October 24, 1984 35th Year, No. AVON J.AKE SHEFFIELD O •z. r i> fn ro <z a- o o r* m j> rX mm o ~\ T> Mill TO C t-t CD n rco o 1 r"* OFFICE HOURS: , , , Monday • CLOSED Tuosday-9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00 Wednesday- 9:00-12:00. 1:00-5:00 Thursday • 9:00-3:00 .,' • Friday - 9:00-5:00 : . Saturday - 9:00-12:00 o X AVON O C M f~ S) SHEFFIELD LAKE A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN LORAIN COUNTY; No Principals Hired In S.-S.L. by Janet Coffoy !•*• i* Thu principals of tlrj smaller ulumun- tobatuken if thu levy passud or failed on I (try schools, Forosllnwn and Barr, coulc1 Nov. 0. hnndlu soiuu extru district work. By The paasDgo of the 0.0962 mill levy pt-osonlliig thu information nhuad of would ensure that no teachers mo Inld lime ho hopus the peoplo will know how off, and till extra curricular octivltloa lio fuels about hiring the princlpnls. and all busing will ha paid by Ilia S.-S.L. Uy 4-0 votu [he Stioffiold-Sliofflold City Schoob. J ,' l.ako School Uoard approved tho actions Continued an page 23 SHEFFIELD-Thc Shorfiald-Shufnufd Lnko School Uourd didn't him any principals or award any supplemental conI rods at the Oct. 15 meeting. Aftor a uno and n hnlf hour executive session, Superintendent Donald Chijivottu pulled nil the items fur hiring nnyono olf the agenda. Tlio DOE ducidod to wait until aftor tho election before doc Id ing if tho school district can afford by Linda HawklnB two principals. The board hud on Its agunda to hiru a AVON LAKE - Krobs Ro^u, called alomentary principal at $22,130 ami the most delarloratud street in the cily Sheffield Middle School Assistant Prin- by tho ongtnaoring department, will bo cipal at $20,546.15. Also on tho agenda improved with a grant from Ohio was the awarding of six supplemontal Doptirtmont of Economic end Comcontracts. Hoivover tho board moy have munity Development funds. to turn around find drop the contracts If City Council , approved legislation tho levy doesn't pass. The board docided Monday night to fflu for a Small Cities to watt and see what happans on Nov. 6. Community Block Grant Some of tho 80 people attending tho of $44,300 to Development widen and resurface Krebs meeting at Sheffield Mlddlo School Road from Lear Road east to the Bay ie> i — " : I w*jrc upset by the idea of hiring two Village lino. i?l LootfeFound! a PRESS reader dropprincipals wiinn tho school district According to the city engineer, block pV;, ped off a small necklace with a pon- needs money. Dr. Chtvavetta said he \?n. dapt/photo of a newborn child. If you placed tho hiring of an elementary prin- grant funds can only ho usod in certain Byf can Idontlfy tholost Horn call the PRESS cipal and assistant principal ,Dti "-the ureas whore 51 percent of tho residents income or for | f o £ . t o d a y . ;:• •••.-••;-•; < ' - • - ' ' .••'"' •• ; agenda because thoy nro really neodetl^ . • nro of low und moderate stroot repairs. Since1 ho^roa'.In Avon • Only 3 weeks until the Avon Lake Jr. .It was also-to,'lot Ihe pooplp"ivho/• 1 ^Women's 13th Annual Homespun Craft say,"Why didn't you toll us boford; the ''; Lake meets tho'income't-ostrlctIpns,,aG-,;1 Fa'In'Tho event gets bettor overy year. levy?'Vknow*When tlio'aubfoct of hiring cording ib'thblOBO Corisus, the engineer' Watch tho PRESS nnch week,far details'. tho two prlnclpols comos up again, said ho recommended Improving KrcBs Sigh up! Thoso Individuals Interested hopefully everjone In SheffioldRoad. , -;. p-^ In Becoming part of the MGP play, "Tho Shefflold Lake School District will No one cume to two public hearings I^Kingianti'l" [should attend the organizaromombor wo really need tho principals. But to discuss alternative uses of thu 1$ tiohnl mooting- Friday, November 9, at Chivavotta would Hlvo to BOO a building grant funds, so council voted to go 7:30 p.m. In "the Loarwopd High principal in each school building. The ahead with the street projccl. About , Auditorium. The annual event is job of a principal fs to know his staff, $5,000 in city funds will havo to be addscheduled for March 22, 23, 24 and 29th school, students and parents. Principals ed to tbo grant to camploto tho imund 30lh of March 1985. nt Knollwood and Tennyson Elementary including udding gravel ••'• PredlctlonsI Aroa voters faco nomo Schoolr, havo a full timo job working in provements, and moving tho existing ditch, .local issues and county candidates in- fust of;o building, ns both schools are borms and widening lha pavement to 10 feet, about 2 weoks. Noxt wool: — some in- Jorge. tho onglnour said. (js torostlng predictions and endorsements. Other Action Council approved tho first reading of an ordinance to permit, but restrict, the use of dish-type satellite signal receiving earth station antennas. Ward II Councilman Dale Cracas and Ward 111 Council wo man Judy Emrick opposed tho legislation. • Cracns said he questioned allowing ' the satellite dishes in residential areas. Mu also laid ho would prefer underground wiring for the antennas. Mrs. Emrick said she was not happy with the provisions for screening thu diithos. Council President Russ Lynch voted the "Little Red Caboose" ticket booth at Avon Lake Memorial Stadium yes on tho first reading, but notod hu had some concerns which might cause him to change his position before the third rending. "There Is no way 1 will vote to approve this with only , one more 4 CM Grant Will Improve Krebs Road l:i Around Our Towns reading," he added. An ordinance sotting tho salary of the newly appolntud city recreation director. Hording Christ, at $3,600 per year was approved. Tho former,-recnation director had received $4*800 per viaar. ' Christ will also havo the uso.ofa city ' car and gasoline for the performRnce of his dutiilB. • : 7 ' '-." , Council :also approved a griovanco procodjro as required by tho Office of Revenue Sharing. Tho procedure provides for iho rosolutinn of cnKpInints by handicapped Indlyldunis .who ?are 'ox-; eluded, bbcituse of their htindirdp, from activities or , programs • funded ^ y rovnr ue sharing nioneyi;; ' ': '^;;j»-\<, •\;7.,:: A; contract'with'•IntornatfdnolliSBH'. Company for treated rock•BaUji iBpproYeaV^ ' ; ' '"' ' ^ • " ^ ^ ^ LegiBlation^iisvVschpdulod^tb^be/,!-'1;1 prepared for-tho next council.jiubattngW agenda (Nov.''12)'to'award;a~conlrflct.ta •'' \ Jonas & Henry Ltd. of Toledo, Ohio, for/ ;, design and' engineering costsUor the :, Jnycox, Road sanitary. - J ! ' ; v - - ••••• ••4 i ' A V G N I A K E . ; . . •;. v.--•••:-•,-. .Wed., pet, 31, 6 p,m:to7:30'p.'rn: - A V O N ' - " '•:./•' : { • • • • . ' • ' ••'. ,••':•;.:.• Wcdf.O^t-' 31, 6.p.m,'to 7:30 p.m. .SHEFFIELD L A K E ." ':•• :^. vVecl.,Oct:3i;6p'.m.-tb SHEFFIELD VILLAGE •. \ :\' : VVcd.. Oct. 31.6 p . m . t b S p - r h . . ' School Levy Hot Line _ Members of the Cahlll family were introduced on the Memorial Stadium field ['•last Friday night as the "Little Rod Caboose'1 they donated to the school was r dedicated. From left aie: Craig R. Cahlll, Adam Cahilt, Mrs. Jean Cahlll, Mrs. '*• Nora Cahill Ferrone, William Ferrone, Ms. Katie Cahlll, Quentin P. Cshill, ALHS ;! Principal B. J. Walker and Athletic Director J. Richard Deasy. Walker is presenting Quentin Cahlll with a watercolor rendering of the caboose by local artist Betty |.BIakemore. Deasy is holding a brass plaque to be placed on the caboose which is ; ;dedicated to the Cahlll children, Katie, Craig and Nora, all Avon Lake High ' School graduates. (Photo courtesy Avon Lake High School) Political campaigns genernto discussion of tho candidates and issues appearing on the ballot. During such discussion many unconfirmed stories aro circulated and many inaccu.rato or misleading statements are made. Do you ivondor.ii' what you've heard about the levy is accurate? Tho Avon Lake City Schools have instituted a Levy Hot Lino to deal with rumors and, answer questions about the levy. Call 033-B210 during school working hours, and a member ol t h e , school's administrative staff will give you the (facts, answer your questions about 'Issuo 27, or listen to your concerns.' Issue 2?was placed on theballbti after months of careful study. This : . levy Is designed to erase a deficit projected for 1985 and . provide" a small amount of protection aijalnet • inflation. The deficit Is due to lha of.'oct of state legislation. on school financing. It Is not tho' result of-1 mismanagement. Tho school board and staff aro proud of their accomplishments and convinced of tho necessity of tho levy to continue', quality e d u c a t i o n ' i n our community. . Got tho facts by calling 933-8210 OUR SCHOOLS HAVE NOTHINn TO HIDE1 , • .,; . . W H O L E KtHI1S>- GOLDEN O Wholt Hwntl ry Cum »| ( l a B,,,, •CORN •BEANS ,. The 30-t.b. Case Smaller Preferred U.S. Ui. 1, Solecl Genuine Baking •SAUtRKRAUT -CUT BEETS Idaho Potatoes Stokefy Sale! J, P « t Bl«|« Cut Chuck Roast Pork Spareribs , •• ' V - S o l d At.._.. Lb. Rom Only i Ktalt Dinner First ot tho leujonl Florida Macaroni 3* 2i Large White Grapefruit Jumbo Meat & C h e e s e . . .BO>°> Coneys'...' •;.!&•; I • Truck load Satoi 6Pk. Bath Tissue. 3-Flo 11 P>IQ. Pnpnr Towels or 3D0-C1. Pkg. Napkins a m *± Ftrsl of Ilia Muonl Our O y i n , Apricot- •• • Sweet Tangelos Honey Glazed Mr. Bia 449 Paper Products ... E a • • T 19 Baked H a m . ; Pure Vegetable CrlscoOil.. ,,hO ^IQ ...%%&***& ,,_ D° Fancy Weslern Green Bart let t Pears . . .Lb. Freshly Sllc Sliced Turkey Ham Modlum Sits Stalk. FtasM Crisp Frostily Sliced . California Pascal Celery Peter's Best Roast Beef.. 149 H.,,Lb..i« I Frown, Pol Rlti Pumpkin Custard Pie z -119 26 Pfe M. OQ R'nso • «a, Laundry Detergent . &» 8-Ct. Tray Mclntosh Apples Long Green Large Cucumbers . ' . . . > . Lb- • ' ^ 0 , 1 or R.C. Cola . . . BOIHOS • • fiattm, Cnlckar). Boel. Turkey or Macaroni & Cheoso Cornplulo. Bullcrnitlk or Old Fmhldttod No Salt Croomy 01 C'oamy or Cruncliy Peter Pan Peanut Butter.; te S« .59 '/1S 3H00 Morton Mrs. Butterws.ih's ,, Pancake/Waffle Mix .. Mr .. Lt>. 1. John Worrell's A "7Q Lean Sliced Bacon .. »£. I - 1 57 Heritage House -199 Apple Cider K !• Chicken Legs .Lb.*tl Kraft Parkay Margarine. 69' piece only ft ' / ; w . Lb. VilueT-lmmw. BotialmQitl Chuck English Cut Roast . . . . . . Amlsh Faim Brand. 10 la 14-Lb. Avar ago Young Fresh Hen Turkey . . . . 1. 99" ^ tBBiy Iroal (torn *vay back I Cake Donut Special 12 only Fatlo a bokor'a know how! Fresh Baked 8" Pumpkin P i e . . . Check Our In-Store Display For Our NEW "Strawberries *n Cream" Stoneware Each placeseiting ^ Boneless Cirloin H: Q Q Mastorlul!y«eaicnadas Fioinn Combination, Snusago, Chanae or Jeno's Pcpperoni Pfzza i.'Si'&Sf -^. ' ASkfi Vatua Trlmmod, Wholo . . Hall Lb. I • .,i Quartered Frozen Food! Plus Doposil, Hlro's Rool Beor. n.C. 100. Did Squirt, Vernors Sugardale Sliced Leona Bologna -« Boneless Beef-Stew. US; Qovi, Impacted, Amlsh Farm Brind A Oood for paling or bnklng ft1;'- : ^^ Thorn Apple Valley Many Grinds Hills Bros. Coffee Semi-Boneless Chuck Vl <J SPECIAL INTR0DUCTORY OFFER! i This Week Only... r\ Cfcam Pat loin Oeoularly t,d9l Frostily Sllcod • or Chipped Chopped John MorrelPs Ham Roll . .Lb. 3 1 9 9 0 Walker Rd., Avon Lake • Open Til Midnight Mon. thru Fri., Sat. 8 ( o i l a n d Sunday 9 to 6 1 -Letters. The band marches tune fs "Thank you" and the To lliu ticlilnr untl Clilxuns of Avon Liiko: Tliu Avon Lnku Sliurumuu Marching Bund wuuld first llku to thtuik you lor all your, support. (I'M aruat lining port of such u good btiinl mid thu big thmik you gous to all of you wliu support us in coinIng to watch U9 prnctlcu nnd porrurm, us wall us puichaoing cliooso niid siiuangn Tram our iiniiuiil sulo, As a band, we only huvu onu man) ruqucHt. Tlint is. that our community would consider wiiuru wu huvu to pr«-> tlco whun llioy walk, llwir dogs. Our lil^li school provldus us with u Inrgu fiuld whuru wu cun propuro for our shown. Our inarching sonstm only lust u lltllti wliilu ouch your. Tliuralbru, we dou'i fool wu cro asking loo much by asking our community not to wnlk Ihoir dogs on tho fluid, or at toast cluiin up aflur thorn. Your cooporutlon will bu groully npprciciuted. Thank you vory much. ',' ". Sinuoroly, • ThoA.L.H.S. Marc* - "-rtd A Tradition of Exceller , Tho Avon Laku Schools havu a tradition of oxcaUanco. This hlgli Blandnrd ws ostnblishod through community involvamsnt and support, leadership from tha administration, and high prulussipnal stnndards or tho school ste/i. Tha past twonty yours huyo prasontotT muny social and economic challenges to our schools und tliis coalition IIUB motoanli of Ihum. Tho talu oF auccoss has not boon porfoct but our schools huvo wouthurod tho trials of thu past and aro hotter bocauso of thorn. On the ploying hold wo havu always compared oursi'Ivou with tho schools to tho oast. This comparison goes beyond athletics. Tlin academic program*: ufforod our students aro 'equal to thoso of other Southwestern Conference schools, Our students aro providud a sound foundation so. that thoy can compolo1 for jobs or. for "admission Into'tha host universities in Ihe nation. Tho success of our students, after all, is our primury goal. - Avon Lnko votors have an opportunity to maintain a program of quality. Our , goal is excellence, Join us In voting YES on Issue 27. Grog Zllkn, President Avon Lako Education Association Litko haino nnd Ihuu conipuro that with (hu viiluutlons in surrounding commuiiltluH. Vuluution doponds on rusalo vnluo, and rusnlu valut) depends on thu willingness of young fnmlllos to move Into thu coi,-iinunily. Young fnmilius Irnnslulo Into kU\». nnd kids Iraushilu inlo Ilio need for quality schools. Aru you nwuru (if thu I'oct tluil tliu vnliKtllon of properly nnd humus Is diiuctly dupundonl on lliu cuultly of Iho .schools? A lucal rutiltor hiii found dlfficiiily Moiling ShurfiuUI-ShnfTluld Lnku propurty bucausu nf tho fiiiiinclJil crisis in our MCIIOOIH. Thu students of toduy uru It.;1 ndults oi tomorrow! As wo, todny's udults, upprouch t'olirutnunt, it is tomorrow's wurk forcu a;id tnxpnyurs who will Insuru our social security. If our youth aro not woll propnrod today, wu will full thn offucts tomorrow. Fuw studonls mnku It to lliu NFL. but many do maku1 it to ctillugu. However, if our schools art ;;c • o r for ing thorn quality oducution, lhon those students will not succoud. ' WITHOUT THE LEVY, tho markot voluo of yaur property wil bo ruducod, and REDL'HEU DRASTICALLYI A vote FOR THE Li'.VY is a sound Invostmonl, proloctlng !'• valuation of your homo and propurty. Committee FOR thu School Lovy Michaul Nbl'a, Truusuror WITH THIS ONE FOR EXAMPLE... COUPON UNLIMITED 3 LARGE .. YOU GET »l°°Off ON EAC1U tVERV URGE PIZZA YOU BUY AT ONCE AT THE LOVIN' OVENS WITH THESE COUPONS, EVERY DAY, INCLUDING 33H22UBH477 GOOD EVERY DAY EXPIRES: [ i i C 31. IBB* WITH THIS ONE FRIDAY & SATURDAY MORE COUPONS AVAILABLE AT THE STORE COUPON UNLIMITED BEFORE YOU PAY ... 0 TELEPHONE 933-4224 933-4477 ("' YOU »l°°Off oNuatAEvtnyURcC: PIZZA TnADEHAnK 933-5708 YOU BUY AT ONCE AT THE LOVIN' OVENS GOOD.EVERV.DAY... EXPIHESi DEC/3 fc'lHU OPEN: MON.-THUKS. 4-12 P.M.. FRL-SAT. 4-1 A.M., SON. 4-10 P.M. ADDRESS: 33530 WALKEft P.D., A.L (ACROSS FROM B.F. OOODHICHJ - The Friends of Harbour Toivn 1837 Present ._^ ', Uth Annual^^g Thanks for Support To thu Citizuns of Avon Lako: Wo. tho V.F.W. of Avon Lako,'wish wholeheartedly to thank unch iudlviduul and company for their support in tho project "Avon Lako Pride." . Tho coming holiday, Voturans Dt.y; I will givu you that patriotic fooling as you drivo down thu hlghwuy undar covor of our country's flog being displayed in our city. Our honorablo Mayor, Richard . Huusrod, had the pleasure of planing tho first. flag on thu utility polo far our Homecoming. ' Wo aro still accopting thoso last delations oven though our project was a little short of our goal. Suuing our flags will bo tha gru^lust thinks oncu can glvo. God bluss us all. John W. Robertson, Conimundbr Avon Lake V.F.W. Post 8796 1 :•' - ' Reap an Old Fashioned Harvest just in time for Holiday L Shipping m< with all 1 TI ffia? Trimmings Hi ^ The ml Old School fflfflf House Annex mf Sr " 993 StaleSi. Rt.60atN&W RR off Route 2 or 4 Vermilion, OH An Opon Latter to tho Citlzons of Avon Lake: Somu junior high and high school students aru using Avon Lake Public Why Should You Vote for the Library, not as n learning resource, but Levy if you have no Students as a "hangout" from aftar' school until in our schools? past 9:00 p.m. Their behavior is disruptive, disrespectful, and destructive. To tho Rosidonts Rocont incidents include: stopping up of Shaffiold-Shuffiuld Lako: plumbing (repair bill, $G03); defacing furniture and walls; breaking a water You should support tho lovy to PRO- balloon inside tho building; using proTECT THE VALUATION OF YOUR fano languagu; spitting chewing tobacHOME AND YOUR PROPERTY! Chock tho valuation of a Sheffield-Sheffield Continued on page B 36476 Datrott RdL Avon. Ohio 44011 Comer of Garden Dr. Buy something special for your children,.. Sun.-Thurs. 4 p.m.-12 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 4 p.m.-1 a.m. We Deliver H U D S O N PEWTER SCULPTURES . the m Library Requests Parent Cooperation 18 MO3.-7 Infant U o d d l o r SB.91) Size 4-7 S7.B0 GET Hours: 9-9 Daily Buy a Membership and We Will Deliver. All Other Memberships Honored PRESS Variety Donut Ci|P RJ. Hemmer sr., co-Publisher Rick Hemmer, Editor & co-Publisher Linda M. Hemmer, Advertising Bonnie Harvath, Advertising con&ancfl E. uiricn, Advertising Linda Hawkins, staff Writer Jim nanloan, sports B Leisure Editor Connie Dudas, Accounting • Unda Barnes. Office *. «. _ Rle ? R j " m * co-ordinator Catherine j.Batien, circulation Manager 4205 E. Lake Rd. ; Sheffield Lake, Ohio TELEPHONE 933-5100 (Next To Pizza Hut) send news articles, advertisements to: Box 300, Avon Lake, 0., 44012 ANNUAL OUT OP AREA SUBSCRIPTION $16.00 949-2900 The Press Is a Newspaper of General Circulation In Loraln County Over 35 Great VarieiuM Retail - WholesalM -RASPBERRIES^ Emorgoficy school closlnga 1 • , .,, N o o n - 6 -. • . . ' •.• p . m . •••'•••••• •;'•:• r ' S S S S Clayton A. Dusok, Supurfntondont of .Schools* givoa the following information concerning school closings: Avon Lake suldom closes Its schools because of snow. This is prlmrrfly hocuusu tho Avon Lnko City Sori'fco Department does on excellent Job of removing 3815Center;Bd;AvonfRt!;83)g|^ the snow from the streets. On many occasions tho street department creivs work all night to clour the Ffwr ( streets In Iho city. The police doiinrlmnnt and school officials keep .n contact with onnlt other in tho Into ntjjht and oarly morning hours when auvoro weather conditions oxlst. Tho decision to close (ho schools is usuolly made in ; the early morning hours on school days. Therefore, teldphonti calls tci either the police department or school officials in the owning hours arc unnecessary: ' Kirbv:- Royals v.Hooyej^ffl When ft becomes necessary Io close tho schools, the schools rely on the local radio and television stations . to communicate the information to tho public! School officials inform the Associated Press and United Press lnturnnUonal when the schools ar(i closed. Those services will, In turn, notify Iho area radio and television stations. On ocensiun, however, breakdowns in communication have prevented Iho 'Information from be-, ; '••• 'v^tteSSv^fia^i: SCHOOL CALENDAR ing relayed as requested. ; , ": 1 33465 Lake Road . Wed., . Oct. 24, 4:15 p.m. - Froshmdn Volloyball (CJ Radio station WEOL (Lo ruin-Ely Ha, A M ,93)' has Avon Cake, Ohio -Avon at .Avon Lako. ... ' always mode.the announcements prdr.ipity und acHours: Mon.-Sat.'9-5:; , Thufs.i Oct. 25, 3:15 p.m. - Pop Club-Cafotoria;,-):15 curately, and the Avon Lakd fidibdli1 Wi/!.cbritinuo to p.m.- Frosliman Football - Medina at'Avon Lako. use their service, in addition (tl'lhnt of tho noWs ser ' 1 tl ' > I" nit* Fri., Oct. 26, 0:00 p.m. - Varsity Football at Olmstod vices. Parents and students art) advised to listen to Falls. .' • • .' . . . WEOL for the most prompt flnd'accuratti roports. ' dal., Oct. 27 - Burnoson Freshman' Volleyball (G) Parents and studnuls should assuiite that the local Tournamorit at Burnoson-Wsstlako 10:00 a.m. Junior Varsity Football - Olmstod Falls at.Avon Laku. schools are open unless an announcement pertains min IIIIM i — — specifically to tho Avon Lake Schools: < Calls should not bo made to school officials or, (be police deparlmenl unless they aro absolutely necpSFiry because thesa calls wtll tie up the phonos • . • • • •• v ; , * * * U ' - v ; i . ^ : " - : C f f p wlion emergency calls must be mude, . St. Joseph Elementary School w i l l ' bo closed whenever the Avon Lako Public Schools are closed bocuuso of woathnr conditions or other emergency.' Parents who have children that attend private or . Receive an early cowofJHEPJ3E$$ public schools outside tho Avon Lake district and are transported by Avon Laku buses should also listen lo for 25* by visiting any gi&pf]$& aron rcdio und television stations for school closing Infollowing locations on formation. As a general rule, the Avon Lake, City evenings: Schools District will not transport any public or nonu lic school students to anoflior community when Convenient Fisher Fazio's.;; public schools in Avon Luke or Iho neighboring ; Grandpaionls Cay in the Avon LakoSlcmonlui y Food Mart 1 Walker Rd., Avon Lake lets are closed because of weather, Schools . • . L»;TROI; Avert Lake ;':. ):,:~:v..; jrcnts should make a {udgement about whether to Tlio wook of October 8 should have boon called Avon Lake V ; ' .end thoir children lo school whon bad weather exists* A.L. IGA Grandparents' Wook En the Avon Lake Eloinontary even though the schools are open for classes. The Lake Rd., Avon Lake Drugstore :^v; Schools. Approximatoly 650 Grandparents had the opschools will accept tho parents' decision In this mat' partunily to visit their Grandchlldrons' school. . . / Lake F.d., Avon Uke ;';! ter, and the student will not bo counted as truant. , Grandparents Day was hold at Eriuvlow School on Avon Lake ' ; Working parents should also make arrangements Tuosday, October 9, Redwood School on Wednesday, with someono who will attend their children in case October 10 and at Eastviow Sciiool on Thursday, OcDeli Convenient .. the schools close during the school day because of an tober 11. Wcstviow School has scheduled GrnndAvon Lake Shopping Center F o o d Mart .;. parunts Day for Thursday, November 8. emergency. Tlio children should bo informed where ! they are lo report in c«se of such on early dismissal. Convenient Landings, Avon Lake :;L.: What a groat da;1 fc* "vnryono at tho throe schools. MAYTON FARfVIS s**" ^' ' 93^-5600; ^^tT"^^ r*i •SweeperSilii. CATCHES THE W0RIV1 • .. Grandparents received a floivur i.'sal from thoirgrandchildren; toured the respective buildings; visited classes, as well as participntod in class lessons and mid lunch with their grandchildren. • PTA hostesses made sure that grandparents worn made comfarlable at the schools on tin's exciting day by serving refreshments; conducting lours; giving .directions;'helping during the busy lunch hour; ami taking carp of the many emergencies thai come up . during Iho day, Grandparent.') enmo from many differcnl parts of the country — Texas, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania. Michigan, Arkansas,, Kentucky; Kansas, ale... Two guntlonwu who wuro classmates nt Elyi-in High School . fifty yours iiyu mtil during Iho Eastviou- Grandparents Dny.'TIioy hnvaplniiimtl ihnfr own cliiss miniion! ! l! lill.l;.; .• dil i)l |i.;o)i!i' \.'UI k 111 (4 Ul^i.'lili'l I'll m.l^ii nil ufunl iiku (liis t>ru! n I'i'ill hUi;ui:ss.., itud if ivii.s.i.lmnnMdous SIICCISN. A IH'H THANKS (u Gninclfiiirt'tii:). Sludonls, .Sun-clnrips, CJu^lodiul I'eiHntuiul, J'TA HOSIUSHL'S• iind thy Kilchen I'urKiinnel.Tlio Kifrhun Personnel'hml a ruul lougli fob to do in a shurl period of timo. SCHOOL LUNCH Food Mart Lake Rd., Sheffield Lake Gray Drug s t o r e Brnuinlrt* ''• ; Market • '' Lake Rd., Sheffield Lake • • ^ . • Smith's Country Store Colorado Ave.; Avon .-. ;:| Gas Town |! E.LakeRd., , Sheffield Lake ••! ::';[•}} Billinghurst IGA Colorado Ave., Avon.'• ;. L'Hommedfeu's Chemist Shop Detroit Rd., Avon ALHS C U S S OF 1939 held Its 45th reLnlon during the recent Third Annual Avoii Lake Homecoming Festival, (see "Lot^rs to the Editor" for details.) plc• uredI from left a w : (seated) Edna SpachtJ: ,!!nga|e, Lucille " P a t " Burkhardt Lescner, Gwen Beard Anderson, Betty D.nisey O'Connor, Jayne Zellers Chester, Garnet Buer Matus, (standing) PMilp Mylechralne, Paul Rogers, ;( Eugene Traxler, Ruth Nixon Hlgglns.Albert T>.:,xler, Sophl Doddlsh Gvozdlch, :-. Stanley Mucha, LaVern 3usvyell, Charles Hubar. Violet Barlett Owad, Bettv Lou ' Lott Miller, and teacher Ruth Connor VIerkle. . Letters Continued from page 3 co, gum, and condy,on walls, carpet, windows, furniture, and books; loitering -In groups in tho parking lot eher 9:00 p.m.; dancing on car tapo; stripping ' bicycles; damaging shrubbery; and throwing rubbish on the building. Avon : Lako Public Library is o beautiful, wall-equipped facility, ope.'' 04 hours a week for all to use and enjoy. It is ono of tho best public libraries in this araa, thanks to tho support' of the taxpayers of Avon Lako. Taxpayers cannot bo woll-sorVBd,-however, whon staff must patrol the building instead of performing tho library service duties for •which they wore hired; when ', maintenance and repair costs Increase JLduo to.yandalismj.Qnd when quiet roiaxl aiion and study are impaired by rowdy -youth..,'./ .,, : . • ; , - . . . . . . . . ,'•;• The Board pf.TruBtoes and staff ore j determined to deal with thoso problems quickly and firmly. • . Wo request that parents cooperate by •pickjngup Ihoir children promptly at. : library: closing time,' (Monday-Thursday, 9:00 p.m.; Friday-Saturday, 5:00 p.m.), .by monitoring thoir children'* evening activities; and by'rocbgnMng the staffs ; responsibility to expel thoso studonts violating patron conduct rules. Avon Lake Police Department is reinforcing sta' f of forts to insure acceptable conduct at the library by including tho building and parking lot in its ovoning patruls. Avon Lake Public Llbray Board of Trustees Endorses Hertz To tbo Editor^ I hnve boon ticked by several mombors of our lodge to wrlto this letter In regards to our endorsement for Sheriff James A. Mori?,. It is truo that we have had our differences with Sheriff Mortz in tho past, as all Employee/Employer relationship1! do. However, wo aro n..t endorsing PERSONALITIES, wo jro endorsing tho best Candidate for tho fob. Sheriff Mortz has been tho Sheriff for only the last six years, but he has been in the management of tho Loroin nouAy sheriffs Department for the last 23 years. His opponent has yet to be in any suporvlcory capacity to our knowledge. We ask the public to take a look at our endorsements, JAMES A. MERTZ FOR SHERIFF AND GREG WHITE FOR PROSECUTOR. You will find that thoir opponents' qualifications fust don't stack up. