Covenant Presbyterian Church Butler, Pennsylvania June 14, 2015 “Jesus tells parables not for explanation, but for exploration. Not for answers, but so as to engage the imagination. Not for certainties about faith, but for discoveries about how faith works. In this regard, Jesus asks us to talk in parables, too.” --Karoline Lewis (Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.) The Rev. Dr. James E. Swanson, Pastor Pastor’s Phone: 724-752-8383 / 724-712-1407 Church Office Phone: 724-287-7731 Fax Number: 866-309-2674 Website: Order of Worship for the Lord’s Day June 14, 2015 Ten O’clock, A.M. Rev. Dr. James E. Swanson, Pastor Choir Director /Organist: Miss Beverly Antis Liturgist: David Loebell THIS IS GOD’S HOUSE ~ ALL ARE WELCOME HERE ! To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to all who will come – this church opens wide her doors and offers warmest welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace and the Light of the world. PRELUDE God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending Wilbur Held *RESPONSIVE CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: No longer strangers, we are called God's friends. People: No longer separated, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Leader: No walls between us, but windows and doors. People: We are a part of the family of God. We belong to the household of faith. Leader: Let us then worship our God of grace and love. Let us offer our sacrifice of adoration and praise! *OPENING HYMN 341 Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine! ASSURANCE PSALM OF THE DAY Psalm 20 (Pew Bible OT p. 482 ) INVITATION TO CONFESSION CORPORATE PRAYER OF CONFESSION (in unison) Holy and righteous God, we confess that we are a people of unclean lips, unclean hands and unclean hearts. We have broken your law times without number, and are guilty of pride, unbelief, self-centeredness and idolatry. Faced with the severity of our sin and the glory of your righteousness, we acknowledge our transgressions, and plead for your forgiveness. Remold and remake us, O God, into servants who desire more earnestly to do your will. Help us not to be conformed to the evils of our day, but to be transformed by your grace for ministry and mission in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. A TIME FOR PERSONAL CONFESSION (in silence) ASSURANCE OF PARDON Pastor: I ask you, my friends: Who is in a position to condemn? People: Only Christ, and Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, and Christ prays for us. Pastor: If a person, then, is in Christ, that person becomes a new being altogether. The past is finished and gone; everything has become fresh and new. Therefore, believing what we have heard with our ears and trusting what we know in our hearts, let us declare the good news: All: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! *THE GLORIA PATRI 579 *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH GLORIA PATRI PC(USA) Study Catechism, Questions 63-65 Leader: [Question 63.] What is the mission of the church? People: The mission of the church is to bear witness to God's love for the world in Jesus Christ. Leader: [Question 64.] What forms does this mission take? People: The forms are as various as the forms of God's love, yet the center is always Jesus Christ. The church is faithful to its mission when it extends mercy and forgiveness to the needy in ways that point finally to him; for in the end it is always by Christ's mercy that the needs of the needy are met. Leader: [Question 65.] Who are the needy? People: The hungry need bread, the homeless need a roof, the oppressed need justice, and the lonely need fellowship. At the same time — on another and deeper level — the hopeless need hope, sinners need forgiveness, and the world needs the gospel. On this level no one is excluded, and all the needy are one. Our mission as the church is to bring hope to a desperate world by declaring God's undying love — as one beggar tells another where to find bread. *THE GREETINGS OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP A FEW MOMENTS FOR MISSION ~ Betty Anderson --Dr. Martha Sommers: Congo, Africa SHARING OF JOYS, CONCERNS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 Samuel 15:34 - 16:13 FIRST READING Liturgist: People: (Pew Bible NT p. 253) This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SECOND READING 2 Corinthians 5: 6-10, 14-17 (Pew Bible NT p. 171) Liturgist: Here ends the second reading. People: Praise be to you, O Lord. *GOSPEL READING Mark 4: 26-34 (Pew Bible NT p. 36) Pastor: This is the gospel of our Lord. People: Glory to you, O