of Hong Kong CPPCC Youth Association, Vice President of Federation of HK Guangxi Community Organisations, Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Guangxi Youth Organisations, Director of Hong Kong Securities Association and The Federation of Hong Kong Watch Trades & Industries. Ms. Gao Xin (高昕) Ms. Gao is a consultant of the Target Group. She founded China Economic and has been president of China Economic since July 2009. Mr. Sie, Winston (薛煒森) Mr. Sie is a consultant of the Target Group. He is currently a partner of China Economic, responsible for equity investment fund business. He is a senior banker who had experience working at various departments (including the areas of financing and derivative markets) at J.P. Morgan. Reasons for and Benefit of Entering into the Option Agreement The grant of the Options to the Grantee is to provide incentive for and to reward the contribution or potential contribution of the Grantees in relation to the Company’s investment in the Boao Xiaoledao Project. Assuming the exercise in full of the 346,000,000 Options at the initial Exercise Price of HK$0.61 per Option Share (subject to adjustments), the gross proceeds and estimated net proceeds from the exercise of the Options are approximately HK$211.06 million and approximately HK$210.00 million respectively. The Board intends to apply the net proceeds from the exercise of the Options for general working capital of the the Boao Xiaoledao Project. – 18 – The Directors (excluding the independent non-executive Directors whose opinion will be provided after reviewing the letter from advice from the Independent Financial Adviser and Mr. Wu and Mr. Chu who abstained from voting) are of the view that given the substantial experience of the Grantees and their expected contribution to the Target Group, the proposed grant of the Options is in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole and the terms of the Option Agreement are fair and reasonable so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned. Listing Rules Implications on the Proposed Grant of the Options As two of the Grantees, namely Mr. Wu and Mr. Chu are executive Directors, and thus connected persons of the Company under the Listing Rules, the proposed grant of the Options to them constitutes a connected transaction of the Company under the Listing Rules. The Option Shares will be allotted and issued by the Company under the Specific Mandate. An application will be made to the Stock Exchange for the listing of, and the permission to deal in, the Option Shares. Fund Raising Activities of the Company in the Last Twelve Months The Company has conducted the following equity fund raising activities in the past twelve months immediately before the date of this announcement: Date of initial announcement Event Net proceeds (Approximately) Intended use of proceeds Actual use of proceeds as at the date of this announcement 4 March 2014 Rights Issue HK$118.2 million (i) Approximately HK$29.6 million for the development of its existing business (i) (ii) Approximately HK$88.6 (ii) million for investment opportunities as may be identified from time to time and/or general working capital of the Group 6 August 2014 Placing of new HK$104.9 million Shares For general working capital of the Group for supporting the continuous expansion of the Group’s distribution network and marketing and branding activities Approximately HK$9.3 million was applied for business development and the balance of approximately HK$20.3 million is currently placed as time deposits at bank for intended use in future Approximately HK$88.6 million was applied for general working capital As to approximately HK$86.3 million has been used for general working capital and the balance of approximately HK$18.6 million is currently placed as time deposits at bank for intended use in future Save as disclosed above, as at the date of this announcement, the Company has not conducted any equity fund raising exercises in the past twelve months immediately preceding the date of this announcement. – 19 – GENERAL The EGM will be convened and held to consider and, if thought fit, approve, among others, the Subscription and the transactions contemplated thereunder (including the No Profit Options and the Put Option) and the proposed grant of Options. A circular containing, amongst other things, (i) further information about the Subscription Agreement; (ii) further information about the proposed grant of the Options; (iii) and the Option Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (ii) a letter of advice from the Independent Board Committee to the Independent Shareholders on the terms of the Option Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (iv) a letter of advice from the Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders on the terms of the Option Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder; and (v) the notice of the EGM will be despatched to the Shareholders. As it is expected that additional time will be required to prepare the relevant information (including, among others, the financial information of the Group and Target Company) to be included in the circular, the Company expects to despatch of the circular by no later than 30 April 2015. APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND CO-CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD The Board announces that with effect from 27 March 2015, Mr. Wu Ting Yuk, Anthony will be appointed as an executive Director and Co-chairman of the Board. Mr. Wu, GBS, JP, aged 61, is a member of Standing Committee of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee. Mr. Wu was formerly the chairman of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority and chairman of Far East and China of Ernst & Young. He also served as the chairman, and is currently a director of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. He is also a member of the Public Policy Advisory Committee of the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China, the Principal Advisor for International Collaboration and member of the Expert Advisory Committee on Reforms and Development of Chinese Medicine to the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’s Republic of China, Chief Advisor to the Bank of Tokyo- Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., the Chairman of China Oxford Scholarship Fund and an Honorary Professor of Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Wu is an independent non-executive director of Power Assets Holdings Limited (stock code: 00006), Agricultural Bank of China Limited (stock code: 01288), Guangdong Investment Limited (stock code: 00270) and China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Limited (stock code: 00966), all of which are companies listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and an Honorary Fellow of Hong Kong College of Community Medicine. On 24 December 2013, the Disciplinary Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the ‘‘Institute’’) has found Mr. Wu failed to observe, maintain or otherwise apply the independence requirements of the Institute in preserving the appearance of independence by acting as a Financial Advisor to a non-listed company whilst also a senior partner of Ernst & Young who were auditors of such company in respect of the financial years ended 31 December 1995 to 31 December 1997, and also being a deemed auditor under the Companies Ordinance, to be a professional misconduct. Mr. Wu was – 20 – ordered to pay a penalty of HK$250,000, name removed from the Register for a period of two years from 23 July 2014 and together with Ernst & Young and other respondent costs of HK$2,000,000. According to the service contract to be entered into between, among others, the Company and Mr. Wu, the appointments will become effective from 27 March 2015, for a term of three years. Pursuant to the articles of association of the Company (the ‘‘Articles of Association’’), Mr. Wu shall hold office only until the next following annual general meeting of the Company and shall be eligible for re-election, thereafter shall be subject to retirement by rotation and shall be eligible for re-election at annual general meetings of the Company. Mr. Wu will be entitled to a sign-on bonus of HK$15,000,000 to be payable by the Target Company within 7 days of the approval of the joint venture structure of the Target Company by the Ministry of Commerce of the PRC. The amount of director’s fee of Mr. Wu is HK$10,000,000 per annum, subject to an annual increment at least 10% of the annual salary, and discretionary bonus as may be determined by the Target Company subject to the consent of Shanghai Chambow and the Company. The emolument of Mr. Wu was recommended by Remuneration Committee with reference to, among other things, his experience, duties and responsibilities. Save as disclosed above, Mr. Wu does not, and has not had other directorships held in the last three years in public companies the securities of which are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas, nor any other major appointments and professional qualifications. Mr. Wu does not have any relationship with any other directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company. As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Wu does not have any interest in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the ‘‘SFO’’). However, pursuant to the Service Contract, Mr. Wu will be interested in 138,400,000 underlying shares of the Company in respect of the Options to be granted by the Company, representing approximately 4% of the existing