The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take
no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy
or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising
from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.
This announcement is for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to
acquire, purchase or subscribe for any securities of the Company.
(incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 8242)
Placing Agent
China Rise Securities Asset Management Company Limited
On 18 May 2015 (after trading hours), the Company and the Placing Agent entered into the
Placing Agreement pursuant to which the Placing Agent agreed to procure, on a best effort
basis, not less than six independent Placees to subscribe for up to 57,600,000 new Shares at a
price of HK$0.340 per Placing Share.
The Placing is conditional upon the Listing Division of the Stock Exchange granting the listing
of and permission to deal in the Placing Shares. If such condition is not fulfilled, the Placing
will not proceed.
The maximum number of 57,600,000 Placing Shares under the Placing Agreement represents
approximately 20% of the entire issued share capital of the Company of 288,000,000 Shares as
at the date of this announcement and approximately 16.7% of the Company’s entire issued share
capital as enlarged by the allotment and issue of Placing Shares. The maximum net proceeds
from the Placing will be approximately HK$19.1 million (assuming the Placing Shares are fully
placed and after all relevant expenses) which is intended to be used by the Company for general
working capital of the Group and/or financing future investment opportunities.
As the Placing may or may not proceed, the Shareholders and potential investors are
advised to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares.
18 May 2015 (after trading hours)
the Company; and
the Placing Agent
To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief, having made all reasonable
enquiries, the Placing Agent and its ultimate beneficial owners are Independent Third Parties.
The Placing Shares will be placed to not less than six Placees (which will be independent
individual, corporate and/or institutional investors) and their ultimate beneficial owners will be
Independent Third Parties.
It is expected that no individual Placee as a result will become a Substantial Shareholder (as defined
in the GEM Listing Rules) immediately after completion of the Placing. If any of the Placees
becomes a Substantial Shareholder (as defined in the GEM Listing Rules) after the completion of
the Placing, further announcement will be made by the Company.
Number of Placing Shares
Pursuant to the Placing Agreement, the Placing Agent agreed to procure, on a best effort basis, not
less than six Placees to subscribe for up to 57,600,000 new Shares. Assuming the Placing Shares are
fully placed, the Placing Shares represents approximately 20% of the entire issued share capital of
the Company of 288,000,000 Shares as at the date of this announcement and approximately 16.7%
of the Company’s entire issued share capital as enlarged by the allotment and issue of Placing
Shares. The aggregate nominal value of the Placing Shares under the Placing Agreement will be
Placing Price
The Placing Price per Placing Share is HK$0.340. The Placing Price was agreed after arm’s length
negotiations between the Company and the Placing Agent, with reference to, among other things,
the recent trading price of the Shares on the Stock Exchange and the market condition. The Placing
Price represents:
a discount of approximately 10.5% to the closing price of HK$0.380 per Share as quoted on
the Stock Exchange on 18 May 2015, being the date of the Placing Agreement; and
a discount of approximately 7.9% to the average closing price of HK$0.369 per Share as
quoted on the Stock Exchange for the last five trading days of the Shares immediately prior to
the date of the Placing Agreement.
The Company will bear the costs and expenses in connection with the Placing and the net proceeds
from the Placing is estimated to be approximately HK$19.1 million (assuming the Placing Shares
are fully placed). As a result, the net price per Placing Share will be approximately HK$0.331.
Placing Commission
The Placing Agent has conditionally agreed to place a maximum of 57,600,000 Placing Shares on a
best effort basis and will receive a placing commission of 2.5% on the gross proceeds of the actual
number of Placing Shares being placed. The placing commission was determined after arm’s length
negotiations between the Company and the Placing Agent with reference to the market rate. The
Directors are of the view that the terms of the Placing Agreement, including the rate of the placing
commission, are fair and reasonable.
General Mandate
The Placing Shares will be issued under the General Mandate pursuant to which the Company is
authorized to allot and issue up to 57,600,000 Shares. As at the date of this announcement, no Share
has been issued or agreed to be issued under the General Mandate. Accordingly, the Placing is not
subject to the approval of Shareholders.