Christ. CONGREGATIONAL CANTICLE: Hymn 321, vs. 1 SONG 13 Holy Spirit, truth divine, Dawn upon this soul of mine; Word of God, and inward light, Wake my spirit, clear my sight. —Samuel Longfellow, 1864 SERMON “ SIMPLE LITTLE STORIES …. NOT ! ” Pastor Jim PASTORAL PRAYER & THE LORD’S PRAYER (using debts and debtors) PULPIT HYMN 422 God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending BEACH SPRING PRESENTATION OF TITHES, OFFERINGS & GIFTS OFFERTORY MUSIC I Love to Tell the Story *THE DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Robert Lau *UNISON PRAYER OF DEDICATION O God, through all the generations of this church, in all the seasons of our lives, you have loved us, sought us, and claimed us as your own. Now accept these, our gifts, and grant us grace, that in everything we may yield our wills and our works unto you – Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. Amen. *THE CLOSING HYMN 276 Great Is Thy Faithfulness FAITHFULNESS *THE BENEDICTION *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Hymn 540, vs. 1, God Be with You Till We Meet Again RANDOLPH God be with you till we meet again; Loving counsels guide, uphold you, With a Shepherd’s care enfold you; God be with you till we meet again. —Jeremiah Eames Rankin *A TIME OF SILENCE *THE CHARGE & DISMISSAL Pastor: When one of the Pharisees inquired of Jesus: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” Let us go in peace, and love one another! People: Thanks be to God! *THE POSTLUDE ’Tis the Gift to Be Simple Robert Lau * THOSE WHO ARE ABLE, PLEASE STAND YOU WERE GREETED TODAY by Pam Patterson. JOIN US FOR FELLOWSHIP TIME ! Immediately following worship each Sunday we gather for a time of fellowship. If you are a visitor, please join us for conversation (and food!) Hosting today: Ione & Bob Mathias Monday, June 15th To Tuesday, June 23rd During the Pastor’s vacation, you may leave a message with Elsie in the church office @ 724-287-7731 who will forward any of your concerns . . . or in case of an immediate need or emergency, please contact the Clerk of Session (Nancy Blewett, 724-287-0169). Rev. Merry Meloy and Rev. J. (Bill Jamieson) are “on call.” The Rev. Dr. William A. Jamieson (aka our good friend Rev. J) will be preaching during the 10 am worship service on June 21st while Pastor Jim and his family are away. Rev. Swanson will be back from vacation to preach for the 10 am worship service on Sunday, June 28th. Attention Elders, Save This Date! ~ Wednesday, June 24th~ Picnic & Session Meeting @ 6:00 PM At the home of Ione & Bob Mathias Elders will be receiving a letter (or email) soon with information and directions to the Mathias home. ____________________________________________ For Marian (Knepper) Duecker Curran A Memorial Service will be held for family and friends on Saturday, June 27th @ 11 am (Sanctuary) Lunch (in the Assembly Room) follows the service _________________________________________________________ In The Life of Our Church _________________________________________________________ Prayer Concerns, Birthdays and Anniversaries: available in the printed bulletin but removed from the online version to ensure confidentiality __________________________________________ Covenant Cupboard Food Bank HOURS FOR DISTRIBUTION 9 AM to 11 AM (DOWNSTAIRS in FELLOWSHIP HALL) JUNE 2015 Schedule Monday, June 15 Thursday, June 18 Monday, June 22 Thursday, June 25 Beginning this month, patrons will now enter and exit Covenant Cupboard using the Franklin St. doors. This entrance with the handicap ramp and fewer steps provides easier access to Fellowship Hall for those who use wheelchairs, carts or who have other serious health issues affecting their mobility. Butler Montessori PreSchool Open House TODAY Sunday, June 14th from 2-4pm (in the Sarver Hall Wing) For Children Age 3 through Kindergarten Accepting Applications now for the 2015-2016 School Year For more information about Butler Montessori School-Contact the School Office @ 724-283-1846 GARDEN TOUR Joe Nemmer’s Garden Friday, June 26th The Congregation is Invited! Meet at the Church by 1:00 PM for carpooling to Joe’s home in Mercer. RSVP by Tuesday, June 23rd – Contact Nancy Rice @ 724-256-5366 (home) or 724-712-3905 (cell) (Optional): Following the tour, we will stop for dinner at Red Rock Falls Café in Slippery Rock (formerly Red Schoolhouse) Beef Pot Roast & Biscuit Dinner Benefits: The Butler Meals on Wheels Program This Tuesday, June 16th St. Peter’s Anglican Social Hall 218 E. Jefferson St., Butler Carry-outs Available. Call 724-285-3815 for tickets About Dr. Martha Sommers… She served as a Presbyterian Mission Partner in Malawi