April 5, 2015 Newsletter - Covenant Presbyterian Church

April 5, 2015
Don’t miss Covenant’s
Annual Mission Luncheon !!
Work teams from Covenant Presbyterian Church have helped with recovery efforts
from hurricane and storm damage for many years. We have made 4 trips to the Gulf
Coast area in response to Hurricane Katrina. We made a trip to Nashville in
response to the severe flooding they experienced. We made two trips in response to
Super Storm Sandy; one trip to Jamaica, New York and the trip last year to the New
Jersey shore.
This year global missions and local missions have
joined forces to support a trip to Augusta, Georgia! We
will focus our repair work on the Greene Street Mission
Center, the home of GAP Ministries. There is much
work that needs to be done and we won’t have to spend a lot on gas to get there. We
will work Monday though Friday, June 1 – June 5 from 8am- 4pm. We will join in
fellowship over lunch and dinner together. We will return home after dinner to our
own showers and beds. This will reduce the cost of the trip so more money can be
spent on building materials. Being a local destination will allow some people to join
us that may not be able to give a whole week, but can work one day. Those who are
unable to join us as we work can contribute by preparing lunch or dinner for the
To help cover the cost of materials, global and local missions will be hosting a
down-home Southern lunch following the 11:00 worship service on Sunday, April
26. Mission ministry members will collect donations at the door. You will have the
opportunity to cover the cost for specific building supplies. We humbly ask for a
minimum donation of $5.
We invite you to join us for lunch. We invite you to consider joining this work
team at GAP, for a few hours, a few days, or the whole week. We ask that you keep
this mission week and its team members in your prayers.
Ministry Notes……...…..……………... 2
Member Notes……………………...… 3
Cookbook Order Form…………...…... 3
Musings.................................................... 4
Prayer for Bangladesh………………... 4
Wednesday Fellowship……………….. 5
April Calendar……………..………. 6&7
Just for Kids…………………………... 8
Member Profiles………………………. 9
Birthdays and Anniversaries............... 10
Mark Your Calendars.......................... 10
Worship Schedule
For April……….....….......................... 11
Prayer Concerns................................... 11
April Happenings……………..…...… 12
Web Notes:
Our church website is
announcements about upcoming events are
on the website. Pictures of church events,
important links, our interactive calendar,
and more are available. If you want to see
additional information posted, please
contact the church office.
We also have a Facebook Page called:
Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Covenant Presbyterian
3131 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30909
(706) 733-0513
FAX (706) 738-8938
[email protected]
Pastor: The Rev. Rob Watkins
Ministers: All of Covenant’s Members
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
NEGA PW Gathering A Success!
Local Missions
Volunteers at Soup Kitchen
Thanks to our many volunteers who
shared their talents and hospitality on
Tuesday, March 24, at the Master’s Table
Soup Kitchen. Those who generously gave their time and
energy are: Beth Ashmore, Carol Lapp, Dave
Lapp, Barbara Lewis, Sue Luhring, Kathy Ordelt, Edna
Pashley, Mike Shrout, Debbie Tennyson, and Jim Wade.
They prepared and served 312 meals.
GAP Item of the Month
The April’s item of the month is diapers (baby/adult).
These items will be a welcome addition to our Food Pantry
shelves. Boxes for the item of the month are located near
the sanctuary and outside the Fellowship Hall. There are
also GAP donation boxes under the mailbox table near the
Church Office.
Our substitute list has been growing smaller and smaller
as our parents’ lives have changed during the year. We’ve
had a few move away and we have hired some for the
classrooms, so it has left us with a very small group to call
on for substituting. Please consider joining our list of
substitutes for the remaining school year. It’s lots of fun
and we also pay our substitutes!
We are also looking for workers for the Summer Fun
Program; if you would like to help, let us know right
away. You don’t have to commit to the entire summer,
even a few weeks would be really appreciated! Also,
recommend us to those you know who might enjoy
working with us this summer! We’re a fun group!
Please contact Andrea in the school office if you can
help us out.
Thanks so much!
One Great Hour of Sharing
Since 1949, Presbyterians have joined with millions of
other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to
share God’s love with people experiencing need. Our gifts
support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance
and resettlement, and community development that help
people find safe refuge, start new lives, and work together
to strengthen their families and communities.
