May 3, 2015 Newsletter - Covenant Presbyterian Church

May 3, 2015
Confirmation Sunday
May 24, 2015
Tertullian said, “Christians are made, not born.” Following Jesus isn’t something
that comes naturally, and not without time and training. Confirmation is one of the
ways we prepare our young people for a life in Christ. It is an important rite of
passage that provides the opportunity to explore the themes of our faith, compare
them with other faith traditions, learn what our particular church and denomination
value, and ultimately come to a personal commitment, each on their own.
We have seven confirmands who have studied with a dedicated, faithful mentor
throughout the school year. They have learned a great deal from each other in their
studies. During this experience they have read together the Gospel of Luke as they
explored the specific themes of:
 God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit,
and the nature of the Trinity
 Importance
Worship and the Bible
 They also explored the
Spiritual Gifts, and being
called into ministry
 The meaning and mystery of
our sacraments—Baptism and
Holy Communion
 The practice of spiritual
 Hope and care in time of death
and how we have hope in the
risen Christ
 What it means to live as part
of the body of Christ.
 Presbyterian history and form of government.
Our confirmands will meet this Sunday morning with members of the session to
share their statements of faith, and to enjoy Christian fellowship as they are
confirmed as fellow travelers and equal partners as members of the fellowship of
Christ. Those who choose to become members of Covenant Presbyterian Church
will be received into membership on Pentecost Sunday, May 24, during the 11:00
a.m. service of worship. A celebration will follow as we enjoy a covered dish lunch
together in the fellowship hall.
Ministry Notes……...…..……………... 2
Member Notes……………………....… 3
Musings………………………………... 4
Wednesday Night Fellowship……….... 5
May Calendar……………………... 6&7
Nepal Earthquake 2015………………. 8
Covenant Member Profiles…...……… 9
Birthdays and Anniversaries............... 10
Mark Your Calendars.......................... 10
Worship Schedule
For May…....…..................................... 11
Prayer Concerns................................... 11
May Happenings……..…………....… 12
Web Notes:
Our church website is
announcements about upcoming events are
on the website. Pictures of church events,
important links, our interactive calendar,
and more are available. If you want to see
additional information posted, please
contact the church office.
We also have a Facebook Page called:
Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Covenant Presbyterian
3131 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30909
(706) 733-0513
FAX (706) 738-8938
[email protected]
Pastor: The Rev. Rob Watkins
Ministers: All of Covenant’s Members
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Presbytery meeting on May 19
Christian Education
The CE Ministry has elected to take a summer break
during the education hour on Sunday mornings.
Our last Sunday of the Spring semester is Pentecost
Sunday, May 24. The following weeks, through the
summer and up until Rally Day on August 23, we will not
provide programing during the Sunday school hour.
There will, however, be coffee and conversation as
normal between services, so folks can use that time to stay
connected with one another. It could also be a great
opportunity for our children to spend time together on the
playground before the day heats up too much. The youth
may have occasional gatherings during the normal
education hour during the summer as a way to stay
connected and gear up for our big trips.
Local Missions
Volunteers at Soup Kitchen
Thanks to our many volunteers who shared their talents
and hospitality on Tuesday, April 28, at the Master’s Table
Soup Kitchen. Those who generously gave their time and
energy are: Beth
Ashmore, Diane Griffin, Carol
Lapp, Dave Lapp, Barbara Lewis, Sue Luhring, Dave
Pashley, Edna Pashley,
Mike Strout,
Tennyson, and Jim Wade.
They prepared and served 300 meals.
GAP Item of the Month
The item of the month for May is instant coffee and tea
bags. These items will be a welcome addition to our Food
Pantry shelves. Boxes for the item of the month are located
near the sanctuary and outside the Fellowship Hall. There
are also GAP donation boxes under the mailbox table near
the Church Office.
Covenant’s Giving Through
03/31/2015 – Our Fist Quarter
Though giving is a bit behind what we have spent for the
first three months of this year, it is fairly typical. Easter
fell in April, our fourth month, and people were generous
and caught us up significantly. As you get ready to enjoy
summer, please remain faithful in your giving to all our
Mission, Outreach, Youth, and all that is achieved thanks
to you.