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #54 represents 10 law enforcement agencies of Lorain County. F.O.P. Lodge #54 Prosidont Class of '39 Have a great time! Tho weekend is over, classmates and friends have returned to their homes and we are loft with beautiful memories and mt.iy pictures. The parade was a now experience far many of us, ospocially riding on tho float that Gwcn Board Andorsoi. .ind Phil Mylochraino worked so dlligantly on. Took us "45" years to bo in a pariuio and wo all folt honorad to .be, in our own Avon Lako 3rd Annual Homecoming Parade. Thon to tho Alumni Room 15/. Hopefully this Is a haw beginning of "got-togothnr" for ' tho classes uf tho "O's and 30's as clussmatos from 1029, 1D.VO and 1931 arrived complete with snapshots. Such fun o .-mninisco, walk tho halls, onjoy tho food and u!I tho beautiful people and trying to guess wno that Vimiliar foco belonged to., We, tho class of" 1939, hod dinner at the' Holiday Inn attended by 17 classmates with spmiso and friends. Ono of tho highlights of (no ovoning was ono of our former loflcht-rs, Mrs.1 Ruth Connor Morklo and her husband wero with uc, a letter road from Clayton Maus,' a former science toachnr and basketball caach. Cone Traxlor g-.ivo the invocation, and president of our class, Phil Mylochraino, gavo .tho welcome. Paul Rogers was th« Master of Ceremonies and after a delightful spnoch, cqmploto with humor and wit, he introduced onch member to say a few words about what they have been, or are doing. Seventy per cont ere retired and ba>ik to working in the soil with gardons, golf and travel. Tho weekend ended with breakfast at the High School whore tho mombors of Kiwanls sang "Should auld acquaintance bo forgot" and once aguln visited with friends from the past. Our goal for tht) future is planning to be together in 1969 to celebrate our "OOth". May all 24 of our class uo with us. Thoso attending wero Violet Bartlett Owad, Betty Deasy O'Connor, Sophie Doddlsh Cvozlch, und Edna Spachtolz Zingole, all from tho Cleveland area; Lucille (Pat) Burkhardt Leschrr and Gone Traxlor from Avon; Gwon Beard Anderson, Stanley Mucha, Ruth Nixon Higgins, Phil Mylochroino, Paul Rogers, and Jayno Zollors Chester from Avon Lako. Pal Schroth Diobold, Sheffield Lake; Gnrrtnl Duer Matus, Wake man; Butty Lou Lott Miller, Wostervillit, Ohio; Albert Traxlor, Dearborn Michigan. Those coming the farthest wero LaVarn Buswoll, St. Petersburg, Florida: and Charles Hubcr, Bellovuo, Washington. Response to "There is no Economy in the System" To the Editor: I read tho letter in A< on Lake Press lost weok (10-17-84) and was impressed by tho point of view of the writer, as well as hi3 effort to get some Information. I'm happy to take the timo to reply with somo facts that may holp. Let me take tho points, ono at a tmo: Assertion: "An eight .-nilllon dollar addition to The Cleveland Klectric Illuminating plant will genorate an additional two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in taxes to the Avon Lake Schools..." Facts: Tho construction of tho prccipltator and fan work at the west end of the CE1 plant will likely generate same additional revenue to our schools.* All official at CEI could not sot u specific dollar amount because much of tlio now construction involves pollution control (iquipmonl which is tax dxiimpl. Moru Important, tho tuxes from tlio new construction will not bo avullablo until 1007. This is too lute to solve our immediate problem, but may hulp the Hoard mako a decision about ronowiitg the omorgoncy 2.fl mill lovy passed In 1902. that will expire at the end of 11)07. Ansortlon: ...."the Slato of Ohio is now distributing fifty million dollars to tho schools throughout tho stale.." Facto: Tho monoy referred to conies from tho excess lottery profits. Suro, fifty million dollars sounds like a let, but it represents a one-time payment of only 23 dollars per pupil. Avon Lake will receive $50,308.73 of this monoy. That does not ovon come close to o $730,000 deficit. There ore also strings attached to tho monoy which restrict how it can bo spoilt. Assertion: "There Is no economy In tho system." Facts: The increase in actual operating casts for tho Avon Lako Schools botwoon 1983 and 1984 was loss thin one percent. If that Is not economy, what Is? Whon tue levy passes, the probable Increase In oporatlng costs botwoon 1084 and 1085 will be about 2.5 percent. Our schools challenge any other governmental agancy to match that lovy of offlcloncy. Two additional points which naod to bo mudo: Tho usu of phono surveys is common during olocllon. campaigns. National pollsters use.tho phnna ID ask pooplu how tlioy will vu.u ynd that helps cundidiitos plan their campaigns. The lovy committee was simply using a rather con; ion campaign technique. Sorry It up .it you. 1 also havu a concern that o letter that raises such real, yot controversial points, is published without your name. I would encourage Avon Lako citizens to continue to bo woll-informod. Ploaso call tho s u p e r i n t e n d e n t ' s office (033-0210) or any of your elected board members if you'heed answers to your questions. If We all work from tho same factual basis, we will do a bettor Job of making decisions on behalf of our quality educationul program. Earl1 D. McMlchael, Jr.1 " Vlco-Prcmldont Avon Lako Board of Education Historical Society Tho Society will moot Nov; 5, at I-p.m.' In tho conference room of. the. Avon' Lako Public Library. Tho mooting will bo open to tho public'end refreshments will be provided. ' ' •:W?A Tho afternoon's program will'be a1 presentation by Mrs. }*u. Goodwin who' ', will read: from -. hor .great-grandmothor's lournal recounting her trip in* a Con* estoga Wagon from India1 a to Kansas in the 19th Conturyl ' '!•' " ' \. '- . 1 =• : - t Ownership: Buying your phone is a small p r i c ) of reliable, trusty sieivSiev •',:;>&£ It's hard to put a price tag on something as lasting as a Centel phone. But for as little as $16.85 each, plus tax, you can buy the phont*s you already have in your home. Just make your purchase in full or through CentePs interest free, three-month payment plan and those phones become yours for good. There's no more monthly rental fee. Buying the phones you currently have will probably be less expensive than buying new ones. And why risk buying a poorly made phone when you know from experience that Centel phones are high-quality inside and out. The cost of your Centel phone is a small price to pay for all the years of reliable, trusty service. And now's the time to buy. Just call your Centel service representative or stop by your Centel Pick-a-Phone Center. CENTEL >M? :;-«* •:-n:j Making good onthe promises of telecommunications. m T7,p^»^^^^ "• *1.V'£!&* ? ( W l S f l W * W«MigW "'»•*••<~T?~'?^***.1*T!~<r!fi'-!'-**:H!!!?i-'?W^"rl9W*li-*u.*?'!."fc'i««~VIVf I"!!!" 1 • SW*****.-II-.II-TWU,•*--.•]«"V»-f » • . , Avon Accidents & Incidents II 10-10-84 10-13-04 1226 - OSP advlsos ol accident on IH-00. 0050 • Hosldenl requests special attention due 1456 - Report of Soml In ditch on IR-90. Unlls. to Inreatn. Offlcors advised. ambulance, and low sont. Accident In Sholtleld 0117 • Officer arrested Intoxicated molorist. Village. APD otficaro nsslatod. Released on bond. 1723 • Resident on Garden Dr. Roports dirt 0308 • Accident roportod on IR-90. OMicors bike. Vehicle gone on officers arrival. Driver sont, report taken. located lator, parents advlsod. 1254 • Resident reports missing child. Sent 1801 - Center Rd. Resident stales additional officer. barricades needed on road. Advised Service 1730 • Local business reports lost or stolen Director. key. Officer took report. 1030 - Request lo chock on welfare ol Stoney 1755 - Report of damage balng done to Ridge Rd. residents, Chocked OK. farmer's field by ATC vehicles. Parties advlsod to 10-11-84 • , caase. . 0023 - Clove. P.D. advises Ihoy have subject In 2111 • Local business reports thell. Officer custody on warrant, Unit sonl, subjocl confined. took report. 0041 - Unlls located subjocl for OSP. Sub|ocl 2211 - Prowler reported In Norlhgale. Officer arrested and transported. unablo lo locate, will give extra attention to area. 0750 • Subjoct lacked out of vehicle. Unit sent. 2333 • Vehicle In ditch on SR 83. Officer took entry gained. report. 1435 - Officer looK report ol accident at IR-90 10-14-84 Sohlo, gas pump knocked over. . 0015 - Suspicious vehicle reported on east 1614 • Report of vehicle throwing (Irecracker3 end. Officer unable to locale. at other traffic. Officers unable to locale vehicle. 0028 -OHlcor delivered emergency message 1958 - Vehicle In dilch on SR 83. to lamiiy. • ' • 2135 - Report ol tight behind Lowson's. 0104-Officers assisted;Sheffield Village units Everyone gone on-olflcer'a ctrtlyai. In theircity. ' ' " . '•;. ,'• . .. j i ••., . • 2333 - Suspicious persona at Lawson's. Sub. 0134,; Vandalism reported ro-rasldonce on jects' arrasiud, had weapon In possession.". Detroit fld.Ownertomnkoutalement. 1O-'12.84 •:'• i.: ,, ••; • ' 1125 - Report of.domoslic problem. Officers' 0051 - Report of accident at Case arid Detroit .f«<«pnt, problam mediHtod. " r i .'' •' ' Hd},Off!cfira,sonl. „#>.?, H. ) V \ . W checked /osldonco. Alarm gof W o a r - U n i ! assisted Sheffield VillageTUnH Jin >"' I J113SJ- Ofticorff ; ! . i n g off. • " * • ' . • . • thelr.clly.' ' ' • T1. * 1332 -Subject locked out of vehicle. Ollicer ' 1115 - Report of debris In roadway on IR-90 ex. sent, ontry gained. ' ' . It ramp at SR 611. Service Director advised. 1 1956 • Olllcers assisted Sheffield Village of1701 - Westlake P.D. advism; occupied, disablficers with runaway Juvenile. ed vehicle on IH-90. Officer unable to locate. 2101 • Report c* vehiclo in ditch m SR 83. Of1812 • Resldonl on East end reports dog at ficer arrested Intoxicated motarisl, large. Owner contacted and advised. • 2119 - Alarm at loor.1 business. Buildings and 2140 - Report of peoping-Iom on Sloney Ridge grounds checked OK. Rd. Offlcors sent. 10-15-84 2300 - Resident reports vehicles from party 003<"< Motorist out ol gas on IR>90. Olticer parking In yard. Officer ••int, vehicles moved. 0141 • Officor arrastod Intoxtcaled motoriat Subjoct released on bond. 0759 - Alarm at local business, Tripped In arrof by employees. 1331 • Lost dog and ownur reunited 1914 • Officer found opon dcor at focal business. Secured same. ' 2310 • French Creek Rd. residents found open •door upon roturn. Officers checked -ind found f* ine rest of the 'ooldanco secure. 2341 - Officor asslslod EVPD unit with orrost ol ^a subject al SR 254 and our west city llm ta »,w QSSISIQCL . 0443 • Officer assisted molorlsi wllh flat tiro. 1545 - Resident reports theft of Horns from garage. Report taken. „ _ . , _, 1555 - Report of tralfic problems on SR 83 at ropnlr area. Olflcors sent. 1938 - Hoport of loud music In area of NorIhgato Park. Officer advised sub|ecta to turn volumno down. 0020 • Complaint ol theft ol license plates. VicUrn to provide information. 0111 - Accident with injuries on IR-90., Sent officers and ambulonc.o Court Of Honor Boy Scout Troop 30B hold a Court of Honor on Wod., Oct. 3, 1004. Tho program tncludtid a procession, flag raising ceremony and presentation of awards. Tho following Scouts rocalvod awards: Jock Bauer, 2nd yr. honor camper, camping skill award,, cooking skill awurd, environment skill award, snorkollng B.S.A., co-campor of tho wook, Beaumont pntcli; Jeffrey Droger, 2nd yr, honor uumpor, swimming merit badge, camping skill award, cooking skill nward, environment skill award, ; Bent]mont palchi co-campor df (ho wuak: ttarry.<F.lschbaqlt,' lst.yr. honor -i campur, cooking skill, uwardpfirtft aid.; skill awurd, swimming skill award, flrom'n chit, Beaumont pptch; Cerl Goemmol, yellow, orange, white & red beads, Baaumont patch; Alan Hoch, yellow, oratigo & white bauds, first nld skill awnrd, flrom'n chit; Mike Kobak, yellow, white & orang'i bends; Jim Nlmolli, 1st yr. honor cumber, t-J.K.A. riflo awards, pro marksman, marksman, Baaumant patch; Bart - Patterson, Yellow, orange & whlto bonds „ mont patch; Brian Paul, Yellow orangtnr, & white beads, swimming skill awaruF' cooking skill award, Boaumunt patch, Mike Radatz, Yellow, orange and whlto beads, cooking skill award, first afd skill award, swimming skill fiward, firolnln^ cliiti Beaumont patch; Dennis Richarddjf| 2nd yr. honor camper, envlronmontpLj, sclenco merit boc^n, rifle & shotgun^ morit badge, rowina meritbadgb, NiRfAvr riflo awurds.pro marksihan, morkBman^ i marksman 1st class,- Beaumont pdtcHf.^'' -jiFollowlng: 'tho'!presonlatiph'*;of*tHi .awardsMpr. Jahn Scouts and oncjurapod thorn to the good work. Refreshments wore t s e r v e d . . •• ' ,- •! ; ••..•; .••!«:(„„ , Any boy; 11 years of ago or:oldor;whp3j may bo interesMid In scauttng'^i'-Is^i wolcoma to attend'ana af'Troip-iSOO^ weekly n.eotings They are hola Wednesday at 7 00 p m in Holy Trinity^ School, Ndgel Hd Avon HERE m i FOUR GOOD REASONS TO VOTE "FOR" ISSUE27* •DjjrO NjpFMJLT HOURS BY'APPT. APPTS. AVAILABLE1 A FULL WE CAN THINK OF 2496 MORE AGENCY SINCE In these clays of rising costs, just about everything takes more money than it used to. Educating children and running a school system is no exception. During the last couple of years, our school system has reduced staff, closed a school building, conserved energy and tried its best to provide excellent education in the most cost efficient way possible. This year, the school budget will just balance. Next year, a huge deficit is projected unless more income is received. The 4.5 mill levy is the only way to get this additional income. The children of Avon Lake need your YES vote, so that bur schools can continue to strive to meet the needs of all our students. The quality of our children's education is the real ISSUE 27 on the NpVEMBER 6 BALLOT. For literally pennies a day you can continue quality education for Avon Lake children. 1952 Bob Allen Auto, Home, Lite, Tax Shelters, Annuities, Gwup, Commercial, Pension, Bantling, Boat, Disability,y, HospitalfzaUort, p • M t Motorcycle. ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE Depends on your family's size, standard of living, retire merit plans. L*t ma help you plan lor future security. Phone...wrlte...v!sft SAYYES l Don Jones 9:00-5:00 Daily 9:30-12:00 Sat. 444 CENTER RD. AVON LAKE Paid (or by Avon Lake Cillzens For Schools CLEVE. 835-7242 DON JONES 933-4:34. BOB ALLEN 933-5223 \-i "iSf ^^•i^i-^*i^^'^»^«VK^^i^&;^i£^ijii '-j-.nt;i Guest Devotions I IT'SS HERE AGAIN OUR Tho Rav. EHc A. BiiiH, Pusltir Unllud Church of Clirlsl 1103 SutiBOl Avenun. Shufnold [.tiki! Tb« Gosjpol of John Chapter 0 AH is coniniuu with lliu Guspol uccount of John, many HIUSSUHOS of rollglous siBiiiricanco convurxu fn thu ovunls of today's losson. Klulu til tlm lju«liinliiii ol lliu cliaptur wo, with Jusus, confront tho till too common londuncy to nssuuitilo pltystutil Impairment or ill fortuno with sin. Jusus' disclplus uppuiir in mucli lliu otmtu iillltudc us Job's friends whon tho dlsciplos nskod if tho blind man's blindness worn " roaull or his or his puront'a Bin. Juaus dlstnlssmJ Unit noilon nbruplly. As tho losson progrussos, onotliur quoal' n urlsos. How could ono roully work for God if ho ignored tho rulos designed for Iho honor of God? This question sooins to hove obsessed tho Pharisees to such o dogroo that they woro blind lothosignificonco of tho healing. 1-lobrow Utoruturu dlsclosus that not all of tho Phurlsoos ware of tho lypo disclosed within thu Now Tostnmunt but tho onos that J«sus encountered do aomonstrato common tondoncles amongsl roligiaus luudurs in ulmosl any setting. Tho rollglous training that Jesus rocoivod as a youth was Pharisaical but Josus apparently muintalntid a freedom In His splrltuul lifo that allowod him to respond 1mmodiatoly and creatively to the nned of'anathcr Individual, ono in whom ho now an opportunity for revealing God's powor. Josus', rollglous sonsltlvlty was not hidebound by arbitrary rulos und allowod Him to lead a moro rosponsivo pnth of obodlonca. This msdp Him an effective leador, but a disruptive ono as well. CENTERPIECE COLORFUL FALL FLOWERS ARRANGED IIM A FRESH PUMPKiN ONLY Tho Gpspol lesson doos not put tho Phariseos ut odds with Josus simply on tho baals of Jesus providing a physical cure during the Sabbath. Of far groator signiflcanca was tho spiritual power that tho cure embodied and broadcast. Tho Now Testament Phurlsoos fait threatened by Josus bocausu Jesus was potentially their equal. Furthermore, there was the healed blind man who stood before them giving gulloloss wltnoss to this renegade. flowers • furniture • gifts 90 Avon Bdden (Rt. 83) Avon Lake Who was the blind m^n? - Just anothor nameless lace from tho'crowd, one "born nnd brought up in sin", ono of tho many tho Phartsous,' porhaps, etioso not n sou? Hero ho camo to them daring to offor words of splrltuul advlco. Wo -icognizo thot tho Phorisoos of the New Toslamont woro sat in thoir ways und had a way of Ufa todofond. It Is easy for us, in retrospect, to condemn them for thoir own blindnoss. It Is moro difficult to cast ourselves in thotrrota. Tho truth sometimes hurts, ospocially T it .-omos from somootio wo connot stund. It is sometimas true, however, Hint such paoplu come to us as onus sent, sluiring o wisdom wo would profor, not to hoar. Cycle and Hobby Center Corner of Electric & LOBE- Rd. FUN FOR ALL AGES Kiwanis Presents Flags m . During the opontnjj ceremonies at last flown on tho AFS flag polo in front of week's football game on October 10, the high school huildlng. members of tho Avon Lako Kiwanis - Representing Japan was Sachiko Hori, Club presented national emblem flags to . accompanied by her host family, tha Al Halvprsen family. Sachiko received tho two AFS studonts. Klwanlans involved were Tom Deal, flag from Tom Beal. Representing President of Avon Lako Kiwonls, and Finland was Tuomo Ahola, accomBruco Stevens, Chairman of the Youth panied by tho BUI Stives family with Services Committee of Avon ' Lake whom ho resides In Avon Luke. His flag Kiwanis. Tom and Bruce presented flags wan presented by Bruco Stevens. The of tho countries represented by Avon Avon Laka Marching Bund than Lako High School's^Amorlcan Field Sor- repeated tho "Olympic Fanfara" In vlco Chapter to the studants who In turn honor of our guosts nnd thoir rospoctlve presented thoir country's flog to Dabby countries and Sachiko and Tuomo wore ]. Wulker, Principal of tho High School, given a warm w.olcomo by the football on behalf of tho Board of Education, crowd. faculty and studonts. Tho flogs will bp Come In and Browse Our FullLinoof HALLOWEEN Masks • Capes- Makeup Kits & Accessories From Don Post Studios in Hollywood Bunny Ear* & T«(t HALL RENTAL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS • Spider W«b» Nftlta • UytexAdhestva ' Clown Hat«, •Glow In Tho Dark BowTI»»,Wfai (LIpitlok & Net) Poluhl RETURN Weddings - Parties - Meetings Air Conditioned - Ample Parking For information Call: Knights of Columbus 1783 Moore Rd. — 934-4253 If No Answer Call 933-3926 54th District Ohio State Representative (Comment from Avon Lake Council Work Session. 10-15-34) • ^ ^ ^ ^ '**- - * ^ - ^ ^ - ^ ^ - ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - -^P- -m^-i-^rr -^^ ^ ^ - ' DeAngelis Restaurant & Lounge 933-9743 Located in Avon Lake Shopping Center BILL KING Tho King of Oldies WGAR - WGCL • WWWE Trivia Dance Contest Friday Night Only BREAKFAST 6:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Saturday 6:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m. • LUNCH 10:30 n.m.-2:00 p.m. DINNER Mon.-Thurs. 4-10 p.m. Frl. & Snt. 4-Mldnlghl. FRIDAY SPECIAL: FRESH LAKE ERIE PERCH HAPPY HOUR Monday thru Thursday 4p.m.-7 p.m John V. Bara • State Represenlative 1979-80, 83-84 Committees: Commerce and Labor Energy and Environment [ Education Bailiff, Loraln County Court of Common Pleas 1981-82 Elyria City Councilman -10 years Council President-1972-1973 Chairman Finance Committee Ohio University - B.A. Degree I • Case Western Reserve - Master's Degree & Doctorate in Education School Principal and Teacher Counselor and Director of Student Activities LCCC Born in Elyria 1926 — Graduated E.H.S., 1944 — Senior Class Treasurer - Capt. football — 5th tnf. Div. 7th Engr. Combat Bn. — Army Specialized Training Program — Married 33 yrs. to Ruth Cvetic - 4 children — Member Magyar United Church of Christ — Ruth> Member St. Mary's, Elyria "Not since Ed DeChant, former Ohio State Representative from Avon, has any representative paid as much attention to the needs of this community as BARA." JOHN BARA WORKS FOR YOU!! I (Excerpts Irom tho 8-2644 Avon lake City Council Mooting) "The Mayor commented on Rep, Bara's Involvement and interest In the community. The Engineer added that Mr. Barn has even accompanied him on trips to Columbus relating to /ivon Lake projects." , VOTE NOVEMBER 6th For DEMOCRAT rtA • AVON • SHEFFIELD • AVON LAKE • SHEFFIELD LAKE Refrigeration Services, inc. Call Anytime framing company THIS WEEK FEATURING pechaifis & hackett framing company 33057 electric bivd.':^ avon lake • ^ 933-4820 J| • conservation framtng/«; • matting 'a • all art & needlework ^ ana TR AW CONDITIONING - Service and Installation Specialists • Commercial Refrigeration - Radio Dispatched Avon Lake Cleve. Elyria 933-2535 835-3363 365-2100 /( 933-3210 933-6153 • Llltt out imteo «» much dirt as ordinary "slonm" cleanlftD-rMiorm colon. • Oontlo. thorough, i r f o n o hnrih Krubblng or londlng • Lor Ranting Duruhlild Plus toll and otain pratodor wilh DuPont ToNon*, • floco*nm«ndBd bi. landing carpel ininufaclurqn wouldto*p>«*««tf 10 0*** V by HAGERTY & SONS 3 2 3 2 5 LrMa H d . . A v o n L a k o . O . IIIMS' * FINE JEWELRY 892-0655. Quality, Value, Elegance & Trust 27239 Wolf Rii. Bay Village Shopping Center at Dover & Wolf Hours: Mon.-Frl. 10 a.m-7 p.m.. Sal. 10 n.m.-6 p.m. ...WELCOME Two Avon Loko residents recently combined ihnir lalonts to provide a profaaslonal framing sorvico in tho community. Sandy PochoitiH and Both' Hackott folt thoro wan a need En tho area for a custom framing sorvico with n porsonalizod dtuch. Sandy nnd Beth aro ready tn take caru of your every framing nood, by appointment in thoir studio or in your homo. Yea, Pcchaitis and Hackott Framing Co. makes "house calls." 1249 Coldmdo Avo.. Lornln neotod COT or of Colo'ml o « Icr-n Ave Residential & Public Square UGrange.O. Sandy says she thought about oponing her own business for several yoors boforo getting storied in the framing company with Both. Sho says it was tho oncouragoinotit fo her friends and husband which mudo it possible for Pochaitis and Hackett to have their grand oponing Oct. 1. To arrange an appointment for ono-on-ono porsonfllzcd servicu, call 933-4020. SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION Full Una ol homo • lolophones. Decorator stylos • standard, cordless phonos, accessories, answering devices, automatic dialers. Name Brand Telephones COMPLETE IN-HOUSE REPAIR FREE ESTIMATES 30540 LakG Rd. Bay Village, O. Bv Appointment 8 9 2 - 8 4 0 0 . , - • • •Custom Built Cabinets for any room " "' •.CorlanCfaunterTops '\ • Factory Cablnots available • ' • Complete Remodel'ng I'ochaitis and Hnckctt usos a "conservation Iruming" technique which preservos fino nrt work. Only ocid-froo rag board is used to provont my damage to your valuable piocos. COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE Deborah J. School : Commercial pochaitis and Hackott has over 200 samples of various typos of wooden and molal frames—from simple to ornate—in many striking colors. Matting materials ore available in foils, fabric and toxturotl boards. Resident la) & Jmall Business HO »AM Flyer Lionel • Williams LGB •N • Kalamazoo 33471 •Lake.Rd; (Next to IGA)>: SickroomServiceAgency ,: •Sales-rentals ., • Corpplete Line of Medical Equipment/ & Supplies Forborne Use - ; : ^ Have you thought of framing a chorishod pleco oC needlework, a Jlk print, an old-timo post card. How ahout featuring your coin collection, bi.by shoes or family ke<jpsoko3inushadov*box. Sandy and Beth havo many ideas to holp you docorato your homo in a special way, , Family Phone Center THE ' 4CORNER STOREC '•'•<•..$ Are SANDY PECHAITIS (1.) AND BETH HACKETT. OWNERS OF PECHAITIS AND HAC<ETT FRAMING CO. , 933-5410 ' AVON LAKE DRUGS, INC; for samo day carpet cleaning! Coll for FREE uotation • graphics call for an appointment , ,;' m-f 4:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. . .V; sat. lG:00a.m.-5:00p.m.. -VJ' You can trust the Duraclean Difference ¥ fl i 355-5058 or 949-2470 Res. ANDERSONS FARM MARKET 5314 Colorado Ave., Sheffield, 0 . __ (Corner Abbond. 4 Colorado) :ppen Daily: Mon.-Sat. 9-5, Siin."iT-5 " ~ 934-6714 Residential & Commercial • Custom Draperies • lki Verticil Blinds =TT - - ~^f!ll • V5N Avon Lake Sheffield Lake "The Landings" 5402 Lake Rd. 933-3801 949-8102 Bar-B-Que Delivered to your door in Avon Lake n>.n nqnn and Sheffield Lake MS'BlUt LUCKY WINNERS OF THE 3RD WEEKLY DRAWING FOR $100 WORTH OF FREE GROCERIES. From Avon Lake IGA, Eva Browning and from ailllnqhurat's In Avon, Mr. Tom Blskuplch. [ " I " " VALL^BU=" o\TpON V™"""VALUABLE COUPON*"$" BOE Working On State Funding By Linda Hawkins rostoro lovols of taxation on tangiblo personal property which woro recently AVON LAKE—Keeping lhair promlso reduced. to local rosidtmls that they would work provide oquul access by all districts ta hard to got some chahgua maj u In stoto special stole funds. law which would koop city schools Dusok jiiints out that thoso efforts to financially sound, two board of educa- change stfiUi funding polfciog aro a longtion members and tho silporlntoridant al- term snlulion la the financial problems londcc'J a mooting of a now school coali- • facing Avon Luke Schools. "Tho shortterm solution," ho says, "is tho passage iion recently. Don Armbrocht, BOE president, of Issue 27, tho 4,5 mill lovy on the board member Tim Conway. and Novombpr ballot." Superintendent Clayton Dusok mot with Tho work of tho Coalition and other ofrepresentatives of 137 other school forts boing made by tho local bourd of education and administration to change districts in Ohio which aro receiving loss money through stato funding this stnto law aro thu fi-3t stop In a long and difficult fight, according to the year than thoy did in 19B1, Thoso districts decided to form a coali- superintendent. tfon so they could speak with one voice "Tho local school lovy is tho only opto the stole Legislature In the hope of tion we havo at this time to proven! n potting some changes muH.o in laws af- fiscal disaster in our schools," he ftdds. The Coalition of 138 Ohio Schuol fecting tho distribution of stato and local Districts was formed by Dr. Dianna school funds. Tho Coalition of 138 unanimously Lindsay, superintendent of tho Coployadopted a four plank platform which Fairlaw, City Schools, and Dr. John Goff, superintendent of tho Kettoring Ciseeks changes In law to: • allow inflationary growth in suite ty Schools. The platform of tho coalition will be fhnrod with state legislatures, funds for all schools. school board members and state allow growth In local taxes'whi^h is stato of Education officials, currently prohibited under Houso Bill Department Dusok says. • . 