Recognizing that the hope we have in
Christ is lived out in our hope for one
another, we respond with gifts that help
our sisters and brothers around the world
find the hope for a brighter future. This
special offering is received on Easter
Sunday, April 5.
The 28th Annual Gathering of Northeast Georgia
Presbyterian Women held Saturday, March 21, was a huge
Seventy-one women attended from across
northeast Georgia. Covenant women were the highest
represented with Belle Terrace a close second. Much of the
success was due to the many volunteers, at least fifty men
and women, who worked months and weeks in advance to
make our church shine both physically and spiritually. The
Rev. Alison Messick-Watkins led the worship service,
while during the business meeting Anne Huff led the 20152017 installation of new officers. Judy Grieve was
installed as the Moderator for Northeast Georgia PW and
will need Covenant's encouragement and support these next
two years. We are honored to have her lead the women in
our presbytery. Please take notice of the changes around
our church and thank everyone you see. Chances are, one
of them played a part in Saturday's success.
The Mwangaza Children’s Choir
The Covenant Concert Series presents the Mwangaza
Children’s Choir, Friday, April 24, 2015, 7:30 p.m.
Mwangaza Children’s Choir (pronounced m-wahn-GAH
-zah) is an inspiring group of hopeful and talented children,
ages 8-12, who are dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus
Christ through song, dance, and testimony. Mwangaza is
the Swahili word for “shining light.” The choir, which is
based in Gaba, Uganda, tours as a ministry outreach of
Africa Renewal Ministries to share a special message of
hope through original Ugandan song and dance. In the
process, the children seek to
raise awareness of and
resources for the churches,
schools, orphanages, medical
sponsorships that have been
Renewal Ministries.
The Mwangaza Children’s Choir was founded by
Peter Kasirivu, pastor of Gaba Community Church and
CEO of Africa Renewal Ministries. Pastor Peter sought to
establish the choir in order to raise awareness of and
resources for the churches, schools, orphanage, medical
clinics and child sponsorships programs that have been
established by Africa Renewal Ministries. Since its
inception in 2004, ARM has sent out nine different choir
tours across the western world. Mwangaza has performed
six tours across the United States, as well as three tours in
Holland and the Netherlands.
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Graduates honored in May
Christian Sympathie
Our Christian Sympathies are extended to Erroll Hatcher
and family on the death of Billy Hatcher, who died April 1.
A memorial service will be planned for later in April.
We celebrate with Fred and Jane Gehle on the birth of their
great-grandson, Branch Crosby. He was born April 1, Sale
City, Georgia. Proud parents are Paxton and Jason Crosby.
Families and friends of 2015 graduates are encouraged to
put Sunday, May 17, on their calendars. That is the day
when Covenant will honor all high school, college, and
graduate school students who are completing their studies
this spring (or last December).
Graduates, or their parents, are encouraged to contact the
Church Office with information about the school from
where they are graduating, any honors that the graduate is
receiving, and future plans for study or for work. We would
rather be contacted several times for the same graduate than
not be contacted at all.
Flowers Celebrate
Glory of Christ
Before you come to Covenant for any of
the Easter Sunday services, please stop by
your garden and pick a handful of flowers for
our Easter Cross.
The large wooden cross, wrapped in wire,
will be in the Narthex that morning, where
you may easily add your contribution. Decorated with the
variety of spring colors from our gardens, the cross will be
displayed outside throughout the day to reflect the glory of
the living Christ.
Easter Sunrise Breakfast
Easter Sunday, April 5, we will have a Breakfast
Fellowship following the Sunrise Service. Please bring a
favorite breakfast dish to share and enjoy this great
opportunity for celebration and fellowship.
Church Office
Masters Week Office Hours
The Church Office will be open 9:00
a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Monday, April 6
through Thursday, April 9 and closed on
Friday, April 10 for Masters Week.
Masters Week Staff Schedules
During Masters Week many of the staff members will be
out of the office or on an abbreviated schedule. Below are
the schedules of each staff member.
