am recommitting my resources, time, and

am recommitting my resources, time, and
talents to the Lord’s work at Covenant. I will
strive to grow the church spiritually,
physically, and financially. The Lord has
more for us to do together as a community
of faith, and I want to be part of this faith
I give thanks to the Lord for you, and I value
your friendship and support as we continue
the work of ministry. With God’s help we can
do all things!
November 2014
Grace and peace,
P.O. BOX 36818
Rev. William T. (Tom) Sherer, lll Minister
From the Minister
Dear Covenant Church Members,
Judy and I have been at Covenant
Presbyterian Church since November 1,
2002. Covenant is the most caring church I
have served in my forty years of ministry. The
Lord has worked in ways that have been
surprising and wonderful. Family Promise,
Plentiful Harvest Kitchen, Food Collection,
English as a Second Language, Mt. Sinai
Church, Cub Scouts, Kindermusik, Hand Bell
Choir, Kids for Jesus, and corporative
programs with Aldersgate United Methodist
Church make me believe that Covenant
has a promising future. The Lord has
established Covenant in this place, and I
believe he will guide Covenant in the future
just as he has guided Covenant in the past.
I look forward to completing my ministry at
Covenant by working here until June, 2017. I
Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday,
November 2.
The Session will meet on Monday,
November 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the Tom Worthy
room. All session members are urged to
The Clara Stanley Prayer Shawl group will
meet at 10:00 on Thursday, November 6 and
Thursday, November 20 in the Fellowship
Church Work Day is on Saturday, November
15 from 8-11 a.m.
The “Kids for Jesus” ministry meets on
Sunday, November 16 from 2:30-4:30 p.m.
followed by the PHK meal.
Commitment Sunday will be on Sunday,
November 23 during our worship service.
Please be praying about what God would
have you do this next year.
Sunday, Nov. 23 Chancel Choir ONLY rehearses
at 5:45 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 26 NO Chancel Choir or hand
bell rehearsals
The Cub Scouts events:
Nov. 1st – scouting for food/pass out bags
Nov. 1st – 6-8 p.m. Spaghetti Fundraiser
Fellowship Hall
Nov. 8th – scouting for food bag pick up and
return to Covenant Food Bank
Nov. 8th – Family Picnic and fishing trip to
Hickory Grove hosted by Pastor Tom
Nov. 13- den meeting/fill shoeboxes for
Operation Christmas Child
Nov. 20th- Pack meeting
Saturday, November 1 from 6-8 p.m. Cub Scout
Pack 1830 will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner
fundraiser for donations only. Please come out
and support our Pack to raise much needed
funds for the upcoming year. Any questions
contact Josh Bell 803-448-5770.
Tuesday, November 4. Please go out and vote!
Wednesday, Nov. 5 Hand Bell rehearsal begins
Sept. 2014 Bread/Deli 84 boxes,
Fruit/Veggies 66 boxes, Meat 42 boxes, 7
boxes crackers.
The Food Ministry was also able to help feed
417 families through donations given to Mt
Prospect Church.
Oct. 5: 50 people served
12: 26 people served
19: 125 people served
26: 47 people served
Just a reminder kids and parents that we are
having a manger program, like we did last
year for Christmas. This will take place
during Joy Gift Program night which will be
on Saturday, December 13th at 4:00pm. The
children will be in costume as angels,
shepherds, wiremen, Mary and Joseph and
will be joined by children from Aldersgate
United Methodist Church. After doing a
silent tableau in the manger, they will
parade into the Sanctuary where they will
lead us in singing a few Christmas Carols.
After that, we will all move to the Fellowship
Hall for refreshments and a visit from Santa
himself. The program will require about 2 or
3 practices which will be arranged by the
music director at Aldersgate and Judy
Sherer, music director at Adnah UM. These
practices will take place over at Aldersgate
and here for the final rehearsal. More info
will be provided as we get closer to the
date. We know that families get very busy
the closer we get to the holidays and
wanted you to be aware of the date and
what we have planned. Your cooperation
with getting the kids to practices and to the
church on December 13th would be greatly
The Christian Ed Committee is looking for
Volunteers to act as floaters for We Church
each Sunday, which starts at 10:00.