920. ! s|oo OFF ! | • Any Utpo Pliat or Fdmlly Plua With Ono or MoialtomslnOurDtnlnnRoomorToQo October 20 A 30 1 • I $ 1°°OFF ffV ^>ffl« PI"? or FamllyPlaa Wilh Ono of Mo'eltonnlnOurDlninnRnnmnrToGo Octobor ^9 & 30 FALL SPECIAL 18 Holes of Golf & Golf GartForTwo (Weekdays Only No Holidays) . 750 Jaycox Rd., Avon Lake 933-9001 -871-0822 Family Night At Avon Library Family Night at tho Avon Public Library will foaturo tho movlo, "Winnie tho Pooh and liio Blustoii Day". The movie will begin at 7:00 p.m. and last approximately 30 minutes. Parents arid children ore invited to attend the, program on Monday; November 5, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. , Tho Avon Branch Library is located at 2400 Rfdgoland Avo. New hours at tho library arc as follows: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - 2 - U:30 p.m., Tuesday -10:00 - 8:30 p.m., and Friday, Saturday -10:00 - 1:00, 2:00 - B:oo p.m. WAITING" IS NOT OUR GAME.; .^ Live Lobster & Frozen Shrimp Sale The Cooperative Pro School of Day Village is holding it's annual Live Lobster Sale again this year. This year wo will alsu bo offering 1 1/2 1b. bags of frozen shrimp. This delicious shrimp Is cooknd, pooled and devained. *.!!;-:; - " is heat in boiling water fur a few mins. and onjoyl Tho lobster if live and will bo flown in from Maine on the morning of Saturday. November 3rd. You may pick your lobstor up that aftornoon at the Bay United Mothodlsl Church. The Church is located at tho corner of Lake Rd. and Basdott Rd. Please on tor off tho Bossolt Rd. parking lot, and romumbor to bring a bucket or other container to carry your live lobsters in. The price is $7.50 for 1 1/4 1b. livo lobstor und $14.00 for a 1 1/2 Ib. bug of trosh frozon mod. shrimp. To piano your order, call Barbara Horzborgor at 949-7521 or Goorgotto Vidra at 949-6367. Please place your orders as soon as possible, and remember all orders must be prepaid. Senior Action Coalition Senator Howard Malzonbaum and Congressman Don Poase will both be gucs' speakers at tho fourth annual convantfon of tho Sonior Action Coalition on l-'riday, October 20. Tho convention is scheduled to start at 2 p.m. at Broozcwood Hall, 1461 Lake Breeze Road. Sheffield. Nearly 500 Lornln County sonior cltiztms hove signed up to bo delegates to this year's convention which will focus on the issue of proscription drug costs. For thu last four months. SAC has coordinated a campaign aimed dlRutling majnr drug mfiiiufnclurors to discus.s u possible drug rebate plan for senior citizens and the handicapped. Those supporting tho campaign include: tlio Lorain County Commissioners. State Representative John Biira. Maynr Joseph Znhorec, Doctor Raymundo do la Pcrut (President of the Lorain County Medical Soclory), and nearly 50 sunlor citizen groups, churches, social service agencies and unions. "Wo hope to use tho convention as n way to make progress on this issue," said SAC spokesperson Carol Ganobcik. "Wo would like the Congressional representatives attending to do what they can to got an official Congressional Hold hearing in Ohio on the Issue of proscription drug costs. If wo were to got such u hearing, the Congressional representatives attending could subpoena tho drug companies we Imvo IJHOII urging to meet wi h us." Senior delegates attoiullng SAC's convention will oloci ii now coalition board und determine what Issues thu coalition will address in 1905. Any sonior wanling to attend, but needing a ride, should call tho SAC office at 323-;t761 or 244-47DG. You'll wait for admission to a game, but you shouldn't have to wait In a hospital emergency room. At St. John and West Shore Hospital, you won't. . . we guarantee It. Every patient In our Emergency Department Is seen by a member of ous emergency team within minutes of arrival. According lo Independent research, the majority of patients seen In our Emergency Department reported tliey were pleased with the compassionate, professional care and the short waiting time. Our special low price of $40 fur minor medical problems requiring no l<ib tests or x-rays Is another thing that impresses our patients. An emergency Is no game. Thai's why we lake II seriously. We provide the care without the wnll. St. John & West Shore Hospital 29000 Center RIdgc Road Westlake, Ohio 44145 On the KVestlakc Health Campus k^B*^^W^^^^^^^^^^H^^^H Avon's Community Halloween Party Avon's unnuul Community Hullowoon purly Is tills coming Saturdny, October 27 at tho Avon Middle School. Children of Avon residents nnd those attending Avon schools aru invltud to como Join in tho fun and nxcitomunt free of churgo. Mombors tif tho Avon Woman's Club, tho Avon Lions, VFW, as well us tho parochial and public schoolB havo joined forces to treat the children and makit this Hallowaen a mumorablo one for everyone. Pruschoolors thru, 2nd graders will 12th Edition Night Club presents ' i Now thru October 27th 9:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. party from'1:30 to 2:3U p.m. with spoctaPc tricks und treats planned jiist for thotr ago groun. Third thr" 0th graders .vill parly trom 3 to 4 p.m. while the Jr. H. 7th and 8th grader;* will bo entertained by Roger and the Ramjets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Cosluma judging wilt take place at the last two parties wllh judges awarding prizes for. the most creative, scariest and most unusual costumes. Plan now to attend and make this one HallowBon you won't forgat! ^ Saturday, October 27th Halloween Celebration Unchanged Illusions bt AVON LAKE — A number of fifth graders exercised their right to petition their government, but lost their bid to reschedule the city's colouration of Hollowoon. At Monday night's City Council meeting, Mayor Richard Hausrod said ho had received petitions signed by a large number of fifth grade students at Rodwood and Erievlew Elementary Schools to change the Trick or Treat Night from Oct. 31 to another day. Hausrod said, tho students wont abou* DENNIS 5'lM. Happy Hours 4-7 P.M. Sunday thru Friday Adults 21 &over I.D. required 216 Miller Road Avon Lake 933-2000 FRENCH CREEK TAVERN STEAK &'SEAFOOD HOUSE RAMADA' Serving Broakfa.i Lunch S Dinner Dally ' JAMARIIMB RESORT YOU CAN'T AFFORD T ^ rrr NOT TO EAT AT... Dlltt S "All You Care To Eat!" SATURDAY MONDAY lutourtr •. .NORTHATU*Ntlcn«KftDscnaO' • -NOnTHATLANIlfronEAocDSCItOD . . • w e u i i c w n . i .1D0Q CHICKEN-Siipe»limHf.»h. • • . ' A l - . u . 'intluJ*. ALL DtvrnACr-VALL l/l SSCHTS A NO TII'I'INO l'lu*,..otir Glfl«nlK. <iJrilrnGr*«n, Trrili Sulid Tablr I'lui.-.tiul tlra> Mrnu • icluillng over 100 ITEMS Itf chnoie Itum. Wr Irmtvtr U S.D.A , Choke ' Iran'pur 5f*l«KlllB(ih«hl||hr«t(|iiaNiv| V , . .•'-.• >• 8 3:I0(oCLbsE.WEEKDAYS 4 9.pi*u'.«. '' . .':.•..' ' .• 933-3403 [uveningsj for reservations or Information, as thero are a few tables still available for $12.00 for 2 days. Dates are Saturday, Nov. 17 and ' Friday, Nov. 16. Don't be disappointed, call now] Paper Drive ' cootud. U.5.D.; • HAMHAWAIIAN - • * ' •• • OTH ATLANTIC BAKED SCnotl • CHICKEN iDctptrlnt, country IiHh '..•CHICKEN ft NOOOLES *. • BneAoco. HAKED CHICKEN ' . • •UUTTEnCD.BAKtDlipODLEB I' ' • • dtNIOn CITIZENS O f Y'AjpwIilm Clit ' \ \ Tired of. papers laying around tho house, or piling up in tho basement? Fret no more, SI. Mary's P7U still holds a paper drive tho first weekend of every month. The paper truck is located behind' Avon city hall. It will be waiting for your discards Nov. Z-A. Most desirable is paper just as you receive It from your •"delivery person or store. Tho wastopoper purchaser recommends bundles bound with string or twine. They dislike wlro binding. Magazines, phonebooks, und cardboard are not accepted. There is lots of limo, so start saving! 11A dozen Clams, tt Chicken, Corn, Potatoes or 11b. Porterhouse.Steak, Baked Potato, Salad Tickets on Sale. iow Call 934-4210 . HALLOWEEN.PARTY Sat., Oct. 27 8:30 till 2 A.M. No Covnr Charge with Costumes ALL YOU CAN EAT -WEEK! Nov. 5-Nov. 11 -'3p.mi-ap.m. Mon. Swiss Steak Thurs. Mushroom Steak Tues. Honey Dip Chicken Fri. Whltefish - • Weds. Spaghetti Sat. Steaks : :. Sun. Crab Legs,1', :r• MINI CLAMBAKE EVERY THURSDAY 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. S5.95 Breakfast Daily- 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. NORTH BID&E; RACQUET CLUB ' ' GOpOtJNLT^tTHESELOCJtTlOMS , „ • -Loroln K-Mart (Rt. 57) ; : LORA1N 277-5555 Blddulph Plaza .: ' BROOKLYN 459-8833 DOZEN & A HALF CLAMBAKE Sat., Nov. 3rd Christmas Boutique If you plannud to rent a table for AVON HOLY TRINITY LADIES GUILD ''Christmas Boutique" and haven't yet done HO, ploaso contact Kothy, Flschbach at 137-6147 (daytime) or Sue Radatz ai • OttEAOED rniED HpftrH ATLANTIC 0CHOU ' . • DANISH DAOV *>OHK OOO SPARE RIBS II you tv»r t i l l e d 31. Louli Rib! youiiav* • l f * i t conilno wtilt •our O.nlih Pibi. . . . • pnoVIMI VEAL P^VlMACIAN* • W* UH L».n ft Him Pinvlml Vtni.p.o.irrjihmlongb*tn!!>• t i l ntm» Inlhe Until •(•linvwtiar*. *• ' ..-' . S their protost tho proper way, but they C. wore out voted 175 to 270 In favor of n! keeping tho Oct. 31 datB. It seoms the students will be at the 4: Mohican School in tha Out-of-Doora on*' tho date selected by the mayor. They bad hof.od For a change, but one,will not be made this year. . ^ "I want to assure thoyomhof thaoLiij murilty I Will make it a paint to see tf similar"situation doos'not occur next* yoar," HiuBrod said. , , Uvfl ENTERTAINMENT FOR OCTOBER JBSi\ "STONE MOUNTAIN" iCRi^Kl MONDAY NITE FOOTBALL ITAVERTII _ APPRHEUSHOP FOR LEtSUHE^EAB ' f ! ' i l : ' ; i l ^ Y , HOT DOGS 25* 'French Creek Tavern & LOUNGE Featuring 223 MI'ler Rd., Avon Lake 933-2442 Every Wed. & Fri. ENTERTAINMENT BY: 3 AH The Fish Saved with ddidous Toter You Can Eat Curis, Cde Slaw, Roll St-Bulter BREAKFAST SERVED DAILY Delicious Luncheon Halloween Party Oct. 27th & Oct. 31st Month Of October RigalonI Dinner Daily * HOURS if Seven Days A Woek 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Avon Lake 227 Miller 933-5181 TIME LOK 10 p.m. till2 a.m. Sunday - Oct. 28th • Live Entertainment Thursday - Ladies - 50* Drinks Specials • Lorain.. 114114th St. 244-B717 FRIDAY & SATURDA 933-2484 i j Miller Rd. Avon Lake $275 With $365 Meatballs (21 & Over) WEDNESDAY NIGHT DAVE SANCHEZ Spins Your Favorites PIZZA - BBQ RIBS SPAGHETTI - CHICKEN Dally Luncheon Specials 933-9781 or 933-3318 Dinners Served •'Till 10 p.m. 33424 Lake M..JLL *1.98 . • . r • * •>< //.W/^ Si" • Capon Dinner Nov 3 ' ' Tho Sharitold Lake y n |, a ,| church of v V* Christ. H03 Sunsul Avo.. will hold a Poll Amisli Crown Ciipon Dinnor on Nov. 3, • — -. Tickets uro $5.00, adults; ^$2.50, -» cranberry rolls)!, buvorngo, and hommnndf; rite, Sorv«d family 'Uyto. d chHdron undor 12:.ami chlldro nun dor3. C ^ ^"'r°%S;'^ch^ capon, dressing mashwl iiotatous nnd yrnvy. Kquash,1 gruun • boun», rolls, Thoru will «lso bo a tablo of nrufi* nnd liomomodu condy. ^ o " W'nuolo, • 040-0373, or Bortno ammii in wyrm, JO&-UJI/.^ ^ iConvenient AVONLAKE '-•I L •I CySTOM-DEU $ SHEFFfiilB>l.ASCE SELF.SERVICE MEATS LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU... YET SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE. FRESH MEAT SPECIALS FRESH GRADE " A " ' 453 AVON-BELDEN RD. "-SELFSERVICEMEATS1- SPECIALS AVAILABLE WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 24 THkU TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30 •*?& — 5-7 n.m.,tnPllHrlm Hull Dftho.chuffiU T/,O monu wSl L . ^o A, sh G mvn •I- ' PARKAYJ • IVIARGARINE QUARTERS LARGE EGGS i « . CHICKEN LEG 1 -«8 : n WITH REDEMPTION OF THIS C O U P O N ^ LEAN, MEATY L, LIMITONEC0UPONPERPERSCN.CASHVAUIE1/10OF J * ^ 1 CEN1. VAHD1O.34.B4 THROUGH 11/1/84. • ~ VALID AT CONVENIENT FOOD MARTS IN LOPMN, ERIE, SUMMIT, STARK, WAYNE, PORTAGE AND MEDINA COUNTIES ONIY. J • DIET PEPSI, PEPSI FREE, DIET PEPSI FREF PEPS!-C0LA . SLICED TO YOUR ORDER TURKEY BREAST BOLOGNA REGULAR, FRENCH, VENETIAN, CHERRY SUNSHINE FARMS SUNSHINE FARMS 2% L0WFAT *« MILK J« ICE CREAM 1/2GALLON POTATOES 4 *45 WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS WE REDEEM MANUFACTURERS COUPONS Awallabla ^ Our name is Convenient Food Mart, but we are really a full line mini-superniarhet. We offer a lull line ol groceries, fresh meats, quality fresh produce, fresh deli department ... all at prices that are comparable or better than any other supermarket. , $169 1/2 GALLON : ; - H SAUSAGE WE RESERVE THE R I - . H I TO CORRECT PRINTING ERRORS AND TO UN-IT QUANTITIES. ADVERTISED ITEMS AVAILABLE IN PARTICIPATING STORES. OPEN 7 DAYS'TIL MIDNIGHT Son- ^ 1 ft i Report for « Strafolaunger 24Hburs:AX)ay• V, 6 Self-Se'rvico Bays • 1 Tbiichiess Automatic Bay. UOo' - OtllCBf roporis recovering reportod • Pre-Soak • A'rnibur A l l * £nglne DegreaserV -..'• •'••., stolen tiros and wheels, IdGnlilled. local man.wlio •Tire Soak ••Sllicdrie Wax •\Atr-Frteshenei;sr.:.. > •_ 1400 - Bollo Avenue woman concerned lor neighbors 3alety. hasn't seen them for two dayfl. Disp;- olflceru. Thoy were OK, both worK. 1445 - Rodwood Blvd. mnn reports slslefs in neighborhood won't move of) food (or oncoming cars. Olsp. officer. 1734 • OtflcBrs assisting rescue squad at LOKO Shoio Inn, femala cut wrists, transported to VISIT OUR COMFORT CHAIR CENTER "0eaut//ul'ffi SAVE UP TO Now Fearing Black Hills Gold 933-3159 »xhc Landtags'* Avon Laka 50% ON SELECTED 'STYLES- Stratolojnger Sirato-C'lde Fryo boots give you a great new fooling. Soltcr leathors. Richer colors. Quality you can see and touch. Styles with real staying power. You can always count on Frye. A>id that's why. FITS boon for ManlWomen J Stratolounger , Rocksr-Reclirier 170 OHEAT YEARS FROM FRVG "36775 neltoilHjJ . A v o n • " • . . • • 3 3 4 - 5 1 3 1 ot 8 1 1 - 8 9 8 7 ••/OPEN Hon.'* Thun. 9:30r9;-Tu»^J«id. & Frl, 9:30-6; Sal. 9.00 lo & ' Furnace Tune-up Special Stratolounger. XP ^ $0095 LIMITED TIME OFFER! APPLIES TO ANY MAKE RESIDENTIAL GAS FURNACE "stratolounger XP "Close-Up" I i i October 12 .. _ „._ 0104 • Holl Fload woman toquosls pinco. ^ru bloms with nn unruly olovon /r. old 'ion. Disp. unit, All ror.olvud lor now. Aduissd lo sea scnooi counselor. • . •_._ CJ33 - l.ynno DrWo man called to ropart no trucK wna egged '.vhllo parked on Iho otrool In f °0952 - Holl Poa'd man reports kldn cllmblrtfl on Iroln cars south o( IdlowootJ, Adv. Shelllold VW DO ALL THIS TO RESTORE FURNACE W n r i F N R Y AND PREVENT BREAKDOWNS • tnwccl flu« CDW and Check operation ol ulety draft rjiwwiw control* > Inip«c1 m> Wler» Tnt lo> cornbullion Inaki > Chock Wo*-r trtft Imtion. Clean mtwor ot •esiibule •bgniiKflt 1 >ub« ClMn ana adiuti • Chtrt blown' moior •nd luOticale IhermotMl > Ciert b l o w lot Attjuti burner lor cMinhneil 'elhcimcy > Tell fw g.ii Iraki Cnetd qa» vtltv Cfwc* lu'nacf operation T M I ind •diuil p'CMu'e Inipeel O'i«o on furnace lequMiot deck iherniccoupw C M I and ndtuil pilot Cheek heal cichanoef Check dull at bresctiing Check gai tiller Iw plot Check lot comb jtlittle . Clean and ad|u>1 ail cool rol> outenal w u furnace °1835 - Latayetto BlwJ. woman requeats police al Lincoln °a;k to assist her molher attempting to locate a thirteen yr. old who struck her nine yr. old brother. ••.• i . • . . . i • .• • BE READY FOR COLD WEATHER! We Service AH Makes, And For Replacement We Carry . . . 1HEAT1NG and AIR CONDITIONING UXURIOUS •TKETCH-m COMFORT '* was advised to go homo. ', •• ••..-• •>'"?$$ 2315 - Marian Street, vandalism report. Officer disp. • ' October 17 . 0134 - Officers report iho building spray painted. Report 0210 • Wlnojammor Apts. realdent reports. . mecne rapplnfl:4-5:tlme»-on.thoiwlmJoWi;pi . olflcera. UTL, spoke with complaint.;- iv'/;V 1244 - Shoreway shonplng Center;,oft|cer,6ut w>;h possible D.W.I., t'ahlcle towed, man iestfltJ? charged with DrVIng while .intoxicated/'] Incarcerated. , •;• 1720 - Station received more than'ohe;rvi plaint .ot two w/f laying In-the:.road]! Oakwuod/Hswthorne. Description gWeniiDiitti;; officer, who adv. he observed two females.flttlhg? the description leave In a vehicle.. 1740 -Avon Lake1 PD to serve Roblnwood, our unit assisting;): ••' i' 1751 - N, Rldgevliia PD for confirmation ol war>" rant Issued by our departmentj conftrmed/.DlBp, officer to pick up our prisoner.Incarcerated.-;?**' 13W - Cove Beach, dog at large: uomplain! Dog warden notified, has dog, enroute to kennel. 2143 - Kenilworth man reports taken from h l i front yard, a cow skull with: hom8.and<;*J '"' teeth. 2154 located along side of the road.^t 0219 • Lake Road between Amber Oaks: Convenient, reportod'light,.Disp. OlficeraJ batanls gone from scene; checked aroB^ Avon Lake earlier this evening. Olsp.'otflcarsl • . 0349 -• Loralu' Community HospltBl, report 0011 - Brockley Avenue man reqaosts police !i dating a.male victim of a fight that took place aw to aBslst his sister, boyfriend boating her, Disp. a wedding - reception •, In'. Sheffield' Uka.YodVS officeis, everything OK, nst 'oud arguement. hosp. to have victim contact PD when dona WHnj 0636 - Officers'reportB flncirg the tellera>wlntreatment. . ••..-.,/.,..-.,;, i...;,-.-v,W^ffi« dow.al the bank egged. Report. „ •..: , r.•'.•'• •" • 1130--iSCho6I^CrosslnB'rQUard^rtpoiW 1509 - Complaint on Holl Road.of 14 yr. old - E-jsplclous'car, Lake BrO«e/Fernda|e.;ptftcer8t; driving car up and down the stre.il. Disp. units. checked car and driver!' -^T^vfisM}^ UTL. 1714 -Mlameda:Avenue(womari!,reports';90ji 1907 - Juvenile compitlnlng of c-r parked on bitten by a'squirrel, Disp. officer, dog wardenf" Brockley and : has .lotmovgd. D!s^. officer.1715 . Community •Road" -area,*.-80p?btft Checked by officer, no problem. Ingaiiy parked. reported recklessly drfven red compact cart Dis 1D0B - Plnewood woman mooM an assault, units. QOA. , - - • •-. ^•-.'.^•••'•••'VW&i&fr statement taken and spoke w»h an tdicbr. 1926 - Warwick Drive, loud music,: Dlspj.yo 1rf24 - Father on station w..h-unruly thjrteen.- fleer, all qulotwhen olflcerarrlvad..-y.'^fe ""'" year old. Spoke wllh officer/ 2323 • Lake Road man reports wife JUst n 2244 • Pasedena/Ferndale disturbance; one ed an obscene phone call; <<Adylsed%<K caller adv. ha hoard what sounded like a shell bep r o c e d u r e s . . . . . ' . ' . .• - 7 • ' ' ^ ' f f i m f l k ing put Inlo the chamber of, a gun. Disp. units. 2339 - Lake Road/Gaa Town, reportsTpfih*^ October 15 suspicious cars,: Officer-adv.. OK,;-, 073S - Forestlawn School, graffiltl on the closing g up. p building. Disp. officer.' i "*i3 • Brockley AVetiuo, reports of a recklessly driven veh. License numler given. Vehicle said to ba going up end down Urockley, Disp. officers, UTL. Tho Avon Lako Board of .j 1653 • Cove Beach min .'eports hearing shots rccontly appolntod Mlchhol ArrmlcMoTj being lired In the woods ne.v Warren and Guntho Avon Lake Public Library Bqaragjs ther Park. Disp. officer, In t l v woods checking. 172B - Mansfield Street woman reports Trustoos. Arnold, of 202 Wini nolghbors dog loose knocking Jown children. Drlvo, fills tho unoxpirod torm of 1811 - Fire Chief advises pumper removed Parsons, who movad to Wostlak gratflltl from Korestlawn School, some still left, Joan Pnrko succaods Parsons' has to be cleaned by hand. dont of tho Board of p 2059 - Hall Road resident complaining of dogb tearing open her garbage. Note left for dog Jeanctto Storms is vice prasidant f warden. , ' romaindcr of 1984; O c t o b e r , 1 4 •. • Nevy Library j Trustee And Office|s Ayto. .Rremiu j n i ACT NOW! Stratolounger Wing-Back • i i . west Shore, loud stereo, going all day, Officers advised resident. 1936 • Lake Road, Kwlk-Serv reports customer laft without paying, Disp. officers. Description/license number given, loll Wllh a case ot bear. Report. • ' 2237 - Brockte.' -eslc'encr, group o* teenagers In back yard screaming, Olsp. units. Ad'-laod, all going Inside. •. October, 13 . , 0001 -Wosl Shore man reports a tomaio thrown against his garage, info. only. ( 0005 - COVJ Beach man reports while attempting, to fix hla truck which had broke down on Walker/Abbe, a gray carJHac almost struck him and a f : ? " i, thoy had.to lump out ol the way. License,number given and car description. Officer locked suspect vehicle and spoke to owner then the driver. Donled any tod all charges. ; 0055 • Woman adv, while wa.Mng her dog on Community (load, car,with thi'W occupanla threw an ogg «l her, Disp. otticers. UTL 1322 • Ms rlon/Forestlawn reports ol a suspicious car, Disp. unlls. UTL. , . 1B07 - Communliy Park, woman repp:;s see-. Ing a boat about 300 feet of. shore .lying on orange distress signal. Another boa', assisting. 2239 - Officers out at Communliy Park with six juveniles, all transported to the po.lce elation, report, all released to U.'elr parents. , 2245 - Sunset Avenue resldont reports someone ran between her home and the church. Disp. units to check area. 1 5 October 10 0134 • Ofllcor reports chocking Elation wagon pnrkod on Belle, interior, lights toft on. . :. .;•$ 0900 - Woman from Loraln ruports hef-lotiri icon yr. old daughter was detained ort; Notti triwood by rosidont whilo soiling (tjit^lorj Saulhvlew Bnnd. Will bring daugnter on station! after school to make wrllten report. • : •• ?:^-Mi 0937 - West Shorn Blvd. woman complaining^ ol house on her alreol needs to be. torn down1; because it is a rats nest. Adv. Building Inspector;'^' 1441 • Alamoda/Sunael complalnis of a red')' pick up truck speeding along with an orange plCK$: up bolh loaded wllh leaves. Disp. unlls. - - * " 1533 • Lakeside Ton resident reports reported stolen has boon recovered.In Pehn{ sylvanlQ three days ago, and now has It bacH:at\ his residence.. ' • -, • •• '••' " "' • 17S9 - Slerk Street.'man requests. . watch, gas syphoned during the night. ' " ^ » 184S - Idlowood, barking dog. Dlsp.:afflcsfc; dog located, owner will take Inside. *X'$ffi 2016 - Officer observed a w/m Ihlrtsen yf/oV 1 sitting on (op a sign at Warren Ounther Pork." Ho Before You Renew Your Policy •m CALL US - F O R THAT SECOND OPINION"THE COMMONS" CALL ANYTIME 24 MR. SERVICE Refrigeration Services, Inc. Avon Lake 933-2535 Clat/a: 836-3369 - Elyrla: 365-2100 -NATIONWIDE _fi_ INSURANCE 245 Nationwide is on your side 245*3731 Avon Lake Police \ October 12 ; 0027 • Electric Blvd. rosldonl roporis Iwo suspicious Juvonllos In yards lo uast of his residence. Car 245 caughl Iwo, FI'd and released. 0938 • Two BUuplclouB males In a vehicle on Krobs. Chocked out by cam 241 and 245. FI'd. and roloosed. 1125 • Fisting boat loclllly reports domago lo property, Special altonllan lo aroa. 1859 • Juvenile dlspulo on Bollalro. Resolvod. 1003 • Report ol blue Culla&s and yellow Impalo reckless In lol al Johovah witness building. 1Q2D • MVA Walker at Jaycox. Car towod. Roporl. 1922 - MVA Walker and 83. No Injury. 2030 • Loud dirt blkos roported at a Fay Avonuo fesJdtjnco. Advised. 2046 - Nolghbor VB Neighbor on Lako Road. Resolved tor now. 2313* Report of suspicious red pickup full ol kids on FRlrlleld. Checked OK. 2316 • Neighborhood watch reportB Juveniles are rowdy In the Landings at McDonald's. Car 245 In the area. £346 - Residont reports a missing Juvenile. Found on Walker Road at 2358 and taken homo. October 13 0029 - Neighborhood watch reports persohs In vehicle at Troy.' Unraveled by car 244 and sent 1710 - Report of youngsters starting a lira In roar yard on tnwood. NCC. 1910 • One car MVA on Krobs near Holly Hill. Report. 2020 - Altemplod entry lo aresidenceon Dull. Report. October 18 0410 • Loar Road rootdent reports someone Is boating on his door, Car 242 rolumod subject lo station. Mentally Handicapped resident returned homo. 0729 - Suspicious vehicle reported in a drive on Groveland. Checked OK. 1157 - Report of two Juveniles traunts drinking In one of their houses. Car 244 returnod them lo high school. 1230 - Lear Rood resident reports ho had a suspicious mala at his front door earlier this morning. Pleaso call police when those things happen. 1625 • Juvenile assaulted by Iwo others In Fairfield area. Report. 1636 - Report of two dirt bikes In 45 area. UTL. 2024 • Rowdy juveniles reported at library. 2339 - Rowdy customer reported at a Lako Road Tavern. Subjacl loll prior to arrival. 2348 - Roporl of DWl north on 63 from route 2. UTL. ' October 17 0407 - Suspicious vehicle parked In a drive on 1 Westwlnds. Chocked OK. on t h e i r w a y . •:-.<:.•.. •• •• 1145 - Subject on station with several bad 0030 - Neighborhood watch report persons In checks from defunct business. Report. cars at Westwlnds. NCC. 1517 - Car 245 taking subject to fire dopart0152 - Car 241 stopping a vehicle on 83 near ment that dumped his blko on Lear Road. Walker. Drive Intox. Returned to station chargod 1535 • Minor MVA Moore end Walker. Report. and reloaoad to lather. 1707 • Last child roported at Redwood and 1201 - Report ot juveniles shooting QB gun at Duff. Returnod to resldenco. house on Forest Hill. UTL. 1710 • Car 245 advlsod two dirt blkos about 1314 • Report of Dirt Bikes behind Troy. Advisoperating In 45 area. ed Two. • 1723 - C a r 245 had )uvenlle operating in • 1508 • Resident reports theft ot llcenso plate. reckless mannor Mull and Qedehon. Turned over Report and entered NCIC. lo grandmother. 1600 • MVA Moore and Walker. Report and October 16 vehicle towed, • i 0249 • Subject afraid to leave local tavern as , 1642- Car 244 take stolen" biko reports at persons are waiting for him In parking lot. GOA Rollercade; 20-Inch black Murray and 20-lnch 0336 • Car 245 slopping a vehlclo 83 and Carsilver and Blnck Lazer. riage Lane. Drivo Intox. charged DWl and return1B19 - Loud dirt bikes reported In 45. UTL. 1935 -Car 241 and 249 dlspalched to Two ed lo station. 