Ranking of Placing Shares
The Placing Shares, when issued and fully paid, will rank pari passu among themselves and with
Shares in issue at the time of issue and allotment of the Placing Shares.
Condition Precedent
The Placing and the obligations of the Placing Agent under the Placing Agreement are conditional
upon the Listing Division of the Stock Exchange granting listing of, and permission to deal in the
Placing Shares. An application will be made by the Company to the Stock Exchange for approval
for the listing of, and permission to deal in, the Placing Shares.
If the condition precedent of the Placing is not fulfilled on or before the Long Stop Day, the Placing
Agreement shall terminate and neither the Placing Agent nor the Company will have any claim
against the other for costs, damages, compensation or otherwise except for any antecedent breach of
the Placing Agreement.
Completion of the Placing
Completion shall take place no later than tenth Business Day immediately following the satisfaction
of the condition set out in the paragraph headed “Condition Precedent” above (or such other date to
be agreed between the Company and the Placing Agent).
Further announcement will be made by the Company upon completion of the Placing.
Termination of the Placing Agreement
The Placing Agent may terminate the Placing Agreement by notice in writing given to the Company
at any time prior to 6:00 p.m. on the day immediately preceding the date of completion of the
Placing Agreement, if in the opinion of the Placing Agent the success of the Placing or the business
or financial prospects of the Group would or is likely to be materially and adversely affected by:
any material breach of any of the representations and warranties set out in the Placing
Agreement; or
any suspension in dealings in or the listing of the Shares on the Stock Exchange for a period
of more than 3 trading days (other than in connection with the Placing); or
the introduction of any new law or regulation or any change in existing laws or regulations or
change in the interpretation or application thereof; or
the occurrence of any event, development or change (whether or not local, national or
international or forming part of a series of events or changes occurring or continuing before,
on and/or after the date hereof and including an event or change in relation to or a
development of an existing state of affairs) of a political, military, industrial, financial,
economic or other nature, whether or not sui generis with any of the foregoing, resulting in a
material adverse change in, or which might be expected to result in a material adverse change
in, political, economic or stock market conditions; or
the imposition of any moratorium, suspension or material restriction on trading in securities
generally on the Stock Exchange occurring due to exceptional financial circumstances or
otherwise; or
a change or development involving a prospective change in taxation in Hong Kong or
Cayman Islands which shall or might materially and adversely affect the Group or its present
or prospective shareholders in their capacity as such; or
any change or deterioration in the conditions of local, national or international securities
As the Placing may or may not proceed, the Shareholders and potential investors are advised
to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares.
The Company and its subsidiaries are principally engaged in: (1) the provision of integrated circuit
solutions and the design, development and sales of integrated circuits; and (2) money lending
The Directors have considered various ways of raising funds and believe that the Placing
represents an opportunity to raise capital for the Company while broadening the Shareholder’s
base and capital base of the Company. Assuming all the Placing Shares are successfully placed by
the Placing Agent, the gross proceeds from the Placing will be approximately HK$19.6 million.
The net proceeds, after deducting the placing commission and other related expenses, will be
approximately HK$19.1 million. The Company intends to apply the net proceeds for general
working capital of the Group and/or financing future investment opportunities.
The Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) consider that the terms of the
Placing Agreement are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and the
Shareholders as a whole.
Except for the fund raising activity as mentioned below, the Board confirms that there has not
been any fund raising activity made by the Company in the twelve months immediately preceding
the date of this announcement.
Date of
Announcement Event
Net proceeds
Intended use
(approximately) of proceeds
Actual use of proceeds as
at the date of this
12 September
HK$18.6 million For general
capital of the
Group and/or
HK$18.6 million was used
as general working capital
of the Group.