P.S. Covenant’s Endowment Funds Balances
Permanent Endowment
Building Maintenance Endowment $10,538
More about these funds will follow in our second quarter
Covenant will host the next Stated Presbytery Meeting
on Tuesday, May 19. We will be host to representatives
from the 55 churches in our presbytery and want to
demonstrate the hospitality for which Covenant is well
known. There is much work to be done, and you are
invited to be a part of this important event. Registration
will begin at 8:30 a.m.; the meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m.;
worship will begin at 11:45 a.m., and lunch will be at 12:30
p.m. Adjournment should be about 3:00 p.m. Jo Ann
Ealick (706 724-3958), Judy Grieve
(407 230-6853), and Diane Griffin
(706 860-0832) are serving as the
meeting. Please contact one of them
to offer your help.
Here is information about the help that is needed:
 Moving tables and setting up: On Monday afternoon,
May 18, the tables will need to be set up for
registration and for lunch. We plan to start about 3:00
p.m. and should be finished by 4:30 p.m.
 Parking: Volunteers are needed to direct people to
Jim Crimmins is the contact person 706 738-7820
 Registration: Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and
volunteers are needed to help at the registration tables.
 Coffee and refreshments: Coffee and refreshments
will be served from 8:30 a.m.until 9:30 a.m. as people
gather at the church prior to the meeting. Volunteers
are needed to serve as Covenant's
"good will
ambassadors" during this time of fellowship.
 Lunch: Lunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall
(catered by French Market Grille). Volunteers are
needed to help serve and clean up
If you have any questions, contact Jo Ann, Judy, or Diane.
Change in Publication of the
During the summer months, we will begin publishing
one newsletter each month.
Below is a list of dates for our Summer Issues and
May 31 issue
Deadline is Tuesday, May 26
June 28 issue
Deadline is Monday, June 22
July 27 issue
Deadline is Monday, July 20
August 30 issue Deadline is Monday, August 31
We will continue with publishing only one newsletter a
month in the fall as the USPS Distribution Center in
Augusta will close and our bulk mail will then be routed
through Macon. This means that the newsletter will take a
little longer to be delivered to you. We are exploring other
ways for communication of events and will possibly email
a weekly newsletter with hard copies available in the
Office, in the narthex, and by the Fellowship Hall Kitchen.
If your email has changed please let the church office
know so that we can keep our database updated..
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Musician on Vacation!
Lyn Patterson
From May 19 until June 16 I will be on vacation in
Italy and England. The first week (May 20 – May 27)
will be spent singing in Tuscany and Rome (yes, for
Mass in St. Peter’s/Vatican!) with the USC-Aiken
Masterworks Chorale. As well as St. Peter’s, we
have special singing dates for Concerts/Masses in
Orvieto, Perugia and Florence. After this exciting
week of music making, I will fly from Rome to
London and spend the next three weeks seeing my
many English friends and enjoying travels and
sightseeing around the UK.
During my time away, musical leadership for
worship will be provided by the following substitute
musicians: Camille Rosier will play the organ on
Sunday, May 24; and Cathie McClure will play the
grand piano on Sundays, May 31 and June 7. On
June 14, two of Covenant’s very talented in-house
musicians have agreed to lead: Hubert Van Tuyll will
play for the early service and Brock Daniels (guitar)
will lead the late service.
In addition to these musicians, Joan Lancaster will
solo at both services on May 24, EnsemBells will play
at both services on May 31, Debbie Van Tuyll at
11:00 a.m. on June 7, and Brock will lead and also
sing on June 14 at the late service.
While I am traveling, the committed and talented
Covenant Choir members will also be on a welldeserved break. Summer Choir begins on Sunday,
June 21 when we meet at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday
mornings during the summer months to prepare an
anthem to sing at the 11:00 a.m. service that day. All
are welcome to sing with us!
Graduates honored in May
Families and friends of 2015 graduates are
encouraged to put Sunday, May 17, on their
calendars. That is the day when Covenant will honor
all high school, college, and graduate school students
who are completing their studies this spring (or last
Graduates, or their parents, are encouraged to
contact the Church Office with information about the
school from where they are graduating, any honors
that the graduate is receiving,
and future plans for study or
for work. We would rather be
contacted several times for
the same graduate than not be
contacted at all.