0849 • Neighbor dispute on Falrfield. Resolved residences on phone trace. Connection made. for now by car 245. Report to follow. 1006 - Car 244 returning from Loraln Police 2101 -Car 241 has two youth fleeing on foot Department with a subject arrested on a warrant from him In-the Landings* One caught near tram our department. HGM. Returned to BtatTon and released to 1030 - Lakewood resident reports receiving parents. Report to youth bureau. obscene phone calls. . • 2120 - Qlenvlew residont just had tive youth 1630 • Auto V6 Bike MVA Eloctrlc at Brookfleld. .stone her house. Car 245 apprehended one. Report. Relumed lo station and released to his father. 1830 - PP MVA on Pin Oak Parkway. Report: 2345 • Five juveniles running from car 241 In 1920 - Falrflold resident reports receiving woods ^Tomahawk and Electric right of way. threatening phone calls from neighbor. Caught one. Returned to station and releasod to 2057 - Large group ol juveniles causing'.a. parents. •'.•ri . , ' ' ::: •£&<• October 14 •,.='. •- disturbance at the Library. Dispersed,' 2128 - Car 244 stopping a vehicle on Lake ne'er' ', 0019 F,M!aalng juvenllo report taken fiom a Sheffield Lake lino. Female driver found to be In-' • Landings resident.' ••..•=> lox. Chargod DWl and returned to station. 0036 - Neighborhood watch reports two vohicie behind a Pin Oak Pkwy industry. Checked . O K / • , , , •-. •. 0132- Neighborhood watch reports green Ford south on'B3 without plates. UTL. 0234 -, Disturbance In lot at Troplcana. Problem taken home.. •»••.. •. '. • • 0819 - Juveniles disturbing a resident on Brookileld. UTL. ;; . ' 0850 - Lady requests we look lor her son who Is driving a pickup with expired plates. Requests we throw him In fall. Advised wo will ticket and low If located, but won't be putting him In jail. MotherupsBt with this answer. Freud would have , a ball with this one. -0B5B - Forest Hill residont reports damage to fence. ' • , ' • , '. , „ 1400 - Damage to a van on Mooreland. Report. 1635 - Report of rowdy juvenile Rice Park and Lake. UTL. . ^ 1702 - DlrtblkBS at Troy. Advised one. October 15 • - 0024 -.Loud party on Bock Road; Quiet on arrival. Parly breaking up, •'•• 0614-Vandalism report on Lear Road. 1109 -Lake Road resident reports one of her bushes poisoned by an enemy. Log entry only. 1645 - Loud radio roported on Lakowood. Advised resident. / Barbershop Singers Jambs and Vacuuming. * Full Service * Hot Wax * Air Freshner We Also Specialize In Custom Wax Treatments By Appointment 454 Avon Belden (across from "The Landings") Avon Lake J . * Sg98 + tax 5795 Value 933-4377 JWATFRWHEEL 1454 Avon Belden, I Avon Lake c"AR"WASFJi f t 9° Off Your N&xt Car Wash \ 3'* is ; • THERE . 1.. 0m :• LIFE AFTER CANCER REHABILITATION OF THE CANCERPATIEI^ St. Joseph Hospital's Fall Cancer Symposium Is^befng he|d: ^ ' '• •'•" "TUESDAY, O G T 6 E f E R i 6 ^ ^ " ® I ^ > ". . ' :7:00-'9:00!p.m.K:::^;^^;^;-;-wc^i: ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL GOULD AUDIiq|j;pM^ This program is opeh'tq everyone find will discuss the r^fiabljliaticn techniques available to cancer^patients. These.tetchhiques'bpjnigflir persons experiencing the effects of: "•'•*•;•'"-.'' v '.:i' : v ; 2 3 ^ > 5 ^ : HEAD & NECK CANCER - SPEAKER: DR. GELSO CARANDANG BREAST CANCER - SPEAKER: DR. NORBERTOMARFOBI .GENERAL ASPECTS OF ; " / : .':;,;• / Hospital.'' •' ' .'.;,•. ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL Ol -7 Dick Baker Dodge, inc. 5652 Liberty Avenue • Vermilion, Ohio 44069 1 Telephone: 987-3108 • Cleveland: 871-1767 "-•'"' J ;<:}C V THECARING: . PROFESSIONALS v OCT: 26 and 27 7:00 p.m.-?? OHk1l*»(slMriBB«bmk«»lt(ltng Plnlu VV«oon. r«JW>. * ipaod. whltewnln. wheol eovon Computerize Your Small Business or Home "Affordable Computer Consulting" * Free Initial Consultation • 32730 Walker Rd. "The Landings" Avon Lake N ''v'./:'"::i::r .' '•,•'*/• GRISMER HALL 715 HARRIS RD. SHEFFIELD/LAKE $3595 $2195 ; LAS VEGAS NIIES 1982 Dodge , • Custom Computer Systems ClubW»gpn.8cyj..ouiDm«iic.epai». k ; . .',..•',.'•-;'-' Sponsored by the Sisters of the Humility of Mary 1981 Chrysler* • ; FREE REFRESHMENTS 1981 Plymouth 1979 Ford • '•W&§3$$$ FREE PARKING Horuon * Dr.. sutomoMc, bucket seals, whi1owal(«. railiy Mhoeil. 35.000 mllaa 1978 Ford ; ; -SPEAKER: DR.ANNIELUMANLAN BIG SAVINGS ON ALL'84s IN STOCK LeBorofl 4 Dr.. S cyl.i oulomfllle. pmve.' Blowing A br«k«i, air condilfcw, iidlo. wiiliewalli , • <AS> ,,. 1, Hours: Sunday 8:30 a.m.-i :00 p.rn.™^, 2 3 E Mon.-Sat. 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. - gBrl Moderating this program wEII.be DR. ANNJE HJMANUAN^>^ ;DIRECTOR OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE of St.iJosephV::V "Your Lo'rain Chapter of SPEBSQSA Is ready la sing many of'your Fuyorito tunos," says Harold Long, President of the local group. The burbarshop singors annual show will bo hold on Saturday, Nov. 17 at tha Pfllaco Civic Center, 8:00 p.m., in Loraln. In addition to the Golden Crescent Chorus, you will be nntortalned by three local and two district quartets, A SweatAdeline quartet, FRIENDLY PERSUASION, and d i s t r i c t c h a m p s , YESTERYEAR, will bring smilos as well as sweet m'eladios to the show. General admission is $4.00 but you can reserve $5.00 scats by calling 933-676B or 933-9006. 1973 DODGE VAN • FEATURED NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Featuring Full Service Wash — SPECIAL • Inside & Outside, Windows, Door REHABILITATION 1984 Show Whilewalls Power, Steering AM-FM Wheel Covers Automatic CODOE 43.000 miles • 1 owner d £ Q 3 U WATER WHEEL CAR WASH . •,--.. 933-3201 ; FOOD t CASH & GIFT DOOR PRIZES TICKETS 3/*100 CLIP AD: fSood for FRpE :: fiobr prize ticket 'ADMISSION FREiP w A S , ShpffipiH-fihpffioiH I.a|«> gj *; S a m S g y.g] g m fE S.L. ART ASSOC. OTH ANNUAL ART SHOW Coma and onjoy tho Sheffield Laku Art Association Sixth Annual Art Show and tho Second Annual Minluturu Show which will bu hold Frlduy, Oct. 20 und Sat. Oct. 27 from 10 a.m. • 0 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 2S from noon until o p.m. Fruo act mission and uvoryono Is invltuu1 to como to view tho show at tho Shoffluid Lako Community Civic Contur. Some of tho spucial attractions aru thu mlniaturus and on Saturday nvoning a Fast Draw contest. Mora than 3011.Northern Ohio artists huvu buun Invited to show thoir works which will ho prusontud in six categories. Thu entries groupings arc Oils und A«;r> lit.Wotorcolors, Photography, Graphics, Pan und Ink and Pustuls, Mixoif Media and Mlnlulurus. LORAIN PUBLIC LIBRARY RECEIVE A HONOR On Friday, Octobor 19, 19B4 tl. Loraln Public Library Hoard or Trustees rucolvorl the 1984, Award of Achievement from the Ohio Library Trustees Association ul tho third Annual Concurrunt Conforoncu of tho Ohio Library Trustees Association ant! tha Ohio Library Association In Columbus. This award is given to thu Board of Trustnos in tho Statu of Ohio who have dono tho most for thoir library. Board members ore: Mrs. Barbara Doane, Chairman, Mr. Danlol Batista. Mr. Jumoa Bardonor, Mr. Louis Carrion. Mr. Norman .'Herscholman, M r s . Margurot Hudak and Mrs. fane Norton. INVITATION TO ATTEND BIBLE STUDY Wo would Hko to Invlto you to join us in a Woman's Homu Bible.Study sponsored by Laku Brooso Church of the Brethren In Sheffield Lako. Thu first study muuting vlll bo huld on Thursday, Nov. 1 from 9 until 11 a.m. at 963 Roberts St. For more information call 949-7758. —' f RECEPTION FOR EXHIBITING ARTISTS Tho Sheffield Lako Art Association is hasting a pravlcw and reception on Thursday, Octobor 25 at the Shbffluld Lako Community Civic Cantor from 7:30 p.m. to 0:30 p.m. for tho artists who will havo thuir works of art In this yours' art exhibition. HOLLYBERRY BAZAAR Rant your tablo for tho Hollyborry Bazaar now, cull 940-0311. Thu buzuar Is boing sponsored by tho St. Thomas Pnrish PTU. It will ho hold Fridny, Doc. 7 from D p.m. until 10 p.m. and Dec. U from 10 a.m. until 0 p.m. at SI. Thomas School locnlad at 706 Harris Road, Shof- field Lake. Timtoois $20 for a lablu fur tho two days. PROJECT LITE AT OOMONKAS LIBRARY A man comes to Projoct LITE for help bocuusu he bud to turn down ti job promotion. Me couldn't read well enough lo fill out the necessary forms. A wumuii comes lu i'rofect LITE hccuuuo shu couldn't roud the nolo her son's lonelier sont homo from school. , These urc true lo life problems experienced by students in the Projoct LITE program, sponsored by L'cmiin Public Library us part of the library's ongoing effort to combat Illiteracy. Project LITE uses the Laubuch mot hud of tutoring, In which ono adult touches another how to rund, using a sorlus of workbooks. Tutors for Project LITE are especially needed in tho Loruln areu. Students ure wailing for their opportunity to lenrn to rend, hut before Ihuy can bo assigned tutors, those tutors must attend a twopart training session. Such u training session will be hold al the Domonkaa Branch Library uf Lurain Public Library From 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. on Oct. 17 and 24. FAST DRAW COMPKTIT1ON Fust Draw Competition , will bo.hold Saturday owning October 27. 7:30 p.m. n't tho Slxlh Annual Arl Show buing hold by thu Sheffield Lako Arl AsBoclullon at the Sliufflold Laku Community Cuntor. It Is upon lo nil umuleur and profosslonal urlists who will do o complolo work in 30 minutes or loss, on any topic, in uny mudUi th«y cliooso in steo 30" by 30" or luss. . ' Following thu Fust Draw slop dead signal, lliu works will ho auctioned off to the waiting gallery of spuclutors ougorly wntchlng, thu pictures hoi tig built. Tho highest priced picluro sold will onrn thu Pink Ribbon award. All tho urifsts will gut tho monuy thoir pictures bring ut auction uftur a commission donation is roquostud to pay purl of Ilia show axponse. Como und wnlch tha urlfsls In action ' (if |ho fntil tlrnw competition. THRILLS & CHILLS AWAIT YOU The lluunled Forest of Carousel will soon bo rilling tho night ulr with howls nnd scroums again. It was fudged last yeiir by tho Clovoland Plain Dealer to bu the "bosl outdooi" operation In tho Groatur Clovoland area and is salting oul lo bo ovun bolter In 1904. The Forost will bo open from OctoborIS through Nov. 3. Hours aro dusk till 10 p HI. Sunday - , Thursduy und dusk till midnight on Friday nnd Saturday nights. Admission is $2.50 n parson and there Is FREE Babysitting. Special Attraction is Dig Chuck nnd Lilllo John. Thoy will bo on hand to visit with on November 2 wlfli Novambflr 3 os n ruin date. A portion of the procoads will gu lo tho Volunteer Su.-.'fros F t Diabetics. " ' From The Office Of State Rep. John V. Bara i'talo Roprosbntativo John V. Hum (DElyria) announced today thai $250,000 has been granted to Loraln County as the Initial Home Enorgy Assistance Program allocation. "The funds ore to be used to reconnect Project LITE tutors are ' volunteers who want to shuro the adventure of services for disconnected low tncomo reading with others. Anyone interested households, or low income households In participating In this program is in- faced with tho throat of disc- lnnactlon or vited to attend ibo tutor training ses- ton days or luss bulk fuol i .>ply." Horn sions at tho Domonkns Branch Library, said. Qualifying households are eligible lacuted al 4125 E. Lake Rd. In Sheffield Lake. For more Information about Ibis program, call the main library tit 244-1192 and ask for Projoct LITE. AVON LAKE - Mayor Richard Hausrod asks residents lo please rako KINDERDANCE tholr loaves onto thoir trot) lawns, close CLASSES to liio curb — but not into tho street. City Kinderdunce class registration Is In trucks aro working feverishly to pick up progress for our final session of 1984. the leaves, bo said, so grass will not be CInssos begin in Avon and Sheffield ruined. . Lflka on Monday, Octobar 20 and In Loaves in tho street not, only block Avon Lako on Friday, Cktobor 26. Cull any of tho following nunvbois for injprmation regarding days arid times in each community: 933-8238, 933-4346 or 933-8905. Because of numerous requests from working parents, Kinderdanca will bo olfored on Saturdays, beginning November 10, for children from Avon, AVon Lake and Sheffield Luke at thu Old Fjro Houso on Lako Road in Avon Luko. Kinderduncu Ill'clussos will a bo bo offered on Saturdays, bog inning November 10, for children in the areu. Please cull uny of tho instructors for furthar information about Saturday clussbs. Another now addition to tho program's features are gift cortlficules, available for Christmas giving—a nice Idea for Grandma, ard omhroidorod putchos for book bags for jackets—a groat stocking stuffer. v to rocoivo u ono-tlmo ptiymont ol up $200.00. County allocations aro bused upon~ population, unemployment, previous e> pundlturus of funds En prior Emergency^' HEAP programs and tho total amount off available funds. '* Subject to tho availability of funds Emurgoncy Program will boglnii Novambor 5, 1984 and end April 1985. No Leaves In Street, Please sewers, thoy also create a safety hazard^ for children who can't seam to resist playing in plies of freshly raked loaves, tho mayor snld. • % A city ordinance could bo Invoked to, force residents to clear loaves from tho]! street, Hausrod noted. HBO ALSO OFFERS WARGAMES, NEVER SAY NEVER flGAIW. HEART LIKE A WHEEL AND MORE! See Our Fine Selection O( New1985Pontiacs! Brand *'ew& Official & Demos! Drive One Now! INDIAN SUMMER SAVINGS Low summer rates are being extended at NAUTILUS NORTH until Nov. 15,1984. Act NOW! Be prepared for the winter months ahead. SAVINGS UP TO 15%. Call Us For A Complimentary Session — 933-8075 NAUTILUS NORTH J Today's thu firsl day you can enjoy fabulous week end .entertainment on HUO—'FREE! Sec a dazzling selection of smash hit Hollywood movies and original films made fust (or HUCT viewers. Plus HUO's unique Brand of concert and comedy specials, chlldum's shows and more! Tunein.indseeforyourseffwhyTht>r»'sNo • • i n j h Place Like HHO' for Ihe bosl valuo In fabulous UUfel hotneenlertainment. • HIII mw tntwiHa run Lu HM * SATUMBAY, OCTOBERCT.'oii CABIE CHAHMEU5.T N Living Sandt of Njmib 7 30 AM FRAGCLE ROCK" » « JufiioiSpll)!h(fjim BOO AM BOOPM H«MLik«AWhMl(PC) IP 00 AM inside UiellFL*9~ "TVOOAM E ddi; tM 1 lit CIUI i t t sTPG i 100 PM 5iiii • r,7tn iijnipbtii s T r ^ liic Silntr Annivetury Dl Iht WiiiMiont Cowboy • "JOOPM "S30PM ID 30 PM 13 55 AM „ -.KLEIWChildoilheSOsMjitollhEaQs ?0QAM Old iinyj \n\ " J I O A M Ep'inflJiMk ~i 55 AM SHO &en"ci OK THF HHO Sf.RVICr ANO Continental Cablovlslon Our Quality Shows Q y s I I 933*3750 ! o^ou^RE^NSJJLLOTION^andFREEGrFTOFFER! The Landings Avon Lake I J i Show Your Pride, Fly t h e Flags y g wtYPf A .' rF ~" w«» -vlBllilo ilurliiR thn Third Anmiul l-iumucoiitliii L K E BODY DYNAMICS >KID EXERCISE-TO-MUSIC CLASSES usiiv.il us Aincriciiti tlnuH ilcicimilml n susllun of the nnriirlti mm.. ,.1,,,,,, i/i,.,;^!, "--«<1 «'»! Put up by tho Avon wiku Vulnrmw of KurolHn S S t 8790 8790 Tlio postjs HtillnccupliiiK contrrtiuiloiw to llm AVON LAKE PRIDE Fund, do "SS£ ?nS! nul13MMIinkuM AvonInk(! A<i0IlHtkj11 ol $2Sw " - " !" Tliu VFW willI placu moro fli^s on utility »a\m u l o n B Cmilur Hd. nurlli rrmti Blue hie Blvd. to U k o Ril.. nml wost on Luku lu ttm Avon Luku Comulory. Aiiothor dlspliiy will bugln nl tlio Municipal IJtlllUus Dupurliiumt bulttlitiK und canlliiuu wost iiloiid l,nko Kcl. to Avumlnlo, Post Commnmlur John Koborlson auyB Iiu hopus lo haw untiuuh tummy to complulu lliu pro|ocl by Vutorunii Day. Novombur 11 Tho followihK luivn coiitrlbulod lu lliu AVON LAKE PRIDE Fund nil uf Oct. 1H: VFW of Avon Founlaln BIDHU Party Lake Contor Inc. Alfohao Q. Goznr, MD Mr. & Mrs. Wallor Young, In Memory of son Charles Potion Insurance Assoc, Ron's Taxldormy Service Stella's Pizza #1 Lake Erie Sonlors CJV Conslructlon Corp. Gronory V. Wen Union Carbide Industrial Services Howard J. Wakofleld PMD Model Builders Avon Lake Firefighters Local 1381 Charles F, & Carol M. Dolill Avon Lake Press Dr. Antonl Trzeclak, M.D. , Avon Lake Dry Cleaners Camellia Construction, Inc. Parlours, Inc. (Old English Parlour) Local 2000, JAW Hubert's Landscaping Service American Legion Post 211 In Momory of B.L. Ronald L. Rummol Sr. Avon Lake Beverage Loar Road Barber Shop Carlo R. King, In Memory of wife and mother , Arrow Aluminum Casting Co. Gamma Rho Sorority Loraln Natki.al Bank H. and D. Mosher Joserh and Elizabeth Dobor Golden Age Club ot Avon Lake Avon Lake Women's Chorus In , tonor of Becky A Brad Daniels, Jacob QBrhan & Adam Mark Henderson Avon Lake Junior Women's Club La Verne F. Smllh Looser Excavating Co. In Memory ol Corporal Dennis Borgensteln Nail. Assoc. ol Letter Carriers, Lakeshorg Branch #4438 In Memory of Harold W. Earley akeshore Women's Club Alfonso O. Qozar M.D. • Folhor Ragan Council «32fl9, Knltjhls ol Columbus Avon Lake Junior Fool ball League Narlhaasl Loraln Cly. Chpt. 02483, American Asooc. ol Rollred Persons Thomas A. & Janice R. Qulnn Harry R. & Dorothy M. Lloyd Lloyd-Manwell Ford, Inc. Soc. lor the Prom, of Dandelions Frlelin(,fdorlCorp. In Momory of Stephen Kovlak & John E. Coslolto In Memory of Louis V. Butchko Rick's Troo Service Elyrla Swlegs & Trust Qeorgo Hominy, In Memory of Larry Hominy Frank and Joane Olesko In Memory of "Slater Midge" In Memory of Kevin C. Krause Nick's Service Center Russet & Vesla Lynch Kopl Construction Corp. Fisher Big Wheel, Inc. In Memory of Joseph & Helen Stanlk Consumers Builder Supply Co. Avon Lake Key Club, In Honor ot Avon Lake Klwanls In Momory of Kenneth O. Hosier & Milton Q. Bledel • Kekic GOB Station : Royal Arch Masons Chapter In Memory of Cora A, Melz , In Membty of Elmer L. Kellog In Honor of All U.S. Service people past and present In Memory of Eugene Hatty Abldah & M. R. Chohan, MM, Inc. Creative Lighting Co. Royal Arch Masons Chapter i¥244 In Memory of deceased F.J.ik J. Lee family members m • •n" 3J 1 1 1 • b*. -4' ' - '; O CD '.•.•• BODY DYNAMICS, INC. » 934-6824 243-1205 $3.00 off with This Ad is AMERICA'S # 1 1 FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT VALUE! 80 OfOANTIC ir urn 42 DOUBU KAIIMA0 CAMS TO CONTAIN I D Tuo. NOV. 6 thru Sur. NOV. 18 II. Jr. Women Offer Adult Scholarships •SHOWTIMES* « " » WAYS TO GET PLAIN DEALER FAMRY NIGHT Are you going back lo school for training to rao'ntor tho work forco? Aro you going back to school Tor an advuncad degroo? Aro you wondering whoro you could got a little help with tuition or paying for books? To Avon Lako woman who may have answered yos to any of tho abovo questions, Avon Lako Jr. Wpmons Club is offering ii scholurahlp. An application may bo obtained by calling Connio at 033-13354. Don't put It off— tho deadline for applications is 1 Nov. 30. Tho rocipiont will bo notifiod by Doc. 10—just in timo for wintor luarlor. Frl. NOV.9 j/ON LAKE DRUGS, INC. NOV. 9 BiOOPH lnAkron(ai6)a«7JBlOMon S»L NOV. 10....U:WAHt...JJ0PH ...B:0b'PH PMfSun.2to6PH»U«VISAwMASTEnCAHD Sun. NOV. 11M iiUOPM •••&JOPM ™»iw Man.NOV. 12 13JPHt .TJOPMf B V M A 0 . I Stndttlf-wfcJrtutd.*t»mo«clenAKRONBEACONJOCRNAX „ w , « P 1 , u n , „, J B na „ COLISEUM. Hlnjllna Uroi. ind DvnumfiBailey WM.HO«.1I W .»........... T.BDMI Cfrna,TO.Ba« 330. Bkhfctd. OH 44206(HJflfc. Thu. NOV. 15 Frl. NOV.16 4;00PMt.8;0OPM * • • * * • • YOUXBEST***** StL NOV. 17....1LOOAMt-.-3^0PM..,6:00PM ENTERTAINMENT VAWEt Sun..NOV.lH W0PM..J30PM AHlBMUUnniwi* vwni S6.OO-87.SO-SB.OO Every Friday yenir Neighborhood Professional Pharmacy' jZodatecj: Scenic Rf:633471 Lar>eRd., AL '• Late Night ATOEL.-SERVICE PHARMACY ' ; We Redeem ANY -.• Prescription Coupbn Bowling Special Starting October 19th 12MjcWHghtto4a.m. 2 eggs, toast, coffee/hash browns or bacon - VOTE FOR ISSUER? ;: Avon Late;Schools } - ' • ' . ' ' . " • • • • ' . • . ' • • ' - - , " » V : . - - • • • •piiiilforliy Avun Like Cili/cnsTnrStliiKils ' •; •. .- 9 1 AQUAMARINE LANES ; Happy 75th Birthday to my Mother. {Helen K.) October 29 f ir per game Snack Bar^pen till 4 a.m.,for Breakfast Special 5499 ' <:O0PMt I N P E R S O N ) COLISEUM DOX OFFICE & All TICKETRON LKaUorulncIudlnflSEARSuid HAVCO. TEAMSTER NlCKT(flPM Si™ Bold Otf) AVON LAKE PRIDE — Mayor Richard Hausrod (I) put up the first decorative flag for the recent Homecoming Festival. AVON LAKE PRIDE Is a patriotic project sponsored by the, Avon Lake Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #8796. Also pictured are Elton Turner, Senior Commander, and John Robertson (r), Commander, VFW Post 8796. ; 184 Miller; R d . , ' / ' Avon Lake • U 933-3228 '. ' t ESS V HELD AT: Avon Middle School 36600 Detroit Rd. Avon, Ohio 44011 Classes Begin October 30 \Tues. ancTThurs. 6p7ri\ • M , ; S >ave>Q+i 5! v . o S^i •J^(TrtRl(?rspAcfe w iitM : m® IRADE'Al — CHI^KENibRUMSTrCKS OR THIGHS U.S.D.A^GFiADE A FAMILY PACK SPLlf CHICKEN BREAST U.S.D.A. GRADE A FAMILY PACK CHICKEN WINGS U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS TOP BLADE S T E A K . , . : U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS MOCK TENDER STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS ENGLISH ROAST • 'tfUif Q LB ; $139 - • . jSQQ l l«• ••_• s?ii BONEL $ 1 Q9 IGA TABLERITE QUALITY L B BUTTER! * ' « LEAN STEW BEEF r . ., T | $1 89 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRI LB - • OAI P PRICES EFFECTIVE: MON., OCT. 22 THRU'! $189 h B ^ s iiffi iilOIN' ^ASSORTED CHiCKI twBaft 'Hxnl BONEtESS , TOP LOIN PORK CHOPS BONELESS LOIN PORK ROAST SUPERIOR REGULAR OR .IUMBO FRANKIES SUPERIOR CHEESE FRANKS , SUPERIOR E-Z CARVE BONELESS HALF HAMS..., HILLSHtRE SMOKED BEEF SAUSAGE OR BEEFKIELBASA,. IGA TABLERITE QUALITY FRESH SEA L E G S , . . ' . . ; U.S.D.X CHOICE WHOLE BONELESS RIB E Y E 11 LB. AVG. .LB.Tfc""; : LB , , : 11 £i2Q« 1LB PKG ••-; 11 - - 1**k«raw LB $189^M $999 ! LB. CONSISTS OF BONELESS DELMONICO STEAKS OR RjB ROAST. CUT AND'WRAPPED FREE TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. .OL1P-A-COUPON iiii /CORONET BATHROOM TISSUE . . . . 8* OFF LABEL-WHITE OR PINK DOVE BATH SOAP PILLSBURY CINNAMON ROLLS IGA ILD CHEDDAR ..8R0LLPKG. 2 BARs' 9W0Z. WMOON.10OZ. $-|39 37525 COLORADO AVE. AVON, OHIO * 934-5109 IQS^ PEARI . MON.-FRI. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT. 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SUN. 9 A.M. TO 2 P.M. •:BE6R« coiiE BOLI ;0El ' i f DELS MACARONI SALAD . . . BROOKSIDE ROAST BEEF BROOKSIDE 2 in 33 : ! , I :l '. ' . . t . :fc ; 1 >• 1* iL ')' . 1*1 i - WUNDER BOILED HAM BROOKSIDE COOKED SALAMI BROOKSIDE BROSKY COLORED .; AMERICAN CHEESE Fff •UUH ?sco IEi SWISS CHEESE. Oelobtf li Flih ft StiloodHanlh... so TIPS TO CUP i«'«""« t,in, &itInn pifldgctt, prosttlf pit mud. un t>< dtHooui ind uMfy 1 1 ft s tly b t l l n I M1i .V Hsinm."in. ! I LB $299 VICKS NYQUIL e o ' DTL. * Z " . 3OZ.Bn..*2™ VICKS VAPOR RUB 1.502. JAO * 1 * , " Al.KA SELTZER COLD 1ABS ZOCT P K O , * 1 | DRISTAN TABLETS.: '. '. WOT.BTL * Z TYLENOL TABLETS ', i I»CT.PKO. * Z | IOJCT. BTt. * 3 8/16,02. BTLS. 12 0Z. PKG. LABEL CftUNCHY GRADE A LARGE EGGS REGULAR OR UNSALTElJ KEEBLER ZEST A SALTINES 16OZ.PKG. CHOCOLATE FUDGE OR PEANUT BUTTER SWJRLY Q'S FOLGER'S FLAKED COFFEE 6 VARIETIES 13 oz. CAN PURINA TENDER VITTLES : 12OZ. PKG. KRAR" VELVEETA SLICES 12 O2. PKG. MON.-FRI. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. 9 A M. TO 6 P.M. SUNDAYS 33479 C LAKE RD-, AVON LAKE, OHIO 933-6203 i ^ 8 Z B CHOOSE ONE OF THESE 3 ITEMS WITH EACH & EVERY S10.00 PURCHASE EXCLUDING BEER, WINE AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS. "NEW" DUNCAN HINES COOKIES i Z B JIF' PEANUT HNOR'S NGERALE 9 VICKS 44-D COUGH SYRUP CONTAC CAPSULES GRAPHICAL ERRORS. 19B4 SMOOTH k HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS B,0WMlorl o | U«"IM vmtlici mdudt luni. luiibul. cgfl. lioundir fintdock mulltl. wtiilng. ihri.-pp. tub. ICIIIopi. Jnd lubttoi TUM tin) "H*ul t ' t pirkuHii* juod louicet ol wotrn MiaNt-Ut iptciti intluOe n u t l t f i l . MMICD. hirimfl. incho.iti mi) uidmti For iron itcipit Infl into i mi lion on Buying, hjiOhna, infl ilorrno I H I D O « . mile I m tlMi)t yli j to m i x m SORK C H O P S . . . ; Ml ••:••• • - « Pregnant? Find out quickly, accurately and inexpensively ; ; i : '(1 SPORTS Athletic Director When you think you're pregnant, you need an accurate answer as early as possible no you can make plans and begin taking proper care of yourself. St. John and West Shore Hospital Is now offering a special serum pregnancy test: ' ' / it. lit* .• i ill AVON LAKE GIRLS' CROSS COUNTRY TEAM QUALIFIES FOR STATE CHAMPIONSHIP On Saturday, October1 27 thu Avon Laku Girls' Cross Country Team will bo onu of 18 too ins to toko purl in tho SLulu uliumpiottshlp Ruco on thu Ohio Stnto Univursity courso. Tliu girls tjurriod lliis opportunity' by finishing gocond to Cuynhugu Falls Saturday nt Akron In thu District Maul. Thu only other Avon Lnko town to ovor compote in tho championship round nt tliQ Slato lovbl was thu girls' fjymnotttlcs toum af 1032 and 1963. Monitors of tho squad ore: MISSY BAILEY, USA CLARK, KIRSTEEN JOCHHEAD, KRIS NIEHENKE. SrACEY RUMSEY. JODI SANDVIK, YVONNE SAUL, and TRACY STADNICAR. Tho conch is AL BUCKEYE, In hip ilfth year with tho Avon Lake program. Wo wlnh thu girls tho bust of luck and congratulates thorn for tholr outstanding purformancu, VOLLEYBALL GIRLS ARE RECOGNIZED Three mombors of tho Avon Laka var* sity girls volloyball toum wore honored by tho Lorai n County Coachos Assacta* tlon by bolng named to the AU-Star squad. CHRIS MARTIN, ANDREA, DACEY and JULIA BONDURANT wore • • • • For the low cost of $5 The most accurate test currently available Less expensive than home tests Testing done Monday—Saturday from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. • Results of tests done before 1 p.m. available same day , So why leave the results of something so' important to chance? Simply come to tne hospital's Outpatient Registration Desk and ask to have the test done. To assure accuracy; wait at least one week after vourfirstmissed menstrual period before coming infortesting. . For more information, call St. John and West Shore Hospital at 835-6094. St. John & West Shore Hospital :f:* 29000 Center Ridge Road Westlake, Ohio 44145 . ^ fm solujt'od. Tho girls will ploy on Novombor 11 at Midvlow High School as monitors of tho East toum. CHRIS was also namad to tho All-District team und JULIA was glvan Honorable Mention stiitus. The SWC coochtis voted MARTIN to tho 1st teem, BONDURANT to thu 2nd loam, and LAUREN PRATl, nnd ANDREA DACEY as Honorublb Montlon, •SHORT STUFF Avon Lake's JV football loom was dofoatod In an exciting contest at Rocky Rtvor by a scorn of 23-21. The Junior Shoremen aro now 5-3.,..Tho.dedication1 coramony For the "Little Red Caboose was a santimontal community happening. Tho CAHILLS, long-time rosldants,, can fool proud of their generosity Tho school community is very appreciative of tho gift. The "Caboose" enhances the beauty of tho studlum facility — -something we are all prouii of. AB U final twto, the Avon Lake Athletic Qopt.;wlll bo sponsoring' a "Mr. Suit" sale, Wed. and Thiirs. from 4-9 p.m as c fund raiser for spring aports.'Hoaso stop up and see what we,have to offer. Thero is no charge for "looking" —-Hope to see you there!1 ."