`‖くd 鋪 湖 ヽ1ヽ GOVERNMENT OFiND:A M:N:STRY OF FlNANC匡 DEPARTMENT OF EXPEND:TURE CENTRAL PENSiON ACCOUNT:NG OFFiCE TR:K00T‐ ‖,BH:KAJiCAMA PLACE, NEW DELH卜 110066 PHONES 126174596,26174456,26174438 qっ 1、 口 ′qq衡 叩 … 食マl‐ l attl t曰 岡袖 可 q冽 ‖T哺 可 ■1無 赫 て 魚 輸 ■10066 …: 26174596,26174456,26174438 マ今可 CPAO/Tech/Master data/2015-16/298 25.05.2015 Office Memorandum Subiect:- Reconciliation of Master Data 'l'he reconciliation of master data of CPPC of, ar-ry banl< with the database of Central Pension Accounting 0ffice has always been an important issue which has been highlighted from time to time. Even at the time of establishing CPPCs of the bani<s, it was cleared at para 6.5.3 of CPPC Guidelines that the smooth implementation of the CPPC and the reimbursement thereof depends upon a perfect match of data of both bank and CPAO. 'Ial<ing into consideration tl-re irnportance of updation of master data b), all the banks, necessity of providing updated master data in the latest format at least once in the month was highlighted in the 0M No. CPAO/Tech/Masterdata/201,3-1,4|ZBB dated2+.03.201,4 issued to all Executive Directors of the authorized banl<s (copy enclosed). In the Standing Committee meeting, almost all the banks mentioned that they are submittir-rg the updated master data to CPAO regularly, But the "Banl<-wise Master-data Processing" report provided by NIC Cell of CPAO is troL very much encouraging. It reveals that durir"rg the current calendar year i.e.2015 only three banl<s have submitted their updateci master clata so far, Moreover, it has been observed tliat either the data submitted by CPPCs have errors or not in proper / latest fornrat resulting in non *processing of the data. Therefore, it has been decided that the banl<s must send their updated mastet' data once in a year by 31.t January in the revised forniat only [23'd December,Z0!4 version) (copy enclosedJ. The same is also available on CPAO's website www.cpao.nic.in at the link "For Banks"-> Guidelines for Banks->Guidelines for Master Data. Report on "change of status of pension" must also be sent regularly in an electronic Format "F" [copy enclosed) along wit]r each and every Pension Payment Scroli in Format 'A',. Directors of all authorized banl<s are hereby once again requested to instruct their GMs/DGMs supervising the CPPCs to be particular in sending the masterdata as per schedr"rle stipuiated above. Tl-re Executive / -) The updated master data in the prescribed format from aH banks must reach to CPAO at E¨ mail address i.e.qttQI旦 塁塁旦」ュ@gmttkgtt With an endorsement to Qpao.coordinatlonc2glnall.com, CPAO This The updated master data in prescribed format for the year 2015 must reach to by 1$tt' June, 2015. issr,res with the approval of competent authority. singh〕 Sr. Accounts Officel To, The Executive Directors of all authorized banl<s [As per list) Copy to: l Heads of allthe CPPCs of Aut1lol・ ized Banks(As per List) し /1A Sr. Acco /t 'ech〕
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