Adult VBS: “You Matter to God!” Please designate on the line the number of adults in your family that commit to participate in our Adult VBS: “You Matter to God.” Dinner will be provided! ____________ Please print your name(s) _____________________________________________________ Please turn in the top portion of this form in the offering plate or place it in the box on the wall outside Pastor Kris’ office. Please cut off the bottom portion of this form and keep it for yourself. __________________________________________________________________________ Adult VBS: “You Matter to God!” June 22 – 26 5:30pm – 7:30pm Using the NOOMA Video Series: A series of short films that explore our world from a perspective of Jesus. The word NOOMA comes from a phonetic spelling of the Greek word pneuma, meaning, “wind”, “spirit”, or “breath”. NOOMA is an invitation to search, question, and join the discussion. Day Monday Lesson Do people know who you are? Theme Are we so concerned with what others think that we miss out on being who God created us to be? Tuesday Are you too busy? Are we so busy that we miss out on what we’re supposed to be doing in life? Wednesday What does God see in us? Believing in God is important, but what about God believe in us? Thursday Where is God? Where is God when life really hurts? Friday Do our lives even matter? Why are we here, and does God even care about our life, in this world, right now?
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