•• ' ' . THE ELYRIA MEDICUNIC URGENT CARE GET READY icai Fulir equlapodtobandia all Inlortes , anit Illness of a noo me ibreateatna natore: 2 5 2 East Bread St., Eiyrla, O. SPECIAL Ho Apcototment Necessary • All Medical ' liuutane* AcctpUd 1323-1159 16 Point Furnace Tune-Up Man., Tue*.,Ttiurs., Fri , , 6p.rn11 dm ' • Sunday & Holidays Wod. A Sot. 1 p,m.-11 p.m. 1Oo.rn.-11 p.m, VOTE FOR iSSJJiE*27 ; \Avbn',lLake,Schools ; Plus Pans, II Necessary TOP SHOP SPORTSWEAR Hot Water Tank Inspection '••••• Youth T-Shirts With Transfers With Furnace Tune-Up Reg. $475 Now$4 ae - Our system guarantees year-round Glorious Tan Safe UVA Light,: without burning, peeling & flaking from natural sunlight. Comfortable & safe. Wult T-Shirts with Transfer^ Reg. $5.75 N 0 W $ 5 2 5 100's of transfers to choose from COUPON Enjoy A T a n All Y e a r R o u n d ! With This Coupon. Any Package Session of 4 Visits or More Good thru Oct. 31,1984 WE CARRY: WMMS T-SHIRTS, MICHAEL LlACKSON T-SHIRTS & CULTURE CLUB T-SHIRTS New Location: 812.Avon Belden Road Service & Installation Experta -24 Hr. Service 934-6460 _ °* . . 324-5141 .Temporary House: Closed Sun., Mon. & Tuos. Wed., Thurs., Frl. & Sflt. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Jolf or Terry Mitchi , . 933-4141 AvonLake .130 South Pt.(corner of Electric & South Point) Offer Expires: November 9, 1984 NEWS FLASH! $ ^PEOPLES EXPRESS $ $ BOOKED HERE!! mun mm mm TRAVEL CENTER ^3461 York St. Avon Lake Near Avon Lake Shopping Ctr, ^_933-5503l $5°°0ff Expires Dec. 24,198A Th« Only Sals Way TO Tan, 2S04aCnidRd 871-6433 ;.," Family Dentistry (At "The Landings") MICHAEL J. KEARNS, D.D.S. $ • - . $ • Insurance Accepted •TOOTH BONDING '•DENTURES •ROOT CANAL OR Mon.-Frl.Bo.m.-5p.m. Sbt.lOo.m.,-1 p Serving Our Communities With Experience • PERIODONTALTREATMENt • MINOR ORTHODONTICS • CROWNS For Your Convenience, Saturday and Evening Office Hours Dover Junction Mall Bay Village, Ohio WHO ...... ... T H E V SUNHAVE^ WAY 933-4486 uality We Welcome New Patients 1 I Sheffield day. Tim Cnrdiniib' hand hns hutin wull rocoivud MM Ihulr stylo in n run I crowd pluimur. CONFERENCES I'uritnt-Tuachur CunfuruncuH will ho hold on Novumbur U, I<1, 15 nnd lOlhat thu Iliyh Salmol from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. l'nrunls nru wolcomu to iulk to ono or •mare stfiff muttiburs ragurdinu Ibu |)rngru»n of thulr sun or dnuglilor. Schools 'MENU Thursday, Ocl. 25: Spaghetti w/muu, Totuwd Salud. •Droad & Duttor, Dlcud Fruit. Milk. • Friday, Oct. 2G: Fish Sandwicii w/lnrtur sauco, "Potato Wedges, Fruil, Milk. , Monduy* Oct. 20:1 lumburgcr on bun. Unkud [loans, .Pouch / cookio, Milk. •!: Tuesday, Oct. 30: PopporonI Pizza, Bulloiud Cufit. ;. Apple Crisp, Milk. . , Wednesday, Oct. 3l:,Chlll w/criickursi Punmit bui: lor Sandwich. Pours, Milk. NINTH GRADE TOUR Tho ninth grtido ti;"r of thii ho rain County [oinl Vucalluuiil School will (HI Ocl obi! r 25lli mkl 20lli. FORKSTLAWN PROGRAM PARENT VOLUNTEER ^HOMECOMING A SUCCESS ^Homecoming weekend was very successful as a |wpnk ofaclivlllos ondotl with tho annual Homecoming |dijtico on Saturday night which was uttanded by 300 P. High School students. Miss Wondio Blvlns was crown*od;Homo Coming Quson before tho varsity football pjama Friday night. Tho game was prococdad by float ffridging and a parada through tho straats of Slioffloldl^h^fflold Lake. Mumbers of thu Homecoming Quoon's ECpurt wore Choryl Hnrnos, Kip Farkus, Jacklo Griffith, (JiilliTnii Martin and Kuren Nunez. Winners of the float |doiiordttng contest wore thu class of '05 with tho thomo jbf^Chrdinals Blast to a Victory". J f f i s COUNTRYTEAM \'" ^THo Crosscountry Tom ran Well and placed 9th out r orif5 loams in Saturday's Sectional Meet. Two runners ^qualified for tho District Moot this Friday.at Hawkon rhu^jol They aro Tom Solomon, who ran'an LCCC rcourle'school record hi 17:08 and PumBoohm, who 'sol a schoolrocord for girls with a time of 20:50. f> -••••• - . • - LBROOKSIDE MARCHING BAND , . ^ Tho Brooksldo Curdinal Marching Band wus onu of SaaVoral bands which performed at the 12th annual J vPorade of Bu,.-'s at Ely Stadium in Elyriu last Thurs- LIMITED TIME ONLY! REG. PRICE*! Avon Schools Menu In Mrs. Barta's first grade at Foresttawn School parent-volunteer Julie Yurkonls listens to Melfssa Stratton read. , A pa.-ont volunteer program can bonofit the childron and also come to tho aid of tho tenchor. Parent volunteers can lend an oar to eager readers and a helpiny hand to tho loacher by hanging (lie children's work, cutting patterns and paper for projects nnd other such time consuming actlvitius thoraby freeing the loachor BO she can plnn more activities for tlto children. PTO FUND RAISING Knollwood PTO has planned several mlni-prolocts rather than their annual Uuznar this yanr. They have continued to suryu Ino-cronm aflor lunch on Fridays at a cosilof 25*. Sjun they will raffia off homo mado dolls and T-shirt pillows. Tickots for dolls will bo 25K onch and pillow tickets will bo ldt. Tho lucky tickots winners will be drawn ovory othur Friday. Tickots will be sold during the lunch hour on Wednesdays ttnd Fridays. Tho prizes aro In Iho display case for ovoryono la view. Holp our hard working PTO group and inako ths project another onu of their successes. . Sliced Ponchos Cookio : - ; . Milk MON., OCT. 29 Hamburgar Sandwich TatorTots : , ' ; Apple Saucu , l' " i OCT. 24 Popporoni Pizza Button id Corn Apple .Sauco Cookfo Milk THURS,, OCT. 25 Chicken Niiggots Mashbd Pot./Gravy Mixed Vegetables Butturod Broad Cookie Milk FRL, OCT. 26 Toasted Choose Sand. Bakod Boans . M i l k ••• :•.-.••>;>-• TUBS., OCT. 30 . : . -Spaghetti ©Moat Sauco Tossed Salad \ Diced Poors. , ; ' Buttered Broad ' M i l k i-.;-•.•• • : . ' ; : • . . SHEET SETS $24.99 COMFORTERS $39.99 734-9240 29454 U r a h Rd.. North'Olmsted IN THE CLASSROOM: Octobor is "Bowilchlng" In many ways nnd that's WATERBEDS CARGO VAN SPORT VAN LUXURY VANS FULL SIZE PICKUPS IN STOCK! $AVE SEE LUPE FOR TRUCKS! SEE LUPE FOR TRUCKS! ::LLP CHEVROLET AVON LAKE 933-6151 CLEVELAND 835-3533 366-9500 or 933-3255 "" .'•AMERICAN-MEDICALS r WEIGH? "ASSOCIATION- saarias call, otto of tliu following: Rich Zullp - 033-4073;, Bob Koran — 033*6086! and Howard 1'rossnoll — 833-8280. Scod prices aru $5.50 for 25 lbs. and SlO.oo for<5U S-10 PICKUPS IN STOCK! American Medical Weight Association regards losing weight as a serious business, thus Vn) approach your Weight control sensibly. Our professionally trained staff pledges to give you support, guidance and assistance from .the very first day. Based on sound nutrition, our medically supervised program provides greater safety... and results in fast weight reduction. Make your commitment today! Enjoy the benefits right awayl IAlll-1 lm.il IMll > . - - Birdseed Sale • Oct.. 27: Shumold Middle School Volleyball vs Wulli'tpn, 9:00 u.m. awny. pill 27: Froshmuh Faotbuli vs Cluurviow, 10:00 a.m. > : : : 2 i Varsity Football vs Narlh Rldguvlllu, U:00 |p.m., Parent's Night, octivltios slnrl at 7:30pm. v;TwD Brooksldo High School students, Sonlor-l'-.u 'Bbplim, and Junior-Tom Solomon, have qualifiod in iforoncD cross country moots. On Friday, October h'llioy will compete in Akronfarthe District mauls jfl IF thoy qualify, will go to Columbus on Oct. 2nd Jfor.lho State Moots. p.Tpm was nn outstanding qualifier for the Slutn iM&t last your. Good Luck to thaso two dlslancu % ' ' KNOLLWOOD NEWS; Opon I-Iousu was on Otitnbur 16. lflfi-l. Hvoryono lind fliu uppurlunity lo muul their childrutis' tL'nchors und huiir nbout classroom goals. Wu apprucltilo the fine turn out und hope that olhur uvuiits will litwo your conlinuud slipporl. Uuing itctlvo id positivuly involved Is ussontlnl to our continued .success. P.S. Romombor Conferences uro scheduled tho vvouk of Novumbur 12lli. Slucfonls will bodlsmissudot 1 p.m. Pluuso return conference slips promptly so that wu may roschudulu olhors If nocossoiy. Thoro will bo no school on Nov. 2nd. It Is Tuachiir In-Survlco Day. Avon Lake Boy Scout Troop 300 is holding thalr year-long wild birdmiad snto. This Is e doluxa mix of suod which' uttracts many beautiful species of birds living In our area. To ploco your order, ploasu ^'COMING EVENTS " ' Oct. 20; Varsity Football vs Cloarvlow,, t):OU p.m. ^-•^Awiiy. - • w • jiiHt wlini Mrs. Sugor'H uludunta uro aliowlnu und tollIng ovoryono. Oulnido lliolr clussroont Htudunts luivo proudly displayed thulr bus I work for ovuryoim to suo. Tho Btudoiits rciiilly uiijoytid soolng olhurH rncoBlllzi! lltulr good work. Posllivu roinforconmnt can bo tichldvod in such many wnys. Wo unjuyod sliiiring Ihulr success. 32730 Walker Rd. . Tho Landings, Avon Lake GABY LUPE . JOHN .LIVINGSTON; •^'MILESOUTHOF AQUAMARINE . , ' ; 607 WlCLEHRD., AVON LAKE. OHIO;. ': '. :"' ! BILLY. ti\HQ T ? P P F T V F A II S SAVINGS BOND VALUED AT UmTAT^MATURITY WITH THE PURCHASE OF A W M CAMARO; CITATION OR CORVE1TE. OFFER GOOD THROUGH 10-31-84 aqt^8!fflg9MEEeffliazag«ai^maw^^ ^ ^ ^ \i\l Avon School News • ' : ( ! • • W • ' ' ! ' • lit ? v '.1 AVON MIDDLE SCHOOL'S HONOR ROLL High Honor Roll In ordur to lie on thu High Honor Roll, stutlunls must linvo earned A's In all subjects. The following students achieved High Honors during Lhu first six vvuuks: Fifth Rfadoi Dalo Garrutt, Lori Maynnrd, Krlaton Nliuulll, Shuvvn Phillips. Sixth grade: Julio Olivur. Eighth grado: Kevin Lucuy, ] mm I for Kutlucliy, Honor Roll In ordur to bo on tho Honor Roll, students must huv.u A's and Q's or ull B'B. Tho following students uchiovod Honors during tho first six weeks; Fifth grado: Tlnu Duwson, Jusuti Urogur, Susun Hollars, Doth Lundbarg, Christina Schlll, Multhew Schwoltzor, Scott Shoslag, Short Smith, Max Wright. Sixth grado: Stephanie. Brunnor, Chad Cook, Mlstl Crunu. Robin Gotidok, Marty Henderson, Molonio HollurB, Llndu MorlcUo, Amy Martin, Klsty Mtllor, Tonya Rolnhold. Sovonlh gtado: Jeff Dregor, Rachel East, Andrua Klorbuugh, JamoB Fluhar, Christopher Garrolt, Runl Hassol, Kara Jawarowski, Soan Kloafuld, jonnlfor Krutt, Jim Martin, Dawn Suholz, Corlu Smith, Matt Workman. Eighth grado: Kim Qradnhaw, Guorgo Douzos, DUSBQ Dzubflk, Christina Englund, Paul Guddo, Krlstino Hollars, Tom Paulclmll. Merit Roll In order to bo on tho Merit Roll, studonts must have oarnod all A's and 1 C, or all B's and 1 C, or A's and Q's and 1 C. The following studonts woro on thu Morlt Rail during tho first six wouks: Fifth grade: Dominic Boltrante, Carrie Campbell, Trlsha Hagarman, Wnndy Jiimos, Tra«:y Lont, Hoathur Manthuy, Morodtth Portor. Sixth grado: Molanlo Allon, Ti.>m Coin, Kolli Drolior, Karon Haag, Jenny Osonbuugh, Jcnhlfor Torok, Jonny Weeks. Sovonth grade: Sandy Alton, ChrliUan tirltiza, Ginu DoCnrlo, Shannon Miller, Brian Morag, Lynn Porrotto, Rosemary Schneider, Kelly Sparks, Lasllu Wilson. Eighth grude: Mark Crawford, Bridget Drehar,; Carolo Funtozzl, Karon Hogrofo, Kathluon Kollcy,' Hoathur Kirk, Brlun McCalllo, Joff Millar, John Millar, Michelle Montpellt, Davo POCOB, Rob Wenzler, Kim Wlloy. , , GuosL Speaker Puul Edmunds, Channel 3 niotoorolaglst, was guost speaker at an assembly for all fifth and sixth grado students on Wadnosday, October 17th. Waatherman Edmunds stressed, thu Importance or knowing what safety precautions to take during a "tornado warning". Following his presentation, tho students uxprossed thatr gratitude by giving htm an Avon bag filled with goad wtshus.and thanks. It Is gujd to know that wo have puoplo Itko Mr. Edmunds who care about our safety. VISIT THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH IN AVON LAKE 31847 Lake Road Sundays - Church Service and Sunday School at 10 a.m. Wednesdays - Testimony Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays (12 Noon to 3 p.m.) and Saturdays (10 a.m. to Noon) - Reading Room Open To The Public TANNING CENTRES The Sun Ncm'f Sets In the picture are Mrs. Harriet Porter, Mr, Paul Edmunds, and Beth Lundberg who gave Mr. Edmunds his Avon Gym Bag. Jim Nlmelll, Tom Paulshell, Mark Pickering, and Mike Spatalore (at tha sewing machine) are enjoying STAR OF THE WEEK their home economics class assignment: learning to Sovonth grador. Soan Kteofold, is this week's Star of operate a sewing machine and constructing a stufftho Wook. Soan is tha son or )lm and Diana Kloofold. ed animal pillow. The sewing unit is only a part of the Ho Is tha brother of nlno-yuur-bld Kurt. Soun has a dog 12 week course offered to the 8th graders this year named Up. Ho also has two rabbits, Charlio and Potor, The students began with a self-Improvement groomand two'doves, Estagon and Vladamlr. Ing unit, will be involved In a personal development Soon has bean In NOVA since tho third grado. Ha unit dealing with maturity, understanding and getting fools that tho program is vary Interesting. MicroBiology has boon his favorito.courno thus fur. Ho along with parents, sibling » peers:, and friends The final unit will beitn'fbod^'learnlriio'abpUtfnutrlUon* would llko'to'taka courses doallng with astronomy and computers. equipment, reading and using a recipe, and table etiSean's ruvorlto subject In school Is art. Ho Is involv-. quette. Part of the lottery mone/i for Middle School will be Used to construct a demonstration kitchen In cd In choir, bund, and stage band. When baskotball season arrives, ho plans to go out for this sport. In his room 204. The equipment and supplies for this kitfren time, Soan enjoys collecting and reading old comchen are quite meager; therefore, Mrs.' Podrosky Is ic books, as well as drawing. listing Items that are needed. Donations will be en* Ghustbustors is Sean's favorite movie. His favoritu thuslastlcatly accepted. Kitchen "Wish" List: dish book Is Will Shakospoare and the Globo Theatre. Tho towels, dish cloth, plastic glosses, scouring pad, A-Teont Is his favorlta television show. His favorlta pastry blender, measuring spoons, glass measuring type of music Is rock, with "The Warrior" bolng his cups, paring knives, cookie cutters, cutting .board, >. most liked song. grater, kitchen shears, rolling pin, rubber/spatulas, Soan has travelled to Niagara Kails, Now York City, sifter, basting spoon, sloted spoon,, vegetable Minnesota, Cincinnati, Pennsylvania, Florldn, and peeler, cooling, rack, trench knife, can.opensr, Washington, D. C. Ho would like to visit Hawaii. wooden spoons, strainer, tongs, pancake turner, Sean Is not sure which curoor ho would like to purwire whisk, 1 and 2 quart saucepans with lids, fry sue, but ho Is sura that ho will attend college "I want pan; 9" square cake pan, Jelly roll pan, hand mixer, to go to coll'igu but am not suio what I'll take," ho said. muffin tins, custard cups, canister set, .1-set of "BoL-ig nico to talk to" Is tha quality which Sean seas dishes, dlshpan and drainer, mixing .bowls," trench as being the most Important to havo In a friend. knife and colander. ' .; ' J ; r PUPILS HELP LIBRARY Every year many sovonth and eighth grado studonts sowa as workers In tha Avon Middle School Library, Thair |oh Inuludas recording attendance, running orrands, magazine filing, alphabetizing cards, shelving bookp, and various housekeeping tasks. Tho following young people will bo library aldas during thu first som/'stcr of tho 1084-85 school year: Cathy Crawford, Tina Doss, Pam.Neer, Erin Bolfi, Lisa Smith, Paula West. Rosa Schnoldor, Shuntion Millar. Mutlssu Bates Kristin Elliott, Hollio Webb, Tony Vodlcka, Lee Ltndborg. Connie Robinson, Michael Law, {off Klnzal and Kevin Lacoy. , • : .. klsl Kodak Film And Processing Special In Progress Until Nov. 1,1934 At The Landings Avon Lake 933-3924 Bldg.B5 Located: MIHB Creek Commons , 32662 Center Ridge Rd. North Rtdqevlfle VCR Recorders VHS and Beta Includes TANNING SESSION! CALL TODAYt 327-2725 NOHTH Kio(;i.vn.i.r. AT MII-LCIUii-K COMMONS Cindy Snyder and Dale Garrett are 'new Student Council Representatives at Avon Middle School Cindy Is a fifth, grade homeroom representative Dale Is a member*at-large for the fifth grade; THE COPYSHOPPE COPIES 15$ 327-9591 SALES RENTALS REPAIRS _ I A i Quick Photo Lab WE'RE ONLY A ^EW MINUTES AWAY W F GUARANTEE YOUR TAN! 1 V As low as $36900* Lifetime Membership Other Club Members Welcome Transfer Only $9.95 Mon.-Fri. noon to 5 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday noon to 6 p.m. OFFSET PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES INVITATIONS ART SUPPLY CENTER featuring ART MATERIALS, PAINTS, BRUSHES/PAPERS AND CANVASES, CAUGRAPHY SUPPLIES GROMBACHER Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30, Sat. 9-12 In The Landings" 933-2881 mi SENIOR ADULT NEWS This Page Is Sponsored At A Community Service By The Avon Lake Press 4575 LAKE RD.f SHEFFIELD LAKE, OHIO 949-8146 SERVENG AVON LAKE, AVON, SHEFFIELD LAKE, SHEFFIELD Tri-City Office On Aging Director's ^Message There will bo u surplus Commodities :nistribution on Wednesday, 10/31/84. |',from <9 d.rh. to'4 p.m. ht tho Sheffield %-Lakd; Community Contor, 4575 Lako Rd., &£. Sheffield;Vaka; Ohio for Loraln County c p£roBiHohts only1; Tnts'lb sponsored by tho MTrl-City Offtdo on'Aglng. Shofnold/Shef1$ field Lake Service Council and Avon Clp Government. Wo will nood vorificaf eligibility via a Golden Buckoy Unemployment tioak, Food i p ID Cord or proof of low income. »Also,•• please bring-a bog to carry the ^commodities, homo with you. W Q t f d a y ovanlng, October 30,1904 ^surplus commodities will bo rrnllablo |fdr residents of Avon, Avon Lak •, SliofIflald ond Shoffiold Lake ONLY. Tuls wilt Ijfflkb* place at tho Sheffield Loke Comsmuhity.Cehtur from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 Jp.m; Only residents of those four comgmuhltles will be sorvicod that ovanlng. fAlsoV applications, will be taken tint fEivonfng'and again on Wednesday, Gcclobbr.131»ffor help., for the holidays for(residents of -those cities. ;±mA ^^M\ Reminders % T:M . W & i r ' \ : • ? - •(•.: • ••• this too. In Avon, call Marge Sputafore at 037-B61Q to arrange for moals In this area. ; . Help with Medicare and Supplomontal Insurance forms Is also done both in the office and with volunteers In tho community. If you ore having problems in this area, plaaso give us a call and wo'll son if wo con holp. Transportation is not diroctly offered by us, but wo will soo you gat to tho right offlco for holp. In Avon/A von Lake you have the mini-bus. Call &33-B141 for a rasurvatlon as early as possible. In Shoffiold Lako call 948-814(3 fora reservation 24 hours in advance for pickup on Tuesday and Friday. If you nood a Golden Buckeye Cord, Homestead Exomption Form, blank Medicare or Bluo Cross formB, incomo tax forms, come in or call us—we hovo thorn all. Homespun Crafts Keep in mind that Homespun Crafts will bo holding their Christmas Salo t > days this yoar—on December 7th and 14th here ut Tri-Clty, 4575 Lake'Rd., Shoffiold Lako, Ohio. Tharo are any numborof great things to choose from for all your Christmas gifts and the prices are right, tool We'll look forward L to soolng you hare at tho Contor. Calendar ^Commodities Distribution will be Hdj,atl4B75 Lake Rd.,,Shoffiold Lako,, K,bh'to;lfrpm.,9,'a.m. -until:4 ip,m/'F.qr> fefiatlim'Vof, eligibility^ kindly bring Of-Events '"• ••••!•' ^Card,, Unemployment Book, DIaablut^tStatement, Food Stamps Avon.Lake Golden Agors moot on •MedloArci'-'Card or Low Incomo Wednesday, November 7 and 21 and tt|ffltr^ December C> and 19 at the United |fe4riyonoiwhqcan holp'us unload the Church of Christ, 32801 Electric Blvd., gtnick Con, October, ,'3p; br-fasBisl in ithe for a brown bag lunch at noon. ; ^aiBlribuU'ohori'ipntobop 31—your help ' Lako EHo Seniors moot every Thursappr iciatodl ' for a catered lunchoon at tho United k i - I M PLOYED - theso ;, day ^ MEALS of Christ, 32801 Electric Blvd., ; y V i'nosday from"4:3o atChurch noon. Call 933-0800 by Tuesday for o t p 5 J 3 . 0 p . ' n i . i , ' '•••'.'• ."• '.•'./:":.: ff NOTE;.'Meals wMnot bo served on rosorvotlonr Homespi.il Crafts hold tlioir monthly 10/31, 11/21, 12/20 and 1/2/85. 1 _ SENIOR CITIZENS MEALS - those salo on November 9 and December 7 fare served every Friday,at 12:30. Cost la and 74 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at tho Sheffield Lake Civic Contor, 4575 Lake Uz 50 •.•.... Rd. pj Moats will not bo sorved on Autumn Rebels moot on Tuesday, .10/28,11/23, 12/28 und ,1/4/85. Novombor 13 and'27 and in Docombor W on tho 11th at tho Barn, 37711 Psitrott Rd.,; Avon for u catorod .luiirh. Call 934-5440 by tho Sunday before lor your . ' ' MEALS ON-WHEELS is offered by reservation. Sheffiald Lake Seniors: meet on the': offlco for Avon Lako and Sheffield Lako Ifyouorsomcoiioyouknowaroin , Wednesday, Novombor.14 at'lnoon for a nend of a doily hot meal, to bo delivered potiuck luncheon and tho first Wednesto the homo, call our office at 949-8146. day in Docombor (12/5) for a'catorod Thj cost is $2.25 por duy, but ar- lunch, (call Julie Brosakfor reservation) rarigomonts can bo made if that prico at', tho Shoffiold Lakor, Community would be a financial hardsliip. If you Contor, 4575 Lake Rd., at naon. Tri-Clly Office on Aging (Board of don't nood the moals, but could volunteer somo timo to help dolivcr or Directors) moot on Friday, November patik the moals, wo would appreciate IB, at tho Civic Contor. 4575 Lakd Rd., at one o'clock. Everyone is wolcomo. AARP Chantor 2643 wit) hold Its regular mooting on Tuesday, Novombor 20 for a brown bag lunch and its annual Christmas lunch on. Docombor 18, catered, at tho United Church of Christ, 32801 Electric Blvd., at noon. Volunteers For Meals-On-Wheels Wo are still in dlro need of drivers for Maals-on-Whoelsl Once again, wo are beseeching all of you who possible can to giva us an hour a woek to holp us In this situation. God will surely bless all of you who respond to our plea. Help! Help! Help! mm [•m\ • : # Marge Macuro, ond. her assistant, Joan Moigan. Our afflco staff, Pog Wonk and Margo Gorsdorf, and our driver, Helen Kun, for bulng willing to go above and beyond tho call of duty to, keep this office running. , , " ', HEAP' ;': ?.>y-;••;:.;. The HEAP' Program Is in offqctno>y1:,,! until 1/31/05. If you fool you might bo . eligible for.this assistance on.ybur gas bill for January, February and March.'bo sure to complete an application ond , mail it to Columbus.'Wo hovo the form's availablo so coll us or stop in. Thbro are also other programs" to fiolp',with.thb utility bills, so call our offlcojind wo will ,assist you. ' ' t . '•';.[ -•.',' '..'-.\.., Office Closing; i;^ Anyone who has any oxtrn brown . 'THE TRI^ITrpFnCE-ONVAGiNG; ; papor grocery bags please bring thorn to -will be clpgpd*> byombor 22,end,23;for ; ,,: Aid for Aging at 4575 Lako Rd., Shef- Thanksgiving, toocomboriZifind,Z5\fori : field Lake. We are desperately In need of Christmas and Docombor'/ 31 vond.. thoso bogs. Thanks. , J a n u a r y 1 f o r N e w Y e a r s . ' ! , • . ' , =• •':•'• •'••• \: . Reach Out And Touch Someone i This Is to all thB people of Avon, Avon Lake, Shoffiold and Sheffield Lake who have boon so gonorous of their time, suggestions and holp throughout 1984 to our office. ' ;: A special thank you to our cook, •Services ••r-.m Vol,2,No;27 Oct:24,1984 yqu;oro.invited to attend this,prograrn It's everything you never expected car repairs to bc.V': OIL & FILTER and get FREE AlR FILTER V Diesels Not Included Expires pot. 31, 1984 ' PHIl-'S AUTO GARE SERVICE CENTER •. • •. 33505 Lake Rd.,-Avon Lake ^ Handmade Gifts Of All Kinds . ; i •/.M VILLAGE HANDCRAFTERS NOW Featuring Grape Vine Wreaths Painted Pumpkins Ribbons HOURS: - B0WS T-W-TH 6:30-9;30 p.m. _, FRI-SAT 1:00-4:00 p.m. 9ft9709& 4015 Colorado Ave., Sheffield, OH (Rt. 611) Paid For By Committee fo Elect Judga HetwrimQ •Mike Lolko, Ctiairman, \A5 Caniefbuty, Elyna. OH •:^ i'^cL-!nnia:cii T 1 ^ ^ ' ^ ' ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ COURT J. Avbri'iLBLke And Sheffield ' ake Are Hotspots For Perch by Jim Flanigan • •'. , , ( . . , , ,.. : . . . . >. i •, •. ••'•' & Tho porch art) in!This Is a ramlijar phraso hoard afpuncl Jqrclpn'i fcliorJlb'a, und ,Dot's b e a t ' . r e n t a l s t h o s e d a y s . O v u f t h o pnst s o v o r u l w u o k s , analur ; s h i i y p b u o n o n l o tg l i m i t - o u t , .sbhit) I n lust' n c o u p l o ' o f h o u r s . " ... - , - • , • , „ ••.-*...:..,: v - Bits'And Pieces By Jim Flanigan "Wo'vo had sbmu Hood ciitdios," says Tom Jordan of Jordan s Boat Rental in ShufHold Lake. Mostly, nino lo twelve inchos In1size which Is lliu bust s zo for . .flavor. Jordan uxpects to romain opun until Nov. IB , so that nnglors can gul In that "ono lust timi>" boforo'tho fco moyos in. .. - . • i,' .'•" • Norm Mudal.rof Charlie's Bofit-Jlunlal in Avcn l.ako roporls thai muny of his boots are coming in:with tho limit. "You can.attribute that to.no gill nots,' says Musiill. Stale Indslafibn has strongly curtullud the uso of gUlnots on tho Amorlcan . sido of Luke Erie. Miis'aU feels that this has resulted In inoro und larger porch-.Lotiny Dvorak.pf.Dpl's Boat Rorital, also ln,Avon Loko. notodthnt oroa anglor, Roger Colhran Fpt]0O^<JaUgHt.U 15'/. Inch porch, naar.tha C.E.I. Ppwei Riant.,,, ,, " : D-VOrHkcldimflthat Hie porch started hitting obout'iho third wook In August and . fluger, fishinglftifl boon good ovor sincu. "Tho lamer fish.havo.bopn horo.sinco about tho porch ,'whllo .._T....O _—_....j,. < ( _..j ( .ond of StJrftomljor.^says Dvorak. Many fisnormoh, renting boats from Dols, have also bQon'catcHinglhalr.Ufnil of 50 perch per fisherman. fM : ...,.,, i, .,. . shores of Avon: Lake; V ',. ]•!?