 Pam Kmiecik will be in the office Monday, April 6—
Thursday, April 9 from 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
 John McCrosky will be in the office Monday, April 6;
Tuesday, April 7; Wednesday , April 8, 9:00 a.m. –
1:00 p.m. He will be out of the office Thursday April 9
and Friday, April 10.
 Lyn Patterson will practice in the afternoons,
Tuesday, April 7—Saturday, April 11.
 Judy Strogonoff will be out of the office Monday,
April 6—Friday, April 10
 Rob Watkins will be out of the office, Monday, April
6 –April 17.
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Musings—A Devotional
By Robert M. Watkins
The thing about resurrection is that it is not meant to be
celebrated once a year, but rather is something we can
celebrate every Sunday when we gather for worship, or
every time some hope breathes anew, or every time you
wake up. Resurrection is God’s intentional qualifier for all
of life.
What does that mean?
It means that God refuses to allow us to be ultimately
overwhelmed or overcome by much of anything. God
wants us to be able to meet every single day with the full
hope that comes in and through God. God wants us to be
able to live as freely and as fully as we could ever imagine.
God wants us to fulfill all the promises embodied in the
simple fact that we exist. Resurrection is simply and
completely the fulfillment of God’s pronouncement on the
Seventh Day that creation was good—very good, as it
actually reads.
Of course, it helps that Easter falls in the midst of spring’s
reawakening (even with its tsunamis of pollen sweeping
across the church yard). As the world blossoms and blooms
after winter’s hibernation, we meet Jesus walking from the
tomb. God seemed to know what God was doing here, for
Easter reiterates in final form the whole hope of Passover,
during which Easter always comes. Passover was God’s
rekindling of Israel as a living nation. The people of
promise fell into non-being, losing everything, including
their identity, as slaves in Egypt. God remembered them.
God remembered who they were. God remembered their
ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God refused to allow
them to lose their lives as God’s people. God brought them
from their figurative tombs in the Exodus. As the world
bloomed in that spring, Israel blossomed into new life, new
being, and new promise. Jesus brings that joy, that
unimaginable gift of grace, to all creation. As the world
blooms, all that is, is promised new being, new promise,
and new possibilities.
The season, though, is only to be a reminder. So, too, are
the eggs, the butterflies, and all else we use to make visible
the promise of new life.
For the last couple of years, our Sunday School children
left an Easter egg in the pulpit. I leave it there all year.
Every time I sit on the bench behind the pulpit, there it is,
reminding of the whole reason I am a pastor—to bring
hope, comfort, and new life and being through my
ministry. That little egg keeps me focused. That little egg
keeps me looking to the Christ window, for he will be my
hope and direction as I preach.
But, good Presbyterian that I am, I also know that all of
those reminders are not just for me, but for all who meet in
the name of Jesus. I believe in the Sainthood of All
Believers, which is really nothing more than the bold
declaration that every person in every church is a minister.
We all have different gifts, different skills, and different
things to bring to the table, but they all mesh together to
create a community of compassion, grace, and mercy that
can become Christ for the world. Maybe I’ll ask the
children to leave eggs all through the pews?
John Calvin so believed in the power of Easter, he
obliterated the liturgical calendar, declaring every Sunday
Easter. He did so not in the dour extremism we sometimes
seem to heap over him, but because he found a joy so
complete, so powerful, so deep, and so consuming in Easter
that he could literally see no reason to ever look anywhere
else for it. Was he on to something?
From Our Missionaries in Dhaka,
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Dear Friends,
Please find attached a Prayer for Bangladesh for the week
of April 5. Thank you for joining us in this ministry.
Les and Cindy
A Prayer for Bangladesh
O heavenly Father, we pray for 14year-old Munna and her 10-year-old
sister, Kakoli, who live with their parents
and younger sister and brother in a bare,
one-room slum dwelling on the south
side of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Because of
the family’s extreme poverty, Munna and
Kakoli have never been able to attend school. Instead, they
walk a mile each morning to work in a garment factory ten
hours a day, six and a half days a week, for a monthly
salary of $50 each. How long, O Lord? Will you forget
your children forever? How long will you hide your face
from these, your littlest ones? Pour out your loving
compassion upon Munna and Kakoli and by your grace
lead their family into a life of dignity and hope. We pray in
the name of Jesus, the One who died so that all may live.