Currently, we need a floater for November
16th and for every Sunday in December. In
addition we will need floaters for Sunday
School for November (excluding the first
Sunday of the Month) and December
(excluding the first Sunday of the month)
which starts at approximately 11:15
following Children's Message. Likewise we
need teachers for We Church for the
months of November and December and
for Sunday School in November. Sandy,
Carol, Dora, Flo, Heather, Beulah, Shirley,
Gay, Josh and Lisa and Terri have all
volunteered thru the end of October.
Please see Terri if you are interested. The
more who volunteer, the less work for all.
Thank you.
The Morning Circle will meet in the Tom
Worthy room on Monday, November 3 at
10:00 a.m. Eloise Rosamond will be worship
leader for the lesson and Jane Kelley will
have the devotion. Everyone is invited to go
out to lunch after the meeting.
There will be a baby Shower for Nicole and
Gram Odom on Sunday, November 9 from
2-3:30 in the Tower Room. It’s TWIN Girls.
They plan to register at Target. Look for more
information in the church bulletin invitation
closer to the shower date.
The Night Circle will meet on Monday,
November 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the home of
Rachel Cook. Carol Montgomery will be
worship leader for the lesson. Light
refreshments will be served. Please make
plans to attend.
The PW Council will meet on Monday,
November 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Tom Worthy
room. Please Note: No Council meeting in
Christmas Shoe Boxes are due in the church
by November 16. Also, if anyone has not yet
taken a box to fill up for the children, please
remember to do so and to contact Terri if
they have any questions. They should
include a $7.00 check made payable to
Covenant PW for postage for each box to
be sent. If they can't do the box(s) a check
or monetary donation for the shipping fee
would be greatly appreciated. Any finished
boxes can be placed behind the piano in
the front of the Sanctuary, where the empty
boxes are now.
Mission Sunday is November 23 The offering
will be going to the Four Homes of Mercy in
Jerusalem and Thornwell Home for the
children in South Carolina. Collection will be
at both church doors following worship
service and anything you can give will be
Marleen Holmes will be preparing our
Christmas Bulletin Board so be sure you sign
your name on the Christmas Card.
With Christmas season growing near plans
are being made to decorate the sanctuary
once again with poinsettias. With a $10.00
donation you can help place poinsettias in
memory and/or honor of someone special.
Fill out the form that will be provided in the
bulletins and submit along with your check.
The deadline will be November 30th.
After the “undecorating” on January 4, 2014,
they will be available on a first come first
served basis to take home. Thank you for
helping make the sanctuary beautiful for
the season.
Volunteers are needed to help decorate the
church for Christmas immediately following
the worship service on Sunday, November
30. Men of the Church are encouraged to
join us.
We have the flower calendar for you to sign
up for your special date. It is located on the
bulletin board across the hall from the
nursery. Please don’t forget to get your
name on the list for the date you want.
There are still many dates available. Thank
you for your generosity. Carolyn Garland,
Flower Chairman
Upcoming Events:
The Joy Gift Program will take place on
Saturday, December 13th at 4:00PM here at
Covenant in conjunction with Aldersgate
United Methodist Church. The children of
both churches will do the Manger scene
again this year and then will lead a
procession into church as they sing
Christmas Carols. Following the brief Service
in the Sanctuary, there will be refreshments
and a visit from Santa in the Fellowship Hall.
All are invited and encouraged to attend
this pre Holiday event.
The Presbyterian Women Joint Circle
meeting will be immediately following the
worship service on Sunday, December 14 in
the fellowship hall.