*£{%$$$ The regular -rnonthly. mooting of tho Avon L'Uilo League will" bo' hold on Thursday, Nov. 1 at 8:00 p.m. in tho Control Bank, building. _ , ,v., ,, '. Don't mtsB It! The Faith'. Lutharan Church • Smorgasbord dinner 'Will be The Avon Lake Rccroallpn Dopiitfmont men's badokatball program will hold on Sat;, Nov. 3 from 5:00-7:30. Tho Church ,Is located/ at tho corner',of, 1bngln.in Novombor. . \. .... . Rogistratidn for tho program is now' Garden and Lakeland Drives in Avon. •;: .Ghosts ft Ghouls will appear on Oct. . utidor way. Interostod parsons should contact the Recreation Dopt. at 27 from 6:30 to 11:30 and Oct. 20from 933-0141, axt. 30 botwoon 6:00 a.m. and < 0:30 to 0:00 at the Avon Methodist 4:30 p^m. Monday through Friday. Church, 37711 Dotroft Rd. in Avon. Congratulations to tho championship Cowboys of the Avon Lako Jr. Football Loagut). They will travol to Sheffield "GhoulloBt ghostloB, and long-logged Lako on Nov. 4 ulong with tho Vikings boastles" will, bo out at tho Haunted and Redskins to battlo the winnors of Barn. This horrifying experience-will their, championship.- In. playoff action take place on Oclobor'27, from 6:30 to last Sunday, tho Cowboys boat the Vik11:30 p.m., ond October 28, from 6:30 to ings 6-0.and tho Redskins whlppod the 9:00 p.m. Tho Haunled.Barn is loqatod . . - P a c k e r s , ; 8 - 0 . : ' . , ' , , ] , ,-. '.',',..' '.;,. ;",•; '• \ . . . ••••• Methodist Church at 37711 Reminder!; 'Anyono - having \ sport* at the Avon Rd.,: Avon..JTho admission is 50<t nowsj.dr vflnr-announcomont. to makdt' Detroit kids 10iondt'uri'do'r. and $i.op for should'submit thD.'lnfarmatibti'lo.riho, • far adults. Refreshments v will' also be ; ProssnD later than Friday (it 4:30/ ,' ' avuilahlel Don't miss tills for your life. Mens *" Registration Klndordanco—a unique prot-ram for , childron ages 3-6. A combination of oxerciso.danco and fun with music to help childron dovolop stamina dnd coordihatlon. Tho classes also include lively discussion about good nutrition und Its , benefits. Tho six wooks session will Haunted Barn Avon High School AVON VARSITY FOOTBALL DEFEATS THE FIRELANDS Tho Avon Eoglos Football team defeated thoFirelancls Falcori- _... first quarter Ihe Falcons fumblbd^on tholrthird play.and/Avony.-MtkerSchnlfi orobbod the boll at tho 20 yd. line. Three1 playslatdr-Mike.Higglns sdored^b^Kt A V o n ' a 6 - 0 l o a d . • •• .... •.• -,,•• :'•<.•• > • • . -.•*-. • • ••••: -. • • • ! : ' 1 1 - ^ - * ' • . • ' • 1 > r ¥ V ' i i : S y , f l S f B Ayon scored In tho third period whbn the Falcons>qrofcallpd:for-intohtlbnalli groiiliding tho ball in tho.ondzpno, with tho rilling being aiaft^'fdr'>;.aiii;fl^p.;loiKl* Avon scored in the fourth quarter whon Mike Hlggir ,_.._™.r..r«_^.-,_. play for a touchdown;'Tho win gives Avon C o n f e r e n c e r o c o r d . •• It's No Trick! Jun(or Jazzercise'is A Treat!! (Now students treat yourselves; -to $2.00 off Nov. scsslonl) ,.. On Thursday, October 25, Avon Lake )r lazzercisors wilt Invlto frionds, for a froo class of FUN AND FITNESS. They will also perform a routine to tho song GHOSTBUSTERSI If you havo cMldron, agas 5 to 13 and they'd like tojoin h. tho fun, you are welcome to stop by. > Whore" is oil this GHOSTLY FUN? At the Olu' Firohouso on Route 83 from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. A now 6 wook session' Sheffield Lake Recreation Dept. Trlmmerslze is an aorobic typo of calisthonic exercise done to music. Classes moot Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-2 p.m. at tho Community Canter for six wooks. ThoVu oro no routines, no dancing, Just a good exorciso workout. Babysitting is froo. Call 933-2163 to roglstor today or you can register in porson on October 30 and Novombor 1 fro n 12:30-1:00 at tho Shoffiold Lako Community Contor. begin on wnmuay, j^rapBii'jw^vuww will! boon MpndayB'.Bt|iO:Op-lliOp^u^ or l:3O-2:3O p.m. at *" Avon. United;Mothot Detroit Rd. Cost i,s:$18.00.\ formuticin or to rogialer^c: Mohnke at]033^346.:j:'v.;; Hi,.;_jl-^(; . ,."•-;•• '•'•'\ J.V. V O L L E Y B A L L •,-. ,.' '-'•': ,-i •. •.':••••.',••.."'•. \ : X ' '.'..' -'r^&p$0$0S •vTho l.V. volloyball turim defeated So. Amhorst last wook with;ttie'scorns*bf|l5| will bogin Thursday. November l a t 4:15 p.m. Regular foe is $15.00 for one child; •family discounts available. Clip this article and bring it for $2.00 bffl Registration will toko place on Oct. 25 and again on Nov. 1st. So, put'on a "goulish grin"...and slop In! ' For further information, fool froo to call Curolyn, after 6:00 p.m. at 033-2807. Or call instructor, Mauroon MocGrogor at 333-8533. ' andlM.V-. .-••,-.• .-,.:.••. . ; "..-• •-r - • - • • . ^ i ^ - ^ ^ f pJ#fl|. Tho girls l'c.<in ondad their soason by defeating Firolands."Il'li f girls lo> thoftfrs.tg match but canto back to win tho noxt two. Hlgn sorver wasjDlanhofB! 4k*q]aiirtl high spikors wero Katrlna Hall. Amy Laldonholmor. Dlahtib Brodke7;otl'd Rbndag Rutkowskl. • • . . • : . . - 1 JO girls finished thotr conference record with 13-0, AVON HIGH FALL SENIOR RECOGNITION NIGHT . -. 'c-'-M,Wr,a On.November 2, the Avon Athlotlc Department will recognize all seniors';• havo participated during tho fall football season at ",ho South Amhorst hbmGjf ball game. Senior football players; trainers, cheerleaders,'and paronts will'•' triducod during tho pro-game activities. '. "' •••'••"'/ •"•".:,'-y^''.-. Tho Avon Marching Band will pay special tribute- to thoir seniors, and: paronts during tho holf-timo program. . v: •..irtr-w«, All football parents are invited to stay aftor tho game far cider and dbnuts In^thepifyJ cafotoria. Plan to attend tho last homo football game and /O!P US in o farowoll to b i j t f ^ fall senior athletes and our sonlor marching band moinbers. '. ''.V%t^ CROSS COUNTP.V J Avon's hlghllytng Eagles, lod by tho 1-2-3 punch of Brian Holowccky, S t b y b ^ Wharton and Jeff Mott, ended FirolandB* roign as Inland C -ferorice cham winning with 37 pofnls. Firolands was socond with 60 and Independence with 109. Holowocky, Whorton, and Mott placed in the 2,3, and 5 positions bor 'winner Mike Bootlorof Firolands. Andy Mllier end Chris Peterson Wore 10th _. ,. . 17th to ensure tho win. Kon Holowocky and Scott Livingston woro 32nd and 38th.;^ Craig Braun displayed a fine stretch run lo gain second placo in tho Opon racooVJ Julie Durrach led the Avon girls with a 5th. Mary Wright was 12th and L o r i o . ^ AVOn RGCreStiOn DeDt " ' A fow inters are still available for adult volleyball and must bo submitted to Avon City Hall by Frldny, October 26. A practice and organization session will bo Sunday, October 28 at 6:30 p.m. at Avon High School. Tho Avon- Recreation Dopt. will also bu sponsoring' menn basketball in Novombor and Sr.idllTry basketball in December. . All Avon residents are urged to got behind and involved in our Recreation Dopt. Ploaso call Howard Jagger, Director, at 937 3210 any time with your suggestions or idoas. P e t e r s o n 1 8 t h . " • . ' • • tt&ttdTHE NATURAL KITCHEN K B * * ELECT The Natural Kitchen BULK NATURAL FOOD & Kitchenware MARTIN M. Rt. 83 & Walker Rd. The Landings, Avon Lake 933-9032 Don't Miss Our October Inventory Special 10% O F F E " ^ * - WHILE SUPt-v ^handiso o LAST - * We have Great Monsior Delight Snacks lor those scary Halloween Parties and Trick orTrtqlars * Tall Clashes - Make Reservations Now Paid Tor By Committee To Oecl Judge Hebu.fting •Mike Lqtko. Cti.wiran. 145 Canterbury, ElyriJ. OH I *r&23eKyinai*&< sa^ Mon -Fii. 10-6. Rat. 10-5 CmiE NATURAL KITCHEN i—virii'"MTi__miIJj.iijirir-inmi mr-i r-r~r~-—* ''• .—i". — - F f i - i i • . . . , j .•••rrr> ••IIJL.^U«•.••• • n • • • i- .;-.n ii~i«r.i • • . ... >•• ii.i.*~i~-ir •i.r-r r inff»-TiTrrrrtr : 'Tiini tmtirftTmi S • II—« Continuedfrompago 1 ^>m • All Buppli muntal contracts, oxcopt for Homo/Scl ODI Counsulor, will bo suapondod on Nov. 25,1004. If this hap'•" Suporintundonl Donuld Chlavllu's pens, Clilnvotta liopua outside organiziilist Includud a recommendation that lions, groups or Individuals will bo ablo Ihoro bo no Immediate toucher layoffs. to supply tho necessary funding und tlio Dr. Chlavoltu suid ho wants tho staff respective activity will bo pormlltod to reduced by not ruplacing people who function. resign or retire In tlio ovent o lovy is not p'ussad by :: If tho lovy Is pussad tlio board will conJuno 1, 1905, a committoo comprised of sider roimburBing toachors for educamombors of tho bourd of education, tional conferences hold in tho State. district administrators, und represenThoy will also incraasa the mitoago tatives from both the athletic and band reimbursement to 21 cants a milo to be boosters, will be dovolopod to study tho In line with IRS standards. Now, the funding of oil oxtro-currlcuUr activities toochors pay for their own board, moala, for the 1985-00 school year. This study Is mileage and cost of tho programs. to be complatad arid submitted to tho ; The BOE would like to start a healti: Board of Education by July 1905. education program (not Included in Some of tho other actions of the board Si .nee) at the Shefflotd Middle School et the Oct. 15 mooting wore to accept (ha to bo compliance with state minimum resignations of six persons and employ a standards. Thoy would also re-establish noon aidi\ substitute noon aide, the gifted program in 1985-86 school substitute crossing guard, and substitute., year, as long as it dor not require hiring bus driver. of additional staff. The school bourd accepted tho gift of - :The following actions will bo taken by 20 Dr. Suoss books from tho Friends and the board If the lavy Is defeated: Neighbors Club. They will placo fivo Dr. <\* .Busing,will be cut for grodoB 9 Suass books in ouch elementary Bchool 'tin Jugh 12 beginning In April of 1985. library. Board President Raymond BOOBO Tlio. board and Dr. Chlavotta do not said this gift was realty appreciated and want students to be without tho busing the students will enjoy the books very much, Inihe.dark, cold winter months. ; "Three general teachers and 3.83 Tho next regular Shoffiold-Shoffiold educational service personnel could bo Lake School Board mooting wilt bo hold laid off and still havo tho state required Nov. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in tho Administra[^' minimum staffing, but tt would bo a tion Centor, 1024 Harris Rd. hard decision, Chlavotta sold. our deluxe gas-llred condensing furnace. Cut sky-rockotlng heating bills with tha new Bryant Plus 90, Ihe ultimata heating machine. A triumph ol modern technology, this new concept In heating gives you one-third more heat (or your dollar because It's 90%-plus luol etticlenl. Enjoy the comfort, dependability, quiet and savings of the Bryant Plus 90. Call us today (or a tree estimate. —The BOE accoptod $1,000.00 f.af educational oqulpmant for Avon East JElombntory School at tholr meeting OcItbbor i8. 1984-85 Avon Kindergarten Parents' Club plans to use this acfotUnuIatod savings to furthor tho oducuUtmof studonts,at Avon East. selection committee was formed to (dqtermlno how.to most effectively uso fthesp 'funds. Aflor conferring with tho '{kindergarten teachers, tho commlttoo rrocommondod tho purchnso of throo i i t o m S i t f j ' - l •':••• •" •- - : •• •'• . i ' • ^Purchasos will include, two oval rugs hi tho kindergarten classrooms and one Video cassette recorder for tho school's Ju'so. :?•;., Other Action ^In,other action at last wook's mooting, the"..board approved eight certified substitutes. Victoria Bommer, Roy , Ann Mario Gated, Sharon ]ermJoanno Nash, Don Schticht, Moxina Schtndlor and Jamlo Storgnor. ^_ n-Scappucci und Tom Widonor iyoro approved ns substitutrt custodians at any building, storting soliiry $4.40 por ..hour. ' . - . • • • . S'.JAproval for cooperative agreement tor |spocinl oducalton. Tor handlcoppod 'students, with tho Elyria,Cily Schools jifpr tho 19B4-85 school your. w-Accoptod two copies of tho book, "Tho ^Edgo", for tho Avon Middle and High ^School libraries, by an Avon paronl, ^JoBoph Scalatla. 'V'Votod to ask tho county budgol commission to allocato £(30,000 more to Iho ' general.fand and $24,000 to the lottory fund. Thus bringing tho total budgot to :.$2,839,000 in* 3 * PET CARE Whon handliiiB n bird, it is Important lo know that ho does not liuvo u •diaphragm ns mnmmnls do, His breathing is totally dependent on Ihu oxpnnsloii ond contrnctlon of ihu clmsl wall. Thoruforc, when handling u bird, enru must bu takon not io ruslrict (liu movDinunl of I In; chuKt. or tho bird mny sulfocnto. This inity bednnu with ii small bird by holding ils linm! nnd neck bohvinfii your first two rinjjiirs nnd lultiny llmbodyarihubirdliuin iho palm of your luitid. .holding ii still with your Jhumb and other finuors. •&£ THE AVON LAKE DELICATESSEN .A*5'-. Next T bState'Store D o w n t o w n Avan. Lake • . •••'.• -liclous Chicken in Town 2 Piece Dinner k 10 Chicken Wing Dings The Best Super^ 3 Piece Dinner Slaw&F.F. Buckets Starting at Don't Miss Our Famous Friday Ftsh t-'ry, \ Lake Perch - Orange Roughy - Shrimp - Clams - Scallops Eat In our informal Del! or take-out. (Also available1 week days),';;:.', , ? Play the Dally Number - Pick 4 & Lotto Every Day, Why Walt?,:. , Call Ahead # .'QQQJ)91 R • • 5I.OO -y.- dCiW Men's Suit & Women's Coat Spectacisiar Several Leading Manufacturers Presonts 2 DAY SPECIAL SALE DATE: Oct. 24th, Wed.t 3O p.m.1 Oct. 25th, Thurs., 3-9 p.m . LOCATION: Avon Lake High School. 175 Avon BeldenRd. • - Direct From The Factory • Suits Rog$i29-si8o OiilyS59-$S3 All Wool. Blonds, Pe\y».t All Slzas • Sportcoats ROB S»MIM • Only 539-559 All Wool, QIond9. Polys.. All Slzos .. '•'..- . • Women's Coats BOB. sw-sm Only$39-$79 READS USE CLASSIFIEDS Fall. Wlniw. Spring. Shorts and Longs, Wools; Oullia. CBOUOIB, Rain, Capes Also M e n ' s T I B S , BQllsSShirts — All Flret Quality-100%Guaranload THE PERFECT ANYTIMEGIFT Now Showing .19- ^ ONE TICKET "9/ ifJilJU JiJJ'/'f JJM3 AND ^TASH VALUE •3S. 1. Ghostbusters PG 2. Teachers R 3. Little Drummer Girl n 4. Places in the Heart PG NO. 114422 SAMPLE mossfijjo is brutiKtit lo you (is ,t ptililk N'trvi{:(! frmii Ur. Doiidhl |. I'uluya. Avon Ldko Aniiniil Clinic. Inc.. 12-1 Millor KtJ.. A v o n Luke. Phono 033-5297. !' 612 Avon BeldenRd. EXPIRES ONE VEAR FROM 'I'll Is I 934-8460 324-5141 •mi Donald J. Peteya - Veterinarian - I THE ULTIMATE HEATING MACHINE The extra funds go.ioralod from property taxas $33,000 and Interest earned $31,000. Tho school district had been conservative on estimating tho impact of a property tax rollback and rocolved $2,000 moreAccording to tho superintendent those amendments will incraasa tho year-end carryovor, nnd make rnoro funds available for 1685. Citizen's Commlttoo spokeswoman Elaine O'Malloy asked tho BOE if there wore any suggestions or questions on tho ourvoy report given thorn last month. The BOE said thoy would, give further study i to tho survey preparod. Tho Burvoy, Ifopprovod, would be sont to all Avon residents with a raturn orivolope. Tho only concern of the board is the $500 cost for raturn postage. Tho opinion of Superintendent Robart Carnhart Is to have Ms staff members look over this survey, then givo'it to tho board for rocommondation of approval. Nova star of tho week Is Leah German. Loah Is nlne-yoarn-old and is a student in Mrs. Wfttmor's fourth grade class. Sho was born In Atlanta, Georgia and has two younger brothers. Her hobblop aro trading stickers, playing vidoo games and swimming. Sha enjoys sledding, watching movlus and making craft itoms with her family. The next rogularily scheduled mooting of tho BOE will bo Novombur 20 at S p.m. in the bbnrd room of the High School. from $2,749,000. • ! briitint ^ East Eleme "ary School Is Recipient Of $i ,000 W_,*TI*V..-. ! I In gbyi Carol Ladlkos f :• TOMORROW'S TECHNOLOGY FOR TODAY'S HEATING DEMANDS RilOVIE* IVlONEY fTlovie fTloney® *•••••**•••*" Starts Fri. 1. First Born PG-13 2. Terminator R 3. Body Double R 4. Terror in the Aisle R neOEEMBOlE AT THE BOX OFFICE SUOJECT TU TME CONDITIONS ON THE HACK OF THIS COUPON. i • u • i • i • • •"• • • • ' • • • ! • • • • fivon Lake 3155 Bargain Matinees Daily until 6:00 p.m. Tickets sold 30 mm. before showtime. Phone Lorain, 933-3155-Elyria.1-324-2151. National Theatre Corp. and WGCL 98.5 FM bring you Midnight Madness!! Call Theatre for details. '"j*iffJfrrrirMif'*"'* g '"- > -'-- - ' tin ~"'in iiiiiii HIM—ntf**" i ^ ^ J Sixth Annual Art Show Plann© minutus or luas, on ony , modla thuy chooBo, uny alzo 3pt' xjte1"^ loss. It bogliia at 7:30 p.m.' ' ££$$ Following tho Fast Draw^atopYcl signal, tho works will bo auctioned o Iho waiting gallery of flpoctotora'dow watching iho picturus bolng'biitlttj' liighusl priced picturo Bold .wilt oar MlSlSurawIll ngalii bo Iho nopiitar 1'ink Kibbon awnrd.. ' ;.fc^' now Intorost to bo foaturod us wol as tho All tho artistd will got llio'monoji Saturdny ovonltig Fnrl Druw contos . pictures bring ut auction aftor.a tom Moro tlian 300 nori.Som Ohio arUals sion donutlon Is roquootcd lo'jnitffy' Itavu ouuin boon invUod to show• Iholr the show expense. " ':J$£$ worb which will bo prasontod in six Tho rules and regulations^ catoBoHus, with first ploco cosh awards available Sunday, Oatobor;2ifl!. and rlbboiiB, aocond plocu ribbon tho ontrios for tho show are.'racal uwarda as wull as third plnco ribbons tho Community Contor frpni'12'n^i and somo honorablo montionfl for oach til 6:00 p.m. More Information"" groupint;. • , , had witna call to Prusldm Tlwro will b. .; apocial cush prizo and 949-5474, or, Ellooii" _ ribbon uword for tlm Bust Of Show. In nt 04Q-6326, or Paul.Stockort*at?04$!U9 oddillon, thoro will bo-aovoral .valuable Tho 1984 show and exhibition ' r-iorchandlsaawards to bo prcsontod to art "wotka wiU boFrld' ' ""^ *%' dosorving artists on well os tho yory October 20th and 27th popular Grumbuchor award that will bo until 9:00 p.m.! and Sunddy^iX prasontud at this show 20th from 12 noon until QiOOp.m^ Tim ontrias groupings aro I -Oils nnd to tho public. acrylics, 2 -Watorcolora, 3 -Phbtogrophy, On Thursday, Octob.,.;.,-.,,..,,..,,, 4 -GraphicB, Pon and Ink and Pastols, 5 Association will rbV hootfliia^llieji -Mlxod Modla and 8 -Miniatures. hlblting artistB at a roceptiori^yljlr The woBtorn statos stylo Fast Draw awui-dB wlnnars wll1'-, bd^h'tfWnl comualltlan introducqd In tho Sheffield rocolvo.lhoir prizes. ',.•-••^p Lako show last yaar will bo o Saturday Thoro arp no admtsflion cha: ovontng Octobar 27th foaturo. H'B opon tho entire northern Ohio i to all amateur and profoBsional artists who will do a complete work in 30 to view tho exhibit, ; Tlw Sbomuld Luke Art Association's Sixth Anmiol Art Show and! ho Sjjond Annu.il Miniatures Show Is scheduledI at ,„„ Shofflold Luke Community C vie Conlor. 4575 Lnfco Rand, for' Prldjy, Saturday uud Sunday. Oclobor, 2Bttf, ROBERT HART STOTTER Attorney at Law STOTTER, KOOSED & POTASH CO, L.P.A. General L a w Practice Including: • PANKRUPTCY/CHAPTER13 • PERSONAL INJURY • CORPORATE/BUSINESS • DIVORCE/DISSOLUTION • PROBATE/WILLS • REAL ESTATE • , . CRIMINAL*ADOPTION• LANDLOROflENANT CALL 933-5542 INITIAL CONSULTATION-NO CHARGE , 7 J PUBLIC SQUARE Su-ic 1200 Cleveland, Ohio 696-2040 THE LANDINGS-H BLDG. 32730 Walker Road' Avon Lake, Ohio PJW542 Granny Announces '84 Bazaar Craftei While Supplies Lust Free Quart Ol Pepsi • with each large or exla large pizza or calzone (20« deposit required) SHEET PIZZA NOW AVAILABLE Mon.-Thut, 4 p.m.-i 1 p.m. Frl.-Sat, 4 p,m.-12:30 a.m. Sun.4p,m.-ii p.m. ONE DAY NOTICE NEEDED 18"* 26' 933-5570 A VERY HOTLINE ©F FURNACES/ Featured By Carrier Rolsz of Elyria, Avbri'-'ilittKo! Erlkson will have lots of "dolla'^fo to choose from and Sue White (Aw.,^.. havo her country soWlng;ctmT<'flS5iap Vormillonlto Torrl *" •—'^'• JWf '-"» largo ossortrnont c around tho world. ,....... ,-,,l,i Granny knows'you? wttljjo with thB waroa of thosdtale: Visit Granny'Bishop [Christ Ev. Lutheran . j ,., and Lake ^.HAVilniLaJcB)^ Nov. 8th. Proparo to do lots ofj shopplng-^ybu .'i1 Wan''1'**fthe. anywhere elso. SEE V",**;THE Smorgasbord Dinner Carrier Makes A Hi-Efficiency Gas Furnace That's "Just Right'1 For Y,ou • There Is a Carrier Hi-Efflclency Gas Furnace that's best for you. Call us, we' help you make the right decision In chooi'.ng one. 90% Granny's busy finalizing plans for hor Nov. '04 Bazaar. Tho word has gotten out and this your'crofters.am coming from further neighboring cities In addition to our Avon Lake people. Granny Is proud to announco the return oF tolo painters Dobbin Kaput (A.L.) and Elyrian Sholti Rlogor, leaded glass crafter Undo Kurak (A.L.), decorative -art craflor Suznnno Sandvlk (A.L.). pillow designers Ironc Bauer (S,L.) and , Alice Poduska (Elyria], and Avon natural foods dealer Phylllr, Gomcflak* • Now this ^yoar,, with budgot-mlnded handmade wooden toys1 will bo Frank It's time lor tho Faith Lutheran Church Annual Sincrgasbord din nor! Thi3 yonr it will b o o n Saturday, Novombor 3 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Don't miss this your's foast featuring roast biof, Klelbasn and sauerkraut, chicken, iluifod cabbage, salad bar, a variety of side dishes, and tin a3sortmont of scrumptious -.Prices for tho $5;50f, children"., (children under 5, frtTp)/ Church Is .located"'a " Garden and Lakeland Bring your family. Bring Spo you thoro! 4- efficienty rating 58SS »('•• 8 0 % - 4 - efficiency rating ;.-,. 58GS efficiency rating Your Best Energy Value! AND DAILY NUMBER:!!!! cos - Ihoso built boloro 1975 - havoi eWclencles £ w r t m in Iho aroa ol 6 0 * . Tho now Carrier 5 0 K Supor Savor Gasr'.rnace hooin A.F.U.E. (oHidBncy roling) ol a m Ttiat 1/3rd g eoler mjetoncy LIUW save you os much as $100 to £300 per year on your healing £ " • < * » » " <*"0 i iho Vto ol your home and tho amount oi insulation II has. Thnt adds up to conBidoraWo savings In only fivo yoais. At Lear Rd. ConvenientS Food Mart In Avon Lal<e11 And - tho savings aro oven y,a(j|Or whin yo",a"^a«ttio generous Bk-a Booh trado-ln allowance Irom the cosl ol your new Corner Supor Saver aas CUHIBCO. By feplacingthat old. Inolllclent gas furnace with a new HI-EFTOIENCY CAHnlEfl SUPER SAVER GAS FURNACE you can Huh home hM*W « « • bV •» much «* 33461 And. Iho savings aro evon greater when you subtract Ihe gone'ous trada-ln ollowanco from tho cost ol the new (urnaco. Play Your $1.00 Bet And Win A Bunch Also...Fresh Hough Pastry Are Now Available. 1 Call Us Today About Our Extendod Warranties That Cover Both Ports And Labor For 2 Years G1IDPR 58GS-075 75,000 B.T.U. FURNACE O r C v i A L oltownnco alion Guarantee A Frli id Winter Or Else •• Carrier "'••Call Us ForDolallai HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING V«ft h C h / n REFRIGERATION SERVICES, Inc. : ••••[• taM»*w Call Anytime , 2424Hr.Hr.Service sUce 311 Avon BeldenRdM Avon Lake, b . . . : . s ALj. 933-2535 Elyr 365-2100 Cjeve. 835-3369 • Open Til 3 Midnight;, 365 Days;; A Year s ^"•'i* 1 ' r r T ' ^ 1 ' " - — ^ l ^ ^ " ^ * ^ - " Area Shriners And K Of C Plan 15th Annual Affair William l\ Muatlluy, Niillomilly known Humorist, 1who ia blllutl IIH tlio "PREACHIN DliACON," will bu tlio intiln itpookor ut l.oralu County's FifIcuntli Annual Shrlna - Knighls ul" Columbus Night. Tliu 'iiffair, niwfiys n bin success in fallowsliip, utilhuslitsm mid ottondiincu, will bu liutd on Wctinosdtiy, Octabor 31. 1084, ul UoLucu's Placn in thu Park, 0075 Middle Kldgo Roud, Loraln, Ohio. Tbis year's chairman of tha.avant uro Dlma Cataluno af tho Knights of Columbian,-und lurry Qiiznrd of Ihu Anciunt Arabic Ordor of tho Noblos of lliu Mystic Shrino, Thcro oro npproxlmnloly 30 tnatnburB af tho working com mi I tec for tho" affair. Tho "Pronchin* Doucon" In Ills longtiill coat, bluck hat und strlnu tlu, Daticon Htmdlay trovals thousands of tnllus from coast to const all ovar America and Canudu. His optimistic fj UN an uflor dlnuur sponkur lo thouHunds oiiuli your Iw bunmod to briny sunshinu into uvuryuno's life. Mr. Huadluy Is n mombur of rniiny oryaiiiztillunJt including llui National Spuukurs AsHoiilntion, Tliu Olilo Suoakcrs Forum und Tito Iiitorniillomil Platform Association. Shrlno-KofC|alnlaffiilr»aronovy f(uIng Into tliulr fifteenth your, according lo Jim Parobok, ono nf tho iiroa fowidorsof tlio joint of fort and prusldunt of (ho Shrlnurs at tho tlmu of tho 1st affair. Tliu Journal prinlud thu folio winy editorial at Ibu timo of tho announcement of Ibu first Shrinu - K of C affair. HANDCLASP OF BROTHERHOOD "Thn LORA1N COUNTY Shrinors und tbu Knlgh.U of Columbus oru planning a joint social function." Thuro wos a tlmo whun that auntonco from a nows story In Tho Journal yestordny would hnvo boon ragardod at best as a typographical urror and at worst as u l-'rod Griffith. "Morning Excbangu" dullboiato iilfuil ID stir up a d Input it. Hut lij'liiy thu wonts moan nxactly liosl: liilgar "Uud" Cuost, Jr., humorist what tbuy «ny. "t'lio Shri.iurs mid tin; and WJK rudlo pursonality; Tod Siopion, Cluvolund Cavs Owner; Linn Shutdou. KIIIKIIIH of Columbus nru planning a function and iuvllulloiis nru to ho sent to "nnrnuby" and Sluvu Hnnkaon, Atbtollc all groups of llui Knights of Columbus Oiruclor of Outdwin-Wullucu Cullogu. Tbo Shrinu • Knights of Columbus afand thu Masonic bodlus iu thu county. That Is progress — pragmas toward fair, a rarity in its incoption, has now but tor undurstandlng and brolliurliood. boon uccoptad us a combination of Tbis is a bright spot which gluams fol Iowa hip and brothorhnod und Is anbrilliantly through tho fog of nruludlcu nually attended by several hundrad purand violuncu which too ollun clouds thu sonB. Top Shrinu and K of C officials from thu State and Northern Ohio huvu world. Tho affair is nnntinlly attundod by continuously oncoilrugud tho project sovoral bund rod pursons and bus an-, and will oncu aguin bo fuuturud guosls ui ;' . loyod such top pursonulllios us spoukor's tho affair. Tlckuta for this year's jovont aru as Justlcu' ].). Corrigan of tho Ohio Suprumo Court; Doug Adulr, tulevislon $15.00. Mumburs of tho group may pur* nowscastor; Nick Mlloll, Clijvoland chaso thain'frotn officors from'olthur sports ontroprunour; Fr. Richard J. Con- group or committoo mombors. Shrina nolly, past Chaplin of tho Clovoland Ticket Chalrmun is Tom Boyar, Browns und proaont Chaplin of tho Gin- 244-5268, and K of C chairman Is Stovq cinnattl Oongals; Harb Score, sports an- Radosovlch, 034-5043. , * nouncer and former IndUin star pltchar; DON'T SHOP AROUND TOWN.., COME TQ (Sfecwt We Clean DOWN Candy Special I**] • Vests • Coats • Jackets COMPLETE • QuiltS CLEANING SERVICE • Sleeping :< • Drapery Processor . ', Complete Take Down, Process & Rehang Service ' • Olf Season Garment Storage 116 Moore Rd. 9 3 3 - 3 1 6 4 D««tT DcLQo Avon Lake 1 DODGE CARAVANS Chunky Original, Chunky Pecan.'