Counter Terror Expo (CTX), the leading international exhibition and conference dedicated to mitigating the threat of
terrorism, will be staged at Olympia, London on April 21 and 22 2015.
mprovised explosive devices – known worldwide
as IEDs – are the weapon of choice of terrorists
because they require limited skills to build and provide
dramatic results for very little investment of time,
money and effort. The impact of a surprising and
spectacular explosion far outweighs attacks using
more conventional weapons. As a result, the IED has
become the weapon of choice for insurgents.
With easy access to commercial technologies,
internet training and the ability to either make or obtain
explosive materials, IEDs continue to provide the
enemy an inexpensive, stand-off, precision weapons
systems with near total anonymity.
IEDs will remain a threat throughout the world. They
will grow in sophistication and frequency as more
enemies of peace realise the potential psychological,
social and political impact such a weapon provides.
There is no other weapon that draws the mass media
focus, sheer panic and strategic influence than the
IED. CTX will showcase technological solutions
to mitigate this prevalent threat, and discuss the
key issues.
David Thompson, CTX Event Manager said, “The
C-IED component of Counter Terror Expo grows
year on year and CTX is recognised as a valuable
platform to demonstrate this vitally important area of
capability. Explosive devices are, of course, a threat
to societies around the world and this is reflected by
the increasingly international audience that attends
each year”.
IEDs have changed the arc of how America and its
allies wage war, how land systems are designed and
how military medicine cares for the wounded. More than
a half of Coalition troops killed or wounded in combat
in Iraq and Afghanistan have been victims of IEDs
planted in the ground, in vehicles or buildings, worn as
suicide vests, or loaded into vehicles, according to data
from the Pentagon’s Joint IED Defeat Organization
Such devices also have the potential to cause
devastating damage on transport infrastructure and
in public areas. The number of civilian casualties from
improvised explosive devices, including car bombs and
suicide attacks, has increased by 70% over the past
three years, according to new research. More than
53,000 civilians were killed or injured by IEDs in the last
two years, with the numbers of suicide attacks and car
bombing increasing exponentially. Civilians account for
more than 80% of those killed or injured.
CTX will also provide expert insight into the
challenges posed by IEDs within its established
conference. The Critical National Infrastructure stream
will showcase how best to mitigate the risk to, and
guarantee the safety and resilience of, critical physical
and information assets and networks. Internationally
recognised experts in infrastructure protection will
gather at the conference to focus on how to strengthen
our threat awareness, emergency preparedness
and response capabilities. Participants will include
Francis Morgan, Security Director, Heathrow Airport;
Mark Prouse, Head of Security & Resilience Policy &
Response, Department of Energy & Climate Change;
Graham Wright, CISO & Head of Digital, National Grid;
and Thomas Wuchte, Head of Anti-Terrorism Issues,
Action Against Terrorism Unit, Organisation for Security
Co-operation in Europe.
Security agencies dealing with the menace of IEDs,
especially in countries like India and Pakistan, are firmly
focused on procuring suitable capabilities to first detect
and then safely dispose of such mechanisms. Given the
pressing and increasing threat that these devices pose
to security at many levels, it is no surprise that latest
detection, protection, robotic and disposal solutions will
form a significant component of CTX 2015.
Counter-IED Report online, February 2015
The Advanced Technologies Zone represents the
future of counter terrorism - It will play host to the latest
technology, presenting world-renowned speakers and
relevant case studies. It will be a unique opportunity
to see cutting edge technology up close and fully
understand how it can be integrated effectively. It
is worth noting there will be a C-IED representative
present at this zone.
The Zone will also be the perfect opportunity for
SMEs to present their innovative technology for the
first time to a wider audience.
The CTX exhibitor list includes AB Precision, a
company with 30 years’ experience in the design
and manufacture of Improvised Explosive Device
Disposal (IEDD) and Explosive Ordnance Disposal
(EOD) equipment. Its customer base spans military,
law enforcement and security agencies around the
world, including the UK MOD. The company’s product
range encompasses remotely operated vehicles,
conventional disruptors and de-armers, recoilless
disruptors and de-armers, lightweight disrupters and
de-armers and specialist military equipment, such as
miniature exploders and non-magnetic toolkits.