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----------------------------------------------Written by Drs. Leslie and Cynthia Morgan
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Mission Co-Workers / Bangladesh
Children’s Wednesday Night
Program Schedule
6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
4 years – 1st Grade:
Angel Choir
2nd – 5th grades:
Creation Ringers
Youth Bible Study with John
Adults (12 and over): $7.00
Children (4-11): $4.00
Toddlers (under 4): Free
Family Maximum: $18.00
6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
4 years – 1st grade:
2nd – 5th grades:
Creation Choir
Covenant Kids with Amy & Jenny
Our Wednesday Fellowship Dinner
is served at 5:15 p.m.
Adult Programs are scheduled for 6:00 – 7:00.
Be sure to make your reservation. Reservation sheets can
be found in the Gathering Area and by the mailboxes
or you may call the Church Office or email
Judy ([email protected]). Reservations/
cancellations must be made by 11:00 a.m. on the preceding
Indicate how many adults and how many children will
attend the dinner and how many would like Menu A and
Menu B, respectively. If you do not indicate your meal
choices, you will be marked to receive Menu A.
If you wish to be placed on the permanent list, please note
that when making your reservations. Once you are on the
permanent list you will need to call with any changes by
11:00 a.m. on Tuesday.
Ministries take turns hosting the dinners. Below you will
find the upcoming schedule and menus.
April 15
April 22
April 29
May 6
May 13
Worship and Music
Building and Grounds
Christian Education
Menu A
April 15
Baked potato bar
Menu B
April 15
Ham melt
Dessert: Orange Pineapple butter cake
April 22
April 22
Beef Stew over rice
Fish sticks
Green beans
Green beans
Dessert: Cookie brownie
Covenant Kids is a small group program teaching the
children how to share concerns and celebrations, and
to pray for and with one another (3rd – 6th grades).
Wednesday Night
Fellowship Programs
Each week, beginning, April 15, we will enjoy great
conversation while we view clips from popular movies and
reflect on how the scenes help us make connections with a
different theme of our faith.
Possible faith themes we will explore (still processing):
Call, Discipleship, Baptism, Challenging God, Trust,
Wilderness, Community, Covenants/Promises.
+Christian Symbol+
A ladder is sometimes pictured with a
sponge at the end of a long stick, reminiscent
of the soldier offering Jesus vinegar to drink
on the cross (Matthew 27:48). Thus, a ladder
may symbolize Christ's Passion. In the Old
Testament, Jacob dreamed of angels
ascending and descending a ladder (or
staircase, depending on the Bible version)
set up between earth and heaven (Genesis
28:12). Both accounts show that through
Jesus, our Savior, we — like the angels —
have ready access to God, now and for
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Church Member Profiles
Alva (Humphrey) Faulkner was born in Augusta but
grew up in Waynesboro where she graduated from
Waynesboro High School. She attended the University of
Georgia (UGA) as a pre-med student and after three years,
went to medical school at the Medical College of Georgia.
Alva completed both college and medical school in only six
years because school was in session 12 months a year. In
Athens, she met her husband, Dr. John Faulkner, while at
Alva did her internship at University Hospital and began
her residency there. She accompanied John, an orthopedist,
to San Diego for one year when he was stationed there in
the Navy. When they returned to Augusta, Alva completed
her residency in OB-GYN at University Hospital and
joined the private practice of Dr. William Boyd, who
served as both a partner and a mentor to her. She also had a
Clinical Faculty appointment at MCG in OB-GYN lasting
more than 20 years.
John died in 1963 when he was only in his early 40s;
Alva continued her medical practice while serving as single
mother to her three children, two sons and a daughter.
Her sons currently live in Augusta and her daughter
lives in Washington, DC. She has grandchildren and greatgrandchildren in the Philadelphia area.
John and Alva were charter members of Covenant in
1959. She participated in church activities as much as
possible, given the demands of her busy medical practice
and caring for her children. She now lives at Brandon
Wilde and remains close friends with several Covenant
members there.