Placing of
new Shares
under general
For illustration purpose, the shareholding structures of the Company as at the date of this
announcement (as extracted from the Disclosure of Interests stated in the website of the Stock
Exchange) and immediately after completion of the Placing are and will be as follows:
Vital Apex Group Limited
(Notes 1 & 2)
Ms. Yang Min
(Notes 1 & 2)
Metro Classic Limited
(Note 3)
As at the date of this
Approx. %
Immediately after
completion of the Placing
Approx. %
-Mr. Zhang Yuncheng
-Other public Shareholders
Public Shareholders
Vital Apex Group Limited is directly interested in 62,020,342 Shares. Vital Apex Group Limited is 100% owned
by Mr. Wong Siu Piu. His spouse, Ms. Yang Min, is directly interested in 11,375,000 Shares.
Ms. Yang Min is directly interested in 11,375,000 Shares. Her spouse, Mr. Wong Siu Piu owns 100% equity
interest of Vital Apex Group Limited.
Metro Classic Limited is directly interested in 21,800,000 Shares. Metro Classic Limited is 100% owned by Mr.
Ye Jian. Mr. Ye Jian is a non-executive director of the Company.
In this announcement, the following expressions shall have the following meanings, unless the
context requires otherwise:
has the meaning ascribed thereto under the GEM Listing Rules
the board of Directors
“Business Day(s)”
any day (other than a Saturday or Sunday or public holiday) on
which banks in Hong Kong are generally open for the transaction
of normal business
Megalogic Technology Holdings Limited, a company
incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability, the
issued shares of which are listed on the GEM
“connected person(s)”
has the meaning ascribed to it under the GEM Listing Rules
the director(s) of the Company
The Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong
Kong Limited
“GEM Listing Rules”
the Rule Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM
“General Mandate”
the general mandate to allot, issue and deal with Shares granted to
the Directors by resolution of the Shareholders passed at the
annual general meeting of the Company held on 30 April 2015
the Company and its subsidiaries
“Hong Kong”
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s
Republic of China
“Independent Third Parties”
parties which are not connected persons (as defined in the GEM
Listing Rules) of the Company and are independent of the
Company and its connected persons
“Long Stop Day”
being the date falling 21 days after the date of the Placing
Agreement (or such other time and date as the Placing Agent and
the Company shall agree in writing)
any individual, institutional or other professional investor
procured by the Placing Agent to subscribe for any of the
Placing Shares pursuant to the Placing Agreement
the placing of the Placing Shares by the Company, through the
Placing Agent, pursuant to the Placing Agreement
“Placing Agent”
China Rise Securities Asset Management Company Limited, a
licensed corporation to carry on type 1 (dealing in securities), type
4 (advising on securities) and type 9 (asset management)
regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance
(Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
“Placing Agreement”
the conditional Placing Agreement dated 18 May 2015 entered
into between the Placing Agent and the Company in relation to
“Placing Price”
HK$0.340 per Placing Share
“Placing Shares”
a maximum of 57,600,000 new Shares to be placed pursuant to
the Placing Agreement
ordinary share(s) of HK$0.100 each in the share capital of the
holder(s) of Share(s)
“Substantial Shareholder(s)”
substantial shareholder(s) of the Company has the meaning
ascribed to it under the GEM Listing Rules
“Stock Exchange”
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency of Hong Kong
per cent
By order of the Board
Megalogic Technology Holdings Limited
Zhang Qing
Hong Kong, 18 May 2015
As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. Zhang Qing
and Dr. Sung Tak Wing Leo; the non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. Ye Jian and Mr.
Liu Kam Lung and the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. Cheung Chi
Man Dennis, Mr. Chiu Yu Wang and Mr. Ko Yin Wai.
This announcement, for which the directors of the Company collectively and individually accept
full responsibilities, includes particulars given in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing
of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange for the purpose of giving
information with regard to the Company. The Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries,
confirm that, to the best of their knowledge and belief the information contained in this
announcement is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading or deceptive,
and there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement herein or this
announcement misleading.
This announcement will remain on the ‘‘Latest Company Announcements’’ page of the GEM
website at for a minimum period of 7 days from the date of its publication and on
the Company’s website at