Volunteers are needed in all areas of VBS. Please contact Jenny
Lindsay (706-945-3499) to sign up to help.
Davidson Fine Arts
Spring Choir Concert
The Davidson Fine Arts Choir will have their Spring concert at
Covenant, Friday, May 8, at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Tickets are
$5.00 at the door.
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Musings—A Devotional
By Robert M. Watkins
Roman Catholic theology offers us some paths to
reflection that we Presbyterians do not readily employ,
such as churches named for different aspects of Jesus’
presence and being within the world. For instance, there is
a beautiful basilica in Barcelona named “The Expiatory
Temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” You just would
never hear one of our congregations named such with
“Presbyterian Church” tacked onto the end. But there is
much in the name to consider.
Expiation is bringing God to one’s aid—we make
whatever sacrifice, amendment, or alteration to our way of
being to open ourselves to God’s presence and to invite
God to be present with us. It is a theological deckclearing, if you will—we get rid of whatever stands
between us and God, and sometimes that means giving up
things, practices, and even relationships (toxic ones) to be
fully there for God.
Temple is, of course, a house of worship. It is the meeting
place with God. It is the setting for the divine encounter.
We hope that the churches we build foment this
relationship in their architecture—that they create a sacred
space within the world. There is a reason why we
stubbornly cling to the use of “sanctuary” as the site of our
worship—it is a place that is to be a haven, a safe place, a
shelter, and a place of healing for all who enter it. St. Paul
made the audacious claim that, in Christ, that sacred space
was within our own being—our very bodies were the
temples of the Lord. God, through the Holy Spirit, a gift of
Christ, breathed in us and through us. What such a move
accomplishes is that we awaken to the sanctity of our own
person. What a beautiful assurance in a world where life is
cheap, relationships used only for gratification, and value
is determined only by monetary amounts.
The Sacred Heart of Christ is the locale of redeeming,
interceding, and healing grace in mystical Christianity. It
is also where the term “bleeding heart” comes from, if you
wondered. Jesus is the ultimate bleeding heart who gives
all he has for the ideal of redeeming all humanity from sin
and death. The whole title of the church is brought to
fruition—Christ himself makes expiation for all
worshippers gathered in his name, freeing them to
experience the full holiness of the presence of God with
them and in them. It all comes through the total
embodiment of the love that is God revealed in Christ
Covenant is a such a loaded term in Christian theology—it
is truly a foundational concept in our life and being. Often,
we think of it in contractual terms—if we do so and so,
fulfilling the terms of our relationship to God; then God will
return the favor by granting us the gifts of grace deserved.
Yes, yes—hardcore Presbyterians are already roiling with
critiques—that is WORKS RIGHTEOUSNESS! And they
are correct—the contract is works righteousness—we earn
the grace of God by obedience to God’s rules—and it is
scary how stubborn this mindset is within the Church
universal. Covenant is not a contract. A covenant is an
agreement, but actually more of an acceptance. Biblically,
God very simply and directly defined it, I will be their God,
and they shall be my people. Note that God asks for nothing,
seeks nothing, and certainly does not lay contractual terms
on us. No, instead, it is a free gift of a promise—God will be
with us and will claim us as God’s beloved just because
God is God, God is good, and grace abounds. We enter this
covenant through the basic means of believing it to be in
place. That’s all that is needed—trust God’s word.
Presbyterian, though, begins to define how we respond to
this covenant of grace. No, we do not earn salvation through
our embodiment of grace, compassion, and mercy as we
respond to God in Christ, but we make it real and actual in
our lives. As Presbyterians, we do so through our
community, a community in which representative
government gives us shape and form. We elect presbyters
(i.e., Elders) from within the pews to help us act out our
faith in mission, education, worship, and compassionate
care. We choose this means because we find it efficient and
efficacious for bringing the Gospel to light within the world.
It is the means by which we proclaim the good news. It is
also the means by which we form ourselves as the best
representatives we can be despite who we are as frail,
mistake prone human beings. We believe our system helps
us transform and transcend who we are.
We hope.