Alva retired in 2007 after practicing medicine for more
than 50 years. Her patients speak fondly of her as an
excellent physician and a caring and compassionate
professional. It is hard to believe that she graduated from
medical school almost 70 years ago!
Jean was born and reared in Augusta; christened at First
Presbyterian Church, she was an active member there until
the mid 1940s.
She married Cason Conrad Smith who was then a student
at the Medical College of Georgia. The U. S. Army took
over the University Of Georgia School of Medicine during
the war years; upon his graduation, Conrad was made
Captain in the Army Medical Corps and served at several
Army installations including: Oliver General Hospital,
Augusta; Galesburg, IL; Harrisburg, PA; Florence, AZ; and
Ft. Campbell, KY. Jean was always with him, when
When Conrad was discharged, they moved to Chester,
SC, where Conrad maintained a General Practice for 15
years. They attended the First Baptist Church of Chester.
During their residence in Chester, Conrad applied to the
New York University Skin and Cancer Clinic and was
accepted. Upon graduation with a degree in Dermatology,
Jean and Conrad returned to the South, moving to Augusta.
They joined and worshiped at Hill Baptist Church before
joining Covenant.
Jean was always active with the Women of the Church;
was a circle chairperson for many years and served two
terms as President of Women of the Church. As a result of
her active Leadership roles, she was presented an
“Honorary Life Membership” by Presbyterian Women, PC
(USA) given by Covenant’s Presbyterian Women.
Over the years Jean has enjoyed making a home for her
family, at times enjoying golf, gardening, flower arranging,
painting in several mediums and of course, rearing five
wonderful children: Conrad, Jr., Gail Baker, Stephen, Barry
and Joel and supporting them in their activities. Finally, she
is very proud of her six grandchildren and five great
~ Diane Griffin
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~ Sarah Colborn
Chimes deadline announced
Deadline for the April 19 issue of the Covenant Chimes
is Monday, April 13.
Jessica Boatwright
Keelyn Bowman
Abby Butt
Steve Chaly
Bill Cornes
John Ealick
Joe Griffin
Amy House
Lindsay Kircher
Hannah Lea
Catherine McCrosky
Jason Pauer
Geoff Phillips
Eliza Robinson
Sarah Scott
Hubert van Tuyll
Joyce Bowers
Llewellyn Crews
Katie Endruhn
Naomi Gillies
Judy Grieve
Aubrey Petkas
Leslie Rhoades
Edward Smith
Judy Strogonoff
Polly Williams
Terry Bowers
Alex Brady
Nick Butt
Rob Clark
Kimberly Crews
Bonnie Given
Chris Henry
Jean Kernaghan
Jon Latimer
Jason Maynard
Dave Pashley
Carol Paulson
David Rhoades
Benjamin Rogers
Marguerite Stoughton
Kenneth Buchholz
Jean Dirksen
Jane Gehle
Jonah Gillies
Rebekah Henry Murphy
David Reimche
Hannah Schappell
Mary Stafford
Chris Terry
Susan Williams
Ladies for Lunch
The March gathering for Ladies for
Lunch is Tuesday, April 14, at 11:30
a.m. Female members and friends of
Covenant will gather at Boll Weevil, 10
9th Street, Augusta.
Contact the Church Office to make
your reservation for this special monthly gathering so that
we may have space for you.
Faith Circle
Faith Circle will meet Tuesday, April 21, at 10:30 a.m.
Our Bible Study is: Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary
Study of 2 Corinthians by Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty. A
potluck lunch will be shared following the lesson.
For further information, contact Ruth Mason Lowe (706860-9021).
Presbyterian Men
The Covenant Presbyterian Men’s
group will meet Tuesday, April 21, at
12:00 p.m. in Room 2. The French
Market Grille provides lunch, which
concludes by 1:00 p.m. The cost per
person is $6. Contact Chuck Baldwin
(706-339-1506) or Jim Crimmins (706738-7820) for more information.
Master’s Table Soup Kitchen
Covenant’s next opportunity to serve at the Master’s
Table Soup Kitchen is Tuesday, April 28, at 8:30 a.m. If
you wish to volunteer and help Covenant’s Team that
serves on the fourth Tuesday of every month, please contact
Jim Wade (803-279-4955).