issued ordinary share capital of the Company, and is entitled to subscribe for share options representing 1% of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company on an annual basis. Save as disclosed above, there is no other information concerning the re-election which is required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Listing Rules, and there is no other matter that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company. UNUSUAL PRICE AND TRADING VOLUME MOVEMENTS The Board has noted the recent increases in the price and trading volume of the Shares. Having made such enquiry with respect to the Company as is reasonable in the circumstances, save as disclosed below, the Board confirms that it is not aware of any reasons for such price and volume movements or of any information which must be announced to avoid a false market in the Shares or of any inside information that needs to be disclosed under Part XIVA of the SFO. – 21 – RESUMPTION OF TRADING Trading in the Shares on the Stock Exchange was halted with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 26 March 2015 at the request of the Company pending the release of this announcement. An application has been made to the Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading in the Shares with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 30 March 2015. DEFINITIONS In this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall have the meaning ascribed to them below: ‘‘Boao Xiaoledao Project’’ an international medical, tourism and commercial related development project carried out in Xiaoledao (小樂島) located at in the IMT Pilot Zone ‘‘Board’’ the board of directors of the Company ‘‘China Economic’’ China Economic International Asset Management Co., Ltd. (中經貿資產管理有限公司), a limited liability company established in the PRC and is interested in 30% of the equity interests of Shanghai Chambow as at the date of this announcement ‘‘Company’’ Sincere Watch (Hong Kong) Limited, a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability and the issued ordinary shares of which are listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 00444) ‘‘Completion Date’’ a date falling within 15 business days upon all conditions precedent under the Subscription Agreement have been satisfied or waived (as the case may be), or such other date as determined by all parties in writing ‘‘connected persons’’ having the meaning ascribed to such term in the Listing Rules ‘‘Director(s)’’ the directors of the Company ‘‘Effective Date’’ the date on which the last of the Grant Conditions is satisfied ‘‘EGM’’ the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held to approve, among other things, the Subscription Agreement (including the No Profit Options and the Put Options) and the transactions contemplated thereunder and the proposed grant of the Options – 22 – ‘‘Equity Pledge Agreement’’ the equity pledge agreement to be entered into among Giant Bright, Shanghai Chambow and the Target Company in respect of all present and future equity interests in the Target Company held or to be held by Shanghai Chambow (including present registered capital and any future registered capital and its rights and benefits) following completion of the Subscription to secure the obligations of Shanghai Chambow and the Target Company under the Subscription Agreement ‘‘Exercise Price’’ HK$0.61 per Option Share ‘‘Existing Shareholders’’ Shanghai Chambow and the Minority Shareholder ‘‘Fullshare’’ Fullshare Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability and the issued ordinary shares of which are listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 00607) ‘‘Giant Bright’’ Giant Bright Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability and is an indirect whollyowned subsidiary of the Company as at the date of this announcement ‘‘Grantees’’ collectively Mr. Wu Ting Yuk, Anthony, Mr. Chu, Kingston Chun Ho, Mr. Gao Xin and Mr. Sie Winston ‘‘Group’’ the Company and its subsidiaries ‘‘Independent Board Committee’’ an independent committee of the board of the Company comprising all the independent non-executive Directors established for the purpose of advising the Independent Shareholders on the Option Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder ‘‘Independent Financial Adviser’’ an independent financial adviser to be appointed to advise to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders on the proposed grant of the Options ‘‘Joint Venture Agreement’’ the joint venture agreement dated 27 March 2015 entered into between Giant Bright, Shanghai Chambow and the Minority Shareholder in relation to, among other matters, the rights and obligations of the joint venture parties of the Target Company ‘‘HK$’’ Hong Kong dollar, the lawful currency of Hong Kong ‘‘Hong Kong’’ the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC ‘‘IMT Pilot Zone’’ Hainan Boao Lecheng International Medical & Tourism Pilot Zone* (海南博鰲樂城國際醫療旅遊先行區項目) – 23 – ‘‘Independent Shareholder(s)’’ Shareholders other than those who are required to abstain from voting under the Listing Rules or other applicable laws and regulations ‘‘Last Trading Day’’ 25 March 2015, being the last trading day for the Shares prior to the publication of this announcement ‘‘Listing Rules’’ the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange ‘‘Long-Stop Date’’ a date falling on the 120th day after the date of the Subscription Agreement ‘‘Minority Shareholder’’ a PRC national who is interested in 0.1% of the equity interests of the Target Company as at the date of this announcement ‘‘Mr. Jiang’’ Mr. Jiang Xiaosong, an individual who resides in the PRC ‘‘Mr. Wu’’ Mr. Wu Ting Yuk, Anthony, the executive Director and Cochairman of the Company and one of the Grantees ‘‘Operation Agreement’’ the project entrustment contract entered into on 27 March 2015 by the Target Company and Fullshare in respect of the provision of construction, operation management and services to the Project by Fullshare to the Target Company ‘‘Option(s)’’ options carrying rights to subscribe for up to a total of 346,000,000 Option Shares to be granted by the Company to the Grantees subject to the Option Conditions ‘‘Option Agreement’’ a letter of grant agreement dated 27 March 2015 entered into by the Company with each of the Grantees ‘‘Option Condition(s) the terms and conditions of the Options ‘‘Option Share(s)’’ an aggregate of up to 346,000,000 new Shares to be allotted and issued by the Company following the exercise of the Options ‘‘PRC’’ the People’s Republic of China, which for the purpose of this announcement only, excludes Hong Kong, the Macau Special Administrative Region of the PRC and Taiwan ‘‘Properties’’ the properties as set out under the section‘‘The Properties’’ in this announcement that the Target Company holds, including the ten Land Use Right Certificates (Hai Guo Yong (2013) No. 3487, 3488, 3489, 3490, 3491, 3492, 3493, 3494, 3495, 3496) in Xiaoledao, Boao Town, Qionghai City (瓊海市博鰲樂城島) ‘‘RMB’’ Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC – 24 – ‘‘SASAC’’ the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Counsel of the PRC ‘‘SFO’’ Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) as amended from time to time ‘‘Shanghai Chambow’’ 上海千博投資管理有限公司 (Shanghai Chambow Investment Management Company Limited*), a limited liability company established in the PRC and is interested in 99.9% of the equity interests of the Target Company as at the date of this announcement ‘‘Shareholders’’ holders of the issued Shares ‘‘Shares’’ ordinary share(s) of HK$0.02 each in the share capital of the Company ‘‘Specific Mandate’’ the specific mandate to be sought at the EGM for the Directors to issue and allot the Option Shares ‘‘Stock Exchange’’ The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ‘‘Subscription’’ the subscription of 49% equity interests in the Target Company by way of capital injection by Giant Bright pursuant to the terms and conditions under the Subscription Agreement ‘‘Subscription Agreement’’ an agreement dated 27 March 2015 entered into between, among others, Giant Bright and the Existing Shareholders in relation to the Subscription ‘‘Target Company’’ 海南千博樂城開發有限公司 (Hainan Chambow Lecheng Development Limited*), a limited liability company established in the PRC, which equity is held directly as to 99.9% and 0.1% by Shanghai Chambow and the Minority Shareholder, respectively, as at the date of this announcement ‘‘Target Group’’ the Target and its subsidiaries ‘‘Third Party Guarantee’’ the guarantee provided by the Target Company to two third party creditors to jointly and severally guarantee the payment obligations and liabilities in connection with Mr. Jiang’s Debt ‘‘Warrantors’’ the Target Company and Shanghai Chambow – 25 – In this announcement, unless otherwise indicated, amounts in RMB have been converted into HK$ at the rate of RMB1 = HK$1.2485 for purpose of illustration only and does not constitute a representation that any amount has been, could have been or may be converted. * The English name is a translation of its Chinese name and is included for identification purposes only. By Order of the Board Sincere Watch (Hong Kong) Limited Chu Yuet Wah Chairman Hong Kong, 27 March 2015 As at the date of the announcement, the Executive Directors are Mrs. Chu Yuet Wah (Chairman), Mr. Wu Ting Yuk, Anthony (Co-Chairman) and Mr. Chu, Kingston Chun Ho (Vice Chairman and Managing Director); and the Independent Non-executive Directors are Mr. Lau Man Tak, Ms. Lo Miu Sheung, Betty and Dr. Wong Yun Kuen. – 26 –
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