Also exhibiting is Alford Technologies, which offers
a pioneering portfolio of products including, explosive
water-projecting disruptors for deployment against
small to large size IEDs. The HE BootBanger is a water
disruptor for use against Vehicle-Borne IEDs (VBIED)
which has been widely fielded around the world and
has played an important role in countering the vehicleborne IED threat in Iraq.
Other solutions include the MiniMod Mk2, a
lightweight system ideal for disrupting IEDs ranging in
size from a briefcase up to a large suitcase or even
an animal carcass, while the MajorMod™ is a medium
weight, explosively driven water disruptor for use
against medium sized IEDs such as fire extinguishers.
Chemring is a global provider of counter threat
solutions to security and military users with a capability
that spans counter terrorism, EOD and search, counter
IED and Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear
defense (CBRN) Chemring’s offering includes the
WASP lightweight multi-shot disruptor for dismounted
EOD teams. Easily carried and operated by a single
person, it is suitable for conventional EOD or Special
Forces dismounted operations.
The company’s EOD range also comprises recoilless
stand-off disruptors, available in small, medium and
large options for the neutralisation of unexploded
ordnance and IEDs. Where weight is not as issue, the
company offers ‘Pigstick’ and ‘Hotrod’ disruptors for
tackling medium and heavy IEDs.
Chemring’s RE 88 FNK RoV is an integrated
cryogenic system for mounting on full size robotic
vehicles when it is necessary to employ a freezing
technique. This is where the bomb is reduced to a
suitably cold temperature so the battery would no
longer be able to transmit a charge and the wires could
be disconnected safely.
Prevention is an important weapon in the war against
IEDs and Digital RF’s range of counter terrorist and
surveillance solutions includes Blackshadow jammers.
Incorporating the latest technology, Blackshadow is a
compact integrated system which can be equipped with
a wide range of frequency jamming modules. Typical
applications include the protection of VIPs, military and
security staff, and EOD teams. Users include military,
NATO and civil defence organisations throughout the
world. Portable briefcase and backpack versions are
Guartel Technologies designs and manufactures
metal, mine and wire detectors, together with specialist
electro optical search equipment. The company’s
customer base includes police, security, NGOs and
NATO. Guartel also supplies bespoke EOD/IEDD
vehicle packages which convert a standard box body
vehicle or chassis into a high specification response
vehicle, complete with equipment such as ROVs, tools
and PPE.
Unmanned vehicles are playing an increasingly
important role today and CTX exhibitors include
ICOR Technology whose CALIBER® family of robots
offers five different sized platforms providing remote
capabilities for SWAT, EOD and Hazmat teams. The
company is able to provide customised solutions for
each of its modular robotic platforms.
Icor’s line-up also includes OpenVision™ Live Video
X-Ray, a lightweight live video X-ray imaging system
that provides real-time video X-ray safely for hand
held use without the need for evacuation of public
areas, and SCANX SCOUT™ portable digital imaging
iRobot’s unmanned ground vehicles are designed
to reduce the risk to personnel, operate downrange,
report data and deliver predictive intelligence. The
range starts with 110 FirstLook, a compact, rugged
and expandable lightweight robot for use by tactical
officers, soldiers and emergency response teams.
310 SUGV is a backpack-portable robot for
dismounted and mobile operations which can climb
stairs, manipulate objects and travel at six mph. The
larger 510 PackBot is designed for bomb disposal,
surveillance and reconnaissance, CBRN detection and
HazMat handling, relaying real-time video, audio and
sensor data.
The iRobot 710 Kobra is described as a ‘force
multiplier’, capable of carrying payloads in excess
of 330 lbs. The robot can negotiate rough terrain,
stairs and other obstacles without detriment to its
Unmanned ground vehicles are also a speciality
of NIC Instruments – the company’s lightweight First
Responder can be configured to the needs of specific
missions. The unit can easily be repaired in the field.
MAS Zengrange Ltd specialise in explosive remote
initiation systems to support a wide range of military
applications including demolition, explosive ordnance
disposal and battlefield simulation. The solutions use
proven, reliable, safe and secure transmitters and
receivers to enable explosive and pyrotechnic initiation.
There are specialised designs for Special Forces.
The important field of training is also represented
by ISSEE which delivers commercial explosives and
counter-terrorism training to clients worldwide. ■