Disciple Bible Study
The Disciple Bible Study meets every Wednesday at 1:00
p.m. in the Middle School Room.
Janet and Buster Boshears (40 years)
Mark and Lori Rogers (14 years)
Praying Hands Ministry
The Praying Hands Ministry will meet on Wednesday,
May 6, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 5. The ministry invites
everyone who is interested to join us for a special time of
The Covenant Book Group
The Wednesday morning book group meets on the 1st,
3rd. and 5th Wednesdays of the month at 10:00 a.m. In the
months of April and May, we will watch a video “The
Jesus Fatwah: Love your Muslim Neighbors as Yourself.
All who are interested are welcome to join us at our next
meeting on April 15 in the Senior High Room. Call
Barbara Lewis at 706-736-5210 for more information.
Taizé Service
Taizé Service is a service of prayer and meditation. This
service will be held Wednesday, May 6, at 12:15 p.m. in the
sanctuary. This half-hour service is offered as an
opportunity for you to take a break from the grind of your
weekly schedule, and find a personal centering during a
time of quiet worship and meditation.
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April Worship Schedule
Judy Grieve, Joe Huff, Aubrey Moore, Ava Moore
David Pashley, Buddy Simpson
4/12: Joe Cook, John Ealick, Fred Gehle,
Rucker Vaiden, Hannah Weckel
4/19: Jim Crimmins, Jimmy Lea, Johnny Lowe,
Ruth Mayhall, Ian Moore, Jim Wade
4/26: Knox Daniels, Hugh Dobbins, Lucyle Ferris,
Dave Lapp, Edwin Scott
Keely Bowman and Karell Moses
Eliza Robinson
4/12 Mary Beachum
Elaine Beachum
4/19: Lindsay Kircher
Hannah Weckel
4/26: Courtney Bell
Knox Daniels
GREETERS at 11:00 a.m. Service
Chuck and Gail Baldwin
4/12: Sandra Bowman and Christopher Bowman
4/19: Fred and Jane Gehle
4/26: Aubrey Moore and Sabina Widner
The Rev. Robert M. Watkins
4/12: The Rev. Karla Conditt Daniels
4/19: The Rev. Robert M. Watkins
4/26: The Rev. Robert M. Watkins
LITURGISTS at 11:00 a.m. Service
Judy Grieve
4/12: Diane Griffin
4/19: Martha Reagan
4/26: Jimmy Lea
8:30 a.m. - Dana Rhoades
11:00 a.m. - Chris Terry
8:30 a.m. - Loree Davis
11:00 a.m. - Diane Griffin
8:30 a.m. - Chuck Baldwin
11:00 a.m. - Ian Moore
8:30 a.m. - Lewis Crews
11:00 a.m. - Gail Roat
Lock: Terry Bowers, Elaine Lea
Count: Judi Rhoades, Cindy Wallerich
Greet: All Officers
Building and Grounds
Christian Education
April 5:
Beth Ashmore, Martha Bertrand
May 3:
Jodi Huff, Joy Scott
New Prayer Concern
Dr. Marion Conditt (Karla Conditt Daniels’
father) – At home, Waupaca, WI
Erroll Hatcher and family – At home
Tanner Haywood (Ann Haywood’s grandson and Susan
Williams great-nephew) – At home
Sarah Beck Weller (Charlotte Ealick’s cousin) - Idaho
Continuing Prayer Concerns
All of Covenant’s missionaries
All men and women serving in the U.S. Military
Rick Collins (Becky DeLecuona’s cousin) – At home,
Columbus, OH
Bailey Deal (Angela Hobby’s cousin) – At home, Portal, GA
Matthew Endruhn – At home
Ann Hubbs (Barclay Pittman’s mother) – University
Marquis Hunter (close friend of Kathy and Rick Ordelt) –
Grady Hospital, Atlanta, GA
Betty Johnston – Brandon Wilde
Mary Kelly – At home
Liz Lindsay (Shane Lindsay’s mother) – Cleveland, OH
Richard and Gloria Jennings Marshall – At home
Jerrod Moore (a student of Hubert van Tuyll) – At home
Dot and John Moss – At home
Madge Page – At home
Fred Pauer – At home
Andrew Purvis (Sandra Bowman’s cousin) – At home,
Wrens, GA
Judy Moore Silberquit (Diane Griffin’s friend) – At home