& n Cashews, Chunky Solid, O'Hehry Pf Bar, Goobers, Raisinets, Snp?Caps, L Bit *O Honey.. * • Any three , Mix Or Match Save Even More With Our $1.00 Rebate Offer THOMASSON'S POTATO CHIPS ALL FLAVORS- • plus tax. Reg. $1.29 Join Our ' ^ - • ; TOD • Get Ready For '•^ Winter... Don't Wait Til The Last Minute... WINDSHIELD WASHERf FLUID Gallon DR. FRANK ANDOSCA CHIROPRACTOR Everyday. Americans swallow literally tons of aspirin lablets in an ollort to get relief from pain ,.. usually headaches. Such selftreatment offers only temporary relief. When headache rosulls from a spinal misalignment, chiropractic treatment is usually elfective. II a spinal segment is displaced In a manner thai results. In compression or Irritation of the upper spinal nerves, chiropractic procedures arc Indicated, to correcl.the cause ol the pain, , . , A chiropractic spinal examination reveals any spinal distortions which may bo causing pain and discomfort. so that corrective treatment is possible. Phono for an appointment. Frro ConnullaMon PEPSI 2 liter WE CARRY A COMPLETE UNE OF AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS See LORAIN COUNTY'S "MR. DODGE* HEALTH plus tax; & deposit Good At Elyria & Sheffield Lake Locations Only Good At Ail Locations 4 STOCK , LORAIN/SONLY DODGE DEALER • " * • ' ' , .1530-KAMS*SAVE PHONE 2B8-111B' £222 CORNEfi OF RtT.611 It HENDERSON OH. ' • •"— " All: Flavors' Have A "NEW" Style Of TRAVEL MUG 79* pitistax KINGS 100's Quart Gallon Mug! You can now redeem cigarette \ coupons at all participating ^Gastown locations $ 02 8 G e n e r i c C i g a r e t t e s All Cigarettes 62« Pack $5.99 Carton Plus Tax " N e w " 2 5 Pack CENTURY 9 1 * CARTON-KINGS or 100's * 8 1 2 -7 Days- Open TJII 11;0Qp.m 32769 WALKER RD • 5230 DETROIT* 4208 E. LAKE RD. AVON LAKE ELYRIA SHEFFIELD LAKE Gastown G O O D W H I L E S U p p U £ S L-AST Avon Lake.'O. - Coffee CIGARETTES GASLINE ANTIFREEZE GASTOWN ANTIFREEZE We NOW i^^^^axSaaii^ ^ "\ Computer Education Interest Increases SPORTS CAR ENTHUSIASTS by Llndu Iluwklns LASER XE Only Equipped — ^ — $12,29900 Premium cloth seats with thigh & lumbar support, 2 tone paint, turbo pkg,, front & rear mats, automatic, tinted glass, rear window defroster, air conditioning, lift ate with wiper/washer, power windows, power door locks, cruise control, AMM cassette premium stereo, 15" aluminum wheels. Plus much, much more. i P if PLYMOUTH CONQUEST n AVON LAKE — Which clussus ni Avon Liiku High School atlractod only 700 studonts during thu first 13 yonrs thoy wuro offorod, but hnvo onrolluu H11O atudonlB in tlio Insl tliroo yours? Which class Is bolng tnktm this yoar by nonrly halF or tho Q77 sopliotnoroa, Juniors und sonlora ol ALHS? IF you guuflsod compulor aducatlpn, you'rn right. _ Tho past, prosont otid Fuluiuflspoctsof computer oducatlon and utilization at tho high school woro oxplcinod by throo toachors and a guidance cuunualor at tho Oct. 9 board of education meeting. Moth department toacnoni Ken Prtcch and Ken Weaver, learning dlsabtlitlos teachar Donleo Pattyti, und counselor jamea Miller made tho ptosentatlon. ; Tho Past Only r i I -Equipped: • 'B4Conqurat3-doorliftback I£|£9w Leather interior with 6 way adjustable seats, 2 tone paint, 5 speed manual, 2.6 ; liter tUrbo engine, air conditioning, power windows, power locks, technical pkg., AM-FM cassette touch tone, aluminum wheels, 4 wheel, power disc brakes. .THUR 1 ?' ___ 835-5900 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 933-3500 Walker At MtJicr R'd.-AVON LAKE" 1st TIME OFFERED 2 DAY SALE KtHSOFTHEROAO 1981 CHEVY CORVETTE T-TOPS. liniihrt in chwiy r r i wlih only 24 BH mWi nKreo tyittnl, nr conditioning, poww windows, powtf M i l l , inn Mid lo tint) * H**d Uanirnliiion this v i l l i I* ttwg. Oiw w»n«i. rnutl Mr. Tho Present BARGAIN PRICED 14,800 1966 CHEVY IMPALA CONVERTIBLE This red beauty has only 32.000 milos. automatic, black bucket seats and is super stiarp. , 2500 1 9 8 3 FORD THUHDEHBIRD 1982 CHEVY loaded. BH. cruise, i t e m . auto, malic, lull power, only 16.121 SPECIAL PRICE $7QEn fSOU 1982 GMC 3/4 TON PICKUP Siena modtl. slwn. lutomalfc. powM.nic* HP. 2 tont Mini, only 15,193 rnim. Wai I72S5. SPECIAL PRICE $ 6950 Full W i toom and eomiort. V<B. luiomtlic. power. ciUIU. ilifto, only 16.673 <MI«l.WllK895. Sff1 5 6550 1981 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME Shirp wllh butt it lean, i t n n , t i l , tfUIM. Wu» with cIWi Interim and wly 3S.3W mllM W» 16B95 SPECIAL PRICE $ 6650 1982 MAZDA 1983 FORD ESCORT L WAGON l l l 1978 PLYMOUTH VOUHE IMPALA WAGON 20001/Z TON PICKUP Sundown*' stilts WIN 5 *pe«tf. AMlFMrlillD. W.3ilrall«. 30* mltSMrg Shirp, auiomitic. lined, clem K i l l . ipotl*M i only 16.33? mllti.WuSSt95. 4 docf, *patle» tconotny u i , 6 cylinikr, automatic, llr. rum lite BARGAIN PRICE 2200 1980BUICK SKYLARK Spoil! COUiH. pitlly I M Monom ear hat lunrool, julemaiic. AN FM and low miles. W i t i<H9S. SPECIAL PRICE s 4050 1982 FORD ESCDBf LWAGOH Light blue tinith, automatic. 1'tteo, pwei ilKilnn, 77,101 mile). W J I (5395 SPtCUL $| '5150 SPECIAL, s PRICE PRICE THESE CARS ARE READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BANK FINANCING, WARRANTIES AND CASH DISCOUNTS SPECIAL $ W * U 9 5 4250 Weaver notad computer education at tho high school began in 1069 with a tolnphono hook-up. Tho first class was hold In a small room and onrollmont was limited to six students. Only BASIC (a beginning computer Innguago) was taught. " The class was intended For sonlors who were good math Btudents, Weaver said, as advanced moth or physics was a prerequisite. Tho class opyratod in that manner Far eight y'oars. In 1977, tho computer class moved to a largor room and could'accomodale 18 studonls. But thore WOB still u phono hook-up, so only one student at a time could get hands-on exporlenco. " * FORTRAN (a math/scionco-orlonlod computer longuago) wns' added to tho curriculum In 1977, and tho prerequisite was changed to1 Algebra I. .This moant sophomores could toko,the class.'By 1980, Flvo classes woro offered. A major change came in 19B1 when the, district purchased six micro computers. Tho now equipment-stlrrod tho Interest of studontB;. and nlno classes . wore offered In 1901. 5650 ALWAYS 90 Of THE BEST USED CARSIN THE COUNTY TTOB^rOUR DEALER'' OPEH MONDAYS THURSDAY UNTJL 9 P . M , B2OCI:EVELANPST. • • • • M f ) ' V - ^ V ^ • - ' : , PritfNE3654147; : • "•••'" LORAjN934-5763 r ; ctEVELAND" 779'77S5 Tlioro art) prosontly 10 TRS-80 micro computers and six dot matrix printers In two csmputer labs on tho second floor • of the high school. Tho school also has an Apple II and a COMMADORE computer and a Daisy Wheol "printer (which prints copy that looks llko it came from a" typowrilor.) • ' r All tho hardware (computers and ' printers) and most of the softwaro (programs which make computers operate) worn purchased with fodoral Chapter 2 grunt funds, not with general operating budget money, according to Assistant Superintondont Robert Hohman, •' > Somo 300 students, about half the total count, in grades 10 through 12, aro enrolled In computer classes this yoar. Avon Lako High School offers semastor courses in throo computer languages — BASIC, FORTRAN and 1 PASCAL (an all-purpose .language) Word processing skills aro also taught as purt of OFfico Procoduro I and II. end Shorthand HI and IV. Frlsch, tho first staff mombor with a computer science major to bo hired el ALHS, soys computer education has value beyond practical applications as a career field. Programming a computer Is a step-bystop process which encourages clear, logical thinking to solvo problems, according to Frisch. A student who loarns to think logically and follow things through in computer class will benefit in oilier subjects, and in life in gonornl, ho hollovcs. ' • • Frisch suys thut In add'tion to teaching his students tho "how to" of computer sciunci). his ^oiil Is to help thorn unttorstiind. thtil It tnkus html, ciiruiu! wnrk tu ym (inythiiig of vnlun bti.il n cimiptiUir pruKrani which works, a uoixl miuuifknior Ul'n mml. l Hcrilml il l t ! mx! ,,f n H ! , „ „ , . M jinliir in Ihu tiuldanct; dcpartmi:nt, I In suit! thiire is n iiirniinal In thu Kiiirimicu ul'ficu which is (-.oniuictiid lo a uuiinframe system through thu Uku Erie Uduciilionnl Computer Assoc. At their October • timeline, tho Avon Luku Board of Educullon approved an agreement with the Ohio Career Information System lo provide data through the gultlunco office computer terminal OC1S will muko available — at tho touch or a button — vast storos.of Information on collage.!!,. technical schools careers, scholarships, etc. • ,.' i Mlllor said the search capabilities of tho OC1S program will bo vory valuable In his guldanco functions. "A student will, come In to mo and say, 'I'm. In turoBtod In going Into this type of career, I want a college In a small townj.I want It in this prlco range,' or somethlng-oF this nature. , ., , ;;, >';o S 1 ; "A student can thon punch that Infor** \.1, matlon Into tho computer and got a print ' ' out as to tho colleges thoy might choose,, trom. K.wlU also work with career^arid' flcholE.r«hlp Boarchas." . ' v , . <;i''.}ti* A ptupram, developed. by, a \ formarj ALHS computer student, is now belrig| usod at tho high school to rank students! according to grade point averages.'''That program designed by Stove Korn "haeg holpod cut time and. eliminate mlstakesV In computing tho rankings," Miller said;| Miss Paltyn outlined the -use'ibbing' mada of computers in tho learning? disabllhloB program at tae high schpohi Sho said a computer is a tool with fours1 major uses In her classroom. ^hWffl • It helps to indlvlduullze instruction^ It can bo programmed to piovido losaonsi in varying, degrees,.of. difficultyiotiUS speud for each utudont. It also provldesj' immBdloto feud-back.'::•••'.\'~'>"rffii$$9t • It helps ;studonts bocomn .Vactlyfl,, learners. As thoy learn to contrqland (fiC toroct with tho computer\tl """'"' hnbita and stud^ skills imp • It improves learning .o^...o»r,rj'>'VM creotos a positive 1change inLD^tudonUa self Qstoom. They ;havo af cHapdo^t'p^ae learning BB fun and controllajbljl^r^^ • 11 \ gives teachers Cmqro^llmo^tojjtQach Weaver, and, Frisch ___ _ . ^ po'asiblo now things to; co'mev'lt^Hho, future. There could bo a.changO:tfroftiB| somostar class to p/yflar-)ongTcoMrsO(in; BASIC pt^ASCAL;'sprthataJl-sttfflontj will not Havoto'Biuay;ROR^rRAN.'inTB" quoncc as thoy-flo,.rioW/^•••^•'''•p^ Spacial lab classesma, students'• workingstor'L_.-:,—r^ ,-=-,.•,*-, softwaro for use In the .schools. :Thb,ldok would bo 8lmllqr:to:makingi; a:prp|ectJtr: shop class. • :;.;•,' ^-;C;-",' V,":Vv-^'^i., Software coutd bo tailor-made foriise, by specific teachers' [for rocbrd:l«Je'ping or as a learhlrig aid.for clossroomU '* This approach would not'only^""'""" schools 'monby ' {a:: plece:-;.C)f^ can sell for as much also provide specli meet local no'edff. „ „ ^^ Frisch suggested.'. that in th,e_j!h# computers could- be iiHIlzud in.ryano^-, classrooms much jiko films-and|slldj' presontotlons are '.today." A;-compiita. could bo rolled into d honie' or an English class as a toacl- voi -. ;ia .-^ Ho also said thorn Is much -intores among teachers In using tho worb'jpro^ cesslng functions of computers'.to'prb' duco tests and other materials.In fl'more professional manner. •'•''••%£$ Tho computational aspect bf~con)^ putors could be used by toacharsjj'to spood up tho time consuming process ofj figuring grado avaragos, and so forth; h() addod. "iV As a sidelight, Weaver mentioned t! programs aro avallablo to anaylzo scouting reports and help sports: coaches develop winning game planVJ Sermons At CalvaryJ Pastor Clark will use Roformatiofi Sundny, Oct. 2lith to spuak i n the sub;; |uct "What is a Baptist?" Both tho AdUlt| Choir umler llii! direction-of. Carolyn Kudd and tin: Youth Choir under..the; direction.of Nancy Murray will provide s|Mii:i»it imiHiu. Ai iii«o p.m. I'nslor Clork will spunk on tht! subjuct "Cotl Doos'Nni: Change". Spedul Music, will bo Rarul& Webb and Rev. Dnrryl Uwlctr. Calvary*] Baptist Church Is located at 32607 Electric Blvd., In Avon Lako. •• - : | Kiwanis Halloween Party Hollawwn ghoslo, goblins, spooks un»l blitho spirits will convor«o on Avon Lako's four olomontiiry schools Thursday, Oclobur 26 nl 7 p.m. until thoir paranls pick Ihom up ut B;00 p.m. sharp. During thin hour, tlic kids will paradu in tholr costumos nnd bo judged in uovon categories for Individual prb.os. Also programmed will bo skit onlurtalnmunl your kids will on|oy. Evorybody will bo glvon froo apple cldor and daniits. Thu ago limit Is through thn rifth gradu iind tho costume calogorius in whlnli your kids will compete aro: cutoHt, ugllosl, wulrdost, most "Far out", scnrlusl, most futuristic and funniost. So niaku suro your gliusts, golilin.i, annuls and prlncossos tiro on hand for 'i rail Hnllowoun trout, EMH To Screen Halloween Treats Elyrln Mombrln! Hospltul has nnnouncod that as a community service, It will ncrou'n candy mid othor tronts for potentially clangorous objects. Tho froo scroon progrnm will bo conducted In tho hospital's X-ray Deparlmonl on Hallowuan ntglit botwoan tho hours of 0:30 tp 9:00 p.m.. i-Thtf X-ray-procoduro." according to' fdhn'B. McCoy. M.D., Chairman of llio hdspltbl'S' Radiology Dopartnmnt, "can detect any metal abject Included In tho ^ l t ' l l b j t plastic producls, uiid foreign cliumlcal substances'tire not visible through X-ruy l " All children wishing to huvo thoir candy scrounutl should bo accompanied by an udult and ruporl to thu Oulpatlunt 1 ibby. Clilldron nro Invited la watch tliuir tic:»ts being X-rayed If (hoy deslro. Free parkiny for participants will be providod in tlio hospital lots oh Cast River. Street, across from the Emorgoncy'Caro Center. More Computer Classes At Library Mlcrocornpultir orlontaliun CIUHSOH Tor grnclo 9 - adults will bo offurud ut Avon Luko Public Library at 7:00 p.m. on tho following dotos: Wadnosduy, October 24; Wodnnsduy, Nuvombor 7 mid Tuuadny, Novombor 27. Classes for clilldron ABC Secretarial Service Hours: Daily 9-5 Sat. 9-3 27227 Wolf Road Bay Village, Ohio 44140 (216)871-9529. . . . Rush Jobs Our;Specialfy!.:-• Resumes IOC Ea. Full Reductions Letters Enlargements \ & i :'keports- : - -f 1* •CM Bus. Cards Stattonerj' Full Line t ! AH£& Craft Holiday Bazaar ? November 3rd Rd. AVON, wh-jro thoro Is plenty of parking.. Dotli man and women ara cordfully Invited to attend this gnla offal... Make plans NOW tr moat your friends far an afternoon of lunch, cards, conversation and perhaps taka homo a TABLE PRIZE, DOOR PRIZE, raffle prlzo or some- "goodies" from tho bako sale table. Your attendance would be most appreciated as proceeds aro used to furnish tho Church with Altar nucossltlas. NO RESERVATIONS NECESSARY. ; * t # 9 a.m. to5 p.m. V..1 J 50* Dpnation , •". > First CqngregatiqhallChurch •*{$% 36363 Center Ridge:Rd A ; { ; NorthJ Ridgevilfe;^:,] 1 i;& •"". Sponsored By:::;:iK ' - •{, XiThetaOmicrpn * ; • ./ Grand-DoorPrjzefe;}' St. Mary's PTU Meeting Jwhan approached by a stronger offoring a ride, Avon SI. Mary's studants Worc^instructed to: say no, run, and get help1* Sergbant Jenkins of the Lorain ^County ShorffPs Dept. .spent an nfturnaon tailing tho children how.to protect themselves nn,thostraat and in thohomo when loft alone. • • .' ',.,,, ^^madim^w^n^^^i Trick Or Treat Luncheon Card Party Tha Altar & Rosary Society of St. Mary's Church will sponsor a TRICK OR TREAT LUNCHEON CARD PARTY on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st. At 12:30 p.m., promptly, tho led las of ,tha parish will begin serving pork chops with stuffing, acorn squash, roll & buttoinnd opplo torte with beverage for dessert.... and all for tho samu donation as last year — $4.00. Tho meal will bo prepared by tho super crow at TOM'S COUNTRY PLACE, 3447. Stonoy Rldgo Pat Jones, , Owner Photo Copying • Typing • Office Supplies • Printing SZJU ijtir will bo Saturday, Novombor 3 at 10:00 u.m. for grudou .1-4 and Saturday, Novumbor 10 at 10:00 a.m. For gradua 5> 5-a. l'artlclpollon In ono onu-hour class ^ is u prarociutslta far fret) occess to tho JD library's Applu IIu mlcrocomputars. ffi Paronls will have the opportunity to hear Jenkins elaborate on his safety plan at the next PTU mooting scheduled Oct. 24 at u:00 p.m. in the school hall. A brief business mooting outlining tho yoar's 'plaris'ifind goals' will procedo tho:1program. Refreshments will bo served. ' " Holy Trinity Card Party Tho fall Luncheon, Card Party and Bake Salo'" sponsored by Avon Holy Trinity Ladlos Guiki will! bo hold on Wbdiiosday, Novembor 7, 1984 at noon In tho Church Hall, 2030 Nugol Road. Afloi* tho hDCtlc days of Eloction timo, this would be an l.deal way to relax und unwind and enjoy a pleasant afternoon! Admission price of $4.00 per person in- Legal Notice Nolle* o l Election on T»X L«vy In Excwa o l iho Ten Mill Limitation Revised Coda Sections 3501 11(0) 5705.10. 3705.191, 6705.21, S7DS.2S Nc Ice la hereby given I hat in pur. suence of a Resolution ol the Board ol Education ol Ihe Avon Loko Cfiy School District, Ohio, passed on I ho 14lh day i1 August, 1984, there will besubml xJto n voio of tho people of said School District at a GENERAL ELECTION to bo held in Iho Avon Lako City School District, Ohio at Iho regular places of vollng •herein, on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, 1084, the question of levying In excess ol the len mill limitation for the bonallt of THE AVON LAKE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT for lha .purpose o l C U R R E N T EXPENSES. Said tax being: An additional tax, 4,5 Mills,.tor a continuing period of time,commencing iGitSonthe 1084 Tax duplicate at a rale not ex. ceedlni 4,5 mills ftr cacti i n o dolloi Q" valuation, which .'uiour tg to fortyfive cents lor epjh ;.re hundred dollars of valuation, Ut a continuing period ol time The Polls <c* - J Eloci'gn will open il 6:30 o'clock A.M. m d remain open until 7:30 o clock (•• M, of said day. byordor olfho Qorirrtol Elections of Lorain County, Ohio Robert K, Wilson, Chnlrman Jack E, Wolf, Director Dated Sept, 11. 19B4 Publish: ALP Oct. 10. 17, 24, 31, 19S4 cludes u complete roast beef luncheon,1 table prizes and chance to win a lovely door prize! Priises will bo' awarded'and lots of delicious baked goods will bo sold. Everyone Is .Invited — no advance reservations needed •— tickets wil! bo available at tho door. Legal Notice NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY SHEFFIELD-SHEFFIELD LAKE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Nollco Is ticoby given thai In pursuance of tesotui^n ?l tho Board ol Educallon ol the Shatbdd-Shsifield Lake City School District aitopted on August 20, 19S4, there will be BUDmlltod to e vote of Iho electors of o l d School District at an election to be held therein on November 6, 1984. nt the regular p1aco3ol voting' therein, the questions of levying a lex In Iho sum ol Five Hundred Elphiy-One Thousand Dollars (S501.OOO.OO) per year lor four yea's, beginning with a levy on Iho 1984 Tex List and Duplicate tor Iho nurposo o r providing 'or the EMERGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR Legal Notice OF THAT SCHOOL DISTRICT. ' Tho estimated nverage additional tan rate outside ot the limitation Im-. posed by Section 2, Article XII, Ohio Constitution, ns corillled by tho County Auditor la 6.6972 Mills for each one dollar ol valuation, which amounts to 6S.S72 ennts for each one hundred dollars of valuation. The polls far said election Wilt be open at 6:30 A.M. and remain apon until 7;30 P.M., of said day. By order ol Iho Board of Elections ol Lorain County. Ohio. Robert K. Wilson, Chairman Jack E. Wolf, Director Dated: Sipl. 11. 1834 Publish: ALP 10-17, 24, 31. 1884 WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS FREE: Initial Consultation Includes Claim Review And Evaluation CALL: (216) 282-7404 BEN SHEERER Attorney At Law 5300 Baumhart Re!., Lorain, Ohio CINEMAX ALSO OFFERS OCTOPUSSY. CROSS CREEK. FUNMY LADY AND MORE! Today and tomorrow -tune in toCinemax" -•I and let us take you i(.< * u e stars with a dazzling ' selection rtf (.jroat H- - • ood films. Plus outr rageous, orit-!nal comer1 • is.ianlLe.d_..^* is.iaujLe.d_Ni!^*electrifying music with Quarter)!.• i<i.Conc,ertand .-norc Watch arid discover how C rutnaf can bring you the best value for your enter. ^ talnment dollar. WE me YOU TO me STARS- r*FREE!<THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, ON CABLE CHANNEL 3 5 . ^ 1 1 1 1 1 G30PM Bnani Song (G) 6 00 AW Bran's Song (G| flOOPM Oclopussv (PG| 7.30 AM OdDpussy(POI 1020 PM A s u u l l e d r i u i s ' l l 10.00 AM Ftimry Lsdy IPGI 12.30 PM triumphs ol a Mjn Cjllcd Horse (PG| 310 AM AmityvillMI IhePosiubSioiilB) •I0QPM Hoi Stufl (Pfi) 5 30 I'M OuJrltrflish tntotiL'itt itOOPM TUP Big Cruli |H) 1J50AM Ofie flew 0v«i the Cuckoo s flesH R1 2 00 PM Cross Creek |PG] . & 110 AM hoi 5lufl d'G) COMI'UMfNfSOl 111! CINIMAX SIKVKI. AND IQSSW^ST111" ,933-3750 I I ^ K about O I K F R E E INSTALUTION andFREE GIFT OFFERIJ i ^^ An AFS Summer InPlnland a On Wuclntisdtty, Oulobcr 24. ut 0:00: p.m. nt ihti Avon Liiku Public Llbrnry, Slticoy Uumauy. Sonlor ut ALMS will highlight hur AFS Finnish oxporionco. Through u slUta prusotitollon, shu will lull IIH about hur vory spucinl summer In I lamina, n rural tirun, tuul Holsinkl, I'liilanil'n capital city. Although hur tlmo nbroud It) ovor, tho offout 01 hor Ufa Is just 'beginning. Througli hur now found uwuronuss of llio dirforoncuH Unit sapuratu us and tho liumnnfjss llinl binds UH tuguthur, she's !.ad tliti opportunity to luarn tolornnco and approclntion for 11 wny or Ufa dif* Ttiroiit from hur own. APS—n window of liopu In this world of incruuslng lunslon mid crisis. Comu sliaro In Stacuy'u summo r rocolloctlons. EVERYONE W1SLCOMEI CAt-JUlhd'6 u-t, o-z, b-3 UtltrJaE: ^d^eALg,Including Bldg. located In SandiiiliV.; Wrlto Daglilor Bo* 11. Sanduaky,, 01110^4870. ; . •-,••'•-: * atsumoblo to Vniomn $104,000.00. $7,000 down, 933-3G0S. LOO HOME SALES SKY-ROCKET I' SEDHOOM DUPLEX, QUICK 1 BILLION DOLLARS IN LOO. KIT BALED M tged SALE BY OWNER. Will llnarteo, 126,000.00. B33-5B70. AVON LAKE SAb.WO, HoCtmtllilOlf od 3 bod room bungalow, Rondy to movg In, land canliact or aBBumnlion nvnllablo. Call tor further do tolls, John Luclon 933-Z60O or 833.3902, 3 BEDROOM RANCH, (8(90 living roam, largo family room wtlh lull bt>«( woll and tliepiaco. \</t balha, low Ullitly bills, oxeellenl condition. woododlol, Coll 933-8155, MUST SELL) 2 bedroom, \'h both townhouso cvoflooking golf course, $105.00 mnlnlsnanco I ae includes hoai. woler. qroundt mal.itonancu Including nnow (omovnl 6 uio at lonnli courts. awlmmlng pool, party room ft playgiound. asking pilca S51,900 Includos ma|ar appllotioBB. Cull 033-3151 nllaf 6:30 p m Stacey Rumsey BUY REPOSSESSED HOMES FROM THE G0VERKMENT1! St. Mary's Craft Nook 1984 Bo part of an old fashlonad Christmas. St. Mary's, Avon, is sponsoring u croft show on Doc. 1 and Doc. 2, thu somo wookond us tho. candlelight walk in Avon. En|oy tho holiday spirit and SY O W N E R . 11 Real Estatft,{>* v;; Commercial/,;,^ f^; 12 Business Opportunities 00 Homes for Sole display your cm ft a for sole by renting tublu spticu for $15.00 for two days. Call Kulhy I'uturson, 934-0144, or Pat Sudy, B34-02B8 for further Information. •nwii'b'uiilijwS 5U^ ffoo iUr4^S8,, •nwbiijwS t h l fU Chicken Parpikas Dinner, Nov. 4 ••-. v i a U P S : ;• tion $2.50 lncidontally; many of our Onco again it's time for Unit Chlckan sutilor cltizans osk for a child's portion. , Piiprikus Dtnnor that so many people nro ' UNIVERSAL High choirs a r t available for tho waittng for. Well! It's coining Sunday DRY CLEANERS youngsters. Sign your name on tho back Nov. 4th at Holy Spirit Parish Hull, Loar of tho tickets and you could win a dinner nnd Walkor Rds. in Avon Lake. for two for our noxt chlckon paprikas (NotAnAiltliatoqlUPSJ Menu: Chlckan Paprlkns, Homo Mudo dinnor In the spring of noxt year. Spaotzttls, Salad, ana Applo, Chooso, or Tickets can bo had after all mosses Cherry Strudol for dossort. Or If you this Sunday at the church lobby, or can preFor you can hovo Ovan Bakud bo had by calling 933-5402. Don't delay Chickan with mashod potatoes and do it today. Only a limited number of Head & Use The vogotablca, coftoc, tou or milk. tickats are baing sold. Classifieds Serving tlmo will be from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Adults $4.50 and chllds por- tor salo, tor ! » • Ihmt themlco of Uw Invenlory. Call 933 4141 it U37-O48B. j i o r i . let * <*«•'•' " • " » ' * • " • 0 „ log * " tali a' "" . _ FEATURING a B" »otm. untioim, IIOBIIHJ 14 For Rent • na'onoundtniofloivxlls 1 • H«nd.h»wfl mimwi Ion'' • custom. eomm«<c«l «fltf conlttmparwy building* ooo i SO. F*t. oliico andfor w ! Avon UKB B M t t ^ J AVOTTKRrr homo, call 933-6386. • Piulttdnd lai'lloty • Two-dny I'O" l « l n l n 0 o Now InlioduoInO "> lh» " " rtuiliv t>ro-«W*'1«i °° wau« H-d«V » h | 1 1 •'•e1.t011 on most models) >, tamlty room sd gr.ago, rw paid - - - - - - r ™ d»po..it. -J-322-4B37 aHor 8;M p.rrj|g Nov. 2 1 . Month to rnorrth\l9M«2$ UNLIMITED Income Potential . — REQUIREMENTS — • uu*i b* Mpablo ot pur-. modal S1.00 plus Repairs/Taxes. Locotod throughout Orilo/Nallonw!aol Quarantoodl For details aond $y.D5 to: Homoaioad, P.O. 909>R4Q1, Inola, U'. 74036 BRING U 3 YOUR :PACKAGESM 12 Business Opportunities- 1 • M M I our high siandirdi • D«*no lo suceoad C*ll Mi. T»/lo( COLLECr lor •n Wplle«tlDii IKM) B32-013J. Va«lt«v«"t >-oo tlomM, P.O.. Do- '1M8, Moorotvllle. N.C. IB»1S. : ; ' ' ' _ Own Your Own Jean-Sportswear Lad.e3 Apparel, Combination, AccossorlB9, Large Size Stare. National brands: , JordHche, Chic, Lee, l.ovl, Vanderbilt, Izod, Esprit, Qritlanla, Calvin Klein, Sergio , Valente, Evan Plcone,;. Clalborne, Members Olily, Oraonlcatly Grown, HeajthteK, 700 others. $7,900to$24,800, Inventory; airfare, training. , llxturesi grand opening,-Btt:/. Can open 15days. Mr, Kilser (612)888^065, L, ', 1 t 0 0 Q ; Store Irontand or o f l i c e i ^ space lor lease in AVon-"; . • Lake. Call Brownie ,'j.v /'•Hardest/ at JAMES; ••;$ ; REALTY 9332500> 17 Vacation Property^ ldHfM bedroom ts!e«ps 6 on toBson rait iB 18 .Wanted .To'.'flentJ QAfiAGE Tor autoi .CHII9W-51B7. . :,!,; • ,20.;, Hel^Wantedv;^^ ^ S C E S S MAILAT<HOMEiS7S,00%i per hundred! No •xptrlancs, Part Qt.'hi lull"UmctUrtlmmaflliit "-•*'———«-t"itj'nM*lli3,iffi lull •and. Mll-addfBM«(J,,: sU envolopa to C R I B01Q PO ai«rstuarl R 3349S , Kopf Builders Proudly Presents is i .UWIG IYOUR In Avon Lake BLUE PWNTr FOR [TER LIVING I ' ^•'•'•'•'•"'V;'f ;:. \/.;':};: l-'i Decorated Model Locate..T in Timberview Estates in Avon from $88,900 ]: ' I1..,;": Colonials-Splits Ranches A FAMILY l.on •a s Sales Office & Models -6:00 Closed Friday II 34 Lots Available 4 Bedrooms, 2V2 Baths Full Basement Masonary Fireplace Oak Cabinets and Woodwork Underground Utilities , fl/ttrty '•f//thirty These Homes Equiped With Efficient Natural Gas Furnaces, Water Heaters and Ranges. Office 871-8234 * * * * * M o de l 933-3880 Model 937-5339 Schwartz >. Models ' S ""* Quality Built Homes On| Your Lot Or Ours Model Open Wed. & Fri. 1-5 Sat. & Sun. 1-6 Stop & Compare Quality Before You Buy ITJLT •lluwlji-llmiii's: Y.tmi: Itlucpriiil lor Bi-Uci-l-ivinH , • - • • • • " ' • ; . ; • . • • • • • • • " \ • • • • . ' • • • • • '• . . • • • . N . > : • ' . • • ' • • • PERFECT STARTER 65882. 