And that is the bottom line—a church building is a hope. It
is hoped it will be a beacon within the world of God’s grace.
It is hoped that lives can be formed as followers of Christ. It
is hoped that we will carry God’s Word into the world. It is
all hope.
Realization of that hope is up to us.
Now think for a moment about the far simpler name given
to our own worshipping community—Covenant
Presbyterian Church. Think on it through the same
contemplative lens just employed above—what do we
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Adults (12 and over): $7.00
Children (4-11): $4.00
Toddlers (under 4): Free
Family Maximum: $18.00
Our Wednesday Fellowship Dinner
is served at 5:15 p.m.
Be sure to make your reservation. Reservation sheets can
be found in the Gathering Area and by the mailboxes
or you may call the Church Office or email
Judy ([email protected]). Reservations/
cancellations must be made by 11:00 a.m. on the preceding
Indicate how many adults and how many children will
attend the dinner and how many would like Menu A and
Menu B, respectively. If you do not indicate your meal
choices, you will be marked to receive Menu A.
If you wish to be placed on the permanent list, please note
that when making your reservations. Once you are on the
permanent list you will need to call with any changes by
11:00 a.m. on Tuesday.
Ministries take turns hosting the dinners. Below you will
find the upcoming schedule and menus.
May 6
Building and Grounds
May 13
Menu A
Menu B
May 6
May 6
Baked chicken
Macaroni and cheese with
Cornbread dressing
Mixed veggie casserole
Sliced peaches
Dessert: Butterfinger blondies
May 13
End of Year Cook-Out
Burgers, hot dogs
Potato salad
Cole slaw
Baked beans
Dessert: Ice cream treats
The last Wednesday Night Fellowship for the Spring is
May 13.
Children’s Wednesday Night
Program Schedule
6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
4 years – 1st Grade:
Angel Choir
2nd – 5th grades:
Creation Ringers
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Youth Bible Study with John
Middle School Youth with Amy & Jenny
6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
4 years – 1st grade:
2nd – 5th grades:
Creation Choir
Adult Programs are scheduled for 6:00 – 7:00.
Presbyterian Women
Birthday Offering
Presbyterian Women have a long
tradition of caring for others and helping
those in need. Begun in 1922, the
Birthday Offering has helped fund
mission projects that improve the lives
of women and children around the
world. While projects and donation
amounts have changed, Presbyterian
Women's commitment to improving the lives of others has
not. In 2015, our prayers and financial support will help
the Community of St. Therese of Lisieux (CSTL) and
Bethesda Christian Community Center. Both groups
minister to women affected by poverty and violence. CSTL
leads women in Memphis, Tennessee, from prostitution,
addiction and trafficking to self-reliance and
wholeness. Bethesda reaches out to women in a violenceriddled neighborhood of Barranquilla, Colombia. Please
consider supporting the 2015 Birthday Offering on May 3
during the Offertory. The Birthday Offering will also be
taken during Circle meetings next month. Thank you for
your faithfulness in giving and for your ongoing prayers for
women struggling with oppressive situations. As you have
been blessed, so may you bless others.
A prayer for Mom
Wednesday Night
Fellowship Programs
Each week we will enjoy great conversation while we
view clips from popular movies and reflect on how the
scenes help us make connections with a different theme of
our faith.
A young boy had been misbehaving, so his mother sent
him to his room. Sometime later, he came out and told his
mom he’d prayed about the
matter. “That’s good,” she replied. “If you ask God for help
to not misbehave, he’ll help
“Oh, I didn’t pray for help behaving,” said the boy. “I
prayed for God to help you put up with me.”
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APRIL 2015
Thousands are dead or injured from the massive
earthquake and aftershocks that shook Nepal and
neighboring countries on April 25th. The quake, the worst
in more than 80 years, struck just west of the capital of
Kathmandu and destroyed towns and mountainous
villages. The government of Nepal has officially requested
international assistance and declared a state of emergency.
PDA Response
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance's (PDA) local partners
through ACT Alliance have been working in Nepal for
several years and are on the ground assisting many who
have survived the quake by distributing immediate lifesaving supplies such as water, food, shelter and medication.
PDA is committed to the long-term response. As longterm recovery plans are developed, PDA will accompany
and further financially support our partners in the area to
ensure a comprehensive recovery is sustained.