Jean W. Smith – Pavilion at Brandon Wilde
Conrad Smith (Gail Baker’s brother) – At home
Julia Steed (Angela Hobby’s cousin) – Lakeland, GA
John Thompson (friend of the DeLecuonas) – At home
Janet Thomson (Fred Gehle’s sister) – Deerfield, FL
Jonathan Watters (Condie and Sandy Watters’ son) – At
Life Friends Prayer List
Dorris Andrews (Elaine Lea’s mother) – Brandon Wilde
Beverly Bantle – Pavilion, Brandon Wilde
Jessica Boatwright – Camellia Walk, Evans, GA
Wanda Calhoun – Brandon Wilde
Bonnie Conditt (Karla Conditt Daniels’ mother) – At home,
Waupaca, WI
Lois Davis – Kentwood
Anne DeGrazia – At home, Alpharetta, GA
Julia Kenan (Lynn Latimer’s mother) – Brandon Wilde
Kassie Malone (Eunice Cook’s sister) – Winnsboro, TX
Leah Mannel – Brandon Wilde
Ben Shippen (Suzanne Hobby Shippen’s father-in-law) – At
home, Atlanta, GA
Jean (Conrad) Smith – At home
Sally Stalls (Joe Griffin’s sister) – At home, Williamston,
Marguerite Stoughton – At home
Jane Terry (Chris Terry’s mother) – At home, Lake Wales,
Herb Towson – Brandon Wilde
John and Martha Watkins (Rob Watkins’ parents) – At
home, Harrisonburg, VA
Wayne Weinke (friend of Lois Reynolds) – In prison
Betty Wren – Washington Commons
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Covenant Presbyterian Church
3131 Walton Way at Aumond Road
Augusta, GA 30909-3266
April Happenings
Easter Sunrise Service—Sunday, April 5, at 7:00 a.m. in the Columbarium Memorial Gardens
Easter Sunrise Breakfast—Sunday, April 5, at 7:45 in the Gathering Area (Covered-Dish)
Easter Communion Services—Sunday, April 5 at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Masters Week—Monday, April 6—Sunday, April 12
Church Office Hours—Monday, April 6—Thursday, April 9, 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Church Office Closed—Friday, April 10
Presbyterian Coffee Project Table—Sunday, April 12, at 12:00 p.m.
Companions in Christ—Mondays, April 13 and 20, at 5:00 p.m.
Covenant Chimes Deadlines—Monday, April 13 and 27
Covenant Book Group—Wednesday, April 15 and 29, at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor
Covenant Staff Meeting—Wednesdays, April 15, 22, and 29, at 10:00 a.m.
Disciple Bible Study—Wednesdays, April 15, 22, and 29, at 1:00 p.m.
Ballet After School Program—Wednesdays, April 15, 22, and 29, at 1:00 p.m. in the Activity Center
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner— April 15, 22, and 29, at 5:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Wednesday Night Children’s Programs—April 15, 22, and 29, at 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Night Adult Programs—April 15, 22, and 29, at 6:00 p.m.
Covenant Choir Rehearsal—April 15, 22, and 29, at 7:15 p.m.
Bricks for Kids Afterschool Program—Thursdays, April 16, 23, and 30, at 1:00 p.m. in Room 4
Session Meeting—Sunday, April 19, at 12:15 p.m.
Celebration Ringers—Sundays, April 19 and 26, at 6:30 p.m.
Scholastic Book Fair—Monday, April 20 - Sunday, April 26 in Room 4
Faith Circle—Tuesday, April 21, at 10:30 a.m.
Covenant Presbyterian Men’s Lunch—Tuesday, April 21, at 12:00 p.m. in the Room 2
Covenant Preschool Sports Day—Thursday, April 23
Covenant Concert Series Presents the Mwangaza Children’s Choir—Friday, April 24, at 7:30 p.m.
Mission Luncheon—Sunday, April 26, at 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Master’s Table Soup Kitchen—Tuesday, April 28, at 8:30 a.m., 704 Fenwick Street
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