Quilt Tickets Update: The October newsletter
referenced purchase of quilt tickets. The PW
council decided to begin the sale of these
tickets in February 2015 and the drawing for
the beautiful quilt would be at our
Presbyterian Joint Circle meeting on
Sunday, May 17, 2015. Our circle leaders,
Diana DeCarlis, Flo Vetro, Win Rinehart,
Eloise Rosamond and Congregational
Activities/Honor Ladies leader, Pam East, will
be distributing the quilt tickets for sale in
February 2015,
There will be no fifth Sunday luncheon for
Please Note: Circle leaders are reminded to
collect a donation from members for honor
ladies at November and December
Beginning Bal. $ 2,811.83
$ 486.33
$ 276.80
Ending Bal.
$ 2,602.30
The Men of the Church will have a breakfast
meeting on Sunday, November 16 at 8:45
a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. All men of the
church are invited to attend. Cooks will be:
Wayne Massey, Daniel Sherer, & Larry
This year’s annual smoked turkey sale will be
on Tuesday, November 25 and Wednesday,
November 26. The turkeys will be 10/12 lb
average at $30 each. Call the church office
to place your order.
From Our Treasurer
Sept. 2014 Income
Sept. 2014 Expenses
YTD 2014 Income
YTD 2014 Expenses
$ 8,999.00
$ 15,279.09
$ 105,281.53
$ 176,662.84
Nursery Workers
Nov. 2: Eva Neal & Lisa Bell
9: Cathy Dawkins & Gay Tanis
16: Sheryl Osborne & Beulah Munn
23: Rachel Cook & Pam East
30: Michelle Holmes & Becky Carroll
Please check your date and if you need to
change contact Dora Duer.
Communion Worker
Terri Allen
Buster & Lucille Harper
Jerry Cordell, Sue Love Boulware
Buster Harper, Lucille Harper
Elder in Worship
Flo Vetro
Duty Elders
Sue Love Boulware
Jerry Cordell
Nov. 4: Jane Kelley
5: Shirley Clark
6: Debi Tomberlin
6: Bud Dark
6: Fred Stevens
6: Teresa Dark
7: Sam Cook
8: Helen Dawkins
11: Roland Harper
11: Jack Mahan
14: Michael Hinson
15: Kyndal Holmes
16: Elisabeth Tomberlin
17: Adam Duer
22: Ryan Kelley
23: Pam East
24: Daniel Sherer
24: Ryan Colquhoun
Prayer Concerns
Debi Tomberlin
Charles & Caroline von Rosenberg
Don Davis
Mark Willis
Faye Pearson
Win Rinehart
Ron Keiber
Betty Richardson
Rachel Cook
Eva Neal
Eloise Rosamond
Shut-in Members:
Bill Orr
John & Amelia Neal
Mildred Allen
Doris Wild
Roland Harper
Billie Sims
Friends and Relatives
Melba Jones (friend of Doris Keiber)
Vivienne Good
Diane Houston (Tom’s cousin)
Dottie Graham (Judy Sherer’s sister)
Sherry Williams (Ed’s sister)
Kathleen (von Rosenberg’s daughter-in-law)
Ellen Mays (Cancer)
Claude Melton, Sr. (Robin’s father-in-law)
Carolyn Goldston (Betty Richardson’s aunt)
Austin Robbins (Kelley family)
Jack Mitchell
William Baker (cancer- friend of Tomberlin
Tom Bryson (Jody Lewis’ step father in law)
Emily Foster (eyesight)
Ray Brown (Kelley’s friend)
Allen Long
Lynn Long
Kim Jennings (cancer)
Alan & Tina Seymour (twins born very early)
Carrie Ashe (Stroke)
Rachel McCartey Hendrick (Doris’s friend)
Arthur Evans (Clara Buchanan’s brother)
Viola Green (Arthur Evans’ mother-in-law)
Sherry Nichols (Lisa Quinn’s cousin)
Diana DiPietro (Francine’s sister-in-law)
Mrs. HcHargue (Elaine Turner’s mom)
Faye (Tanner Bryant’s sister)
Our leaders in Washington
All military personnel at home and abroad
River Mew & Charles Tomberlin
Nick Buchanan going into the Navy
Ebola Outbreak