Ways to Give
Financial assistance will be needed to help with the
response. If you wish to give you may:
 Write a check to Covenant Presbyterian Church
and note it for Nepal
 By mail to Presbyterian Church USA; P.O. Box
643700; Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700
 By telephone call (800) 872-3283 to give by
credit card.
Financial gifts can be designated to DR999999 with a
reference to Nepal.
A prayer for the people of Nepal
After the earthquake…a sound of sheer silence and a
Voice said: ‘what are you doing here?’ ~ I Kings
Holy One, whose desire for all peoples is wholeness,
life abundant, and peace: Hear us as we pray in sorrow
for lives lost and communities shattered by
earthquakes and aftershocks in Nepal, India, and
As your servant Elijah fled for his life into the
wilderness and found bread for the journey, may
survivors of this disaster find in the outpouring of their
companionship in the midst of horrors.
In the sheer silence that follows
When the cries for help are stilled
And the cameras and the news cycle have moved on
to another tragedy,
May we not turn away; but hear in the midst of quiet
Your still, small voice
calling us to bear witness
calling us to remember
calling us to bring ourselves to a ministry of
prayerful presence and potent generosity.
Let us have an answer when Your Voice inquires,
“what are you doing here, Elijah?”
Let us answer with our prayers, Let us answer with
generous gifts,
Let us join together, an international community of
To rebuild, to restore, and in time, to rejoice,
That in a world that suffers, Light still shines,
And darkness and dust shall not overcome it.
In the name of the Human One we pray. Amen.
The Rev. Dr. Laurie A Kraus, Coordinator,
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance April 2015
Preschool news
Now taking applications for our
Summer Fun Program on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the
months of June and July (except the
week of July 6th – 10th when we close for
Covenant’s Vacation Bible School).
Applications for the summer program
can be found on the table outside the
school office or online on the church website.
It’s not too late to register for the fall! Covenant
Preschool and Children’s Day Out is a morning program
(9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) which provides quality care &
education for children three months old through
Kindergarten. For more information about our program,
contact the school office at 706/733-8102 or visit the
church website at and look
under Preschool. Covenant Preschool is a fun place to be!
Our Scholarship Fund for the 2015-16 school year is
quite low. Please consider a donation to this fund to allow
us to provide families the opportunity to send their children
to Covenant. Donations may be made in the church
business office. Thanks so much to those of you who
support this Christian preschool program.
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Church Member Profiles
Covenant’s resident artist, Jessica Boatwright, was
born in Lynchburg, VA, the second child of a Baptist
family. Her grandfather, George Truett, was President of
the Baptist World Alliance and preached all over the
world. Jessica was expected to go to a Virginia Women’s
college and so she chose Mary Baldwin College in
Staunton, VA. She majored in art and after graduation, she
and her roommate ventured to New York City to discover
the world.
John and Dot Moss are both native Georgians. Dot was
born in Moultrie and she and her family lived in several
towns in south Georgia. She attended elementary school in
Thomasville before her family moved to Augusta. Here
she attended Tubman High School and the Junior College
of Augusta. “I was headed to Agnes Scott College when
John returned from the war; however, he had other plans
for me,” she said with a smile.
There she landed a job as a designer and illustrator
with Norcross Greeting Card Company. Jessica’s Dad
laughed at her meager salary, but she managed to support
herself and loved the work. After two exciting and
creative years in New York, Jessica married Ward
Claussen and moved to Augusta.
They had four children within six years and became
charter members of Covenant in 1959. Jessica was very
busy helping organize the church while raising her four
children, but she kept up with her painting as well as pen
and ink drawings of homes and buildings in the
surrounding areas.
After her divorce from Ward, she married Norman
Boatwright who had five children! They bought a large
house to make a home for the eleven of them – three girls
and six boys – plus assorted dogs, cats, and other strays.
Jessica and her four children continued to attend Covenant,
but her husband and his five went to St. Mary’s Catholic
Church. Their home became a gathering place for all the
kids and their friends. It was a very hectic time with car
pools, athletic events and numerous activities. Despite all
this, Jessica set up a large easel in her bedroom and
continued her art. It was at this busy time that she
published a children’s book that she wrote and illustrated,
“The Meely Moley Man.”