for 14+ years, then took the last 2 years off to return to the U.S. in preparation for a new mission appointment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (which began just two weeks ago). In the Congo there is a 50+ year partnership between the Christian Medical Institute of the Kasai (IMCK) and the PC(USA). Much of Martha’s work will be assisting in the expansion of a family medicine residency program, and in facilitating a new Masters in Public Health program that is jointly developed between IMCK and Saint Louis University. As an accomplished physician and educator, her position will be “ education consultant” to the IMCK. As a person of deep faith, Martha writes: “I believe I am called to sit with sorrow. To grab joy in the midst of sorrow. To accept my limitations and the limitations of others. To live in community. To forgive and be forgiven. To keep learning and relearning. I am a Roman Catholic, not Presbyterian, yet through my work in the Presbyterian community of northern Malawi I have come to embrace the beauty of the phrase ‘reformed and always reforming.’ It is a joy to be joined together in service of our common Lord.” ____________________________________________ MORE INFO ABOUT DR. MARTHA SOMMERS --from an email sent on Friday, June 12 by Paula Tibbs, in Louisville at the office of Global Missions, PC (USA) ________________________________________ Martha Sommers, formerly a Presbyterian Church medical mission partner in Malawi, is currently working at IMCK (Institut Médical Chrétien du Kasai, or Christian Medical Institute of Kasai) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This hospital was founded in 1954 as a nursing school at the rural Presbyterian mission station of Lubondai (when it was still the Belgian Congo). It has moved to the suburban area of Tshikaji (pronounced chee-kah-jee), ten miles south of the city of Kananga (1.4 million people). The Medical Institute has added a lab tech school and a college-level nursing program, a 140-bed reference hospital, programs for nutrition, public health, research and medical internships, outpatient clinics (in town as well as in village areas), a dental program and specialized services in surgery, ophthalmology, maternity and pediatrics. Martha’s work at IMCK is two-fold: as Medical Education Consultant, she works with IMCK programs by serving as an instructor and resource to physicians, medical students, interns and residents. She also has a clinical practice and collaborates to assure overall quality of care at IMCK. In another part of her assignment, working under the direction of the Saint Louis University (USA), Martha Sommers is the Global Health Field Coordinator, with oversight of the activities of global health students working on their Masters of Public Health in the Democratic Republic of Congo. About the area: Even though Kananga is a large city, the area has been without municipal electric power for many years. A modern dam is being built now. The hospital has its own dam to provide the electricity it needs. West Kasai (the province where Kananga is located) was the site of Presbyterian mission work starting as early as 1891. Rev. William Sheppard, an African-American, traveled with Rev. Samuel Lapsley to the Belgian Congo. Lapsley died after about 2 years, but Sheppard continued to serve for many years and was instrumental in calling the world’s attention to the atrocities being committed in that country by Belgian King Leopold’s people. The Congo Presbyterian Community (headquartered in Kananga) has about 2 million members today. Paula Tibbs, our contact in Louisville at the office of Global Missions writes in her email: I spent 2 months in Kananga in 2007; despite the difficulties— no electricity, bad roads, not enough work, a lot of poverty—I found the people there to be industrious, eager to learn, and still even joyful. From the PC(USA) website about the DR Congo : ections/find-mission-worker-congo/ The Democratic Republic of Congo, a country roughly one quarter the size of the United States, has been ravaged by conflict. The havoc wreaked by the rebellion that ousted the dictator Mobutu Sese Seko in 1997 and the following war to topple President Joseph Kabila have been aggravated by internal and regional inter-ethnic sentiments. After two civil wars the country is left with a devastated infrastructure and economy.People throughout the country struggle daily for survival. Despite these circumstances, the church in the DRC continues to faithfully bear witness to Christ’s good news through their multifold ministries.
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