4 bedrooms, 2 story home located In Avon Lake. Aluminum sided, fenced yard. Garage, $45,900. BETTY WAKEFIELD. 933-6195. 20 OFPICES-SEBVINQ ALL OF NORTHEASTERN OHIO A V O N LAKE OFFICE 933-6195 ELYRIA OFFICE 365-3761 CLEVELAND 871-7273 OWNER HAS GONE SOUTH • AVON LAKE - HOME 50216. Opportunity to buy this rif>-",r ranch, freshly palnled in & out. Ready for your nev carpeting & move in whan ready. See this one with ED MITCHELL today. Calj now, 933*6195. "This could bo your new home for the holidays." AVON SPLIT-S71,900 62385. This lovely 3 bedroom home Is covered by a Warranty Program. Very large family room " 1Vz • baths; A new deck overlooks open fields which pro• v>de excellent privacy. Garden space wllh good Avon soil. SARAH CHURCH, 933-6185. THIS BEAUTIFULLY RESTORED COLONIAL IS A DECORATORS DREAM with large authentic country kitchen featuring center Island work area, format dining room, 4 bedrooms' plus a 3rd story loft, all neutral wall coverings and carpeting. Situated on an aero of land with gorgeous outdoor setting. Ajso featured (s a 1,150 sq. ft. garage with heat, electric & hot water. Ideal for a new or existing business. 3 5 m l n . to downtown Cleveland. $109,000.00. Cell KAREN JASENSKY today at 933-6195. BEAUTIFUL PARSON DRIVE RANCH Large rooms include 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, great eating area. 2 car garage, wooded lot. Owner relocating and wants action. Only $75,000. Call today & HOC. LINDA EHLE, 933*6195. TERRIFIC POTENTIAL . 64114. 3 bedroom ranch with basement, 1*4 baths, .r; 'formal dining, redwood deck and attached garage. iii'siExoelleritfqcatlonrWithsdiTiirflxori this''prope*rty hair ^.~.|6t8.tofL.grbwth> potential.^ MARY ANN TILDEN, ^ 9 3 3 ^ 1 9 5 . ; - •:-*' -1. •' ' ;/ *il~?§$r:-:^mmi&T1''-^*••'* ' -CONDOS -THEHANDINGS 2 ranch units available- each with 3 bedrooms or 2 bedrooms and a huge family room, woodburner, utility room, balcony, garaga, rec. facilities. $60's. JANE STOCKHAUSEN, 933-6195. m $66.900 \%\>-A bedrooms - Call for details.KAREN JASENSKY, " 933-6195. , y * . ' • ' ' ' : ' " . ' LOVELY TO LOOK AT This 3 bedroom 2 bath Avon Lake ranch has Just been listed and randy (or Immediate sals at $74,500. All large rooms, with woodburning lireplace, cathedral ceilings, 2 car garage, family room & more. Near schools an-* shopping. Call for details. ADA TAYLOR, 93--6105. AVON LAKE LAKEFRONT Situated on an acre this charming, older home Is a muBt see! The owner has preserved many of the Irreplaceable leaded glass cabinets and lighting fixtures, Spacious living room'wllh woodburner, 14x18 dining,room. $119,900, Call BETTY WAKEFIELD, 933.6195, WONDERFUL AVON RANCH Country lot V> aero with large 12x30^storage barn. Home beautifully decorated with 3, bedrooms, .1Va baths, family room, dining room. Extra Insulation, Call today. ADA TAYLOR, 933-6195. FOUR BEDROOM CORNA DESIGNED • COLONIAL i;;.. 60139. Situated on a one acre wooded lot* This home V ,. has quality, extras and - uniqueness :-- ^Jacuzzi,; Mutschler oak kitchf ', skylights. Three years old and truly one of a Kind. J 139,900. KAREN McpLYNN, 071-9000. ' ' • 1 DON'T MISS THIS! $48,900 86939. You'll love this nice 4 bedroom home with family room with bullt-lns and large, large kitchen. Call BEV AUFDENKAMPE or LARRY MAZZOCCO, 933-6195. AVON LAKE COLONIAL Enjoy low Avon Lake taxes when you purchase this special 3 bedroom home. Lots of room with eat-in kitchen, dining room and pegged, hardwood floors. Affordable price, $59,900 & low interest rates. LINDA EHLE, 933-6195. CAPE COD BEAUTY . 64961. This outstanding home has so much to offer, 2 • full baths, newer kitchen, large dining area, family room, full basement and LOADS of storage. $74,900. MARY ANN TILDEN, 933-6195. OWNER WILL ASSIST 65360. Unique 2 bedroom condo. Low maintenance fee Includes rec facilities, outside rjiaintenanco and insurance. 22' family room could be 3rd bedroom. 1 'A baths. All kitchen appllances-$64,900. MARY ANN TILDEN, 933-6195. CONTEMPORARY LAKEFRONT ; 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths, priced at $115,000. Large open floor plan. Large master suits with i-pstairs deck. Call MARK MORAN for your tour, 933-6195. LAKEFRONT-JUST LISTED Charming ranch with panoramic view plus one of the finest fortified, terraced, break walls, with 23 ft. boat house. Enjoy the luxury of fishing from your own pier or watch the seasons change on beautiful Lake Erie. For further Information call MARY VORISEK, 933-6195. 20 Help Wanted AS • Big money lust. . lo $50,000 plus pot yiiar, Cull t-7l6-B42.GD00. Ext. 3780 MUftnnfcci F-AJP I» uiit ,.t I,,.•,!.'•' liUd-i.i i | Q, Now Q O V C H N M l i N I J O li Sie,550.$SO,553/ymir. > jour flfon. For niForrmiHori, trill 805.607-6000, Ext R-i'103 . ' 22 Situations Wanted WILL BADY SIT In my homo, EdBlvlnw flfoa, Call 033-90'O, 1 VA ASSUMABLE 3 bedroom ranch with full basement and detached garage. Small down payment needed. This house Is In very good condition. Call MARK MORAN for more details, 933-6195. 24 Education and Instruction 26 Public Nrtice COPIES mane, 20* onch, AVON LAKE PRESS. 158 Loaf Rd.. A*on I oho, WILL GABV SIT, my Homo. Ooys A ovufiings, BKpofion^ud. roosan.iljlci, Baton '!• luri'M;.,"'. In Milt 1 ','1 HJUI i.lnli», in my iiuum, 'J.i.'l-Jiitifl Ages 'i-? I OH THE UISCHIMINAIING humn iikvnpt Onu wankly ojuirilng ndw nwiilliblu lor liciusn el nun I rig. Trio |ab EncBltent reiuroncps upon roauesi Coll aftor 7 p m , 933-3317. To Hcykter Use The Call 934-6110-934-6822 $8.00 per mo^,. Classifieds 4/5 BEDROOM COLONIAL GREENPOINT , 58636. This home has all the luxury features and can be yours at a lower than replacement cost. Full basement, Central air, gas heated, large cul-de-sac lot, formal dining rm., large family room. For your appt. (make this Xrnas In your new home) call ED MITCHELL, 933-6195. NEW AVON LAKE LISTING-$8tV.',30 , Large rooms enhance this lov&i/ 4 bedroom ranch with 2 baths, family room with masonry' fireplace, large, eat-In kitchen and formal dining room.. Extra fiberglass Insulation keeps heating bills low. Situated on a lovely wooded lot. Cell KAREN JASENSKY for an appointment today, 933-6195. CHECK THIS FOR VALUE 4/5 bedroom Cape Cod, fenced yard, newer roof, furnace, humidifier, air cleanar, central air, hot water tank, garage door. Attached garage. Listed at only 844,900.00. For further details call MARY VORISEK, 933-6195, GOD LOVE YOU! Pfo Metropolitan IRA 775™!° P - O i Receive Guaranteed Retirement Incomo Paymonts For Life B0X m - COPIES liindu, i\n e a LAKE PRESS, 158 Lo Cal Surmeister 333--376G 32 Personals - NEW CREDIT card! Nobody roll'saril AJRO Vlsa/Mastaicnrd. Call 1-305.6B7-GDOO. Ext. C-2163. Wotch, WHO Incu, loot In Avon Lil ^ w " k » OQ0. SIO.OFJ rofti, JAMES REALTY - ONLY LOCALLY OWNbD COMPANY WITH OVER 20 YEARS OF SERVICE IN AVON LAKE AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES. THE • \ \ MIS REALTY CO. 32745 WALKER RD. NATIONAL RELOCATION Avon Lake CENTER Cleveland 933-2B00 TRADE IN PROGRAM 871-5266 NEED SPACE?? Then como and'view this spacious home with (our bedrooma, 2 lull baths, family room, play room, woodburning fireplace, maintenance free exterior and iwo car allachod garage. Close to shopping and RTA. Owner will assist, lease purchase, or rent. Call Jackie Can-away to SBB. MLS 64029 ONE YEAR YOUNG this three bedroom ranch has eat-In kitchen, carpeting thruout, drapes, 1Wt baths, and Is In excellent condition. Call Kay Stafford (or personal tour. Asking only $51,500. MLS 65064 :•;>; ".r-'i, LEASE PURCHASE Available on this three bedroom ranch featuring screened In porch, woodburner In living room, large pantry, eating space In kitchen, ZV> car detached garage, and priced at only $40,500. Call Don Purdy and se today. MLS 66896 LARGE COLONIAL 21300 square feet of living space can be yours In this 6 year young home. Features four large bedrooms, master suite includes d.ftsslng room and full bath, family room wlthwoodburncr, formal and Informal dinIng areas, 2Va baths arid 2 car attached garage. Come and see this home and its many extras today. Call Cathy Huglck. Priced at $78,500. MLS 60100 34 Lost and Found LOST • •'Becky", a yellow hnir Cobbags Palch doll, won I homo with a Blrongor tram the Avon Lako roiiar skating rink atlornoon of Oct. 8. II you hava been babysltllng "Becky" and would Mho to r el Urn Ttor to her 'mother", ploosa call 933-5100. 40 Services CAHPer AND FURNITURE Cleaning, 25 years • experience, quality wotk, law prices. October Special: couch and 2 chairs, $49.00. 3 average i\ta rooms. $49.00. Call now and save!, 933-5169. , COPIES mode, 20* eacn, AVON LAKE PRESS, 150 Leaf Rd., Avon Lake.. BIJILU A NEW HOME FIXED FINANCING 30 YEAR! Sheffield Lake starting at $68,600. Avon Lake starting at $87,000. Sheffield and Avon Lake lots up to Vj.ACRE. aelecton of house plans. Architectural service available. Convenient to shopping and schools. No assessments. Possible trade-in pmqram or will hold tot until your home Is sold. For an appointment call ; Brownie Hardasty or Jackie Carroway. OARAGE SALE, 42S1 Holl Avs., S.L., much misc., Thuri,, Frl., Sal., 9:O0-O:C0 p.m. 25, 26. 0:00-1:30, 32593 Rodwoud Blvd., A.L. Qlfls blkos, cralls, loys, dolhing, GARAGE SALE, 3 Inmily. Mlsa tho good ones because you wotk7 Run over lo 240 S. Polni Sat., Oct. 27. Yard, household, dothee, 12 to 0 p.m. - • O A R A G E SALE. toys, cany eloinos. ADULT HALLOWEEN Costumes lor baby Hem a. womon'a cloihos & 'rent. Dally VB p.m., t,os<W Mondays, 395B E. Lake Rd.. S . L . much misc.. 37060 Lake Dr., Avon, Wed., Ocl. 24 thru Oct. 37 liom 1-9 949-640B. p.m. , LEAVES PICKED up with Billy Goat PIANO Technician, Paul C. Jones, CRAFi1 SALE, Ocl. 2Slh, TolB Pfllnlawn vacuum, Call Dennis Breaeo, jalnn - repairing, regulating. Coll ling, baskets, slenclllno, many, 933-3S1B, 933-6822. many more cralls, 173 Porkwood, 10-4 p.m. LEAF CLEAN-UP, general landMINNER Piano Tuning a Repair, scape maintenance, 933-5115, piano lessons, reasonable rales. ANTIQUES, collectibles, glass. Call 949-2902. china, prlmtllvos, ate, Thurs., Ocl. WILL MAKE nlghana, all sizes, 2Slh, 9:00 4:00. 198 Glonvlow, A.L phono Monday thru Thursday alter 4 HOUSE CLEANING <n the Landings area, rolaroncos.' 'A\\ between 1 & p.m., 934-6016. GARAGE SALE. 963 Roberts SI., G 937-6943. Shofflald lako. Friday and Saturday, PROFESSIONAL T Y P I N G • Secretary with 9 yrs. oxp. (7 yrs. Oct. 26. 27. 9 lo 5 p,m, Sponsored MARY KAY COSMETICS, DorlB by Women's Fellowship ol lha Lake lugaij will provide business and perWebb. Indopondont Beauty ConsulBroom Church ollho Broth fen. Inn I, 933-4470, sonal typing sorvlces liommy home. [Notary Public) Coll 933-2710. HOUSECLEANIrJo service available, references, 933-2903, FOR REPLACEMENT Coat 54 Farm Produce Covrago on the 'contents Ol your Wo Ftll horns, chock with State Farm, 933-2720. 1 Master Mower Service. 690 AvonBelden, /"von Lake, 933-4400. Mon.-Sal.,' ;D0-l':30 p.rti. EXPERT PLUMtING & HEATING REPAIR • 25 Yrs. wperlenco. Small drains cleaned, reasonable rales, 949-2053. 1.001 REPLACEMENT BAR-B-Q ill I parts. Snurr's Hardware, 5245 Lake Rd.. S.L., 810 Can lor Rd.. Avon Lake. t u WE'LL DO IT FOR YOU • Glass Replacement, Screen Rewiring. Plumbing Repairs, Siding Repairs. Gutter Repairs. Hoof Rap airs, Plus Kllchon & Dathroom Remodeling. Snurr's Hardware, 043-0206. ARTIST'S SUPPLIES, p'oinfo, brushes, paper. Snurr'a Hardware, 5354 E. Lake Rd., S.L. CAKES - All Occasion. Care-Bear, Cabbage Patch. Ho-Man and any ol .the laiost thomos. Wadding cakes, Wo can duplicate your party piato. Call Sue, 933-6754 or 933-4293. Chimney Sweep For A Safs, Efficient Fireplace t' caii Bob 9 3 3 - 3 0 4 0 INTERIOR PAINTING. c r e o OBllmates. Call flfS Uorreit, 933-5378. 46 Garage Sales 326Q9 WALKER RD., Thurs., Oc7. 35 ONLY.1 Girls W' *cle. otgan. glasswato, glass Dlocks, TV, collectibles, mta, OARAGE SALE, Fall Clearance. Wed.. Oct. Z4, Thurs,. Oci. 25. 0 a.m,-12 noon, 3269t Carriago Lane, MOVING SALE (indoors). Hems ot every sort. Oct. 24, 25, 26.9.5 p.m.. 32160 La^eRd.. A.L. 58 Household Goods SOFA • Balryo wilrt brown, reasonable. Call 0:00-5:00, LARGE QAHAQE SALE, Oct. 2*7 933-5456. • BUCK'S Hardware, 37079 Detroit Rd.. Avon, Stotm window and Bcreon repair, Cull 94S-fi118, PROPANE TANKS A1 '•V S T A T E L Y TRUE FAMILY HOME Workshop \u, •~"'H. playroom for the kids, and deluxe kltchgn for Mom, iw.' ""n In basement and enclosed porch for entertaining can have a family enjoying a home to the fullest! 2tt car attached garage, circular drive, sprinkler system, and many more extras In this three or four bedroom home. Call Carol Black and see todayl Price reduced at $95,900. MLS 54662 HANDYMAN, w|ob too small. Hauling, fooling, tiomo repair A painting. Free asiimatos. Call D a v e . 327-0274. IMMACULATE READY TO MOVE IN this four bedroom home Is aluminum sided, has redwood patio, 1Vi batn» and new carpeting. Priced at $52,500. Call Kay Stafford and see today. MLS 65952 , SHARP RANCH Evaivthlng you need IB right here. Full basement, 1 cat attached garage, 1 Vi baths, family room, 2 Wood- _j burning fireplaces, eat-ln-Wtchen, threa bedrooms, central air, lots of storage, and doss to'ahopping and entertainment. $61,900. Call Cathy,Huglek OwnBrT will lease purchase. MLS 65051 RED RASPBERRIES . U-Pick or We Pick1 Noon-6 p.m. Call To Order MAYTON 3815 Center Rd. Avon 934-5600 (Rt. 83) WATERBEDS BoMe I M ht»dboi(d. nan qutin and klny tilt, 20 ) « r wirranty. guaranltvd by Q w j tlauMhmplna. Mild nnlihad pliw.' R d i t l M M . Now mSf s t n ft »o»<i 937-5210 60 V* anted Miscellaneous WILL PICK up old lurnllure. Coll Kan. Q49-S082. 2-3 CAR OARAGE, 5125,00 month. 934-5071, WANTEti'CHAFTS on consignment basis for new shop. Call 949-7095. BUYING Upta Si 5 DO *W your oft Ulttnmowora. 323-4398 fEE ,'nrnovolof «crnp mWnl BubtMh Haul' nd J25 00 n fond 62 Miscellaneous For Sale •,'•••'• ; ' ••. ; • '••.;" ; •••;';. OWNER WILL ASSIST COPIES made. S0<-aacrv AVON ^ LAKE PflESS, 188 Learftd",Avon • •L n k o . . ••' • . , ' '.,•;• [ - .' ' • B HACK QUN CABINET, mujl soil $170.00. 6498470 after 6;OO. VAMAHA MEN'S SKIS, size 200,'. Solomon bindings s poles, bools,slzo 12V>, S120.00 or best otfor, 033-2377. BROWN HEFBlQEtHATOR, - oood condlHon, rust plush enipet, 11x14, $50.00 ea., 9 3 * 2 2 7 2 ; ' •;.••• . • • . • . BLACK WALNUTS lor solo, 39308 Colorado Rd., Avon, Ohio. 72 Household Pets ALL BREED Grooming, dog training class or private, call 033-4711. LOW COST SPAYING/NEUTERING & PUPPY/KITTEN VACCINATION. CALL 033-B297. , • ADORABLE ANGORA a Dutch Easier Bunnlos, oil sizes, S3 lo S5. Cell Q34-49B0 . . . SPAYCO. Tho best program lor your pot. Wo havo done 5.800 low enst spay-neutors In IB mos. Call lor an appointment, 934-0518,1-B00-O431, FrtEEto good homu! 2 yr. old male Wlrohnlr TOK Terrlor Poddle M'x, house broken, currently uacdrwtad, lovos children, playful. 933-9017. Pioa9o coll oiter 7 p.m. . SOFT SCULPTURED DOLLS 1 Mado lo order. Place order now for Xmas. APHICOT, TOY POODLE puppies biod for color and disposition, 933-4009. ' . $25.00 FHEE KITTENS, coll 933-0848. 937-5328 CNEi.r ' j c A closet, under bed locker, 933-5807. 74 Animal Services Mann's Best Friend .Mi.--.tollable Rates GIGANTIC GARAGE & BAKE SALE Thurs., Oct. 25 9 a.m. to 3p.m. Holy Spirit Ghurch 140 Lear Rd. Avon Lake, Ohio • Apples • O r a p o Juice .- drier • Apple Butter • Acorn Squash • Honey Special Schuol Soy Size Rod Dollclooa & Stayman Apples 5Bbs.-$1.00 SCHMOTZER ORCHARD 31925 Walkar Rd.. A,L. 933-6035 327-6583 USA Buildings -Agricultural -Commercial Full l u jofv warranty, all si Bel clum span, smallest building 30x40x10, lnrgnsl 70*135«, GO It. width In various lengths, Call 24 hra, 1-BOC r.?'.O334. Exienslun 540. Adrian. Michigan, In a low select aroiia doolersh! a BIO available. M ust sol I cheep I m mod I ate ly, P.O.D., will daltver lo building site. • '•':• ?ij\ ^ *tj With closinQ costs on thisithree'bedroom ranch w l l h , $ full basement, eating space In kitchen, a car detached^ garage, and maintenance - free, exterior Priced at rf $49,900. MLS 65688 , •. ..;;-•:;: u M~^& 1 VEAH OLD female black cat, declared. 933-0309 eveilngS, TWO SOLID oak church pews at $50.00: assorted light fixtures, like new, make oflsr. Felhois ol Si. Joseph. 4076 Case Fid., Avon, Ohio, - , Colonial on tree lined street In Avon Lake featuring ^ three ; spacious bedrooms and dan encldseaV"? bree?eway, 2 woodburnlng flraplacea, full (Inlshod basement, appliances, new carpeting, furnace, and siding. Must to see. $83,500. Call Jackie Carraway f MLS 56684 . : „ . ..: ., \ 76 Horses, Livestock Equipment PONY, 561 inches, shown. 4-H. Horn Seal, good trail endurance. S750 00 934-4510. ' 84 Auto Ports Service AUTOMOTIVE window tlnilna. Coll 233-7750. 0:00 lo 5:00. 943.5121; ; 90 VAutos (or Sale. ^6R A ' Q O O D U 8 E 6 CAR B I B falrf lc«i see BrUce or Dan at QBrblOkl RPhOloni, 1600 Colorado Avo/; LWsIrilf ^ a w i ) ^ ^ ! ^ B4 ESCbRTi VMG6No8IIVOr,-.o)i cellent condition, BOOQ ;.mll«s, 8590000933^037;^^^^ . 1078 CAblLuti i^'ILLii, loath'tr,^ sllvtr,- all -power,* lood«d,?<:loeny . S7405.00, 949^397 Or B4M28flK 1971 OOQe r^SQER runs good,. S30O.OO,,: nefjollobls 946.2367 or 280-4473 Tfif 92 Boats & Motors. I NEED A piece ol waterproot'carc3 vas large enough to covor a 20 r boat for ihe wlnfar Call 933-9S20 < 933-2818. t i*13 Distressed by Pregnancy' Cal! Birthright at 3224652 or 244-4652. ~ BALDWIN PIANOS Try B:lort YouBuy DRISCOL MUSIC CO * * 5 9ro»dvmy 144-1979 LOi»!n. O N D ' Wet Basement?. pail %&m loecbant Cessnctloal 933-5742 W.P.Chaplin . Masonry & Concrete work; basemonl walls repaired; driveways, pattosi' fireplaces /)• 933-5432^.^ Unny'sGloaa Sorvico Company CALL 849-5442 vM. t-fodents? Roaches? PLUIWB1NG MD Builders Dulldlng and Ramodollng Quroaaa-Roofaiind Aluminum Siding FREE ESTIMATES Lleonsod Exterminators 26911 Conlor Ridgu Hd. 892-1966 ; CALL 994-4716 < DISPLAY SPECIALIZING IN RESIDENTIAL REMODELING Quality Care Cleaning Showrodni> •NEW HOMES • SMALL REPAYS •OARAGES •PROFESSIONAL SERVICE •COMPETITIVE PRICES •ESTIMATES Special Fall Savings * : ' 'Emergency f • Murnber-1 ""<- V-;.933:496£|' -/Repair. Carpets & Upholstery Dry Foam Extraction Phil Kowalski 934-6233 „„ STEVE SYLVESTER 933-4539 me PROFESSIONAL PAPERHANGING & PABNTING Top Soil Fill Sand Limestone Driveway Slag 10 YRS. EXPERIENCE 937-5362 871-8406 < , ESTIMATES 933*0528 ! FREY PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC. i Walt|»p«rlng ntmnfxmtma Flrot duality Wortf at Reasonable Prices 100% Job Guarantee 937-6664 Jaworskl 940-7612 Repair > • Custom Remodeling ^p Complete Foundations • Driveways • Water Lines • Sewers Licensed BrickWork j Chimnoys-Fireplace* Blockwork M | InaUranoe Claims, Collision Work, RopclrEf Reflnlsh .L 934-6074 763 Avon Belden Rd. 933-6988^ The Western Reserve Lamp Company Milkers Of Custom Interior Lighting Antiques Into original lamps, Ic.np restoration & repair. Jon c. Qulaenbarry Joseph G. Qulsenberry ,..,.. QO/I e n c e (216) 9 3 4 - 5 0 5 6 3500 • 1-3.24-5241' PHONE: or 233-5O75 . C»tD« SlwW AvM»Un. •. t o ; W ^..FUW ...,. • We twot your cBtpet&fumitum as It U yra»°to. ?*".••' :\ •;«* CollAnyllmo . 1(W»S«nlpiCIUiimDh»coUrtv: • • " • Avon 937-6482 Ely:38S-2tiaVCleVa.'r07-1-7742- ' From O u r T r u c k T o Y o u r H o m e Expert Installation 1W ESE Free Estimates " Choice of Color 2fl2-BB96 4380 Oberlln Ave., Loraln; Ohio phone: 967-7208, • PARTS'OIL 'TUNE-UPS '• • RENTALS 'ACCESSORIES , "• SHARPENING •PROPANE • K-t KEROSENE maun m—••». CMU t m RHI M< 690 AVON BELDEN, RT. 83 (NEXTTOSISSON'S) 933-4400 3J33 ,: 9 3 3 - 2 3 3 3 '\ For Blown CelluicSe/f-': CLEVELAND |ZI6] 238 BS98 COLUMBUS (614| 164Z29Z LOFWN :3Z447 , CONDOMINIUM: INTERIOfl PAINTING CEDAR SHAKE ROOF STRAYING HOUSE DECKS BUILT TO LAST CALL B33-2S17 OR TOLL FREE 1^00-261-2817 Offlcc 1G2BEACHW00D AVENUE AVONUKE.OH-M01Z FUUV IMSURED. AND ALL WORKERS COVERED BV WORKERS- COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL PAINTING • ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS AFTER 6 P . M . -033-3*17, nooflnfl&He-RoofinB HEBT&SONTRUCKHW PAINTING COMPANY STAINING ROUGH CEOAR S10ED HOMES FAIRWEATHER ROOFING . Btnonf S • flEPAlHS ' '-' i • BUILD-UP ROOFS i S I A M L E S S 0UTTEH8 Er OOWNSPOUT8 • ROOF MAINTENANCE 3922 ZEBHA We specialize in 10<H> Discount For Senior Citlzena RESIDEIMTIAL-COMMERCIAL MASTER MOWER SERVICE Jim's Maintenance Cleaning, inc. FREE ESTIMATES v • •, ••-. - : . , • 1 8 ™ " lot room any S i z e , • t i n n a Roll Insulation JOHN GUGGENBILLER Our business is keeping your business clean, commercial, industrial & offIce. ' " . •• SIDING EXPERTS INC. SEAMLESS GUTTERS VINYL & ALUMINUM SIDING DANNY GEORGE MARUNABROS. BODY SHOP . , ; 933-9199 Stone. Brick, Slock •nd Concral* Work. NEW and REPAIR IBASEWIENT REPAIR] '-,' R O D E R T - 1 GLENN ASorvlceCompariyTy Chris Rafalke M13 SENIOR CITIZEN dlSCOUNTy SOPEBlORCLEArtlNG CO., INC. by Professional Secrciary • Bosumes • Letters • Invoices • Reports , • Contracts •Forms • •Dictation •Transcription ' • Help with day-to-day or overflow secretarial wotk Free pick-up & delivery attar 5:00 FREE ESTIMATES 933-9421 STUMP"REMOVAL:"- ''•• • • • - • • ' 3M2 933-2207 • You Can Find , Us In The Yellow Pages Storm Damage - 24 Hr. Service Lot Clearing & Brush Chipping FULLY INSURED v ") . • Tree Rempvah-^' Trimming• Cabling •WoodChips, Topping «,•'FirewoQdf. RpQtFeeqmg CARPET & FURNITURESTEAM.CLEANED Call Gflarga nt. N«*d >n upsi»in Hna adding on a tamity room o' garag*? For major or minor p i ; 1 call lor a; lr*« iMllmiil*. ' ' ' • ' ,937-6337 3<Mt 933-4249 or 933-8959 933-5742 BATHRQOMS AND KITCHENS I 937-5826 fl RICK'S TREE SERVICE insured . Spoclollilng In •COMPLETE PLUMBING, HEATING AND SEWER CLEANING , ;, .SERVICE • NOJOBTOOSMALU , •;• . , • : • ; RlGk COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICE 937-5750 „», Interior Painting Traxler Trucking MARK MILLER ICALLRUSSHARKINSI^ i a a - 0 0 7 5 .attlig LIcGnsed-Bonded-lnsured JAWOBSKI Rich Top Soil Fill Sand Driveway Slog Lime Stone J » AVON INTEHIOn/EXTERIOR WAtLPAPER . FREE ESTIMATES GARAGE DOOR8 £t OPERATORS Hitnltlantlnl Cr Commorolnt • Ouullty Products • nnoionnblo floto« • Font Sdrvicn • Hopolr on Alt Mako» • Urokon SprlMU Spttcl MARION MARSIGLIA Caff For Proa Estimates PAINTING HARTSEL ELECTRIC Free Estimates Cat! Specializing in small residential loads. Limestone. Sand, Gravel, Topsoil 327-3205 WE CARE 934-4323 ANDY'S APPLIANCE SERVICE REPAIR SERVICE srsss . H o t Water Tanks FREE ESTIMATES RADIO DISPATCHED LOCKSMITHS i** APPLIANCE • SERVICE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ALARM SVSTEMS- SAFES AAALL ALL MAKES a- MODELS!! • DUhwiMhara Woihart SECURITY CENTER • Dryar* > Ale Cond. PARTS DEPT, OPEN SIX DAYS 9 a.m. to 5p.m. DON OAWNER 158 LEAR RD, • RatrigaratotB AVON LAKE, O. 33465 LAKE-RD. 933-67SD PLUMBING&HEATING • Compfete Sales & Service • Electric Sewer Cleaning '33445 LAKE ROAD • AVON LAKE, OHIO 44012 Phone: 933-2330 Sill / SHUHFINE T-USDA(CHOICE WHITE CLOUD : BATHTBSUE .QbALITYSERVJCESrNCiEi950 MON.-FRI.SAM^SPM :- SAt,9AM--6PM • SUN. 9AM-ZPM : ' , PEPSI COIA .934-5403. . 1 0 0 ^ GUARANTEED SATISFACTION JSDA CHOICE ,CUT .•'•-. 7 9 1 LEAN. MEATY OUND STEMS a I 8/IBOZ. ^ £ 33 ^ ,^SAVE KIDNEY B K N S DMK $ SAVE471 I5OZ. 'iEFTY $ue " YOUR CHOICE. ONE WITH EACH & EVERY $10.00 PURCHASE EXCLUDING TOBACCO. ALCOHOL COUPON & BONUS ITEMS." ": - SPECIALBETM $1.19 REGULAR, DIET OR FREE' ; SPECIALPETM $LS9 Si5VE ERA 6*Oz/ $Q49 *°' LIQUID DETERGENT U SPECWRETM $3.69 PRICES EFFECTIVE* WED: THRU SAT: 1 WEHAVETHEFINESTUS.DACH01CEFREEZER BEEF ATTHE . -•" •--LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. - ^ SHURFINE CQUNTRYCQUNffeRi INC.;. '.*•• 3J500 COLORADO RD^, AVON, OHIO .•.••• C0IOB CB GREEN BEANS «tim\ STEEL TRASH BAG M1GE:i i P0SI RAISIN BRAN BACON/TOMATO, 1000 ISLAND r o ,!? W 5 0 ' OH CREAMY CUCUMBER . . . . . . . _ . IEOZ. DURKEE j BOILED HAM u. VELVEETA SLICES 301 ^; 1201 A BROWN GRAVY MLXBuyiGEriF^oB SAVE3V $199* IUSDA CHOICE SIRLOIN TIP ROAST SWISS CHEESE CHIiTOHSCTT MAn -AnlfJfc, RQ1 HEELOFEOURD OSDA CHOICE M POT ROAST RUMP ROAST FRESELKN Q Q C ! THICKSUCEDCOnNTHY 4> _. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ LEAN.MEATY BEEFSKW P . _ _ ' $ftAQI ewKTT SIRLOINTIP STEAKS * 7 4 a fSPARERIBS SMALL •SUPER.SAVER'COUPON! "SUPERSAVWCOUPON! IKHAFT (MAYONNAISE onrascomnBTSTOBE IWITlCnt.HSFA]«It.T VJlIlDIHHnSOH.OCr.II 1 APPLESAUCE -. SAVES!* $J49 ™—~ A P P L E S JONATHON OR MACINTOSH ^ GRAPEFRUIT . TOMATOES «oz; DEIFRAT SAVEZO1 WHOLE OR CRUSHED 28oz. LACHOY -Qc> RICE NOODLE soz. cHiWESf O i J CHOW METO NOODLES 502. f J J ^ r 6 9 * FRIED RICE '...,..... ....! ;.;.".,.uo2. SPECIALS 8 9 * BEAN SPROUTS -... W" SOY SAUCE ^ ^ 89C uoz. 79C MEDIUM SIZE PEANUTS., ™.™..:_.-...-. r. NOVELTY FRUITS ORANGE JUICE u. SCOOTER CRUNCH.... LEMONADE...'.'..! PERSIMMONS... rDn7rKnTnmcDC FROZEN DINNERS FARM FRESH CIDER MX GAL., GALLONS AVAILABLE \ .SUPERSAVER.COUPON!. . SUPERSAVERQpOPOTfi':•"' SUPEF,iSAVERCOVP6jtt% caisco •. • SHOHTENING MORTON'S ASSOHTED VARIETY CHICKEN CHOW MEW njTtta nt swnrs COUHIHT YAUDTHFUSwH.OCT.il I IDOTia TAUDIHBnSUILCCr.ZI | B£D£EMATSHHITSCOUNTBrSTORE .. • - UWTlCFH.PEnFUQLT : • VJUID TEBD5UK.OCT.il ISHHIMPa BEEF CHOW MEIN j OR PEPPER OHIENTAL lAISMnWS LOOT] CPH.FEB FAMILY SAVT33**V-W UOL LA CHOI ILACHOY J ALL PDBPpSE F1OUB Sp9 VU10 TBRO 5tm.OCT.I9 s ICE CREAM. BORD^:sasiE SALTED OR PLWH IB. 'LEAN. MEATY OSDACEOICE ORAI^GEJUICE BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES IB. fT^?STS0F ? VLAL , uoz. SMT^ffS Tf\%K • . . : Xi p A M a _ * 3 *lgj oppiJQW /\p LB. I » ' 59* 89* NEW CROP1 HOME GROWN RED DELICIOUS, GOLDEN DELICIOUS GROUND BEEF IB. 9 % J | BULK BACON , ] * S ^ Q Q i STUtTIS OR PLAIN _ GUTYAMS 2% HOMOGENiZEDMn,KSMIffS CHUNK OBSLICED OHIO PRINCEI1A SAVE80-1 *2 OZ. tassx AT swjgsraninw!^TORT mar 1 CFILPIS FAMILY VAUD THUD SDK. OCT. I I 51BS 1
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