Her family shot off in various directions for college,
jobs, and eventually marriages. Some settled in Augusta
and some moved away. The easel was always available for
dabbing on paint. She developed a line of humorous pen
and ink notecards which are still available and can be
purchased at Broad Street stores. Jessica divorced her
husband and struck out on her own. J.B. Ryner was a
special friend until his sudden death this year.
Be sure to study and enjoy her beautiful oil painting on
the wall next to the Church’s office and rejoice that this
talented lady is one of our own.
~ Lois Reynolds
John was born in Lincolnton and moved to Augusta at an
early age. He attended elementary school at Woodlawn
and Joseph Lamar. He graduated from Richmond
Academy and then was at the Citadel for one year when
his war years began. During WW II he served with the
Army in Europe.
After the war, he and Dot were married in 1948 at Reid
Memorial. John finished his education at the University of
Georgia. Upon returning to Augusta, Dot was a substitute
teacher at Augusta Preparatory Day School and tutored
Algebra at home. John began work in 1959 at Blanchard
and Calhoun Insurance, eventually retiring as Executive
Vice President. They both enjoyed participating in the
Junior League Follies.
John and Dot became Charter members of Covenant.
Dot has many fine memories of those times. The members
attended services at Langford Elementary school while the
church was being built. Dot worked with the youth and
served as Presbyterian Women’s Circle Chairman. She and
Virginia Pinson would go to the church and wash the
windows. Dot enjoyed being involved in many of the
church’s women’s groups.
John served on the first board of Diaconate and he was
Clerk of Session from 1965-1966. He also has served as
Trustee, Elder, and Deacon several times over the years.
He is very proud that Covenant sponsored and was the
meeting place for Boy Scout Troop # 88. It was a large
troop that members participated in over the years,
eventually producing over 50 Eagle Scouts! All of their
sons received their Eagle and God and Country awards
They have four sons: John, Larry, Preston, and Morris,
all of whom grew up attending Covenant. Those who
knew them then say today fondly and with a smile “They
were all energetic boys!” All four sons were married at
Covenant. They have provided John and Dot with 11
grandchildren and one great grandson so far. Their first
son retired as Vice President of Novartis Pharmaceutical.
Their other three sons are actively employed at Blanchard
and Calhoun and Augusta Mortgage.
~ Polly Williams
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Joyce Bowers
Llewellyn Crews
Katie Endruhn
Naomi Gillies
Rebekah Henry Murphy
David Reimche
Hannah Schappell
Mary Stafford
Chris Terry
Susan Williams
Beth Ashmore
Fred Gehle
Diane Griffin
Lorraine Miller
Christopher Preheim
Judi Rhoades
Sara Stafford
John Weekley
Kenneth Buchholz
Jean Dirksen
Jane Gehle
Judy Grieve
Aubrey Petkas
Leslie Rhoades
Edward Smith
Judy Strogonoff
Polly Williams
Viktor Chaly
Dave Grieve
Doran Langley
Kaye Petkas
Michael Reimche
Edwin Scott
Zim Trulock
Marc Wilson
Presbyterian Men
The Covenant Presbyterian Men’s group will meet
Tuesday, May 5, at 12:00 p.m. in Room 2. The French
Market Grille provides lunch, which concludes by 1:00
p.m. The cost per person is $6. Contact Chuck Baldwin
(706-339-1506) or Jim Crimmins (706-738-7820) for more
Taizé Service
Taizé Service is a service of
prayer and meditation. This
service will be held Wednesday,
May 6, at 12:15 p.m. in the
service is offered as an opportunity for you to take a break
from the grind of your weekly schedule, and find a personal
centering during a time of quiet worship and meditation.
Praying Hands Ministry
The Praying Hands Ministry will meet on Wednesday,
May 6, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 5. The ministry invites
everyone who is interested to join us for a special time of
Praying Hands will not meet as a group in June, July, or
August. We will continue in faithfulness to pray for your
requests as written or called to the office.
Faith Circle
Faith Circle will meet Tuesday, May 12, at 10:30 a.m.
Our Bible Study is: Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary
Study of 2 Corinthians by Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty.
Lunch will be provided by the French Market Grille and
the cost is $6 per person.
For further information, contact Ruth Mason Lowe (706860-9021).
Janet and Buster Boshears (40 years)
Mark and Lori Rogers (14 years)
Chimes deadline announced
Deadline for the May 17 issue of the
Covenant Chimes is Monday, May 11.
Disciple Bible Study
The Disciple Bible Study meets every Wednesday at 1:00
p.m. in the Middle School Room.
Master’s Table Soup Kitchen
Covenant’s next opportunity to serve at the Master’s
Table Soup Kitchen is Tuesday, May 26, at 8:30 a.m. If you
wish to volunteer and help Covenant’s Team that serves on
the fourth Tuesday of every month, please contact Jim
Wade (803-279-4955).
First Sunday Breakfast Fellowship
We will have our First Sunday Breakfast Fellowship on
Sunday, May 3. Please bring a favorite breakfast dish and
enjoy a great opportunity for fellowship.
Listening for God Group
The Listening for God Group will meet Sunday, May 3,
at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Al and Barbara Williams.
Covenant Chimes Page 10
May Worship
Judy Grieve, Joe Huff, Aubrey Moore, Ava Moore
David Pashley, Buddy Simpson
5/10: Joe Cook, John Ealick, Fred Gehle,
Rucker Vaiden, Hannah Weckel
5/17: Jim Crimmins, Jimmy Lea, Johnny Lowe,
Ruth Mayhall, Ian Moore, Jim Wade
5/24: Knox Daniels, Hugh Dobbins, Lucyle Ferris,
Dave Lapp, Edwin Scott
Joy Scott
Rachel Scott
5/10: Amy House and Ralph Gillies
Thomas Huff
5/17: Joe and Jodi Huff
Grace Huff
5/24: Connie Pauer
Grace Daniels
GREETERS at 11:00 a.m. Service
Brock and Karla Conditt Daniels
5/10: Joe and Eunice Cook
5/17: Gail Baker
5/24: Mark and Lori Rogers
The Rev. Robert M. Watkins
5/10: The Rev. Karla Conditt Daniels
5/17: The Rev. Robert M. Watkins
5/24: The Rev. Robert M. Watkins
LITURGISTS at 11:00 a.m. Service
Jim Crimmins
5/10: Ruth Mason Lowe
5/17: Beverly Dorn
5/24: Ron Lewis
8:30 a.m. - Dana Rhoades
11:00 a.m. - Ava Moore
8:30 a.m. - Loree Davis
11:00 a.m. - Chuck Baldwin
8:30 a.m. - Chuck Baldwin
11:00 a.m. - Mark Rogers
8:30 a.m. - Lewis Crews
11:00 a.m. - Ruth Mayhall
Lock/Count: Mary Beachum, Kaye Petkas
All Officers
Christian Education
Congregational Care
May 3:
Jodi Huff, Joy Scott
June 7:
Beth Ashmore, Martha Bertrand
New Prayer Concern
Nick Butt – At home
John McCrosky – At home
Fred Pauer – Doctors Hospital
Continuing Prayer Concerns
All of Covenant’s missionaries
All men and women serving in the U.S. Military
Rick Collins (Becky DeLecuona’s cousin) – At home,
Columbus, OH
Bailey Deal (Angela Hobby’s cousin) – At home, Portal, GA
Matthew Endruhn – At home
Tanner Haywood (Ann Haywood’s grandson and Susan
Williams’ great-nephew) – At home
Ann Hubbs (Barclay Pittman’s mother) – University
Marquis Hunter (close friend of Kathy and Rick Ordelt) –
Grady Hospital, Atlanta, GA
Betty Johnston – Brandon Wilde
Mary Kelly – At home
Liz Lindsay (Shane Lindsay’s mother) – Cleveland, OH
Richard and Gloria Jennings Marshall – At home
Jerrod Moore (a student of Hubert van Tuyll) – At home
Dot and John Moss – At home
Madge Page – At home
Andrew Purvis (Sandra Bowman’s cousin) – At home,
Wrens, GA
Judy Moore Silberquit (Diane Griffin’s friend) – At home
Jean W. Smith – Pavilion at Brandon Wilde
Conrad Smith (Gail Baker’s brother) – At home
Julia Steed (Angela Hobby’s cousin) – Lakeland, GA
John Thompson (friend of the DeLecuonas) – At home
Janet Thomson (Fred Gehle’s sister) – Deerfield, FL
Jonathan Watters (Condie and Sandy Watters’ son) – At
Sarah Beck Weller (Charlotte Ealick’s cousin) - Idaho
Life Friends Prayer List
Dorris Andrews (Elaine Lea’s mother) – Brandon Wilde
Beverly Bantle – Pavilion, Brandon Wilde
Jessica Boatwright – Camellia Walk, Evans, GA
Wanda Calhoun – Brandon Wilde
Dr. Marion and Bonnie Conditt (Karla Conditt Daniels’
parents) – At home, Waupaca, WI
Lois Davis – Kentwood
Anne DeGrazia – At home, Alpharetta, GA
Julia Kenan (Lynn Latimer’s mother) – Brandon Wilde
Kassie Malone (Eunice Cook’s sister) – Winnsboro, TX
Leah Mannel – Brandon Wilde
Ben Shippen (Suzanne Hobby Shippen’s father-in-law) – At
home, Atlanta, GA
Jean (Conrad) Smith – At home
Sally Stalls (Joe Griffin’s sister) – At home, Williamston,
Marguerite Stoughton – At home
Jane Terry (Chris Terry’s mother) – At home, Lake Wales,
Herb Towson – Brandon Wilde
John and Martha Watkins (Rob Watkins’ parents) – At
home, Harrisonburg, VA
Wayne Weinke (friend of Lois Reynolds) – In prison
Betty Wren – Washington Commons
Covenant Chimes Page 11
Covenant Presbyterian Church
3131 Walton Way at Aumond Road
Augusta, GA 30909-3266
U.S. Postage Paid
Augusta, GA
Permit No. 81
May Happenings
Called Session Meeting—Sunday, May 3, at 9:30 a.m.
First Sunday Breakfast Fellowship—May 3, at 9:30 a.m. in the Gathering Area
Presbyterian Women Birthday Offering—May 3
Celebration Ringers—Sunday, May 3 at 6:30 p.m.; Sunday, May 10, at 5:00 p.m.
Listening for God Group—Sunday, May 3, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Al and Barbara Williams
Companions in Christ—Mondays, May 4, May 11, and May 18, at 5:00 p.m.
Covenant Presbyterian Men’s Lunch—Tuesday, May 5, at 12:00 p.m. in Room 2
Covenant Staff Meeting—Wednesdays, May 6, 13, and 20, at 10:00 a.m.
Covenant Book Group—Wednesdays, May 6, and 20, at 10:00 a.m. in the Senior High Room
Taizé Service—Wednesday, May 6, at 12:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Disciple Bible Study—Wednesdays, May 6, 13, and 20, at 1:00 p.m.
Ballet After School Program—Wednesday, May 6, at 1:00 p.m. in the Activity Center
Praying Hands Ministry—Wednesday, May 6, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 2
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner— May 6, and 13, at 5:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Wednesday Night Children’s Programs—May 6 at 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Night Adult Programs—May 6, at 6:00 p.m.
Covenant Choir Rehearsal—May 6 and 13, at 7:15 p.m.
Bricks for Kids Afterschool Program—Thursdays, May 7, at 1:00 p.m. in Room 4
Davidson Fine Arts Spring Choir Concert—Friday, May 8, at 7:00 p.m.
Covenant Chimes Deadlines—Monday, May 11
Faith Circle—Tuesday, May 12, at 10:30 a.m., Room 5
Preschool Graduation—Friday, May 15, 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Graduation Sunday—Sunday, May 17, Reception following the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Called Session Meeting—Sunday, May 17, 9:30 a.m.
Northeast Georgia Presbytery Meeting—Tuesday, May 19, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
Pentecost and Confirmation Sunday—May 24
Covered-dish Luncheon—Sunday, May 24, at 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Master’s Table Soup Kitchen—Tuesday, May 26, at 8:30 a.m., 704 Fenwick Street